The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 18, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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Gurry Comnij I
Section R
In Resources
Big Property of Weddcrburn Trading Company Has Given
Employment to Many Persons Extensive Developments
Made and More Planned Lumber Mill May be Started
and New Boats Built.
Tho Rogue river country of Cur
ry county 1b ono of tho rlchost dis
tricts In natural resources on tho
Bouthorn Oregon const. Wlillo It
Is now soiuowhat Isolated and
reached only by boats and stngo
road, tho lower lloguo country Is
n llttlo cm pi ro of itsolf and tlioro
Is much activity there. Tho last
year has soon big Improvement,
nnd the coming year promises to bo
even n moro nctlve ono ns It Is qulto
coming yonr It will ho still moro ex
tensively carried on. Tho com
pany already has ordors for 500
tons and oxnects to rccolvo still
further ordors. All of theso added
Industries will glvo furthor labor
for a community whero everyone
can work nt something If ho wants
to nnd where evorybody scoms to
havo mouoy.
But theso nro simply new Indus
trios that arc expected to bo addod.
likely that- lumber manufacturing iThoro Is already much doing in tho
and shipping will bo added rfs an-1 Rogue country. Tho timber and
othor industry of tho busy commun-1 lumber features have not boon
Ity, touched, tho company awaiting tho
CommunUy Prosperous time when tho lumber buslnoss
It Is claimed that thoro Is moro warranted.
monoy per capita In tho Roguo rlv
or country than nny othor point on
tho Pacific coast nnd tho banks will
glvo figures to show It. This con
dition Is duo to tho Industries or tho
community, which Is actually so
llttlo dependent upon tho outsldo
that tho peoplo thcro hnrdly know
that thcro wcro nny hard times re
cently. Of course thoy heard about
It but they did not fool tho pinch
for cvoryono was given an oppor
tunity to nuiko monoy.
Thcro aro two towns at tho
mouth of tho Roguo rlvor. On tho
south sldo Is Gold Reach, tho pros
perous county seat of Curry coun
ty, whero tho court liouso Is locat
ed, whero much business of Iho Hur-j
rounding ranchers is transacted,
and whero visitors may stop at ono
of tho best hotols on tho coast.
Million Dollar IMuto
On tho north sldo of tho rlvor
Is located Weddorburn, tho head
quarters of tho Weddcrburn Trad
ing Company. Tho latter is tho
name- undor which tho largo prop
erty wf tho Macloay Hstato of
Portland is oporated. This Is tho
proporly which was formerly own
ed by R. D. Humo and which was
bought sovoral years ago by tho
Maclcny estate Tho now ownors
hnvo mado many Improvomonts nnd
tho proporly roprosonts an Invest
ment of nbout ono million dollars.
It consists of 17,000 ncros of land
oxtondlng up tho river from tho
ocean nnd both sldos ot tho rlvor
for twolvo miles up from tho
mouth Ib owned by tho company,
excepting ono small ploco.
, I us Many Ilrnnrhos
Tho company conducts tho flsli
erlcs and big salmon cnunluK plnnt,
runs tho big ranch and also has one
of tho largost morcautllo business
In Bouthwostoru Orogou.
Rodorlck Maclcay of Portland ii
president of tho Mncloay ostato and
himself dlrocts tho big property
with managers for tho different
dopartmonts. Mr. Maday stays
at Weddorburn most of tho Hum
mer mouths and during tho sal
mon fishing Koasou.
Xow Industries Ciinilnt:
It apponrs now that thoro will
bo another Industry added to glvo
further omploymout, that of lum
ber manufacturing. This will do
pond upon tho ltimhor mnrkot. If
tho present hotter outlook koops i p
It Is promised that tho Woddorbuvu
Company will outer tho lumber
Mr. Macloay built a lumber mill
nt Weddorburn when ho first took
charge of tho proporly but soon
afterward tho lumbor mnrkot foil
"tid was hiipIi that It did not war
ant the running of tho plant. Now
, ir. Macloay statos that with a por-
auonency lof tho prosont Im
provement in lumbor buslnoss ho
will open tho mill and will order
two lumbor carrying power schoon
ers equipped with Dlosel ougluos
which would carry the output from
tho sawmill to San 1'rnwlsoo.
Thoso bonta would bo especially do
slgnod to get in nnd out of the
Rogue rlvor and at tho snmo tlmo
carry enough lumber nnd mnko suf
ficient spoed thut tlio transporta
tion would bo profitable.
