r r JOOSjAYTIMES, MARSHFlELk, OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1915 EVENING EDITION. THREE, AdYaimtag of Thesi Enterprising firms' Offers and Ym Will H ' f ? a,:' i . r ?.&& v ,. sr r0& f jm.. ? ' M E1UI X 4 . W.XV. " mxr 7y vm lW9 Vk.viw.vt.xv v-1 SVT Q i If " " " : ,!." .del Caslh Grocery's JFke Cluirisitinnias Goods $S Wo hnvo h roniDlolo supply of fruits," vegetables, nuts and tlio other good tilings Hint will nialto tlio Christians' dinner the beat over. Anions the especially choice products wo lmvo Carlson's Hot liouso Lettuce. Order early and romombor to make provision for Sunday, as wo will bo closed nil day Snturdny. A Merry Christinas and Happy Now Year is our wish for all. el Cash (Grocery Commercial nvciuie, near Front. riiono -liliJ FINEST QUALITY CIIHIST.MAS CAKKS PIKS AM) PASTHY TIIK PUHK, DK- LICIOUS KIND. ' WK V'lhh HK GLAD TO FILL SPKCIAL OHDKUS GIYKX 1IK FOUK FHIDAY NIGHT. MARSHFIELD BAKERY Phono 128 Second, near Central YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER WILL TASTE BETTER IF YOU GET YOUR Tuurkey, Diack or Goose From FoMiriar's Market r THIS 1IOMK OF GOOD MKATS . "" PIcnso Ordor Knrly Ucmcmhcr our Lard Specials No. :t cans, 15c; No. 5 cans, flBc; ' No. 10 cans, tfl.25. Phone 221 Marshfield Phono 51 North Bend hrisbnas Gifts fcr Al Wo niiulo a special endeavor In selecting our Christmas lino of .loneiry, to secure gifts that would bo appropriate for nil. Fverjouo knows Hcrtruiu'H nuullty every article, being guar anteed to bo just as represented, You will find our price!, most reasonable. Wo will bo pleased to show ou our stock. y Fo Wo Bertram Marshfield JKWKLKU Powors lencan Ban A Gift which will be most appropriate and valu able is a SAVINGS ACCOUNT You Can Start With SI. 00 or More. HO URS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 Christmas Snap For a real Christinas present that will do mmiio good, ' tnko out a policy of Insurance Jn Mutual Life, 'of r New York. ASSETS 611 MILLIONS Mresr J 1 Henry engstacken PUGSLEY'S CANDY SANTA CIjAUS' CHOIC'KST GUT. For young and old; for maid or man; ClirlstmuH will not bo quite complcto without a bov of theso choice eonfectlous. They' 1110 mado in Mar.shflcld, aro absolutely pure nud made in n most Miiultary hhop. All know tlio delicious tasto and nl-o ones insist on PUGSLEY'S CANDY You will find them for sale at the following up-to-date Marsh field stores: Geo. 13. Cook Gro... Chandler Clgnr Stand Snnltnry Food Store. Olllvant & Nasburg.. Winkler's Pharmacy. . Marshfield News Co... Herman Hillycr .... A. E. Dimont Pioneer Oroccry D. Y. Stafford . Geo. Gettlngs Clins. stnuff . . . t McCtitchcou's lied Cross Norton & Hansen . . H. M. Sartcr Shamrock Grocery . . Davis & Ashman . . Illnnco Cigar Storo. Husy Corher Wolcott's Grocory . . Warnor's Grocory . . Alex Johnson Club Cigar Storo . .. Union Cigar Storo . . Conro's Storo. King & Graudell . . W. H. Dlndlngor Co. Thorwnld-Llndborg Connor & Hoagland. IInrkcn8Co Grocery., Mynott's Grocory . . Cal Wright's. Marshfield Grocery . Useful Christmas Gifts FOU TIIK MAX A Ituor, n Nice Pocket Knife, n Flashlight nnd ' many other useful gifts. ' ' FOU TIIK JIOUHKWIFK A Percolator, a Curving Set, Game Shears, Nut Picks, K(c. FOU TIIK HOY A knife, a Wagon, a Trlcyclo, or Tools of, any kind. . . FOU UKAIj UKKKUIj GIFTS, SKK OUH WINDOW " . Ekblad & Son Front Street -IIAHDWAltK- Marshflold Toys Toys AND OTHER CHRISTMAS JOYS FOR THE GIRLS AND BOYS VSKI'TIi GUTS FOU TIIK GUOWNUPS j u' . Burpee's 5-10- ". 