THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEOEMBER 16, 1 915 EVENING EDITION. TWO I jjumehs thriving IMPORT OF SECRETARY OK AG- . iuculture snows wealth ROLLIN EDMUNDS ARRESTED AT ROSEBURG Valuation of CroiW nnd Animal Products for Last Year . Greater Titan Ever j IDy AnocMted Presi to Coog Dr Tlmn.l ' WASHINGTON, D. a, Dec. 1C Scprctary Houston's nnnttnl report, . jupt made public, places an cstlmnto of" $9,873,000,000 on tltc value of 1 American farm crdps'' pud' nnlnint ' ifroducts for last year, a Valuation '..without precedent. Tills, liov6Ver, K jirobably will bo ecjlpscd .by tlto ' yjircsont year's .slujwlng, , . . This valuatlqn Is an. Increase of , iRbotit $8300p000 oypr the vajiw, of .1JU3, hitherto, tho highest ever re corded.).! The Incrcnsq. occurred in ,, tho face of a dccllno In co'ttpn from 12.5 cents a pound for tho 1913 crop to nn nvorngo of, 7.3 cents for 1914. Of tho tremendous flood of ex ports which began near tho end of tho fiscal year covored by tho Sec retary's report, many hundreds oft , millions represent farm products. Dotweon August 1, 1914, and Feb ruary 1, 1910; tho report says, "ex ports wero $1,157,000,000 and Im ports $771,000,000, giving n favor able balance of $380,000,000. Oft tho total valuo of exports $002,000, 000 represented agricultural com modities, chiefly manufactures. " Tho total agricultural exports In I tho fiscal year ended Juno 30, 191 C, practically tho flrBt year of tho war, wero $1,-170, 000,000, which U nn lncrcaso of $350,000,000, or 32 per cont over those of tho pre ceding year and of $433,000,000, or "' nearly 42 por cont over tho average of tho five years 1910-1915." Enorhioiuv Slock Lonhch i What In needed moro, perhaps, thnti nnything else, tho Secretary says, Is nn Inrrcnso In meat animals. To that cud, tho Department hnu ox tuulod Its activities as far as Its funds would poruilt. Elimination of common live-stock diseases, from which louses nro said to bo onormotis would result In a material lncrcaso of tho meat supply. " It has been conservatively esti mated," tho report continues, " on tho basis of dntu for thirty years, that tho nnntinl direct losses from 'nnliiutl dlscasos are approximately $212,000,000. Tho Indirect losses, which also nro great, cannot ho es timated at nil. Tho direct loss as cribed to onch dlHeiiBo Is as follows; "Hog cholera, $75,000,000; Texas fever and cnttlo tlckB, $40; . 000,000; tttbcrqiilosls, $25,000,000; contagious nbortion, $20,000,000; blacklog, $0,000,000; nuthrux, $1, 500,000; scabies of Hheop and cat tle, $4,000,000; glanders, $5,000, 000; other livestock diseases, $22. 000,000; parasites, $5,000,000; oth er llvcstoqk diseases, $22,000,000; Ijicultry dlBoascs, $8,750,000." HuggwtH to Congnv. nccommondatlons for legislation mado by Secretary Houston to Con grcsH Includo tho following: , Legislation designed to promote better handling and storage of farm products and trading on tho basis of fixed grades and stnudnrds, in cluding n permissive wnrohotiso act, n cotton BtnndardB act, a grain grades net, ami provision for a mar-'kct-nowfl Horvico. A land-mnrtgago banking act in Newspaper of thnt City Says Yotms Sinn Is Wanted In Coos County Although local police do not know Itollln Edmund by that name tho following appears In a Hoaobttrg pa per and It Is' believed posslblo tho youth Is one known here and has trkon another name. V Itollln Edmunds, formerly of m CM 15 F TIDE OK IMMIGRATION NOW LOWEST POINT AT Deport of Secretary of Labor Shows Less Than Usual Number front Europe Settling In America (tlr AoclIM Train to Coon lljr Tlmm, WASHINGTON, D. O., Dec. 10. The tldo of emigration to tho Unit ed States ebbed t6 its lowest point Hosoburg, but for tho past few years!, "" "" """ ' l" " " "" v ,.,... i, w. i v. wna nrJ1-' r tlla" twonty years during ' k . ii - t.A.n . -Me. 1 iAniU" lmst fiscal yenr, according -to rested hero shbrtly after 1 o clock ., , , ,, . , , A, i. ., r i....nni... figures made public today in tho an nuo iiiurimil? on a uimihu ui luncuji' , ... , i.,.... i.i.i .. .1.