&IGH7 " THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1915 EVENING EDITION. IS LATE Furniture and Gift Buying are MadeEasy Men's Hats IIIGMKSV SIIIP.MKXT OK PAHCICL POST THIS YlUlt COMING KlBUi Mens Hats 95c r Friday Only TOMORROWS MEN'S HATS Regular $2-50, $3.00 sellers, all shapes. Black and colors, soft and stiff, Including many of the 1915 Fall mod els. Will be offered for this ONE DAY AT A SPECIAL EVERY DAY WATCH THEM THEY WILL PROVE INTERESTING This Is, the Store for Christmas Shoppers YOUR MONEY GOES 2 TO 1 IN COMPARISON WITH ANY OTHER STORE Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Purchasers BACCHUS 15 FOILED SIAXY OK HIS IIKXCIIMICX DIC MCHT KHIC UK! TlllltKT SKTS IX Ho'iiso fo I io Kormed Into Abstinence ly Law and Voluntarily Leave Hoo.o Alone " Foiled!" hissed King Uacchus na lie Hut on his wobbly, tottering throne nnil In enmo tlio word Hint many of li Ik Htnlwnrt henchmen nt rondy nro throwing up tlio spongo, 10 days en tlio Period of Thirst Ih nbrnnd in tlio land. The golden crown fllld down over IiIh cam mid tlio Old Hoy hung IiIh head in ab ject dlnpnlr ns lie ninttoro'l, deep down In IiIh whlskors, " Things ain't what thoy iiBcd to lie." Ita a fact, things nro not as thoy "UHcd to wiih." Many inun nro cut ting out tlio lioozo lieforo tlio law lilts them. " Always liked my KlnuH," mild 'one man today, " hut I novor wnut to think that they had to pasH a law flrat to uiako mo glvo it lip. No slreo, I heat 'oni to It." Thoro tiro "oodles" of former tip lcrs that nro anticipating the law by n week mid hotter. Only a few days ngo In Tacomn 50 longshoremen lined up nlong the niahoKiiny lmr, took a drink uploco, am! signed tlio pledge, Tor Washington, too, goes dry tlio first of tho year. Aiid ho King Hncclius hcoh some of his supports, not necessarily, but voluntnrlly, leuylng IiIh sway and he Htnnds apace and ;asps. Tho Illg Thirst Is almost lioro. On tlio othor hand thoro aro oth ers who lurvo had tho privilege of buying liquor when they wanted It, who sny that thoy do not proposo to ho loglBlutod out of a drink, and learning tlint thoy can lawfully lay In a supply hoforo hand and aro for Itlfylng against doing without by buying Homo Biipplies. It has boon decided thnt any ono Iiiib a right to buy what liquor ho ehoosos mid hold It for liiu own use in his own house. AMTICJS SOLDILDDPHDLES SOUGHT KAST PASSKXOKH HOAT C.'OICS OX CATCH I X IXLICT Itl'X Operates In Opposition to Present Hunts Coos Hlver Transportation Company to Idillil Sow Hunt Sale of the fiiBt passougor launch Atlantic to .Moody Brothers of 811111 11 or, has been mndo by the Coos Itlvor TrauBiiortiitlou Comnanv. Tho Atlantic has been out on tho Catch ing Inlet-Coos liny run and lH In opposition to tho lino now conduct ed Jointly by MattHon and MnsterH, who own the Wall Tu Wasa, tho Sumner and tho Sunrise. Through the Hummer (bo Allan-, tie was used on tho South Coos Klvcr for the purpose of handling tho "Hiiliurliniiltvs." tho summer roHorterH that wont to their sum mer campH In the lato afternoon mid bni'k to town In time for work the next morning. Now tho Coob Itlvor Transporta tion Company makes tho uiiuounco meiit that It will build a turner and a Hpcedler boat to put on this sumo run next summer when this trndo opens up again, Tho Atlantic was formerly own ed by Captain Lloyd, who sold the craft hmt Hummer. HOADS AUK DIKKKKKXT The difference between tho Coos and tho Curry County portions of tho coiiBt road Booms to ho mark ed according to the following from the Port Orford Trlbuiio: "Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Marsh nnd dniiKhlor, Mrs. Keofor, went to Iliiiidon hist