' ,T THE MOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, '1915 EVENING EDITION .-t SEVEN 1- V l.( I LADIES1 and MEN'S TAILOR. I make suits here for $26.00 and tip, and take orders for Suits made in Chicago for $12.00 and up. Suits pressed for 75 cents. Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed, $1.00. Suits steam cleaned and pressed for $1.50. All kinds' of repaii1 Work done at cheap prices. ' AH work' will be done with great care. "" The Paper From HisOldHomeTown wp? . "". I . J. V. KOSKI 1 75 Market Aveniie' Marshfield, Oregon. C EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, irdn and aluminum castings made like new Phone 180-J. ' DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage North Front Street GRAVEL1 Wo aro now proparod to furnlnh GRAVEL In any untltle from pile In our yard or in carload Iota, nt following prices: From pllo on ground, J2.VB per yard, Oanoad Iota, taken from cars, J2.0Q por yard. Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite PosVOflco. Phone 100. Puget Souiid Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges; Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tan niotft powerful, Uct equipped and moat thoroughly! aiodcra twenty-inch hydroullo dredgo Ik Pacific waters Coos Bay office, . Marshfield, Orpgon. Main office, Seattle, Washington. 19 HEN For Sale i STOCK ItANCir' Nonr Allcgny, mostly Iiottoin, Rood liulld. IngH, 510 heart cattle, team, farming tools, flno orchard, do llghtful place to "iufc'V'rico ?7500. Terms. STOCK Oil DAIRY RANCH Closo In, SO cows, team, Rood buildings, orchards, tools, 000 ncios, 03 of which Is finost bottom. Trlco 910,000. Tonus. DAIRY HANOI Closo jn, 500 acres, 175 is holtor, flno building, team. Prlco 31,000. Terms. DAIRY RANCH R. It. depot on plnco, closo hi, MO acres, half Is rhhest Iiottoin, fine bulldlnga, both rail mill water Irnnsportntlon, 10 head stock, team. Prlco $r:i,00O. Splen did tonus, with Interest at flvo per cent. FRUIT HANCH Splendidly located, 1000 loganberry vines In full liearhiB, flno orchard, flno building, 17 acres, $!, COO. Terms. DEVELOPED COAtj MINK On tldo water, flno coal fimd lots of it. Prlco way down.. CI1ICKI CHICK! 915 iv month. UN RANCH Closo jn. 10 acres, house. Only $800. I3N RANCH l.i aire?, cloio In, $30 down aiul nth. ADK Wo have North Rend property and ranches ,r.'NorJhiSl)aUt',.i5ropet-. Como In and Invoa- von Tit to trade 'for IlKnto. W6 have' oUctntibn propertf t6 jtimlo for Coos liay city or ranch property". CITV PROPERTY North Rerfd.or .Marshfield. Wo hnvo It If you aro looking for bargains and locations. INSURANCK-Wo carry n '" lh.o of flro Insurance. ' ' 'v - - a ,. .vJIWft KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. PIONEER BLOCK NORTH BEND, OREGON the crcnln' shndo Is fnllln' nt tlio cndln' o tho day An' a toiler rosts from labor smokln' at His plpo o' clay Thcro's nothln' docs him so much good, bo fortune up or down, As tho little country paper from his ol' homo town. It ain't a thing o' beauty an' Its print ain't always clean, Hut It straightens out his temper when a roller's fcclln' mean. It takes tho wrinkles off his faco an' brushes off tho frown, That little country paper from his ol' homo town. It tells of all tho parties an' tho balls of Pumpkin Itow, 'ftout who spent Sunday with his girl an' how tho crops'U grow; How it keeps a feller posted 'bout who Is up an' who Is down, That little country paper from his ol' homo town. Now, I like to read tho dallies an' tho Btory papers, too, An' nt times' tho ynllor novels an' somo other trash don't ou? But when I wnut nomo rcndln' that will brush away a frown I want that little paper from my ol' homo town. . . . Selected YOU MUST HAVE A FRIEND SOMEWHERE who formerly llvod -on Coos Day.1 Such a frloud would approclato moro than anything olso a year's subscription to tho COOS HAY TIMES as a Christians present. It will bo a constant romludor to him throughout tho year, of your kindness and thoughttulncss. Wo will send him n Clirlstmaa card with your name and greet ings nnd a Htntomcnt that tho paper has been paid for tho com ing year, Think It over and solve tho Christmas present problem cnslly. Till this out nnd mall or send it to Coos Hay Times: I To Publlshor COOS' HA Y-, TIM ES, .Mnrshflold, Oregon: Hoar Slr:Enclosod find $0.00 for which sond dally COOS HAY TIMUC ."or duo yotir to , tho following address: ' Y Name ..,.,.. ''.'