THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 191S -EVENING EDITION. jJUjf V -S?? 'ati3TrSkWtfmm Ford Touring Car It's the Universal Car because it serves everybody is a universal utility. It's a universal economy because it saves money for everybody. It is a universal servant because it serves everybody. It's a universal luxury because it gives pleasure to everybody. Simple in de sign, it is quickly understood. Light in weight, it is wonderfully flexible. It runs readily over all sorts of roads, and all sorts, of hills, being especially adapted to Coos County roads. Strong in construction, it endures. Low in cost of maintenance and operation, averaging about 2 cents a mile. ' . FORD TOURING CAR, $525; RUNABOUT, $475 Isaac R. Tower Southwestern Oregon Representative. 1 "THE GUNNERY" Front Street. Marshfield, Oregon. lwiwyyWtn mm W ! in" "W J For Christmas: A KUPPENHEIMER SACK SUIT flfTHE CHOICE OF MEN WHO WANT U QUALITY AS WELL AS ECONOMY AND WHO KNOW THE ART OF COMBINING BOTH YOUR INSPECTION IS INVITED . THE FIXUP WHERE THE PRICE IS ALWAYS ItlClllT MAHSHFIELD NORTH IIK.NI i. W'2W i Ax Si. ' Of N oble Theate TO-NIGHT R Tho world's greatest motion plcttuo comedian, CHARLIE CHAP 1.1 X, In "HIS PREHISTORIC PAST." Two reds of tho funniest pictures over shown In this theatre. Tills is a special pioductlon niiulo by tho Keystone Company. Tho third of tho "Who Pays'.'" dramas, entitled "When Justice Sleeps." A drama In threo parts dealing with a vital question of life. They aro eomplcto stories. Not n seilal. "TIIK THIItl) PARTY." Vltuguiph drama vtith Hobby Connel ly, Donald Hull and sotcriil other olil-tlmo YltngrapU plajier. Como eaily for Rood heats, s tho theater will ho packed to tho doors shortly after soven o'clock. UPSTAIRS OR DOWN, 15 cents - - - - CHILDREN, 5c Coming Monday night: "A Woman's IleMinection," with Het ty Vain en. Sunday Matinee, "Woiniwood," The great Fox fet iii o In five reels. vv$s .aV'KVii Til 'ilw Iffc a TELL your husband that you would like table silver for a tfift. Tell him also that Community Silver is the best plated ware made, but costs no more than other kinds, hOG O WEATHER FORECAST (D, AMotltl rrcn to Coo. Da, TlmM 4 ORKOON Ilaln or snow In tho west, snow In tho east, southerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tbo 24 hour eadlng at 4:43 n. 111., December 18, by DenJ. Ostllnd, spoclal gov- orhment meteorologist: Maximum 52 Minimum 30 At 1:13 n. m 30 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1915 29.45 Precipitation t&mo period last year 30. 99 Wind: West, cloudy. v SUNRISE AND SUNSET Sat in day December 18 Sun riscB at 7: 19 and sets at 4:27. make navigation almost an Impossi bility. Ho bad no cash in tho bold to pay a "fiver" into tbo general treasury. Hlggest Shipment of Year. Tbo biggest shipment of parcel post this j car will leave Aboard tbo steamship Kilburn tomorrow for Portland. 1'or 10 days tbo postofflce force has been taxed to tbo limit, taking In &nd weighing up Christmas pack- I ages, and in the last three days or I so there lias been someone nt the I window with, bundles from tbo open j In e to the closing hours. New Sjstcin of Hennery. Char Ice Marchant lias invented a now and ui'lnuo method of finding lost arti cles. Two days ago his wheel was stolen nnil be appealed to the police to find It for htm. Dolievlng the chances of recovery would bo in ct cased providing tbo officers know what tho wheel looked like, ho drow carefully Inhaling and describing n colored picture of tbo machine, every section of It and pinning this up in tho police station. Dinner Is Talked or. Tlioro is soino talk of arranging what would be known ns n "Oct together Amoricanizntlon dinner" of tho members of tbo Chamber of Com merce on Fcbrunry 22, Washing ton's birthday. Last year there was a strong agitation for such gather ings all over the United States and this year, becauso of tho war In Eu lopo, tho spirit seems to bo grow ing townrd staying at homo to "seo America First" and bold fast to an tilings American'. t BORN X CURTIS To Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Curtis, nt tbo llogcrs IIouso, a six-pound (laughter, Friday night, December 17, 1915. Tbo hus band Is an automobile man in Wallowa, Oregon, i nnd' friends aro cnrlug for Mrs. Curtis, whoso foster father is named Hood, and said to bo a mllllonnlro factory owner of Dayton, Ohio. Ho will probably tako Mrs. Curtis back to hor homo when sho ls.ablo to travel. Willi money saved wo fool secure It does not take great wealth To start a helpful bank account That helps one help himself. Hoys and girls register, Monday at tho First National Hank for Christinas nnd wo may start