The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 23, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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' U Vi" ' r
i''' SEVEN
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urn jr
"CHRISTMAS AT" '''' ". "
IWmiW x flntK. mm a
AYlUEr Ut4 vlftAAAVAaiaanifVV..Tr'i tf9 -viKKuVl UfWrsJ rrL a LrcUr SjH WJ
Christmas On Coos Bay
this wool; at
tho various ,
' churches mid In some or the
ltol. Tliu tlino of holding tho
Urtalnmeiit at cncli iiluco la mi fql-
IisUlJo Scliool Thursday nftor-
Eunkcr 1 1 111 School Thursday
Baptist Church Friday ovonlng.
Clrlstlnu Church Friday eve-
Vanlclpal Trco nt Oulld Hall
ltfjr evening.
Presbyterian Church Friday ovo-
and Sunday morning.
Etitsldo Narcissus Club trco and
npam. " Fi Iday evening.
Bay City Sunday Scliool Friday
Hiss nt Catholic Church Sntur
br morning. i((i
Voilral program nt Episcopal
3rth Saturday morning. ,
Mctbodlst Church Saturday
Swedish Lutheran Church Satur
br, 1 i. m. '
.VorCRlnu Luthornu Church
today cvcnliiK.
Bit Park Sunday School Sn-
y afternoon at 2:30.
Wow arc given, In detail,' ' tho
, t ,
, s
riii:.sivn:iiA cnuiljiii.'
Sunday Morning ,'"'" I
wology. . .
lr "In tho Fields With Their
torts." Mario lllnq
"fonslvo Rending.
ritono Solo. "Tho Holy City."
Horbort llustonid
ponso by Choir.
priory "Silent Night." Michael
I Hydn Male Qunrtot
"Utnws Heading
.. Miss Gladys Dlmont
son "ChrlstmaB Memories:"
1ro Woro Shonhords." J.Eduni '
Blrth - Choir
Iran. "
IVtor-J. H. StuliliWInlil
P'ttnlst Mary M. Ki-ubo. '
So"B ''. School
Frances Droekmuller
riny. Dickons' Clirlstiuus Carol..
Fourth und Fifth (hades
Hecltatlon Bert Olson
BB .v Vesta Scltwnrtz
Hccltutlon Mario Grnndoll
1'lny. "Santa Clajis' Strike"
Second and Third Grades
Hecltatlon Georgo Hourko
Song. "Santa Clans Is Coming. . . .
Play. LackBiiy's Christinas Sur-
prlso Cth, 7th, 8th Grades
Song Second, Third Grades
Dialogue. Hurry's Pockets
Two Hoys
Piny. "Ilrudder JoIiiiboii's Christ
mas Sermon.
Reritullon Florence Edwards
Play. Christmas Sprlto
Sixth and Sovcnth Grades
Song Agiios Llndobock
Hecltatlon. Uhrlstmns Arithme
tic Two glrlB and two boys
Play. Dertha as Teacher
Sixth, Seventh and Highlit Grades
Dialogue. The Oddfellow's Christ
mas Dinner . .Two boys, two girls
Hecltatlon Doris Phillips
Drill ... Second and Third Grades
Tableau. Illrth of Christ.
Song. Stockings Primary
Tho dlfforent rooms In tho Enst
slilu Schools held Informal , pro
grams this afternoon and exchang
ed gifts by drawing names. In MIbs
Fruuso's room, Chrlstmns songs
woro sung, and tho children listen
ed to Dickens Christmas stories
road by .Miss Franso. In Miss Wlck
mau's loom tho children sang songs
nnd gnvo somo vory pretty drills.
Mrs, Thomas' pupils also sang songs
and wont through somo excellent
Clulstiims exorcises.
, .
I rj'iscoi'Aii ciiimoii i
O Llttlo town of nethlchemt
How still wo sco thoo lief
Above thy d6ep nnd dreamless sleep
Tho silent stars go byj
Yet In thy dark directs 'shllieth
The everlasting Light:
Tho hopes nnd fears of alt tho years
Are met In thqqi jtonignt.
