A v4i,J,VT jttffrtwn-VjifeX li i w JwWiyAn ri m?'i;uu$vBi'f iiMttsr li-lttu! UnbUO1 COOS PAY TIMES M. V.' MALONEY, Kdltor nnd Pub. DAN K. MALONEV, News Editor Official 1'npcr of Coos County Official Paper City of Mnrshfiold. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. I EUROPEAN WAR ONE Z YEAR AGO TODAY I DECE.MIIER 15, JDM. Oanntln la reported to havo been hard hit by tho war, many financial projcctH being BtiHpoudod. President Wilson In his nddroii to Congress saya America will no 'cr have n largo army. in tho Vosges the Oormans vio lently nttnekod tho railroad stutlon of St. Leonard. OREGON DRY LAW IS EXPLAIWED BY THE LOCAL DISTRICT ATTORMEY Mr. Liljeqvist Tells How He Thinks Some, Points of the Law Are to be Interpreted Goes to Salem to Discuss Mat ters With Prosecutors fro m the Other Counties. ULESKINU TO Til 1-3 WORLD HrNlIH farm crops for this year I 11H repilriutl luuuy in iiiu iiirai -- estimate by tho Agricultural Department waB vnluod at over six and a iiunrter billion dollars. With tho animal products, tho total valua tion of tho products of tho farms of tho United States reaches about ton billion dollars. It has been tho bust year on record. With much of tho rest of tho world at war and with many countries suffering, it Is cer tainly n blowing that tho United States is nblo to produco such groat amounts of tho necessaries of life. t AT THE HOTELS t Chandler Hotel 13. C. Nutter, Han Francisco; W. H. Hanilg, Portland; P. Wllstrom, Portland; Swan llonson, Portland; Mm. C. Harris, Sumner; Miss M. Mills, Sumner; 0. A. Charlton, San Francisco; Mrs. Hafcr, Powers; It. E. Diinson, Capo Arago; Jamos McCutchoon, Dcavor irill; P. J. Ilnlin, Jr., Hauscr; Pat Dolton, llandon; G. .1. Montgomery, Drldgo. St. Lawrence Hotel Itolliu Stock, Stimuor; Gcorgo Poy, Coqullle; Frank Carey, Co nulllo; Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Los- tor, Coqulllo; Mr. nnd Mrs. Q. W. Norrls, Sumnor; Ray Norrls, Sum- nor; V. C. Tryson, Tho Dalles; Carl Anderson, Myrtle Point. Itlauco Hotel F. It. HIckok, Powers; Harry A Ik on, Cooh HIvor; A. McLeod and fnm- II), Winnipeg; William Ilnssott, North Inlet; J. II. Porter, SJlver Lake; .John Whobroy, Myrtlo Point; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nowman, Pow ers; M. P. Summorlln, Powers; W. II. Mooro, Cociulllo; .lack Wobbor, Who Itldgo; Jasper Yoakam, Co qulllo; S. Cndman, Coqulllo: J. C. Fletcher, Myrtlo Point; J. 11. Rob orts, Myrtlo Point; C. S. McCullouh, Coqulllo; A. 1). Miller, Coqulllo; II. I). Ferguson, Coos Rlvor. ADVERTISED LETTERS List of unclaimed letters remain ing in tho Marshflold, Oregon, Post office for tho week ending Docombor 1-1, llUC, PorsoiiH culling for tho sanio will ploaso say advortliod and pay ouo cent for oaoh lottor called for. Anderson, J. II.; Armflold, T. A.; Uox X!Q; Ulaok, F. L.; Rruokloy, Paul; Ilrlco, O. P.; Corey. W. II.; Dean, MIhh Doulah, -; Donu, MIm HoshIo, 'J; Hart, W. It.; Haws, Mrs. J. II.; llamm, C; .Joiisou Mr. Oeo.; Johnston, J. It.; Keon, IC.; McMahon, Thomas F.; Maters, E. C; Matson, Mrs. Harris; Nelson, 10. K.; Olon, J. R. ; Oleson, Mrs. (lust; Oman,' Mrs. Fred; Poacook, Jack; Powers, Karl L,; Smith, Floyd: Smith llonery. Travis, J. T.: Thomas, Ella; Tlttlo. Miss A.; Udeol, Tod; Whoaton, W. M.; WalHon, Qoo.; Wilson, Mrs. Mar tha. IIUOH P. M'LAIN, Postmaster. Oregon passed a prohibition law to mnkc the state dry after a