IS OUR S INCERE SH THAT YOU MAY HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS A PAPER THAT 4 A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS 't MEMBER OK THE ASSOCIATED Pit ESS Estllhllslin,! iu-u Ah 'flip Crtimt. M,.n MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1915 EVENING EDITION. TWFI VF PARF v Consolidation of Times, Const Mall Mr. IQI I VV CUV t nUJCO, mid Coos Hay Advertiser. ,yU' IJI Cllltl.HT.MAH SPIRIT PREVAILS OX RATTLE FRONTS Wl (Eons jJDl COPPLE IIS AIDES Hi It TDDftY AN AMERICAN IK 0 nil Banclel Appointed Couii- Oilman 10 nn vaumiuy on boam GE SHAKEN li. nnnfnt Rotninnrfl Phmf for the Present With John pruuKiimuiiuj T, BRAND CITY ATTORNEY JtliftiW Mnclo lu Fliv Douit-lnient ... H. Gldley City KiiKlnccr Thrro Places Not Yet Killed For Coiiiliii Vcnr Lljor-olcct K. A. Cojiplo tlila tfolng nindo a partial announce tt o( tho appointmonts of city of- iilj during ins auiuiuisiraiion. e of tho offices, thoso of City uitirer, Building Inspector and ...i nAintttlualfinnr nrn tint vol ilnf w w " ' t -- - - hi; decided upon, flnid Mr. Cop- Ilandcl for Councilman ilt;or Copplo also announced that LM decided to appoint Einil Ban- j 0f tho Marshflold Oyclory conn- in to fill tho vacancy on tho dl that will bo caused by his nation January to accopt tho Itlon ot mayor. Mr. Handel Is a I known .Marshflold man and In- kI; Interested In municipal nf- 1am his frlonds bullovo that no Ur rejection could bo made. Chief of I'ollco Jack Carter will hiln In offlco, though It Is pos- thlj Is a toirijWary nrrango- L Thoro will bo but two pollco ri, at least for tho tlmo bo- , declared tho Mayor-elect. John xkmuellor will bo" night patrol- Officers Shoupo nud Ulch- on will bo dlspenacd with. Tho Kr tevcral wooks ago announced itt be cxpectod to havo his roslg- k'Jon tako placo January 1. I Dr. II, M. Shuw becomes city t!th officer, to tako tho placo of It. LB. Straw. J.T, Drnml Is appointed City At- wr to fill tho offlco now hold (John D. (loss. JLn. (lldloy will retain his posl- ; is city enginoor. Ifbero will bo no chnngo mado lw tiro department, Gordon Smith fining as chief engineer and an Ferguson, Jr., as assistant er. '. Copplo said that ho lias not sltely decided regarding tho of- lof city treasuror, street commls- r or building inspector. Ho try tho systom of two police wi, ono for tho day and ono the night, for a tlmo nud, if wry, will later put on a third i again. Tin appointmonts will como bo- tho Council on January !, for i ratification of tho members. rA MERRY OHHISTMAS r VIUTION IS j&zmbsjee 'Twas the night before Christmas, The stockings were hung by the The children were nestled all snug when all through the house chimney with care in their beds, Not a creature was stirring, not even In the hopes that St. Nicholas soon While visions of sugar plums danced Enemies Euliango (lift mid Rifles Arc Laid Aside for Christ inus Trees 1)7 finoctttfel IT tt Cool IIT Tlm. LONDON, Dec. 25. Tho spirit of Christmas tldo prevailed today on practically ovory front tliorugliout tho war zona ot Europe, and as far as known, no engagements Impor tant enough to bo reported back to headquarters of tho different nrinlcs havo occurred. Exchange Presents That tho men In tho trenches put asldo tholf rifles to examine Christ prcsonts from homo is tho re port. At several places on tho East orn and Western fronts soldiers crawled out of thotr trenches and Invaded tho territory of tho en emy, not to kill, but to shnko hands and cxcliaugo gifts. No Shooting Today All roports of tlio engagements glvon out today occurred yestorday. Artillery duolu occurred on tho West ern front but dlod down toward