Tho fcstlvril of 1h6 Nativity ,
which lias frdnl thb VaVllcBt history
of thd Churbh, beoli the great day
of the Cliitrch ami hhB been com
ntomorated with claborhte Church
services, will bo flttlnkly observed
this Christinas as usual In' tlld Epis
copal Church. Tlicro will bo two
services for which special ruuslc has
been arranged. At tho celebration
of the Holy Communion at 7 a. mi,
the Itcctor urgently nskB all tho
communicants of tho Church to bo
present nnd make their Christmas
Communion. Tho servlco will bo
choral. At 10:30 there will bo n
sorvlce, to which tho general pub
lic Is cordially Invited. This ser
vlco nlBO will bo filled with tho
thought of ChrlstmrtB as arranged
by tho Hook of Common Prnyor.
Tho Hector will preach on tho sub
ject "Lessons of tho Nativity." Tho
Church hns been fittingly decorated
for tho services.
Tho following Is the musical pro
gram for both services:
tf:0U A. M.
Processional Hymn No. 50, "Chris
tians, Awakol" Walnwrlght
Kyrlo Elclson Fort ay
Offertory. Tonor Solo, "Nool:"
Henjnniin Ootllnd
(Violin Obllgato lty F. R. Anthony)
Anthem: "Sing, 0 Heavens.". .Gaul
SanctiiB. nondlctus ntid Agnus Dol
from "St. Cecilia's Mubs". Gounod
Gloria In Ecolsls Schneckor
Nunc DlmtU.I8 Duck
Recessional Hymn No. 57." "Sing
0 Sing", This Ulcsscd Morn."..
.Servlco lOHIO At .M.
Processional Hymn No. -10, "AiIob-
to Fldolls."
Venlto Duck
Gloria Pairl Moritlngton
To Doum (Festival In 13 Flat)..
, v.'. .' Duck
Jubtlnto Deo Schubert
Soprano Solo. "O Llttlo Town of
Dethlcliem." Dames
Miss ncBB Ayro
(Violin Obllgato by F. R. Anthony)
Hymn No. CO. "Angels From tho
Roalms of Gldry" Smart
narltono Solo. "Night of Nlghls."
Van do Water
Andrew Landlea
Antliom. "Thoro Woro Shep
herds." Vlricont
Presentation of Alms. "PralBO
God." DotlrgcolH
HcccBsionnl Hymn No. 51. "Hark
tho Herald Angels Sing."
Organist nnd Choir Dlrticldr Mrs.
Wm. Horsfnll, Jr.
Tho Municipal ChrlstmaB Trco,
for which preparations have boon
made for thb past month, will take
placo on Friday evening at 7.30 In
Guild Hall and n great tlmo Is be
ing looked forward to by tho young
sters, who will be troatod to a visit
from Santa Claus, bringing with
him for each youngstor abundant
good things.
Thoro will bo a shoit ontortaln
mont by tho Sunday School of Em-
"luctory Hemnrks
..S. S, Sunt., W. A. Hold
Sunday School
SltJtlon. "Tim Nlpht Tlofnrn
flJtJuas.'S Erncstmmol)
MAuy in tho Mangor.". . .
r . Primary Doimrtmeut
"tMloh. "If T PnnM Knlf n"i
Crandrtn Does.". .Rowcna Gregg
Urlll riv piii(.
ren from Primdrv Donnrtmont
"Holy Nlcrlit . Phllilrpii
""0 Intrrmllna nsnirlMAiit
"411011. ' nfipnnll)n
1 Solo .
k'Mas EiPI-pInn
. rren Tloll n.l T nulia Tlinmnn
Won. "Christmas Dolls."..
' ... T .. HiilmnMn
11UUU wuilliunv.
"'s Drill . nioht niris
lWU IntnrniaiUnto 'nnnnrtninllt
4tl011 -01il Mnthnr ITnlilinrd'S
tt'ltma8 Cunboard." A....
Ruth Goodwin
' 'uet Mrs.
Christmas services will bo hold In mnnuol Pariah, the cldsscs of Mrs.
tho Norwegian Lutheran Church at Ellott, Mrs. VcbIoI and Mro. Payno,
'Mnrshfiold, Saturday, Christmas Day,
at1 7:45 p. m. Prof. GJerdrum will
hnvo charge of tho music, and Mr.
II H. Ohtllng will sing nt theso ser
vices. Christmas troo with Children's
prograju will bo held Sunday evening
nt S:00 o'clock. Christmas sorvlcoa
will bo lold In the Norwoglan Luth
or'an 9hprch at North Dond, Satur
day, Christmas Day, at 11 a. m.
