THE COOS BAY'TlMfeS, taAR&HFIELt), OREGibN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 2, 1915 EVENING EDITION y - FOUR . hi. n .i 1 S A I COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY, Editor and Pub. DANE. MALONEY, News Editor Official Official JPnpcr of Paper City Coos County of Mnrsliflold, Entered at tho Postofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second-class fnall matter. An' Independent Republican news paper, published overy ovonlng ex cept Sunday, nnd weekly, by ThouQoos iny Times Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION 'KATES ' DAILY. Dno year $6.00 Per month . . . . CO WEEKLY. Ono year f 1.50 . .When paid strictly in advanco the subset Iptlon pilco of tho Coos Bay Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES. J t EUROPEAN WAR ONE I t YEAR AGO TODAY t $ DECKMI1EH 22, 11)11 There Is no chango In tho situa tion In West Prussia. It Is reported that two British destroyers arrived nt Liege, Scot laud. For thrco days n German nrmy of 2Q0.O0O men has been trying to , cross; thq jllzura , Jllvpr and throw back the HussIuub'wIio are holding tho right bank. , ' ! "t-r -U- t. . . I.. I I I II. I I liV GOOD THINGS COMING T' ins of l itolui? wcro many good ItoniB' of jf good news in tho Coob Bay Times lastl night not tho least of which wan tho brightening pros pects for tho coming year. With tho lumbor mills all ovor Coos county proparing to rosumo op erations on full time, tho near ap proach of tho completion of tho rnll way, ono largo now business block assured and others In prospect, tho impiedlato future is rosy with tho dawn of promise. What irioro do you want nt- this tlmo? '' i . i '. ii el A CIUMHT.MAH THOUGHT! H OWBVBR sincere In our efforts wo to may bo spread GhVlstiriati cheer, our charity! iBjjnpnq tjuj- le8H'nV'(eBMn)dV&'Oi(f senso oi mo jaci niai pcaco auu good will havo not come upon tho earth. Poverty and wrotchedncss ara not to bo offset .by yearly gifts it baskets of food or outgrown clothes. We ought to limit o tho spasmodla ' kindliness of Christmas ono of tho constant forces of our Industrial world. Equality and fra ternity nro born, not of charity, but, justice Instoud of commercializing Christmas wo ought to Chrlstmaslzo commercialism. WITH THE TOAST I AND THE TEA t , . GOOD EVENING Thq perfect order of which wo droam, with Its JiiBtlco nnd brotherhood, must sometlmo bo realized, ' uudiow.jf is vquV Prt to uiakq Jt.roal iih far as possi ble In our'own lives. Men who havo lived In this spirit of Immortality bring some thing of tho heavenly ntnios nhoro Into tho thick nlr of tho world. They fulfill In tliolr own oxporiouco tho prayer our Lord hlmsolf taught us, that God's will may bo dono on earth as It is Is dono In heaven. Select ed, THE .MAN WHO WICAItS .MY HAT Thoro's a man that I must censure For somo careless traits of his, And you'd do tho samo I vonturo, Could you know just who ho Is. No is moro vjr loss conceited, And' I cannot pardon that, So I in a u ro a word Is needed By the man who wears my hat. Ho can sco tlio faults or othors Even .whore, perchnnco, thoy'ro not,' "llo's exacting of his brothers, But forgives hlmsolf a lot. Lot another orr but slightly Ho is much disturbed thereat, Whllo ho views his own wrongs lightly, Docs tho man who wears my hat. I am suro If I can got him In a qulot thoughtful place, And In some sly manner let htm See himself right faco to faco, Ho will roii8on moro profoundly, As wo hold our littlo chat, For I'll lay tho law down soundly To tho man who wears my hat. Anon, For tho first threo months his heart would bo brnkeit if alio didn't meet him nt the door with u klsa. hang rnlso Isn't A Coos Bay young man may fool n girl as to what wages he gets but he can't fool her father. There are some better halves on Coos Bay who would like to havo bettor quarters. ! Some Coos Bay men havo a sin gle cylinder brain and a limousine