nightfall and tho soldtors loft their cannon to decorato Christmas trees. Tho Germans yestorday bombard ed tho Anglo-French positions on Dolran Lako In Macedonia. Tho Rastorn front yesterday was gener ally qtilot. A 3IERHY CUItlST.MAS 1 a mouse; would be there; through their heads. Li o 00 A. ROBERTSON ACCUSES LOLA BALDWIN AND .MINNIE FINN Arrests Mdo Denials Entered and Hearing of Accused to bo Held .Monday Morning Arrested In tho Pioneer Rooms on Front street yestorday aftor noon, A. Robertson accused Mrs. Lola Baldwin mid Mlnnlo Finn of having sold htm liquor. A com plaint was sworn out ngnlnst tho two women and they wero arrosted. Uoth put up $25 for tholr appoaranco In tho pollco court boforo Judge Duller on Mondny morning, nftor eiitorliig tholr donlul to tho chnrgo. Robertson was placed In Jnll. Ho put up ?20 cash and was roloasod from custody later. Tho pollco say that strenuous ef forts uro to bo mado to find any placo In which liquor Is bolng sold, especially after the dry reign sets in. . .MERRY CHRISTMAS WATERFRONT Willi a fair passongor list and u good quantity of frolght tho stoani- shlp Kllburn loft down about noon for Eureka and San Francisco. Prep arations wero mado for a big Christ VESSEL II TROUBLE PERUVIAN HA1MC CALLAO WAS IN DISTRESS 1'iobalily Has l!een Taken In Tow by Const Giiuitl ('utter Which Was Sent IHy Aaaorlats-1 Vint to Coos Bar Tlmea.J SEATTLE, Doc. 2G. I'oiuvlnn bRrk Callao, which wa.t reported In distress south of Capo Hcnlo, Van couver Island, last night, has prob ably been taken In tow by tho const guard cutter Snohomish, which was Hcnt to tho rcKcuo iiumodintoly nftor totting tho newH yesterday. Tho storm which has rogod off Strait of Puca hns eutlroly abated. A MtiltllV CIIHIST.MA.H KILLS YOUNG LAD! THAdKDV AT A CAMKOltNIA CIIIUST.MAS I'KLKIJUATION TIkiiiiiis Lope, Angered Over Itltiil, CouiniltN ."Mm (let- nud WouihIh Kovvral I'crhoiiH Ur Auocltlod 1'rcn u Coot liar Tlinri. SAN DUItNAHDINO, Calif., Doc. 2fi. Thomas Lopez turned a Christ mas festival Into n tragedy whon he drew a revolver during a colebratlon at tho homo of Miss Jesus Slinentnl and shot and killed her, fatally wounding Joso Soto and slightly wounding Miss Louoro Kscobnr. po. bccunio nngorod when ho saw Soto, whom ho regarded as a rival at tho festivities. , MKIMIV (MlltlST.MA.H INTS II "IS NAVYiNEW ID1 LAVISH (JK.NKHAL nOAHD OK NAVV 31 A K I 1 1 KCO.M3I UN I ) ATI ON.H CnllH for .Moi'o .Slil) lliillding than Ilio Adiiilnlhtratlini I'liins I'rovldo Kr I rijr AKoclatol Vrem (a ( lUy Tliura.) WABIIINGON, 1). C, Dec. V2r. Tho publication yoolerday of tho or iginal speolul roport of tho gonornl (lim.HT.MAK IH I'UOSPKIJOl'.H ONI! IN THAT (MTV mas illnnor to no hum on i ll(0B1.(, of Ul0 ,mvy waa tll0 8lll)Joct t0 those having an appouio ""h May ot Illuc)l commont aH tho pro after gottlng outside. 'gram for tho first your as rocom- . A .MlJItllV ciimn'i.uift IFJ BANKING BILL coxrntiCNH wimi conhidkh it at COMINCJ HICSHION I'iovIiRn for Agricultural llaukN .Sep arate from the Comniercliil OrgnnlJitloim of Country (11 AmkIiIJ I'rfu to Cooa Hr Tlmn. WASHINGTON, D. 0., Dec. 2G. 