you for nothing. See Christmas tieo nt tint bank. ' I Como In and soa our fine stock of Chrlbtiuas (Hfts and Jowelry Engraving Fioe- i F. W. BERTRAM, Jeweler Marshfield :: .: :: :: Powers Now limber. Richard Anderson, n colored harbor from Gold Hill, Oregon, has leased a room In tho flow Why building on North Rroad wny mid will open a barber shop there. Flvo Dlmrrci. Judgo Coko will go to Co(Ulllo Monday to hear four Coqulllo Anlloy dlvorco ensos nnd ono caso for soparato maintenance Ho may also baud down decisions In tbo ciiho of tho Ilandon Catholic church vs. tbo City of Ilandon nun In tho caso of Dennis McCarthy vs. i tho Port of Ilandon. (letting Office Ho.idy. Two offlco rooms on tho second floor of tho Irv ing building have been ongnged by Dr. L. 0. .lolinsoii, of Myrtlo Point, who expects to move hero within a lew days to locate Today Roy La whom was busy tinting tho walls anil getting things artistically in shape- for tho coming of tho doctor. Ixmk (her Timber Lands. Goo. I!. Chanoy, of Salt Lake city, nrrlvod l.ero on tho stage last ovenlng for tbo purpoHo of looking over tho tim ber lands of tho Edmund Hall Land company which is owned by tho Chanoy oatato and consists of somo 3 000 acres of timber land not n Brent dlstanco from Powers. Hlcyclo Tips Off fti-ndo. A young boy by tbo nnino of Glcnsou, riding down South Tenth street this af ternoon, In attempting to turn his wheel into Johnson avenue, failed and tho wheel nnd rldor wont over tho grade. Though tho hlcyclo was uninjured, tho rldor received sev eral bad bruises and puts which had to bo bnudnged. llalnneo Machinery Was Awry. Somo of tho modern craft now days Iirvo "equilibrium tanks" whereby a too heavy load on ono sldo can bo equalized by a quantity of ballast ni'tomatlcally taken In from tho other. James Anderson possibly had never heard of such an appara tus for last night bo was takon In tow by tho officers with too much of n load on tho wrong sldo, enough to Sarter's IS TIIK PLACK TO fiKT YOUR Christmas Candies Z PERSONAL MENTION NOEL NOAH, ot Coos River, was hero today on a business visit. II. W. PAINTKR Is expected homo soon from an extended stay in Portland. HOLLO PATTHRSIN was down this morning on business from bis homo at Allegany. HARRY I1KNSON, of Lnkcsldo, wub down yesterdny and today looking after somo buslnosa matters. J.- F. POLLKY, of Coqulllo, camo over Inst evening on business, ex pecting to return homo again this ovenlng. -. , ". T. DEMENT, county commission er, returned homo on tho Btago ' last ovenlng from Portland whoro ho attended tho stnto meeting ot county court moinbers, RAYMOND K. HAKER, county school superintendent, camo over from Coqulllo this morning and left on tho stngo for Salem whoro ho will moot as a monibcr ot tho stato Hoard of Examiners. E. J. LONEY, head of tho bank es tablished this week at Powers was In tho city today. Ho says that business is very good In tho south ern city nnd that his business Is already going nicely. M1S9 A. NORKEN, Instructor In English In tho Ilandon high school enmo over last evening and loft on tho stago today for hor homo In Portland whoro sho will spend tho holidays. Sho was a guest hero at tho J. E. Cowan homo. COLONEL R. II. ROSA, of tho Port of Ilandon commission, camo homo from Portland !""'. ovenlng and this morning loft for Ilandon. W. INGERSOLL, of Lakosldo, was among tho visitors In tho city to day, J. W. RONEY, until recently wire chief with tho Coos and Curry Telophono company, left ovorland this aftornoon for Chicago whoro ho goes to unexpectedly drop In on Mrs. Ronoy and daughter. Ho will enter tbo omploy of tho West ern Electric company. t AMONG THE SICK t Tom Tonnlson of tho local telo phono company was taken quite 111 yesterday. Dr. Toyo, who has been conflued to Money saving prices on useful Xmas presents for the whole family can be found at the J. C. Penney Store next door to Postoffice. Men's Flannel Shirts, $1,50 value, Our price 98c Men's all-wool Shirts, military or flat collar, $2,25 value, Our price $1.49 Beitter grades, all wool, in brown, light gray, tan, dark gray, $3,00 value, Our price $1.98 Fine French Flannel Shirts for the men to wear; white collars, worth 50c to 75c more, ..$2.98, $2.25 Men's Neckties, all the latest styles and shades at a saving of a third on everyone 25c, 45c , ' FOR THE LADIES Silk Net Waists, worth double the price $3.98, $4.49, $4.98, $2.98 Ladies' Kimonos, in all latest patterns $1.49, $1.25, 98c Incorporated. We Lead, Others Follow The Originators of Low Prices SEE US BEFORE BUYING YOUR CHRISTMAS CANDIES AND NUTS Christmas Candy 15c, 25c per pound No. 1, English Soft Shell Walnuts, 5 pounds for.. .