- ' 1 j4 THE COOS BAY TIMES, mARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEIVER 17, 191 5-fcVENlNG EDITION. FOUR fft iw''.'v '-nr COOS BAY TIMBSlnrT Willi llju lynwi M. O. MALONEY. Editor and Pub. DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor Official Official Paper of Paper City Coos County of Marshflold. Entorod at tho Postofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho ninlls as second-class mall matter. An Independent Republican news paper, published overy ovenlng ex cept Sunday, and wookly, by Tho Coos Day Times Publishing Co. t AND THE TEA I $$ SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY. Ono year $6.00 Per month . GO WEEKLY. Ono year 1.50 When paid strictly In advanco tho subscilptlon pilco of tho Coos Day Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. Address all communications to O003 BAY DAILY TIMES. J EUROPEAN. WAR ONE I X YEAR AGO TODAY X $ GOOD KVEN'IXQ AH men aro by naturo equal, mado, all, of the snmo eartli by the same Creator, nnd however wo deceive our selves, ns dear to Clod Is tho poor peasant ns the mighty prince. Plato. DEC. 17, 11)1 1 British military authorities an nounce that fighting In northern Franco has started ngaln. j., Tho Serbian troops re-enter Bel grade tho capital which tho Austrl nns had taken. Berlin admits the retreat of tho Gorman forces which nttemptcd to atrlko at Warsaw. . PROSPERITY RETURN'S TO Tinj LUMISKIl INDUSTRY TIlE following editorial from tho Spokane SpokeBinnn-Ro-vlow will make good rending In this section: " You can not bo too optimistic about tho futuro of the lumber In dustry of tho Inland Empire," said Vlco President nnd Manager A. L. Flewolllng of tho Mllwnukco Inland company, n largo owner of timber lands In tho Pacific northwest. Tho lumber Industry has swung hack Into prosperity, and It Is pres ent, not prospective prosperity. .Lumber nnd shlnglo traffic over tho Great Northern from tho Coast to tho oast, according to General' Su perintendent I. J. O'Noll, exceeds In volttmo all provlous shipments slnco 1007. I With enlarging markets prices aro trending upwnrd, nnd trade authori ties nolo ndvnnccs on tho Inland Empire product ranging from 50 cents to $3 a thousand feet. If tho nvorngo advance-, woro but $1 a thou , sand It would bring $1,000,000 more for tho present annual output of tho mills of tho Inland Empire Mills reporting to tho Western Plno Man ufacturers' association hcadqiinrtcrs in Spoknno hnd a cut in 191 i of 930,000,000 feet, and small mills not reporting probably cut enough to mako tho total 1,000,000,000 fcot. Tho normal cut In tho Inland Em pire In good times is close to 1,500, 000,000 foot 50 per cont moro than tho presont output. When tho in duBlry comes back to normal tho 200 plants In tho Inland Emptro will mnrkot 500,000,000 feet more than thoy aro now mnrkotiug, glvo em ployment to 30,000 men as against, 20,000 now, pay out) $15,000,000 yearly in wages as against $10,000, 000 now, 4ind roundly speaking, with n GO per cont lucrenso In tho out put and normal prices In place of the ruinously lour, prices of the last few years, vll Jdoublo tho sums now brought Into this region by the lum ber industry. WI(h tho coming back of lumbor nil tho basic industries of tho Pa cific northwest nro running on hoiiimI ami prosperous conditions Good prlcos hnvo prevailed for sov eral ycais for tho products of tho farm and stock ranch. This has been a year of fairly prosperous con ditions for tho orchard industry. Mining has been wonderfully pros perous during 1915. Now 'lumbor picks up nnd lumbermen, who hnvo carried heavy burdens with fino courage and patlonco, are enthusias tic ovor realization of long-doferred oxpootatlons. After