'Do Possibilities
It is nlso qulto possible thut tho
compnny will go Into tho whito co
dnr tlo buslnoss. On tho MneWy
property thoro aro millions of feet
of tlmbor to furnish logs to bo cut
In tho sawmill and thoro Is also
largo amounts of codar for making
ties. Some of this Is far back but
it can bo moved by means of flum-
...i itmrii nm iinstl)lll t Inn for un
VB (Villi "'H" ",w !-- i
Salmon KMiing Dig
Tho salmon fishing 1b tho larg
ost of tho various branches of tho
company. Kach year scores of Usji
ormon make good pay falling and
furnishing tho salmon to tho ca'n
nory. Most of them mako enough
through tho season to carry thorn
tho rest of tho yoar.
Tho Roguo rlvor salmon aro fam
ous and of a high quullty which Is
in demand. Tho salmon cannery ia
a modern ono and Is equipped with
tho most up to dato machinery. Each
Bsason crows of oxports nro brought
to tho placo to work In tho can
nery hut as far as posslblo tho 'n
bor Is given to tho local peoplo. In
fact It Is entlroly distributed among
Roguo river men and women ex
cepting for tho oxports who .laudlo
tho canning machinery.
lias Hunt Service
Tho canned product Ib shipped
title band as a sourco of nmimomcnt
and Is a prosperous mining ai'd
ranch district.
River Scenic Ono
From Agnoss thoro Is ti trail out
to West Fork on tho railroad. Mali
formerly eamo In that way and tho
people of Roguo rlvor could g'Jt
Portland papers us soon as o Coos
Ray. This route Is used much by
travelors. The trip up tho river to
Agneas Is a beautiful ono nnd orob
ably no river In tho country nffoida
more pleasing' scenery.
Supplies Community
At Weddcrburn tnero nro n num
ber of lnrgo warehouses whero
Koodn aro stored and whero tho
big equipment for tho fishing busi
ness Is kept. After tho fishing sea-
sou closes thoro Is not so much do
ing but tho company bus a laivjo
business with tho peoplo of tho com
munity and tho ranchors of tho inr
roundlng country.
Tho Macleay estate owns prop
erty also In Cold Reach. Mr.
Macloay gavo u site for tho cchool
thoro and also gavo tho peoplo tho
lot on which tho now church is lo
catod. lllg Ranch IliiMncsa
Tho conduct of tho big farm Is
by no means a small matter. Of
tho 17,000 acres thcro aro about
5,000 acres devoted to the ranch
business. In fact thoro aro sovcr
al ranches which aro numbered and
which havo soparato buildings be
cause of their location, but thcro
Is ono main central ranch about
two mllos above Weddorburn.
Will White is tho ranch manag
er. Ho has Ills rosldenco at tho
main ranch whero thoro nro about
tlwcuty different buildings. Thcro
nre houses for tho men employed on
tho plnco, blacksmith shop, big
barns, slaughtor house, jhicken
houses, duck houses, nmchlno shops
and plggorics.
About 75 ncros of bottom land
Is .planted In clover nnd alfalfa both
of which aro highly productive In
.the locality.
O'oln;: Into Cat do
Formerly sheop wero extensively
ralicd but wlillo tho business Is
on tho gasoline schooners Rustler mnbIo M Mnc, fcnr8 Umt
Ami llnniiliin ti Mnrtii Tin fit I ! lto. I
tllt't HUUIUUI IV VUUQ "tlj IV tattltrt-
shlpmont to Portland. Thoso two
boats mako rogular trips to Roguo
rlvor nil tho yonr around, carrying
supplies and freight to tho Wed dor
u j: u
tied by persons who aro adnpted for
the work and for purposes for which
It is best suited. There Is so much
of the big property that It is bc
llturt portions can 'cnslly bo spared
for the sake of bringing moro people
to that pnrt of tho county.
KvpciliiicutH Mado
I Annflint, .prnnf linltt in Mtndn U'lm
. havo Bottled on Roguo rlvor nnd nlso
others who live In tho neighborhood
NeW Settlers TakinC) UP Homes 'nn Iho experiments which huvo been
S. S. F. A. Kilhiifn
Portland, (Via Astoria)
SlhN'DAV, DKOK.MIIKU 11), AT i(,.!t0
For Vurtlior Information O.ill J,
A St.
and Assistance Given Them
to Make a Success
carried on. Most pvrythlng that
ml'.nt bo expected to succeed in tho
(locality Is being tried out.
