THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. H-N. I 8 mn The Christmas Store Welcomes You All GREAT TRIP AlAY SELL CARLOS CAPTAIN WINKLE TELLS MEXICAN VOYAGE OF The matter of selecting jour Christmas Gifts Is really very aim jilo after all. Come to tlie Unit Spend here as much (lino as joti plcnso Thousands of MijJKCstlous mo displayed. Courteous, atten tive salespeople will lo ulacl' tnliolp yon. ' , nd'tho Christmas Spirit of Good Cheer Is nhroifll In this stoic that helps. I 1 ; : ; ; Always acceptable A Christmas Gift Certificate l from the Hub Dry Goods Company. Hub Dry Goods Co. THE CHRISTMAS STORE CORNER IIIIOADWAY AND CENTRAL AVE Phono itOl MS ELD HI S V1CTOHH OVER NOItTll UEND ISASKE'l) HALL FIVE Had of Second Hulf Kinds Tie Score In Additional Time Locals '"Tosh 'Three' IluskclN With tlio score standing 13 to 13 at tlio end of the second hulf and tho ullownnco of five mlnutos extra piny to dccldo tho winner, tlio Marshflold high school emerged victorious, 10 to 17 over tho North Ocnd alumni last evening on tho local gymnasium floor. The first gnmo of tho sennon, tho boys showed tho effects of but llttlo practice Doth teams appeared with plohty of fight, but liinde repented f uitlo attempts at baskets. Tho passing nnd catching of tho bull was also poorly executed on both bUIum. Howovor, both quintets showed thoy havo possibilities nnd tho coaches of neither one of tjio teams felt discouraged over tho showing mado, Tho practlco of Marshflold has not been much over a wook and that of tho North Bend five about tho same length of tlmo. For Marshflold nil of tho baskets wcro mndo by Seaman, conter, and Uurrows, forwnrd, with tho oxcop tlon of a much needed baskot In tho lust flvo mlnutos thnt wns tossed' In by Tom Wattora who took tjio placo of Kramer nt forwnrd with Hurrows. Thero was a. good sized crowd present at tho game. Tho probab ility Is thnt tho lndopciiflont team vlll mnko Its nppeurnnco very shortly now nnd Hinge n gnmo or two with tho North Horn! alumni. Tho llnoup follows: Marshflold North Bond Burrows Ilowou Forward Kramer, Wattora Jncobson Forward Seaman Hodson Center Dresser Simpson Qunrd McDonald Couro Quard OFFICERS ELECTED Skipper Now on Westerner, On Last , Trip of Cnrlos to Soutli No Mro Itchols for liliu Tales told by Captain Winkle of a recent trip made to Mexican ports of tho stenm schooner Carlos soun'd pretty much like tho stories brought homo by tho old sailors who Balled tho Spanish Main, though not' with tlio cross bones in the main top. Captj Winkle left licro Wednesday nbonrd tho Westerner. Ho hns just recovored from an attack of tho fev ei contracted while In tho south whoro he said tho thoornionietcr onco wont up to 12S degrees, nnd Ltayod thero, as. though right nt homo. ( i . Ho sailed from San Francisco fdr western Mexican ports with a gen Blartcd. About tho first thing oral cargo, nnd then his troubles flighted boforo tho vessel put Into her destination was tho extended hand" of tho Mexican rebel, palm up ward, and waiting to ho greased. In tho trip moro than one big and hear ty silver dollar of Undo Sam's trick led uto tho multitudinous hands that were outsretchod. And with out said trickle, Cnpt. Winkle sn'Id the Carlos might still bo in tho south. IlUMOIt MAS IT THAT MOAT HAVE NEW OWXEUS TO 1 'i Law nnd Order Unknown ItLUE LODGE MASONS HOLD AN- Law um, orUor( ,10 folIm, not tf) XUAD ELECTION LAST EVENING nc "' "& terms wttn many of tno west coust ports, or nt least they i ... -... . - Installation of Off