body. When a Coos Bay young man tells a girl that ho is unworthy of her, alio should bellovo him. Until a Coos Is hunting new After that ho something to Bay man Is 30 ho worlds to conquer. Is usually hunting euro either corns or rheumatism, or both. It Isn't consclonco that makes you plead guilty. It Is tho hopo of leniency and a light sentence. Sometimes a marries to get can't get away. Coos Bay woman an atidlonco that " v man Everything comes to tho who waits excepting ho Is Waiting for. tho woman . A , Goo's Bay, husband should havo nil unlimited bank account in order to check his wlfo's expensive! tastes. , I A Coob Bay man who tolls you ho isn't nfrald of his wlfo Is what Billy Sunday would call a wall-eyed liar. Most Coos Bay men nro good husbands becauso they haven't tho uervo to bo anything else. It isn't fenr of bodily Injury elthor. Somehow or other It always makes an ornery mnn fcol good when ho learns that tho bank cnshlor who nbonded was nuporin- icnaoni oi, -a sunuay, scuoui. W iVXXATIOK V Krom-Tlila1 to ThnV'thoy shift tho tax, And yet complaint docs not irqlax. For .whllo to This It meanslroHef ... .....'....... '.t. ......... '''StF4"'11"1''' i.BUdden - ...n. i : No mnttor how much a brljlo may lovo her husband, It Isn't always so'iitrmontUlmf maKcB "licrj'pavo his lovo lcttors. . . . M .. I UU-JJ ,1 , t Jt, : .wllf bd .an! .nwfjillfjdf to somo 'cooS'couAV' people 'iV'tllc'y find thorq ;rq 'no closed, Sundays In heaven wheuithoy iile, I Thoro nro somo Cooa Bay mou carrying a $5000 llfo iusuranco on a 30-cent llfo. When that prosperity tidal wavo Btrllces Coos Bay It would bo awful If It would find somo of us that couldn't Bwim. EXPLAINED Why docs it rain bo much? BecnuBO January 1 is tho end tho wot spoil. of Frowns nro tho shadows of a grouch, Smllo, you grouches. Fool your friends for awhllo. Even if you don't mean It. You might got tho habit and tho smllo bocomo real. Solcctod. COAST GUARD HAS SAVED .MANY LIVES Tho annual report of tho United States Coast Guard sorvlco which has Just been published gives tho following interesting summary of tho "work dono: LUcs saved or persons rescued from peril 1,507 Persons on board vessels as sisted , '10,852 Persons In distress carod for .. S13 Vcssols boarded and papers examined 24,817 Vessels solzed or roportod for violation of law 772 Flues and pounltlos Incurred by vessels reported ... $220,500 Vcasols to which usslatanco was rotidorcd 1,504 (Instances of miscellaneous assistnnco 55G Derelicts and obstructions re moved or destroyed 20 Tcluo of vessels assisted In cluding cargoes . . . $10,927,730 Cost of maintaining sorvlco for 1015 $5,027,752 CANDIDATE FOR ASSESSOR To tho Republican electors of Coos County: I heroby ann'oiinco myself as a candldato for tho office of assessor of Coos County nt tho coming prl marles, subject ( to tho will of tho Ropublicnn electors of tho county. AMOS L. NOSLEK, Coqtiille, Decembor- 'l. ' After that he doesn't glvo ti about tho kiss, but ho will Hall Columbia If his supper ready on time, $ I NEWS OF OREGON X ! PORTLAND Peter Grcgor, ono of tho oldest engineers on tho Great Northern Is held In Jail at Scattlo on a chnrgo of smuggling opium Into tho United States. FOREST GROVE N, R. Wqlls, a pioneer who came to Orejjon In 1870 died at his homo at tho ago of 84 years. HILLSDORO Tho total budget for Washington county Is $325,500 and Includes an Item of $21,000 for repair of tfyo Hlllsboro-Forest Grovo rond by resurfacing wth oil-bound macadam. BAKER Paul Wright and Miss Ethel Wllholght, both only 1 7 "years of ago nnd residents of Bnkcr, went to Welscr, Idaho, and wcro (mar ried. PENDLETON Tho stato highway commission Is to pay for about ono mllo of road extending from tho ci ty limits to tho Eastern Oregon Stato Hospital. HOOD RIVER Tho now npplo growers' association will not apply for papers for Incorporation until the npplo situation has boon survey ed by