THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1915 EVENING EDITION. " THREE - The Central Avenue Booster r ' H H' M t' vi 1 M CENTRAL AVENUE, ' FHIDAV, HECEMIlElt 17, HUB No. 00 U.VI,""p COOK'S GROCERY CHRISTMAS GOODIES o nlili ) Merry Christ niiiiK, or bettor than (lint A Happy Christ nun. For liiipplmwM Is nunc desirable mill more uiiiliii-In llIOn merriment. ' And may this Happy Christmas crown a year of Jlnppy Dnj.s. KVKHVTII1NCJ KOH THE 111(1 DlXNKIt COOK'S GROCERY P ROMPT OPULAR ROGRESS1VE riiouo mo. JEWELRY The Most Permanent of Christmas Gifts I havepna of the nicest linos from which to select jkrwr) Christmas gifts. In my A stock you will find fe COMMUNITY SILVER rtoLyi im i nniQ ywi and PATRICIAN Parisian Ivory Articles. WATCHES CLOCKS CHAINS' GIFT RINGS PLAIN RINGS SET RINGS FINE SELECTION OF AGATE JEWELRY BRACELET WATCHES BRACELETS PEARL NECKLACES LAVAUERS BROOCHES, BEAUTY PIN SETS, CUFF BUTTONS, ETC Wilson's Jewelry Store 78 CENTRAL AVE. Open Evenings. bat (fc- IfHSi m Wt(7)zM A USS .7 L--r ,- v PHONE 151-L PLAN TO TAKE Christmas Diraaer AT THE Chandler Hotel The Hub of Central Avenue A GOOD MENU CENTRAL AVENUE MUSIC STORE PIANOS, ORGANS, VICTROLAS, RECORDS, SHEET MUSIC AND EVERYTHING IN THE MUSIC LINE We will be glad to arrange terms if you cannot pay all cash. Thomas Music Company Consolidation of Wlloy 15. Allen mid W. H. Wnlneii Music Stocks l): Central Avenue. 1 ywr mm ? Wt Ill .1.,. ..... t,MH """a tho yeast, mill don't hlaino lwwlr If .1... 1 ..f ,a ? anil llsht nh thoy bhould ho. is likely tho flour. 4 J)H. W. A. TOYE, DENTIST Hours 9 to 12; 1 to 5. Hooni 204, Irvhitf Wdg. Central Avenue. Mnrshflold When Jn Want f Vv I if ft and Ma- , " iik-oly tho flour. Ui w, .-- Jitter order n sack of our flour jngfjfance which ' ion will buro money niuli " 11 Oil liy doing so. ' II If I O .airaes Antral Ave. mid Waterfront insures, see SENSTACKEN the Insurance Man -., I THE CENTRAL AVENUE BOOSTER , Published Every Friday In tho Inter ests of Coos nny In Gonoral und Central Avenue In particular. Entered at tho Postofflco as strictly FlrsUClaBs matter; thoro is nothing Second-Class about Central Avenue, Subscription Price.- Your good will, and membership In tho Booster Club AN OFF-HAND ILLEGAL OPINION DISTRICT ATTORNEY LJLJE QVIST ha gono to Salem, wo notice, to sco if nil tho District Attorneys togethor can't figure out the new prohibition law. All theso' attorneys havo studied this law carefully, and, wo think nbly, and if It is not clear to them Just what It means, it Is right thoy Bhould get together and thresh It out. Wo ought to know a few Httlo things nbout tho law boforo wo mako our Now Years resolutions. ,It would b'o awful to get pinched for taking a drink standing up, it tho law real ly contemplates our taking it in a kneeling posture, or requires us to bo in such a Btato of health as to land UH in n recumbent position. It appears to tho Booster thai, for tho long tlmo wo havo been at it siuco Moses put on his specs and looked around for a flat stone, wc haven't got this lawmaking business flown to a very fine point. Ono of tho things wo try to teach school boys Is to express themselves in plain English, so wo understand what they mean. Hut seems ltn possible for thoso who wrlto tin laws to say what thoy mean, o.' mean what they say, or for anybody olso to find out what thoy say, or what they mean. A law finds Its Inception In the public mind which demands It. Af ter wo linvo pretty well thought out what law wo want, somebody has to wrlto It out. Then it Is "Initiat ed," and boforo it is voted on Its supportors and Its opponents pick it all to ploccs nnd tell us everything wo may expect If It Is passed. Then wo voto on It, and If it carries, wo think wo havo a law and know what It is. Such Innocence The attor neys havo to got .busy with it, tako It all apart llko a toy