'-T"9tl!TS,w, - i PSfcTS j xmt -r r' THE COOS BA.Y TIMES. MAHSHFlELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1 915--EVENING EDITION. FOUR COOS BAY TIMES U. O. MALONtiV, Kdltor imtl Pub. DAN B. MALONKV, News Editor Official Paper of Coos County OfflcinI Paper City or. Mnrshflold, Entered nt tho I'ostoff Ico at Mnruli Hold, Oregon, for transmission thtouch tho malls eccond-claso mall matter. An Independent Republican news paper, published overy evening ox cept Sunday, and woolcly, by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. $ I WITH THE TOAST I : AND THE TEA SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY. One yoar $G.OO Per month CO WEEKLY. Ono year f 1.50 When paid strictly in ndvanco the Bubscilptlon piico of tho Coos Bay Times is $5.00 per year or $2. GO for lx months. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. GOOD' KVHXINH Ho brave. If a man woru to place hliusclf it) an atti tude to bear munfully tho greatest avll that could bo Inflicted oil lilm, ho would HUtldonly find there wan no evil to bear. Thorcau. ' LI'ITLE HOY J t EUROPEAN WAR ONE X YEAR AGO TODAY X RKCRMRKR lfS, 11)11 Tho Turkish cruiser Mldlrll.v for merly tho Rrealau, bombards Sc bastopol. Tho German crulaer Comorant with 22 officers and 3GG men Is interned at Guam. Tho Allies mako a combined at tack against the Hues of tho Ger mans south of Yprcs. LOOKING WORRIED A Vow I may never Journey far, I may novor climb to fame; Novor own a motor car Or havo men applaud my name. 1 may novor hoard tip wealth Or lmvo laurels on my brow But, so long as I havo health I'll bo happy, anyhow. I may never conquer men, Never bo a great success, I may suffer now and then Grief and genuine distress. I may novor Uvo In stylo Or a library endow Dut I'll do my best to sinllo And won't whimper, unyhow. . I may nlwaya havo to bear Heavy burdens on my way. I may always havo to euro l-'or my portion of tho day. I may got tho worst of It lu my tolling, but I vow I shall laugh and sing a bit, And wont whlmpor, anyhow. ANON TI110 noar approach of Christ mas, and of courso you haven't bought 'em yet, und tho coming of Now Years and reso lutions mid bills suggests that It la a good tlnia to pructlco avoiding looking worried. A magazlub wrltor states, incidentally In nn or tlclo on her oxporlcuco nB a buBlnos.i woman that she was given n posi tion iih stenographer bocauso slio "never looltod worried." And this was at n tlmo when Hlio was living In a hull bed room with half ouough food and little to encourage her spir it of courngo and eheorfulucss. Rut tho fact ludlcntes tho Import ance of such uu iucoiiBOiiuoutlal thing nB a face frco from strain and worry. It 1b Iruu that tho past BQiuuwhnt strenuous year and tho ntralu luvolvod is almost sufficient to worry a cat. Hut what's tho I1R0? Thero Is usually n big ouough roason for that worried look If ono has not tho blessed ability to over como physical fatlguo and nervous hurrying with a grln-and-boar-lt nt- j tltudo toward llfo that simply will ' lmt lifi ilnunm1 It fu lint itimii1i I that wo prosa forward toward suc cess, it Is coming to bo domaudod on us that wo rofuso to bo wearied by tho struggle, Tho oucouraglug thing about , It it. that tho unworried look wins lrlouds and Is really a moans or litrougth to tho possessor. By re fusing to look worrlod wo nt length learn to retrain from tho unwhole some habit of worry und In tho und wo nro btronger and happlgr and moro offlelQiit for tliTa very reason. Anyway for tlioso of us with homos on glorious old Cops Hay Why should vo worrj? You are just turning threo Little boyl Very charming to soo Llttlo boy! With a bravo, engor face And your fervor and grace, Mark tho stamp of your raco Llttlo boyl What docs llfo to you moan Llttlo boyl From your van'tago-polnt seen Llttlo boyl Is It enndy and toys Is It Infinite noise, Just like all llttlo boys, Llttlo boyl In your romplngs and glco Llttlo boyl Como remlndors of mo Llttlo boyl For your grandmothers say In your pranks and your ol:ty You liaVo copied my way, Llttlo boyl Was I oneo as you aro Llttlo boy! ' , ., In tho vanished days afar' Llttlo boy! Did I laugh, did I run, Did I leap in tho sun, And woro you and I ono Llttlo boy! Whon you climb in my lap Llttlo boy! And Ho down for a nap Llttlo boy! I remember tho tlmo In my babyhood'a prime, Whon I uo used to climb, Llttlo boy! Hut at hist you're In bed Llttlo boy! Dimpled