Miuuuuo oh I iimeo, MMnbrlrlfcLU, UMtUUIl,n-niDATrUEUtWl I M -' .. - ,t -tsi- Copyrlgbt Ilnrt Schaffner & Marx" Wear Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes for Christmas " '.""" It is only natural that during the holiday season you should want to appear at your best. In a Hart Schaffner & Marx suit or overcoat you'll please the most critical. You'll save some money and have the satisfaction of knowing that you couldn't have secured better style at any cost; and that similar quality would have cost double at a good custom tailor's. You can make a choice in a few minutes. ' from a splendid stock and be fitUd perfectly thes Purchased Here Pressed Free of Charge Woolen Mill Store home of Hart Schaffner & Marx jf V '".v jfifr .G,l i y.. iA9 J The Marshfield Store open clothes North Bend ev eniiigs from now until Ch ristm a s BREVITIES Speaka nt ICnstnldo. Uov. G. ti, Hull will speak nt Eastsldo Sunday etenlng at 7:30 o'clock lit tlio now school house Firemen to Kiitertnln. Tho flro depurtmont of North Iloiul will glvo a big danco at IScklioff Hall Fri day night, December 31. Don't foi'Ko ( nttend tho bltf flume which will lie jjlvon Saturday night at the Kuulcs hull.. .l'liiltV or. (hestrii will play and (hum Mill ho n pleasant ovoniiif,' for all. Story Hour for children. Tomor row morning botwoon 10 and 11 at the Carnoglo rubllc Library tho Hew J. S. Stiibblofleld will talk to tho children on tho subject of "Tho Christmas Story Hour.' Position Presented. Pooplo In tho Sumner neighborhood havo preaont cd to tho County Court tholr peti tion for tho now rontl which they nro nBklng. Tho plan requires tho building of 3 1-2 miles of road and a uriugo across isiumus inioi, Looking For Ilrotlicr. Tho pollco nro In rccolpt of a telegram from Henry Molson, in Eugene, asking thorn to bo on tho lookout for a brother, Howard Molson who Is sup posed to bo In this city. Tho wlro said to "look through all tho sa loons." Tho pollco havo been un- ablo, so far, to locato tho man. Itouow Auto Licenses. Judge Fonnock Is romlndlng autolsts and chuffoiirs that tholr liconsos expire on Deconibor 31 and applications should bo secured for now licenses. Tho applications aro forwarded to tho Secrotary of Stato In Oregon. The llconses for 191C will bo rod, as distinguished from tho blue of 1915. In Seriously .111. Mrs, Annie PJrnc nr ffirnfmc0T 1,ni beon I1'110 Por,OU8ly m at I llUcb OllrUlliriCoitho homo of her daughter, Mrs. B. You Need Every Day Flanagan. WHAT'S Till:" MOHN DAY Hutte van of AFTEK P.YYIXO DAY? ....... .O.lc ter (Norway) Hnuure. . . . (Year ago cost you 75c) HAXAXAS, extra quullty, do, -,30c (Year ago cost' you 40c) APPLE, per box r,.35e (Year ago cost you 65o) fc I'OP CORN, 4 pounds .'. .23c (Year ago cost you 40c) , . Rood laundry Soap, 7 bars . . .'.