nW i v n- SIX "TV THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIIHLD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1915 EVENING EDITION. - - ? y ma LANDO SALE Draws the Crowds Daily CUSTOMERS WHO ATTEND THIS SALE ARE OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT Tomorrow's SPECIAL 3 Lots of Women's Shoes Specially Priced for Friday's Selling Only FULL RANGE OF PRICES BOND 8BATTLB FIDM DUYS JjSilT.UOW XOItTII DBXD DOXDS To Soil $1-1,000 .Morn of Tlicm A'ery Shortly ("on mil Orders New Piling; for Wlmrf Speclnl Improvement bonds to taling $27,000 wore sold last even ing to tho firm of Carlson nml Barlo 'of Seattle, by' tho North Dend coun cil. This bid wns sbmc $1G0 lower than tho ono of the Lumbcrmens' National Uailk, of Portland, which l)ld liar mul-tho accrued Interest. m RAHS 'J DIET COLLKGB MUX PLAX ANXUAD ItBUXtOX AND DAXQUHT Gutherlin; f Last Year no Success- ful Will b'i Continued Shortly After Christ inns College spirit and tho "pop" of tho campus days will bo ngnln un corked at tho annual banquet of old 'varsity men to no nclil at tho Chandler Hotel, possibly between Christmas and tho Now Year. A year ago a rounlon of this typo was held. Moro than 40 -old col- SHIPPING NEW, FIND GOOD DEPTH SOUXDIXOS HIIOW 27 TO -10 FHBT OF WATKlt OX IJAIt Xews Is Kncournglng Practically Xo Shoaling Hum Occurred Hlneo Drcdgo Mlclilo Left LAUGH II m L1FH nu HAIlDV Tho bondB aro for tho grading fj0R0 ,nc gathered about tho board, Lot 1 LADIKS' TIBS AM) PUMPS Lnudo'x prices, .i'J.."(, Jjfll, ijtii.no. Dcgulnr ttalo price 5e. Tomorrow pr FHIDAY ONLY Lot 3 ladibs' lacb and hut- tox iiigii-top siiobs liundo'H pi ices $:t.no to $!.."(). Itcgulnr mile juices $l.ii." mid $1.05. Friday's Price 95 c pr TOMOItllOW ONLY ladibs' Tins Axi) push's Lnntlo'ti prices $:t.00 to $1. Dcgiilnr .sale pilco 05c. Tomorrow p f. c 55 pr FUIDAY OX MT THESE PRICES ARE POSITIVELY FOR FRIDAY SELLING ONLY Every day wc will offer you specials. Watch them they will prove interesting. This is the store for Christmas' shoppers. Your money goes 2 to 1 in com parison with any other store. I Hub Clothing eZP Purchasers oeCo. OOW WHY .Ml'ST PPOP UP WALL OF SiriTLIXO DL'ILDIXO TO MAKE REPAIRSRUMORHEARDHEREfWILL HAVE A TREEr i:. Hmitlrl WIiih Suit Thai Was Drought. When Ills Uriel; Wall Was Threatened l)y ordor or Jitdgo Coko In a de cision handed down this morning Cow Why Is perpetually enjoined from allowing his building on Dromlway, between Central and Commercial avenues, to lean dan gerously elosn to tho brick tttrucluro of B. Handel, (low Why Is given 30 days In which to make tho noces Hnry repoIrH. Suit to this easo was filed sev eral months ago. Tho complaint, us mado out by Graves and Moln turff, attorneys for tho plaintiff, al leged that tho foundation of tho (low Why building had gradually sunk un'll tho structure loanud over on to tho Handel building. Fear was expressed J hut somo day the brick wall would bo crumbled In If some thing was not done at once. Also tho rain from the structure belong ing to (low Why was even then trickling down tho lustdo or nmiilol'H wall's, next door, It claimed, HBPOItT THAT PDK'H OF mm is 1110111:11 M..M. KIDDIBS Oil DAPTIST SUXDAY school Am; couxtixo days and paving dono on Virginia nvonuo and also on Mcl'horson. From tho railroad tracks to tho Pony Slough brldgo this street Was graded and also was paved over tho entire 'length with tho exception of two or throo blocks that woro planked. McPhersoii was paved for two or three blocks. To Sell Moro llonds At tho next meeting of tho coun cil, December 28, will