, 1 . THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEU), OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915 EEWING EDITION. SECTION ONE PAGE SEVEN mm to join lordny afternoon, has decided to take tho matter up directly with tlio Chamber of Commerce. . W. A. Hold, John c. Kendall nn.i A. H. Qidloy will meet with n similar 'ntimbor of conimlttnemnn f,.rt, n. (Chamber in nn effort to arrancn h ....... ..,. million nf fTliniu. 'dctnila of nnnnyntlnn tfct "" " , " " DWUHH CLUM WILLINfl TO tfOHK OVT i-M4,xn ., L ,,f conmicrc Later Talk ri, jlllcnii Club Ih Plan fnloK of tho Fcllowslilp Club ,h, Chamber of Commcrco hns -anctlonca uy iu iu' "'"" ",,, ovnctitlvo committee U- ,,v ."..... .......... ... Fellowship UUIU, mcuuiig J"' It is possible thnt nftor thesn nlnn. have been worked out, tho two will Join in asking the cooperation of tho Mllllcoma Club, tho Issue first being Riven plenty of time to im riiop,.o,i "by tho nlombors.pfho Jatter organ ization. VETERAN A CITIZEN .I011N KEKFK, AFTER 71 YKAH8 IX U. S. IS GHANTKI) PAPKHS Civil War Veteran Cnmo Hero 1-Yoni Ireland AVliom Six Weeks Old Former Pago to Lincoln M. Coos Bay Sheet Metal Works W. Lancjworthy, Prop. " gents for the famous-LENNON TORRID ZONE FUR NACE FOR HOUSE HEATING ORNICES, SKYLIGHTS, STEEL CEILINGS, METAL ROOFING, GUTTERS, CONDUCTOR PIPE, VAL LEYS, CHIMNEY TOPS, BOAT TANKS, Furnaces Installed and General Repairing 65 South Bnqygy ;. MARShlFIELD, OREGON i GIVE YOUR WIFE A ' IGER SEWING MACHINE For Christmas and it will be merry days for all the year. Singer Representative j j ( W. J. RITZ Phone 80-. 73 North Front St. Marshfield, Oregon afc .Youn luristmas Present TIiIh homo wo nro offering Ih ho cheap that you nro really making yourself n present if you buy It. You uIm will help out tho owner, who ix oblltrcl to sell, and Ih therefore offering Ids homo for half what it In worth. Things nro getting bettor and It won't bo lout; before such bargains can't bo picked up. Nobody but really believes tlls; tho man who tries to deny it Ih simply tho kind that Im afraid to depend upon IiIh own Judgment. AX 81800 110MK FOK.JSUOO. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 222 Central Avenue John Kcofe. of Ilnvnpn Tnlnl fnr. Vl years a resident In tho Unltod States yesterday took tho oath of nl leglnnco and wbb granted his citizen ship papers boforo Judge Coko at Co qulllo. " How long hnvo you lived in this country?" asked tho Judgo. " Seventy one years," ramo tho reply, and It developed that Mr. Kcofe was born In Ireland and camo hero with his parents when but six vcoks old. Ho held up his papors, showing an honorablo discharge from tho United States army, having served hi tho Civil War, through which ho rougiit and for which ho now rccolvcs a pension. , Mr. Koefo at one time was a pago for President Abraham Lincoln, and again acted as a trusted messnngor In taking correspondence botweon tho Secretary of War and tho Sec rotary of tho Treasury. Tho old 0. A. it. votcran Is still halo and hearty and, aftor his admission, shook 'hands with Judgo Coko, declaring ho was mighty glad to actually bo a citizen. Docket In Set Jlldco Cflkn not n ttw pnnna fnr I trial on Mbnjlay and several others win uo soi ror trial as soon as tho ploadlngs liavo bcon heard and Bot tled. A incBsago from Judgo Skip worth, at Hosoburg, bbyb thnt ho wilf not bo hero boforo January 4 to hoar his cases, being detained In Douglas county until a fow days boforo Christmas. Tho old grand Jury was dismissed Friday night nnd tho now ono will open ror business at Coqulllo Mon day morning, , Tho cases sot for trial Monday aro: Leach vs. Langlcy, ' Union Oil Co. vs. J. w. Flan agan and Hammond vs. OJoda. Times want ada bring results. 