Thursday to attend tho funeral or .rbhn Harrows. In coming homo by auto Thoy wore hIx hours making tho run from Ilnudoii to-LangloIs mid two hours from tho lattor placo to Port Or ford -tho H.imo dlstmico, tho dlf feronco that the six hours woro on Coos and tho two on Curry County roads. Imi Golden Oppwtaifj Red Cross Auction FINEST QUALITY JEWELRY, PRECIOUS STONES, CUT , GLASS AND NOVELTIES GOING AT PRICES BELOW WHOLESALE COST DON'T MISS IT. SPECIAL AUCTION AT 10:30 FRIDAY MORNING AUCTIONS AT 2:30 AND 7:30 EVERY DAY BIG DISCOUNT ON GOODS SOLD BETWEEN AUCTIONS CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS' OPPORTUNITY Jewelry Department Red Cross Drug Store ATTEMPTS HlCIXfS MAIM TO PICK KLAWS IX PKOHIIHTIOX LAW Out Man lias Substitute for Itecr Others Kstahlish .Mall Order Homes on Slate Hoiimlury Lcavo It to Yankco Ingenuity to pick loopholes In any law ever made and pniiBod by Yankco Ingenuity. Hero nro two of tho latent nicthodH raf defeating the prohibition law that goes Into effect at tho end of nc$t week. Comes now n man and ndvortlocs that ho has a substltuto for beer which ho snys Is u elovor nn Iniltn jtlon that "ovon pcrslBlent UKcrs of beer enn not toll tlio difference." This fellow seeks agoiitH to soil tho stuff tliroiiKli Oregon and Washing ton. Thoro'a more ways than ono to "Bkln a cat" nnd comes word now that at Ilornbrook, a llttlo town of California that nestles on the vory border of Oregon has now mngniri cent "mall order llquor bouses." So carefully has tho bcIioiiio been worked out that tho proprietors oven print a schedule of tho hours It takes to reach different pnrtH of tho dry territory. Mall front Outside InaBinuch as tho prohibition law prohibits1 tho advertising in nowBim- poru or on sign boards of liquor uds n strcuiioiis effort Is being mndo to Kot the pcoplo educated boforo tho drought nets In. However, District Attornoy LIIJo qvlst says thnt thoro teems to bo no way to keep liquor dealers outside- tho Htnto from Bending their catn-,' loguea nnd clroulurs through tho mull, Inasmuch nB thoy aro mailed fjom u iiolut outside of tho dry ter ritory. r Moro interest is being maiilfested in tlio coming dry, spell and its of foot on tho people and that stato In hmuiii inun in any law -passed In many yenrs, says the district attor ney. Portland Sends !() Sinks Together Ultli Much Kiics All Will Ho Delivered On Tlnio Thrco hundred sacks of narcol post, to say nothing of a huge ex press shipment, will arrive on tho Kllburn either tonight or In thn morning. Efforts to make an Im mediate dollvory of tho Santa Claim packages will bo made nnd iiobhIIiIv everything will bo delivered by Christmas. All dny long tomorrow men will bo out with t5io narcol post, and they v. in ninko deliveries on Chrlstim JJnjI as well. On Snttirdav thn wtn-! (low at tlio host office will bn nnnn. nflor the mnll arrives nnd is distrib uted, between 11 nnd 12 n. in. Par cel post that ordinarily Is handed out at tho window tuny uo received In tho Enmo manner on Saturday, ! miring hub one hour. The'ro will b0 a mall delivery in tho city on ChriBtmas Day. Every effort is being mndo to glvo the pco Pie as ndequnto a postal scrvlco ns lioBslblo at UiIh tinio of tho year when tho big rush is on. . Within tho past 10 davs llmm hnvo been many monoy orders mnllcd out of tho local office. Somo of this has gono for tho buying of proa onts through the mall order houses, It Is said, and many of thn ntvim-a hnvo been direct Christmas presents. Lnst night special promotions' woro taken to see thnt all the doors woro woll barred. Not only woro thoy locked but they wcro barred with heavy timbers as well. You