bo opened bids ror $14,000 of Improvement bonds for tho sower on Connecticut avenue. , Pilings In tho whorf near tho foot of Virginia avenue arc many of thorn, rotted and mako tho tructurc in front of tho warehouses there, unsafe. Will Pepalr Klinrf At an estimated cost of $1,1SG tho firm of Anderson and Klocknrs will have tho contract for roploc'ng theso pilings and putting tho. wharf back Into a sound condition, this work to be dono as quickly as pos sible. Protest. About Slilouallc Protests havo been received by tho North mind city rathora that tho sldowalku on north Shorman avonuo aro In bnd condition. It wns point- Ijk.STHBII on out in tuo argument of last evening, however, that tho side walks In question nro bovond tho dedicated section of Sherman avenue h unci It Is not known that anything can bo dono toward nn Improve- cut. Vote Is Canvassed Tho council canvassed tho votes ol tho city election hold thoro Tues day nml officially accepted tho re sults ns announced yestorday. HA.W.,8 Ht Mfchinm i.r ..t 1 " "" illlliili. . . , . Llfo on n, l , shbalodMn slnco tho departure yif hardships niid,nnLv'Me. Jbrlu tho bar dredge-Colonel 'P. SMlcnlo ott which .JEWi is 1110 nuiiei 01 iiiu engineers wno That tho Coos Day bar has not The occasion Was tho visit horo of tho U. of O. quartet. So successful was tho undertaking, both from tho financial and tho attendance stand points, that tho decision waB then arrived at, that hereafter tho affair will bo an annual ono. .1. K. Montgomery Is in charge of tho plaim for tho reunion this year. Shortly, Invitations will bo eont out to every collcgo man on tho bay or In this vicinity to attend, It will bo a tlmo of Rood feeling. Old grads may gather nbout tho board and, In tho proper atmosphoro, talk over all tho good old times of their various colleges and ever and anon lift their voices In nn ear splitting "rah! rah! rah!" or an f'Osky Wow!" Just to show that they never really get out of practice. And again, too, tho "skeletons" of tho Bta lllta PI, tho Tuppn Korku UI and tho Alfalfa Dclto may bo brought out for tho annual discussion. TI IESSELS SOLO DL'lINi; AXI) DBUTIB ."Ml. Mill DISPOSBD OK fop a wcolc havo been taking sqund Ings, off nml on, as tho weather and tho tides permitted. Tho incom pleted figures show a dopth of wntdri thoro ranging from 27 feet to 40 feet over ' a channel "' BOO ' -fdet In width. This Is encouraging nows for Coos Day. For moro than two and one-half months tho dredgo has been gono from tho bar. In this Interval havo occurred several bad storms, ono of them tho most sorlous In several seasons, yet tho bar, from tho figures, has not boon shoaling. Only In two places was tho depth as low as 27 fecir. n all others tho dcjith was close to 30 feet, and If anything diffcrout, over thnj mark. DccaiiBO of tho lato flooding tides for several days, tho engineers have discontinued their soundings and this morning Donald Chnrlcson and Verlln Parker returned to Dandon. BUILD BIG VESSEL MVAYXB AXI 1IOYT LBT COX Til ACT l-'OU STBAMBIt for the fnrt !..! vra Mi; are taken ns part 0f t! ??' nd. when throi.ghVlth " forgotten, cnplaf w ' V " ?"to. now la PortlanT , C" tnm truth win, n tale -- W til w San Ki-iuicInco 1'lrm lluys Tlicm fnm I!, li. Johnson and tlio Other On ners Xo hifoiiiuitlon at Ihm'iiI Mills, Itnt ')!! Santa l'i eight Hates tuo l'i I'lfty Cents More. Clans Mr. was WOUMI ANXl'b NAM Iiifgnlinllles Clmigi-d In Conuu.' Hon With ItitM'liiirg (inrago A ItoHoburg paper prints tho fol lowing: A petition was filed In tile bank ruptcy court horo imkliiK that the