THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, -DECEMBER 24, 1915-EV6NINQ EDITION. AYE v,t ' , -s- J "58"". - A Merry Christmas fuas? THE CHRISTMAS SIMIIIT N the sprl, of gU,g; lll0 KCnso of (IolllBlSmn, ILInK for Mo.K,y elso , v,om wo tt,nt ((, th. compliment of i,10 season ,i Ilope (Imt , .. of you,. Mitlsfnctlou i,, bcc , Im.KC . whh o thank., for your patronage nn.l good H ,, ,100 iha't wo lnay ewJr mcrft (s cm. tlnuaiico throiiRli nil tlio Chrlstmasses to come. n May Your tomorrow be One Long Day of Pleasure ' Woolen Mill Store Marshfield ' North Bend tlnatlon a day lnte. Ho says that the Elder la now running out of Portland with capacity freight car gbfes. and that south' from San Frnnclscd to San Fedro bIio fa car rying good-sized passenger lists. Library Closes. The public 'li brary will bo closed all day tombr row In observanco of Christinas. ' Mrs. Dungnn Hotter.- C. II. Dun gan camo down from his South Coos River homo today and states that Mrs. Dungan, who has been nulto sick, ia much improved. Gets Auto. E. I. Chandler re ceived a now Dulck Six, ftve-passen-gcr car on tho Kllburn this morn ing, Qoorgo Goodrum having or dered it especially for Christmas. Train Brings Many. The Bpifclat tram from Powers and way sta tions arrived In Marshfield about ono o'clock this' morning, bringing a "full houso' of loggers and oth ers, bent on celebrating tho Yulo tldu. The men must report In tho Powers camps for work again on Tuesday morning. Thcro were many loggers who camo In Inst night from tho camps on Coos ltlvcr to stay over until Sunday nnd most of theag men must report for work on Mon day morning. Swedish Lutheran Services. To morrow morning at C o'clock there will bo services in the Swedish Luth eran Church. At bovcu in tho ovo nlng tho Sunday School will hold Its annual Christmas festival. - Christiana Services.-The services in tho Marshtiold Episcopal Church tomorrow will bo at 7 a. m. nnd 10:30 a. in. Tho only scrvico on Sunday "will bo at 11 n. m at which tho Christmas music will bo repeated. .Christmas Greeting Wo want to tako (IiIh opportunity through tho columns of this paper to thank you most sincerely for nil tho favors which iinvo been extended to ns during tho past year, ami llkowlso to eomoy to )ou tho fact that wo hnvo endeavored to bo npprcclatlvo of tlio business which luis been given us. Wo hnvo dwelt continual ly upon tho fact that wo uro striving to give SERVICE to our customer, and wo sincerely hopo that wo hnvo proven to you that our efforts along theso lines havo been successful. Ah tho oportiino moment has arrived for us to extend tho season's greetings, wo vrnnt to do so most, sincerely, nnd will ak you to accept from our firm our very liest wishes for a Morry Christians mid a Happy Now Year, nnd may tho very pleasant business relations which havo heretofore existed conllnuo In tho futuro for many years to como. YOUIIS POIt SERVICE. ; Wolcotts Grocery Broadway and Market- ' Phone 97 WE WILL BE CLOSER ALL DAY SATURDAY mw i ' BREVITIES DECEMBER TIDES Time and hclgms or tides at Marshtiold. Tho tides aro placed In order of occurrence, with tholr tlmoa on tho first lino and holshts on tho second lino of each lnv. A compar ison of consecutive hi'lghta will in dlcato whothor It tit high or low wator. High tldo on tl'o bar oho hour nnd G4 minutes earlier than at Marshtiold. We Will Be- Open This Evening HUT WILL HE CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY. AVE STILL HAVE SOME MCE 1URDS Merry Christmas to One and All Palace Meat Market X, 1). OSWALD. lira.. 3.40 Ft..u 4.2 lira.. 4.19 Ft. . . 4.2 lira.. 4.G4 Ft. . . 