WVJWIHW(T- -- 1sw r, V. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1915 EVENING EDITION. THREE ! I5 io 1 Oc JSmW I I YsuTtf yflL PTv flHI :&. .? ism&w m mW 1 l7 Packed! wto" for 10c They've Done It Again! PIEDMONTS have scored BIG in this town just as they've done everywhere. You can't beat good, all -pure Tobacco such as you find in PIEDMONT. Jbfrtvffautea,. MsW MS Ml jUt & !J&- A s gfrWl Iqurxrffe of Quality Go Right Affer the Coupons! Christmas Day The Dining Room ,0 when your friends null relatives, daughters and sons, alt meet under your roof is tlio center of attraction. Willi n beautiful up-to-date dining room Miiitu from this Moro (hero will lie no room for criticism. Our reasonable prices inako it possible for everybody to liavo mi nttrnetlvo dining room. ur reputation Htanils back of every transaction. Dozens of complete unites of select from within tlio roach of everybody. GOING & HARVEY FARMERS ARE WARNED ABOUT DOG DANGERS Department of Agriculture. Says tlio Animals May Very Easily Carry Dlhout.es to Live Stock tlly Awoi lilnl l'rcw li Coos Ilr Time. WASHINGTON, D. C., Doe. 14. Tlio Department ot Agrlculturo says that the dog In tlio country Is iv use ful and pleasant adjunct to the fnnn If ho Is properly controlled and cared for, but when neglected, may rcndlly becomo n cnrrlor of dlseaso to stock, In addition to gaining op portunity to kill sheep and destroy gardens and other property. Dog ordinances, as u general rule, liavo been intended chiefly to curb tlio dog's power ot doing harm by at tacking, biting, killing or running sheep or stock. Tlio part that ho plays as a carrier of diseases to an imals only recently has been rcco nized, according to. tlio zoologists of tlio Department of Agriculture, who I bollovo that whon this Is bettor un derstood, rural ordinances and laws 'which lesson this danger will gain tlio support of tlio community. Of tlio diseases carried to stock by dogs, tlio foot-and-mouth dlseaso is probably of tho greatest interest at this time. In this caso tho dog acts as a mechanical carrier ot Infection, Tho dog which runs across an ln fectod farm easily may carry In tho dirt on his feet tho virus of this most contagious of animals diseases to other farms and thus spread tho dl seaso to tho neighboring herds. In infected localities It Is absolutely cs soutlul, theroforo, to keep all dogs and nover to allow thorn off tho farm except on leash, News Of Nearby Towns t: :: :t t: :: u u MYRTLE POINT NEWS PORT O It FORD NEWS u u w t: u NEWS OK uAxnox Dr. Leslie, Osteopath, MnrMiflchl LLOYD HOTEL Is boing overhauled thoroughly from foundation to roof. Newly painted and papered and refurnish od, will bo opened as a family hotel December in, by ownor, J. II. Urldfjos. Patrons will bo taken raro of In a moro comfortable, way than before. Furnished apartments fully equipped for housekeeping as well as slooplng rooms. Prices will bo moro modorato than over, to con form with tho times. A sharo of your palronngo Is solicited. Special ! low prices by week and month. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. F. A. Kilburn sails ron Portland, (Via Astoria) "' SUNDAY, DKOKMIIKU U, AT UUiW A. M. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SMITH TERMINAL DOCK PHONE 1S1 L. C. dishing, Agent . OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King, teavo Miirhlifiald nt 7 n. m., iml returning leaving from Empire at 8b.jiu Lenvo Mnrsliflold nt 11 a.m. and returning loavo South Slough at 1 p. in. Leave Marshfield nt B p. in. and returning leave South Slough at fl p. m. Music for Christmas Gifts Every member of tho fam ily and every friend will get constant enjoyment. Wo hnvo a flno assort incut of pianos and Instru ments to select from and wo will ho glad to nrrnugo convenient terms If you ro unalilo to pay nil cash. Como in and let iih talk It over. ' L L. Thomas Music Co. X JJ Happenings of the People There Told In tho Kiilcrprlso ltoy Garrett, tho Middlo Fork stockman, shipped n carload ot hogs to thotMnrshfleld market Tuesday afternoon. Horn Thursday, December 9, to' Mr. and Sirs. Wm. McN'alr, of the South Fork, a daughter. Frank HI. Lnnglols, ot. I.anglols, In Curry County, expects to movo to Myrtlo Point about tho first of the year, if ho con socuro suitable residenco