w . rtvyfv ,1CT, "-'"t- s SECTION ONE PAGE EIGHT THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915&--EVENING EDITION. y s&asRszza The Christmas Store If You Have Christmas Gifts to Buy You'll Like This Store Thousands of useful and dainty Christmas Gifts aro now on display, You arc cor dially invited to speifd hero as much time as you please to look over all the pretty Christmas things whether you purchase or njt. Courteous, attentive and intelligent sales people are here to serve you. We have listed below a few gift suggestions, which to select. Thcro aro hundreds of others from M Hiiioklug lai'kctH llatli Robes, mndo by Horn, Sow York Ruth Holo Rlnnkcts liullnn llliiukots Hult discs and Trunks L'lnbicllas Mouse Slippers Silk I lose Handkerchiefs Collar Rocs (Jlft IIoncm containing Hocks, KiimpcihU'i-h niitl 1'Ios. Indian Moccasins Indian Pipe and T!o Racks Women Furs llatli Robes Kimonos, Hllk, Crepe, Kleoco 'Fine Waists Hllk Petticoats L'llllllcllllH Fnnry Felt .Slippers Cousins Shoes .Satin KlIpper.M Hand Hags Stiiniiicd liiiui'li Cloths Pndgo Aprons, etc. , Royal Soelely Packages Jliiudkci chiefs IIoso Auto (ilovos (Roves lllniikcls Children 1'iir Sets Knitted Sets Drawer Leggliis Cups, Sat'iiic.s, llootccs Silk Hoods Toddy Rears Churnctcr Dolls Fancy .Shoes and Slippers Fancy Millions Silk IIoso ' Rubber Hoots Indian .Moccasins (Moves, Tan mid AVhlto T Ml ZM:' (Continued From Pago Thrco) V. C. T. U. HOClAb Good Cheer Good MerchandiseGood Service MMAMAMMAA HUB DRY GOODS CO. THE CHRISTMAS STORE Corner Central Ave. and Broadway. Phono 301 I INFORMAL CHAT $$ ItoKer Oohs, hoii of J. I), (loan or tlilu city, and who la attending tlio 1'nlvcrBlty nt Rorkoloy, writes homo that ho will spend thhi Xmas In llor. kcley. Hokci' Ih the editor of tho University pupor and nlHo wroto tho lutit Honlor play which la classed as u very clover production. 5 Miss Lucy Powers who la attend ing C-rogon University at Hugono Is expected here about the 20th for a two wooltH' vacation with her par ent!! Mr. nnd Mrs. A'. II. Powers on South Firth Street. Miss linxol Powers Is also expected About tho sanio time. She Is taking a course In nurse training at Lane Hospital In Sun Francisco. ' : Mlsa Myrtle Cowan, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. .Ins. Cowan Hr., Is ex pected homo about the lSth of this mouth to spoud the holidays. Miss Marjorle Cowan who with Miss Ju liet Younir are advance agents for the Hlllson-Whlto Chatauiiiia Com pany of Portland nro now In Ora vlllo, California, and MIhh Cowan 'writes that sho will not spent her Christmas In Marshflold this year. MIhh Nora Hugo arrived In North lloud this week from San Francisco and la n guest at the A. lloolllug home. Slio will lcavo shortly to upend the holidays with her people In North Dakota. Xmas Jewelry 's Headquarters Santa Wo hnun hv far. flip hinrmsr linn nf finn Inwfilrv in nur histnrv nnd it is all new and up-to-date. Prices reasonable? You bet they are. I st come in and see. 'It is a pleasure to show you, whether you buy or ""' GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR HIM FROM YOU GOLD LODGE EMBLEMS GOLD AND GOLD-FILLED WALDEMAR CHAINS WITH KNIFE AND CIGAR CUTTER. FOUNTAIN PENS ETC., ETC. FOR HER FROM YOU A PRETTY DIAMOND RING A DAINTY GOLD BROOCH PARISIAN IVORY ARTICLES PEARL AND SILVER MANICURE ' SETS ETC., ETC. JEWELRY DEPT. Red Cross Drug Store Phone 122 A social was given for Mrs. S. FrlthcroBs at her homo In Rangor In honor or hor birthday, Tuesday aftornoon, by tho monibors of tho North Uond W. C. T. U.. A Bhort program was proparcd by Mrs. A. G. Ranb, and Interesting papers wcro road by Mrs. W. Ncllson, Mrs. 