r r -p p, "-v-!"" Tf " THE COOS BAT TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1&16-EVENING' EDIT(QN.j. '7 f f1 TWp -lL, . . i IS SKCHKTAHY OP OUKGOS COM MISSION SAYS IT 1IHLIMM) MUCH IMilhlt froim TIiIh Locality Is On tho Way to tirtlniul to Ho 'Shown There ' A loiter from J. A. Ward, who had chhrgo of the Coos-Curry exhib it at tho San Francisco exposition, 'tliRiiklng tho Times for assisting In tho work, states that tho hulk of tho Coos-Curry exhibit is on tho way 'to Portland whoro It will become n pnrt of a pormanont oxhlblt on tho first floor of the Commercial Club bitlldlnK. Mr. Ward nlso Inclosed a letter from Clcorgo M. Hyland, managing secretary of thd Oregon Commission, In which tho Coos-Curry oxhlblt and Mr. Ward himself aro greatly prais ed for tho part played hi the Ore gon building. Sortie Additional ": ' ' ' Christmas Programs UNITED IlItETHItEX CHUItCII Tho United Urthcrn Church of North Uond, will observe Chrlatinns this evening with a trco and Inter esting program for tho children. 4 NOHTH JIKXI) CIIHISTIAX ' CIIUKCH 4 Tho program which will bo Ivcn by tho North Demi Christian Church this evening is as follows: Song School Prayer Row Mr. Prlco Heading Myron Clurnca 'Recitation Molvln Hunter Snow Shovelers Thrco Roys Star Song , Thrco Olrls Recitation Roland James Mediation Iono Unlloy Dialogue "Santa .Clnus' Chil dren." Infant Class Recitation Edith Yarbrough Song School Mediation Hobart McDauiol Mediation Pearl Yarbrough lAnthom Choir Ulaloguo. "Who Is Old Santa?".. Four Rovb Rccltnllon Morrlcl Jackson Reading Mrs. Fltzpntrlrk Recitation Teddy Frost Comet Solo Irvine Roro Recitation Ilolon Jackson Rocltntlon Florcnco HudBon Recitation Ocno Frost Song. "Holy Night.". Two Girls Recitation Vernon Hunter Recitation Wnnnh Randlo Rccltnllon Dora Frost Rccltnllon Edwin Hudson Reading Elulo Hanson Rccltnllon Carman AndrowH Mediation ......... Miss Olson Selection Mnlo Quartet Dialogue. Mr. and Mrs. Santa ClaiiH at Homo." 'Anthom Clfolr ISvonlng Prayer Vora Soils J t BORN t $$ OAIiHUAlTH Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Onlbraith, nt tho Ma tornlty hospital, on December 23, a daughtor. CLIOS PI J t AMONG THE SICK t $$ Mrs. E. M. Lockhart Is today ngnln roported orlously ill. A short tlmo ngo alio was ho ill that! It waB reared alio could not recover. Mrs. Sliort'8 condition today Is reported to bo about tho sumo. Mrs. Gcorgo N. Dolt, of South ,, street, is confined to her homo 10 Vlty with tho grlppo. ,1 t AMONG THE-StQK t $$ Tho llghthouso tender Mauzantta waB expected In horo from Portland to placo sonio now buoys hut word ennio that flho wns hold up at As toria and slnco thon nothing has boon heard of tho craft, though tho Portland paporB that came, yestorday Bald that Bho hud Balled from Loah Buy. J t PERSONAL MENTION t $$ F. W. P.EHFJELD has rolumod rrom an extended trip to San Francisco. CAPT. DUNSPN, of tho Capo Arago Llghthouso, waa up this morning to attend to some mnttors of busi ness. MRS. GORDON SMITH and llltlo son oxpect td leave soon uftor January 1 for Los Angeles whoro they -will bo with Mra. Smith's mother, Thoy aro going south on account of tho health of tho sou who has not boon well hero In months. PERSONAL MENTION X $? TOM T. DENNETT went over to Co qulllo this mornlnt on legal bust ncss. WILLIAM A. CHURCH, of Catching Inlet, wiib a business visitor hero today. MRS. G. J. CLINKENDEARD of Sumner Is a Mnrshfield shopper today. . W. C. CHASE, of Coqulllo, was among tho visitors from tho coun ty seat today. O. A. MINTOYNE, tho npplo k:ng or Coqulllo, was a MarBhflold busi ness visitor today. GEORGE D. PRESTON, of Doavor Hill, and Harry Preston, of Camp 1, are both In the city for Christ ,Mn8' 'l.Ml GEORGE DAINES and family expect to loavo Saturday morning ror Rlvcrton wliero thoy will spend ' Christmas Ray with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Harrison, tho parents of Mrs. Dalncs. MISS FLORA SHAW, of tho Marsh field schools, expects to spend Christmas with her sister in Co qulllo. A. R. O'DRIEN wns n passcngoi on tho morning train to Coqulllo on buslucBs, expecting to return thin evening. O A. MINTOYNE, well known con tractor of Coqulllo, camo ovor on tho train last ovonlng for n short visit. SAM CARMICHAEL und wlto enme In todny from tho Carmichaol camp on North Inlet to spend Sun day. DR. L. G. JOHNSON and wlfo who liavo moved hero from Myrtlo Point hnvo tnkon npartmouts nt tho Myrtlo Arms. FRANK DENNING s expectod In tonight or early tomorrow morn ing from Rosehurg whoro ho wai callod by the death of 'his father. KARL POWELL, secretary or tho Duslness Men's Association, loft Tor tho Vnlley on tho