property. Mrs. 13. W. Jones arrived homo last Saturday from Marshfield, wboro sho has boon helping caro for tho llttlo daughter that was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Mears. MrJ. Mears was formerly Miss illaurho Jones of this city. H. L. Harrison returned last Sun day from Mnrsliflold whero h? has been working for S. C. Small ot tho Coos Day Paving Company. Mr. Harrison Is preparing to movo his family to Murshfleld and expects to engage hi work with the local Southom Pacific bridge crow out of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Nelson arriv ed from Tillamook County, mil Mr. Nelson has accepted n posltluu with Androw Chrlstcnscn at tho Sugar loaf Creamery and Clieeso Faonry. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nelson will occupy tho rooms over tho factory, whllo Mr. Chrlsteusen is moving his family to tho old Iiendor residenco .it Sec ond and Mnplo strcetB, for Iho pur chaso ot which ho closed u dual last week. Tom V. Johnson, who for j.umal years has operated tho J. C. Ilayncs dairy ranch Just southwest ot this city, has leased tho It. C. Dammit placa southeast of town, nnd ts now superintending tho work on bo'.h places, until his contract expires -an the former dairy. 'Mr. .Tohuscn'o brother, Henry Johnson, nnd wlfo, have moved hero from Marshflold and will hnvo charge of tho work on tho Domcnt ranch for several months. NEWS OF LANGLOIS Happenings In Curry Town Told hi The Tribune Last Monday tho Port Orford post offlco sent out the largest letter mall In its history, Mrs. J. II. Zumwnlt Is expected homo from a two-months' visit In California. John Hack, of Ecklcy, was In town on his way to Gold lJonch to iiihu action towards getting his naturali zation papers. Carl Mauksch mado final proof on his Denmark homestead nt Port Or ford, J. S. Capps and M, M. Clap- shaw acting ns witnesses. Floyd Huntley nnd Arthur llalloy passed down tho const last week re turning to their homes at Gold lleach from visiting ut Coos Day and Willamette valley points. A big shooting match for turkeys, etc., ha's been ndvcrthjod to tnko place at Langlols December 24th and ur.tli. It will bo concluded with n dance on tho latter dato. GOLD REACH NOTKS Ncwn of County Scat, of Curry Told In tho Globo Mrs. C. D. Ltiiuson Is now moving her furniture In to tho Drenkors Hotel which, sho will again mauugo. Attorney J. Huntley Is now attend ing tho December term ot Circuit Court In Coos County. Fred-Sorbor is attending to mnt-tc-rs of biiHlnoss In tho Doulnor Creek Mining Camp. After ii two weeks visit with friends In town, Miss Mnrlal Hillings departed for her homo nt lllaho. Geo. Henry was called to town to repair tho circular saw from tho Ag ucss sawmill. It Is sold tho Agncss mill has orders ahead to keep It run ning for another month. SOUNDS II WARNING PJtOK. HOPKINS, KXPKUT, SAYS SOIL MUST IIH SAVKD Notes on City by tho Sea frni the World Miss Stella Shields arrived homo on tho lOllznbcth, after spending llio greater part ot tho summer and fall with relatives and friends nt San Francisco. T. M. Nlclson of tho Uandon I lard ware company was at tho Geo. P. Laird ranch near Lampa several days this wcok, superintending tho Installation of a plumbing systom. Mrs, Mnrgnrot Kennedy and Mrs, J. A, Kennedy returned from San Francisco on tho Brooklyn, after spending soveral wcoks at tho fair and visiting relatives. They aro ac companied horo by tho former's nophow, Frank Golden ot Uorkoloy. Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. A. Kcltucr and Bovon children nrrlved from San Francisco on tho 15llznboth. Thoy hnvo brought their household goods with them and oxpect to locuto on ranch In this .section. K. D. Wosledor Is planning on go ing to Portland this week for n short buslncsg trip. Mr, Weslcder re cently secured pictures of tho Santa Clara wreck, tho beachcombers and crowda thronging tho beach, which liavo been placed with n Portland concern. CASKS DISI'OHHI) OK ' Notes About tho Peoplo There Told J In tho Leader , ' Mrs. J, A.'Cdx'TocbTVod'ViuUo a so I voro fall last wcok whllo going to her milk Iioubo. Mr. O. P. Hnagonscii enmo in from tho mines and expects to romulu for j tho Christmas shoot. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Jim McAdnms and I eii Aiiaflu fiftnt aiinnrllinr anvnrril I weeks visiting in San Francisco and I8Ibso1 I taking in tho fair, returned homo. , Mrs. 10. II. Cheovor, and hor brother Chas, Itussoll of Langlols ' whp visited at tho homo Idaaghtor Mrs. C. Corrlck land, arrived home. A Number Heniovcd from Docket of Circuit Court Tho following nctlon In cases In tho circuit court was taken during tho wcok: McPhcrson-Glnsor vs. Ilobort Pet ers, dismissed. Frank U. Shores vs. Donjnmln Gotter nnd Mary Gottcr, dismissed. A. Z. Downs vs. C. A, Smith Lum ber & Mfg, Co. Ordorcd amended. A, J. Hartmnii ot al vs. C. V. Lowo ot al, dismissed. Archla 11. Uosa ot al vs. City of Uandon, sottlcd and dismissed. Lynn Lambeth vs. K. V. Morrow, two cobcs, dismissed. W. O. Cooper vs. 0. W. Morris, SIOVKS TO MVUTMi POINT , Frank M, Langlols, who has lived' In this locality for tho paBt Gl years, who Is well and favorably known, has disposed of his entlro holdings to K. D. Thrift, nnd will movo to Myrtlo Point about Christmas. Ho will go to Uandon whero ho and his family hvlll spend Christmas with tholr friends nnd relatives, after which thoy will make tholr futuro homo. of hor of Port- 1MPUOVING LINK Why Buy Advertised Goods? -Because they represent certain fixed standard qual ities ' -Because through efficiency of distribution they sell at lower prices. , .. lf -Because they will be the same tomorrow as they were today. -Because they are invariably backed with a guaran tee that protects the purchaser. . -Because they represent the definite as against the indefinite factor in advertising. -Read the advertising in the daily COOS BAY TIMES and form your own opinion. . . . -Ask for articles by trade marks and insist on get ting what you ask for. t GOODRUM'S GARAGE . I i: HOME OF TUB CADILLAC AND DODOE AUTO SUPPLIES FOK ALL MAKES OF OARS 847 Central av. Phone :i7a-L Work Doing Done by Telephone Company at Gardiner Tho Umpquu Courier snys: " J. K. Montgomery, of tho Coos & Curry Tolophono Co., who has takou ovor tho local tolophono systom of this place, was in Gardiner tho first jot tho week hnving tho tolophonos of tho different patrons ot tho Hues In this neighborhood overhauled and .put In shapo, ' " Tho company is malting a chaugo of tho location of tho lino betweou j this placo and Scottsburg, Instead ! of tho wlro running ovor tho hill as , heretofore, It Is being placed along 1 tho river whero It will not bo tutor ! forcd with by coming In contact with tho branches of trees. As tho wlro Is Chas. H, Myers vs. Laura M. My ors. Judgment by dofault in dlvorco caso. John C. Kendall vs. F, L. Grcon ough. Judgment by dofault. llaxter Itoblnson vs. Thomas An dorson, Dlsmlssod. Goorgo FInloy vs. William II. Wy aut. Judgment by default. Mnrgarot E. Moody vs. 3. 11. Moody. Judgment for dlvorco by default. Fnnnlo Wassom vs. J. E. Wnssoni. Judgmont for dlvorco by default. Tho Standard Distilling Co. vs, E. A. Heckott, dismissed, Monrletta Itedfleld vs. Harvoy Kodflold. Dlvorco caso, dismissed. Anson E. Sinister vs, Mary L. Sinister. Dlvorco cobo dlsmlssod, A. Ei Iinkor vs. T. W. McCloskoy, dlsniissed. ! AT THE HOTELS t $$ Chandler Hotel T. P. lluglies, Porllnnd; F. W. Ifaborland, Mndlson, WIb.; Mrs. J. L. Mooro, Dolmarj Mrs. II. W: Mel lan, Sap Francisco; J. F. Wauless, Portland; L. J, Simpson, Shoro acres; Mrs, L. G. Johnson, Myrtlo Point; Enrl D. Doran, Portland; '.. II. Zook, Ilandoh; It. L. Lewis, Powors; Alt JoIiiihod, Coqulllo; J, I). Culvor, Powors; Jnmos MeCut choon and wife, Ileayor Hill; F. C. iTruo, Coaulllo. St. Ijiwronro Hotel Mrs. P. Itadford and son, Camp 1; It. N. Wobstor, Coos ltlver; no Stout, Myrtlo Point; Carl Anderson, Myrtlo Point; Wlloy Summorlln, Myrtlo Point; Hoy Norrls, Sumner; W. L. Tyron, Tho Dallos. Itlauco Hotel Frank II. Doming, Son Francisco; Wnrron Johnson, Uandon; II. McDonough, Salem; W. Drown, Powors; F. L. Plorco, Lnkcsldo; Janioa McCormlck, Puwors; Jnmos Wns8on, Heaver Hill; Dan Dlmmlck, Coaulllo; It. M. Thomas, North Demi; J. H. Stephens, Silver Lako; A. U. Miller, Coqulllo; A. Anderson, Lnkcsldo; Thomns'Sturdlvant, North Inlot; W. II. Short, Lnkcsldo. Tells Insurance Man Loans Aro .Mado On Jand Allowed to Les sen ia Value tlr Aiwoctatcil rrtftfl la Coon liar TlmM.l NEW YOHK, Doc. 11. Declaring that tho abandoned farms of tho Eastern States might well bo worth $4000 nn