"S CENSURE OF A CRITIC IS NEVER WORSE THAN PRAISE FROM A FQQL Coos Bay Times. Your Paper A PAPER THA BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS ' ' (Eiros Sau ttttta A Southwest Oregon Paper A CLEAN, WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 1) yo. No. XXXIX. RELATIONS ARE GHRISTftflflSTDPDOR VERY STRAINED llHItcd States Described as Be Mrtu Almost at the Breaking f-'Olnl Willi HUSH let BIT TlTHE NOTE Unofficial Report of Answer About Ancona is .vernier ac ceptable Nor Satisfactory jEGARDED AS TOO VAGUE Aintrln Asks for H"1 r Pnrtlculnrs, A'lllHCiistloii or Facts aim utner Things Which Will Ho Refused liy tho State Depart mont THINKS MATTERS AUH LESS TENSE (ft Associated fn " Oooi Dar Timet. VIENNA, Dec. IC Tho situation ns regards Aub- trla-Hungnry nnil tlio United States It Is coiiBldorod licro f .has bocomo loss tCHBO bIiico t tlio reply to mo American nofo wns dispatched. n; AuoeUlM rreat lo Coot lly Timet. WA3HINOTON, D. C, DOC. IC Aattrla'n reply to Secretary Lan- tns's nqto on tlio Ancoiui In regard (ifon the basis of unofficial reports HtMvotl today from Loudon and Amitordnm ns wholly unsatisfactory, toacpcplablo and disappointing to ihp United States. Diplomatic ro tations between tlio two countries way safely bo described ns atandins tl tho breaking point. Hcgnrdwl At Vague From such part of tlio unofficial (fit as Is contained In tlio nowspn- , ptn; officials coiiBldored tlio roply ugue, but wore not prepared to do- (Uo whether that was cuiiBCd by tlio tritiilntlon. Wl'li Uo Infused BugRcatloiiH for exchange, of opin ions, virtually a request for a bill o( particular of tlio American com-l-lslnt ngnliiBt tho nctlon of tlio sub marine commander, nnd a proposal forji discussion of facts are clearly iet 'forth in tho unofficial toxt how er, and officials at tho stato de pigment unhesitatingly! declared nil ould bo refused. Hvssorvo Coiimioiit President Wilson nnd Secretary Lansltif; aro rcsorvlng comment un til tliey havo tho official transla tion at baud, but it Is stated author itatively that tho United States will enter Into no oxchaugo of opinions it Vicuna Is represented as suggest ing, and absolutely will dccllno to discuss tho facta of torpedoing nnd ihelllng of tho Ancojia. o Official News No official word reached tho state department that tho Austrian note had been dolivorcd to Ambassador Pcnflold, but nowa dispatches con taining oxcorpts nro taken as evi dence tbnt tho noto Is on its way to Waililngton. FLAT TOP OF DAM WILL BEGOLF COURSE V. M. C, A. nt Panama Forum Club nd Will Ilnvo Good l'luco To Pluy tB Aasoclatl rmsta eoa juy Timet. PANAMA, Dec. 1C. Tho Broad Ht top of Gatun Dam Is to sorvo for 1 Eolf courso and a club Is now bolng "'EfWlned by officials of tho Panama cnal and others. Major Gonoral George W. Goothala, U. 8. A., gover- "or of tho Panama CannI, has approv. ei tlio formation of tho club and has given permission for tlio uso of Ga '"n Dam. ' The club will bo organized under "e auspices of tho Young Men's Christian Association which al realv has a sultablo club building at Patun. RESIGNS 11 18 COMMAND (Br Associated 1'rtM t Coot BIT Timet.) LONDON, Dec. 1C Sir James 'Ulcocks ha8 resigned tho command 01 tho Indian Corps on tho western 'font for "personal reasons." A "eutenant-General aince 1908 he was n,r to Sir Douglas Halg until the ''Iter was made a full General last November. For similar reasons, so 'ar the public knows, General , Smlth.)orrlen loft tho frout several ""ntliH ago, Established 1878 tH Tlie Const Mnll KIjKS AND FELLOWSHIP CLUBS TO PROVIDE CHEER Plan to See Tlml Every Family ami Individual ins j,'j,,0 i),iet. nml Give Toys to Llttlo Folks