-.. .." i . . . . . ' ' ' . Street ' ' - . . ;. city-.j vil .... - Stato , , ., with mjr compliments nnd a card notifying ...,.,... that tho paper Is paid for j 'jr i i Slgnod i . . . ' '. . i... , GOOD READING Tho WANT ADS aro the most Interesting and help ful .features of any newspaper ever changing over enlightening, ever performing their useful servico of promoting easy communication botweon those who want and those who have. You can cultivate no moro profitable habit than that of reading the WANT ADS every day, Hundreds do it, Keep this fact in mind when you have a special want ofJyour own, You can get tho attontion'of all those readers instantly, and at" trifling cost through a little WANT' AD IN THE TIMES. - PHONE 133 m Subscribers, Please Note CARRIERS aro Instructed to put papors on porches or in other sli'tnb'o p'.ircs where thoy will bo sate from wind ami ruin, Sub jcrlhors aro roquestod to notify tho offlco whon- bolng followed. matters portululiiK over theso instructions aro not Phone. complaints and other to dollvory to i9) Id J .. : : OCEAN BFACH. AUTO LINE Gorst & King. Lcmo Marshfield nt t a. in., and returning leaving from Knipiro at 8 a. m. Leave Marshfield at 11 n.in. and returning leao Houth Slough at 1 p. m. Leave Marshfield at 5 p, m. and returning leave South Slough at 0 p. m. Coos "Bay Times Marshfieldj Oi'e; CHHISTMAB FOIt L1TTLK DAK IdNGS AND LlTTLi: DHA1I8 1. Thoro aro many little darlings, And many a little dear, Who aro looking forwnrd To tho Christmas cheer, wno win nnd a sorrow Which will bring a tear Tor old Santa missed them He passed them by this year Thcro are other little darlings, And many llttlo dears Who will wako up In the morning Tilled with Christmas cheers, Tholr hearts will bo so Joyful, Thoro will bo no room for tears, For old Santa found them As ho lias theso many years. t 3. Lot nil the little darlings , Whom ohl Santa, found, With nil the llttlo dears, As ho went nrouud do find somo lilthj dnrltug And a llttlo dear And give to them a Christmas, Whom ol( Santa missed this year. 4. If all tho llttlo darlings, And tho llttlo dears, Will find a llttlo darling Who's oyos aro filled with tears, And give to them n present With their Christinas chcors, Thoy will feel the bettor Thru all their coming years. . Christ! he likes tho llttlo darlings And tho llttlo denrs, Kor ho gave to them a Christmas To drlvo awny tholr tears, And mako them better hoys mil girls Thru all tho futuro years, Ho wants them all to bo his children For ho loves tho llttlo denrs. KDdAK V. nUN'DY, 1208'Commorclul Ave Mnrshflold, Ore. OREGON YIELDS BIG VAIil'll OK SKVKX CHOPS OVKIl KOUTV-KKJIIT MILLION' Tills 1h pcr 'Hn co and Oncdialf Million Moto Thau La.it Year Tho aluo of tho seven leading crops I ni Oregon this year according to the department of agriculture es timate Is $18,059,100 compared to it total value of ? 11,417,880 Inst year. Corn, wheat, eats, barley, ryo, po tatoes and hay all showed an In crease In tho amount produced: LaBt year tho prices of wheat, oats and ryo were better than this year In Oregon but tho aggrognte valuo was greater this year. Com Value !ess Tho corn production hi Oregon this yenr aggregates in iiantlty nhout 17 per cent moro than last car. Prices on Dec. 1 nvoraged eight por cent lower than a year ago, making tho total valuo of tho crop production on this baald, about eight por cent less than last year. Tho estimates aro based upon those ciops whose values In the, last complete crop census represented GS per cent of tho valuo of nil crops. Ctop In Detail Tho following aro tho department of Agrlculturo figures for tho stato of Oregon, showing tho production and prlco of cali of the seven crops this year and last year: Acreage Production Prlco Corn 1,100,000 bu. 82c 000,000 bu. 82c "., PAPER GIVES VIEWS- I.UMUKIfl PUBLICATION COMV MKNTS ON SITUATION Tells What Is Cause of Improvement In Market