engine, to sco what's insldo of it, and how tho whools go round. Then thoy hand It hark to us, with tho J)nrts tag ged and labeled, nnd with "diroctlan how to operate," ns many of them ob tliero aro attorneys. It don't look llko It did, hut Its ours wo can keep it, can't wo? Not at all! Somebody Is going to say wo can't havo It at all. It will ho argued boforo the courts, who will event ually lot us know whether wo can havo it or not. If we are told wo can, (lion wo don't know 'what It means yet, nnd another long proc ess boforo tho courts will bo nec essary boforo wo fcnow what this law of ours means. And so forth, ad infinitum. It scorns to us sometimes that tho real humorists of earth aro tho law makers. They assumo great gravity, but thoy must havo n Koaa many laughs up their sleovos. Take, for Instance, tho word "brlof." This is ono of tho merriest Httlo Jokes ovor; for tho chief characteristic of a "brief" Is its poudorous longth Another proof of their humor Is that thoy put In laws what aro termed "Jokors." Nobody suspected a Joker In the prohibition law, but hero It bobs up, as usual. The, affidavit required when purchasing liquor must Btato that it Is "for sacramental purposes." Tho only hopo of nny other con struction' rests flimslly upon tho chance word "substantially." Wo can hardly bellevo this. To our untutored lay minds that stuff don't look right. Wo know mighty well tho churches hnd nothing to do with such a Joko, because thoy havo beon tho most porslstent onomics of nlcohol, and wo don't bellevo they would wish to bo placed In tho posi tion of being tho only ones privileg ed to uso tho curse. It occurs to us that somebody has been "Joking" with a rather sacred matter. Wo absolutely rcfuso to believe anybody oyer had aiiy idea of an affidavit reading twonty-four quarts of. beer for sacramental purposes." Or two quarts of whisky ditto." clthbV. nosh! The Intent of tho law Is. plain. Wc all voted for two quarts' of whisky or twenty-four quarts' of beer per month, for nnyono who wanted It, nnd would get It right. We know very well wo did. And If this painstaking quibbling must forever bo necessary, we'd better chuck tho constitution and go back to tho Incantations of tho MedlMno Man to find out what'B what. That would bo absoluely and purely Amer ican, at any rate. SMILE-A-WII1LE I CENTRAL AVENUE SAYINGS Xmas Gifts for Men Wo havo havo a special effort effort this year to provido the gifts that men will ap preciate. If you cannot stop In telephone us ' and you select tho wo gift. will 'holp Wo liavtt II EST UltANI) OF CIGAHS IN.. CIIHIST.MAS PACKAGES FATIMAS IN SPECIAL CllltlSTMAS PACKAGES IM POUTED PIPES FULL LINE OF SMOKEUS' NOVELTIES "' HOUMOUS OF SMOKING TOUACCO Muko Your Gift Mako Hlin Happy The Smokehouse Central Avenuo's popular mooting placo. PEUSONAL MENTION. : EUGENE CHOSTHWAITE thinks It would seem queer If, during tho noxt DO' years nil tho men by tho nnmo of Smith ''would only marry girls of tho samo nnmo. J T. HAHltlGAN has it hnd cold In his chest and says unless ho can got it cured up ho fears ho shall go Into a decline. Wo hopo ho will that Is wo hope ho will get It cured up. LEW THOMAS nindo n trip to Ilan don this week. Low likes Han don becauso It sounds so much llko a Hand nnd anything with music In It appeals to Low, es pecially if there's har-monoy In it. A T. HAINES now tho leading hay king of southwestern Oregon at ono time didn't know tho dltfer ouco between n halo of hay and Dr. Straw. Thut shows what en ergy. Intelligence and application will do. HAY OLLIVANT, ono of our formor Contra! Avcnuo boys was undor tho weather Thursday nnd It prov ed so serious that ho laid-off for n day and enme over to Central Avonuo to enjoy tho salubrious cltmato hero. GEO. COOIC was ono of tho conspic uous lenders in tho hrllllnnt Mooso social event last Tuesday ovonlng. It was a much discuss ed question ns to'wliothor council man Cook or Mayor Allen was tho liandsomdst nian at tho party. 