-Sc (Year ago cost you 35c) fOAT, OIL, gallon lc (Year ago cost you 20c) VT FLAKES, premium nkR.. -" (Yoar ago cost'yon" 35c) CHEESE, per pound 2()o (Year ago cost yod 25o) " Coos Bay Farmers, Exchange Central Avonuo and Waterfro it. Yesterday Iier con- itloii was regarded as quite alarm ing and her sons, HIUls and Watt Short, wero called to tho city. Lat er In tho ovonlng however Mrs. Short scomod to rally considerably but sho is still seriously 111. Fill Somo of Holes. Chunks of bitumen were placed in somo of the largest holes on Front street, wheroJ tho logging trucks havo gone through the surface cdvering, tho concrete base and down to ho eartU underneath. T,ho plan,, as nutl'lned at tho last Council '-meeting, i mi thfisd holes temporarily mm Is ttll tho logging is nnisneu ami men havo thorn nil pormeniiy repuiicu nt once. , a If. mo From California. A. -E. Adolsperger, tho tlmborman for tho ( A.. Smith -Company, has .returned home from a ten day business visit tp San Francisco. Ho said that ho r'rtiiiil seo in a general way that tho lumber business "was looking up but ,is he is interested In tho timoor ou. 1. .11.1 n nnil Tlllinll of the businoss no um iwv nttentlon to the manufacturing end and says ho Is not acquauueu the changes in prices Wntklns, of Coqulllo, rotumod homo yesterday from school nt Eugono, and Miss Llta Mast arrived on tho stago last ovonlng leaving this morning for her homo In Coquillo. Most of tho fltudonts from Eukoiio and Corvallls aro expected in on Saturday afternoon, as tho stago will bo ablo to moet tho train then and como straight through without stopping ivor night nt Florence Anuouiico Appolntmcnti fioon. Mayor-elect It. A. Copplo, who takes up tho reins of city government nt tho first council mooting in Janu ary, said today that all of tho ap pointments for 1910 havo not yet been made, though ho expects that tho ontlro list will ho complotod within a few days, possibly noxc week somo timo. Tlioro havo beon many rumors of changes' lately, though not ono of thorn hns as yet been confirmed. Falsa Alarm Soimdedi At 5.45 Llnst evening thoro camo a flro alarm call to First and Dato streets, which sent tho auto flro truck and tho firemen scurrying to tho house of Henry Havorcamp, only to "find .that a falso alarm had boon turnod in. Tlioro was not a trace of flro in tho Havorcamp homo and tho i t PERSONAL MENTION ;! gJTTp'.G'IfMjUllOias Idt lor' San uicgo where ho oxpects to locate. WILLIAM W. HOLLAND Is in frc-m Parkorsburg looking after some mutters of business. MRS. KHWAIll) U. DYUIt, of Daulol8 Creek, was down on a shopping visit this morning. MHS. ltOSA PllKUSS came in hist evening from bep school nt Uen vcr Hill on n.vislt. W. M. KAISKit, of tho Hauser & Hauser Coinpnny, was In last eve ning a 11,(1 this morning from Hnu Bor. . ,. 'v,j ,. ,ANDY l'MDiVVIS, Hopjuty ,Shorirt, camo over last evening from Co- qliilloto4- nt'tend tho annual 'elec- tlon of. thot llluo Lodge last eve ning. '. i tTOUN--MtiriI!3EN was a passongpr on tho Adeline this, morning. Hq )vill visit over tho holidays nt his ,,homuln liorkeley. iUUVAN'D MHS. J. 8. STUDDLK- FIKLD returned today from . n several days' 'visit nt tho F. 11. Rood homo on South Coos Hlver. L. J. SIMPSON and lOdghr Simpson loft for Portland yesterday on tho lionch stago, whoro They will remain on business until utter Christmas, Mil. AND MltS. JAMIJS LANDRITH hnvo returned from Corvnllls whoro Oioy vl3tted Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Myors, parents of Mrs. Lan drlth. CHAULKS HALL, of tho telephone company, went south on tho Ado lino this morning, being called to San Francisco on bustncsH. Hu expects to return boforo Christ mns. MR. AND MRS; HARRY 11ULTMAN loft on tho Adollno for San Fran cisco whoro they