Mill find hero nniplo storks, amply displayed for jour convenience. You will find a service of sincere, Interested coititesy. You may choose hero with perfrct faith In our mer chandise, for this house Is known for tho Integrity of the goods it. sens, no mailer now low VMrnmiu,., wil wWw'i Ik J Mm (WMwiM flfXH U' .' "I ft ' fflr Ml LKATHIOi: ItOCICKItH KOH CllltlHTMAS (1IKTS the price. Sow stocks aro hero and wo Invito you to coiiiu nnd make leisurely choice of any iirticlo you may want for the home. THIS YIJAIt 1IVH 1-HTIC- NITUItK What better gilt to your family or friend than a piece of furniture? A gift, that will add u thC,. ami happiness. A piece or furniture' possesses the frit?"'0'1 a .truly worthy girt artistic, practical, lusting, Xoiv tliuT'v Is the lust time to do your Christmas buying. ,pllt jV Oulovscu Company on your sliojiplng list. '"'nson Tho principal action or our uiaiu floor In given over to a display of beautiful over tturfed mid upholstered i;av Chairs, Itockers, Couches, etc. You aiv couiteiiuMy In. vlted to look through at jour lelsuie. Open evening. OTIIKIt XICIO (JIKTS MM MM Xothing adds so much to tho cosy appearance of the living room or af fords us much comfort ns ono of our leather upholstered Kasy Chalr.s and Itockcrs. There Is nothing more practical, more serviceable or one that will give such lasting plenum e. Priced at ljU.1, !jl7.n(, ijillU.no ami up. II Writing Desk, Golden Oak wav, quarti?!- siuved..ijil.yr, ijSUt.r.o, up Wicker ltorkers. . .$rs,75 tit $15.7,1 ' Library Tables, plain and quarter tor unveil oak. .9(1.-10 to ."jSii'j.od 1 Leather Auto Heat Jtociiers. . . . $fl.'M to lj!U2.r,0 Chlldreii's Itockcrs. .ijtl.li.- to fj,tjn Davenports !ji:Jo (0 jjik, TabourettCH ty..o to 9(Mll Footstools Jj52.RO to JjiR.r.o KAIXMOW TO CAHHY COON IHV Kit .MA Hi KOH UXCLK SAM It Is liuposNihlo to list In this advertisement nil tho attractive articles (hat we have tlmt nro cv peclully suitable for Christinas gift giving, so we again urge you to visit our store. Johnson-Gufovsen Co. Ilguro of $,lo a .Mouth Is Lowest He- celveil Ity Postoffho Depart ment Already Started As tho lowest bidders tho Coos Itlvor Transportation company hns been awarded the government con tract for carrying mall on tho river for tho iion three" yenrs. Tho Itnlii. bow lias tho schcdtilo at tho rate of ffio u month, making six delivorlos u week. Sltf months ngo tho postofflco do pnrtment approved tho establlBh ing of a rural w'ater route up Coos IMvor. TomporiiUly dipt. Lnttln, of i no fliossenger, wjib placed on the run, and W. II. Cavnuaiiuh in.iiri,.,i as cnrrlor, havInK received tho high est mark. At the saino time) bids woro sent lu for tho delivery and that or tho transportation company nt jno was mo lowost. Tom Smith, of the Hnlnbow, passed "the civil Borvlco ex mnliintlou, Kor yenrs this company has given the people of Coos river an iidoqunto mnll delivery, six dnyrf a week, and hnvo received nothing for this 8or vlco. It Is expected thnt Mr. Cavn naugli will got ono or tho othort ru ral routes, possibly tho ono out to Mllllngton and Llbby way and which hns alroady been sanctlono'd hv thn government ror ostahllshment with in n short tlnio. Marshfield Quality Home Furnishers North Front St. TRY 10 GET RATES L. .1. SI.MPSOX WKITKH OK COX KKHKXCK WITH Ol-'KICIALS Dl KS AT COOCILLIJ .Umnilo Snndorson, tho slx-yonr-old son of Mr. mid Mrs. Juntos Snn dorson, died at tho parent's homo in Coqulllo. Pneumonia wna tho causo. Says Something Definite .May ho Known In Ken- Days Kcgarilliig Tcriiilual HaMs for Hay L. .1. Simpson Iiiib written tho Chnniber or Commerce thnt ho will ninko every effort to got