0. A. MINT0YNI3, tho Coqulllo Val loy Applo Klui; attended tho Elks ilnnco on Central Avcnuo Wednes day night nnd presented ovoryono with ono of his cholco pieces of fruit. J. W. Hlldonhrnnd says f tho ono Evo gnvo Adam was as good as Mlntoyno'b he doesn't ulamo tho first man Adam bit. W. S. CHANDLER, the man who put tho Cent In Central Avenue, came down from his South Coos River homo this week. Ho was a Httlo lato In reaching town and snld that' tho reason of delay was milk ing tho goats and cows. Dr. Miu gus said that ho was willing to mako a small wagor that said milk potted very Httlo cream. COLHY PERRY camo In from his now homo on North Eighth street this week anil spout somo tlmo on Contra) avenue. Ho call ed on his old friend J. T. Hurrl gau whom ho has named King Pater of Sorbin and Harrlgan Insists that Perry is the King o(. Greece in disgust of Greece in disguise. J). I. MAGEE, our popular drug salesman, left our midst this wtfek, after enjoying two or three -hours' nap In tho afternoon. Snld nap, according to Don Gardluor nnd Leonard Haker, was not only to'galn physical rest; but to cn ablo Jay Doyle to put tho finish ing tourhos on McGeo's suit of clothes for tho visit. Off and On. Tho weather of tate has been stormy ono day and clear tho next. Den Osttlnd, weather man, says tho lino on his chart of weather conditions looks Just llko tho busi ness eilgo of' a paw. Waste or Material. Tho Oregon Pojvor Company ubcb fourteen win dow cards to Inform the public" that Us Central AvoHm display window qontalns "practical gifts." Wo bet Roy Lawhomo could .have put that nit on ono enrd. Very Popular. It's hnrd to Jell whp has thh'most friends rlght,;nbw, Mnyor Co'pplo, with a bunch of ap polntmcnts to make, or Jay Doyle, with a now Ford. Doth are snld to have stated thot pcoplo havo been very friendly Hint thoy never thought liked them very much. Santa on Central Avenue. Santa Claus made his appearance on Cen tral Avenue Wednesday, followed by his court of small children. Thoro fwan Just enough doubt In tho minds of tho children to mako It fascinat ing, as It is with older minds about such things as getting to heaven. Enough Wot. Rnln is not needed wo learn from Frank Cohan tho pop. phnrmnclst nt "Tho Owl," who Bays ho secured tho Information from tho official weather bureau. Frank says Mio is satisfied If tho veathor bureau Is. Frank is nlwnys agreeable. No XotVH About Al. For thrco weeks now wo havo tried to find out somo nows about It in Tho Iioostor. Hut nono has happened which calamity wo doplore. Wo hopo by noxt wcok Hint something will happen to Al, so wo can print It. If wo ain't got no nows about Al wo can't print nono, can wof Answer, no! Denies It,. .11 in Kcllond Is Indig nant nt tho report that ho is seek ing appointment as dog catcher un dor tho now city administration and says thoro Is not ono word pf fact In It. Ho suspoetB "Dnd" Welch of circulating tho report nnd If ho enn ,sccuro sufficient ovldouco ho will commcuco suit for criminal libel, doggone It. Woikn SoiuetlmcH. Walter Hut- ' lor says tho momorlos of his child hood aro so potent that all ho hns to do when ho wnutB to wake up early In tho morning Is to hang his 'Stocking up on tho foot of tho bed. John Forgusou says ho trlctl hanging up his for tho samo purposo on Walter's suggestion, but that tnere was nothing In It. lapaii Takes Honor From Uh. Wo notice In somo hotlor pinto stuff they worked off on tho editor Inst wook an Item stating that "tho t most vicious bIiccIch of crab Is found in Japan." Wo had thought somo times that Central Avonuo hold this honor, but aro glad to ylold to sci entific authority which makes us appear good-natured by comparison, at least. Just tho Way You Look At It. Stranger, (slightly