morning train today on ono or his regular monthly visits. CORNELL LAOERSTROM who lias been engaged In tlmbor cruising In Utah ror soveray months nrrlved lioro yesterday to spond tho ClirlBtmns holidays. STEVE FLOYD, a rormor resident or Marsh Hold but who has been residing nt Myrtlo Point ror tho paBt two years, camo ovor! yester day to look artor business. Mil. AND MRS. OTTO OROKE or North Rend left on tho morning train for .Myrtlo Point to spond Christmas with Mrs. Grokes par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Whlt tlngton. N A, NELSON, cnshler of Ilnuser and llauser company, Is In tho city today. Ho says thoro Is to bo a big Christmas dauco nt Tompleton ttnd most of tho peoplo of that fee Hon expect to bo there. FRED J. SMITH, of tho Mergontha ler company, who has been visit ing his soil Fred W. Smith of thin city, loft on tho morning train ror tho Wlllamotto Valloy and latur will return to his homo lif San Francisco. t AT THE HOTELS t 94 Chandler Hotel William Candlin, Coquilloj Mr. I and Mrs. S. A. Carmichaol, North In lot; N. A. Nelson, Lakeside; G. B. Clark, Now York City; Homer Croat, Portland; W. C. Cuso, Coqulllo; M. I O. Hnrtman, Coqulllo; W. S. KIstner. Coqulllo; O. A. Mlntoyno, Kt. littwreiuo Hotel j William A. Church, Catching In-; lot; H. G. Reodor, Ileavor Hill; Geo. R. Proston, Reaver Hill; Harry i Preston, Camp 1; S. J. Spraguo, Gardlnor; Jnmoa Wilson and wlfo, ' Coqulllo; Frank Stock, Sumner; Mrs, Joo Clawson, Powers; A. W. Jones, Coqulllo; A. J. Myers, North i Rend. lllnm-o Hotel Mr. and Mrs. Wlodor, Lakosldo; Anton Martini, Powers; H. Uunch, Ileavor Hill; John F, Stlcknoy, Ash; T. MoVay, Powers; R. Gartz, Pow ers; W. Graham, Coqulllo; Julius Stark, Silver ton; F. Crlppon, North Ilond; L. ICnrmel, Powors; F. Gor don, North Rend; W. I). Scott, Pow. ors; W. S. Clark, Powors. liny your Christmas candles ut Sartors. All kind and nil price. HEATING STOVES nt reduced prlcos. Pioneer Hardware Co. I If III ., ' yp4li :"'? lifl MM The ?0aa0ammaaama Our ri t wwjiOOTMtaiwrmnuiiniw o LADIES' TAILOR. I make suits here for $26.00 and up, and take orders for Suits made in Chicago for $12.00 and up. Suits pressed for 75 cents. Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed, $1.00. Suits steam cleaned and pressed for $1.50. All kinds of repair work done at cheap prices. All work will be clone with great care. I J. V. KOSKI 75 Market Avenue IT is always your aim to make as many of your friends happy during Xmas time as possible. What would bring more joy to Mother, Sister, Brother, Father or Wife tlian a nice piece of Furniture to fill in the gap that every home will have? A library table, dining table, chair, rug, portable lamp, curtains, book case, fern stand; we could . go on and recite articles that would be a pleasure to the home and would make the re cipient happy. A Leather Rocker for Father. What adds more comfort to a man's life after a hard day's work -than a comfy rocker? W0NWVMMMW0W00MM whole family would appreciate a Davenportfather might remomber this hint. Remember our store will always take care of you and give terms if terms aro de sired, and we will exchange goods if the same are not damaged after leaving the store. , . , ". y . Prices Are the Lowest Quality Considered GOING & NORTH FRONT and MEN'S Marshfieldr Oregon M -.-- r. - - ' ' - ' ' ' I . - mm " " An Electric Portable Lamp for Sister, during her study hours. MANVW000W HARVEY Complete House Furnishers ST. MARSHFIELD, OREGON GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE! OADILLAO AND DODGU AUTO SUPPLIES FOIt ALL MAICES OP CAItH 47 Central hv. Pliono 73-L ' HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, I I QUATERMAS STUDIO I I QUALITY PHOTOS J I Opposite Blanco Hotel, j I Phono 10C-L. I nrtiisiiT?ir.T.n imMnw i ' ; Dining Room Set for Mother. Who takes more pride in the home than Mother? Help her. Our Store Is'Arranged for Easy Christmas Shopping COMPANY GRAVEL Wo aro now proparod to furnish GRAVEL In any uantltle from pllo In our yard or in carload lots, at following prlcear Prom pllo on ground, ? 3.VB per yard. . Oanoad lota, taken from caro, $2.00 per 7a Retail DenarUimit. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, Opposite Posuofllce. Phone 100. Pugei Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General VS"0 COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon wasi work the Dredge "Seattle" the most powerful, best equipped nd "OHt thoroughly m twenty.iiich hydraulic dredge In Pacific water Coos Bav office. Marshfield, Oregon. ' - -- j (".dliM little I); V tJ1. .,! Main once. Seattle, Washington. i L ' ' V niiiiiitwr i i-ir-R mn.