a satisfactory iitateniont of tho South ern Pacific orflclals rognrdlng tho granting or terminal rntcB ror Coos May. Mr. Simpson writes wrom Portland that ho hns if conroreiico dnto arranged and thnt he expocts within n fow duyB to have boiuo thlng doflulto to wire. He asks that blue prints or the last Hiirvey of the Coos Hay bar be Bout forward to him nt once. These will ho used lu his argu ments before tho orflclals, to show thoro Is u depth of wntor hero to nccomniodnte good bIzciI vessels. Theso will bo sent nt onco. CAXDIDATK KOH ASSKSSOH of To tho Hepuhllcun olectors Coos County: I horohy niinounco myflolf iib a candldato for tho office of nssossor or Coos County nt tho coming prl mnrlcs, Biibject to tho will or tlio Republican olectors or the county. AMOS L. NOSLKK, Coqulllo, Decombor 21. MYHTLK point XOTKS M XewH or the People There Told in The Enterprise Miss Efflo Weekly went to Pow-1 I nro ftw it ? .i i ..i.i. I ,. .u. u .uh iiujB viau wiwi mends l m that city. JllK. ClIVllll tli, ..! .1...1 i - tviuiiiu iimuur criusor, came over trom Mnrsh flohl and is looking affor business muttors lu tho Myrtlo Point section Mck Johnson, tho county fruit In spector, wns hero from Coqulllo sovoral days this week Inspecting Jitirsery stock Hmt Is belu dollvoi' Ud In; the Myrthj Point section. 5 Percy Ward,- a former resident or the Coqulllo Valley, who, wiMi his family, moved to Oakland. 31. ifornla, about a year ago, nrrlvr.d hero and oxpocts to spend about a weok visiting friends nnd attend ing to business affairs. Mrs. C. It. Endlcott and baby, who havo been visiting nt tho homo of the lady's liaronts, Mr. and .Mrs. Krank Davis, left for tholr home in Los Angeles, California. Miss Syl via Davis aecompnnled her sister nnd will spend the winter in California, For Christmas Dinner Wc will be closed all day Saturday and urge our cus tomers to make provision for Sunday in their orders to morrow. We have endeavored to provide for everything needed for the Christmas feast and the high quality insures the housewife getting the results she expected in each dish. Please send in your order tonight or as early Friday as possible. .Here are a few suggestions: FRESH GOODS Cauliflower Brussels Sprouts Bell Peppers Head Lettuce Celery ' Sweet Potatoes Parsnips Carrots Atwood Plum Pudding Mince Meat Golden Dates Oranges Bananas Christmas Candies ' All Kinds of Nuts Raisins. V CAMMED GOODS H. B. Asparagus Tips H. B- Large White H. B- Maine Corn H. B. Tomatoes H. B. String Beans H. B- Ripe Olives H. B- Peas. Cove Oysters Shrimps Lobsters Minced Clams Whole Clams I SOMK KACTH (IIVK.V AIIOUT t'XITKD STATUS Tho following nro some Interesting ructs given in the uniiiinl report of Secretary or the Interior Lane: Some or the Pacts Tho United States produces every mineral needed In Industry, and this can bo wild or uo other country. Wo hnvo rortlllzors lu plenty to reed the earth and keep It sustaining. Our Boll mid ellniuto nro bo varied that wo can produce all tho grains, trulls, vegetables and ribrcs known tc tho Temperate Xouo nnd somo round lu the semltroplcs. Wo havo wntor power that cun bo mndo to gonerato perhaps as much ns (JO, 000,000. hornopowcr. Tho public, domain H runldly growing leas which means that It 1b being occupied and usod. It has been discovered that tho semliirld regions may hccoino abun dantly productive undor dry-farm-lug methods. Tho Territory or Alaska contain ing perhaps 100,000,000 acres is now tho. great body or public domain and Is a laud or unknown possibili ties. Watort that Idly Now to tho son ir turned on lands qt tho dosort re gions could bo mndo: to support not Itss than 50,000,000 