As has been their custom for years past, tho Mnrshflcld Lodge -of Elks will ngaln this year boo that Chrlatmas chcor Is provided for all tho needy homes. Tom Harvey and W. II. Kennedy, to whom chargo of tho Christmas work waB given, aro now arranging to provldo for nil. In addition to provision bolng mado for Mnrshfield and vicinity, mombors of tho lodgo In .North Bend nnd llandon will provldo for 'tho needy thore, members of the Elks In Hnn- don, In Coqutllo and In Myrtle Point will do similar work at those places. Kvcry poor family will rccolvo a well-filled basket of Christmas cats and tlio klddlca Nvlll not bo for gotten. No questions aro ever asked by tho Klks and no names aro ever given out. ( Fellowship Club. Aids Tho Fellowship Club Is also mak- ing provision tho samo ns Inst year to Homo oxtra Christmas work. It will try to not conflict with other organizations, but will mako special provision for tho "down nnd out" chap on Christmas day, by giving him a ticket for a feast at ouo of tho restaurants. Masons AI.ho Help Tho Masons nnd sumo or tho other lodges nro also plnnnlng to boo thnt that Christmas Is not u bleak dny. In nddltlon to providing for tho Christmas feast, provision Ib also mado by tho lClks and MasonB for tlio llttlo folks In tlio homes of tho needy by providing for Santa Claim so thnt tho children got their toys, etc. Other lodges and organizations aro also doing Christmas work nnd tin endeavor will ho mado to sco thnt there nro no duplications mid no ono overlooked. Tlio Kplscopnl Guild has already raised a considerable fund for the work. Municipal Christinas Tree In nddltlon to tho general plans for eprcndlng Christmas cheer, tho municipal Christmas trco, in chargo of a committee of which K. Loth lird McCluro Is chairman, will cover another sphoro of tho work. So, all In, all, tho field promises to bo pretty woll covered in n sys tematic way. Anyono knowing of special nocdy coses con roport them to any of theso organizations or lcavo word at Tlio Tlmos offlco and thoy will bo looked oftor. Thoro will be no hungry or lono ly ones on Coos Hay this Christmas. FIRST BNK OPENS POWERS WELCOMES E. J. LOXEY AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Now Dank Building Stands Aliuoit Completed Flxtuies Aio Heady Is Experienced Hanker Powers' first bank opened for business this morning wlion K. J. Loney, of Port Orford, announced that everything was ready for busi ness. Most of tho fixtures of tho bank woro mo'vod over from Port Orford, according to W. S. Chand ler, who went to Powers on tho morning train to seo what progress Is bolng mado on tho building. Tho strucluro was started hut six weoks ago and now standB virtually complotod. It Is a frame building and over tho bank Is a second story containing five rooms in wnicn .Mr. Loney and his family will reside Tho cpmlng of tho bank to Pow ers means much to tho llttlo town that In less than a year has had a marvolous growth. Mr. Loney was not thoro in time to handlo tho Do rn,bor payroll of tho Smlth-Powors camps. It Is said, but Is In ample time for January. Hn Is an experienced b'ankor and i..,inoa man having for a long tlmo been In chargo of his bank at Port Orford, whoro ho has othor business Interests. MRS. C. R. KNDICOTT, of Los An geles, with her sister. Miss Silvia Davis, who lives above Myrtle Point, left xm the Speedwell this afternoon for California. Times want ads bring results. Times fwant ads nrinc results. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1 915 E TO FLY ENDS III DEATH Mrs. Lulu Comstock of San Diego, is Killed When Airship Falls 74 YEARS OLD Seized With .Fit and Grabs Aviator, Causing Machine to Turn Over ' WOMAN'S NECK IS BROKEN Mojcihoffcp Was Operating tho Mil- diluo and Was Xot Hurt Doing Thrown lnt the Water Clear of Wreckage of Maehlno tllr AnoclMeJ 1'itm U Coot IUj- Time SAN DIEGO, Cal., Doc. 1C Ex pressing a dcslro to "fly" onco bo foro retiring to (inlet life, Mrs. Lulu Comstock, ugod 74 years, arranged for a flight with Aviator Moyorhof- for that ended today with tho fall lug of tho flying boat Into San DIo go bay nnd tho death of tho woman. Seized With Fit A fow minutes aftur tho flight started, according to the story told by Moyorhoffcr, Mrs. Comstock was seized with n fit and reaching out, grabbed tho aviator. " Iloforo ho could release hlmsolf, the flying boat, which was about fit) ffcot In nlr, turned over ami fell into tho bay. Hurled Into Water ,iloth woro hurled clear of the wrockago and woro picked up with in five minutes. Mrs, Comstock vns dead, hur neck being broken. Moyorhoffcr was not hurt. BLAMED J TARIFF REPUHLICANH MAKE MINORITY' REPORT IN HOUSE Say Emergency Hovcniio Law In Not Duo to Present AVar Condi tions In World. llr Awoclato.1 1'iTit to Coot liar Timet. WASHINGTON, I). C, Dec. 10. Republicans on tho Houso ways and means commlttco, In a minority roport today, deny that tho oinor goncy rovonuo law Is nccossary. be cause of war conditions, ni)d assort Instead, that tho treasury dofhlt is duo mainly to tariff reductions . undor tho Undorwood luw. CITY PURCHASES OREGON I'QW ER CO. ELECTRIC SYSTEM Deal I Mol von ntno.OOl), of Which $.10,000 in Money is to bo !'altl In at Onco EUGENE, Ore., Doc. 1C Com-, petition between tho municipal cloc trlo lighting system un rno Ore gon Power company ceavea last night when tho City Council rati fied tho purchaso of tho latter's franchlso nnd holdings within tho city limits and suburbs of Eugono. Tho deal Involves JlfiO.OOO, of which sum $50,000 Is to bo paid at onco, with deferred payments of $1250 a month with Intorest at 5 per cent. Tho purchaso was mado by tho Eugono water board, which controls tho municipal electric lighting sys tem, and which has boon In oper ation a 'llttlo ovor four years. Tho property Includes tho franchlso, electrical business, machinery and appliances hold by tho Oregon Pow er company for tho Northern Idaho & Montana Powor Company, a Dol awaro corporation, No bond Issue will bo required and nono pf tho city's property Is Involved as secur ity In tho deal, tho doforrcd pay ments to bo mado out of tho earn ings of tho electrical uoparimoni. The Council ratified tho purchaso, only ono member opposing an act Ion and ono not voting. E. ! Burgess, Charles Thompson and Ray Campbell will give a dance next Saturday night nt the Eagles Hall. .Piatt's orchestra will furnish the intislo and an enjoyable evening In assured those who attend. pr, T'lwllo, Osteopath, MnHiflehl IS EUGENE BUYS PLANT GETS HIS LICENSE I'ltKSIDKNT AIIKAXGKH FOIt MAHUVING MltH. GALT ills Ago Ik Given As Fifty-uluo and that of the luly Forty TJireo , tnr Associated PrtM lo Coot riijr Time.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 1C A marrlago license for President Wilson and Mrs. Edith Dolling Gait wns Issued today at the locnl bureau. Tho wedding will tako placo Saturday night at Mrs. Gait's homo here. He v. Horbort Scott Smith, rector of tho Episcopal church, which Mrs, Gait attends, will officiate. Tlio president Is n Picsbyterlnn. Tlio license, which was obtained by Chief Usher Hoover of tho White Houso, gives tho president's ago ns GO nnd Mrs. Gait's ns 43. TRAIN IS HELD UP HOHHintS HLOW fJAFK IN THE JXPHESS CAR Only a Few Registered Packages of Hinaii vaiue are laKen, u, Is Stated llf AkiocIhImI I'rru to Coot liar Timer J MENA, Ark., Dec. 1C A hoiiIIi- boiind passenger train on tho Km.