l&i I ggfm iiaaHBBnnHKiagaiH jjblUMtbAHatr ftMR Make it a "Safe and sane" Christmas That Means 1 Do your shopping before the rush stocks are complete. 2 Give useful gifts; we're ready with the things men and young men buy for themselves; clothing and furnish ings of the finest grades. Women will like to shop here. Woolen Marshfield Mill Store North Bend Clothes Pnrchased Here Kept Pressed Free of Charge TaX mf&WuM7)JAljpj2ir-r?T3&r I E3 W "JGAZdMtii 1 II TkW- -jcti "2 Christmas Presents Remember! coL jwniyL Use a Home Product When placing your order for Lard from your grocer ask for EXTRA KETTLE RENDERED PALACE MARKET PURE LARD Accept no other. It's the best and made In your home city. It sells for 80 cents for a 5-pound bucket. Pay no more. ' Palace Meat Market N. D. Oswald iREVTTIBS FINNISH HALL DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT by the Jeno - Sevely - Orchestra Vloble TheateD 1 TO -NIGHT IV ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM i:iMo .lanls in "BETTY IN SEARCH OF A, THRILL" A Mry wiltcen by lici-hoK Mini produced in Hvo reels of beautiful lec tures by the Iloswoitli-P.irn'noiint Chiupuii)'. A FEATURE THAT IS AS OOOII AS TIJE REST "FORD m:vs WEEKLY" Interc,tln,; happenings of tho wiulil In motion nlcliiics. - "UrX'iO JOE SAVED V GASOLINE" Essnnay Comedy. DECEMBER TIRES Time and hofgtitfl or tides at Mnrshflold. Tho tides nro plaqcd in order of occurronco, with their times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day. A compar ison of consecutlvo holghts will In dlqato whqther It la. high or low water. High '' on tho bar ono hour and 54 wli.i tos earlier than at Marshfiold. 1-1 lira.. 2,15 8.37 :i,29 9.00 Ft... 0.8 4.9 1.1 3,7 15 lira.. 3.11 9.27 4.31 10.20 Ft... 1.3 5.0 0.7 3.C structure will bo completed sopio time in January. U tylil bci glVctt over to tho Joy Theatre which was brined out bctare. Heady For First Game. The boys of the Marshfield high school bas ketball fivo are In good trim for tho first emtio of tho season that will be played In tho gymnasium tomorrow night at 7:30 with tho North IJend alumni team. Tho local quintet won tho championship of tho county last year and the results of tomor row will glvo tho first lino on their abilities nnd chances for tho coming season. Is Hurled Today. The funeral of Henry Miller, the Civil War vcteral who died In North Bond on Monday, was held this afternoon from tho Wilson Undertaking Parlors. Miss Nellie Montgomery, of the Chrlstlnn Sclcnco church, had chargo of the services at tho parlorn and tho G. A. H. nt tho grave. Tho pall bear ds woro 13. F. HubscH, George J. Fourier, J. A. Fitzpntrlck, Charles Eberhardt, George Hazcr and Ed Coffclt. Was Friend of llropliy. Jnmcs Watt of this city, was an old friend of Henry C. Brophy, a prominent Sa lem hop man, who was accidentally killed thoro a few days ago whllo on his way out hunting. Mr. Watt used to uvo in Salem. .Mr. liropuy was driving some cows to tho pas ture, and had bis gun with htm, In closing a gate, tho trigger was caught nnd tho gun went off, tho chargo taking off tho bond of tho hop man and killing him instantly. To Open Itostnuriint. 