and the prob lem or bringing tho wntor and land togothor Is only one or monoy. Kneh day 200 letters patent to Ainorlcan Inventors aro Issued nnd tho number or Inventors Increases j each year. Thoro nro over 20,000,000 boya j nnd girls In the public Bchools of tho I tinted stntes. Within fifty yenrs tho govornmont has given lu subsidies to railroads territory seven times ns big ns the stnto of Pennsylvania. Wo hnvo glvon of our resources as no people over did hororo or ovor can again, About Oregon Lands Tho report of tho secretary goes Into dotalla regarding tho public lands. The following facts regard lug IiiikIb In Oregon nro of Interest: prlvato and fltato lands, 30,638.731: national rorcsts, i:i,2l,C32; "other reservations, 1, 87(5,030; lands sub. Jcct to entry 15,112,178; total arci, (il.lSS.ISO. OLD SKIPPICIt HACK AflAI.V Tho hum-drum life of tho landlub ber rails utterly lu its appeal to dipt, (leorgo Penboily, nn old tlmo clipper ship skipper. After several years ashore he bus ngnla cone back 'to tho sen anil this tlmo will tread the deck or the Mackinaw, tlio Iol lar i-onipniiy's Ill-fated steamship that hitB hnd more trouble In n year tliaa cmy other vessel on tlio roast. She U now loading In Vancouver, n. i. roi Vladlvostock. dipt. Peahody Is a "salt" of tho fold Rchnol. lie has served ns master fof tho Aiiiorlrnu ships Tain O'Shan 'tor nnd tho Antolopo, when tlior l wero, Capo Horn idlppera plying be .tweon Atlantic const portB and San KranclHco. Tho former Is ono ol tho moBt fnniotiB ships In American shipping or tlio Inst linlf century. KLKCT OI'KinCMS .Mjrtlo Point Craago Hold Electing ad thnt Place Tho monihurs of tho Myrtlo Point Local (Ira ngo elected tho following ofricors ror tho oiiBiihig year: Mastor. Price Hoblsoa, Ovorhecr, Krt .Myors: Lecturor, Mrs, A. T. '!'.-., I... Unu-nf(l Mrd VtlCO ItOlll- ..,..11, w.v--...-, --- unii. ARBlHtniit stownnl. Callcn GUIs; 'Chaplain, Mrs. L. Strong; Trcasurci, .1. C. Whlttlngtoii; Secretory, J. H Iiarklow; (Into Keoper, Florence ItoblBon; Pomona, Jesslo Hell; Flora, Hornlco Hoblsoa; Ceres, Rcu nidt Itoblson; Lndy Assistant Ste ward, Elofodn nnrklow. Tho orgnnlzntlon has lately In creusod consldornbly in mcmbcrsMp. Chlldreii's I-'elts .10 rents to OH cents. (lordon'H Shoo Store. Tlrnns Want Adi- hrlnn- rngidtfc I LET US HELP YOU MAKE CHRISTMAS MERRY The Merriest Yuletide of All is Our Wish For All Wt If you will glvo us your order enrly Friday wo will bo able tojj servo you hotter. Kindly romomhor to mnko provision tor Sun-. dny. ns wo will bo closed all day Saturday. if Hero nro somo suggestions that may help yoi-, aim aon't forj fc'et to ordor at loast part of your sunnly on Thursday: Hipo Tomatoes, Celery. Cauliflower. Hrushcl Sprouts, Curimw a. .... .i. I ...tIctlfW Itadlslieit Bunker Hill Department Store I,. .1-4.- ..... ... . .. "-.., iren i-cppcrs, articiioKes, Head jcuiiiu, t Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Parsnips. Hcets, Piiiiipklns, Sjunsh, ! Il-.il. . 1 ... .. .... . . y. miiiw. ', viitiiiieri-ie,s, rieuies or ai Kluils, Jtlpo nun www Hellahes, Klorlda mid Callfornld fira potVult, l'ineapples, Coroaimf!. Oranges, K,.y ed Apples, Ilaiiiuia's, Grapes, HaMiis, Cidlforula Spiced l-'lgs, Purkiigo and Hulk Dates, (?andled Orange and MR II........ ... .. ' .. .. II-..I..IIIV. iimii.' i-iuiii I'liildlng, Pugsley's Christiiias Canines, " Pecans, llra.ll Xut.s. Chestnuts. Ilael Xiits. Almond!, Armours Stockinette Star Hams. Sanitary Food Store SERVICE FIRST i'liVll'lllni'li Vu&liiiirru HnrPrV. W. H. DIXDIXGKH Ai CO. tlmes Want Kas for results. piiovic sta VHOXK 2I SKCOXD AXD CKXT"1' uiw iJBf'iE'T -VJ f, j, j. MtljHLU