mighty hard fight. To all Intonts and pur poses tho work was but half accom plished with thocaBtlulTof tluTvotes. Ince that time attorneys havo stay ed up to burn, tho midnight oil, at tempting to ferret out tho intrica cies of tho law, and now tho district attorneys of tho state must gather til Salom to study the now law be tween themsolvofl and ascertain ex actly what can and what can not bo done. District Attornoy Llljonvlst left for the state capital today. Ho said that he has studlod the law, but finds it vnguo on ninny points. Can bo Shipped Out. Liquor on hand January 1 in tho saloons of tho county, or, tho atato, can bo shipped out of tho state, be lieves Mr. Liljeqvist. Ho asserts, howovor, that tho boxos or barrels must carry in plain sight the liinno of tho consignee and tho consldnor, also tho class of liquor and tho amount. . After January 1 othyl alcohol can bo obtained only upon a phystclau'n pioserlptlou, at a drug storo. Pro viding tho Coos county Pharmaceu tical Association dccldea to put on tho ban altogether, and refiiuo to keep othyl alcohol at all for sale, and thoy expressed thomsclvcs pret ty much In favor of this move, it will 'he impossible to obtain alcohol in this county. Can Administer A physician can administer Intox icants to his patients as medicine, but It must bo from his own private supply of two quarts of whisky or 2-1 quarts of beer In any one mouth. Ho can not glvo it away. Tho pen alty for violations is a fine up to $i00 or six mouths in Jail, .'Must. Ilnvo Prescriptions Any pharmlclst soiling ethyl al and on tho 10th of each mouth must forward these prescriptions to tho County Clerk along with his affidavit as to tho veracity of tho roport. Any officer may In vestigate theso prescriptions when ho pleases, for thoy will bo public records. About Delivery Any common carrier will not bo allowed to deliver Intoxicating llqu oi until tho coiislguco makes nu af fidavit setting forth tho nauio of tho carrlor, tho point of dollvery, tho amount and kind of intoxicating liquors to bo recoived, tho total amount of liquors of nil kinds re coived by him during tho four weeks vast; that tho affiant Is over 21 yoars of ago and Is not an habitual drunkard. Tho affidavit will bo sworn to before any agent of tho car rier who Is authorized by tho law to administer the oath. The liquor to bo delivered to the consignee, but not to nny person for htm. Affidavits of the common car rier's must bo sent to tho county clerks for filing. No Advertisement Furthormorc, according to the be lief of Mr. Liljeqvist, who quotes from nn opinion handed down by At torney General Drown, liquor ndver tltomonts after January 1 aro ab solutely prohibited '.n thu state, Mailing out of circulars and price lints and order blanks will also be against the law. Tho fine for buci nn offenso, or for advertising la not lesB than $100. .Soliciting I tarred No person can eomo around solic iting orders for liquor. No porson can take liquor to n danco or havo It in his possession about a dance hall. Also liquor can not bo used in lodge rooms nnd in dividual lockers uro. prohibited. Saloons must closo exactly at mid night an December .11. Every sale after that tlmu may bo doomed n Bcparato offenso. Tho governor of tho state is pro vided with a fund of $7,000 which he may uso in securing ovldonce in connection wtth lufrlugmonts of tho law. District Attorney