a long period of doprossed Industries and dull times commcr rjilaf centers like Spokane, Seattlo. Tflcoma and Portland do not feol Instantly tho full Influence of bet tered industrial conditions In their environing territory. A llttlo' time li required beroro the city can feel tho reviving impulses. But those In fluences will roll in on Spoknno as surely as tho slowly turning tide or tho sea finds its way Into the bays nnd rlvors. They aro folt already, and shrewd men of business nnd In vestment foresight are acting on thorn. A PARENT'S PLEA My llttlo boy Is eight years old, Ho goes to school each day. He does not mind tho tnsks they sot, Thoy seem to him but play. Ho heads his clnss In raffia work, And also takes tho lead At making dinky paper boats But I wish that ho could read. They teach him physiology And, oh, It chills our hearts To hear our prattling Innocent Mix up his Inwards parts. Ho also learns astronomy And names tho stars by night. Of course, ho's very up-to-date But I wish that ho could write. They teach him things botanical, Thoy teach him how to draw. Ho babbles of mythology And gravitation lnw; And tho discoveries of sclcnco With him aro qulto n fnd. Thoy tell mo he's- a clover boy But I wish that ho could add. Selected. Next year Is leap year, but that doesn't mako any dlfforehcn. A Coos Bay woman can nnd docs propose oven when tho man thinks ho Is doing tho most or It himself, any old, year. GOODRUM'S GARAGE Buick 6 $1160 Delivers IF YOII WAMT ...... mobile and the JffiW VOU shmitri rnn:.,: ' V,ce M inn. orde n r la f- thp.Unnrl 5i t " VaiVMll- ...- ..vMi, v,,A uin . MarshfieW, Orei r" -1 . . . t.. . . .. . IT .. I. 1.1 co for tho. holidays nro b. I. McGeo, Don Gardiner, Fred J. Kel ly, Lqonnrd A. Baker, George Lnr- scn, II. E. Bultmann, Matt L. May nnd Earl D. Doran. Tho street will flceln lonely nnd deserted without thorn. I STORY FOR THE DAY Some Coos Bay autos run up tho longest hills; others run up tho longest bills. Some Coos Bay pcoplo who bollovo In mnxImB will cast stalo nnd mildewy bread on tho waters nnd expect to got back hot biscuits and frosted cako. Thcro Is only ono "thing hotter than n good salesman, and that Is n good collector. "Johnny," said a MarshNold teacher to n pupil, "I don't bollovo you'vo studied 'your geography!" "No, mum," replied Johnny, "I heard pop say tho map of tho world was chnngtng ovory day, an' I thought I'd wait a few years till tilings got settled. , Somo Coob Bay men never real ize that tlmo is money until thoy have to put up their watches to so euro a loan, KOREAN EXHIBITION WAS SEEN BY MANY I'Nlue Hundred TJioiiNiiml Lenin of Great Opportunities for De velopment of the Country Wt AmocUIciI 1'rcM lo Coo. lliy Tlmfi, r .SEOUL, Korea, Dec. i(i. Tho big liuiilBirim oxuiuiliU" or,uiiisuu uy tho Japanese govcrniiient has been closed nftqr having been visited by 900,000 people Tho gcncrnl lin vresslon Is that both tho Korean and Japanese havo had their eyes open to tho vast amount or hidden wealth nwalting exploitation In Korea and that a great Impetus has been given to industrial and commercial lultln- five TImoB wan ids Bring rosults. Th ore Is nothing so dulling to n Coos Bay man's appotlto as to havo to cat his own words. Do your Christmas shopping NOW QUESTION FOR THE DAY Havo you bought 'em yet? SMO K E 11 OUS !: .M I NSTR EI.S t F. D. Fletcher, tho popular Sporry Hour man who was unco the flower of tho olio in In a mlnstrol show Worked this ono out all by hlmsolt the other day: " Mr. Bones, why Is tho odor In nn emigrant enr llko u Gorman rnlly to colebrato their victorious nrmy?" " Bccauso It Is caused by do-feat of de foreigners." Who throw that brick? Now hero's ono for Fletcher. It