4.3 9.24 2.3 10.00 2.2 10.37 o o 2.C0 10.0G G.l 0.2 3.19 10.39 G.O 0.2 3.G0 11.08 4.8 0.0 Aro Special Officers. Mayor Al lon announced today that ho has ap pointed Frank Dcnn as special po lice otflcor of tho city until nftcr tho first of tho year. Ho will havo a night beat. Jack Houseman will bo a Bpoclal officer to patrol on Christ mas and tho ushering in of 1910. Takes Enily Morning Dip. Mlko Sullivan ovldontly got Into town a little ahead of midnight, for ho had already received a few "shots in tho arm" when ho wandered down to tho foot of Commercial avenue nlong about ono o'clock. Ho looked at tho sea and pondcrod. "It's wot," ho crooned and forth with stopped In. Only a lino of bubbles marked Sullivan's doscont to tho land of mermaids and tin enns. Up ho came, howling at tho top of his volco. Ilo mnuagod to flnnlly pull himself out onto tho float and thoro Officers Shoupo and Bean found him n fow moments later. Ho was brought to tho po llco station, thoroughly sober, and was dried out a bit boforo going his wny again. $$ t PERSONAL MENTION $$ A. C. COX, of Camp One, Is visiting relatives over Christmas. Will Practice -Alone. A. II. D) byshlro has announced that ho will withdraw from tho law firm of Hammond & Dorbyshlro tho first of tho year and will horcafter prac tice law in his own namo. Ho will havo offices in tho bank building at North Bond. Muny Como on Stage. Tho atago from up tho beach camo in last evening, bringing '32 passengers. Yesterday tho autos woro ablo to como nil tho way through from Floronco without interruption. Many of thopassongors wero bound In horo to spend Christmas with relatives. WEATHER PORECAST 07 AJMCtlt! rrM 0 CM TUJ TlfflM. OnEOON Unsottlod, probably rain West; snow East; warmer Northeast; southeasterly winds. Increas ing along coast. Now in Houston. Max Toppor, formerly stownrd at tho Mllltcoma Club, writes friends that ho Is now at HouBton.'Toxns. Ho hnsbeconio Intorostod In a sulphur well projoct In Louisiana and says that It looks as though thcro Is a million in it. That ho will got his sharo of tho million l's tho wish of his many 4'1!!UUUU UU VUUO IU, 4 1'inu uiirisimns -tree. mtb, y. a Chandler camo down from tholr South Coos River homo today to completo tho Christmas shopping, Mr. Chandlor romnlnod nt homo MRS. A. HERO, of Empire, Is week-end visitor In tho clt. A. ROBERTSON, of Camp 9 at Powers, Is spending Christmas In tho city. WM. GARRETT nnd wife, of Cnmp Ono. camo down today to spend Christmas. . TOM DASHNEY camo down on tho lata train from Powers to spend tho holidays in tho city. ALEX HAOLUNI) and R. E. Sand erson, of tho McDonald & Vaughan 'camp, woro In tho city today. . MRS. L. COWAN and daughtor, of L&mpa, camo In last evening to ' spond Christmas horo with rel atives. ' CHARLES' HALL roturnod last eve- ing on tho stago from San Fran cisco whoro ho has boon for a week on busluoss. LOCAL TEMTHRATURJO RECORD For the 24 hours eadlng at 4:43 n. m., December 24, by Bonj, Ofltllnd, apodal 'gov ernment moteorolocist: Maximum 49 Minimum 35 At 4:43 n 38 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sept 1, 1915 31.24 Precipitation unto period loBt year 31.40 Wind: Northwest, partly cloudy. 1 I I I ! : to put tho finishing touches on tho Christmas treo for tho children and grandchildren thoro tonight, all of tho members of tho family ar ranging to bo thoro. J PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service C00S BAY STEAM LAUNDRY SUNRISE AND SUNSET Friday December 24--Sun rises at 7:62 and sots nt 4:30. Many Aro Separated. In ono day at Coqulllo this weok Judge Coko granted flvo divorces and thoro woro only two marrlago licenses grantod, thus making n doflcloncy of thrco against Cupid. Tho dlvorco cosos woro Charles II. Myers, vs. Laura M. Myers; A. S. Phonnogor vb. Daisy E. Phennegor'; Mlnnlo Bam ford vs. Edward Bambord; Myrtlo E. Moody vs. J. II. Moody; Dorothy E, Lauglols vs. L. Ray Langlols. Two other dlvorco suits woro filed. They woro Gcorgo R. Hancock, of Bandon, vs. Violet Hancock, and Lucia Stratton, of Coqulllo vs. Wm. II. Stratton. N oble TheateD TO-NIQHT COMEDr ' COMEDY COMEDY HEAVY VILLAINS Titagraph comedy In three reels featuring " big comedy fourFlora Pinch, Kuto Price, William Shea, Cto y Fitzgerald. Slv THE SUBSTITUTE PIRE.MAN Helen Holmes in one of tho ""uaids of Helen" railroad stories. As full of thrills as a dog 15 of fJcis. Lower Floor, 15 cts.; Balcony, 10 cts.; Children, 5cts. ' A dandy program of pictures. Matinee tomorrow, starting promptly at 2.00 p. m. Meets Old Friends Again. Chief Steward Dlottrlch, of the Steamship; Georgo W. Elder, and perhaps ono of tho best known steamship monitor riinnlno nn tho coast. 