kern to Take "uro "0l m ovhioiico. l'lnco December U7, Together Thc vosso1 discharged her enrgo With HjiHterii Slur cml took '1 som 9000 8acks Of nn- tlvo benns for San Frnnclsco. Hun Tlio nnnunl election of officers of gry women and children gnthorod In tho Uluo Lodgo of tho Masons wus crowds a limit tho freight enrs ns the hold Inst evening In tho Masonic benns woro unloaded and every Templo. Tho nowly elected officers tlmo a sack ripped, thoy dived In will bo InBtnllcd on Decembor 27, for what foil on tho ground. Sol at tho samo tlmo tho officers for tho dlcrs woro unablo to drive thorn Eastern Stur go 'Into office, at which nwny. time a banquet will also bo hold. f Uxhorbltnnt export duties woro Tho following nre tho officers oloc- nuked, and sometimes received, tui's " i though hero ngnln tlio old fashioned Worshipful Muster Malr Dano custom of "palm oiling" enmo In Senior Warden Del Bongston qulto hnndy. i Junior Warden .... Charles Curtis Fortune In Bullion j Secretary Norls Jensen , At ono small jiort of call, Cnpt. ' Tronsuror Ocorgo Winchester Wlnklo took some $90,000 In gold 1'iUHteo Churlos Marsh ' bullion aboard thS ship in tho night ' On next Tuesday cvonlng will bo tlmo, tho freighters bolng unable to i held tho nnnual election of tho Itoyal oven bring It to tho lnndlng in tho ! Arch. MnsoiiB. I daylight. Tho cold wns ntnwoil in tho captain's cnbln for safe koop-l lug. Only a dny lntor a rohol band mado a raid on tho initio from which ' tho bullion wus taken. Thoy woro very disappointed Mexicans. x. i ,i ,. . Tnlos of Instant riches won on tho ' No dofnlto announcement as to Lock oxclmilKO thro , t0 J whether tho Geo. W. Mooro mill nt L,.llrmnB ,,.. " M.i..., V. . , ., ,,, ... euritics havo nothing on tho niurvut- ...... .u "'""" "'". jBprlug up, In Mexico. uuuiKu . .uooru, president oi tho Mooro Lumbor Company return oil to Bnndon to spend tho Christmas tor car with him Now Belongs to ONeit-Mulioiiey Line Vessel Is Staunch Craft ami Well Kiiou'n On Coos Bay Salo of tho stenm schooner Car los, of tho Olsen-Mahonoy lino has prnctlcally boon completed, It Is re ported horci though tho namo of tho purchasing company Is not known. Also word has reached Coos Bny that tho 'b(oani Bchoonor Westerner, of tho sumo lino, Is for sale and prob ably ono or two of tho larger Olson Mahouey boats will bo sold. With tho price of bottoms as thoy nre, salo of ships Is now n regular thing,- for owners see a chance to disposo for almost enough money to lt'tor buy now ships. Tlio tying up of thousand's of bolllgcrout ships la one of the causes of tho shortage thnt lias been months been sending ships nnd freight charges sky high. Tho Carlos Is well known on Coob Day, having been In hero n grent number of times for tho C. A. Smith company. She Is n wooden ship, built nt Snn Francisco In 1908 and has n length of 1D8 foot, nbout tho samo ns tho Brcnkwator and quar ters for 34 passengers besides being of 8GG gross tonnage. Nothing definite has been given out regarding tho solo of tho Carlos though It wns understood that on of tho reasons why Capt. Wlnklo, who has boon regularly on tho Car- j los, camo In hero on tho Wcstornor.j was that sho is now on her last trip i under tho", OlBon-Mnhoncy colors. Ian tho Carlos' broughc 700 refugeo Amorlcan and Mexican soldlorB up to Mazalan, aiding them to escape from tho terrors of marauding bauds and nlmost certain starvation. And so when thero camo another chaneo to tako 'the Cnrlos bnck to Mexico Captain Winkle was won pleased to trado Jobs with somo ono elso and bring tlio Westerner Into Coos Bay. New Christma MynMMj - -i"5l?' At the Golden Rule MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS NOW! You will find many tilings at this store thai make appreciated gifts at very .reasonable cost. llldl Just received, a delayed shipment of Genuine Florence Toilet Sets, . $l,5otncn Parisian Ivory Manicure Sets, ----4--- il 50c to hS' Military Brush Sets . ' 1 95otoliffi Gentlemen's Shaving Sets ..