recent sale or tho HoHobtirg Oarage to C. W, Parker, of Cottago drove be sot aside on tho grounds of Irrog. ularltlcs. H Is claimed in tho peti tion that tho equipment of the gar ago wub invoiced at Jl.ltOO, but that It was sold to Mr. Parkor for 11 sum slightly In oxt'oss or $l.rU0. It Is also claimed that Hurley Johnson There wub a rumor afloat horo that there has been another raise In the price of lumber at San Fran cisco. Alanagor Arkley, of tho Simpson Company, stated that ho had not been Informed from San Francisco of tho price of lumber going up but- that ho had learuod that freight was raised r0 cents a thousand. Aruo Mereen, superintendent of tho C. A. Smith Company, Is in San Finnclhco, hut It wub' stated lit that office that no Information had boon received as to the raise. Sends Advance Statement Will lie Tliero On Time ClulMiuus Kto EXPECTS TO SECURE OUTLET FOR LUMBER IC. K. Johnson Ones to San 1'iaii- elsco to Oct In Touch With the Lumber .'Market Bucouragliig lumber news comes from Coqulllo. Tho Ileriilu of that city pi luts the following: "B. B. Johmoii Is In San Fran cUco, getting in eloso touch with tho now developments In tho IumborJl,SH Holvu Flanagan, and In tho prl market. It Is expected that ho will nry dopartmont, Mrs. 0. Lo Hoy Part of Santa Clans' tlmo 011 Christinas evening has boon reserved for tho youngsters, and tho older people ns well, of tho Daptlst ehuroli. Thorough preparations nro now being completed for the big treo and ontortnlnmcnt next Friday evening. Annual Bvcnt Tho treo Is an annual event nt the church. A largo ono will bo se lected, to be decorated with candles and tliisol on the night that tho Jolly old gentleman starts in his sleigh on his rounds of tho world with the toy pack on his back. It is oven said that already ho has sent forward tho bags of candy and nuts for the youngsters on that night, foniing thero would not bo -enough room In his sleigh on Christ-1 mas evo for everything. Those In Charge Tho conimltteo 'that haa chargo of tho program In tho main Sunday school la composod ot Mrs. Walter lJluiuun, Mrs. Frank Dlack and It Is reported hero that tho two schooners Dcrtlo Minor mid Bsthor D11I1110 havo been sold to somo San Francisco firm. Tho buyer nml the lirlco nro neither known here. Tho lumtB mo owned by B. B. Johnson, Stanley Dartlett and Bovoral others. Doth vcssols have been tied up In and tho Bsthor Diihno Is now loaded ut Prosper and Is wnltlng for 11 tow south. Doth the BchnonorB nro well known 'lioro ns they formerly ran Into Coos Day and carried lumber brought from Coqulllo by rail. They later woro on tho Coqulllo river run. Thoy nro old schooners mid small onea mid for sovoral yearn thoro was not 1 much HBO ror that typo or boat but now that nil kinds or vessels aro In demand there was a chniico to sell ' theso two. secure nu outlot ror all the lumber he can produce In the mill here, alid this will he a mighty fine piece or news rr tho town. It waa re ported here yestorday that lumbar was still on tho rlsu, ami pursistunt I'opoitn tiro In cliTUiKuoii that the mills down the river will soon' ro sumo operations." " Hall, Mrs. Alva Doll, Mrs. O. Bs thor Whitney and Miss Lois' Sim moiiB, organist. VKSSBD .MOVBMBNTS D. F. Hughes, alias B. 11. Kuhl- Ilium, now in Jackson County jail waiting tho action or tho grand lias made tho creditors a bona fldo Ji"'y for passing bogus cheeks, pur- offor or 12,000 ror tho equlpmont, I'basod tho chuck-protector, found In CLAIM HOOTS CIIKCKS I'SKD mid that ho Is roady to tako tho garage over at that figure at any (tlmo. M Another article printed in Hoso- fJburK gives tho following regarding Itl'o enso: ' ' It was practically dooldod this .morning to appeal to tho Supreme ,j, uiiuri mo'casH nrougni ny j;. 