a representative of tho depart ment of agriculture. i i A'Botariical Error A Christmas Poem By COODLOE THOMAS. Copyright, 1915, by American Press Aso clatlon. PEGGY wore a sprig of mistletoe. Wore it Christmas eve 01 course you know , What the consequences were Wearing that and in her hair. PEGGY'S not to blame for doing so. How could she know it was mistletoe Just a sprig of crccn she found Lying carelessly around ? t SOME said Peggy wasn't very slow At a patty wearing mistletoe And a light in her blue eyes Not exactly shocked surprise. PEGGY'S not tho least to blame, I although I 1 was remarked, concerning mis tletoe, Her mistake seemed odd. Peg excels in botany I You see. Chrlttmas Money. Tho demand for Christmas money nt tho Now York Hiibtrcasury c'row3 each year. On n recent Christmas about $200,000 n day In now coin, both gold nnd silver, was provided to meet tho demand, which kept up until Christ mas day. This Christmas money comes direct from tho mint each year at this tlmo. Thousands of residents of Now York who never sco tho subtrcasury nt any other tlmo pour down on tho dingy old "Wall street building nnd clamor for bright now gold nnd silver. Tho big department stores nlso de mand now money, both to plcnso their customers nnd to facllitnto change. Idea For Chrlstmae Decoration. i In tho dining room that has to havo ' n screen to conceal tho kitchen thcro I may bo a very slmplo and effectlvo nd I dltlon mndo to tho Christmas decora tlons by pinning holly to It, covering tho original Biirfnco completely. Laco curtnlns may also bo effectually used lu this way to mnko lovely bits of eolor In tho room. .Hj..;.irf.vM5H3H.;Mj.i.ij.(twjH;tH3jijH3i Charming Christmas Evo Custom A delightful custom In many homes is the reading aloud of Christmas lltornturo on Christ inns ovo. After the stockings nro hung and tho children nro ready to bo tucked snug lu their beds tho wholo family gathers In front of tho tiro, whllo each one, largo or sinnll, contributes something to ward tho invocation of tho Christmas spirit Among tho choleo selections that havo been found especially appropriate for this hour, when hearts aro tender nnd receptive, nro Dickens' "Christmas Caiol," bits from ITerrlck. Walter Scott and Oeorgo Wlthers.Deglnnld ITo ber's "Star of tho r.aat," Lu ther's beautlfu". enrol "All l'ralso to tho Eternal Lord." Alfred Domett's Cbrlstmas hymn, Thll lips Brooks' exquisite "Oh, Littlo Town of Hothlohcml" or nny of tho Christmas gems written by Mrs. Songster, Margaret Deland, Louisa M. Alcott and other Amer ican nnd English writers. Lnst In tho reading comes tho slmplo Testament story of tho Nativity, and Just then as tho children nro ready to scamper off to bed the recitation in con cert of that wonderful, ever new Christmas poem "'Twas tho Night neforo Christmas," tholr i oslt being appropriately timed to T Its conclusion: f XTrrv rhrlllmfl. in nil T And to all a eood night t 7 Copyi Ight, 19U, by American Tress Asso ciation. OOD will unto men and peace to the nations These were the glad tidinjjs the herald proclaimed When brightly on high, mid the vast constellations, The star over Bethlehem quiv ered and flamed. T HE wise men who saw It , and journeyed with eager And reverent spirit, their 1 -presents to bring, It guided until by tho manger so meager They knelt by the Child Christ and hailed him as King. NIGHT moro momentous through allthclong story Of earth and its races InL ne'er stood out in time. The rays of that star shall in crease in their glory And the tidings be heard in each nation and clime. I F we follow that star through life s labyrinth dreary And look toward its light with unfaltering faith. Though the ways may seem hard and our feet may grow weary, 'Twill guidc'us right on through; ' the Valley of death ' : the "Christmas Grouch" UBTIK Christmas crouch dies hard. d ,, t In licshis to lircuthu too- , Illy. Thur.o Is scarcely a