lingers outspread Llttlo boy! All n-woary of play Willi your gold curls astray, An, "Lord lovo you," wo pray, Llttlo boy! Urncst McGaff'jy. ' RILEY'S DREAM i()l 1010 (Written for Tho Times By F. It. Kirk.) No doubt all tho people That nro horo upon tho bay, Havo had somo awful dreams at night That's took them far awuy, ' 1 have (raveled somo myself that way And wuko up In. a fright, I would Ilka' to Just relate a dream I had the other night. No doubt you've read tho song about When Oregon goes dry, And no doubt yott'vo tried to got nwny. And liinybo heaved a sigh, it was written by tho Captain and you Know the people say, That he's the best old Skipper yet That's landed on Coos Bay. I think a pile of Cnp't Macgonn I'U'drlnk to him n toast, But bo's not tho only poet . ' On this old Pacific Coast, For every towit has got a man or else Some lady fair, That will write down Inspirations And they never seem to caro. If It hurts him, or you, or mo now Don't get sore but smllo, For when thcy'ro writing poetry, They loso their heads awhile Now what's tho uso to toll you this Or mako somo big excuse, For you know what tho poets nro So I say what's tho uso. Just lot them wrlto and we'll wrlto back And shoot another song, Wo'll tell tho mob wo'ro trying hard t6 Holp tho dryB along. And when It gotB so dry tip hero And wo don't Ilka tho way, Tho llttlo fish kick up tho dust Swimming up our dear old bay. Why wo'll Just pack up our bnggago And we'll find another roost, Down whero tho wet's aro moving ' now And for tho wets wo'll boost, I would llko to ask my friend Mncgcnu. ; If ho will just relate, Why so ninny prenchors movo Down to our neighboring State. It Is bocauso that wo up hero don't Need them whero it's dry Or do you think they need thorn worse Down where tlioy sell thu Ryo, I stipposo tho suffrngottcB proclaim Ah you say In your Houg ? I NEWS OF OREGON J $ , BROWNSVILLE- Mrs. Lucln.la AfcCormaQk, who died rtt her home, was n pioneer of 18511. CULVKIi The levy for the new Jefferson County this yoar, Includ ing tho stato tax, Is but 18. mills. PORTLAND About 1G0.000 bar rels of flour, valued at $000,000, will have been shipped from Port land bdforo tho end of December, making tho lnrgest record over known. FOR15ST GROVE A tryout will bo hold to select tho debaters to represoilt Pacific University. ONTARIO Tho second annual meeting of tho Idaho-Orogou lToncv Producers Association nas been lu session, PENDLETON Dr. J. A. Best, Mayor-elect of tho city, received n letter from Governor Wlthycombo stntlng that no ono hnd been, com missioned to watch tho polls at I ho city election, sotting nt rest a ru mor to that effect. BEND A drivo will bo hold to gnthor .1000 Jackrabblts, which will bo sent to tho Mutts of Portland for distribution among tho poor families of the city on Chrlstmn3. PORTLAND Permission has been granted tho Portland & Oregon City Railroad Company to issuo $1150,000 In bonds. Now is the time to get your suit made for Christmas Bring in your order now and you will get a suit at a reasonable price, either ladies' or men's suits See J, V Koski : rt 75 Market Ave. Marshficld, Oregon A 9. (a. fce-&9- ae- (tj i Register Tomorrow If you want one of these dollars put In a savings ac count, you must register at once. JAP BANKERS WANT NEW DOMESTIC LOAN Deride Money Should Ho Rained nt Homo to Tnko Somo of Hie; Foreign Loan tnr AMOciatoA Tnn to Cooi DiJ Time. TOKIO, I)cc. 1C Loading Jnp r.r.eso bankers hnvo decided that ft new' domestic loan should bo raised to redeem foreign loans. This decision Is a result of tho fact that Japan hns about $1100,000, 0UO lu foreign loans which maturo In tun years. Tho idea Is that upon tuo conclusion of tho Kuropcnu war tho monetary circulation of tho world will become stringent owing to tho financial readjustments of tho pow ers concornod. How Japan should dcul with tho situation forms n dif ficult (liiestlon. Tho bankers think it udvlsablo to rnlso a domestic loan with n view of redeeming foreign loans whllo tho money market is now in n slack condition. They think that the flotation of a domestlo lonn ',at this moment would not only holp adjust foreign loans but would also First Bank Marshficld, National of Coos Bay Oregon , t t t awMBa Ur" A;L. HoUSCWnrih icinn nmlgZ' lwncj, J. M. Wrlgl IIUIMJINq cONTniM Batlmate. fUmi.k.7RAcm 1 on re,,,,, Dr,-H.M.Shaw M-JiO, Kti. n.i .. mass,' noa;io.llM W'ono 330.J. H. G. Butler