- .it.. n i nunl IIU 18 UU1I1K 11UIU 111 IHU til J.WI pending tho arrival of a Coos Conn-11;- officer. " Edmunds is charged, so the Mnrshfcldi newspapers claim, with stealing some money; n watch nud .other valuables from n Goos- County woninn named Mrs. Wolmntcr. lib 1 left Coos County early Saturday ant! j fiarrlvcu Hero shortly niter 1 o ciocic tniB morning uy stngo. snerm 'Qnlno was awaiting tho arrival of Jtho youthful fugutlvo and ho was dnced under nrrcst immediately i'tipon rcacitlng this city, wncn searched nt tho city jail Edmunds 'was found to have n few dollars In nmoncy, but tho watch no Is alleged to have taken) was not found, A Coos County officer will nrrivo hero tomorrow to tnko Edmunds back to ICoqulllo for trial. " Edmunds wnB previously arrest ed hero In company with a boy giv ing his namo as Parsons. They wero glvon n hearing beforo tho Ju venile court, bud wore paroled upon their promlso to do better. Mrs. Wolmnior, tho woman who claims to hevo been robbed, formerly lived In ItOBOburg, where sho' was employed ns n waitress in a local restaurant." of World's Creates ar CHINESE CROOKS SEEK JAIL SENTENCES T MAKES E TRIP IN ONE OH! TtlAHSHFIELD-HOSEHl'HG AUTO STAGE LINE MAINTAINS EX CELLENT SERVICE con nects with night tdain to PORTLAND MAINTAIN St'll ED ULE Tho Mnrshflold-IloBohurg Auto Stage Lino Is mnlutulnlng Its wlntor Hchedttlo between Coos Day and Hosoburg In flno shapo dcsplto tho Inclemont weather. Passengers leaving Mnrshflold urrlvo in Roso- burg in tlmo to connect with tho north bound train to Pqrtlaud, mak ing tho trip from tho Day through to tho Itoso City in Just twenty-four hours. Messrs. Kolhngou, Danks and Laird, proprietors of tho lino, have been making ovcry offort to give tho best possible sorvlco. Autos nro oppratcd on both ends of tho load and through tho nlxtcon miles of canyon closed conveyances cllm luuto tho hardships that hnvo boon encountered In previous years. In addition to this they havo establish ed a now way station near Dock Creek whoro passengers can got ex cellent noon-day meals. Tho wlntor schodulo provides for linvlng Mnrshflold about 7:30 In tho morning, reaching Dosoburg lu tho cuing, connecting with the 11 tended to Inject business methods 'clock trnm ml ""Ivlng In Port- illto hantlllni! fnrm flnnnm nml tn , "Mill nt 7!lo UI0 next lliorillllg. pioco farm sectlrltlcs upon tho niur- report of Secretary Wilson, , of tho Department of Labor. The total number of Immigrant 'aliens, tho report shows-, fell from" 1,218,480 in the .previous yenr to '320,700 in the period enillng Juno 30 last,. All admitted urrlvnls of aliens, Immigrant and non-lmiul-grnnt, wero only 434,244 as com pared with 1,403,801 tho year be fore. Kcwer Departed Departure of aliens, emigrant nml non-omlgrant, llkowlso show a not ,nblo decrease. For tho fiscal year of 1914, departures were G33.S05; for 1915, 384,174. Tho fiscal year of 1915 covers tho period of sail ing homo of reservists from the be ginning bf tho European wnr till June 30, last. During that tlmo the emigrant aliens, presumably in cluding tho number sailing to Join tho colors In Europe, wero 204,074, compared with 303,338 tho previous twelve months. Tho non-emigrant aliens, departing totaled 180,000 for 1915 and 330,407 for 1914, showing a net dcereaso for nil alien departures of 249,034. Excess of arrivals over departures allons