5? I j EIGHT 1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1915 EVENING EDITION. nmMfrr',," "'", rwiMiumi K I- 7 Draws the Crowds Daily CUSTOMERS WHO ATTEND THIS SALE ARE OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT Special for MONDAY ONLY 50c, 65c, 75c WOOLEN DRESS GOODS ALL THE ONE PRICE The Yard $1.00, 75c, 50c MESSALINE and FOULARD SILKS -SMHSHMM Remember: MONDAY. ONLY SOCIAL CALENDAR UorcnB Club wltli Mrs. J. Mattson on Catching Inlet. THURSDAY Dunkor 11111 Christinas progrnm In school house. Fill PAY ChrlRtmiiB program and treo ut Haptlst church. 1'rcsbytcrlan Christmas program and trcu. Christmas Church tree ami program, Municipal Chrsllmns tree nl Guild hall. SATURDAY Methodist Christmas on w atch next weeks specials Every day wc will offer you specials. Watch them they will prove interesting. This is the store for Christmas shoppers. Your money goes 2 to 1 in com parison with any other store. Hub Clothing & Sloe Co, Purchasers i INFORMAL CHAT t Mr. and Mrs. dcorgo Stephenson entertained J. 13. Montgomery and (.. F. McCnllom at dinner last Wed nesday evening at their homo m Ncrth Ilontl. Miss 10 vu Stolics, domestic art in structor at the high school will spend tlio Christmas vacation at her lie mo In Victoria, Hrltlsh Columbia. Miss Hazel Powers, who Is talcing a training courso In Lano hospital lias Joined her sister Lucy In Kugono and both will arrlvo homo tomorrow evening to spend the Christmas hol idays. Mrs. L. A. LHJeqvlst entertained ill few friends Informally at sowing at her homo last Tuesday uftornoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hultmaim loft this week for San Francisco, whero they will snond Christmas with his people. Misses May Proust) and Hess Douglas arrived homo this wcolc on tlio Adollno from Ilerkoloy, whero they have been attending tlio University, to spend tlio Christ mas holidays. CET PIL --fWl TV William JEir.f ZJ F'-Mx'. 1 "W-W -aWISr JJairasaxurafeotw (Continued From Pngo Thrco) JUNIOR PROM O Tho Junior Prom of tho Mnrsh fiold high school, given last evening In tho Kuglos Hall was a decided miccosa and one of tho best attended dances of tho season. Tho monitors oi tho Junior elasti were highly complliuoutud on tho mniiner in which tho affair was liold and thero woro ulioul 100 couples In attend ance. From tho opening dauco until tho "Oood Night atrnliiB tho dunco was highly enjoyable ml guests Icopt clapplug for mi extra until tho clock hud turned past tho midnight hour. Tho music of Martin's orchestra was highly enjoyable and they wore repeatedly encored. In the punch room, which was simply decorated, Misses Marlon llorsfnll, Helen Merchant and Kath ryn .Nicholson served. Tho patronesses wero: Mrs. F. K, Conway, Mrs. V. 1-3. Nicholson, Mrs. Win. llorsfall Jr., Mrs. A. II. Powers, Mrs Jns. Cowan Sr., Mrs. A. T. Haines and Mrs. F. A, Tlcdgon. Tho list of Juniors who aro res- fpoiislblo for tho success of this brll- llcnt affair follows: Minn Velum Rosw, Pros.; Howard Kelloy, Vice Pren.; Ccorgo Walk Ins, Sec.; tho .M lanes: May Cliuroh, Lillian Cook. Mario Lnrgout, .Mabel Iniuiel, tfoo Dolait, Kstreed Nyliiud, Jessie Moody, Anna Lund, Ituth Cowan, and Messrs Ignatius Chapman, Icon- .11.1 V " .ill I am. I liimtmi t?nltiMn l4 4WI1UIIHI1, liUIUJ IIUUl'lCI, Win. llorsfall, Jack Merchant, Hec tor Stephens, Loron Davis, Hudolph Hlllstrom, Claronco Morrows, Harry Schwartz, Storey Mubsoii, Jens Han sen and James Whltty. Coach Nilcs Is tho faculty advis or. 4 DA"XCI2 TONHJIIT Those who enjoy dancing aro looking forward to tho dauco to night at tho Finnish hall, which Is being given by Jeno Sovely, tho pop 'ii.la r violinist and iIh orclurUra . I ti:u:pmoni: company PARTY Tho Coos and Curry Tolephono Company Ijaij Issued iuvitatloiiH for Itc annual dinner and dauco to bo held at tho Chandler hotel Satur day evening January 1st. Tho guest list Includes nil tho employes or tho