'Whon congress reconvenes again af 'ter tho holiday recess, tho land mort- gugo bill creating tho official ma cltlnory for n syotom of agricultural baukH eutlroly distinct and soparato from tho commercial lmnlui will bo Lo- J ready for consideration by both IlOllhCS. A full Joint committee on rural credits, which has boon working inioutha investigating tho subject with u number of old bills as well 'as the oxporlouco of soma of tho Ku- ropcaii governments us a basis, will moot January !l to rccolvo and pass upon the bill complotcd yesterday by the laud mortgago sub committee. This measuro creates u syHtom of 12 roglonal banks for tho uso ot farm borrowers ovory whero In tho f United Stntos at a low rnto of lntor- oit uiidor tjio control of a eoutral board at Washington, distinct from IKE A AIR AOL L'flioiiMUid.H of I'ooi) 1'eojile Are I'm vided With Dinner by Charity Workew (Mr Auneltlix) Vrvu to Co. lUjr Tliur. N13W YORK, Doc. SB. Now York i "n" ''xlstlng govorninont offices. Tho olty celebrated a Joyous and prosper- liCnr, wl" appointed by tho pres ous Christniiu with lavish dlstrlbu- t'ant lJet to tho approval of tho tlon of gilts and an unusually largo w-iuite. outlay of charity, nuskela of food v 3IKHIIV OIIKIKT.MA.H woro distributed to 2U,uuu porsous I liv tint Salvation Annv mid Voluu F?.CIU.KSU lUOVINC13 UllVV- DIATKS NIOW 1C3IIMUK !r l)Hlaits It Independent and : overnnient Troops Join lu tho Now Movement Ur Auocltttxl Vrtu to Coo Bar Tlmea.J IKIN'Q, Dec. 25. -Government s in tho provlnco of Yunan 1 Joined tho revolutionists undor 1 A. ylio has declarod tho prov- wilepeiidont, and- guaranteed 'Mfety of forolcrnfirH. Conditions In tho nrovlnco of rtohow are unsettled but dlsaf- IQns havo not beon reported In "" louthorn provinces'. A 3IKUIIY OJIHIST.MAS I'UKS. WILSON'S OIPIS "' AMclta pre8 to Coon liar Times 1 Washington, Dec. 20. chief r Hoover at tho White Houso, ' Playing Santa Claus there nT In tho absonco of the Presl- lli a8 a busy man yesterday. In f 'hlto Houso car loaded with !nt", Hoover wont to tho Virginia f the Potomnn nivor to re- ber 50 little friends of the ent. They Hvo along the road Vlfginla Club, whero tho Pres- uoimi:itssTi:AL cash ui:fiisTi:it OFK JITXUV HUS (mondod by tho board calls for tho Unstruettoii of eight capital il. ,COr8 qf Anioroili 'Willi an oqusuiy uiiku l.ioKiMm mi , . ........, i,lf,llnt wn tlm illn. other erntt us compared with tlio . ,,, ,1V ,,, nmw nf , i....... four capital alilpn for tho first your !,.,., N1W Ynrlf , . ,lllllllPOll. ,ll)va .KX.I. and (jlrls who othorwlso would havo had no Chr'istmau dinner. A 3IKIMIV CHItlST.'.IA.H :!A 10 IAS GIFT fiorM A KIhj .Machines Lose About $:.- Last Night No Cluo as to Who Did the Deed A cash register box containing ap proxiatoly ?2S in ohango was yank ed off ono of Gorst & King's Jitneys as It stood last evening In front of tho Eagle Hall. Tho affair was re ported to tho pollco, but no cluo has been obtained as to who did tho Job. Claudo Tucker, who had been driv ing tho machine, left It standing In front of tho hall and went .Inside, whero ho was playing tho trap drums In tho orchestra. Ho dis covered tlio theft about midnight. Tho boxes receive tho fares as thoy aro dropped In by tho passen cers The box contained tho receipts undor the administration's plan. The board urgod a policy which would mako tho Aiuor.eaii navy equal to tho strongest afloat lu 192t, V 3IKKKY CHRISTMAS I OOPS E MOE ulul IS TIM E THRKI THOl'HAND 31i:.l('ANS pass ovint a3m:hcian soil ,Yi"o Taken from Agun Preltu to .Tiia 10. but not Allowed lu tlio City of F.l lah 1 (Ujr AMclttea l'reM to Coos Ilr Timet. WASHINGTON, I). C, Doo. 25. PormlBsIon was glvon today for 3,000 more Carranza troops to pass through tho United States from Agua Prelta to Juarez. Thoy go to strengthen tho garrison In tho for mer Villa stronghold and suppress disorders as woll as to tako part lu .MAN CATCH KS ONI) . LA It OX WITH COL- fnr tlm dav. A JIEIMtV ClliiiM.ii.w-- )10 ciun,mlgn ti,0 gout!, .. " .