1;, Donson, noting as tnibteo of tho , Jtoseburg (larago, vs. Hurloy John- flron, Tho case was, trlyd here a few days ngo and a vdnllc't was fet'urntid In favor of tho defendant. The his possession wlion nrrostcd, in Sa lom, this state, with 11 bogus check, says tho Modford Tribune. Ho htolo tho order hook, bank book mid other "credentials" from tho roal B. II. Kuhluiaii, and nod thorn to hlu undoing 011 his way south from the stuto capital. ('ASOLIXB IIIOIIBIt Another Ailvniico Announced hy tho , Standard Oil .s SAX FRANCISCO. DeO. lO. ' CHANNEL WORKS NOT INCLUDED IN PROJECT Font nro cr Iinpiovctncnt t Shislaw Itlver Pisilmbly Cannot Do Made This Tlinq As to dcoiionlng tho channel or tho Sluslaw . river tho Portland Journal prints tho rollowlng; Decnuso not Included In any ox Ittlng jirojoct, coiisldoratlon cannot 1il given to deepoijlng tho channel or tho Sluslaw river in Oregon rrom lit mouth to Florence. TIiIh iu tim Buhstauco or a reply received by honator Chainborlaln to mi Inquiry uldrossod to Rcncrnl Klnginnn, enter or nriny ongliicera. Tho TI1I0 Water Mill company re cently 'wrote with rerorenco to this channel, which It sayB Is slowly rill lug with looso sand mid gravel, mak- Jug trnnnportntlon Increasingly d'r- MAXY COl'HSBS XOW HKADY DY c,,,t STATU PXIVBllSITY Tho authorized project consiBts or tho construction or two Jetties to Cost Deduced to Miuliuiim mid fcccuro an eight root depth ovor tho' Study May Do Mado at Homo bar. This will not aHed the ays xv Anuouncenieiit ' rhonls farther up. in v.'ow of tho difficulty of securing appropriations j To tn I)orBO who has not tho to contluuo work on approved pro-'t,,MO or tl10 ,nono' to lop work mid Jtcto, there scorns no hopo for so-K to 8cll0l to thoso porsons curing nionoy for tho Sluslaw chan- w,' aro u,m,'1 to i"each n buslnesa nol. tollogo training, the stnto unlvorsl- j ty nt Bitgono, Is now opening a sor- los or 12 courses which may bo tak en by mall nt a cnitt u-lilii. nm Ituuior That Company Will Put On Passenger Doat to Coos Day Is Still Persistent) Untitling or n 10,000 ton tramp steamship by the Swnyno and lloyt lino lends to speculation na to wheth er or not this will menu nny change on Coos Day. This company has long conducted efficient ocrvlco to JC'oos liny mid In the past six months there havo been contlnuod rumors that tho company intends to put a 1.. - . -.. ... ... imnBougor nun iroigni uotii on ino ... v,u.,....,u ..,, ,u, duiiiu UIIIO. .PnrHnml r'no llnw n.wl s!nn l.'rnii , . , , i" M. ... V-UW- .W ...... U.... . .nu nuiiiu .xiiimi wns recutuiy iiikou to San Francisco loaded with ties i HI TEACH 61 I i'Im'o run tjoinctlino In tho near fu ture. Tho big vessel, tho contract for which has Just been awarded; will cost In tho neighborhood of $7ft0, '000. It will bo built by tho Crnlg Shipbuilding company, of Los An geles. This saiiio firm built tho Pnralso, well known on tho bay, tho N'nvajo mid tho Alvorado. Thore novor has boon anything tangible on which to tnclc tho ru mor regarding 11 pnssongor boat In horo, though tho circulating whis per has been ft persistent ono. for seven l.nnra f,... . W0fk 1. . "" """s 10 a . cued, mid wd.,., i.t.... u Bt m .,..w ni:ilc( .!)(,,. ready the instant ho lighted V. J the shin's .1,-ni, , 8r4 M Incident. ' n.. .. - . . ".I .1 lurmer trip 0il . j Portland and when o ,Jl American .-nn-i . . .. ' lhe l l.a.lUnv", " .'