Christmas treo with children's pro-
LgVnniwlll be held Monday evening
rt 8:00 OClOCKt
jr . . . ....,..'
r l "V-R. di'
. . 1 . lllllll I1U1IDUII
Miss Anna Cox
Helen and
Prelude. Pastores.. ,L. Lamblllotto
Dordesa's Mass h. Dordese
Offeitpry Adesto Fideles
r ?r J. Arranged by Wm. Dressier
Ilenodlctlon. O Salutarls.
Tan'tum Ergo A. H. Rosolng
Postludo. Gloria In Excelsls Deo.
Choir mombers Sopranos, Miss
Laura Dnbay, Mrs. D. L. Knox, Mrs.
M. Dano, Miss E. Hanson, Miss
Leona Hoffman', Miss Margarite Le
cocn, Miss Miller. Altos, Miss Eu
genia Dalglo, Mrs. L. Dalglo. Ten-
ors. .Mr. iukui vuo"". -
Stack. Ignatius Chapman. Dassos,
IJ . Motley "anil W. .AK'ljMalr Dano, Mr. W. J. Murphy.
Klon "Tho Mr'. ChSt- ' Mrs L Dalglo organist and di-
taking part. There will also bo a
side-splitting comedy, entitled "Mrs.
Ruggles' Family," In which MIbs
Helen Corning, one of tho Sunday
School teachers, will takH a lead
ing part, assisted by a dozdh or so
of tho ptiplla from various classos.
Santa Clnus Is scheduled to ap
poar promptly after this Bhorl en
tertainment Is finished.
F611owlng Is the cast of charac
ters In "Tho Ruggles Family."
Mrs. Ruggles Miss Corning
Sarah Maud .... Abblo Ledward
j0ter Howard Lewis
Kitty Ruth Ilalstead
Peoria Helen Merchant
Susan DorothV Dakor
Cornelia Marshall Porham
Clemence Jooy McKeown
EUy Marie Rogers
Baby Larry Jack Mnckln
There will bo a Christinas exor
cise " entitled "The Stocking Drlg
ade" by tho pupils of Mrs. Vestal's
class and songs and rjjcUatlom
from, Mrs. Payne's and Mrs. Elliott's
- ! " X' '' '"'-r
Chrltt'a Perennial1 Love.
The living green of the holly is rur-
gestlvo of the perennial love or .iphui
and tho Bcarlot of tho berry theprlco
that was paid on Calvary, and as tho
circle Is an emblem of eternity tho
wreath might teach us that
Ills mercy flows on cikIImis stream
To all eternity tlie same,
Hymn. "Joy to tho World."
Invocation Pnslor
Selections front Molhcr Gooso In
Rhytrio 1 The Old Woman That
Lived In a Shoe.
Hhymo 2 Jack Ho Nimble.
Hhymo 3 Llttlo Boy Blue.
Rhyme I Ding, Dong Bell.
Hhymo 5 Old King Cole.
Rhyhio C Old Mother Hubbard.
Song. "Merry Christmas."
' Primary Department
Hccltntlon. "Tho Llttlo Lord
Jesus." Lois Hoyden
Recitation. "Christmas Tlmo."
Helen OIboii
Trio. "A Bright Llttlo Star."...'
..Orlalgh, Allcb and Lois Haydcn
Violin Solo. "Rovorio" by Chcou-
voux Donald Gldloy
Recltallon. "It You'ro Good."...
Vornlo Olson
Recitation. "Tho Christinas
Song." Tholma Wilson
8ong. "Christmas Carol."
Primary Department
Christmas Offering.
Dlnloguo nnd Tableaux, "Tho Spin
ner of ChrlstmaB DrcnmB."...
Mothor Hrtlon Perkins.
Nurse Rhodn Anderson,
Children Ruth Corey, Florence
Knrdcll, lima Lnilgworthy,
Allco Douglas,
KIvob Vornlo Anderson, Cnth
'orlno Lnngworthy, Mabel Nel
son, Marlon Kardoll, A I loo
Holmes, Marlon Gldloy.
Tableau 1 Tho Angles.
Anblcnu 2 Tho Shophords.
Tableau 3 Tho Wlso Men.
- Tableau 4 Josoph and Mary.