a mlnstrol show wont broko how much would tho olio? (Whnt'Btho good of being tho early bird if you don't llko tho worms?) Horo'Bv ono Nick Oswnld asked Gcorgo Goodrum, " If lard is fat is gauollno?" A Front street philosopher romnrk- ',od tho day nftor that whllo every thing scorned remarkably quiet Just i previous to the last election when I polling day arrived thoy voted to i"heat tho band". I NEWS OF OREGON X $$ ' REDMOND Roprcsontnttvcs of I'tlio various Irrigation districts met and Joined In an organization which Will bo united In appeals to con gress for help. PENDLETON Edward Lorlmer vns seriously injured when nn auto he was driving plugucd oft the 'grudo. EUGENE A systom of meat In spection nt the. Eugono public mar ket has bcon Inaugurated by tho mnrkot commltteo of tho Pomona Grange CORVALLIS Noted dairymen from dlforont pnrts of tho country ivill tnko part in tho exercises dur ing Tanners' week at tho agricultural collcgo, HOOD RIVER At n meeting or tho Commercial Club public expres sions woro mndo objecting to' tho incroaso or tho Japaneso population of Hood River Valley which now numbers about GOO. NEWPORT Dorothy Holcomb. tho four year old daughter of K. M. Holcomb, was drowned in tho Yn qulua river, near tho parents' homo. Now is the time to get your suit made for Christmas Bring in your order now and you will get a suit at a reasonable price, either ladies' or men's suits See j; V. Koski j 75 Market Ave. Marshficld, Oregon Help Your Body To Resist Disease During his Into unpleasantness Dorsoy Kroltzor addressed Dr. HoiiBeworth saying. " Doctor, I must positively Insist upon knowing tho worst." "Well," ropllod Dr. Housoworth, " I guess my bill will bo about $300." HKAVV RAIN AT BANDON According to Onpt. Wlron, tho Bandon weathor obsorver, tho rain fall for a fow minutes Thursday ar tcrnoon was tho. heaviest ho has on if cord. Ho has measured 1 Inches In ono day and tho rainfall or Thurs day wis only 1.98 Inehos but most of It fell between four nnd six o'clock In tho early ovenlng. Bnn tlon Hecorder, IT IIAPPKNni) OX CENTRAL ' I AVlflN'E I : A young wife who lives lrt an apartment adjoining another occu pied by (friends greeted hor Hus band when he returnod Into tho oth er night by saying: " Denrlo, I know what wo will ;glvo the Blanks foe Christmas." " What's that?" dearie asked. "Well you know Blank's wlfo'o away and ho Is giving somo kind of a llttlo stag party tonight and for tho last hour I havo kept hearing flrt ono nnd then another say: " Can't opener." " Can't opener.' " Can't opener." " I havo JuBt been on the point or going ovor nnd orrerlng thorn our enn oponor but won't It bo a delight ful surprlso to mako thorn n presont of a nlco can openor for Chrlstms." ; Awny for Holidays. Among tho members of tho Mllllonnlro Club with hoadquarters in tho Chandler lobby who hnvo gono, will go or nro going to Port'laiul and San Francis- Snow Flake Sodas Crackers as they ought to be Don't let another day go by Without trying these delicious crack ers. In generous 10c and 25c packages also in bulk Something New Stiowflakc. Sodas In a Tin box. Price GOc. Tho box is B i iowii, titu u tit your dealer's, PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANY POIITLAND, OREGON -j"Tv""-- ' ' "I nna Fotoy Cntlinrtlo Tablets to bo tho most tlollKlitful clcamilnr; catli nrtlc I liavo over taken. Thoy uro Just tho thing." 