-! . .FOOTIIALL SQCAD AT lAta rtAui inr Aolate4 Pte.a to Chk Bar Tlmea.J LOS ANGELES, Cal. Dec. 25Tlio Washington State football squad which will meet the Brown University eleven here Now Years day nrriv,i hero this morning ' . . , . a a No Ono Is Known to Have Jlat) Kuril tin Animal lu Cap. tlvity Ilr AtMM'laiMt rmi to Qh liar Tlmea.l CANYONVILLE, Ore, Doc. 2r.. Samuel Porduo, In tho mountains cast of hero, caught a largo cougur In a trap yesterday, to word reaching horo today, and to his Rabtonlshiuont found tho animal had a collar on. No ono In this part of tho country Ts known to havo hud n cougar in captivity. A 3IKICIIV CHHIST.MAS CANDIDATU FOR ASSESSOR In giving tho permission a stipu lation was made that tho Mexican ti oops should not go through tho city ,bt El Paso but should pass around a it to tho International bridge. 1 1 3IERRY CHHIST.MAS - .MONEY TO LOAN On Improved ranches In any amount. K. E. Con way, Jlonil anil .Mortgage Iliuker. A 3IEHRY CIIKIST.MAH -r- To tho Republican electors of Coos County: I horoby announco myself as a candldato for tho offlco of assessor of Coos County at tho coming pri maries, subject to tho will of tho Republican electors of tho county. AMOS L. NOBLER, CoquUlo, Decembor 21, ORDERS RELEASE OK RIG OREGON FRUIT SHIPMENT Xoillnvcslcrn Growers Will Profit Gieatly From Efforts of (ho United States Government 111- AMOilalixl 1'reut to Coos liar Tlmea.l LONDON, Dec. 25. Tho North Pucitlo Fruit Distributors Associa tion, representing 10,000 Washing ton and Oregon growers, recolvod a welcome Christmas present through the efforts of tho State Department at Washington, In tho form of a re lease of its liugo consignments of fruit, seized by British warships whllo on tho way to Scandinavian countries. With tho exception of a consign ment of apples to Donmark, for which a guarantee had boen given, tho fruit was roloased unconditional ly. Tho majority of shipments wero on Norwoglan steamers. Tho steam er Holllg Olav sorved as a test cuho for tho various solzures. Among tho rolcased consignments woro 6000 cases of applos. A 31EKKY CIIRIST.MAK IKE H RAID llOMR.H ARE DROPPED ON TOWN IN .MACEDONIA Five Civilians Aro Killed and Six teen Women mid Children Aro Injured (Ur AuocUteJ Trail to Cooa Day Tlmw.) PARIS, Dec. 2G. Two noroplanos, ono of which was Gorman, dropped four bombs on ScuttnrI, Albania, bocombor, killing flv6 civilians and Injuring 10 women and children, ac cording to a dlspacli from Ccttln Jo. A 3IERRY CHRISTMAS BOAT IS ATTACHED GREEK I VESSEL FIRED SUIt.MARINE ON 11Y When Nationality Is. Uiirncd Steam or Is Allowed (o Continue on 1 Uh Way (Or Auocltjed rrtia to Cooa Ua- Tlmaa.) NEW YORK, Dec. 2C Tho Greek steamer Ioanulu arrived today from Piraeus mid roportor having boon fired upon by a submarine tho na tionality of which Is unknown, whon about SO miles of Kalainata Greece Tho submarine pursued tho stoamor soino dlstuuco boforo firing a shell which foil fifty yurds off tho star board sldo. Tho IounnJa thou stop ped anil tho submarine passed closo to tho steamer but submerged utter Bcolng tho Greek flag on tho vessel. A 3IERRY CHHIST.MAS i BIB 0 ATTACK THE ALLIES' .MACEDONIA LINES IN (o Jjl!uOf to loan at once on Improved ranch. Cash ready. K. E, Conway, bond mid mortgago broker. A 3IERRY CHRISTMAS' Llbby Coal, 93.00 ton, Anglo French Troops Continue Fortify Themselves Against (ho Invading Forces Dr AmocI.IxI rri to Coos liar Tun. PARIS, Dec. 2C, Athons correo pondent of tho Journal tolographs that tho German iirtlllory on tho banks of Lako Dorian, Macedonia, aro bombarding tho Anglc-Prouch Hues, which tho Anglo-French troops aro continuing to fortify. A 3IERRY CHRISTMAS ENTERTAIN CHILDREN '" Dr AmocIiUJ I'ress la Coos Bar TlmM.j WASHINGTON, D.. C, Dec. 25. Christmas festivities ut tho White Pilous today woro devoted largely