- saB City Southern was hold up near horo enrty today by three robbers. They blow tho safo of tlio express car. Tho loot, according to rail road officials, consisted of four reg istered packagcB of small vnlue. CHINA GETS A NOTE ALLIES SEND A MESSAGE OF A SOOTHING NATURE Urgo tlio Necessity of Maintaining Internal Peace After tlio Chnngo of Government - Ur AuortatiKl l'mu lo Com liar Timet. TOKIO, Dec. 1C- Italy's ratifica tion having arrived, Japan forward ed lo Chlun a noto from tho entente powors rolntivo to tho ro-establlsh-inont of tho Chlncso monarchy. Tlio noto Is of n soothing nature, hut omphnslzes tho necessity of main taining penco In China and tho de termination of' tho entouto nations to protect their rights In caso of outbreaks. TO MOVE EXHIBITS T() , TAK,,;N nU)M MX khan. CISCO TO SAN DIEG'O Semttoi'N Adopt Hesttliitlon Today Au thorizing Tlio Transfer or nil Government Property Or AttoclatM rratt to Coo. par TIiom.1 WASHINGTON,1 I). C, Doc. 10. Tho Hoiinto adopted today a resolu tion authorizing tho transfer of ull government exhibits from tho Pan ama Pacific exposition at S,iu Fran clsco to tho Panama California ex position at San Diego. WOMAN SUFFRAGE TAKE FURTHER LEADERS STEPS Ask Senate and Hoiih" ComiuKU'cs to Report Fniornhly 011 Susan Anthony Bill I Fir Anointed l'reaa to Coot liar Time. WASHINGTON, I). C. Doc. IC Woman suffrago leaders again ap pealed to tho Sonato nnd Houso ronimlttoos today to favorably ro port Immediately on tho Susan B. Anthony Amendment to enfranchise womon. Miss Anno Martin, of Novada, In troduced Mrs. Sarah Bard Field, of Oregon, and a dozen othor speakorB at tho Scnnto hearing. Before tho houso commlttoo, Dr. Anna Howard Shaw and others spoko. E. W. WHITTINGTON, cashier of tho C. A. Smith Company, In San Francisco, arrived on tho Ado lipo this nftomoon from tho south for a short business visit. HENRY SENGSTACKEN Is expect ed homo on thontago this ove . nlng from Portland, whoro ho . went with tho Port of Coos Bay memorial. Times Wapt Ads bring rnsiilts. APPEALIOETOOAI EVENING EDITION. STOP PURSUIT OF THE ALLIES Bulgarians State That They Have Temporarily Dropped Chasing Anglo-French PRISONERS TAKEN Over Twelve Hundred Men and Officers Besides Cannon and Munition Are Taken IS QUIET AT MACEDONIA Will Pi nimbly Hcmalii So Until Af ter the Election of Next Saturday No Activity Reported In tlio K:ist of West Theaters Ur AaioclatM I'rru to Coot liar Tlran.J LONDON, Dec. 1C. According to word received nt Berlin today, tho Bulgarian hendquartors staff an nounced thnt tho Bulgarian troops havo temporarily stopped tho pur suit of tho Anglo-French forces nt tho Greek frontlor. Tho BulgnrlaiiB took 12I11 prisoners, among thorn 18 officers. Thoy also capturod 14 cannon, C2 ammunition cars mid much war mntorlal. Quiet in Macedonia A lull now prevails on tho Mace donian front nnd Athens observers hollovo It will extend ovor tho Greek elections of Sunday. Tho Austro-llungarlan troops, pushing nn ndvanco In Montonogro. reached tho vlrlnlty of BJolopolJo on tho I.111 Rlvor, 120 miles west of tho Serbian border. Inactivity continues nt tho EiihI nnd West. L HENATOt WORKS SAYS MILLION .MEN NEEDED TO DEFEND DecbircN Pnclflo Coast to Ho Entire ly nt the Mercy of an AhIii tic Attack llr AMoclatcl I'rru to Cvna liar Timet. WASHINGTON, I). C, Dec. lfl. Senator Works of California told tho BLiiato today that n standing army of ono million moil wns necessary to do- fend tho United Stntcs against 11 pos sible Invasion, and declnrod that tho Pacific coast was complotoly nt tho mercy of an Asiatic attack. Ho spoko on tho subject of nation al defense nnd