'y. Chappoll, Mrs. It. McCann nnd Mrs. rtnab on Important topics. Tho la dles present wore: Mrs. George Ila zor, Mrs. W. Nollson, Mrs. W. Noll son, Mrs. F. W. Stophcns, Mrs. Chappoll, Mrs. McCann, Mrs. Rit chie, Mrs. F. Lyster, Mrs. Covey, Mrs. W. Laird, Mrs. Schaastcr, Mrs. K. Helm, Misses Ora Lystor, Lcora Chappoll, and I.orcna Lyster. Ap petizing refreshments woro served at tho closo of tho afternoon. JUNIORS PLAN DANCK : About 500 Invitations were Issued this week by tho Juniors ot tho lo 'cal high school for their "prom" which will bo given Friday evening, Dec. 17th In Kagles hall, and which promises to bo one of tho most bril liant affairs of tho season. Tho In vitations are purple . and pennant shaped with gold lettering, carrying out tho high school colors of pur plo and gold. They woro rtlstlo and cleverly designed. Muslo will bo furnished by Martin's orches tra. Tho Chairmen of tho different committees follow: Punch, Clarcnco Harrows; Pntronesses, Lillian Cook; Invitations and programs, Until Cowan; Music, Mnblo Jmmol; all tho girls of tho class comprldo tho decoration committco. t i PRKSRYTKRIAN AUXILIARY : Tho Liulles Auxiliary of tho Pres- 'bytorlan church mot for business Wednesday afternoon nt tho church nnd settled up nil mnttorn (if flnanco of tho rccont ualo and tamalo lunch which proved such a decided suc cess. Tho ladles will not moot un til tho first Wodnodday In January. Thoso present woro; Mrs. J. S. 8,tub bloriold, Mrs. C. F. McKnlght, Mrs. 1). A. Jones, Mrs. Kllzahoth Hyde, Mrs. Duncan Ferguson, Mrs. 10. Wilson, Mrs, M. A. Swcotman, and Mrs. Evil Gammlll. IIOMK FOIt HOLIDAYS Word haB boon received that Miss May PreiiHs and Leslie nnd Cheater Isancson, Btndonts at Rorkoloy Uni versity will lcavo thero about Dcc ombor IStli for Marshflold for a throo weeks' Xtnns vacation at their homes, I M. !:. OA.MK SOCIAL I SOCIAL OAL15NDAU MONDAY Progress Club with Mrs. D. It. Chandler. Alpha Delphian Society with Mrs. F. H. Wilson. TUUSDAY North llend Catholic Allnr Guild with Mrs. Charles Kaiser. C. W. U. M. with Mrs. Mrs." W. . Cox. Ladles Guild In Guild Hall. WEDNESDAY 1). M. C. Club with Mrs. Stowart McDonald In North Bend. Urldgo Club with Mrs. Vm. Horsfnll Jr. Pnstlmo Club evening, party with Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Dorbyshiro in North Rend. THURSDAY Mlnno-Wls Club with Mrs. W. S. Brawn. FRIDAY Junior Prom In Kuglcn hall. Trio Card Club with Mrs. J. G. KInnoy. KonslnKton Club with Mrs. It. K. Laraway. ! 9 Tho chorus of tho Mothodlst church will render an anthem morning and evening on Sunday. At tho evening sorvlco thcro will also bo a solo by Mr. 1). II. Preston. Tho many friends of Mrs. Ross Smith will bo rejoiced to Ifcnrn that bIio Is recovering from a serious 111 noss that nt first was feared to bo fatol. Capt. Edgar Simpson nnd Ted Kls 'sam arrived today on tho Adeline nnd will spend tho Xmas holidays In North Rend. Mr. Slmpson'B car preceded him on tho Hardy. Miss Allco Walters who for tho ' past few months has been visiting In Oregon City, will spend Xmas with her parontH Judge and Mrs. V. 13. Walters of North Bond. Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Davis will leave tomorrow on tho Adellno for Placcrvlllo, California to spend the Xmas holidays with Mr. Davis' par outs. They expect to return about January 10th. Last Tuesday nTtornoon, Mrs. C. R. Pock entertained Informally nt hor apartments In tho Myrtlo Arms hr Mrs. T. C. Russell, who this week with hor husband and llttlo daugh ter Ruth loft for Dlamondvlllo, Wyo ming to innko their futuro homo. Mrs. II. J. Kimball and dnughtor Miss Georglo .limner loft this week for Portland. Mr. Klmbnll nnd Karl Klmmor will Join them Inter for tho holidays and thou Mrs. Kimball anil daughter will lcavo for California 'whoro thoy will remain tho rest or tho winter. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Russell nnd llt tlo daughter Ruth or Beaver Hill left this week for Dlamondvlllo, Wyoming whoro thoy will mnlco their homo In tho futuro. Their many friends on tho Bay rogrot their doparturo very much, and wish thorn Joy .and success In tholr now location, which Is tho formor homo or both Mr. ryid Mrs. Russoll. I A ' i ', ' f'i. J" THE Hy CHRISTMAS JEWELRY h '"-'o nn.l tnt. , 1,011 h JM,w'lo it LS1 hut hoi ... ,..".. fcl 'fN Urn iiiilMl. -i unbroken. ' & This is (Mhciitlnlly u nIoi-u or service mill It , f0f a. that wo iii-ko upon you tho nd vantage or tliootlng In n ' the usual iioiuiay iiihii, " .A . Artistic, ilcslL'tiN In .sllvet waio and Jcneliy Kh0 lasllnj kji Tho lurjreTvnrlcly in our slock will cmiMo joii to find ku-J sultalilo for your girt ai.ii moilrrnte cost. y Rings Plain and Precious Klonu ScUIiibi, Dlamoiids to Watches, Brooches, Pendants, Ktc Hvery artlclolM warranted as repicsriilrd by aww! MAH.siiiinu,ont H iO IZsPO FRONT HTRKKT, 4 Order Your Christmas Bird Early TURKMYH, CICIISI-:, IH'CICH, CIIICKKXS CAIIi:i'VI.LY GIOSH '1'KIjIj US NOW WHAT YOU WANT ' Palace Meat Market Central Avenue. MinUM DON'T FORGET A Fountain Pen IS USED BY EVERYONE AND MAKES AN IDEAL GIFT, BE SURE AND SEE OUR LINE OF Waterman & Company's $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 ' Coos Bay Stationery Co. r'TT' Agents. u MUritH WF WE ARE FEEDING SOME SPECIAL BEEF FOR Christmas Roasts IT WILL BE CHOICE AND THE BEST TO BE OBTAINED IN COOS COUNTY WE WILL ALSO HAVE SOME ' Fine Fat Tender Turkeys Ducks, Geese and Chickens . . THE BEST OF EVERYTHING THAT THE MARKET AF FORDS AT OUR USUAL REASONABLE PRICES BROADWAY The Union Market . '. f :'f y KnHt nvnnlllir tlin vnlllli' nnntiln nf j-"-n rvw,..v. M.. tho Mothodlst church entertained ! dollghtriilly with a ganio social and goneral good tlmo, about thlrty-rivo being In attendnnco. Rook, check ers chess nnd flinch woro nlavod nn- . w .w.w til n lato hour, and thon ovoryhodyfJ joinoa in eaiiug iioiicious pop corn. ' 11 4 H I INFORMAL IM.VXKR PARTY' I tt . i Russell, tho other gucats presont bo-ll nm:nmnnnstinnt?n: FOR YOUR Christmas rocenes Last Monday overling, Dr. nnd Mrs, K, Mliigus ontortalned Infoim ally at dinner lor Mr. and Mrs. T, C. ing Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Rold. Mr. ami .Mrs. uussou tort this week rori0 their now homo In Dlamondvlllo, I Wyoming. '$ KliKCT OFFICERS We Carry the entire line of Heinz' 57 Varieties, including the following: ' HEINZ' MINCE MEAT IN BULK AND CAN Bulk, 20c per lb; canned, 25cp oiurrcu ivihimuuco cuuncncu riuo ivihimumuhi onww . qiiipc I SAUCE GOLD MEDAL SAUCE MUSTARD CATSUP BEEFSTEAK j WALNUT CATSUP MUSHROOM CATSUP CHILI SAUOb-iw MATO RPI I5H PATQIIP IRo AMn 9Rn SIZES ..,,,, v i.wwiwn, wniwwi iww ri.- .1 Salad Vinegar, Black, Green olneruii"v Apple Butter, Peach Butter, Plum Pudding, Fancy Tim Modem woodmen or North !$ Stuffed Olives, Soups Tomato, Celery, and pea. Olive Oil and any roi-'jj Uond mot last Tuesday ovoning In Iogglo's hall and olected tho lowing orricors: Past Consul. C. P. ! 11 Chaso; Consul, Richard Pryo; Ad-' visor, Walter Llvlngoodj Ranker, 8. XX n 8 Rogstad; Clerk, J. H. Groves; ns cort, August Hoelllng; Watphman, rKvorltt Uurgcss; Sentry. L. A. LoomIs; Manager, Potor Logglo; Physician, Dr. Phil J. Kolsor. 9 1 INFORMAL CHAT tig 4 . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kruso ot North 'tt Ilond havo roturneir rrom a twolg weoks' visit In San Francisco. ' . i jwaa iuura Kiiin, primary toacn. or or the Mllllngtop school, loft to day ror her homo In Eugene to spend the Xmas season. Mrs. II. Roswell and baby or North Rend -will leave the middle or tho month lor a visit with hor par ents in Montana. 8 n a 8 8 varieties which will go well with the Christmas dinner. Mrs. Porter's Fig PurJdlng; Mrs. Porter's Fruit Pudding, Mrs. Por ters' Mayonaisse Dressing, Mrs". Porter's Salad Dressing Mrs. for- tnc'o Plum Dnrlrlirin ' . ..,,r-n nnANfir. DAJ blUhr-tU UANUIbU UAIES. STUFFED DATES. UANUieu u..n . -- ,, AND FIGS. ALL KINDS OF NUTS. PUMPKINS AND CRANBERRItb. un TRY SOME-OF OUR BURT 0LNEY PEAS Just received a fresh shipment of National Biscuit .Company's Cookies in e , 1 and package Ollivant & Nasburg PURE FOOD GR.OCERS 01icoH Commercial MARSHFIELD. 0" Wtt0F Cor. Second and mmmtttmmmmm:mmmitwmt i L