family ' Ll 11 ! but lin's a Christina urouch 8omd onu'Whtf thliikd ulfts nro' foolish- ! and that a jjiotit doiil of money Is wast- j ;,i rft tho Bcnfion now upon us. Ho I hates to sco moiioy wanted; ho hntcs to co tho ClirlstmiiH trees cut down; ho thinks it Is it sin to tell tho children tho legend nbout Snntn Claim; ho hcoIiIs about shonnliVgVho Is s6rri"for the post- mini wlio entries so many bundles; ho says overybody runs Into debt nt Christ mas mid that tho now year gets start ed In all wrong on necount of tho debts; ho says tho sentiment has all gono out of Christmas on account of Its being commercialized ami Unit Christmas trees aro a incunco to llfo and that ouco ho know of n houso that caught tiro from a Chtlstnms tico; ho says it is u sin to spend money for llowcrs nt Christmas. Tho Christmas reformer hns hundreds of Ideas about how Christinas enn bo improved, no says tho Christmas hol idays nover mean anything to him and ho will bo glad when they nro. nil over. Hut Christmas remnlns Christmas just tho snino, for all the grouch's pro tests, nnd will bo tho samo forever; will laugh nt the grouch and his follies lu Mich n wholcsoinp, hearty way that ho will grow ashamed and will Join In tho merrymaking in splto of him self. :-:-:-w-:-:-:-H-wH-:-:-i-Fr.-rrvY ciit.istmas .-M-H-M cus- to.:s. lu somo of tho small towns on tho Itlvlera u curious custom takes place on Christmas ove. when nt tho chief church In tho town, during tho midnight mnss, n number of shcphcids from tho hills mnko their uppcarauco wearing the plcturcsquo diess of their calling. Tho chief shephcid carries n lamb lu his arms and, advancing to tho high altar, gives It to tho priest as u Christinas offering from tho shepherds and a symbpl of the Nativity. In somo towns of southern Ger many a pretty tustom provalls j on, Christmas ove. A veiled woman walks through tho streets after nightfall, carry ing n child, chosen for his beauty aud goodness to personify tho lu faut Saviour. Tho cottage win dows aro loft ajar bo that tho representative of tho Chrbt Child can leave bomo gift upon tho window bill. Every good child thus finds on Christmas morning fruit nnd J, bweets, but tho bad chlldreu only -j-lecelve a birch rod. typical of X vell deserved chastisement. , Hato your liETTKH beads, bill heads.- otc.yprlatod at T1IE TIMES otnce.HO ,, y . 4 Illlill1lll "1 " w lii? film ! i Times want jniT 7T77 tUb urlug results. U Perry & Nicholson 'mWwiiP' r ' ' 'ic u-j: I' . i '... . . i It ybir'want to , new, pay. this You are welcome to look and wilFnot be urged to buy. " We have gifts from, 10 up and they are the best looking, most acceptable and servicable gifts to be had. th !fl,,,H h. Christmas Roily Tho greater part of tho holly that Is used for Chiistmns decoration In tho westcril part of tbo United States enujes irom :f;outicrn Arkansas and Texas, whefo ho "American holly" at tnlijs u pi-calur'rjlzu uiuCit itioro perfect HiVni tldn nnywhero' cls6 In 'this coun try. It crown thcro to u height of from forty to llftr feet. Tho native hollies, somo of them evergreen, others deciduous in hnblt, n ro as n family of coisldcrnblo Interest nt this time, Tho group of plants to which these belong, known botnnlcnlly ns tho lice family, soiuo of which are shrubs ami pernio of tree slzo, 1 widely dlstrlliutcd through tho tropical nntl temporato roclona of tho clohc-. About n dozen of its members nro untlvq to ensteni rvortn America; llvo attain to tho dignity of trees. Pour of these be long only to regions southward of Xqw Kngland, but ono brings Its northerly rnngo to tho vicinity of Uoston. It is evergreen In habit, Ilko lining llsh cousin, which It resembles also In general uppenrnuco and particularly In Its leaves, which nro rather oyl In shape, though small nt both ends, 'with edges coarsely toothed nnd armed with shnip spines, stllT In texture, wavy nnd plcturcsquo In surfneo nnd effect