alono being considered, was only 50,070 In 1915. In 1914,' tho excess wns 709,270. Many Illiterate Of tho 320,700 Immigrant allons jiuHuiiivu iu mu uniicn amies in mo t915 fiscal year, 52,982 wero under fourteen years of ago; 244,472 wore from 14 to 44 years old and 29,240 wero 45 or over. Thoso over four teen who could neither rend nor vrlto numborcd 35,057, thoso nblo to read but not write wero 392, nmklng tho total number of Illiter ates over fourteen, 35,449, or thir teen per cont. '. Doportcd aliciiB numbered 20, C75. This Included 24,111 exclud ed nt ports and scut hack to their country of origin and 2,504 arrested and expelled from tho country. Of these excluded, 2,722 woro denied ndmlsHlon bcuauso thoy woro con tract laborers. Slvty DollniM Each Immigrants admitted to tho country Hhowcd to customs officials money in their possession aggregat ing $19,508,000, an average of $00 each. Each of 95,711 Immigrants had moro than $50; while 133,741 hnd lcs than $50 each. Ono hun dred unci ninety thousand claimed to In Hliunulinl They Kind Prison n 'Comfortable Place to Stay for the Winter (tlr AnsocUtcJ riTKi to Coos llty Tlincj.l SHANGHAI, Dec. 1C China's ap peal to tho foreign powors to pre serve pcaco in portions of tho repub lic boyoiul Chlueso Jurisdiction is somewhat Justified by conditions in Shanghai. This city Is' a refugo for criminals hud outlaws from various parts of China and many of thorn nro desperate enough to undertake any criminal commission, Tho mu nicipal Jntl contained moro thnn 1200 convicts into in September, n record for this season. Chinese crooks enjoy life lu tho Shanghai Jail. It affords a pleasant homo for tho winter, and offers better food than Chlncsp collies aro accustomed to. Thcro Is consldcrnblo agitation horo for tho restoration of flogging In an effort to discourage loafers trom seeking Jail sentences. No other part of China Is ns lenient to criminals ns Shanghai. Under Chinese law, they aro flogged for small offenses and executed for ptjr Ioub ones. Hero in Shanghai, Jut) sentences and comfortnblo lodging mnko law-breaking very nttrnctlve. Recently thcro havo been many cnics of Chinese nctltnlly assaulting 'lollco mcu for tho solo purposo of pottlni; locked up during tho wlntor. of the (Drltlsh flshoimo: od In tho govornmimt'a FISHING INDUSTRY ,, SUFFERED DURING WAR Government Pya Trlbuto to Patriot ism, Coiirimo nml Energy of tho Diifhli Fishermen ,nr AJuojIatcd TrfM to Coo Mr Tlmrn.j LPNiJdKJ.'tooe, 10. A, trlbuto to the 'pu(flotIsni, courage tind energy l is column- s annunl re port on sen fisheries for 1914, Jtmt Isslted. v No Industry, says tho report, has been so greatly affected by tho war as sctl fishing, and "when tho hlf tory of the wnr is written, tho coun try will realize, as it never hnB be-i foro, tho supremo vnltto to an island murltlmo power of nn organised fishing Industry and a daring fish ing population." Notwithstanding tho limitation of fishing wntors by naval regulations, mlno fields nml Gorman flubninrlncs there wore landed In England and j Wnlcs In 191 I sonio 10,125,000 cvts. of fish, exclusive of shell fish of tho vnltto of $39,235,000 as against 10, 152,000 cwts, in 1913, valued nt $50,015,000. Tho shell fish catch dropped from tho vnltto of $1,010, 000 in 1913 to $$1,445,000 in 1914. The'vPaper Proi HisOldHomeTowi SOLDIERS ARE BOTHERED ' ' ON ACCOUNT OF RATS Plague h Descilbetl .h Deliif; Ah most Ah Dud Ah tho Attacks of tho (icrmuus f I m I I c? fil : '-m i IPillI, m I Ei' v jSis u-H 3 'HBHHHIP IEN tho ovonln' aliado la faln' n( ,. .. II... ...... Ul WO AnViler i-ests from labor 8mok, . His plpdi.oijC.lay at Thoro'a nothln' doc's him so much mm I be fortune up or dowit, As tho lltto