."'"""'BHftil "" mi u caoppy sis el tiL Mnto llardouicnt went aloft 't .v ... . . . VU,1D , ygrQ rmid. The ship Baro a lord, J I-. unn(.1 1,1... 1 .. '" '" w "..uuiiumio une into tho water. hpUIIv .1...1.. .. " n,,.i ,...,'. ,0Slrii t VIIU UL'V,, Stnndliig on tho noondw-V .1 .1 time, Cnpt. QrlffltB nt tie L BtruKgllng In tho water and hM,J him a life preserver which tuck 111111. TIlOIIL-ll n linnl .-. I . .. .. wv mwcrea oh mo sine nnu a senrch mad Iorj nuiirs 1110 Bailors failed to iL llnrdoinont. Cnpt. GrlftlU wire tM and tacked back nnd forth la tl formor tracks of tlio ship and w nours later catiio upon the tlif mnto, nlmost dend from cipourj.n wns iirawn aboard. Drought over tho rail, dripp!i ni.il chattering with tlio cold, Hart monh, was addressed by tho iklppei " What do you mean byleMlija amp without permission?" Tho third mnto grinned. MfcJ pardon, Blr. 1 though 1 saw 1 tJ with' n string of pearls about neck." " Well." This from the, skipper. " I thought sir, Hint they ttr choking tho poor thlnj." H grinned ngnln and collapsed oa t deck. mm m KASTBD.V AM) INklNI) nPli IXTICItlWTBI) IX LIFi: L1XE BLBYBX ACCIDBXTS I". Arrived Adollno Smith, Onkhufd, 2:ao 111, today. Sailed Spoodwoll, Snn Francisco, this nf tcrnooii. Duo Hero Yellowstone, San Franolsco, this ntteruoou. Duo to Sail Hoaiuor, Hoguo river, this oven-' IllK. That Many Iteisntetl from County for tho Week . moro than covers tho necessary post- ' " ', ' H880,,K0rH "" , ,um Co, ngo baclq mid forth. j b',ecdw." Kot away this nft The announcements or the now Or tho 170 ncoldontB, ono or which !cour8es linv Dist boon locolvod horo 'was ratal, roportcd ror tho wcok tolw,,oro t,lero nro "'ready sovoral per tho btate labor commissioner, eleven 80113 0J''K work in tho corres wero reported from Coos county. ' l'011loL'o department or tho btate They woro ns rollows: i institution. John Dashnoy, Mnrshriold, In-1 Tll C01""8C8 named nro tho gonoral Jurod bond, logging. organization or business; marketing Lnwronco Madden, Powers, foot IK0U,0d8: bookkooplng and nccoiint- X WATERFRONT NEWS : From Oakland tho Btonmshlp Ado llno Smith arrived In about 1:30 I P. m. mid went to the Smith mill 1 to load ngnln. At about I : :i0 p, m, this afternoon the steam schoouor Yellowstouo is expected to cross In rrom San Fran cisco. Though tho llusUer dropped down tho bay sho will bo unable to t;ot out, It was said today, becauso a southwest storm Is broking mid tho Indications or tho glass will keep hoi- Inside. With passengera mid lumber tho ornooii rrom North Doiul ror tho South. Times want ads bring rosultB. Publications Again Hcscribo Vim Craft and Tell nf How It Ojwr. iiIoh On Coo Day Tho cruiser Llfo Lino nd ft work or tho Rev. 0. Lo noy IWU Colportor ror tho Ilaptlst churen t Cooh county attracts considerate v tontlon nml mention In tho east, ft Inst threo niibllcatlons of the ok (izlno Missions, published by the B list pbiirch. contain articles refm Ing this work nnd pictures 0! ft boat. Tho methods usod. tho trtrellM nbiiut rrom plnco to place and toV Imp plniri-h sorvlccs aboard a wrt- iippeal especially to thd. people V Hvo far Inland. In one month .Mr. 1111 wmhrt v that ho had traveled ill " ..