will spend tho holidays with tho parents of Mr. llultmnn, returning nftcr tho Now Year. TUB RRV. H. 11. FOSKKTT, of tho Daptlst chuhch, hart loft for Port hind whoro ho will spend tho hol idays with his family. Tho pul pit of tho church will bo filled by ot,Ucr speakers In his absence. .MRS. W. S. CHANDLER and daugh ter, Mrs. Harry Tronulne, nrrlv cd hero todny after sovornl wcoks , stay In San Francisco and loft this nftrnoon for tho Chandler homo on South Coos Iltvor FRIiJD HOLLISTKR Is In San Fran- cIsco on huslnosH and whtlo away may also go to San Dlogo. Ho expects to discuss his plans for , tho Pacific Coast highway with somo reading men of California and endeavor to got them Inter ested In tho movoment. ? 'AMONG THE SICK t Mrs. Clnronco Harris has returuod from Pan Francisco whoro sho went to rccelvo medical treatment. It 8 Days, til Ckistoas Have You Done Your Xmas Shopping Yet? CHRISTMAS PRESENTS OF VALUE, DURABILITY SOMETHING THAT YOU GET SOME GOOD OF Ladies' Folt Slippers, felt soles, 75c val, Our price 49c Leather Slippers, sole-leather soles, $,1,25 values--.98c Ladies' Fet Slippersj $1,25 value. --Our -price 98c Children's fejt flippers -.98c, 79b, 58c, 49c Men's Leather and Felt Slippers $1.69, 98c, 69c How about making the men a present of a nice Mack inaw, made of long, fine wool, in tho new brown plaid and red plaid? $8,50 value, Our price ,. $6.90 Man's plain tan Mackinaw, A dandy, $7,00 val. .$,4.98 Boys' Mackinaw, a dandy, $5,00 value, Our price $3.98 Ladies' Goats,, at a big saving of from $2 tr$5 on eVerV coat- $12.50, $9.90, $8.90, $7.90t $5.90, $4.98 y&k2&FP'&?) "TsBKjmr? WTFnTTtttt.J.T.- Ask Us for Our New Holiday Price-list It menus a wiving of money to you nml will clvo you nn Idea of tho 11111111)01' of thliiKS wo carry In stock, mid nlso our prices. Como In nml ct one, or ask tin to send It to you. . Gettings Cash Grocery yous mot NO. HHOADWAY, MUIt CISNTIIAL MONEY EAGLESTAKE NOTICE! ' BIG, .INITIATION AND BANQUET December 26, 2 p. m. All Eagles Specially Requested to be Present. Signed, Committee F. MAGNUSS0N, Chairman that it would ho necessary , to M putntu her foot In ordor to savo lief lire, but It proves that this will not ho nocosHary. 1 Tho Hov. llohort K. Drowning, who has boon confined within doors for1 tho punt two weeks, Is neuln nolo to ho out. t uNFWVTODAY ' t ?$ FOIt It 1-JX.T Small farm one mllo from Lakeside. I. H. Kaufman & Co., 2'2'i Contrnl nvonuo. I'OU SAM'-Fino rnncli of fifty ncrcs bottom land and somo bench, on tho North Fork Of tho Stuslaw Hlver, D 1-2 miles from Florence. Kxtra Kood harsaln if sold bofore January 15, 1016. Address J, II. llox 25, Florence, Oregon. FOIt HAIilThlrty foot gasoline 'launch, choap. Itufulra Lloyd hotel. : I'Olt SALL'- Addltlqn. flee. -Ona rliolro lot in Firttt Hnqulro "O,". Times of- tfOCIAIi OALUXUAU FIUUAY I'rom in Junior hall. . . Trio Card Club J. Q, Klnnoy. TCaglos with Mrs. I FOIt HKNT-l-moni ItiiiiKnlotv. with wan thought whon sho wont away1 bath, on So. 8th st. Phono 29.J. WAXTHI) Strong woman to care for Invalid lady. Phpno l47f, North Uend. ' , r I'Olt ItK.NT IMlnlhlKSl flat, hot hh cold water, bath. 8S3 Third 8; SUMUSK AND BUXHKT 1-Vldiiy Decombor 17.Sun rises at 7: -18 and sets at -1:27. WKATIIKIt FOHF.OAST Bj AUMlUfri PlIM to CM mj