11. A. Wells of tho Itlght Cnfo stated to day that ho had closed negotiations for tho purchase of tho Grand Cafe In the Pnlaco Hotel building nt North Bond. Ho Bald that Just as soon as conditions warranted It, he oxpected to open tho place. Tho Grand wns ono of tho best fitted es tablishments on tho Hay and has boon closed for Bovernl months. When ho opens It, Mr. Wells expects to conduct It along tho samo Hues that have gained him tho reputation of being ono of tho best restaurant men on tho Tiny. Dies Wlilio in Bod. Many of tho former OroKon students and mom- bcrs of tho Sigma Chi fraternity on Coos Bay woro well acquainted with Davll Hawkins who died In Portland a fow days ago. Ho wns a brothor to Martin Hawkins, tho world ro uowncd hurdler who took n third 1 tho last Olympic mcot nt Stockholm. Tho young mnii was spending Satur day nlBht with a friend of his, John Fleming, and when called in tho morning failed to answer. Ho was round dead. Ho attended tho Uni- (Voralty during 1911 nnd 1912. A brother, Alvin HawKins, was urown cd lust year whllo swimming in tho Wlllnmotto river. the morning train for n business lslt in Coqulllo today on school matters. WILLIAM CHANDLER came down the river this morning from thni Chandler home, to tnko a peck nt tho city. j JASPKR YOAKAM, who li.vc-3 on his ranch near Coiuillc, wns hero today looking after somo busi ness matters. THOMAS PATTERSON left on tho morning train for Portland where he will enter a business college, for a course- this winter. SWAN UENSQN camo in yesterday from Portland to look after the progress of work on tho Hausor & Hauser contract near Lakeside J T. HARRIGAN, V. F. Ebboka and II. P. Kussoll returned homo last evening from Coqulllo whero they wqro called on grand Jury duty. JUDGE HALL, bend of tho I. 0. O. F. lodge In Oregon, loft via Hose- burg this morning for Astoria, whoro ho Is duo tomorrow eve ning. SOL ISRAEL was n passengor on tho morning train to tho Valley, whoro ho Is looking aftor his trade, and will boo that no ono goes bareheaded this winter. DISTRICT ATTORNEY LILJE QVIST left today for Salem whoro ho will attend n meeting- of tho district nttornoys of Oregon to ascertain tho full significance of tho dry law that goes into effect two weoks from today. USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR . EVERY . MEMBER . OF . THE . FAMILY liny join- lliiMmas Gifts nt tlio J. O. l'KXXHY COMPANY STORM and ao from -i" to !!l !: percent on jour holiday tlfts. Nccktlo and Silk Handkerchief, In neat holiday box. $1.25 value. Our price U)c Nccktlo and Sox, put in a pretty Holiday box. $ 1.50 value. Our prlco UBc Ncrktlo, Sox and Safety Razor. Put up in neat holiday box 08c Silk Sox, Silk Tie, Silk Handkerchiefs and picture framed. $2.00 value. Our price ....151.23 'lold filled knlfo and Silk Tie, $2.50 valuo. Our prlco ....991.11) ''resident Suspenders, put up In neat holiday boxes, 50c value. Our prlco 1Do Men's Cuff Links. Worth doublo tho price 25c, ilOc, -10c Men's l'uro Linen Handkerchiefs, worth 2Cc; our prlco 15c Napkins of nil kinds. ' Cotton Napkins, nil hemmed, rendy for use, por dozen . . . ,40c IJcttor ones, also larger, $1.25 por doz., our prlco, dozen... 08c Llnon' Napkins, worth at tho least one-third more. . Per set of six 81.08, 81.10, $1.25, 08c Ladles' Silk Hose, 75c valuo. Our prlco -15c Ladies wool hoso. 25o valuo. Our prlco 10c Ladles' flno wool hoso, 35c valuo. Our prlco 25c Ladles' liouao slippers at n saving of from 25c to 50c on tho pair 81.15, 08c -10c Children's felt slippers 08c, 80c, 70c, GOc, -10o r J IntcrporaUd ' rjmmrzrwm W2fTMTtTITr--iJ'l. ,-m CHARGE SERIOUS CLIFF NICHOLSON 11 ELI) 11UHULAUY FOR Ask Us for Our New Holiday Price-list It meaiiM u saving of money to yon and will glvo you nn Idea of tho number of thing vq carry In, stock, ami also out' prices. Como in ami got one, or nslc im to send it to you. Gettings Cash Grocery you3 moeney' XO. HHOADWAY, NEAR OENTRAIi In In Jail At Tillamook With Two ' i Other Prisoners Attempted to llreak Out of Jail Cliff Nicholson, well known hero nnd formerly a wultor nt tho Whlto Elephant restaurant, has Just boon indicted