' Alfalfa Is already a success nnd
large fields of It aro grown on tho
ranch. In fact 11 is ono of tho 1m-
'portuut crops and is no longer In tho
experimental stage.
gild I Another crop which Is being tried
jis tne spmicss cactus. This is a
I plant which is used extensively In
California as n feed for milk cows.
jit hns the nd vanillic of growing on
CROP TESTS BEING MADE I poor, rocky soil, ylolds very heavily
land furnishes a very flno succulent
Hvpcrliucnts With tho Soil Will HoJfccd for milk cows. This has been
of Oraxt llcnofit to Thoso Who planted In sovoral different plnces
Dairvina is Introduced
Cheese Factory Built to Han
dle Farmers' Milk
Hnvo Hunches in tho Locality
ov Who Settle There
Colonization on Roguo rlvor is
one matter which will likely receive
a good deal of attention during tho
coming year and which has already
boon given careful consideration.
It is tho plan to disposo of portions
of tho 17,000 aero property of tho
Maclcay cstato to settlers, not simp
ly for tho purpose of soiling land,
but particularly to build up tho
Roderick- Mnclony, tho president
nnd apparently It Is going to grow
and ho a success, though It will tnko
until next year to ho certain nbout
It. If this enctus will grow on tho
rocky hills which nro good for llttlo
clso It moans n great boon for tho
dairymen who can thus turn useless
land Into high profits.
Test Dry Hill Lands
During all tho year nn experiment
al garden has been maintained on
tho Bide of a big hill for tho purposo
ol finding out Just what will grow on
thu hill lands without tho uso of wa
ter. Thoro Is n dr.v snell In that
Puget Sound Bridge &
urecsging Co.
Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General ConsfmM.
Our Coos Bay office has available for Oraonnk.i
work the u Loasl
. Dredge "Seattle"
ta most powerful, beit equipped nnd most thoroughly mwJ,
twonty-lncli hydraulic dredge In rortflo wntcri
coos Bay or ice. Main ofiin.
Seattle, Washington,
Marshfield, Oregon.
of tho ostoto, has his own Idena , Jmrt of tho county ovory yenr and tlio
about tho matter of settlement.
Ho sayB that ho could easily cut
up portions of tho property and sell
It by advertising but ho does not
want to do that. Ho believes that
In ordor for any settlement to bo o.
success, tho land must bo occuplod
by peoplo who nro fitted for tho par
ticular lino of work which they
must follow. Then moreover he
hoHt'Vos that thero must bo some
thing provided for them to do. In
purposo was to find out what forago
crops would withstnnd tho draught.
1 1' theso experiments alfalfa proved
n success without any irrigation.
That which wbb drilled In rows and
cultivated somo did better than that
which was sowed broadcasts No In
noculatlon of tlio soil was necessary
aii burr clover alroady grown on tho
land. Knlo did fair on this land nnd
enml vetch, 8nln foln, mllo mnlzo.
Kaffir corn nnd soy bonitB nil wore
We nro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL in .n.
from pile In our yard or In carload lots, at following prker
From pllo on ground, $2.1'5 per yard.
Canoad lutn, taken from care, J2.00 nor uh
Ileuill Department.
C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co,
Opposite Post-Office. rMnMoa!
tho case of disposing of farm lands i u success on tho dry hill soli.
hfb land has carried sheep for too
many years and that If ho con
tlnuos In that business tho ranges
will bo eaten down too closely. For
thut ronson ho Ib doing away with
burn company and to othor business ... ,, . .,..
. ' , .,. , . . the dhoop to ft groat extent nnd go
houses In tho locally and brine-1. ....
nig moro into mo cattio business.
About 800 head of sheep aro main-
houses In tho locality and bring
lux QUt tho products of tho placo.
Ileautiful Town
Weddorburn Is qulto a llttlo
town of Itself and certainly a most
beautiful ono, located us It Is on tho
plcturosquo river and uoar to tho
oi'oun. Thcro is in tho town a ho
tel, a number of nice resldouoos,
u ohurch, tho cannery, lumbor mill,
oronmory, wharfs nnd warehouses,
tho Woddorburu Company store nnd
thu prlvnto rosldunco of Mr. Mac
loay which Is known as Tho Lodge.