- ----v,--..; $2.00 to $3 50 Many new novelties in Gentlemen's sets of .,, . 0,ou Hosiery, Ties, Suspenders, etc .-.:f. 15oto$iw Colgate's Perfumes, nicely boxed, 1 25o to eS Colgate's Perfumes in cut glass bottles.' .j j-'L $2.50 to $350 Xmas Special A good Necktie and a gold pointed Fountain Pen, in a pretty box, for 75c MAKE THIS YOUR CHRISTMAS STORE YOUR MONEY WILL GO FURTHER AT Th e Golden Rule Always Buoy Firat National Bldg., Marshf eld TIIK IjLOYD FAMUiY IIOTKh Housekeeping ApaitmentH Two rooms, $8.00 month Electricity and Gns. Free baths Sleeping rooms, $!.() wlc, up NO ANNOUNCKM KNT Not Stated When Mooro Mill Is l.lko ly to Start An officer of ono of tho nnhlos enmo aboard tho ship bringing n mo- holldnyn with his family nnd to look nftor business matters. Ho hns You ought to bo nblo to afford n hotter machine tliun that," vontur- now In oporatlon thero, and return ed by wuy of Snn Frnnclsco. Ho h to when oporntlons would llkoly states that tho lumbor situation la encouraging, hut made no statomont bo resumed at lhiudou. KltKC11 OFFIOKItS North Bend ICaMern Star .Make .Selec tion ' Tho North Bond Knstorn Stnr hna olectod tho following offlcora: liurn Bylor jr. Otorgo Windsor W. P. Joollu Windsor A. Jr. Jessie Oladmon , Secretary Jonny McCloud '. , Troasurur Cyronn Morton Conductress Fiona Smith ....Asst. Couductross 1311a J. Jtorso Chaplain JIny Kverltt .Marshal Ethol Worrell Organise BIcclolo Ilussell Warden C. M. Byler Sentlnol Star Points Nolllo Woltzol Adn Anna JIcDanlol Buth Kute Wlnsor , Kstlior Anna Simpson Jlnrthn AInry Jlandlgo Klectn ' , . . . X AT THE HOTELS D. Chandler lloel 1. J. Halm, Jr., Hnusor; JlcOeo, Snn Frnnclsco; iioss, Beaver and wlfo. Lakesldo: f.eta JIast. Co qullle; Jnmos W. Monlton, Port land; Hosa PriiPRS, Beavor Hill; A. P. Davis, Coqulllo; Jlrs. Kdward K, Dyer, Daniels Creek; W. JI. Kal sor, Lakeside. St. Lnwreuro Hotel Jllss Kvelyn Justen, Cooston; Iludolph Knlno nnd wlfo, Lukosldo, Tom Loutes, Powors; J. Brnch, Powoih; K. J. Piottlor und wlfo; Snohomish, Wash.; H. G. Boeder, Beaver Hill. Blanco Hotel Jnmos Barton, Gardlnor; Frod Whlsboek, I.ukesldo; G. D. Harding, Coqulllo; V. B. Campbell, North Bond; Gusa Johnson, Powers; O. Memo, Lukosldo; A. Jiitsdroin, Lako Bldo: William W. Holland, Pnrkors burg; K. V. Brown, Myrtle Point; Laty Barrows, Now York. boon for BOIllO Hllln mint fit nVllniln l.j... . . . ' " ... 1 ! ec (l0 muppop, for ho had heard tho Orogon looking after his saw mill rn,.. .nJ .,i -.-. . ... " Yes, Sonor," wns tho reply, " l nm going nshoro for n day or two. May bo I'll find ono that I llko bot-1 ter." Cuptaln Wlnklo wns Bccretly hop-' lug that ho would nnd that tho old I ono would bo loft nbonrd, but Just beforo snlllng the officer sent for his car. Ho evidently hud not suc ceeded la commnndorlng nuothor bettor to his liking. From a llttlo port named Pasco tho aklppor heard of nart of n nnr Mb hides that could hn limnL'ht .. t I!!1 xr' t,10t-iSa,i Francisco at good tonnage rates. HI I; Mllo M. Plorsonkyhe,, jU8t on tho ont of oav . for thoro