'Came back 5 on the Kllburn this morning to visit old friends. Ho Is still nboard the. .' Elder and laid off for a trip, ex- i nectlne to arrive In Eureka In time few 1 to eat Christmas dinner with friends. M jllowover, tho delay of tho vessel nt"HL Hi a Columbia nuts him at his des- J m HAVE YOU Prescriptions ii ii mil ri Forgotten ANYONE? Purity Accuracy Promptness Marshfield THESE ARE THE THREE CAR D1NAL PRINCIPLES OP OUR PRE SCRIPTIO.V DEPARTMENT. BRING YOUR NEXT ONE HERE, THE BUSY CORNER Phone 20-J. We Deliver Immediately m -S- IIS ! ft i S fc MR. AND MRS. W. C. DRAKE and Mr. and Mrs. C. Nelson nnd daughter, of Powers, woro Marsh field shoppers today. D L. BUCKINGHAM and Abnor Trlbbey camo homo Inst night 1 from Ten Mllo whoro thoy hnvo been doing somo surveying work. DAVE ALEXANDER arrived homo last night from Portland to spond Christmas. Ilo is ongaged In tho pntont medlclno uubIiicss In Port land. . , MISS STOKES, domestic sclenco teacher at tho high school, loft this moriilng for Vancouver, to visit with her parents for a fow days, OEOROE DWYER of Powers,' has gono to Portland to spond Christ mas. Prlonds lntlmato'"tIiat thoro may bo a wedding up north beforo ho returns. t RAY NOEL, nnd W. O, Emmorson camo in with tho advanco guard of tho Blue Rldgo Tigers Inst night. Emraoruon says that ho is not taming any more wildcats. Money saving prieeis on. useful Xmas presents for the whole family can be found at the J. C Penney Store next door to the Postoffice. Men's Flannel Shirts, $1,50 value, Our price -98c Men's all-wool Shirts, military or flat collar, $2,25 value, Our price , $149 Better grades, all wool, In brown, light gray, tan, dark gray, $3,00 value- Our price $1.98 Fine French Flannel Shirts for the men to wear; white collars, worth 50c to 75c more. -$2.98,. $2.25 Men's Neckties, all the latest styles and shades at a saving of a third on everyone 25c, 45c on, , ,., , F0R THE LADIES Silk Net Waists, worth double the price --" $3-98, $4.49, $4.98, $2.98 Ladies' Kimonos, in all latest patterns $1. 49, $1.25,98c Si Iftarb6rtd V'jLiHHHfSTivTIi v m iitkMfi.idt?m We Lead, Others FollowThe Originators of Low Prices WE DESIRE TO WISH AM, OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A;, Merry Christmas and wInIi to thank you for your kind support and pnironago and hope that during the coming yonr uo will ho nhlo to servo you in n manner that vtlll bo satisfactory. rtVo tiMtiro jou of our deep appreciation nnd hope to merit a continuance of your pntronngo by tho snmo methods (thnt havo on your confidence In tho past. Again wishing you ono and all A MERRY CHRISTMAS, A 1IAPPV AND PROSPEROUS NEW YKAH, HEARTIIA' YOURS. i tiM: r,.kr..rt we save v vi-niigo vaoAivst KJXsiy NO. BROADWAY, NEAR CENTRAL YOU MONEY BARBER IIOQAN, of tho Chandlor Shop, sovoroly cut his flngor whllo stropping a razor today. JES8D TERRILL, of Tho Chandlor' Harbor Shop, Is confined to his homo by nn attack of la grlppo, but Is somo bettor today. HERBERT LOOKHART has return ed via tho stago from Salt Lako City whoro ho has boon disposing of tho Port Barnum proporty. HOCIAIj CALENDAR And FRIDAY Christmas program treo at Baptist church. Presbyterian Christmas program and treo. Christmas Church tree and program. Municipal Clirsltnufl 'tree nt aulld hall. SATURDAY Methodist Christmas entertainment. MR. AND MRS. II. S. HARRIS will Icavo on tho stago in tho morn ing for their former homo In Spo kano whoro thoy expect to re main Indefinitely. Mr. Harris was formerly managor of tlio Parisian. DUNCAN DQUQLAS roturnod homo on tho Kllburn this morning to spond tho holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs! W. U. Doug las. Ho Is attending tho Univer sity of