A'rrlval of Santa Claus.
l5lstrlbutlon of Treats,
Opening Song "Joy Bplls."
Sunday scliool
Prayer n'. H. Campbell
Recitation. "If I Could Knit Llko
Grandma" .Lillian Mnjor
Hecltatlon. "When I vas a Llttlo
Doy" Donald Kolloy
Song. "JiiBt ft L((tld Empty
Stocking" Biimlny School
Dlnloguo. "Chrlstinaa"' Lillian Mn
jor, Edna Clarko, Irvlno Mooro,
Leonard Drooklcr.
Hocltntlon. "Hall tho King."....
Edyth Stcckol
Recitntlon. "Llttlo Drops of Wat-
6r" , . . . Douyla' Harrington
Song. "Hurrah for Good Old
Santa Claus .... Vesla Schwartz
Recitation. "A Tale, ' of Christ
mas" Joyce Foster
Song. "Tho 8tory Thnt Santa
Claus Told" Sunday Scliool
Recitation. "Just Beforo Christ
mas" Wm. Clarko
Vocal Solo. "It Cnmo Upon tho
Midnight Clear.". .Mrs. O'Connor
Sohg. Hobo Molouoy, Joyco Fostor,
nnd Gladys Major.
Reading Mrs. Wm. Phillips
Rocitatlon. "Christmas Evo on tho
Moor" Olive Mooro
Song or Glory By Scliool
Hocltntlon. "Chrlstmns Snow
Flakes." Edith Gibson
Song. "Como, Thou Almighty
King" School
Primary Drill Six Children
Vocal Solo Vesta Schwartz
Recitation Ilattlo Rushing
Song. "Beautiful Bolls.... School
Drill. "The Bolls." Ten Boys
Recitation. "Tho Christmas Star"
Edna Parks
Song. "Echo of tho AngoU' Song"
ScrliHufo Reading. Rcspbnstvo.
Mandolin Solo ....Violet Roberson
Recitation Andrew Landlcs
Vocnl Duct. Doris Phillips nnd Elslo
Rocitatlon Frances Sacchl
Reading "Following tho Star."
Howard Schwartz
Song. "Sing of tho Christmas
Morning" School
Holding Lo Hoy Schwartz
Sj"-. "Herald Yo DoIIh,", ..School
r. A. Sacchl, Suporlntondont of
Sunday School. "
Song. "Joy to tho World."
Song. "Sleep Child Divine.". .School
A Welcomo Speech . . Hnrwood Hall
Recitation. "Tho First Chrlst-
mns" Eleanor Drown..
Hccltntlon. "My Invited Guests."
Lois Black
Song. "Vision of Beauty."....
Recitation. "Christmas Sunshine"
Kntherlno Hudlof f
Reeitatlon Dorothy Murphy
Recitation. "Just Mnko Homo uno
HnPliy" Rubv Wrlchf
Recitation. "What They Said."..
Frances Hnll
Song. "Llttlo Stnrs so High" ...
Primary Department
Hodltatlon. "Our Mothers.". . .
Alono Hose, Donald Hobo, Hay
Hardmnn nnd Ncttlo Boles.
Hccltntlon. "A noy'a Prosont."..
Morvln Hlnman
Recitation. "Tho Christmas Cap
tain." ciydo Brown
Song. "Wo Seek Our King."...
Class of BoyB
Hccltntlon. "Grandma's Wish,"..
Virginia Brown
Rocitatlon Marlon Taylor
Hecltatlon. "Tlio 'Olvo Away'
Prosont." Gortrudo Brown
Song. "8cok Him." ..Class of Girls
Hccltntlon. "My Gift"
Evorctt Harrington
Recitation. "Hnng up Baby's
Stocking.'' Marjory Mauzoy
Recitation. "Brighten tho Win
dow" Howard Vlors
Quartet. "Royal llabo 111 Rest So
Recitation. "The CliMstniaB Mes
sage Floroiico Piorco
Recitation. "ChrlslmaB Postofflco"
Hocltntlon Frnnces Flanagan
Anthem. "Stnr of tho Eastern
Sky." choir
Song. "It Cnmo Upon tho Mid-
night Clear." Scliool
Group of Primary Children
Dialogue. "Romombor Docombor"
Primary Department
Motion Song "Llttlo 8tnrs"
March and ChrlstmnK Acrostic...