by u Tillamook grand Jury on a charge of alleged burglary along with ti man named Ed Omar. Nicholson left hero In tho snrlux with George Prinzler, who Is now inl CorvniilB, and luo men oxpected to walk to Mliwaukoo with tholr packs. Nicholson nnd Omar, together WEATHER FORECAST Or Aiaoclttfrl rrcu to Co Sir TIdim.J Dr AmocIiLJ Proa to Coo. Dr Tlmtt. Oregon Fair, winds mostly Westerly. LOCAL TKMrKIUTUnJD RECORD For tho 24 hour ending at 4.43 a. m., Dccoiiibor 15, by DonJ. Ostllnd, Bpoclal gov ernment meteorologist: Maximum 50 Minimum 34 At 4:43 a. m 39 Precipitation 23 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 1915 28.98 Precipitation smbo porlod last year ... .'....'.30.99 Wind: Southwest, partly clouily. 4 , , through when someone living across tno street from tho jail tola Sheriff Crenshaw. Tho sheriff is said to havo been expecting, suclw an attempt and bad men watching tho Jail at night. Nicholson camo hero from Port laud many months ngo whero it Is said ho ran n miml) rooming house. .:'. SUNRISE AXI) SUXSET Wednesday December 15 Sun tIsos at 7:47 nnd sets at 4:20. Pupils lii Ket-Ilul, This ovonlng at eight o'clock, pupils of Miss Edna Loulso Larson, Iiom'lk OJerdrum nnd Gerald Hunt will appear In re cital at the GJordrum conservatory. AM mombors of tho conservatory aro Invited to attend, . Ads Cot Results, Running a want nd In Tho Times Just ono issue se cured two different parties girls for housowork who woro needed, Mrs. Peter Mrrasaul and F. J, Cook both secured domestics with ono In sertion of a Times want adv. The reason Is ovoryono on Coos liny reads Tho Times. IHillilhig Xeaily Done. V. W. Lndil Is progressing very well on SELLS Hill BIBLES THE REV. CI. LE ROV HALL HAS HIGHEST AVERAGE IX STATE Hotel .Men Meeting. llnrry J.' iicnoiHun aim uuinr, logcuicr McKcown, of tlio' Chandler HoloL Is' with a Curl Dennis, Indicted for for lu Portland attending tho sixth W ! Kery, It is stated In a press telegram, nunl convention of Oregon hotol-lnttompted to saw their way out or mon which opened In session thoro ! Jail In tho dnytlmo and had ono bar yesterday morning. Ho Is slated ns n speaker at the round tablo session In discussion of vital questions to tho liotol mon of tho state, among thorn helng tho problem that Is pre senting Itself, of changing hoBtclrlcs ocr to tho American plan, that Is to mnko rates includo dining service, tho complaint being that patrons go olBowhoro to eat uml ut tho same time tho hotel men- havo to kcop up tho dining room which is oftou con ducted nt n heavy loss. Start u .Menagerie. ino men oi tho flro department havo a fair start toward a menagerie. In tho first placo thoy got a dog, uomo- whoro, then thoy got another dog, and thon thoy got another dog, and then to vary tho routlno, thoy got a parrot. Its a real honest to good ness parrot that does everything but Bwonr. Last night a Httly wob ly logged puppy was added to tho growing monngorlo. Tho flromon now say thoy nro looking for n Mol lycoddlo or a Dlnosnur'.'a, somo of which nro said to oxlst ovor In tho sand hills across tho hay. Did Xot Tnko Everything. Pas sengers who camo dpwn on tho Kll burn from Portland state tho ship left tho dock thoro at 12:30 Sunday morning nnd that alio d(d not take all tho freight In tho wnrohonso, "not by a long shot." When tho vessel dpeked horo tho mon aboard 'declared that they had brought "ovorythjng on tho dock" and now tho question arises ns to whether or not thoy moant Just what freight was brought out onto tho dock, and not taking into consideration tho stuff piled In tho warolipiiBo, But at this, tho boat was crowded to Its limit. THE i NUMBER