country pnper from his hi' homo town. ' It nlit'f-n thing o' uenuty an' lU Mm ' ain't iitwSj,, clean, P m Put it strnlMoiiH out hla temper when ii fnlWu'Yit.ill ' W ENGLISH BABIES .L.EM il-p.n DURING WAR TIMES Contradictory Opinions Ah to Wheth er It Is u Dlc-slng or u Calamity (Br AnorUteJ l'rfti to Coot lUy Tlmr LONDON, Dec. 10. Strikingly contradictory opinions woro express ed nt a recent meeting of tho ltoyul Sanitary Instltttto concerning wheth er tho threatened decrenso or im blcs, us n rosult of tho wnr, should ha rogarded ns a calamity or a bless ing. Tho subject discussed was label led, "Tho National and Social As poets of tho Lowered Dlrth-Kuto." Somo of tho speakers demanded that tho government should take tho mat ter iu hand and do everything pos u foller'alfeullu' mean It taken the wrinkles off his faco brushes off tho frown. That llttlo country impor from hl8 0y homo town. It tclis of all tho parties nn tho balls of Pumpkin now ' 'Dottt who npont Sunday wltlr his gin nn' how tho' erops'll grow; How it kcepH n feller posted, 'bout who is up an' who l is down, ' . That littlo country paper from his ol' homo town. ; Dr AnotUteJ rrn U Coot nf Tlmn. LONDON, J)cc. 10. Thcro is n plague of ruts along tho Drltlsh nud French lines lu Klnudcrs nud Franco. A soldier describes tho in- H'u'o ,0 encourago umi pop unruo , vaslon n "worse than tlm nnrnimm- lornlty. Others though Iti asion aP wprso tan tho Germans bUohU1 ,,0 Htaletl ti,oy woro u ,n. In n letter which adds: ,orlty hold that tho fewer babies; "Trenches, communications, born, for sometime to como nt least,' fields, woods, houses, collnm ami tllu bettor it would bo for tho conn-1 barns nro choked with them Wn I lr' Two speakers may bo cited ns warns nro cuoKeti wiiu inoin. o I reprcHcntntlvu of theso divergent havo thoin holding congresses ntlVowB. ' night In tho busiest roads ami giving! Sir John Cockbtirn urged tho need concerts by dny in tho most crowdori of greater inducements to rnlso the I vIHukos Wo lltorallv innrch nn ton lrtli-rate. Matornlty, ho snld, now ., , ' . , , , t01' Involved too heavy a tax on tho poor- ot thorn. Thoy breed nud breed and er oIubhch. Ho would have tho gov Ifttinch themselves Into assaults on ' crnniont provldo houses on a liberal ' tho contonmonts, like tho Gormnns scalo for maternity umi maico a sun Now, I llko to rend tho dallies an' tho story papers, too An' nt times the ynllor novols tin' some other trash don't you? Dut when I want bouio readiti' that will brush away a frown v want that Ilttloijpup'or from my ol' homo lown. V , -, i Selected - . .YOU aiUSTlIAVI-:'l'A.FIMI-:.ND SOMHWHKlli: who formerly lived nn Coos Dny. Such a friend would apprcckle moro than anything olso a year's subscription to tho COOS HAY TIMES as n ChrlstmnH presont. It will bo a coistant reminder to bin throughout tho yenr, of your kindness and tlioughtfulncss.. Wo will send him n ChrlstmnH card with your namo and greet. Ings and n statement that tho paper has boon paid for the too lug yenr. Think It over nml solve' tho Christmas present problem easily. Fill this out and mall or send It to' Coos Hay Times; on tho Yser, by battalions on masso, " Thoy aro beginning to bo tor tured by hitugor, and tho shortage of food makes theni capablo of any thing. Tho other morning I saw a oycllst whoso tires had been half do- vnnrnfl In n ..ttilnn.. nt intu rplir. have paid their passage across tho olhor ..iBorno of our men hud Atlantic; 128,140 sad that tholr tliolr surgical flrst-ald packages, kct In a responsible way. ARslstnuco to communities near tho national forests In road building i and similar Improvements through u Frank D. Cohan nt Tho Owl Drug Storo Is tho Murshfiold ugent for the