Dorothy Snow, Jlmmlo Mills, An
na Olson, Donald Wilson, Cnlista
Walters, Ruobou Lyons, Margaret
Fourier, Lawrcnco Clirhtoiison,
Evelyn Koontz,
Recitation Donald Ross
Vocal Solo Viola Scalfo
Recitation Miss Evn Hanson
Vlctroln "StUlo Nncht Holllgo
Storr of Chrlstmns. .. .J. T. Brand
Song. "O Llttlo Town of Both-
lohom" School
Christmas Play. "Tho Gift of
Shephord's DaUghtor, Wllmn
King's Daughtor, Helen Reus.
Mllonh, Ellzaboth Jones,
8hophords, Irono Fourier, Eve
lyn Fourlor, Jcanetto Wilson.
Kings, Clara Ferguson, Stella
Chrlstcnson, Maxlno Jones.
Angola, Doris Gnlbralth, Dor
othy Ferguson, Gortrudo Stub
bloflold, Edna Reos, '.Mabel
Snoddoti, Marlon Wilson, Bess
Mnry, Edith Ayrv
Joseph, Isnbollo Ferguson.
Distribution of Girts, Santa Claus
Benediction, Mr. Stubbleflold.
I eahthhh: narcissus clud
df ' ' t .ammmmWnWS H
c4 fZmmmmmmiMwfMmi L
rmmmmm &
nl '5 i,'v--' a- IflHiBH'f wl ' h mf ' ir
4. t v p &7mmmmmmmmmmmmyj rx ? wr 1 w 1 .
9 , '
On Saturday evening tho Sunday
School or tho North Bond Presby
terian Church will give tho fol
lowing progrnm:
Song Congregation
Prnyor Hev. J. S. Stubbleflold
Song Primary Department
Hccltntlon Elmer Larson
Hocltntlon .... Kuthryn Lnngouborg
Plnno Solo Edith Simpson
Hocltntlon Mildred HubboII
Hocltntlon Donnld Dlers
Duet Fay Imlioff, . . Evolyn Johnson
Recitation Jack Burns
Hccltntlon Ruth Walters
Solo Evelyn Johnson
Drill. "Star of tho East."
Girls of Sunbcaln Class
..Esther nnd Margaret Reynolds
Cnrlotrruo Glfto
What can I alvo him.
Poor as I nm?
If I wero a ohephord
I would brlno n lamb.
If I ware n wico man
I would do my part;
Yet what I can I qIvo him
Qlvo my heart..
Christina Rosttttl.
Christmas alfts for thee,
Qrsnd and frool
Christmas alfts from the King of Love,
Drought from his royal homo above,
Brought to thee In tho farolf land,
Brought to theo by hie own dear hand.
Promises hold by Christ for thee,
Peaco oa n rlvor flowing free,
Joy that In his own joy mutt live
And lovo that Infinite lovo can give.
Surely thy heart of hearts uplifts
Carols of pralto for such Christmas
Frances Ridley Havergal.
Tho Sunday School pupils of tho
North Bond Methodist Church will
givo a Juvenile contain tomorrow
ovenlng entitled "How Santa Ex
plained." Following lu tho cast
or characters.
Santa Carl Raab.
Mrs. Santa Clara Swccnoy.
Nlcodomus Oury Hlsoy.
Five discontented children Do
ris Gubscr, Nolllo Wllmot, Hoy
Hndduck, Hurley Holm and Willie
Jack-in-the-box Chester Rngslad
Peter Piper Edward Laird.
Tom Irvine Schrlvor.
Skimpy Lesllo Hindi.
Bill Bcnnlo Hadduck.
Other characters Dolls, pies,
Puddings, etc.
Tho cotitnta Is being given under
tho direction of Mrs. E. L. Coo.
Tho Vision of tho Angels.
Tlicro It Juvo In tho will, truth In the
understanding, pence on earth, good
will iiiuong men. Tho sight of such n
glorious vision, even In the dim din
tinice of future ago, kindled the holy
affections of the ungollo host until their
Joy burst forth Intonunutheninf probe
thnt filled tho heavens with harmony.
"Glory to God In tho highest, on earth
pence, good will among men." Let im
take up tho refrain, mid let tho enrth
ro-echo tho snug "Glory to God In the
highest, nu enrth pence, good will to
men." Hev. Chnuncey Giles.