CIVIL Rxnivt.,. RMm"i-.lt --- 'iiunj jjj. W. G. Chandler AROHITEOI Rooms 301 and 302, Cok,B, Marshflold, Oregon. TISlij TA11LE wiiiiiiuiKiTK PACItrn ... v v That they will need tho preachers ' Iornto tho nionoUry cIrculntlon at It has been said thut u boy's ,t.B ,mrt, llow to best friend Is his mother and a wo-' j mnv .'u;8 nm y nuii.s nose rncnu is nor reputation; and It is n dead sure cinch that a man's best friend is his job. Judicious sllouco is an eloquent Indication of wisdom. Wealth mnkcB kleptomaniacs; poverty makes thieves. Kvory Coos Hay woman Is n con undrum that keep somo Coos Day man gucsHlng, To h0p tholr oausu along. Last night I hnd uuothor dream relate, Moose a hiking dow,n Straight for our nolghborlug Stato, And us I 'cast my eyes nbovo I though my soul I'd dlo, Thoro woro Owls nnd Hnglcs singing thero Whon Oregon goes dry. I droamod n Woodman told a Rod man As tlioy stood among tho trees, If I wero not n Mason now I'd Join tho K of P's KAnd I would bo an Odd Fellow If I did not say good by, Diamonds aro trumps in iho s-wio And "aU W,U MncK" 'or Krlsco of lovo. You nro frequently annoyed bo causo tho peoplo do not "do ant tor." Try doing bettor youraolf and you will roallzo why t!io pwpln aro so slow about. It. Dut, cvoiy thlug that Ih truo and, important slowly gains ground. "Not guilty" Isn't always an in nocont remnrk. ' " When Oregon goes dry. WILL LECTURE ON ROAD CONSTRUCTION heme. Acting on this conclusion, tho bmkoru will probably mako ropro centntlons to tho government. In view of tho satisfactory result or tho railway bonds Issued somo tlmo ago It Is proposed to issuo the do mestic loan at a prlro of 9G 1-2 yon with Intorost nt G por cent, rodeom nblo In twenty years. Mr. Takotoml, minister of flnanco announces thnt 30,000,000 yen ($10,000,000) of tho spoclu reservo will bo appropriated to redeem tho) railway loans rnlscd lu England nnd I which will fall duo In Fobrunry next, I Another 30,000,000 yon will bo om-j ployod to pay off foreign bonds. Ho j points out thut tho spcclo reservo i which already amounts to nbout . 500,000,000 yon, will steadily In-1 cronBO. ( IMIIIM i I II i ran iibiiim ii n I A Christmas Suggestion 9 Koniclhlng New: A .SavlngH Account for (ho Raby. It will add Jlnby liitoroHt and grow large. If you nro looklntr for n useful ' nnd practical Clitlstinas fltft ono that will bo Ioiik rciuumbcrcd-call on ua nnd let us oplalu our Savings Kjsteni t you, Wo ulvo n liaudsomo bank AR.SO LUTKLY KRKi: with overy account opened with us whllo tho account continue!). OAR Lcavo Marshflold C:4G a.m. 7.45 a.m. 8:4C a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:50 p.m. ' 1:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. U.J WOtttl ; tri t:0t id 10:15 1: H:0ft iJ 11:45 ii l:lhn 2:C0 p& I'M a :00 in 5:15 pc 6:65 ps Flanagan & Bennett Bank 0:55 p.m. North city llmlU only 7:30 p.m. 7:tS ' SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famom wt HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, por ton m Lump coal, por ton $33 ur nau ton ot Doth -m 1). JIUSSO.V, Prof. rnono lV'J or Imvo onkrttl Hllljcr's Cigar Store. SOUTH COOS RIVKll BOAT SKItVICH liAUKcii Kxrncss leaves Marshficld crtrr fiij 8 a. 111. Loaves hwul ot titer at Hi 15 p. in. STKAMKR RALVBOW leaves head of river dftll; at T a. 111. Loaves Mnrtliflcld at 2 p. ui. For charter apply on botrf. ROQICItS & BJI1TU Proprletori MARSHFIELD, OREGON DRY WOOD at CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street Phone 370J MMilUCMin Cm mills Professor Wllf Tnko Subject During tho Winter . Short Couiho up CORVALLIS, Oro., Dec. 15. It Is atnted at tho Oregon Agricultural College that Oregon has over 117,000 , ,mllo8 of road presided over by 87S Most Coos Ray men ' could start ' roil(l supervisors, many of whom, ' n brass band If hot air wero music. 1 ,l 'a flr to assume, nro not trained road builders. In ten years ending' It would bo tough on somo Coos nay moil If tlioy got what, tlioy deserve. 