Liljeqvist haa also a special fun of $3000 to bo used In gathering evidence nnd enforcing tho law. About Affidnvlt Mr. Ufjoqvlst gives as his opinion that anyono can havo liquor shipped to tliom without stating that they aro gottlng it for sacramental pur poses. Tho law gives an affidavit which Is supposed to bo tho form used when liquor is received. Among other things It snvo on thn affidn vlt that tho liquor Is to bo used ror Bncramontal purposes only. Mr. Liljeqvist says that ho thinks this part can bo oracod. Ho says that too iaw roads tuat shall bo I FIGURES REVISED MARSHFIELD NOW LI3ADS DAN DON IN SCHOOL CENSt'S County School Superintendent It. !!. linker (Jiie.s Over Lists and Makes Official Statement It was a hard Job, but Is -boon c'ono. County School Superlntend- icnt It. 13. Dnkcr himself admits it,' that Marshfield has "dono and gone ' beaten Dnndon on tho number In Its school census. And thereby hangs a tale which has boon nbout as easy to run down and solve as tho t'Snio worn puzzler, "How old Is Ann?" But life revision of the figures by Mr, linker, and us ho has explained to Judgo John Hall, clerk of tho Marshfield district, shows that Dan don has not 8 05 pupils, but HIS and that Marshriold's list of Sfa con tinues to stand good. The county superintendent Btntcd that u few of the children countod In tho Uandon district woro outside tho limits of tho district. It Is further Interesting to nolo that whllo thoro has boipi u loss of more than GOO pupils in tho flvo cities of tho county, ovor the count of last year, that, taking Into con sideration tho rural districts, tho census of 191G Is only 15 behind that of 1914. Last yoar there wag a friondly ri valry between Dandon nnd Marsh field for tho highest number of pu pils u tho school districts, nnd tho clty-by-the-sea ran a closo race, as sho continues to do ngaln this year. MARSHFIELD MAW LOSES FIFTEEN DOLLARS Someone Sold Valuable Coin Much Less Than It Was Worth for Somo Mnrshflold man Is out Just fifteen Hollars, though ho probably docs not know It. Tho incidont Is told In tho following from tho Uan don Western World:, , C. Y. Lowo, whllo at Mnrshflold tho othor day purchased n $3 gold ploco from a party in a restaurant. It bears tho dato 1878, and Is ono of tho very few of that denomination now In circulation. Mr. Lowe paid $3 In sllvor for It. Ho has looked tllO affidavit UP tllO valtlO of It as nn old pnln niwl S'lhSJ'rrtrmi8 U'nt " ,S approximate,. gives rnngo for wldo Interpretation. z2 Mr. Liljeqvist also states that in n' former paragraph It Is stated what must bo sot forth In tho affidavit of nn ordinary purchnsor and this pnr-i agraph does not say anything about ' ino uso ior sncramontal purposes Inactive Kidneys Cause Disease V"1J"!"F. 0"Jl!!,.tl, .!?W.,"l.CrO ..,S. ' 'I.h.lnot.ooforg.tU..In.fIUlJ.,W.a ii paragrapu wuien says mat nny , r,om ,i, MM , r.i.- ic m dmi...a a iinrflnn 11. rfimlli. ttm, l..... ... I ... " - -.. u. .. quarts of spirituous liquor or twenty-four quartB of malt liquor. Tho attorney says tliat this shows beyond PEOPLE'S FORUM Tho Coos Day Tlmos will bo pleased to publish lettora from Its itadora on nil questions of public interest, giving his or hor a del row, and bo far as possible limited to -'no words. In publishing those let ters Tlio Tlmos doos not Indorse tho icws expressed thorelu; It U Dimplv affording a moans for tho voicing of