$1.00 No. 5, High-grade Mixed Nuts for 95c Gettings Cash Grocery youSmoEney NO. 11ROADWAY, NKAIt CENTRAL Jewelry The Gift of Gift of It' hO. For n gift ought lo bo inoro tlmu tho inoro presentation Mmicthliig worth about mi much. I Tho higher sense ought to ho recognized. Tim fitness of tho gift (o tho occasion ought to ho rousldsrcd. TIiiih you uhvnyN find Christmas and Jewelry Inseparably con nected. Tho question for ou to decide Is what nitlclo of Jowelry l tho most suitable. In cadi ciiho. Wo would like to suggest that our block furnishes lnuiimerublov suggestions. All jour gift wants might easily ho supplied from it with profit to yon nnd satisfaction to those jou wish to re member. ' Hecauso Jewelry Is liked by overjono. Ah wo Mild, It's tho gift of gifts. lliiug )oii. friends along and Inspect our slock. Select jour Christmas girts nnd wo will gladly keep them for ' mi until jou want them. H 5 JL wer his homo for several days on account of Illness, was ablo to bo down town for n short tfmo this aftornoon. P. R. Duo Is nursing a bad caso of poison oak, contracted while on his way In from Rosoburg recoiitlj'. Fred Eteckel, of Ruukor Hill, Is suffering with a bad Infection on his hand that has kept him away from work for several days. Mrs. James Bering is confined to her homo today on account of Illness. Charles Van Duyn was confined to his homo this morning and was unnblo to appear in hla customary place at tho Chandler Uotol. on tho North Fork of tho Sluslaw River, C 1-2 miles from Florence Extra good bargain It sold bofore Jnnuary 1C, 1910. Address J. II. Ho 2D, Floronco, Oregon. FOR SAW: Thirty foot gasoline launch, cheap. Inqulro Lloyd hotel. rum: and injurious ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Corner Market and llroiulwny Vo solicit all our old patrons of the Lloyd and aosuro them tho samo reasonable rates. E. W. SULLIVAN Times Want Ada for roaulU. VKSSKL MOVKMKXTS Duo Heio F. A. Kilburn, San Francisco, Sunday a. in. A. M. Simpson, Sail Francisco, Monday, a m. Hardy, San Francisco, Tuesdaj-. Duo to e-ill F A Kilburn, Poitland, Sunday p. m. Wo do not spent of Its QUALITY That speaks for Itself SARTER'S Phono 20:W, Mnrshfield Front St., Opposite Illanco Hotel tin. vmvr rFiTEK heads, bill heads, etc., prmtod at THE TIMES office. . , ' wnuMUWUk i 1 i I '"""nwnl SEE OUR ' WINDOWS , CHRISTMAS GOODS II GllislflhlS GlftS I Illiidgo WbUt Sets I Mimlcuro Sets Hand Minors H Collar and Cuff Hags H j Travelers Cups M Ttaiclers' Writing Pads (si:i: ouit window) I THE BUSY CORNER I Tho Itovall Drug Store H Phono 1!08 H' Wo Deliver Immediately NEW TODAY J $$ FOUND Hoy's cowboy suit outfit. Ownor can havo samo by paying for this ad at the Coos Day Sta tionery Company. I FOR IlKXT Klght room dwelling with modern conveniences, reas onable rent. Close In. Apply to Jas. II. Flanagan, Flanagan and Uonnett Douk Bldg. FOR HMA: Child's Iron led and silk floss mattress. Ph. 174-L. FOR REXT Apt. close In, ilrd and Anderson, Dr. Leslie. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notico Is hereby given that seal ed bids will bo received by tho Common Council of tho City ot Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon until half past seven o'clock p. m. on Monday, tho 20th day of Decem ber, 1U1G, for tho improvement of that portion of Droadway street North from a point 98 feet eoqt) " of tho south lino of Ulrch avenuoi a point 43 feot north of tho no. lino of Dlrch avenue, in tho Clty-' i?fwr FOR ItEXT Small farm ono mile from Lakeside. I. S. Kaufman & Co., 222 Coutral avenue. FOR ItEXT l-rooni bungalow, with bath, on So. .8th st Phono 29-J. FOR REXT Furnjshed flat, hot and cold water, bath. 853 Third St. FOR SALE Fine ranch of fifty acres bottom land and somo bench, Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon, according to tho plans nnd specifi cations prepared by tho City Engin eer and on fllo in tho offlco of tho City Recorder and thoro open to tho Inspection of all persona Inter ested therein. All bids must bo in accordance with tho requirements accompanying eald specifications and upon blanks for that purpose which will bo sup plied upon request at tho offlco ot tho City Engineer, A certified check of flvo per cent ot tho amount bid must accompany the bid, to bo forfeited to tho said City of Marshflold, in case tho con tract Is awarded tho contractor and bo falls to enter In a contract with said City, end furnish a suitable bond therefor within ten days after being notified so to do. Tho Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids, Dated this 11th day of Decem ber, 1915. JOHN W. DUTLER, Recordor ot tho City of Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon. ! . N