company In North Hond, Co iiilllo, Oardluer, Powers, Handoii mid Marshfleld. Tho married em ployes of tho company aro aslcod to bring their wives. After tho din-r-cr, the gontlomou friends of tho young ladles will Join thorn In a dauco. IG READY to in; dhiykn no ri:i:T for FOUNDATION OF RUILRIXd Ntnirliiro Corner Anderson mid llrondivny to Ho Krectod In Spring Piling on (iioiiinl Piling 00 feet In longth was to- Ulay being dumped by McDonald and Coiidrou onto tho lot of A. C. doing, corner Anderson and Ilroadway, rro paratory to the starting of tho mod oiii building that next spring is to bo forectod there. C. C. Going this morning stated that tho driving or tho piling will probably not commoiico for at loast ii month yot. They will ho drlvon about GO feet into tho fill to malco a foundation for tho big building. This lot was bought from tho Ferry catnto several months ago for icibout $17,000 and on It will bo roroctod ono of tho most modem business buildings of tho city In which wll bo located tho furuituro firm of Going and Harvey. Hi' C.'oikIh ami .Shoes on Mile cheap for ten days starting .Monday at (iiiiv WIi,v'h htoro on Ilroadway. WE ARE FORCED TO SELL! Xmas Auction Twice a Day ABSOLUTELY A SACRIFICE SALE ON OUR ENTIRE LINE OF HIGH-GRADE JEWELRY WE OFFER AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE DUPLICATED WE WISH TO STATE THAT THIS IS A CREDITORS' SALE, WHICH WE MUST HAVE IN ORDER TO MEET OUR OBLIGATIONS EVERYTHING WILL BE SOLD FOR Cash Only DURING THIS SALE We will sell our entire line of Jewelry to the high est bidders, regardless of cost. We will offer many bargains, including: GOLD WATCHES, RINGS, BRACELETS, DIAM OND GOODS, BROOCHES, BAR PINS, WRIST WATCHES, SCARF PINS, AGATE JEWELRY, WATCH FOBS, FOUNTAIN PENS, STERLING SIL VERWARE, HAND-PAINTED CHINA AND HAVI LAND CHINA. Tickets will be given with each sale to be retain ed until the end of this sale, the lucky number re ceiving a handsome $35 present. Goods will be sold at private sales at greatly re duced prices. This opportunity, offered at this time, will make your Christmas gift selections easy as wsll as inex pensive. All goods are of the very best values, as well as all up to date. m mid rar WWMk s 3?sm Jewelry Department Red Cross Drug Store DON'T FORGET THE SALE STARTS AT 2:30 AND 7:30 EVERY DAY SUMMONS SUIT IN KQUITV In tho Circuit Court of tho'stato of Oregon, In and for tho County of Coos. MnrshtloUl Realty nnd Trading Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Mary K. Buckler, dofondant. To Mary K. Huclclor, dofondant aliovo named: In tho Namo of tho Stato of Oregon: You nro horohy notified that you aro required to ap pear and answer tho complaint filed against you in tho abovo entitled court nnd causo within six weoKs from tho duto of tho first publica tion of this summons, to-wlt: With in six wcolcs from tho 13th day of November, 1915, and if you fall to appear on or boforo tho 29th day of Decembor, 191G, such date bolng tho last day of tho tlmo prescribed In tho order for publication, Judg ment will bo taken against you for want thereof for tho roliof demand ed In plaintiff's complaint, a suc cinct statement of which is as fol lows: That plaintiff recovor from yau tho sum of Klovon Hundred Dollars ($1100.00), with interest thorcon at tho rato of six por cent per an num from tho 1st duy or Novomber, 1913, to date, and for lntorost on tho sum of Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars (5C0.00) from tho 1st day of Novomuor, 1912, to the 1st day of Novombor, 1913, at tho rate of six per cent per annum; that .ho plaintiff recover from you tho fur ther sum of Ono Hundred Dollars ($100.00) as an nttornoy fee herein, and also Us costs and disburse ments In this suit. That tho mortgage heretofore ex ecuted by you on to-wlt tho 4th day of November, 1912, to this plain tiff, and conveying the following described real property, to-wit: Lot numbered Three In Block numborod Fifteen (15) in tho Town of Marsh field, Coos County, Oregon to becure the amount set forth abovo, be fore closed as by law provided, that tho usual decreo of forcclosuro issue Christm Matsons Made Easy at 1 Time is flying and Christ mas Eve will be here before you realize it Only 5 days more! Are you pre pared for it? WE ARE prepared to serve you with j want. Preparedness has been one of the and never was it better exemplified than The store is teeming with useful gifts and care in selection and will be apprecia Whether you are seeking something for old, relative or friend you will find it And above all, when you get it here you Stylish, Attractive and Serviceable. Special holiday boxes, special holiday to outside points. list what you want, what He, She or They slogans of MATSON'S QUALITY STORE right now. the serviceable kind, which show thought iea uy we recipient. Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, younq or here, know, and they will know that it is right wrappings and express or parcel post paid I STORE OPEN EVENING S UNTIL CHRISTMAS and ' that said property ho sold In tho manner provided by law. That all of your interest and tho interests of nil persons claiming by , or under you in tho above described roal property bo foi-evor bnrrod and j foroclosod. That tho plaintiff may become a I purchnsor of said real proporty nt , said salo, that tho Sheriff cxecuto a I dcod to tho purchasor of said laud j and tho purchaser thereof bo grant ed Immcdlnto possession tnureof. Servlco of this summons Is made upon you by publication pursuant to an order mado by tho Hon. John S, Coko, Circuit Judgo ut Coos County, Stnto of Oregon, on tho 12th dny of Novombor, Itin, direct ing that tho sumo bo i.ubllshcd in tho Coos Uny Times, for n ..oiiod of six wooks. JOHN D. GOSS, JOHN C. KENDALL, IIKItHKRT S. MURPHY, Attorneys for plaintiff, First Nat lounl Uank lliilldlng, Murshflold, Oregon. New Telephone Directory PEOPL THI N E DON! K MUCH About real cstnto around Clnistmiis time, Bunt they oogfot to think about flro Insurance, for most danger. It's an awf hard for tho public to wo who'll lot his stock, or hi without Insurance, for Urn pared with tho protection IJottor bo forehanded a nnco policy. Strongest co losses, fairest adjustment on you. .i.c. i, Mum uiipn there') mm b '"J - ill thing to bum out, tut ' rk up much sympathy for a mm m . ti.... ltitrn tin s home, or iiinuuiru, -r uranco costs only a trlllo com-. ii .iriYiru u-iimi vnii niusi nvw "r ...i ,.u ni.nnt a flro lOJl'l jupnny. quickest payment o -. 1 ... will fill ,s. mono us nu " I KAUFMAN & CO. 222 Central Avenue Tlio Jniiuary Issuo of tho Tolephono Directory will go to prsxs Di:ci:.Miti:it jm. KllllUfllll,lU llllLt.ll.ll. ..I. ...... .'......v. .-'.0 iii-cwiik viiiuiKt:1 i in iihting or advertising hpaco should mako neies hary m-rnngoiiii'iits ns early us possible. If yon aro planning to Imvo a toleplinuu ms.-aUed, DO IT NOW, ami get your naino In "most Uhet! and ' most useful book" in Coos, Curry and Western Douglas Counties. KXTKA and DIH PLAY LIST1XS. nro effec tlvo atlveitlblng. Coos & Curry Telephone Co. WILSON'S Handsome Gifts in Dia monds, Gold, Silver. Cut Glass and Parisian OT- Thoro aro as many of theso oxM.uIslto articles In this i tboro aro kindly Christmas thoughts. TIIUY HUX Til 1-J WIIOLI3 SOALK OF HOLIDAY and will oncourngo you to enter into tho spirit of se j . .... .. ...... ,n n.n utoro and I luuiinaio gins it you win uiu wmv " beautiful collections. Diamond IKT SUCKiKSTIOXS 11 wioclios, Stick PhjS Pins, Lavallleres, ChaiiiiK, Cut lw. " JIorB,. Ka,. ItliigN, llracelet Wiitclnw.-Wutrin iiiuhi " . , en5rt- KNGIIAVING PUKB To insuro having your b' ' Belecllo ed in tlmo for Christmas It will bo well to namo at tho earliest possiblo momont. MOOD m Wilson's Jewelry Store 78 CENTRAL AVE. Open Evenings. PHONE 151- '" BUT " "