THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1915 EVENING EDITION. SEVEN POWERS is cm When Santa-Claus Passes Them By lly F.R. KIRK (RILEY) 4 , "TT w . i a Aiiai investment ; A home site in that sunny south-side tract where the rots lie level and sightly and the soil is deep and rich, where the streets are graded and the city water installed; electric light and telephone service at your command. It's the home place beautiful. You, too will, upon inspec tion, want your new home on one of these choice 50x120 foot lots where many others have built. You can buy on terms to suit your in come. The price is but $300, including all improvements. No assess ments to pay. Plat at our office. Reynolds Delpmeinit Co. (OWNER) Telephone, 160 178 Central Ave. Tariff on Water, Klcctrle Unlit ami Power Hates Forwarded to Hitllroud Commission Filing of tlio schedule, of rates for water, electric light and power with tho stnto rallroml commission, brands Powers us a regular city. The rates aro now prepntoil and aro he lm; forwarded by the firm of John 1). Ooss to tho commission at Salem. 0. A. Drown, of Powers, Is tho "corporation." Ho Is Bald to havu control of tho water system, which was laid some tlma since through tho sthects of tho platted area and Into tho various business houses. Al Bti Mr. Drown Is said to have an agreement with tho C. A. Smith company to purchase from thorn tho "jttlco" for lighting Powers and also for furnishing power, and to have control of tho distributing system. Tho water Is piped In, from Ding ham Crook, about three fourths ot a mile above tho town and has such a forco that tu turn It on complete ly would probably mean tho burst ing of tho water .pipes. Tho now rates for Powers are Bald to bo approximately what they are In Mnrshflold. The- Tim Is Growing S hort Only 6 Days Until Santa Glaus Will Be Here Don't delay longer Do your shopping now, before the select ions are all gone You will find here, as always, just the gift suitable for your par ticular needs A FEW SUGGESTIONS Overstuffed Rockers, Flemish Leather. Overstuffed Rockers, Imitation Leather Quarter Sawed Oak in all finishes. ' Dining Tables, in all Finishes Buffets, in all finishes China Closets, in all finishes. Bedroom Furniture of all kinds Beautiful Rugs, room size and small ones. IN FACT, ALL THINGS TO MAKE YOUR HOME BEAUTIFUL, COMFORTABLE AND CHEERFUL AT PRICES THAT WILL SUIT YOUR POCKET BOOK Doll Buggies 90c, $1.35, $1.95, $3.25 Doll Perambulators $4.00 and $4 50 Doll Chairs and Rockers .-50c and 60c Children's Chairs and Rockers 75c and SI. 00 Children's Tables 75c, $1.00, $1.15 Boys' Velocipedes, Wagons, Roller Skates, Automobiles And many things to make the children happy i' Going Harv nrBMHiHHMHMHKIHflHHHHHHB9HHHVX22Rfi ft. . n g5 ev ix. Abstracts RELIARLH ABSTRACTS OP TITI,K M IWMMMATUUI AROUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSHFIELD AND COQUILLK CITY, OnEOOV QKRAL AGENTS, EASTSIDE AM) SEXnWOIJKJ'9 PJIP AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LAM HENRY SENOS1 'Kis, m..i" , Safety First Service? FIRR AXD MARIXL AUT.OMOJJILK, HHALTH, ACCIDENT, LIFK, WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION AXD LIAIIILIVY IXSl RANCH E. I. CHANDLER, Agency. Coko IluUdlns ' -- Mandiflold, Oregon. TIIHKI2 will lio miuiy a iioor llttlo baby Who will iilllow thulr head with a sigh, Tlion tliu tciir-ilropH will Htnrt, l)y tlio weight in tliolr honrt, When Sniitn UIiuih piiBsoa thorn by For utit liuro on tlio Const ami ovor tliu Hia in tliu homes of tlio wuury anil worn, No alolgh IioIIh will Jlnglo From tlio doer of Chris Krluglo To proclaim, that tliu Christ child wiih horn, Thoro will bo may u poor llttlo girl, Tliat will look for a doll with a sigh, And lots of small boys That will look for tholr toys, When Santa Clans iuibhch tlioni by. And many a mother thiit'H near your own door That will wnko on thin bountiful morn, Sho'll get ni from her bud, With a pain In hor 'huad, TIiIh dny that tho Christ child wat born. If I woro tho lie-host that coiuo to this Kurth And could .go thrniiKh this world on tho fly, I would stop at oaoh door, With presents gnloro, ' Whoro Santa Slnuu iuibhch thorn by. I would talco iiIoiik clothing to miiko tholr flesh warm And trade for thulr tattered and torn, I would niako thuin nil clad, Instead of so sad, On tho day that tho Christ child was born, Just think of tho children adrift In tho wprld With Christmas drawing bo night, That will ralso from tholr bed, With hearts heavy hh load, . When Santa Claim passim thoni by, Tliero will bo liungor, iiiikoduoflu, sorrow and pain And hoarts that aro bleeding and torn, Can't you glvo somo relief, To