15 cent Store Where Your Money Go's Furthest "1 C!(0)fce Qui I Pkasf FOU TIIK CHHISTMAS FKAST Wo hnvo Just prepared for tlio Clirlstinus trudo onio of tlio Finest, Fancy Stall-fed Hoof over shown In Coos Comity tuid its Coos County product, too. Wo also lmvo soma Cliolco Veal, Luiiib and Mutton, also. GKKSK TUHKKYS CHIOKKXS .UNION MARKET J. K. FOUI) At CO.MPAXY. 171 South Hroudwuy ' T Phono (58-J BRING YOUR WIFE IN N ' ' AND GET HER A NICE '" y"r- STYLISH HAT FOR CHRISTMAS V '' " It Will Make llor Happy . 'ft WK ALSO 1IAVK MANY OT1IKU NICK GIFTS Tlbe Panama North Front Street Marshfield Before the New Year I Will Be In My New Location It's only a block away, unci I will be better equipped than ever to turn out work that will please you. Service that sutlsflci you is the only thing that ttatlsflcs me, Let mo make your "glad rags" real glad for this glad season. JAY DOYLE i TAILOHIXfl CLKANIXa, PHKSSIXQ fill call anywhdre any time. ' ii 1 L 'W 4 Christmas Candies Our lioine-iuado pure ran dies me one of tho urcntcxt tlellrncies jon ran offer nt ChrlsttniH, or any other time. No parafflno or starch. Special Christmas boCH, pure haud rolled, (lo cents to i .no. Fineit iiuullty bulk rhoco lates, jicr pound, -Hlc to BOc. Flno mixed candles, per tittlnd, 2(1 cents. Pure Ico ereaui, t Muiphy Phillips The . Taffy Tavern il'K Central Avenuo Telephone lit! - i Maishrield - Oregon Gifts for the i Entire Family You will bo surprlBod to 'find how far your Christmas money will go hero. You will find something for overybody nnd tho prices most reason able. Hero aro a fow sug gestions Pocket Flashlights Meerschaum and Hrlar Pipes Cigars In Ninas Hovci Christmas Candles Children's Games Children's Hooks Dolls and Doll Heads Charllo Chaplin,. Dolls Don't forget our Mngulno Subscriptions Marshfield News Company Formerly Frleen's. Central Avenue FOR BOY OR MAN id I Get your Christiana Kifts for -HIM ut tho atofo HE would go to HONING GI.OVKS, AUTO GI.OVKS, POGKKT KN1VKS, POOK KT FliAHHIdGHTS, HUNTING KN1VKS, FISHING TACKIjK, IJI CYCMJ Till 1-M "THE GUNNERY" Sportsmen' Heudquarterti "' I Front Street vIS j, x t r. w Xmas Specials Stauff Grocery Co. Phono 102' "' S TUHKKYS DUCKS , OHICKKXS I S HOOTH OYSTKUS FHKS1I KASTKHN i . N. Y. COUNTS, BO-73 Cuus FINXAX HAHIUK FHKSH, SHUIMP MKA1 . On Steamer Kilburu Thursduy -S . Hrusseli Sprouts Fresh Spinach ..-.. Ciicuiubers Tomatoes flTWt Hell Peppers YW Hunch Hadlsbes $? Jluuch Turnips Cauliflower, Celcrj-, Lettrfee Plenty of KvorythiHg lu' Vcgetableti a . . FHEs?" CIDKR 30 rents per gallon the -filtered kind -is A Agent 2.1(1 Central Avenuo Phono 2.10