dltferont opinions on nil questions affecting tho public welfare. Crops off Unnited States Break All Previous Records WANTS TO KNOW The following communication dat ed at Eustaldo, December II, and addressed to George Wntktut, Pity Attorney of Kastaldo, is received by Tho Tlmos with rcquott to pub lish: Honorable Sir: Somo of the Kast sido voters and cltUous want to know how n lnw pawed In 11)07, long before woman suffrage me SALEM Tho Stato Laud Hoard into offoet. giving women equal will not appeal from tho decision rights with men. cn govern ua 'low of the U. S. Survoyor Goner,il of under oxUtlug eircumiitaueea. They also want to know If you publUhed, (11 AukhUUM VrM lal'uui Hay TIihm.) WASIIINOTON, 1). a, Dee. K.. This year's principal farms crops woro worth $G,270,I0G,000 at Dccembor 1 farm prlcos, tho Department of AKrleulturo aunouneod today In Its final ostlinuto and rovlow of erjp production and vuluos. That couiparoa with $1,073,027,000 last your, $1,00(1,117,000 11H3 and $ 1,7.17, -1.18,001) In 1012. With tho whont crop panning the bllllon-bushel mark for tho first time In tho Nation's history corn prduetlou reaching a threo-bllllou-'uiis-hel total for tho socond time, and record crops of oata, barley, ryo, swoot potatoes, hay and rlco, tlio yoar has boon nn oxtraordlnary ono for farm InK. Prlcos paid fnrniors for somo crops havo boon hlghor than In other yoars bcauso of tho Kuropean ,var and as a result tho valuo of somo of tho crops is tho largost ovor rocordod. Tho valuo this year of oneh crop, based on Its furin prleo on Docam ber 1, with last yonr's valuo, ;ho looonl valuo of onoh crop, and tho year It was producod, Is nnnouncod us follows: Crop ioi r,. ion. Corn $1.7rG.SG0.000 S 1.722.070.000 i;7a.02.1.000 203,067,000 S7s,i;so,ooo -100,-131,000 105,003,000 37,018,000 12.S02.000 10.1510,000 21,SI9,000 los.ooa.ooo 11,201,000 770,008.000 lOt, 111,000 G25.32l.000 30,l3vS,000 In addition to those ciops, othor farm products, such as minor oropg and animals and animal products, will bring tho year's totnl to about $10,000,000,000. Godfrey, Fomt Grore. Oronon. Too much work and too llttlo work coom to liavo nbout tho tamo offoet on lioraons past tnlddlo hko. rronor a doubt tho Intent that persons shall Sod ncnltli Thoy 8 act nnSeTiti? bo able to buy a limited amount of ?nd romovo' from tSa blooO "o?ionofiS liquor for tholr own HBO. wasto matter which Jf ponnlttod to The law provldos, Mr. Llljoqvlst rSSnMrJMnni0 ystem loada t0 "ant says, that tho district attornoy can colSfny norvouii. tlrodrun-.lown mon Incur exponso in onforclng tho liquor , and women nutfor from palnB In tho lnw and that tho county must nay l)UClf ana aIdui. tl'y spoils, bladder tho hills. pa JL0""8.? !?,r Su.?.e'o , and atlft ww....u ...iv. iu ituiuu unit men mu tism, dlahotos or oven Drlijht's dla oa9a may remit. it you navo causa 10 uonovo that i liV ynunir. inlililln ncuil nnd ol,i m-iiIi comploto unilsfnctlon. Thoy act quick, ly andsuroly and hnvo kIvcii rolloC lu cases of ten ycaru' utundlni;. ' For snlo by Owl Prvscriptiou Phar macy. Frank D. Cohan, Central Avo nuo. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Tele phono 74. your Itldnoya are woak. dlnordoroil or Inactlvo you should aot Immudlatoly. l'Oloy Kfdnoy Pills havo boon uneci Wlntor Wheat 022,012,000 Spring Whont 308,200,000 All Wheat ... 