to tho entertainment of President Wll- son's grand children,. Ellen McAdoo, Francis Sayro and Josophluo Coth mn. I. II, Hoover, chief usher of tho white houso, played Santa Claus In tho absence of the president. A largo Christmas tree In tho library on tho second floor of the White was olaborately decorated, The festivities will bo rounded out with a dinner for the family group in tho Phone 72. Btato diulng room this ovenlng. youcjlas Dold Surrendered City of Wish to Invading Bul garians After Retreat APPEALED TO Afterward Stricken Blind on Account of Hardships En dured on Relief Squad GERMANS ACTED BADLY Invading Bulgarian Troops Toole (ho City In Good Order, but Toil (oule Soldiers 3Ido Trouble When They Arrived IDr AnocUU.1 1'reas to Cooa Dar Tlrara.J NEW YORK, Dec. 25. It waB an Amorlcan who aitrrondored tho city of Nlsh to tlio Invading Bulgarian army after tho Serbian forces re treated, according to n story told by Douglas Dold, ot this city, who has Just returned nomo. At tho request of tho citizens, Dold turned tho city over to the In vadors. Ho nttorwards was stricken blind as a result of hardships, over work and privation. In Relief Squad. Dold nnd his brother Elliott Dold, sons of an alienist, loft horo In Juno as members of an auto squad attached to a relict expedition sent out to aid tho Sorblans. Douglas Dold was forcod to rotum home, when stricken blind. Ho said when It was realized Nlsh would bo cap tured, a 8orhIan roglmont mutinied,; killing tholr Colonol and looting the houses. Itohbcd (ho !!op:ul Dold- attempting to protect tho hospital storos under his charge, but was knocked down and beaten by the soldtors, who wasted tho stores ot alcohol and qulniuo which wore used for tlio sick nnd wounded, and took 2400 pairs of shoes that were among tho supplies. Attor this regiment loft tho city, tho people appealed to the lllshop of Nlsh to Induce Dold to surroiidcr tho city to the Bulgar ians and nsk tholr protection. Asks Protection When tho Bulgarians nearcd tho city, Dold, tho Bishop and a thronn of young womon bearing garlands of flowora wont out to meet theai. Whlo tho ,flag was raised and the offtcer commanding tho Bulgarians lodo forwards, tho Bishop Introduced Dold as an American. "I showed my passport," mid Dold "and asked for tho protection of the city and tho people and the hospital stores. After I got through he bowed respectfully and his men be hnvod splendidly whllo lu tho city. Thoro was no disorder until the Germans bognn to arrive. Germans Conduct Bad Tholr conduct was worse than the Serbian mutineers. Whon the exo dus from Nlsh began, the Agricul tural Socloty turned over to me Its bolouglugs and Sir Ralph Paget placed lu my caro tho entire relief supplies, Men trlod to glvo me outright tholr hotels and places of business and frantic women Implored me to marry them lu order to protect them 'from tho invaders through my pass port. It was then I was suddenly strlckon blind. Of course I was useless thou, and lu tho way." A 3IERRY ClIItlSTMAS - RECEIVE PEOPLE OK JUAREZ WELCO.M.K GENERAL HOBLES h Representatives of tho Do Facto Gov ernment Tako Charge and Reception Is Held (Hr AaaoclatsJ I'm) to Cooa Bar Tl. , EL, PASO, oxas, Dec. 25, Christ- mas In Juarez, recently surrenders! 'by tho Villa officers ws marked by tho appearance ot civil and mili tary officials of the do facto Ameri can government from El Paso. Mexican Consul Garcia and staff escorted General noble aerese tke International bridge. A reeeptioH to which the residents et the tows wt Invited waa held at military ksatt- quarters. A MERRY C1IKISTJMS Dr, Leslie, Osteopath, , 1 a. n 'ten piaya K0lf. v,rv,r