lino, Issuing tlekets, furnishing nil Information desired umi mnkliig reservations. The faro from tho Plnu liivolvlmr' tlio advancement of!,h'-' osoburg via this routo is fimdH for these iiurnosos to bof01,,y ?7-70- (barged against (ho' State's future shnro of tho receipts from tho for ests. ' Authority to grunt wator-powcr permits within tho National Forests for fixed porlods. Morq effectivo control over tho production of hog-cholera sortiin. A plan Involving tho establishment by the Federal Government of n sta tion for tosting nil sorum Intonded for shipment lu interstate commerce, In outlined'. Oil! YOU ItAI.DIIKADED MEN; FKAU NOT INSANE ASYLUM hln i I i.' '! , 'I ' J'MONUOE, Wis.; Doc. lC.-tloro is a grain of comfort for tho bald 'heudod 'lnon. 'No uili'ttor 'to' What oxtont they v,i'o 'conipolled''tti' 'bear' tho ridicule ' or their ' friends hocauso of their tohlnlrig domes, ami no mtittor how riuorbo may grip their souls us thej' Woo tliolr' hair going, tho fact ' that 'it' is falling out is n gunrnn tco llioy will novtrr bo Inmates of an itiBAiio asylum. This is tho declaration -of Dr. Robert n. Clark, who has made a lifelong study of tnsaulty and men tal dlsoases. "1 have examined sovorul hundred patiouts rogurdiug their sanity," said Dr. Clark. "I havo had tho opportunity of studying many hund reds of others In tho asylums of the country, nnd Jn nil f my oxpor- Jonco J ha,vo yot, vth n single (,pi(X,cpptJoHj to see an insuno man who was bald-headed." Tho Cooh liny Ico Si Cold Stonigo Coinpnny will tnko bright hlhor hulmnn its well its Hteollicntl. Prices tl cents per pound for Moolliemls, 13 iciit.s for hllvors. pnssago had boon paid by relatives nud 7,097 that It had been puld by persons other thnn rolutlves. With reforenco to exclusions, tlto roport assorts: " Conditions during tho past year wero so nbuormnl that nccurnto compnrlsons with previous years arc difficult. KxclusIoiiB in 1913 niuounted to 1.38 por cont of tho Lumber applying; in 191 J tills wns incroused to 2.3 por cont nnd in tho past year tho increase bus beon so Brent as to moan fi.3 per cent." ItOOSTKIt KILLS CHILD ONTAUIO, (Ml., Dec. 10. Injuries Inflicted by a rooster sovoral days ngo upon John M. Seltnon,' two-yenr-old son of Hurry Soimon, of Los Angolcs, resulted In tho child's death. While nt tho homo of his grandparents tho llttlo follow tod dled Into the barnyard whoro tho rooster attuckod him, driving bin spurs doop Into his sculp. which thoy keop In a cout pocket, at tacked and carried off. Woo to tho man who goes to sloop with 11 mor sol of chocolate iu his trousers! lie will wuko up to,flnd hlmsolf without his clibcolnte ami almost without his trousers." Tho writer goes on to dcscrlbo tho methods of warfare that aro bo lug used against tho now enemy, pnr tlculnrly somo of tho lngonloits glunt traps dovlscd by tho soldlors for catching tho rats on a wholosalo scale. stuutlul reduction In tho Income tux for each child born. "Wo need." ho declurcd, "to revive tho medieval vlow which regarded sterility us n, curse." ' Dr. Diinlop boldly took tho Mn-( thusiau view. Ho looked forward, ho declared, with cheerfulness, to u further reduction of tho birthrate. Tho encourngomout of "parental prudence'' among tho 'poor wuh ur gently needed at tho presont mo-' ment. Ho foretold a serious rise In' tho death rato nml great poverty in tho noxt yeur or two, nnd if tho thoughtful scientific people wero so blind thnt they did not spent; out, U would bq fur hotter for many children that thoy hud nevor been bom. Tho only hopu of avoiding great hardship lu tho first fow yours after tho war was by a sharp full iu tho hirtlirnto now. LIVF.D OVKH CKNTL'HY PlUClS $1.00 TO $0.00 Christmas Felts Oti. Prices nro 'l aim est ciiiuirtMi'N siiniHM'f, noc, o.v, hoc, $mh Women's Slippers, 8.V to $J.a5 Men's Felt mill Leather S1I:uh'is $!.