proposed tho creation of n mobile Innd force and military rosorvo of 200,000 nion nt n coat of ?r,0, 000,000 for ten years, Tho torm of enlistment would bo for five ycarH. Tho men would bo settled with tholr families on five acre tracts provided by tho govorn- 'nient. iFOREllTlDE BIG PUGET SOUND HAS DONJ'J GOOD BUSINESS .Japan Has Been the Bent Customer of Pint Both In Buying and Selling Ut Awo latei Treat to Coot Par Timet. SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec. 1 C Tho 'foreign trado of Pugot Sound for No- i ember aniountod to nearly. $10, C 12,000, according to tho collector of customs. Tho Imports exceeded tho exports by moro than larfb.OOO. Ja pan was tho best customer, sending goods worth $0,125,000 and taking goods worth $1,800,000. Tho prin cipal imports pf tho district woro raw tllk, tea and rlco. Tho chief export was salmon. SELECT A L y.APATA FOLLOWERS NAME A PRESIDENT OFJTHEIH OWN Second Government In Now Estab lished In Mexico In Oppo. hltlon to t'nrrnnin (n; Associated Wesa to (mm Dr Tlmea.) MEXICO CITY, Deo. IC Tho Zapata adhorents mot In convention at Tlaltlzapan yesterday and named Antonio 8oto Y Gatna president or the ropubl.c of Mexico, according to a dispatch to tlio nowspapor El Do moerata. Tho olcctlon was approv en by Zapata, who spread a decree over tho territory controlled by hi in. WANTS ARGE ARM ER Consolidation of Tlmc, Const Mnll anil Coos Hny Advertiser. SIR .JOHN FRENCH HAS GIVEN UP LEADERSHII tBr AanorUled Tim to coot ar Tlmft.l LONDON, Dec. 1C Tho retirement of Field-Marshal Sir John French yesterday from command of tho British forces In Franco, ovcrshadowB other war news. Ills suc cessor, Sir Douglas Halg, who Is almost tho youngest gon cral In tho British army, has seen moro hard fighting thnn any othor general in tho British army. TWO TOWNS GIVEN WILL HE TO GREECE nr Aaao(lat4 rrtu to Cx Mar TlmM. LONDON, Dec. 1C Tho correspondent of tho Morn ing Post at Athens sayB, on authority of tho Bulgarian Minister nt Athens, tho Glov goll nnd Dolrnn, In Southern Sorbin, both of which aro In tho bunds of tho Teutonic nlllcs, will ho surrendered to Greece. TWO VESSELS LOST SWEDISH HARK SPRINGS LEAK AND IS ABANDONED American Steamer aged in Storm Coast and Lucy Neff linm off Delaware Founders SWEDISH VESSEL IS ABANDONED BY CHEW tllr Amo1ImI l'rrt to et par Timet. GALVESTON, Dee. IC Tho Swedish bark Carolina, from Frcoport for Gotbon burg, spriink loakB off tho Brazos River bar last night nnd wns abandoned.. Tho crow was rescued. tllr AMnelale.1 1'rwit to Cona liar Tlme NEW YORK, Dec. 10. Captain Loughrniio nnd n crow of 10 mon of tho American steamer Lucy Neff, which foiinderod yesterday off tho Dolawaro coaBt, arrived horo today wn tho British steamer Chaso Hill. Tlio Lucy Neff sprung sovoral leaks during 11 galo. NEWSPAPER SEIZED LONDON POLICE TAKE TYPE AND ISSUE OF BHI'ITIANA Was Official Organ of Women's Social and Political Union Objectionable Comment . tllr Asaotltto4 1'ieat to Coot lltr Timet. LONDON, Doe. IC Tho pollco last night seized tho tyi'o and cur rent lssiio of Brltthina, tho official organ of tho woiiiiii'h social and political union. "Tho authorities took exception to our comment on Sir Edward Groy and 11 certain British gonoral In tho Balkans," said MlfeB Annlo Kenny. POSITION ON THE TIGRIS IS TA KEN BY STORM AKlllery Engagements ami Aerial Torpedo Fights Occur nt tlio Dardanelles r Asn(UIl I'rewi loCoot liar Timet.) CONSTANTINOPLE, Deo. 10. An official statement suys: "Mosapo tamla, mndo up of tho furthest houses of Kut-EI-Amara, situated on tho rlBlit bank of tho Tigris, was taken by storm on December 13, Ono of tho hostllo monitors wua Blink. At tho