THIS WEEK ON DOLL IS 6378 Wc haye many goorJ values In Cut Glass ' and China; genuine cut-glass water set Six glasses $ .90 One Jug 15 ' $1.05 COiyiE IN AND LOOK OVER OUR STOCK Burpee's 5-10-15 Cent, Store. j : AMONG THE SICK J $ Somo Volumes Sell for SI Cent SelN Over "SOO Worth Derive Xo income Kroni This Source Holding tho record of having sold more bibles in Oregon this year than any other minister in chargo of col portago work, tho Rov. G. Lo Roy Hall balances up Ills books of tho year, with a broad grin. Ho soya that approximately $500 to ?C00 worth of books havo been sold for tho Aniorlcun Baptist Publication so cloty by him, and when tho fact Is considered that somo of tho Now Testaments sell for six cents tho to tal monoy sum shows a vast amount Miss Joslo Thorn, of Myrtle Point, who underwent an operation for ap pendicitis at M'orcy Hospital, Is re ported to ho doing nicely. Mrs. Fletcher, who hap bcon uulto HI ut hor homo on South Broadway, In reported improving. Miss Agues Burke, daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Burke, of Fern dalo, who underwent nn opora'.Ion for throat troublo at Morcy Hospital yestorday, is reported Improved to- duy. Walter Hill, of tho engine room at tho 0. A. Smith mill, Is reported Improved today nt his homo on Hall avonuo, W. J. Brown, of tho Pnlaco Res taurant, Is recovering after n sovoro nttack of la'grlppo. Amll Mntson of tho 0. A. Smith mill Is laid up with a bad gash In his finger, sustained by coming in contact with a saw. Tho bones woro not Injured. Joo WllllaMis, tho ILIbby minor, who foil from the trestle somotlmo Mondny night whllo on his way iimnn in Hoinowbat bettor today, though ho is severely injured Inter nally. Hu had ono ear nlmqst torn HI T Lower floor . 15c Cll I l-V! Balcony . . . 10c Children 5c Tomorrow night: Charlie Chaplin in -HI- Pre-Hhtorlc l'ust." Thu reels of fun. fiQ& received the Doll today. This is the last of MUOO the series of dolls given away. BE SURE AND COME IN AND ( LOOK OVER OUR LARGE LINE OF I UYb, onnio i who 9 ior GIFTS AND NOVELTIES Burpee's 5, 10, 15 Cent Store North Front Street Marshfield tj'.o now Murphy building In North inni mill li Ik oxnected that tho m l'11 i ..: . c. S. M'CULLOCH, County Survoyor of Couulllo, was hero tod.ny on a business trip. SUKRIFR ALF JOHNSON; went back, on tho morning train af(or a two days' visit hero. II n. FERGUSON was dpwn today from his homo on Cpos River for a short btny. iF. C, WJK roturnud to Couulllo yesterday after looking after busl- ness luterests hero. , JAMES M'CUTCHIJQN, of Beaer IJ1, whs among tho visitors hero yesterday a.nd tod.ay. JUDGE JOHN S. COKE has return- .t eu irom uoquuiu wiiero u huh been on court business. R. E, DUNSON, assistant keoppr of tho Capo Arago lighthouse, was Sj IP ie ci n vjbjv lynny. KilMIl. AND MRS. CAnL ANDERSON ....... .. -I?-r. --. - , . . 1 camp dptwj, frqm Sunyipr jester- day op n shprt visit. In t'hp cly. ' -. -.- itrrn rttt Mir 1 nn MIpO .Al(UAl(Ui DfAV li;w uu main missionary work. He goes out Into his Hold with n suit case laden with bibles nnd tostamonts. "Tho only way tho peoplo help mo peisonally," ho sayB, "Is by buying i mo uooicB aiiu nius iikiuuiiuik ' ' load. Rut ho takes considerable of lu- Ji r,tHbUIIAL rVfcll NUN jtntinB that ho boUoyes this is n (j great work in itself. MR. AND MRS. ' GEORGE LESTER, Only this morning Mr. Hall ro were visitors horo today Irom j colved a letter from Coqulllo which Co(jUjjlo I said, "thoro aro only u doon Now Jt. J. MONTGOMERY Is In from ' Testaments in tho town." meaning tho environs of Brldgo to take tlio book stores, and Mr, Hall in tho city. o! work Iiiib