Orogon Law School In Portland. NOTICE I will not bo responsible for any bills contracted by George W. Perry. ..MRS. HENRIETTA FERREY E. O. SAMUELS aud wifo, camo In from Millington last night to -mum tholr daughtor, Miss Clara Sam ticls, who arrived on tho Kllburn from Portland to spend Christmas. H s Xs We will wire your order' (o imy city In America to be delivered Clulstiniis- Day, PROF. -LELAND, manual training instructor at tho high school, loft on tho early morning stago for Portlaud, whoro ho will'-vislt through the holidays with relatives, MRS. OSCAR RYDEN, of Portland, who was formerly Miss Anna Bory, arrived today on. tho steam er Kllburn to visit sovoral months with her mother. Mrs. Augusta Bery, of Empire. o. Florist C Edwin O. Scott Cut Flower, Florul Designs, Plants. Phones: Store 259-J. Oroenhouso 425-X PAT HENNESSEY came In from tho' Honryvlllo mlno yesterday to spond Christmas. The mlno clos od down yesterday for Christmas, tho crow of forty laying offuntll next week. GEORGE II. OHANEY, now a mem bor of tho A. E. Adelspcrgor Cruising Company, roturnod Inst evening from tho southorn part of tho county, whoro ho has boon for sovoral days looking aftqr soma tlmbor Interests. PROF. BARRAQAR, Instructor In tho commercial department at tho. Marshtiold High School, loft, on tho morning train for his homo lu Los Augoles where ho) will visit over tho holidays, Ho ex pects to reach thoro uoxt Sunday aftornoon aud havo flvo days at homo. JAMES BOONE and Ed McArron, two locomotive engineers pf tho Smith-Powers Hue, came In laHt night to spond Christmas. Thoy camo In on tho apodal train "rid ing tho cushions and paying their faros" just llko tho rcBt of them,, Jim says that Ed kept reaching for tho whistle cord and inudo moves llko "working steam" when tho train slowed down oerastuii-ally. J NEW TODAY I ?$ FOR RENT New hiuJ modern IS room houso, with basement and all modern conveniences, Includ ing two bath roams; two toilets, laundry tubs In basement, arrang ed for two families. West Bunker Hill,' Rent 20 per month. Apply F. W. Payno at Smith. mill. LOST aold chain, ''between UhIoh Meat Market and 4th and Golden, Findor pleaso phono 147-R. WANTED Two vwt Rent nnd three experienced waitresses for New Years ovo at Chandler Hotel. Ap ply to Steward nt Chandlor. I WANTED X WANTED TO BUY Second, IuHd 1-2 H, P. motor, Ph. 27D-J or address Box, 220 Marshfield. Released From .Tall. Mrs. Fan nlo O'Donnell has tieeu releasod from Jail on pnrolo, Triggers Made Happy , Somo 27 loggers of tho Honry Iloock camp, South Coos River, wero made ban py this morning when i 1050 wa-j divided ainongthem. Tho men had filod a lien against somo of tlio logs and tho paymont followed n rsalu and settlement. X FOR RENT t FOR RENT Tvto uiid n half acre truck farm, rich soil, woll im proved. Jn Eastport, Apply on place or address J. E. FItsger aid. Marshfield, Oregon, FOR RENT IMght room dwelling with modem conveniences, reas. onablo rent. Close In. Apply to Jas. II, Flanagan, Flanagan and Bennett Bank Bldg, PRINCIPAL WAITE, of tho high school, and Prof. Robertson, aro expecting to leave Sunday on a walking trip up tho beach and possibly will go as far as Flor enco beforo turning back, t FOR SALE " FOR SAM' Tug Chas. M. flretner, 4 years old, length SQ feet, beam 19 foot, draft 8 feet, 3C0 -nerse power. Now In Portland Harbor. For price and full particulars ad dress G, W. Evans, McMlsarHle. Oregon. m J t AMONG THE SICK t O, W. Brlggs had a touch of1 " ' " " ptomalno poisoning and oarly this FOR SALE Flue rancl of ty ' . ' ,Vnn ,,, i in ,,., acres bottom land and some bench, morning was taken vlolontly. Ill, but t, N A, p k of tn 81uataw River, 5 1-2 inllea from Fioreace. Extra good bargalu If sold bafere January 15, 1916. Address J. II, Bo 2C, Floreuca, vOregon, ' t was resting moro easily this afternoon. Get your Job'prlHtlnKfdoHe'aUTlie Times office. Times want ads bring results. FOR SALE ThMty et gWNw huipch, cheap, luqulra Ufyd hotel, 1il II tJM m s i i . I I