FOUR THE GOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 15 EVENING EDITION. ! m t 1 t I H A l ll 7. COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY, Editor and Pnb. DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor Official Official Paper of Taper City Coos County of Mnrsliflold. Entered at tho Postoff ice at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malli a second-class mall matter. J WITH THE TOAST 2 AND THE TEA X An independent Republican news paper, published every evonlng ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos Bay Times Publishing Co. SUBSCMPTION IIAIES DAILY. year 6.00 month GO WEEKLY. ear 11.50 "en paid strictly In ndvanco tho eubscilptlon pilco of tho Coos nay Times is $5.00 per year or $2.60 for Ix months. Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES. Ono Per Ono y Wh"c $$ t EUROPEAN WAR ONE t t YEAR AGO TODAY t $ DEC. 2.1, 1011 GOOD EVENING A good man out of tho good treasure of his heart brlngoth forth that which Is good; and an evil man out of tho ovll trcasuro of his heart bilngcth fort that which Is ovll; for out of the tibun- danco of his heart his mouth speaketh. St. Luke, vl, 45. THE DK HAM OF THE CIIIUSTMAS HELLS The Joy of Giving The In Russian troops trap and practically aitnlhllato tho Twonty-slxth Austrian hrlgado on the road to Cracow. Tho Russians capturo -1,000 prls oners In tho fight In tho Carpathians. Tho Allies mude slight progress in' Flanders. ' Tho French parliament voted $1, 700,000,000, credit! to meet expenses of tho war. CHRISTMAS PHOVEItllS A girl and n gift that Is duplicated are soon parted. IIo who gives nml gets nway "May live to got another day. little children of tho world, the cities and tho dells, They walk the way to Christmas Day they dream of the Christ mas bolls. And tho wind may wall Through tho winter night, But out o tho dark Streams tho Christmas Light. In dream they go o'er tho hills of snow to tho land where tho world's Joy dwells; Hand In hand to tho lovely land to tlib chime of tho Christmas bolls. Loud cries tho wind Through the winter night, Hut bright through tho dark Streams tho Christmas Light. Frank L. Stanton Some Coos Bay peoplo who do tho hesitation waltz hcsltato too (long- on their partner's feet. THE MODKRN VERSION Peoplo who livo In. glass houses should not glvo telescopes. A little turkoy now and then Means money to tho mnrkot mon. All Is not gold that( glitters on a bracelet or watch chain. Absence of presents from hor host young man makes tho heart of tho Cooh Hay girl grow fond or of tho other fellow. COMMUNITY CIIIUSTMAS TREE THR cpmmunlty Christmas tree which Mnrshflold Is to bo fa . vorcd with this Christmas, should provo n morltorlous enrich ment of communal social life. It belongs to tho right side of our oh nervnncu of Christmas. This Is tho nttltudo of fellowship and mutual happiness. Tho thoroughness with which tho' promoters will cover this soctlon means that every poor family and oery kiddle will bo romomborod. It Is un object worthy of support and encouragement, Forgivo our dohts as wp Forglvo our dentists. I havo a friend who nover1 buys her Christmas junk too soon Sho says: " I wish tho stores would sell their stuff till Christmas noon." Sho'o tho snmo girl, you know of her who used to havo a beau. Sho'kopt putting off tho wedding till tho poor man had to blow. HUBBY'S DEDUCTION' Wlfo bought my Christmas girt to day; I'gucsB things ovory time, I know It was my gift bocauso Sho asked mo for a dime. ANON OK COU1ISK THE11E IS A SANTA CLAUS GHILDHEN, don't hollovo It if anyone tells you thoro .isn't any Santa Claus. Thero Is, thoro was, nnd thoro always will bo. Ho Is a Jolly old gentleman, who loves all hoys and girls, and their fathers and their mothers, too. Ho may not drivo reindeer through tho nir ns ho used to do, and thoro limy bo peoplo who can't sco him, but ho travels