Ideal Summer lxdgo
This is un Ideal llttlo summer
homo located on a 1iIb.1i hill. From
the porch can bo soon thu beautiful
scenery up tho rlvor, mountains
talnod and nbout 1,500 head of cat
tle. Moat of theso nro high grndo
Duiilmm raised for hcof.
Cultivated Land
Kach your moro of tho tillable
Uud Is bolng plowed nnd put Into
crops so that tho land will thus
carry moro stock than when nil is
in xrnss.
Hundreds of hond of hogs nro ovory yoar and do Bplonmaly
with tho clovor, alfalfa an othor
crops which aro raised. Hogs can
bo ihlppod on tho gmollnu boats to
Attorla for a dollar a hond.
The community doponds upon tho
compnny for Its freak moat. For
ho thinks that thcro must bo n mar
ket provided for tho products that
tho settler can ralso on tho land
ho buys.
Introduces Dairying
With this Idea In view Mr. Mac
lcny made ono vory important stop
during tho past year whon ho es
tablished a chocso factory. Con
vinced that dairying wns a profit'
Has Ileon flreat Help
Tho farmers of tho surrounding
country hnvo all been given tho bdn
efltH ot whnt results wero attained.
In fnct Mr. Maclcay hns a rcgulnr
experimental Btntlon of hlB own, not
only ror his own bonoflt but for thnt
of ovoryono who wIbIios to profit by
Ik Tho vnluo of theso experiments,
Jho introduction of now and blooded
ablo business for tho Bmnll fnrmor si' k nnd tho establishment of-now
iltwiolt4 fltwl nlan 1 wi 1it it tl l t 1 1 n !
"";". . "'"" . . . ".i sale In tho storo nnd for tho ubo of
sur or uio ocon. uio i.ougo is I tUo omp,oyeil R larg0 nniount of
quipped With all lnouuru uouvu
nlences and in front of tho big fire-
stork Is alaughtorod ovory yonr.
Shocp, hogs and cattio nro killed
phu-o of the umcIoii living room , for e ,lomo comnuiintIon nm, ,..
many dlutlugulshud guoatii havo been
entertained by Mr. Macloay.
had room for twolvo mou hoiue vU
lug tho course of tho yoar -."0 to
o ., ....., .. .... ...... ; i
wi iiiM.ii ui tin iviiiud ii muun luiuu
Hurt s well as an tinuex which
wns built for Mr. Macluay's alstor.
Stole u Larue Ono
The blK store of tho Weddorburn commimty.
out of tho slaughtor house In Ihoj
shape of dressod meat. Bo It ic-,
iiulros the product of n good slxed
i mrm 10 maiuiaiu uio uumouiiuo
n..,.... i .. .i. . i ...
..-,B UI.,,,,,,,, .. U..U Ul U.U ...-, TrIt0y8i ,, nIulor ,,uclca IU.(,
wt In this part of tho btato. A ; el(lJon8 aro rnMll ou n , ealo
40.000 stock of goods Is carnal. and ch)n pUonglult8 avo 1)eon g0.
I ue storo is lsrgor than any liiiCllml nilll roloMod ln Inrg0 niim.
4uai-iuiuui nun iiiuru rtfu sovirai jH,
dupartmonts. I'lnctlcnlly ovory
thintc can bo
In othor parts of Curry nnd Cooa
rouuty, ho orcctcd nt his own ox
peuHo tho cheeso fnctory so that not
onlv thoso who sottlod on his land
would havo n mnrkot but nil of tho
peoplo of tho community ns well.
He thus Introduced dairying ln
Rokuo river.
A first clnss cheeso maker was
put In charge nnd tho milk of tho
farmers wns bought and they wero
paid cash. Th crcamory was not
started as a monoy making propo
sition hut with a vlow of giving
tho farmers an added Incomo and
thus helping to mako tho locality
moro prosperous. Tho chcoso fac
tory hnd n good year but will have
a hotter ono uoxt summer as tho
farmers did not mako provision?
for tho dry season and tho milk pro
duction fell off somo but this mat
tor has been brought to their at
tention. Portions of tho land which aro
sultnblo for dairying nro sold for
that purpose Somo of tho settlors
own tholr own cowb wlillo In somo
cases cows woro furnished.