030,302,000 Oats nr.n.r.uo.ooo Darloy 122,400,000 Uyo Huckwhoat . . Klaxsood It ice Potatoos Swoot Potatoos Hay 012,320,000 Tobauoo ... . Oli.O-t 1,000 Cotton 002,303,000 Sugar Hoots . 3fi, 800,000 11,20.1,000 12.40S.000 2-1.080,000 20,212,000 221,101,000 40,081,000 Uncord Val. $1,722,070,000 075,023,000 231,708,000 S7S',OSO,000 400,431,000 130,182,000 37,018,000 10,812,000 35,272,000 23,123,000 227,003,000 42, SS 1.000 8.10,005,000 122,-lS 1,000 887.100,000 Year. 191 1 1014 1012 1014 1014 10U 1911 1SC7 1011 1012 1013 1913 1912 1913 1913 LLOYD HOTKL Is being overhauled thoroughly from foundation to roof. Nowly palntod and papered and refurnish ed, will bo oponed as a family hotel Docombor 15, by ownor, J. H. Hrldgos. PntroiiH will bo tnkon enro of In a moro eomfortnblo way than boforo. Furnished npnrtmonts fully oqulppod for housokooplng ns well ns Bleoplng rooms. Prlcos will bo moro modornto than ovor, to con form with tho times. A sharo of your patronago is sollcltod. Special low prlccB by week and month. All Over Oregon PAItK TEN CENTS City Limits North llpml, fjc. t)t COMJIUTATION nn M TICKETS $1.75 i)& Marshfleld-North llend Auto Lino Cars every ten minutes from O n. in. to 13 p. in. to South Slough onco n day, leaving nt 11 a. in.; to Eniplro throo trips a day, GOHST & IQNQ, Props. II Now is the time to get your suit made for Christmas Bring in your order now and you will get a suit at a reasonable price, either ladies' or mens suits See ! J, V. Koski jjPROFESSiONAL . 75 Market Ave. Marshfield, Oregon ffl &- ae- ae- b- -fee- - afr zfr- Register Tomorrow Jf you want one of those dollars put In a savings ac count, you must register at once. First Bank of N ational Coos Bay Marshfield, Oregon lq. . fo. i-fr. zf. Dr. A. I u.T" -- ki. II IIICOIIIn.il Office hours: a'". nuu 7 to 8 p. ,. -0.H !! co 143.,. ncj ----------J":,' Ul J- M. Wright nuiMJisa covTn,T H UBtinmtea fumi.i..; "1V1"I wucu "a renn.. FLIINl k lEBElT BUI OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNT Established 1880. Capital, Surplus apd Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on TJmo AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers 3. V. neunctt, President. J. II. I'laniigim, Vice-President. It. 1 Williams, Cashier. Geo. V. AVinrliester, Aast. CMhler. Di;-H.M.Shaw ", Jinr and Throat fin.., , I'l'one IBM, MfcJ l,,,ysitr nd sn ' "oiio 830.J, H. G. Butler ' ' noom 304 Cok. .W noaiUCncepTo8n;L.,a,J W. G. ChandieT AUCHITEOT Ml ,d ,M MnrehHeW, 0rCgon. TIM 13 TAllf.p WILMMKTTK PACIFIC M0TO8 vri&lk Lcavo Marshfield CMC a.m. 7.4 G a.m. 8:4li a.m. 9:4G a.m. 10:4G a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12: no p.m. 1:4G p.m. 2:4G p.m. 3MG p.m. G:00 p.m. G.40 p.m. UT North Btt( :wt8, 8:00 ti 9:00 n, 10:15 n 11:00 u, HtlSta. 1:15 pta. 2:00 p 3:00 p 1:00 pi, 5:15 pg; 6:55 pdl WORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. F. A. KQbiirn SMTS FOR Portland, (Via Astoria) si'ndav, di:ci:miu:u in, at io::h a. si. FOn PURTIIEU INFORMATION SMITH TICRMINAn DOCIC I'llO.VK l h, (. Cnshlng, Agent C:GG p.m. North city limit' 7:30 p.m. 7.4. ' y.w, SAVE M0NPY hy ordering tho famow HEWRYVI! I F nnn KYi ...! a "HU iiui. tuui, por ion 11 Lump con!, por ton , Or half ton of both ti,;j i). musso.y, rrep, mono i-j or lenro otwrs it Hlllycr'ii Clitor Store. SOUTH COOS IUVKR BOAT SRRVICI3 .LAUNCH KXWtESS lenves Marshfield orcry titj 8 a. in. Leaves head of riiet nt S:1C p. in. BTI2AMUR RAI.VI10W Icnvos lioad of river dally at T . in. Leaves MarslifloIJ nt 3 p. in. For charter apply on boarJ. ItOGKRS & SMITH Troprlotora 'GRAVEL' Wo nro no proparod to furnlnh GRAVEL In nny quxntltlei from pilo In our yard or in carload Iota, at following prlceo: From pilo on ground, ?2.5'5 per yard. Carload Iota, taken from caro, $2.00 per yard. Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Pos.Office Wione J 00. DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Strwt 1'hono 370J MERCHANTS CAFE Popular I'laco for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial nnd n'dVy. EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, hrass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new T. J. HOArFB 4 A. II. 1101)001 as Lr:ij PAINT AND iwdiaimeiu DECORATING. KutJumtes liiirnlshed I'lioao 14fl.lt, Muralifield, One Phono 180-J. DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Kopsitz Garage North Front Street WOOD GOOD WOOD W. II. Lingo has It at $1.50 ri a cash per load, also coal, wl prices rcasoiiahle. Carbago reoot! : ' -. ... -1 HAVP THE ROOF FIXED !0Wt See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 1 or causod to he published the item In Tho Cooa Ray Tiip.Q8 of Friday. Doeember 10, as your nunm U i.tot ed as the authority on whioU it U baaod. Vm.UQ answar thronifrt vli Cooa Hay Tlmou. R. K. L. PENDLETON A number of tho swliumors of tho city will go to Portland to take part In tho Christ- Oregon Uoldiuic that Alkali Lako in ; mas moruliuc pluugo in tho until- Southern Oregon to bo the propeity . torium. of the govorntuent. DALLAS Frank Howard; tho inuii who killed his wife, Nollla M. DALLAS Althoiigli $71,120 ! provided for bridges nnd ferries which includo Polk County'n part Howard, on Thanksgiving Day, left, of the now Salom bridge, tliero will a will providing that hla ogtato gojlio no Inerengo lu tho taxes ovor to tho wifo lio murdorod. Inst year. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is herohy glvon that tho undoralgnod, administrator of the ostato of, Faniiio L. M. Carponter, docensod, haa filod hla final ac count lu the County Court of Coos County, Orogon, and tho Judgo of eald Court has appointed Monday, tho 3rd day of January, 101G at the hour of 10:00 a. m. of said day at tho Court House at Coqulllo City, Coos County, Oregon, as tho time and placo for tho hearing of object tions to said final account and tho settloment of said estate. Datod at Mnrshflold, Oregon, this' 1st day of Docombor, HUB. i STEPHEN C. ROGERS. Administrator of tho ostato of Fannlo L. M, Carpentor, deewsod. First publication Docembor l, 1015; last publication, Doc, 20, 1010. Puget Sound Bridge & igmg.Co. uuI5 onurjes uunaings General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the W Dredge "Seattle the most powerful, ben equipped and most thoroughly modem twenty-iuch hydraulic dredgo Ik Pacific water. C00SMnroyilt?If!,ce'n Mal" office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. 1 1 f WESTERN LOAN AND J BUILDING CO. I Assets $340,000.00 t Pays 8 per cent on savings t I. S. KAUFMAN &' CO. J Local ireasurei & PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY 1 HHHHHBHHil (dungan I 1 UNDERTAKINGloRS I H Will uo v'" ,,-. ZZM OPEN TO TttBTVnUO m -! A regular state Ucea . M nndertaker will W I I H charge B ' Phone 1W 1 HHHHMHMHMHMHMHMHMJHHMJHflHHH riMOiAs;xz -j--rta. v t -ni.-ninnfMidi.Lmyvli.t.V. 1. WV UjAji J . -