Tlnxx.J ORKGON Iilr tonlKht, colder in tho east. Satur day, rain In tho west, rain or snow In tho east, winds mostly southerly. with chlmnpy was foun.d as it should Iiof '- Thoro was u heavy wind at tho lime, from tho bouthwest. which would hnvo mado a flro partlcujfuly , jlnnu'eroua..'' , J Jloro " C'jiIjIo drViikeii. A lof oh Western Union tolosrnph cnblo. whlQh.hns. bpenylnK at tho, South ern Pacific doclc slnco tl-o lupt trip of tho Hreakwator frmi Pari' land, was taken out yostordav across tho bridgo and tho belief expressed , In the 'railroad' yards wVs that' this tho cable that will be "suu- Imarlned" Woss' 'Iho Um'nniia1trcr-' Tho cablo is already laid aTOFtr ICoos Ray. this- -work having uee .done a week ago. Tho ontlra .tele graph lino Is expected to'- be In.op" eratlon bv Junuary 15. ' ' Vi:SSKL .MO.VK.MJitrr5j i, -Arrived Yellowstone,- San FrnclBco, 'flc'ii m. yesterday.'. Balled Arinllnu Smith. Oakland, 9 n'r-mr today. i r - , IM's Msr 1 F.Aj Kllburh SaiwEranclsco, guiv LOCAL T1CMTI5UATURB niscoiin For tho 24 hour ending at 4.43 a. m., De'comhor 17, by DonJ. Ostlind? special -government meteorologist: - Maximum 47 Mlntmuni . iG At 4:43 a, m 41 Precipitation 47 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1915 29.45 Precipitation saue period last yoar 30.99 WJnd; Southwest, cloudy. i i i .' '' :! I v 6 More Xmas Shopping Days Time Is Flying! Saturday .IN ORDER TO AVOID CARRYING OVER ANY OF OUR PRESENT CHRISTMAS STOCK. "THE OWL-V OFFERS YOU THESE uu v.Hi iolBiICIv) VII 1 10' H . 'ijdK.iviihtih'Ui . H 3lnnlcHrn. Ki'U H H Cpllur tOid Cuff IlafXf H 'M 'l'.,.vr.!..v WVItlll.r IilllJ HI y.H ... f ..y.t ....w-.-i .... M(gKib ouU wlxiuyw) 'H w ' " m Wl TUP DIIOV OnDKICD ill M,u www. ww..,... , iwk The Reviill Drue Htoro 'H f . Phono i!U8 H " Vvl n i...i1.. l...... ,.,ll.. ..,,.. h n iii .1.1 ..rrii.tri .111.1IU..J...L. . i iw ti mi T - l llll-llllMMMMlll 1 PARISIAN AND WHITE IVORY The Solid Kind XO WOOD UHNTKHH $4.50 Donnot Mirrors, long "' handles :.() f3.75 Mirrors $2,90 $4.00 Hair Drushes, lonif bristles &UO Jl.OQ Heavy., Combs ,...7fln 75c Dutton Hooks and Nail Files '"5' $8.00 Hrush, Comb and Mirror Bets XW ,T I N K ERT0 Y .. Tho4 Wonder llullder ' , ' .50 CENTS Ono bct'r.nmko a thousniul illffeVent toys - before Specials PERFUMES $1.75 Palmer's Frosted Ilottlos. nicely boxed $1,10 $1.05 Palmer's Frosted Bottle, flno odors , ..".sjUmW $4.50 Itolgor's Cut Ohiss bottlo, splondid odors $:J.7."5 STATIONERY $1.35 Christmas boxes $1.10 75c Fine Stationery . ...OOc $1.25 Highland Linen, Christmas boxes .... .$100 A XMAS SUGGESTION C0NKLIN PENS SELF FILLER S2.00 to S7.50 CI1VK TDK NOV ' A BROWNIE $1.00 to $12.00 Simple iniiuuh tuv n child to oi?rnto Xmas EBONY AND WHITE IVORY -TRAVELING SETS $8.00 .ivory sots In flno leathor. $3.73 $5.76 ivory Urush and Coml), with manlcuro sot ..; $ $5.00 M'lnicuro Sets h louthor $i-73 $9.00 Mllitair set for men, In loathor ... ."..... $U.ii"5 $10.00 Ivory 'set t. i5 pieces at .-$I0.m) SAFETY RAZORS 1 -"FOR MEN" , $J.OO to ,$9.50 Includes (illlettcjj Antostrops, Dut ham Dupkw', Klc. '.' . SEE OUR WINDOWS "The Owl" " FRANK DvC0HAN wc nci IWPR IMMPniATFI Y Ths Central Avenue Drug Store ( ! i i PHJNE74. j 'J, ' Phone- fl75"r Coming From School. Ernestfday. r I v p ' mrmrnm ' v,VJ -v tf i llw