Would Hulld Cannery
Tho Itoguo river country Is adapt
od for fruit growing nnd Mr. Mnc
loay says that ho will put In n fruit
.....uvula iur mo prociuciB, iinB uooni
u tot help to tho pooplo nnd will
rennn much grontor profits for them. I
It is tho Intention to go still far
ther In this work during tho com-!
Ir.g yenr so thnt ovoryono in tho I
rtoKtio river country enn know just )
how thoy can hnndlo their farms to
tlio best advantage and in Mm i
grotitost profit.
To work out tho plans which aro
Ii. mind for the wholn Rotinn win
tnkr a llttlo tlmo, hut much Is being1
deno ovory yoar In tho meantime1
Tlo pooplo of Hoguo rlvor nro pros-!
porous nnd thoro s ovory promise of
that section of Curry county ono day
lielng ono of tho most boautlful gar
Ion spots of tho coast.
Soft Water
Tho advantages of soft water such as afforded hero aro mmr
and of such Importance that a great number ot cities -with bird
water supplies have Installed water-softening plants at largo ex
pense Tho saving of soap ro qui red for washing Is considerable.
The lnbor of washing Is much' reduced. The wear and tear ot
clothing Is couseiiuontly diminished. Loss fnol Is required to
heat soft water nnd hot water Is obtained moro quickly. go(t w&.
tcr Is highly deslrablo ror steam boiler uso In mills, etc. Soft
water Is moro deslrablo from a health standpoint than hard water.
Soft wator brings n copper colored Iron stain from alder tree
leaves at tho tlmo of heavy rains, but it only affects tlio color and
appcaranco of tho wator. Thin stain cannot bo romovcJ by III.
tcrlng or chemical troutmont. Do not mako tlio mlstnko ot heat
ing your hot wntor supply to higher tompcratiiro than necessary
ns It causcB ncodlcss rusting of tho hot water piping.
Cold Stotago lMtints May Open
Field of Deep Sea Fishing
Will Dredgo for (Jold
Thoro nro two now Industries
which may start ln tho Roguo rlvor
country boforo another year nnd
both aro Important and big duos.
At Wodderburn and nt Port Orrord
tho Mnclcny estate owns largo nnd
rs on tho proporty.
Mllix nf Pmli-ln I
boiiKht, grocorlos, T1, Knnn nnrftA . ...,, .,, . ' niMt, olothliig. goods for l-(,.y o011 nrBlrl0 am, for m
die-, hardware, farm tools aim im-!tll0 8toek roam OVOf U)0 ro,H
moments, hunters' supplies nnd ov- ,,,,. Tho ,,U,B0 oxtomJa fop Qim
ou drugs. 'Iho bos; or nuods pro m,w lmoU from tlw omuli w,'
he rich bottom land nnd tho fncll
. irf til nnd Htit nnHiln f Hin until. I
tiiv ! au jiw4w w tw -ww
luunity depend upon tho store Iur ttleB fop ,mndI1B ,t tlloro , Il0 lUf.
tholr supplies. As shipping Is some- fIcnUy , pBBl1B ,nrg0 amounts of
times slow in winter it Is nooossnry ' foe(, for Ul0 w,utop montll8
to carry a lurxo stock of goods nnd j The OMU,nso of comhlctlnB t)l0
It is tho aim ot the company to lvo,,,tf proMorty ,8 of courB0 vory Inrg0
the people a olmueo to buy as do- ThoU8nmls nnil thousands of dol
sirahlo goods ns thoy could Inn city lRlg ,.0 ,,,,, 0t om.y yonp fop
ami ui jiiiuuto nuv iiuuiu iiiubu
ehtirgod at Portland.
Tho ooinpany Is now opening a
new brauoh store In Ciold lloiuli
which is in ohurgo of Harry Dod
on, formerly of Marshfield, This
store was openod only a short tlmo
ago and accomodates tho people on
that sldo of the rlvor without tho
necessity of crossing ovor to Wed
dorburn when thoy want to deal
with the company.
There is also malntnliiod a branch
storo at Agnoss, which Is thirty
miles up tho rlvor from the mouth.