nil around tho world still be tweqn midnight, of December 21 nnd midnight of Docoinbor 25, and tlious. anils and millions of peoplo sco him ovory yenr, This dear, loving, lovnblo man is the spirit of geuoroslty nnd kindness nnd uusolflshncs's. Ho is ovory person rich and poor, big or small, man or woman, boy on. girl who likes peoplo nnd tries to muko them hnppy. Saint Nicholas, whom tno Dutch in Holland called Santa ClatiB for short, was ono of that Bort of peo llo and gnvo his namo to tho spirit of Christmas, Tills spirit travels around tho world nnd makes his prosonco known by ovorybody giving glfs to thoso whom thoy llko nnd bolng kinder than usual nnd trying ,t,Q inako oyerybody olso happy and comfortable' J Santa Cluus grows moro gonorous nnd..j. thoughtful every yoar. IIo uoosni qvorioojc nair so many poor and hungry and badly clothed pco , plo, as ho. nsed to. Ho visits hun dreds and thousands of homes now that ho novor know of boforo. Ho can't boar tho sight of an empty stocking oi tho thought of a disap pointed child on Christmas morn ing, Ho has Hworji In tho Good Fel lows In every town to toll him of such stockings and children, and has told tho,n to holp him. Ho wants you to roniomhor that you nro celobratlng tho birthday of a Child and to try in your way as much as you can to honor It by making somo othor child hnppy, Tho beautiful Christmas day will moan over so much moro to you and you yourselves will bo much happier if you try to inako It n hnppy day for ovorybody olso. Coon Bay peoplo who say things got tho roputntlon of blunt. sharp bolng Why don't wo wrlto a Jlnglo On tho Joyous peaco of Christmas? Thoro nro no words to rhymo with It From Alaska to tho Isthmus. MYSTERIOUS PACKAGES Beneath tho bed, Or In tho shed; In hidden nook Or 'noath tho book; Behind tho clock, Or coat or frock Wo know Tho Christmas ' Presents lay And sonio aro big And Bonio aro small And somo nro short, And sonio nro tall, But we must not (Our parents any) E'en tnko A look 'til Christmas day. WHY FOUGHT 'EM Whon yon count up tho worries that ontor somo lives Do not stop 'Til you add in tho husbands who go with tholr wives Whon thoy shop, ANON J NEWS OF OREGON X $ COItVALLIS J. D. Farroll, pros lilont of tho O. It. nnd N. railroad will exhibit somo of his flno horsos during the farmers' weok at tho ag ricultural collego. COTTAGE GUOVB John J. Lnno, a resldont of Orouon slnco 1S92. died nt his homo, aged 81 years. ( BEAVKHTON Rossi's saloon was ontored by burglars and about $200 worth of stock taken. INDEPENDENCE D. M. Mattl scn, who died nftor nn illness or sov bral years, was burled by tho Elks. SALEM A cow testing associa tion, Is bolng formed by somo of tho Tarmors. FUEEWATER Tho Httlo town of Vincent, sovon miles west or Frce wotor, Is to bo known hereafter ns Umnplno, nfter an. old Indian chief. ROSEBURG A delegation from tho Y. M. C. A. of tho University of Oregon hold u meeting for tho boys at tho city. EUGENE Soyoral of tho largo stores pt tho. city have employed de tectives to watch for sh,op lifters. 1 here are many joys of living in this wdrld of hopes and friends There are sympathy and kindness, which for sorrow make amends; ' There is tenderness to sweeten, when the heart is smitten sore, There is humor which .can brighten It when life becomes a bore; There is wisdom, born of trouble Gain may come from every loss; ' There is courage which may guide us to the gold beneath .the dross; TIiqcq nro Ima rmrl linma onrl olilMi-an Aliloli ron mnlo tho MIUIU UIU IUIU UIIU IIUIIIU UMU UIIIIUIkHI, IIIUII UUII IIILUW .JLIIU heart rejoice, ' j Though one meet a thousand failures in thei calling of 'Mils choice There are countless joys of living, if we win or if we fall, But the simple joy of giving is the very best of all,. What were love and home and children, what were friends and hopes and dreams, ' What were victories and