this mlsory and Brief, On tho day that tho Christ child was born, There'll bo gaunt cyoa and cihcaks all Himkiiii and rod, Ploasu help them, now can't you comply? Just dry up each tear, And stop tho Reindeer, When Santa Clans goes passing by, Now, n word to tho Christian that good to thu.churcji And kucelH down In prayer In tho mom, Let your prayer ho complete For tho waif of tho street, On the day that tho Christ ohlld was born. And now In final a word to tho rich Don't say you can't help them op lie, lie a man or a beast, (llvo a llttlo, at least, When Santa Cluus passes them by. Let your hand open wldo, and ycur treasure divide Don't puss thorn In pitiless scorn, Start a fund for tho cause, I'll ho Santa Clans, On tho day that tho Christ ohlld was horn, CHRISTIAN' CHURCH I victor I. Morris, Pastor - Services as follows at tho Church, corner Sixth and Central; Regular rvlces overy Sunday, 10 a. in. Sunday School. You nro cordially Invited to attend these nieotlngs. nHiBiffWBViateM P wWmSSS&SSSSss mu shj&S iIHi , .; .liSSH a; HE?!!! . 0fUBBSk Svr Wvwy SH fcittaBHMBkkte7-v W r3f; fe . i' SIwpeSi ; icBJ! - '.. . K; MKTIIODIST CIIUROII Ilov. A. S. Illsey, Fnstor. North uona Tha services Sunday will be ai follows; Sunday School at 10 a. in. HiOQ in. SoriQpn, Vesper Clrclo and Kpworth League at 7 p. m. FIRST RAl'TIST OIIURCII I Rov. H. II. Foskott, Pastor Residence, 210 lllrch Ave. Phono 123-J. Allco Tlckell, church cleric. II. II. Patchctt, Stipt. Rlblo School. Calondnr of Services: lllblc School, 10 a. m. Morning Worship, 11a, in. V , Kastsldo Mission, 3 p. m, U. Y. P. U. meeting, 0:30 p. m. Peoplo's Sorvlco, 7:30 p. m. Prayor meeting, Thursday 7:15 m. All all wclcomo to these sor vlccs. Our Invitation Is especially urgent to strangers In tho city and to thoso who havo no qhurch homo. UN1TI2I) IIUirrilRKN CHURCH I NORTR IIHNI) MrB. R. N. LowIb. Pastor Sabbath School at 10 a. tn. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. in. Preaching at 11 a. in. and 8 p.m. Prayor Meeting Wednesday eve ning at S o'clock. MH2MIODIST EPISCOPAL. .'osouh Knotts, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Upworth Lcnguo at C:30 . m. Morning Sermon "The Losing ot a Klngd )in." livening Sermon "Indecision." Spoclnl music both morning and evening with Prof. Gerald Hunt direc tor of tho choir, Junior Leaguo Service Thursday afternoon at 3:4G. Prnvfli ManHnc Ttinrflflnv AVAia ling at 7:30 o'clock. All nro cordially Invited. KPISCOPAIj church. I Fourth mid Market Streets i R. 13. Drowning, Rector 8 n. in. Holy Communion, P:30 a. m, Sunday School. 11:00 a. m, Morning sorvlco and sermon. Subject: "Making Room for Christ in the Inn." 7:30 p. in. Evening Prayor and sermon. Every Friday ovoulng, 7:30, Ulblo study class. 1 CHRISTIAN HCIHNGU Sorvlccs Sunday 11 n. m, Wednesday, 8 p. in., Auditorium Puhllo Library. Suudny inoriiliig: "Is tho Univorso, Including Man, evolved by Atomic Korco?" Sunday School, 12 M. In Christ Ian Science Ilnll, Rending Room open dally oxcopt Sunday ami holidays, 14 p. m. Christian Sclonco Hall 237 Third. St. North. I RAY PARK CHAPKIi J 10. H. Cnmpbetl, Pastor. j 2:30 p. in. Sunday School F, A. Sacchl, superintendent. Prt'iichlng 7:30 p. in. Mid-week prayor mooting, Wed nesday, 7:30 p. in. MAKBHF1KI.D PHKHItYTKKIAN CHUItCH r-Rov. J. 8. Stubhloflold, Pastor Chas. II. I.owry, cleric of sessions A. L. Dutz, Treasurer. Mrs, Chns. McKnlght, prcsldont Women's Auxiliary. Miss Mary Kruso, organist. J. T. Drand, Stipt. Sunday School. Sunday school, 10 n. m. 7:30 p. m. Preaching. 1 1 n. in. Sormon No. IV. "Funda mental Ideas of Cod." 7:30 p. in. Lessons From John the Ilaptlst. Prayor mooting 7:30 p. in. Thurs SWKDIKII KVANOKLICAL liUTHKRAN CHURCH. Rov. Ilongstou Cornor Third nnd Commercial. Rosldouro 201 Highland. Phono 91-R, i 9:15 a, m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Sorvlco. Confirmation class at North Dotal at 2:30 p. in. - NORWIXRAN I.UTIIKIIAN. Rev. It. O. Thorpo Rov. R. O. Thorpo, Pastor I Phono 370 J. Residence 874 So. 7th St. Sunday Service and Holy Com munion, 11 n. m. Sunday School 10:00 p. m. North Rend Sunday Service 7:48 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. r . I OATIIOLIO CHURCH Time Want Js brtug reulti. I Times want ads bring feaults. NORTH IIKNU Rov. Win. Hogan, Pastor. Address Morey Hospital. Tele phono 2G1. Sunday sorvlco First mass, Gj30 ,. in.; Inst mass, 0 a. m. Rosary and bcnodlctlon, 7:30 p, in. . . 4 OATIIOLIO CHURCH MARSHFIKLD I Rov. II. J. McDovttt, pastor; Rev, M. Wnllaco, assistant. Addro-is, 312 South Sixth strtst. Phono 245. Sunday Sorvlccs First mass, 8 a. m . high mass, sermou and bB diction, 10:30. "tl 41 I 1 n n!S