1'HOCLAMATION fOR CHRISTMAS DINNER have arranged to provide the housewife with ev- ung sne needs to make the Christmas dinner me iin t 'east of the vear. Hem are a few suggestions that ay help you: hlAUTS hU&ON'UH HKAZll, XUTS I'KCAXH 1IAZ1JL NUTS CHESTNUTS,,. SO SHELLED NUTS fNCV NAVEL .QUANOF.S ' V.KGKIHNKS KE8H PINEAPPLES . CIlAVliumtitta PEIIYTHIXO FOR THE FItUlT 0AIU3 SOUTHERN SPY AJ'I HALDWIN APPLES CLUSTKIt llALSINS, Ibc to Mo DATES, Dromedary and hulk CALIFORNIA PRESERVED FIGS CANDIED ORANGE CANDIED FIGS 'SELECT BULK .MINCEMEAT HEiNZ' CANNED PLUM PUDDING FINE COMIl HONEY CHOICE HULK PICKLES FANCY HULK OLIVES 'ur canned good stock is most select and complete. We will hnvp nil tho hPRhsnasonable fresh fruits and tables. Dn't forget our Christmas candies. Sanitary Food Store t SEfcVICB FIR.ST o.u (Formerly Nnsburg's Grocery,) 0,Vti4t. 313 SECOND AND CENTRAL To tho'Peoplo of tho City of Mnrshflohl: I, F. K. Allen, Mayor of tho City of Mnrshflohl, Coos County, Oregon do horoby proclaim a.nd declare, that Ordinance No. 727 of said city of Marshflold, entitled "An Ordlnanco directing that tho question of amend ing Soctlon 03 of tho Charter of tho City of Marshflold, enacted at tho 23rd Legislative Assombly of tho Stato of Oregon In regular session for tho year 190G, filed In tho ot fico of tho Secretary of Stato Febru ary 18th, 100G, and as subsequently nmondod by tho people of tho City of' Marshflold, bo submlttod to tho legal votors of tho City of Marsh flold at tho noxt regular city elec tion"; roforrcd to tho pcoplo of said City and votod upon by thorn at tho regular City Election of said City on tho 7th day of Decombor, 3015 hold pursuant to tho order of said Com-f mon Council, was duly approved by tho majority of thoao voting at said olectlon, that 308 votes wero cast at- said City Election In favor of said Ordlnanco and 184 votes woro cast at said regular city election against said Ordlnanco, and that pur suant to tho canvass of said votes horetoforo ma do. I horoby proclaim nnd doclaro said Ordlnanco to bo In full forco and effect as tho Charter Amend ments of tho City Chartor of said City of Marshflold from tho dato of thlu proclamation. Dated at tho City of Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon, this 11th day of Decomber, 1915. F. E. ALLEN Mayor of tho City of Marshflold. fall, to appear on or boforo tho 29th day of Decombor, 1915, such date being tho last day of tho tlmo pro scribed in tho order for publication, Judgment will bo taken against you for want theroof for tho rollof de manded In plaintiff's complaint, u succinct statement of which is ns follows: That plaintiff recover from you tho sum of Six Hundred Fifty Dol lars (JGfiO.OO), with IntorcBt thereon at tho rate of six per cent iur mi lium from tho 1st day of November, 1912 to date; that tho plaintiff re cover from you tho further sum of Ono Hundred Dollars ($100.00) as an attorney fco heroin, and also its costs and disbursements In this suit. That tho mortago horetoforo ex ecuted by you on, to-wlt: tho 4th day of November, 1912, to this plaintiff, nnd convoying tho fol lowing described real property, to wl: Lot numbered Fivo (5) in Illock numbered Twenty-two (22) In Dean & Co.'a First Addition to Mnrshftold, Coos County, Orogon, to sccuro tho amount set forth nboVo, bo foreclosed as by law pro vided, that tho usual decrco of fore closure Issuo and that said prop erty be sold In tho manner pro vided by law. That all of your Interest and tho Interests of all persons claiming by or undor you in tho nbovo describ ed roal proporty bo forovcr barred and foreclosed. That tho plaintiff may become a purchasor of said real proporty at said sale, that tho Sheriff executo a doed to tho purchasor of said land, and tho purchasor thereof bo granted lmmodlato possession thoroof. Sorvlco of this summons Is mado upon you by publication pursuant to an order mado by tho Hon. John S. Coko, Circuit Judgo of Coos Coun ty, Stato of Oregon, on tho 12th day of Novombnr, 1915, dlroctlng that tho snmo bo published In Tho Coos Day Times, for n porlod of nix wooUs. JOHN D. GOS3, JOHN C. KENDALL, HKItnEIlT S. MURPHY, Attornoys for Plaintiff, First Nat ional DanK Dldg., Marshfield, Ore Bon. Dato of first publication, Novem ber 13, 1915; last publication, Do comber 27, 1915. Founder Gas Engines and Supplies General Repair Work COOS BAY IRON WORKS (INCORPORATED) Manufacturers of Machinery and: Supplies for Sawmills, .Logging Companies and Railroads Manufacture the Famous KOOS ENGINE tmtmwimtmmtimmiimimwmtwmi Christmas Suggestions for the Shoppers wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (IOOKS -Lato fiction and i'm liltslt class work In roptlnt editions, for only 75 cents. The ones hoys and girls llko ' i ' 3.MOKKU HKTS OIUAILS in Clirlxtmns hoc LLOYD HOTEL Is. being overhauled thoroughly from foundation to roof, Nowly painted and papered and refurnish ed, will bo opened as a family hotel Dccombqr 15, by owner, J. II. Drldges. Patrons