1 A strong hoadod wcuU-mludod, man may bo TI.MHLY TOPICS From all wo cun hoar ooimrow np peuru to b meditating ovor boino thlug. A whole lot ot things may hap pen in the two weokB botwoon now A klbs, scientifically speaking, is hut an oxchungo of microbes. A lot of sympathy Is wasted on uudordogs and henpecked husbaiulB. Man proposes, woman accepts and tho neighbors nil miy "I told you bo." Lovo thu spot whoro ou ,iro, nud tho frlonds God has given you, und bo sure to expect everything good from them, with lull thoso mou havo spent 1 nearly $21,500,000, or an averago ' of nonrly ?2, 150,000 por year. This1,: annual expenditure has grown until ' In 1915 It Is approximately $4,000, 000. Tho probability is that it will continue to iucreaso until it bus 1 cached a very muoli larger num. Mmh Money Needed Thero nro fow, If any, linos of public endeavor which call for sol great an oxpondituro of putdic money. Thero can bo no question thnt tho entire statu is intcrcstod in gutting tho greatest possible re turn from this expenditure. To this ond Prof. G. V. Skolton, head of tho Departmontof Highway Kngliuor lug of tho Oregon Agricultural Col loge. Is offering during tho Winter Short Courses, a scries of lectures 011 tho fundamental principles of JKTi3BPMfcjMiPiiiil GRAVEL' Wo aro now preparod to furnish GRAVEL in any imntltlei from pile In our yard or in carload lota, at following price: Prom pile on ground, $2.?G per yard. Carload lots, tnkon from cars, $2.00 por yard. t Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite rosM)fflco, Phoao 100. Li.ovD hotel Is being overhauled thoroughly from foundation to roof. Now:y painted mid papered and refurnish-1 od, will bo opened as a family hotel December 15, by owner, J. II., UrIdos. Patrons will bo taken euro, of, In n moro comfoitnblo way than before. Furnished apartments fully oqulppod for housekeeping us well n sleeping rooms. -Prices will 00 moro moderate than over, to con form with tho .fluids. A slmie o: your pntronago is hollclted. Special, low prices by weok and month, EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, Iron and aluminum castings made like new f ' Phone 180-J. DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage North Front Street MERCHANTS CAFE Popular l'laco for Good Meals Prions Reasonable Cor. Commercial nnd U'Mf, To think without doing Is a shadoirond construction and malntenanco nnd 101 C but if you mind vour ownlucttor tha" to a without thinking.' Tncho Lectures lu.bluoss you neodn't worry. I . .TT . Among tho topics covored will bo ! Not ,noy. bl,t tll lovo of mony earth, gravel ainl macadam roads, Tho Coos county court liovlng ,H, ll oi ot wtt' ,ac! of, nionoy ,s , drainage, tho adaptability conditions ..,u HV " tnud roqulromeiits of traffic, methods and costs, including somo of tho l taxed most ovurytliluv olso now tax eti our patletico. Ono of tho prospective candidates for prosooutlng nttornoy aiwurou us ha will try anybody onto, and if at fiist ho doesn't convict ho'll trj, try again. o higher types of roads. Thero will 8KLL1XG GOODS Tho big problom In soiling goods Is gottlng the customer Into tha store Coos Day Tlmos ads will holp you solve this problom. bo twolvo lectures In tho course. Thero will be no fees charged for theso lccturos and all who aro in terested In hotter roans uro nrgod to bo present. PARK TEX CENTS City LlniitH North Rend, 5c. nn commutation nn Li TICKETS $1.75 ,J SIurshfiold-North Rend Auto Line Cars otery tea minutes from O a. m. to 12 p. in.; to South Slough onco a da, leaving nt 11 u. iu.j to Empire threo trip n day. GOHST & KINO, Props. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging ,(. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COHuPLETE. PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" the most powerful, best equipped and most thoroughly moder. twenty-inch hydraulic dredge la Paclflo waters Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. T. 3, HOAIFH J A. n. BOWBI .. ir u PAINT AND Marsnnem decorating .coj Estimates Furnlabed Phoao 140.R. Marihfleld, Otm WOOD-GOOD WOOD W. 11. rdio has It t ?10 J $3 cash per load, also cod. ed. Phono 2-7-J. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NUW I See CORTHELb I Phone 317l 1 WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING GO. Assets $240,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savlnp I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. t Local ireasuioi u Tlmo3 waut ada bring regults. (' Times wao ds Drlng roaults. WALL PAPER See VIEP.S About it, I OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst A King. Lenvo Man.hfield nt 7 a. in., and retumluK leaving from Empire nt j n. 111. Lenvo Marshfield at 11 ,,.,. aili returning lenvo South blough at ; 1 p. m. Leave Marshfield nt 5 p. ,. and returning leave South Slough nt O p. in. Bdungan ...., I charge rhone lO5 , J