bcon accomplished. However. Mr. Hall docs not dc-lc .i.. .. ..,.. rnr ii. ia wnrir i mil r. I Wnvnn Harris, tho 12 year old son taking It only Incidentally ' to his ,800UeS.IIH,Sring from pueirisy ami iiuuii , J. M. Wright, who has been III with an attack of tho grippe, wos able to go up to Bowers yesterday. Ih Coming Back. It. Von Ship man, who put BudIon Park on tho market, wiHoh tho Chamber of Com morco from Spokano asking for morp Coos Bay lltornturo. Ho says, ho la coming back In a month. .MANY REGISTER I Brass (Ms I 'I CANDLE STICKS ' iftccc m f ' JMnuiiviconco iU ... . . ii mi m we are cipsing mum r-j nut- tti H BiescHplions aicuiatcly KV lompoiinded ami dellveicd K3 i H luiiiicdlately, PJ ,1 THE BUSY CORNER B , Tl)p RexaR Drug Store I h , iioiio juh ro Hi Wo Deliver Promptly B says ho must hurry over to rollovo the famno FILLERS Thij ojcpoits of lop and lound timber fioni tho United States in. 191-1 wcro approximately 13 H lion feet, whllp tlip Iniports woyo near 149 million feet. TJio exports wqut. to Gormany, tho Unitod King dom, Canada and tho Netherlands, whercus tho Imports camo chiefly from Canada, Tho Imports of laths into tho United States during 1311 woro nearly 505 million, valued at over ono and a half million dollars, of which more than 99 per cent camo from Canada. Tho cedar Imported tho United States during 19H amounted to aver 17 million feet, valued at noarly ono million dollars, ot wHIch. moro than baK came, froja. Cuba , Children Inteiotcd In ho Savings Aid i unt Couleht Up to duto 105 school children havo roglstored In tho First Nation al Bank savings account contost. It will bo open to registry for tho rest of tho week and tomorrow In tho bank tho Christinas tree will bo ou oxhlhltjon for the children to see. Tho tree will roiiiulu for tlio rost of tlio wcok, Tho exports of shingles from tho United States In 1911 woro approx imately 47 million, valued at JH2, 1C3, and tho Imports were about 895 million, valued at noarly 11,000, 000 dollars. Canada received moro than 72 per cent of the oxports nnd was tho sourco or about US per coat ot tho Imports. (mint t NP-W TODAY t t I-X)R SALIvi i rooms of furniture, Bnrgaln It taken at once. Can ba socii at any tlmo at 1095 So, 2nd St. WANTED Nurse jtlrl. Mrs, llnrry Naaburg, FOR HALIv Flno ranch of fifty ncres bottom laud nnd somo bonch, ou tho North Fork ot tho Sluslaw Rlvor, 5 1-2 miles from Floronce, Extra good bargain If sold before Jauuary 15, 1910. Address J. II. Box 25, Floronce, Oregon. FOR SALE Thirty foot gaolnp launch, cheap. Engine Lloyd hotel. FOR HALi; Opo choice Ipt In Tlrst Addition. Enquire at Times office. WANTED TO RENT Four or five room furnished house, with yard. No children. Address "Y," care Times. FOR RENT Apt. closo In. ilrtl and Anderson. Dr, Leslie. WANTED SU-onj wouuiii to care for Invalid lady. Phono 1474, North Bond. A PRETTY NEW iji.'W.OO party drew for rousonublo offer. Youthful and stylish. Address "Z" caro Tlmoa., . -$ I FOR RENT I TOR BENT Viiriiblica flat, lfotnd cold watfir, hath, 853 Third St. F()R RENT Nice modern 0 room cottage on Ninth St. Apply E, A. Anderson, 004 So. 9th St. or Phou,o 2D2-L. FOR RENT Eleven-room houie, 451 Commercial avo. Apply 1S9 Fourth strecti i Tho Impprts of pulp wood In 1914 woro ovor ono lnllllpp cords, valued at over seven million dollars, all of which camo from Canada. WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Naspp. 680 12th' Cpurth, So, Rhone 220rR I?OR TRYNSIj'EIt AND STOIf AflE OF HOUSEHOLD G00D8 FREIGHT AND BAGOAGK Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone 13 Residence Phone 13-J Slarkul Ae, and SVnterfrentj L S'l - '