triumphs, what were strategies and schemes, '.2'I2. What were struggle and achievement, what were riches, pow er or place, What were any of the many fleeting phantoms that we chase, If we could not see the dancing eyes of little ones made glad, Or the mother's calmer rapture, or the joyous girl or lad, Or the withered cheeks made rosy, or the wan cheeks made to smile, Or the bitter, one made tender, oven for a little while, By some thoughtful gift or token, though the token be but smallr Yes, the simple joy of giving, is the very best of all- CATCHING SANTA CLAUS bvGGODLOE THOMAS V ""Isszj UiAjBBBLd2if2i Copyrldht, 1013, by Americin PrcM Anoclntlon m m$ 'LL tell yoii something honest I've seen Santa Claus; I stayed awake last night and saw him, so I did. They sent me 'off to bed real early, just because They had a party for my growed up sister, Sid. But I peeked out, and there he was-r old Santa same As in his pictures, fur.and whiskers round his head And eyes just like Jim Perry's, him they call Sid's "ffome" I don't know why unless it's 'cause his hair is red. II D jJrTWtfil J i jjr B Mltty E came, old Santa did, when no j one saw but me, I And I was scared to death to be ! so close to him, And run to hide myself behind the x Christmas tree, And thanked my stars becausethe light in there was dim. But, sakes alive, old Santa followed right in, Xzo, And made me tremble, for I thought, "He's on my track!" Then Sid came in to fasten holly up, and, o-o-h, If Santa didn't walk right up and kiss her smack I UST then I sneezed, achoo! I tried like everything To keep it back and Sid and Santa Claus they come And pulled me out, and Santa said' he'd never, bring His gifts to boys that stayed up latQ, while Sid stood dumb And red till I began to cry, then said, oh, well, She'd take me to my room and I could make believe I dreamed it all, and I said, "Yes, and 1 won't tell About that kiss I dreamed, to make Jim Perrygrieve," M . "f X , 1 SUNDAY 8CH00L CHRIST MAS TREE. This la n custom practiced by a Sumlay BChool -whero tho children nro nil of tho wealthy class, but It Is a plan that many schools may llko to try. On the platform stand1 n beau tiful largo treo mado gay -with ornaments nnd lights, but to tally devoid of presents. Tho classes assemble, each pupil bringing n gift, marked "for n n clrl" or "for a boy," with tho age of the recipient writ ten on, too, so thoso who make the distribution will havo somo Idea which Is tho pack ago to give to "who." Tho gifts are carefully wrap ped and made Just ns "Christ masy" looking ns possible. When tho class roll Is called responses nro made by each class going forward and lay ing their offerings bcsldo tho tree. In return each child Is handed nn ornngo and n small box of candy, this treat being usually provided by some wealthy parishioner who Is fond of the children nnd who does not work regularly in the Sunday school. Christmas carols nnd n short service follow, nnd tho next day tho presents nro taken to tho city mission or somo spe cial charity. Toys and books that are In perfectly good con dition nro accepted, but only such nrtlclcs ns may bo of fered without compunctions of conscience to ono of God's lit tle ones. This general clearing bonne Is a splendid idea, and the children lenm tho lesson of pnsslng on what has given tbcnl pleasure. A dear Httlo mother snys that her children wero Interested nil the year In trying to keep their toys "nice" for the salto of the "other child's Chrlstnms." &&mvmimGm Letters to Santa Claus IS' fefy If ', " - Don't Forget to Provide for Sunday We will be closed all day Saturday Christmas Day Wolcotts Grocery Broadway and Market- l Phone 97 RffiSfi 1 llTII tho approach of Christ mas each year tho Santa Claus Association of Now York, which each Christmas tries to answer tho requests of thousands of poor children who would othorwlso recclvo no presents