Haro your LETTint heads, bill
hoadB, ote, printed at THE TIMES
Cbc Infant Christ In Hrt
"The Man of Sorrowi."
The Kirt.hnvo tl.ilr summons ns wH
ns tho glad, and the desolate. HUp tho
blessed, must answer t tho greilt rail
of tho Christ spirit w.iU'h Ingslhrougii
the world. Ho whoio siicrcd birth wo
celehinto wn nbovo all else n man of
MiiinwK. To many a human heart- till
Is the dearest of il titles. Whoever
liun. tinuhlo ns .ij did? Whoever so
grandly lifted tho burden? Who so1,
quietly nnd patiently and pleasantly, if
one uny s.iy so, accepted tlio j
of lotx?' Who so llung his own misery I
out of sight nnd sound? Who so ut
terly quenched himself and his per '
sonal pang lu tho happiness and the)
comfoit of others? Tliero ho stands, j
sorrowful ami smiling, n spotless rolr-ror,
Opening romnrks nnd prnyor. . .
H. C. Kittson
Song. "Pralsu .Him." ,..,.. Choir
Hecltatlon Francos Vineyard
Hocltntlon Mrs. Carl WoBt
Dialogue. "The Exiles" Seven Boys
College Bong Threo BoyH
Hccltntlon '. John L. Johnson
Instrumental Solo. W. H. Cavanaugh
Recitation James Mcilalo
Song. "I Wish I Had n Homo,
Swcot Home." .... Wllla Byorly
Recitation. "Tho Convict's Qhrlst-
mas Wm. Steckdl
Song .... t Four Girls
Recitation. "Death Doomed.". .
, , . , Mabel Bonobrako
Song. "Oh I List to the Notes."..
v. Choir
-" ' "i J "
The birthday of Sympathy.
Christmas day li tho birthday of
sympathy, human nnd divine. There
was sympathy In the world boforo
Christ was horn, but the words, work
mid personality of Jesus givo to It now
moaning mid mnko It universal.
True sympathy ret upon unlveisnl
brotherhood nnd Hint upon the mil
Veisnl fatheihood of aod.-Ho Clint le
H. Eaton,
HT no seabon of the year docs hu
mail thought so clrvlu lire und
tho Christ Child as nt Chrbt
luastlde, when the iiugulic
chorus hlngs iigutu the heavenly mes
sage "Olory to God In tho highest; on
earth peace, good will to men." Of
course all lovers of art bow beforo tho
pictures which represent tho life of
Christ from tho tlmo of his birth to
his crucifixion nnd resurrection und as
ceuslou. v
One writer says: "Theio was nu ele
ment in Christian art that classic art
uoter admltted-that is, mi tiering The
ouc central flguro that In the splendor
of his dlvlno beauty has consecrated
art forever, wns It not that of the
It Is to the pictures of tho Chi 1st
Child rather than as man that he in
tention Is especially directed nt this
season. The holy night, iho Nativity
when as a babo he was (nulled In a
manger; the adoration of the shop
ierds, tho visit of the wise uhii tiu
night into Egypt, tho presentation In
tho templo, besides tho holy fainlly
and the Madrniiin, have been subjects
of the masterpieces of tho world's
greatest artists
Theso subjects of courSQ have wea,
mid held the Imagination of a long line
of'nrtlsts whoso names would const'
tutu a veritable roll of honor. At ran
dom oiio recalls tho names of Glotte,
linns Memllng. Maiitcgna,GhirInndalo,
Duter, Tintoretto, Titian. Rubens, Vau
Dyck, Botthelll. Hembrandt, Murlllo,
Coneggio. Fra Angellco and El Greco.
Hi modern nrt tho gospel story no
longer holds Its old place, perhnps, save
ntnoug the very devout. But en a sec
ondary artistic lovel the seulpturo rwI
paintings sold for uso in churches show
Unit i he events attending the Infancy
of ChrM luue, nct td thOJo pf th
criiclllxlon. the widest currency in re
resiuitatlon. Mnnyf the planter ftg
Hies, too. bought fer home decorathw
represent sceues about the manger I
Bethlehem, nnd so It Is ntao wth col
ored prints, paintings und lithographs.
i ;
.A 5
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In3-" Ruth Jn-' i rector