and of n dark glossy green color. In tho autumn tho trees show rich clusters of red berries gleaming through tbo follngo In tho most cheer ful manner. They may, in fact, take tho placo In somo degreo of tho de lightful Dritlsh plant, which most un fortunately will not endure our cli mate, though ono sees Its plump form nourishing In tho most ragged health itrouml tho wooded shores of Locli I.o monil, in Scotland, and that Is nenrly as fur north as tho middle or Hudson bay, in Dritlsh North Ameilca. LEGENDS OF ST. NICHOLAS. How He Decame Known as Patron of Children and of Qifts. An nnclcnt Italian llfo of St Nlcho las recites how ho beciuno tho patron of children. Onco upon n tlmo tho sons of nn Asiatic gentleman wero sent to Athens to bo educated. On their way their father enjoined them to visit tho great bishop of Myra and securo his benediction. They reached thero lato ono night and sought shelter In nn inn. Tho wicked landlord, observing their prosperous exterior, concluded to rob them and destroy tho cvldenco of his crime. Having murdered thorn In their sleep, ho dismembered the bodies nnd concealed tho pieces In n pickle tub. Dut a vision had appeared to St. Nicho las, nnd ho hastened to accuse tho land, lord, who, solzed with remorse, con-, fessed nil. Then ho Implored tho-juJ icrvcssiqn or in.e saint, and tho latter; struck by his penitence, prayed for tho restoration of the youths to life." In stantly tho latter h'rbse, aud tho par don of their-slayer was assured. Hero Is tho legend which accounts for St Nicholas ns tho good genius of tho gift season; A certain noblo of his dlocebo became Impoverished, and, ,ns thoy hud no dowries, tho future of his three daughters was imperiled, The Ifood biilnt resolved to succor them, nnd, waiting till tho small hours of tho morning, bo east through the open window of tlu nobleman's bed chamber thrco heavy purses of gold. Ho hoped to retieat unseen, but the moon was bright. St Nicholas was discovered, although trying to escape. At tho courts of Italian princes thero prevailed an nnelent custom called "za patn," tho Spanish word for "shoe." At Christmas tlmo presents wero con cenlcd lu iho shoes or slippers of favor ed courtiers, In imitation of St. Nicho las' gifts to tbo threo maidens of Pa tara. i :- Pefry J JtMV "' ' 4 . . ifrlifte! iiiivo vuur u ' llfl your progrnma 1h ,Tlw office, " ' i i . .ij ,m. Open Evenings .. ij'ii; j ! j. . j i i . 'u i see nonaay gooas -ruiat are-fstrictl stores visit. f Come, in any evening 8l Mehblson i 01 Order Your pi pi i n uinsimas i,a&es ana rastries r i .i h .i i 1 rn ) 'I, III I ' Wc will have a choice pies and' pastries'"in" addition to a and other delicacies. Housewives, wify go to the bother of baking, tiring yoiirolfoiit?-whenyou get-even better goods from, us at such reasonable prices? , We are prel&rdd'tobakb special orders. vt' Coos Bay Bakery Marshfield North Bend Ifv'U Everything for the Christmas Tabte Wo have tho choicest Modi of 1HUITS, other delicacies obtainable- for ('hi-lstinns . .. . i ii. ' o havo homo flno (lomo-jiiailo PLUM CAKES, etc. ' ' ' It Hi. AVo can hirnlsli you HOLLY for decorating. Vlenso get your Christmas older In early and remember order for two dnjn, n. wo .'will be, 'closed all day Sntuiday. S" When placing your order for Lard from your grocer ask for T EXTRA KETTLE RENDERED PALACE WIARKEI PURE LARD Accept no other. It's the best and made in your nom city. It sells for 80 cents for a 5-pound bucket. Pay no more. Ut Otvo us your Christmas order early. Tuikejb, CJeoho and Chickens. Choleo Meats. Pal?iqe JVfe&t Market j N, 1). OSWALD. .'f H M Ddis 'tiki y from Coos Bay Bakery line of niiniclm'ie nolnc uiiiiuuiiuo uunwi full" line of breads VMHTUU'ES H l'l'DDlXO, WHIT Ollivant & Nasburg The GoodrHousekeepino Store "iiOmiT'OP'puhk i'ooij.4 Second and Commorclal. Marshflold Two Telephones, 100 mid 171 - jpr Use a. Home Product u iiXS