aero, Instead of $20, Dr. Cyril G. Hopkins of tho University of Illinois today Bounded a noto of warning ns to tho need for perma nent ami scientific soil enrichment throughout tho agricultural lands of tho United States, In tho West as woll ns tho East. Ho strongly urged cooperation to this end on tho part of tho city people. X)i. Hopkins made his plea beforo tho Ninth Annual Convention of tho Association of Llfo Insurance Pres idents, which Is considering various problems Involved In loaning llfo In surnnco funds on farm mortgages. At present nbout six hundred and sixty million dollars of llfo lnsuranco money is loaned on farms, princip ally in tho South and West. Drawn From Virginia Soli " Tho most Important nnd tho most neglected factor in American ngriculturo Is that ot soil enrich ment," said Dr. Hopkins. " For three centuries the American farm er luiB drawn tho Biipport of the na tion from tho fertility contained In our virgin soils, with widespread soil depletion ns a result. When tho land becomes too poor to ralso a profitable crop by tho ordinary means of soil stimulation, tho Am erican farmer has, ns n general rule, allowed tho farm to go back to na ture, nnd ho has either moved to newer lands or joined tho increasing urban population. Only Hojio Loft " Tho only hopo of tho futuro ltos In tho application ot sclonco and ed ucation nnd honesty to tho control of Industry and agrlculturo, and lot us understand nnd never forget that agrlculturo Is tho baslo support ot nil Industry and that tho fortuity of tho soil is tho absoluto Biipport ot ovory form ot agrlculturo. NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPROVE MENT DONDS ' U'ltK.V HKFUSKS CUHFKW GOES INTO EFFECT Tho Coqulllo Sontlnol calls atten tion to tho curfew ns follows, Tho curfew ordlnauco adopted the greatly overloaded, tho company Is ,nl(hll r Novombor goes Into forco having somo of tho telephones dls-ft,ld Paroulj should impress upon connected. Mr. Monliromorv In-1 1K ,l8 Irovisiona nnu Doing nt Homo forms that It Is tho Intention of hls!t,10lr clillilron tho necessity of heed company, as soon as possible to b' 9 'cIock " thy ""a t to improvements nil BUl ,,,l " WALL PAPER See VIERS About It, FARE TEN CENTS City Limits North Dend, 5c. nn COMMUTATION nn Zd TICKETS $1.75 .) Murshfleld-North Dend Auto Lino Cam every ten minutes from On. in. to 12 p. in.; to South Slough once a ilav, leaving at 11 n. in.; to Empire three trips a day. GORST & KING, Props. mako soveral along tho lino from this point to Coos Day, Insuring tho be3t ot sor vice. Tho public will surely appre ciate all this, and should glvo tho company a liberal patronngo. OLD .MAN DIES' John F. Scott, 74 years old, who with his family had been residing on tho Tennyson placo at Two MHo died In Dandon after a prostrated Illness. , Deceased camo horo 8 or 9 years ago from Hornbrook, Cal. Ho Is survived by a whlow and a numbor of grown children. Uandon World. IlL'ILDING AT GOLD REACH MAY SAVE STRUCTURE FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND HAGGAGE . Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone 103 Reoldence Phone 18-J Market Ave. and Waterfront SAN FRANCISCO. Dec, 13. Tho handsome Oregon building at tho Panama-Pacific exposition grounds will bo used by tho soldiers of tho Presidio reservation as a clubhouse, If tho United States government will accept tho offer of tho Oregon com missioners to turn over tho'Btructiiro free P. E. O'Haro, wrecking con tractor who purchased tho building for $1,250 has offered to j-oleaeo his claim on It If tho government accepts Wodderliiiru Trading Co, Construct ing u New Wharf Tho Gold Reach Globo Hays; Tho Weddorburu Trading Co., now have a part of tho material on tho ground for a wharf and waro-houso o: this sldo of tho river and started a crow of men In tho woods this morning to how tho foundation Im bors, being unable to havo them saw ed at this time. One of' tho old ce ment hatchery tanks holow tho Mill rock will bo used as a portion of tho foundation for tho wnrohouso and a wharf will bo built In front of it to deep wator which Is only a few feet. Will Not Accept Placo Offered Dim Uy Tart PORTLAND, Oro., Doc. 13. Ex Prosldont W. II. Taft, presldont of tho Loiiguo to Enforco Pence, has 'aBked W. S. U'lteu to act as state