Dardanelles thoro have been artillery ongngonionts and eonfllctB with bombs and norlal tor pedoes," SERBIANS BRING JH.000 PRISONERS Or Attoelttrt I'rest o com Bar Timet 1 PARIS, Dee. IB. A di vision of tho Serbian tfruiy, escorting 18,000 Austrian prlsonors, arrived at Tirana and Elbas8an, Albania, ac cording to a Huvas Nqws Agopcy dispatch from Jan ATTACKED By TURKS No. 123 ILIUM ROAD WARD EGYPT Turco-German Threat Becom ing More Grave as New Rail Line Progresses TROOPSlTHERING Miles of Tubes Being Laid to Carry Drinking Water Across the Desert TO BRIDGE SUEZ CANAL Invaders Providing Material for tho Purpose Three Hundred Thous and Ottoman Soldiers Tralnou" By Germans Concentrating (Ur AuoelatM rrott to Coot Bar TlmM, HOME, Doc. 1G. Tho Turco Germnn threat against Egypt 1b bo coming moro grnvo dally Is tho bo llef or military men horo. Tho con struction of a railroad lino between Damascus nnd tho Egyptlnu fron tlor has been pushed with extraor dinary speed ami will bo finished by February 1. Concentrate Army ' This railway, which has a dotiblo track, will permit tlio concentration of lialf a million mon In ono month, together with tho necessary silppllcs and ammunition, nt tho Egyptian frontlor. About 300.000 Ottomnn troops, commanded nnd drilled by Gorman officers, nlreody are concentrated between Alosondrolta Alopho and lloms, it is stated. Plpo Water Over Desert Army engineers nro laying miles of tubes for carrying drinking water ncrosn tho dosort nnd nlso aro pro viding material for tho construction of bridges to cross tho 8uoz canal. ALL KINDS OF PAPER HIGHER IN NORWAY I'rlros Have Raised from Thirty to Forty IVr Co"t Ilocnuso or Materials Lurking tllr AttiwU I'rtM to Coot Btr Time.) CHRISTIAN! A, Norway, Doc. 16. Prices on nil sorts of pnpor In Norway havo gono up thirty to forty por cent and nro still on tho In crease Sonio Borts cannot bo man ufactured by tho Norwegian papor mills, as, for Instance, bluo paper, for want of bluo dyo-stuff, which UBiially Is supplied by Gormany, Tho central vnlloys In Norway aro great lumber districts, much llko Northern Minnesota. Tho principal trees aro plno and ovorgrcon, nud thanks to tho numerous colluloso and paper mills which havo boon built In tho last 15 or 20 yoars, the valuo of tho woods noa increased considerably. So many forolgn fnc- Ltorles had to Btop hecauso of tho war, prices on tho products, rrom tho Norwegian plants havo gono up on colluloso from $10 a ton boforo the war to $70 a ton now. LEARN HOW TO LIVE ON FIFTEEN CENTS A DAY Young Gli's in Franco Aro Being Given Course In Domestic Economy Work llr AsutlaliHl IVett lu Coot liar Timet. NANCY, Franco, Doc. IC.--Eighty young girls from l'ont-a-Mousson, from Gorbovlllors, from Nomony, from Alsaco and different parts of Lorrolno, nro passing tholr exile haro lu Nancy, learning domestic economy in a building In which the' Germans mado cheap soup before tho war. ' "How to live on 15 cents a dftT and have a llttlo something over," Is tho csseuco of tho problem the girls have to boIvo. In doing It they' begin at thu market, learning noVr to buy thou tho value and uses or what thoy havo bought and how t?( got tho most out of It. Tho work also Includes deslgnl.ig, cutting and sowing. "Wo owo It to tne soldiers who, nro fighting that wljen they return to tholr destroyed firesides they will find that tholr children havo been llnolthor abandond nor noglocted, but tbut during their absonco thoy uavu recolved tho training and education that will onabjo thorn to fac .he futuro with courage and confidence' until Profect Mlrraan to the corr: pondent. after showing lilm the work rooms. 1 1 .vrti v'i '- 'w M ! 'J s Fk I .fjf '-