Christmas morning, receives hundreds of letters each day from nil parts of tho United States and Canada. lielow aro a few of tho hun dreds of letters received by tho association. Tho first Is from u little girl in tho Hrnnx: Dear Bantu CIuuh-Do you ltvo far? Would you plcano como up my house Clirlstmaa dny7 J, Itoao, ten yeiirn of uko, wants n doll; John, coven, wants a cn Blno; Alice, about live, wants a doll; lloatrlcc, just moro than three, wanti n net of dishes, nnd Amlrow, not two yot, wants a Teddy benr. V. 8. I hopo to Ret what I nsk for. I am very poor, nnd my father In not working. Your Ht tlo friend, ItOSB . This letter was received from n Httlo girl whoso homo Is on tho west sldo not fnr from Times square: Dear Santa Clnus-I heard about your irreat kindness to poor chil dren, and I hopo you will bo good to us. I havo a Httlo crlpplo sis ter and u baby slater nnd brother. My Httlo crlpplo sister Is only Ave, nnd my pnpn has been out of work all euinincr, I hopo you will answer oon und won't for get us. Your Httlo Klrl friend, IIAItlllUT . A slx-ycnr-old lad whoso homo Is la a distant part of Drooklyn sent this letter to tho general postolllce. Tho let ter wns forwarded to tho Santn Claus association: Pcnr Sinty I wonts a nlco email train, not a expcnslvo ono ono that's Just strong and will last lonK tlmo. This Is all I want, nnd wo enn't afford nothlnj: this winter. Youri, truly, DONALD . This letter hns been received from n child whoso homo Is In n small town In tho northern part of Ontario, Canada: Dear Friend Santa Claus I nm a very Httlo girl, not ten years old, and both my parents nro very poor, nnd they said they couldn't Urlns- mo nothing thlu Christmas, and what I want Is a pair of Ico skates and, If you can spnro them, also n pair of hockey boots. Your Httlo friend, MABEL . . I.Ittlo Miss Mnbel's sovon-year-old sister, Kthcl, nlso ask ed for a pair of skates and ndded that sho would consider the gift "a very beautiful nud likewise n precious one." Most of tho letters nro pa thetic, of course, but tho asso clutlou also receives somo very ludicrous requests. Musical Christmas Tree Holder, For tho Christmas treo a holder which will cVrtalnly delight tho cull dren wns placed on tho market several years ago. Tho holder consists of a j nickel plated base, contnlplug n music box. Tho treo Is hold firmly by threo strong prongs and screws. Vhen . wound up tho music begins to play, nnd the Christmas treo slowly revolves. ' This makes n fine effect. The bolder 1 Is simply constructed, nnd tho treo can bo fastened In It In little tlmo. No 1 matter how largo or how small the enso of tho tree, the prongs enri bo .quickly adjusted to hold It Jlrmly In plnce. It Is very desirable to have tho Christmas treo stand Urmly. Order Your sPL a f 1 in , i uinsiiiias anes anna rastnes from Coos Bay Bakery Christmas cakes, full line of breads We will have a choics line of pies and pastries-in addition to a and other delicacies. - Housewives, why go to the bother of baking, tiring yourself out, when you g et, even better goods from us at such reasonable pfjecs?' We are prepared to bake special orders. ' Coos Bay Bakery Marshfield . North Bend A SiaB ROM SORROW When I havq'moffjoy In tho bank I do not dread-tomorrow; t " i " ' Tho dollarssaved, ono dally finds, K, !jtV "; Shlqldifronia lof'of sorrow. , t, i. . , 1 . .' First Bank Marshfield, N ational of Coos Bay 1 Oregon tk: V - A Christmas $.$ TIMES WANT ADS t t GET RESULTS i ssuon .. . . Something ..Now: A JSnvJiisN Account for tho Hnhy. It" wlli'Vtdd llaby Jnleioht nnd grow largo. If you nro looking for n useful nnd practical Clirlstmns Gift ono that will bo IonK reniotnberod call on us and let us explain our Savings Sjttem to you. Wo glvo a hnndsonio bank AHSO LUTKrA' vmm with ovory account opened with us whllo tho account continues. Flanagan & Bennett Ban! MAR-SHFIELD, OREGON - m