0. W. Robeson, Wichita Falls, Tex. Uo Foloy Cathartic Tablets to co operate with naturo In her efforts to reidnt illicnae. They keep your bow els rcKiilnr nnd nctlvo, nnd thoy pro vont polRons from lodKlnK In your In testinal tract, thenco bolng absorbed by your blAori Into your yntcm. Thoy rcllovo constipation over night. Tliuro Is no unpleasant nausea or griping In tho uio of Foloy Cathurtlo Tablets. Instenil, thcro In freedom from headaches, blllotisnosfl, sIukkIhIi dull feeling and norvoun Irrltnlilllty. Thnro In for you onorgy and ambition, ability to enjoy your work nnd your pleasure Thoy rcllovo tho unpltna ant, gassy, full feeling, and glvo you n comfortnblo clean feeling Instead. Stout peoplo do sp enjoy thorn. For snlo by Owl Proscription Phar macy. Frank D. Cohan, Central Avo nuo. Opposite Chandler Ilotol. Tolo phono 74. Register Tomorrow 20 FARI2 THX CENTS City Llmltfl North Rend, tic. COMMUTATION n) TICKKTS 1.75 , Mnrshfleld-XortU Bond Auto Lino Cora ovory ten minutes from 0 a. m. to 12 p. m.) to South Slough onco a, day, leaving nt 11 . m.; to Empire threo trips a day. GORST & KING, Props. FOR TUANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono Kill h Residence Phone 13-J Market Ave. and Waterfront t HAVE THE ROOF FIXED N0W See C0RTHELL ' Phone 3171 Svjr)' Cjr)' (jr)1 ijtj' rj' Jr)' Cxj" 'varv" var)1 (I !) lf you want one of these dollars put (n a savings ac- I count, you must register at once. t L First National w Rpmr of Coos Rav i) Marshficld, ay . Oregon l (x) Cjfj' xr)' Car)' Cxv1 (jr)' (jt)1 (jf)' C0' I Sauinfki .-American Bank A Gift which will be most appropriate and valu able is a SAVINGS ACCOUNT Von Cmii Start With ijsi.no or Moro. HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 o9 WESTERN LOAN AND j BUILDING CO. LI 1 & BEITT M OLDEST nANIC IN COOS COUNTY EstoblUhed 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Time ' AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS J Offloers ' ' l'' x J. W. Bennett, President. y 'J f.J f J. II. Flnnugan, Vlce-rrealdont. r R. F. -Williams, Caalder. Geo. Fw Wlnchceter, Aaat CAokler. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings t I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. t Local Treasurer t Af4 DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will be kept OrEN TO THE FURLTO A Tegular state licensed nndertnker will be In ciinrge Phone 10R.J EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Froht Street 0GEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King. Lenvo Marshfleld nt 7 a. m., ami returning leaving from Empire nt 8 a. nu Leave MnrhhfieW nt 11 n.m. nnd returning leave South ,6Iough at 1 p. m, Leave Marshfleld nt 5 p. m. nnd returning , , leave South Slough nt 0 p. m. Times Want Ads Bring Results PROFESSIONAL Did Dr. A. L. Houseworth. Offlcoilrrlng Bloctl uuico nouni n to 12 1 1 4 nnd 7 to ft n. m Phonos: Office 143-Jf nl J. M. nuiLDiNa oosnuc uouuiaivB iurmiDcaoaiK Dr. H. M. Shaw Ejo, L'nr and Throt Km gijAsses nrrai Pliono 330-J. Roomi j Irrlng Block. DR. MATTIE n. BHAW. l'hrslclaa an Sarj I'Jiono 33W, H. G. Butler CIVHj engineer Room 304 Colco Bids. PhMij Residence Pbose 11111 W. G. Chandler AnClHTEOT Rooms 301 and 303, Cokt I Marshfleld, Ortpo. TIME TADLE WILLAMETTE PACIFIC 1 OAIt Leave Marshflold v, G:45 a.m. 7.45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:60 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. 6:55 p.m. North city 7:30 p.m. Nor U 1.1 ii. it. 11:1 l:J i II 1 1:1 i:l llBltl M SAVE MONET HENRYVILLE CO! INUl COBI, JJr i" Lump coal, per iou .... .a V.IV .... Or naif ton oi u , D. MUSSOV m.v iJ olfI(l', Illllyer' gf SW! bodth coos nn'KS I cwnviCE L.UNC1I EXW leaves Marslifleia e,' 8 . m. Hvw b i o.1K n. B. HI, uii" r- mrAiirrn 1111X6? . i.M,i nf rlrerfll . n.. Leaves 1Ux& w, FordmrterapPi " ROGERS & 6i"in rroprieW" DRY WOOD "AMPBEL Phono SIWJ "SSUffifl . a Oor. commercUl, m i snAlFH tC4'8,1 Marshfield ftii phoio 14Wt. WOOD-GOOD WOC ij it"1: w. . '-:-,. aba $2 cash Per - CtuM ,,r,ceS reasonahK ed. Phone --