chairman for Oregon, but Mr. U'Rnn says ho has his hands more thnu full at presont and cannot accept tho np polutmont. Mr. U'Ron has wrltton to tho longuo headquarters for a list of tho Orogon mouthers of tho lcnguo and suggested that tho local mombers bo permitted to soluct tholr own chairman. CORPS AND CORPSE CAUSE ODD MIXUP .Michigan Woman Grieves Over Her Interpretation of llraurh of U, S, Army and Hiotlier's Fate PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 14. Nov or hnving useh tho final "o" In hor own spelling of tho word "corpse" Mrs. Marcelino Germain, of Donald son, Michigan, was prostrated with SEEKING A MARKET Tho following Is Crom the Coqulllo Soutlnel: E. E. Johnson started Wednesday for San Francisco, expecting to muke arrangements whllo there to market all the lumber his mill horo can turn out when run to Its full capacity. Many mills havo contracts now for mouths ahead and aro turning down orders bo that It Is getting to bo a seller's market rather than a hir grief upon receipt of an official communication announcing tho factihuco of said bid or bids. Notlco is hereby glvon that sealed proposals will bo received by the Fl nnnco Commlttoo of tho Common Council of tho City ot Marshflold, Coos County, Oregon, at tho offlco of tho City Rocordor or said City of 'Marshflold, In tho City Hall ot said city Until half past sovon- o'clock p. m. Monday, tho 27th day ot Decem ber, 191G, for tho purchaso of street improvomaut bonds ot tho said City of Marshflold, Coos County, 'Oregon, to tho amount of $1,223 73. All of Bald Improvement bonds to bo in denominations not exceeding $500.00 nnd bearing lntorest at the rato of six po cent por annum from tho dnto thoroof, payable soml-an-nually, said bonds to bo dated tho day of issuance and to niaturo lu ton years thereafter, with prepayment option thereon at faco valuo nnd ac crued interest to dato of any semi annual coupon porlod at or after one year from tho dnto or satd bonds up on giving notlco by publication In a newspaper of gouoral circulation printed and published In Coos Coun ty, Oregon, such notlco to bo pub lished not less than ouco each weok for thrco successive weeks during tho mouth preceding such somi-an-imul porlod at which such prepay ment thereof will bo made. Tho right Is expressly r uorved to rojoct any and all bids and upon all or any or such bids or proposals rojoctcd, If there should romulu any bonds unsold the said bonds may bo thereafted sold at private salo by said Common Council or said City of Marshflold, Oregon, but lu no oveut to bo sold at less than par and accruod lntorest. Said bonds nro authorized by tho laws of tho Stato of Orogon, and Ordinances of tho City or Marshflold, Oregon, Assessed valuation of said City ot Marshflold, Orogon, Is $2,649,195,00. Iloudod Indebtedness Is $54,000, Population estimated at 5,000, A certified check Of flvo per cent of amount of bid or proposal must accompany each bid to bo forfeited to said City of Marshflold, In case bid Is accopted and bidder falls to ac cept and make paymont fqr satd bond or bonds covered thereby with in ton days from tho dato ot accept- that her brother, Joseph Ell Jolll couor, had Joined tho U. S. Marino Corps nnd had named her as next of kin to bo notified In caso of death. "If my brother Is a corps, or what did ho dlo?" Bh,o "rote- to Captain II. T. Swnln, In charge or tho local recruiting station or tho United States Marino Corps, who had Each bid or proposal submitted to dCBlgnato tho denomination or said bond or bonds desired, Did or proposals received for auy amount of said bonds; small bidders given iiroforonco of purchase. Proposals or bids with certified checks to bo enclosed In sealed plain onvolopes with no distinguishing marks or writing thereon except tha enlisted tho man and was rcsponst-i words, "Hid for Improvement Bonds bio for tho notification. Tho recruiting officer, by return mall, bmlo tho Borrowing slstor ceneo mourning, nnd assured hor that the "corps" to which her broth er had lutoly attached himself, was tho ' lircst" kind of (ui organiza of tho City of Marshfield, OregoB." Dated this 7th day ot Decewbw, 1915. R, A. COPPLB Chairman of the Flnauca Committee ot tlio Common Council. 41 I er's lu the lumber lino, tion. want da tirlu rwill, mo propuBiwum