ho recolved a tip from n was told a small nrmy of robolos wns oven thou lying in wnlt for his ship to como, expecting to solzo u and levoy somo six dollnra n ton wnr levy on tho enrgo. Tlio Cnrlos craftily stayed nwny. From somo point south of Jlnznt- Just the thing for Christmas Kwick-Iite Flashlights No home should be without one. Every man, woman or boy should have one in his pockets during the long, dark evenings. It will prevent many a dangerous fall and afford a protection that hardly anything else will give. The cost is small. It is easily carried and always ready for instant service. Every man; woman or youth will appreciate one for ' Christmas. They come in the different sizes and in nickel or fibre cases. They are equipped with the famous Kwick-Iite batteries and Mazda bulbs. The prices are: ' $1, $1.20, $1.25, $1.40, $1.70, $1.85, $2.15 See us for useful Christmas gifts Bunker Hill Department Store W. IT. Dinclingor & Co., Prop. Phone !J2 DANCE at thc FINNISH HALL SATURDAY NIGHT by thc Sevely - Orchestra eno Home Smoked Hams and Bacon Nothing Like It For an Exclusive Xmas Gift TIIK A.NSCO VKST POCKKT CAM Kit A, with pntented focusing dovlco Takes pictures 2 1-1 by a l-l Weight It) l-U ounces Price $115.00, Ask to see one. Coos Bay Stationery Co. C33XE9l Waterman's IDEAL FOUNTAIN , PEN Nnf Sal THE FAIR A Christmas store with reasonable prices. Surely and positively you can do your Christmas shopping most economically here it is so easy to buy when the prices are so low and the assortments so good. The real old-fashioned kind more savory and more delicious than the packing-house produces. Try them. We always have the choicest line of Fresh Meats that can be obtained. jgfflj Union Market FREE! FREE!! FREE!!! A large box of French Candy given free with any pur chase of 25c worth or over at our store on Saturday. (ermuntmvui also Shot land Floss, Varus-, In White iintl color, On sale nt tfU.OO ami $11,113 Children's White or lfcd Wool Swenteis In finest quality, now only 8y2c $1.50 5 IIAWIKKUCIIIF.FS We Imvo u Iiiiko lino of linndkorthlef.s, very model ntely piked. Handkerchiefs have always been favorlto Chilstinas Rifts lluy them hero and not tlo benefit of tho low prices. liiu-Ko flowered Hnndlwrelilefs, suitable for Cushion Covors, Caps, Aprons, Kimonos, etc. On salo at ,. . , 9c 6 More Days eiore Christmas Don't overlook tho bargains In Ol'T nam:. THK PAIUSIAVS CLOSING' ciuinot I Attractive, useful ultt. For niiallty KlvliiR """J" (quailed. Cull and seo them. OXIA' (I MOItH SHOPPINd HAYS HI'OHr: ( IIIHSTMAS Iteaiitlful IHessed Dolls, 1 to 15 Inches hlli, 10 to 50e values, Xow , ....,'.,,.., 'Mv I'nbreakablo J)oIls, ZDC roil HUUAISLU AIiaTRAOTp OP ABOUOD Abstracts TlTIiB AM " COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT C0.,lnc MAHSIlFlEIiD AND COQUIHiE C1T1', 0R,!;"UnrnpK L AGENTS. EASTBTDEANDSENGS'BAOKBNfl W (iKKH'ntr AOKN'is pnn riAVAiHAN PACIFIO ItAlLllOAD HENRY BENGSTACICEN, BIANAGER now 10c Indian Moccaslons for Clilldrcn, Indies and Men; various kinds. All prices from $1,75 down to 65c Ladles' Xow . . all-leather Hand Dags, latest stjlos, $11.00 vnfuos $1.50 Stamped Linens, lluy them hero and jyet tho benefit of tho low prices. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. F. A. kilburn BAILS FOR Portland, (Via Astoria) The Fair Next Door to -:-Chandler Hotel 10:30 A. M SUNDAY, DEOKMUEU 10, AT FOR FURTIIER INFORMATION t n rushing. AC01 SMITir rnpnnv.iT. inriir liHOVL! 1Jlfl ' u' v ..' ... m. 1IJSI. w.. tWlHH t -, ,t t wwrn i.