under), outoring Gordon's Shoo Store: "Olvo mo u glass of lager." Lionel Gordon: "This Is n hIioo store, not n saloon." Strnngor: "Well, you advertlso lager 'on your sign outsldo, don't you?" Lionel: "No, that Is n shoo sign It's 'Regal.'" Strangor, (looking again) "I beg your pardon, I read It from tho bottom up." The Hanker' Thoroughfare. Cen tral Avonuo Is tho favorlto thorough faro of tho Coos Hay bankers. Ho sides tho largo forro In tho First National, who walk In slowly about eight In tho morning, and eniergo with a rush towards four p. in., thoro can bo seen, around meal times, Ralph and Joo Williams and Herbert Hustorud, of tho Flanagauft Hennett Hank, and John Ross and Iteldar Huggo, of tho Scandinavian- American, walking westward on Cen tral Avenue, Just liko mad. Don't Delay in Picking Out the Christmas Gift t'onio in now Mlillo wo still have n Inrjio iiviortinont of tlioso liaiidsomo MYHTLE WOOD NOVELTIES. You can't find n gift Hint will bo as much appreciated. Thoy aro light, 'easily packed, nnd tho cost of heading them is small. REHFELDS , Special Order Work n Specialty Phone U75-J. --0 Central Avenue' HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED NOW AND AVOID 1 THE CHRISTMAS RUSH JAY DOYLE TAIIOHINO CLEANING, PRESSING Will call anywhere any time. 250 Central Avenue Phono 2.-50 Christmrs Dainties We have a complete stock of the special fruits and vegetables which every housewife will need in preparing the Christmas feast. 1 Phone us your order early. For the Christmas tree, wc have the nuts; 'fruits ' and candies. ., FOR SATURDAY We have a good supply of seasonable fruits and vegetables both Coos County and imported. IF It's Good and On The Market. We Have It Sanitary Food Store SERVICE FIRST PHONE Ul (Kormeiiy Niuslnir'H Grocery,) SECOND AND CENTIIAL The Gift of Genuine Service WILL UK EOUND AT THIS STOUE NEW (JOODS AND NEW ASSOHT.MENTS CIIAUACTEUIZE OUH PHESENT OITEIIINOS. MOST (IHATIKVlNri CHOICES MAV UE .MADE FHOM THE FOLLOWING LINES: COMMUNITY SILVER A uciv tdock of tho latest and most popular pnt terns. CARVING SETS A com! iiNMirtmciit of Htylen ami niiaJltloN- prices art) tic clilcdly nuitleiato for tttiictly Mult timillty rooiIh. . ALUMINUM WARE l An flno a collection tin jon could auk nil of tho mott tlcrtlrahlo uteiiHllN aro to he fount! In either Mumped or ratt aluminum, r FLASHLIGHTS, POCKET KNIVES, HIFLES, SHOT GUNH iiml hlKh-Kmrio tools of ovrry h'ort now offer uplcndld hclcetlon for tho imu to ho lemcmheretl. Marshtield Hardware Co. Tho IioNt In tho Hardware lino, llroatlwny ami Control Avenue. Phono HI PREPAREDNESS Ih now tho National wntcli worth Within n few yearn wo cvpoct to little itn army of nlxuit a million ,nntl a half men. Our navy will ho iniTcithcd hy ten dread nought , id i-mlncrs, RU den troy era, 100 mihnmrlucs, i So mmli for our Natlonul tlofcuxo uifitlutit forcltfu focn. How nhout join- pci-Minul dcfvnso? , . MOBILIZE VOUIt MONEV Deposit your dollars In till hank ami you will ho hulltllui: up mi in my of prcparcdiiOHM n;iiluft "hart! times," accident nail III ht-nlth. Ono dollar Mm-lx tho at count. Wo will htnrt no Imij-m ami kIiU ullh A DOLLAH DONATION to each on Chrlstumx. Havo your uovn ami ylrN register tomorrow. first National Bank of Coos Bay Marshfield, Oregon For Christmas Gifts VOTIIING IS NICEH THAN A SELECT UO.V OF STATIONEUV Wo havo tho Intent hooka In fiction and will ho pleased to or dor uny hook you desire. For tho Httlo folks, wo nro Santa Clau3' headquarters. Marshfield News Company (Formerly Frl.eon'M Store.) Oentrwl Avenue Wo' will deliver apy mnpuiiio or newspnpor to your home u tho day of publication. EFFICIENT SERVICE PHOMPT AND CAUEFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL LINES OF 1NSUUANCE ;: : : :: E. I. CHANDLER, Insurance Agency Coke HulMlns . -- MarMilleld, Or 3 VNHHHHHflHHH &mmm'KHlllimimimmmimi A (- - J.