Conditions on tho Coast, t Special auction nt Hod Crow Thursday and Krlday morning 10 to lii to nrromiiipdnto out-of-toiui resldcnlM nnd ramhcrN, , a Armour's Star Ham In tho now STOCKINKT COYHIUNO Is Just "llio I lain What Am" made hotter Ly l)cln!c Miinketi la this cleanly protector, which rctnhiH all tho natural julcca nnd Intensifies tho flawtr. ioi n .13 000 1911 22,000 Wheat lOlfi 1)00,00 1911 700,000 OntH ,'ioir. llGC.OOO 1911 .101,000 Barley 1915 1.10,000 1911 122,000 Hyo 19 in 23,000 1911 21,000 Potatoes 19 in 48,000 1911 49,000 Hay loin sr.o.ooo T014 sr.s.ooo -20,000,000 by. Sic 10,00 1,000 bu.1.02 10,100,000 1m. 37c l 12,710,000 1)1). inc 1,080,000 bu. 3,000,000 bu. 02c Olo 411,000 bu. 90c 33G.000 bu. 1.00 n,r20,ooo uu. 4.7G3.000 bu. noc 00c Order one today, leading merchniits. Aro nob! by Matt L. May Wholesale DlNtilhutor ta 1,870,000 tons 9.50 1,710,000 tons 9.20 Values of .Crops Tho following shows tho total val ue of each crop this year and last yenr: 19tn 1911 Corn $ '9111,200 541,200 Wheat ! 0,800,000 10,930,080 oatii ' ti;ori7,boo nraal.ood Parley 2,901,000 2,232,00'd Ityo- - 372,000 33Q.O0O Potatoes .1,312,000 2,851,800 Hay 17,705,000- 15.787,200 ? r' (18,059,100 (11,417,880 ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Comer Market and llroadnay Wo solicit all our old patrons of tho Lloyd and assuro thorn tho snmo reasonable rates, , E. W. SULLIVAN ' uCKIEVED STARDOM ALMOST OVERNIGHT THH LLOYI) 1MM1LY IIOTKL HoiiNokecpIng Apartmciits Tho rooms, $H.O) month Kloctrlctly nnd Ons. Freo baths Sleeping rooms, IjSl.nO U., up DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Ktroot Phono U70J MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Plnco (or Good Mcalc Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial und Il'dw'y. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED ' NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 Unique Itccord of Lois Meredith, Xotro'tt Dainty Artist. To nchlovo ptollnr roles almost over night nnd to bo featured In many successful productions in loss than two years on tho dra matic utago is tho unusual record I LHH .l ilBBML Urn Kncournglng outlooks as to Hie lumber situation for the coming year nro received from various sources Along tho same lino Is tho following? editorial from tho Ploncor Western Lumberman of San Frnnclsco Which lines up tho situation as that paper, sees It: t " Wherever nnd whoncvor lumber mon moot the topic Immediately un- dcr discussion Is tho rising' market, tho roasons therefor" and speculation ns to whether It Is a flurry or 1b pre dleatod on substantial reasons, war ranting a bollef that tho coming year will bo one of prosperity for lumuer- 1 men. a May Bench '11)12 Point " Manufacturers believe such to beV tho casoj thoy nro gradually Increas ing prices, but they hnvo a long ways'A to go beforo thoy reach a point which may bo deemed as satisfactory.? . Should thoy Biiccecd In reaching the' level of 1912 prices during 191G, they could reasonably congratulate themsolvcs on a noteworthy accom- , pllshmcnt. " llowovor, tho Indications aro fa- 4 vornblo for such results; tho States which normally consumo several bil lion foot of Douglas fir annually, are In p generally prosperous condition; yellow plno manufacturers havo do-' velopcd tholr particular markets to such an oxtont that they nro dispos ing of tholr cut nt woll-advanced prices, which assures tho promanoncy of tho eastern demand. T Plenty of Money " Thoro Is nn lmnionso volume or money on doposlt In banks, which It Is reasonable to assumo will bo seek ing Investment at an early dato, and i goodly portion will probably be used to flnnnco building operations;' this featuro Is substantiated by building reports from a largo num ber of lending cltlos, showing- that operations for tho past three months woro heavier than for the correspon ding period of tho past two years. " In California tha products from tho soil for tho current year, Accord ing to railway statisticians, total $ 179,000,000, and a fair percentage of this will bo usod for Improvement purposes. Ono Had Kent ii ro " "Against all this Is the scarcity of tounago; this Is a bad feature, m tho 10 por cent of Pacific Coast I lumbor which normally finds nn'out- ct In offshoro markets Is a govern ing factor In stabilizing tho domestic ninrkot. "Tnklng tho outlook ns a whole.