will bo taken caro of In a ruorp. comfortable way than before. Furnished apartmonts fully equipped for housekeeping as well as sleeping rooms. Prices will bo mam-'iiiDdoratev than "Over, to con form with tho times. A share of ta said City of Marshflold, In caRO your patronago la solicited, Special ,,i S nccopted nnd blddor falls to ac- NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPROVE- MENT IIONDS I ' Notice Is hereby glvon that sealed proposalc wfll bo rocolved by tho Fl-' nanco Committee of tho Common ' Council of tho City of Marshflold, j Coos County, Oregon, at tho offlco of tho City Itocordor of said City of I Marshflold, In tho City Hall of said ' city until half past sovon o'clock p. m. Monday, tho 27th day of Decom bor, 1915, for tho purchnso of street improvement bonds of tho Bald City of Marshflold, Coos County, Orogon,' to tho amount of H.223.73. All of said improvement bonds to bo in denominations not exceeding ' $500.00 and bearing Intorost at tho' rato of bIx per cent per annum from tho dato thereof, payoblo Boml-nn-' nually, said bonds to bo dated tho day of issuanco and to mnturo In ton years thereafter, with prcpaymont option thereon at faco valuo and ac crued interest to dato of any semi annual coupon porlod at or after ono year from tho date of fluid bonds up on giving notlco by publication In a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published In Coos Conn-' ty, Orogon, audi notlco to bo pub lished not less than onco each wook for throe successive wooks during tho month preceding such soml-nn- nual porlod nt which bucIi prepay ment thereof will bo made. Tho right Is oxpressly re- sorved to reject any and nil I bids and upon all or any of such , bids or proposals rojectod, If thoro should remain any bonds unsold tho ' Bald bonds may bo thereafted sold nt' i private sale by said Common Council' ' of said City of Marshflold, Oregon, , but in no event to bo sold at loss , thnn nar and accrued Interest. Said I bonds nro authorized by tho laws of tho Stato of Orogon, and Ordinances, of tho City of Marshflold, Orogon. ; Assessed valuation of said City of , Marshflold, Oregon, la $2,G49,195.00. i Bonded Indebtedness Is $54,000. Population estimated at 5,000. A- certified chock of flvo per cent, of amount of bd or proposal must accompany each bid to bo forfeited I'll'IW nnd everything for (ho Miiokcr. Dig lino of children' books. lllg assortment of Dolls. Largo number of Chimes for Hojh. Mer's Wallets, Coin Piii'M's, Stationery Don't forget our arrange ment for inagiilno nnd periodical subscript Ions, which makes ono of tho best t!lfts you inn present n grown-up friend. Marshfield News Co. JAR.VIS & GABR1ELSEN Central Avenue Marshfield, Oregon :mmtmmmtmmitufmMmimsuinmmmwmmmi: The Kind You Have Always Used UBBY low prices by week and mmth. SUMJIONS -SUIT IX EQUIT1' In the Circuit Court of tho State emit and mako payment for said bond or bonds covered thereby with in ten daya from tho dato of accept ance of said: bid or bids. Fach bid or proposal submitted to From Coos Bay's Oldest and Best mine. The coal with the largest per cent of Carbon and the smallest per cent of Ash. Coos. Marahflold Realty nnd Trading Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vb. Mary E. Buckler; defendant. -To Mary . E. nurldor. dofoudant of Oregon, In and for tho County of aoalnate tho denomination of Bald liriiwl nr tionild ileslrod. Hid or proposals rocolved for any' amount of Bald bonds; small bidders! given preference or purchase, ' Proposals or bids with cortlfledl! abovo-naned: In 'the Nnino of1 the rhooko to be onclos'ed in soaled plain I cnvolppfes with no distinguishing niatkB or writing thereon except the appear, and answer tho complaint wdrds, "Bid for improvement Ilonds filed against you In tho above Miv'of tho City of Marshflold, Orogon." Stato of Orogon: You aro hereby notified that you aro required to i titled court and- ca,uso within six weeks from tho date of the first publication of this summons; to wlt; Within slxareekg from the 13th day of November, 19 It, and if you Dated this 7th day of Decombor, i ( 1915. JL A. COPPLE j Chairman of the Finance Committee) of the Common Council. , Pacific Transfer Co. PHONE 72, MARSHFIELD AGENT. COOS BAY FUEL CO. fi . I vu y'H-' .'VmI '; i , ' DPMI ll 1 1 Jf I 4 i 1 r m .,U I '. '" ! ' ;1 1 jr 'I M i n