It Is In an Uolntod placo and tho
atjre Is qulto an uecomod.illr.i to
! ... .
and vogotablo cannery If sufflc-1 "'' equipped cold storage plants,
tout porsons will ratso tho products I TI,ej' wero erected by tho former
ncoded. Ho will thus mako a mar- j owner when fish was handled In
kot for tho gardlnor and tho fruit ro111 storage Thoro Is being form
growors who want to live in tho 1 1 Portland a big company which
Roguo rlvor country. This Is tho will carry on deop sea fishing on
basis of tho principles undor which j o Orogon and Washington coast
Mr. Macloay Is endeavoring to sot- on a largo scalo and will havo sta
tlo peoplo around tho rlvor and tlena at tho smaller harbors whoro
ho says It Is tho only successful t,)0 f'al ran be hold awaiting ship
way in -which a locality can bo. :,-tlt to the market centers,
built up. Tho market must bo fur-1 It Is posslblo that tho Macleay
nlshod nnd If tho right kind or rnr- cstato will put tholr two cold stor-
mors havo hold of tho land thoyi',KU i""'s mio tno company for
wns'8. In fact without tho flsh
orlos and tho big estato scores of!
famtlloa ' would find themselves
without lnunodlato mer.s for mak
ing u living.
Always Improving
Mr. Macloay has mado extensive
Improvomonts on tho farm dur
ing tho past yoar. Drnlnago dit
ches havo boon built to reclaim land
which was swampy, now buildings
aro always bolng put up and old
ones ropalrod and each yoar moro
of tho avallablo land Is brought
umhr cultivation.
will mako a success and prosper.
Mr. Macleay offored, to turn tho
creamery over ns a co-opomtlvo con
corn to tho ranchors after thoy
havo It fully established It thoy wish
to tako hold of it.
Uilngs Flno Stock
In ordor to help tho farmers tho
Moilooy cstato purchasod somo of
tho finest Tlolsteln cattio. On tho I formed ln San
big ranch dairying Is not followed IPct to bring
at all, and It Is not tho Intention j handle the sands
stock and if this is done it will
mean big work for thoso wn want
to engage ln doep sea fishing ofr
the Curry county coast,
Mining Prospects
Another project which will like
ly bo started is tho handling ot tho
T'iWmMr tlsuMlV!KssS4 yM
vmmw' - tiltrfWI BUM'- ?
Pt ritiVui" jkC. "("'1'. -ej4 sdwiiBB' ' ' " ,mF
Electrical Toys
Absorbinff Fascinating
. Z9
MINIATURE ELECTRIC RANGES cook real food with a
row bearing sands or tho beach. i tiny quantity of current. They are genuine cook fwrcj' r-jji.
n largo drodco to mv mnrnnn Anr-nrr i!:i-.j ..nrlnfu nt meuil",w'
to tako It up as a business, but tho tlea that It will pay to extract tho t ". CVia UCdl lu ine nearl 0I U0y"uu lJlvc """ tpflfih
onormoiiB development In tho tie the People rosldlng thoro. Agnoss
. . . .. It a settlement without a .'iKon
muusiry. ... , . , , 4
In pnst years tanhark hns beonjroau, ueiug rem-iien wuy y iiii.A
t to somo oxtont but during tho i nnd l' trail. Yet It has Ita Jae-'J,
company of rich men havo been fcctly safe to play with; indescribably interesting
rrancisco aim ex- I fi fllN
ThYMnTnponncDATrroniiniimifoH vnrietv of mecnaniy
m such quanti-1 .u zA: "J. 1 rVr ,.' u."" 'u a'r m.,m:ir." .7; niompntal insiruu-
uujcuia ucetr tu me nean 01 uuynuuu, yivc -; -. ru vg.
ftno dairy stock was bought so that Kold It is said that sand running' "Oil in manufacturing and COIlStrUCtlOn Operail u"' ' "
tho pooplo of tho neighborhood only SO cents a ton In gold can be i liable leSSOnS Tfilfltivn tn thn flnnlication Of modern DO" j M-
could build up tholr herds and mako profitably handled becauso it will IF YOU WANT THINGS FOR CHILDREN MOST IN "Cl?in
iion-io river as nuo a uuiry t-ouii- -".t.ii mu uiciiko in sucu largo. AMflnR TUCM Dliv CI CPTDIOAI TflYS
t-v as somo of the other parts of' qualities. fUIUMU 1 HtM, BUY ELhUKIUAL IUTO.
Curry county. j it is also expected later that the
Tills past summor nbout 5,000 bods or tho rivers and creKs will I
ncros or land was surveyed and laid bo dredged as they aro known to
out lu tracts, and will only ho set-i bear gqld,
lOregon Power Co.