- thoro Is tho strongest kind of a Jiromlso that 1910 will bo a manufac turers' yenr; It la nlso a dafo predlc; tlon that clrcumsjtancca nro being shnpod which will onnblo manufaes turors to rotaln control of the sulf ation; thts should bo grntfylng te thorn, ns thoy have certainly grown weary of being tho football of cir cumstances boyond tholr control." XKWS OP LAXOLOIS WEAVINGAH kino's a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 12th Courth, So. Phone 220-R XOTICi: OF FINAL SHTTLHMKNT Notlco Ib hcroby given that tho undorslguod, administrator of tho estato of Fannie L. M. Carpenter, deceased, has filed his final ac count In tho County Court of Coos County, Oregon, 'nnd tho Judgo of paid Court has appointed Monday, tho 3rd day of January, 191G at tho hour of 10:00 a. ni. of said day at tho Court Houso at Coqulllo City, Coos County, Oregon, ns tho time and placo for tho hearing of objec tions to said final account and tho settlement of said estato. Dated at Marshflold, Oregon, this 1st day of Docombor, 1915. STEPHEN O. UOG13R3, Administrator of the estato of Fannlo L. M. Carpenter, dernsed. First publication December 1, 1915; last publication, Doc, 20. 1015. Notes or Curry County Town Apjiear. ing In the Leader Mr. Joo Otto, who has been nt- ( tending to business at Dandon came to Lahglols on lils way to his home near Hare. I U. A. Thorhavon, who has been spondlng n joar In Baivlun will re turn in tho spring to his homo north of Langlols. Jack I-'itzhugh, of Sixes, who has been visiting his sister Mrs. Chas, Jnmloson of Ilandon for tho last few days, returned to Langlols te visit with his friends. Jim. Haft who has boon staying with Jils alstor Mrs. U. Wallace of i ' Langlols, dopnrtod for the Sixes? . where ho will remain for tho holU! ' I days. ' All- on.l W- ,i... ... . . I j.. n i .... .... .j.,,, .iiLiiuuiiiH nr of Lola Morcdlth, onco JuBtly nam- , Now Lake, woro visiting nt tho home cd tho "dalntlost of prima donnas," of tholr parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. ino is now niijcuriK " w " . uox ot i-ioraa creek. AlUtrO JHClures. Wiaa woio"'i """ will shortly bo seen on tho screen In tho Columbia Pictures Corpora tion's film production of Oeorgo Uronson Howard's famous story, "An Enomy to Society," in which Bho Is featured ulth tho colobrated English actor, Hamilton Revollo. mado nor stngo dobut as "Modesty" in Honry W, Savage's production of "Evorywoman." Lator she filled tho rollicking leading rolo In "Ma demo Sherry." v Hor next nppoarnuco was to fol low Laurotte Taylor In "Peg o' My Heart," when Miss Taylor sailed for England, and this brought her quite naturally Into the part of the llttlo stenographer In Oliver Mo rocco's noxt production "Help Wanted," In which sho played an entlro season nt tho Maxlno Elliott Theator In Now York. When "Holp Winlod" was pro duced In motion picturo form, Mlsa Morcdlt.1 naturally Joined tho ranks of screen nctressos. Her tal ents nttrncied tho attention ot tho directors of tho Motro Pictures Corporation, who engaged her for a term of years to appear la their productions. f Miss Merodith's first appcaranco under Motro auspices vuia with Max Flgman In "My I3cst Girl." Hor next screen appjarance will bo In "An Enomy to Society," with UnuiilU. Uevelle, THE DKATH OF HILLSTItOM (Written for Tho Times) 'i Hi mat fatal shot does history swell? Hut cannot sond tho soul, to hell. 'U His ralthful (rjemls did work In val Hut could not savo their follow-maa J Tho honest laborer, labors on, From early morn 'till set of sun, 4' But lest perchance ho ajna renowB, Thoro's always some to turu hlw down, Hut salaried mon, whom our ruliiSf Through Devilish wprk, groat houer"'. attain, Their cowardly work you'd scare. surmise, Vv Thoy use tho qiilso., Church as their dti t Hut. honest laboror, stWgle a! For (lod v,ill help the honjMt . Hut thoso who raoek hjm fn (UiguW Will auroly wcop where JusUc 1J M, B. H, Marehfleld, Dec. 10, 18)6, VJ""-4 . &iiafflmyh ii v.