&,, $1.75, t?2.oo, S' lU'Y I'SKFUL GIFTS A Christmas present free with every pair of Children's Shoes Gordon's' Shoe Store "SHOES OF MKIUT." Central Aveniio mid Drondwny. Woiuiiu lu Homo Aged 107 Never Drunk Water tU AuocUteJ rr lo Coot flj 11uim. ROME, Doc. 15. Tho story has como from Luelsa Ynldnrno near MINE SWEEPERS FUND REACHES GOOD AMOUNT Clothing nml Tobacco Furnished Kiiglislimeu Kugiigetl In that Part or tlto Wmfnro lily AHHhlat! rrw to Cuoa j Tliu(. LONDON, Doe. 10. Tho coni mlttoo of tho Mine Sweopors Fund hnvo Just issued their first bnluuco shoot for tho year ending Septombor Floronco thnt n woman, Paolinn1 IUX& 81"w' lIlftl Jccoipts, cnioliy Pollogrlui, bus Just died In the t tloimt,on8- n10tod to $98,000, houso of tho village priost at tho v,'nno Kurmonis numuorlng uri,000 advanced ugo of 107 years. She was n,0C08 to tl,c vn,uo of ?a7.500 woro! tho curiosity of tho vlllago, for sho professed to havo never drunk water all her llfo, confining hersolf when thirsty to ylua. HEATING STOVES nt reduced prices. Pioneer llardtvnro Co. Llbhy Coal, 95.00 ton. phono 72. Ilaro your liETTKK heaas, bill heads, etc., prntod nt THE TIMES office. ulso rocelvod, Expendltitro of $0G,000 was in curred for tho purchase of clothes and $S,000 for pipes and tobacco. Somo 21,000 men nro ougaged In this dangerous occupation of -mlno sweeping, examination or vessels nud other auxiliary sorvlces ami theso havo all received comploto outfits of woolen garments and othbr com forts from tho Fund. Times Want Ads for results. Abstracts IWhOHMATUm FOU KELIAULK AI1STRAOTS OF TITJjX) AND ADOUI COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAHSIIFIELD AND COQUILLTC CITY, OREGON GKNKRAL AGENTS, RVSTSIDE AND SENGSBACKEN'S ADDITION AGKNT8 FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LANDV MENTtY 8ENGSTACICEN, MANAGER PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charge?. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY 1. rr, To Ptibllshor COOS DAY TIMES, ,, Mnrshflold, Oregon: Dear Sir: Enclosed find ?fi.00for which send ilnlly C00S DAY TIMES or ono yenr to tho following address: Nuiuo ' f Street .t .i. .. X. . City ... : State with my compliments nml a cardnotlfying that the paper Is paid for "" Signed 1 Coos Bay Times Marshfield, Ore, m . I For Sale I STOCK RANCII-Noar Allcg-my, iiiohlly ''t. goodbuIlJ. logs, :iu hcail inttle,. tixtiu, farming tools, fine orclmrd, llglitful plnco to live, lliio Jj575t0. Terms. STOCK OR DAIRY RANCH-Closo In, ,wn'' Imlltlliigs, orcluuds, tools, OOO ncics, 05 of wlilin bottom. Prlco $10,000. TerniH. DAIRY RANCirCI.o In, J0O acres, 175 Is bettor, fine buildings, team. Prlco 981,000. Terms. DAIRY HANCH-R. It. depot on place, dose In, W J half Is ,.,-,,t bottom, flno lmildlngs, both ni 1 m" Iruiisiiorludmi. 10 lieml htock, team. Prlco iflJ, diil terms, with Interest nt flvo per cent. FRUIT RANCH-Splendidly located, 10 '"K"" 'JJ lu full bearing, flno orchnril, flno buildings, n m UOO. Terms. DEVELOPED COAL MINE On tldo wnler, fine coal an lots of it. Price way down. CHICKEN ILVNCH-Closo in, 10 ncrcs, house, j CHICKEN KANOII lfi acres, close In, iU l)tin 11 montli. FOR TRADE Wo havo North iReipl ropertf ""Tai lo tnulo for North Dakota property. Como in tlgate. Wo hnvo Oklahoma proporty to trado for Coos or much property. CITY PJtOPKRTY North Rend or.MnrbhfU'1'1. it if you nro looking for bargains and location . INSURANCE-Wo carry n full lino of firo insurance KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. PIONEER BLOCK NORTH BEND, OREGON . I 1 f " f J'L XJ hiWO u-J-tl&l ;ih ' hi