-nnniin.i 9 0 horiiioiia. held w ..rnvpr innotltiRS. organized a S day Bchool, visited 123 fmllleiu paid S7 porsonal religious ! Hnvo your progTnms Pr'n'4 Tlio Times office. SPBBDWBLL SAILS TODAY Bint was originally brought by Mr. standard Oil of California annoum DetiBon to roplovln four Dodgo an-1 P(, an ullvanco of a cents por gallon tomobllcB viileh ho claimed woro an in gs mticliino gasoline, eHeettvo at nbsot or tho Rosoburg (inruKu. nml oifeo. This raiso follows an nd- woro not tho property of .Mr. .John con. Mr, Joluibon showod that ho purchased tho automobiles from the Duffy Automobile Company, or which Claudo Smith was local innn aKor, Boveral days beforo the peti tion In bankruptcy was fllod. Ocit your Jnli printing dono nt The TliHiwimfluMV.i .' ,u-' ..k, .: vanco ltifct weok of 5 cents n gallon. (his inachlno gusollno, henceforth, -C until furthor notlco, will sell In bar rels, or In cases at fill 1-1! cents. Shortly nfter threo o'clock this nf tornoon tho Spcedwoll uot awnx- jriom North Dend ror Snn Francisco, ban Pedro and San Dleiro. Sim mp. rlod i mil cargo of lumbor and ties ' pud sovoral' passengers, Among thoso going down wero: B. A. Deckett, Cnpt. Vorzon, Alfrod V lllllilnnti X 1 u t . ..j.iuioun.iib.u. I. U'jUlllrott, MI83 Lsilvla Davis. Mrs. LJ-L. r.llhnrt. Tiio. doroSijJiroedoMiiiiJnmca IlobliiBon. GAPT. VBIIZO.V who tor somo tlmo' conducted tho nuto stago to Bm plre, loft on tho Spoodwoll today or tsan Francisco. t times Want ads t GET RESULTS $ iiiimiii-iTr-- in m mmm Times Want-ads wt'Kesntts- . i bruised, logglmr. Leo Westmorland, Powers, bruls cd hand, logging. O, B. Kinney. Murshrield, In Jurod nnu, sawmill. , Wm. Soymoro, MnrsTlfiold, bruis ed back, sawmill, B. Dryutinson, Marshflold, cut ltn. sawmill. ' Oeorgo Gray, MnrBhflold, un known, logger. J. J. Kindly, Marshriold, crushed hip, sawmill. Jdhn Marshall, MarBhflpld bruis ed shin, sawmill. ' Charles Wahlma, Marshflold, foot bruised, logging. Charles H. Swnnson, Marshflold, il.C nrlnr-liilnu. nno. .. . n "''"-"i iui wiL-unnung; so lution or certified public account nut systoms; cost accounting for printers; tho law or sales; tho law or contracts; tho law or prlvato cor porations; tho law or Insurnnco; tho low or coinmorclnl miner: r.fln soiling and storo methods. A lottor dropped to Doglstrar Tiffany at Bugeno, says tho an- niounceinent, will toll in furthor do- .iniis regantlng tho courses. in ono or theso couri-ea a convict nt tho state ponltentlary Is cnrollod. brokon ribs, logging. WILL .MKBT IX PODTLAXD WILL LB) 0ii.j In ordor that high bcIioqJ pupils and teachers cat, better understa id minerals and ores tho extension d vision or tho University Is sending to m.f.'.'n m'1001 Keo,OBJ- teachors who mil o tho request a box contalnl Deputy Gamo Warden Thomas IinJ iI'.LiV"0 Hl".erot specimens or received notlco that tho annual meet-'These boxes mav be .borrowed r08, Ing or tho Oregon Sportsnion League "'owtli, or six weeks if not in great iu no nelil December 19 and 20 at Portland. Deputy Game War- I dens aro Invited and rod nnd gun ciuim and game protective organiza tion qf (lio stnto, tiro urged a nond otrfsint'atlvos,' , : ' ' Clhristmas Day . .i aihiiiiti vi hen your frieiuw an" """ daughters and sons, all meet un your roof Tflnp. Dininp- loom ---- . . .ln-l..ll. AV1A'' I ... ... tf-n.ti.. .11 11... WVt.v... - 3 K.U 1.W...V. - "ijglioautlhil up-to-dalo dining ro there m" " .. .xjii w.uuuia iwetvo sped- domand, Bach box L"?1.'8 inl8i. rock-niaklng ln v.a.a, inreo iron oro mlnorals. two copper oro minerals, two lead 'sllVer ore ineralH, ono zlnc ore ml.,Pmi '.,! laiHininvntwe mineral n id threo ms feollqiieous Hmtf Imons. 'ij T- m,s i . . ' , o o milto from this fctoro no room for criticism. ur reasonable prices innko it posiimu " ,- ' Havo an attractive dining room. ur reputatipn sactloa. (ca r overv ir""- ... cull reach of ereribodf. stands oncK oi --w lt(t Doons of complete buiiw - fiom Mltliln tho GOING & HARVEY '! t ij "jJS. n