.fft ki V SECTION Om- :n A ' - -PAGE SIX The coos bay times; marshfieldToregon; Saturday, December 11, i9i5 evening edition. Many Wholesale Houses Maintain 1 -v Representatives In Goos County Cities c OOS county Is quite a jobqlne center. There aro Homo tlilr-ty-flvo business men located In the countv who represent outsldo firms and who make their headquar ters in tho county, and resldo hero. In many cases thcBe representative!! maintain offices or stocks of goods. Tho volunio of business that they do Is largo. Curry county Is generally classed as In this territory and most of tho representatives go as far tip north as Gardiner and sonio to tho Slusla,w river country. Recently thero was formed an organization inado up of theso representatives of outsldo firms. Tho organization Is Just being perfected. Seventeen wont In as charter mombors and It Is expected to lncludo practically all of tho men In Coos county In that lino of work. Tho following Is a list of tho Cooa resident salesmen and tho concerns which they represent: P. D. Fletcher, Mnrshfiold, Spor ry Flour Company, San Francisco. Charles P. Tape, Handon, Sperry Flour Company, San Francisco. II. 13. Utiitman, alarshflold, Ha kor & Hamilton, hardware, ban Francisco. P. J. Kelly, MarsMlold, William Cluff & Co., grocers, San Francisco. Matt L. Mny, Marshflcld, I lass Brothers, grocers, San Francisco. Frank 0. Horton, Marahfleld, Al len & Lewis, grocors,, Portland. II. It. Hue, Murshfleld, Pacific Hardwaro & Steel Co., San Francisco. U. S. Acklos, Mnrshfiold, Honoy mnn. Hardwaro Co., Portland. C. II. Curtis, Murshfleld, Union Meat Co., Portland. D. J. McKIunon, Mnrshfiold, Lang '& Co., grocorB, Portlnnd. 0. W. Cumbers, Mnrshfiold, Stan dard Oil Co., San Francisco. Nell II. MacMlllan, Marshflcld, Union Moat Company, Portland. B. P. Lowls, Mnrshfiold, lJurgor & Cartor, hardwaro, San Francisco. J. W. Gardiner, North Pond, Dun ham, Carrlgan & Hnydcn Co., hard waro, San Francisco. II. J. Vttughan, A. IV. Dal & Co , logging supplies and muchluory. Frank V. Cnttorlln, Mnrshfiold, Mason, Ehrman & Co., grocors, Portland. . lUglfflm Hugono CroBthwnlt, Marsli tleld, HoHonfold-Smlth Co., tobacco and cigncs, Portland. Walter Smith, North llond, Wncl hams & Co., grocors, Portlnnd. 13. K. Jones. Mnrshfiold, W. P. Puller & Co.. Portland and S-.in 'Francisco, paints and oils. A. L. llakor. Mnrshfiold, .1. A. Fol- Bor & Co., coffee, San Francisco. George Larrson. .Mnrshfiold, Marshall Wells Hardware Co., Port land. E. D. McArthur, Pugsloy Candy Company, Marshflcld. A. C. Vestal, Marshflold, Union Oil Co., San Francisco. Daniel J. Mcdoo, Mnishfleld, Lan gloy & Michel Co., druggists, San Francisco. ' Harry Folsom, Mnrshfiold, with II. W. Painter, Tillman & llondol, gro cors, San Francisco. Claudo Thompson, Mnrshflcld, Coos Uay Produce Co., Marshflcld. W. C. Dradley, Marshflcld, Drad loy Candy Co., Marshflcld. J. 13. Norton, Coqulllo, Wcllman- .'Pock Co., grocers, Snn Francisco. Frank Leslie, Coqulllo, with J. 13. Norton. William Candlln, Coqulllo, Pacific Paper Co., San Francisco. F. 13. Allen, Marshflcld, Plakc McFall Co., Portland, Slnclnlr Pro vision Co., Portland, and flnlo llrothors, grococlcs, San Francisco. II. Gill, with Cooa Hay Produco Co., Marshflold. - II. W. Pointer, Mnrshfiold, Till man & IJcndol Co., San Francisco, Portland Flouring Mills, and Cuda hy Packing Co. Ford Painter, Mnrshflcld, with II. W. Pnlnter. Tho Coon liny Ico nnd Cold Stor- ngo Co.i C. 13. Nicholson mnnngor, ! aro wholesalers and retailers In Ico, butter, clioeso, milk nnd croam, and also makes a specialty of storago of. porlshablo products and of freezing. I'll! IS YEAR GUKd'OX POW13II CO. SIM3NT S? 000 KOI! I.MPUOVKMKXTK (),. Much of Woik Done In North Hena JCffoit Now to IIr,liiK KlecliJr- Ity To Tho Fmiucrs OLDEST MIME urnri ILIBL IH'T COAL IS X'V STILL LI lt V Has llecii Worked for Hut Still Good for lilg Production Vet o AO i So PIlODPrKI) t Sixty Years t mimttmnmttmttitmmtitmtrMtimtitmntxiitiniu THE FAMOUS lfl tl mJ Coffee Moro than $10,000 has been spent In Improvement this yenr by tho Ore gon Power company, according to malinger It. M. Jennings. Tho great or aharo of this money was for work In North Dcnd. Gas mains wcro laid on Sherman nvoniio from Washington to Simpson Pnvk ahead of tho paving, and branches wero run out to tho curb ing on tho sides, where it will bo un necessary to cut up tho sidewalks to got the Hiatus through to tho resi dences, tho pipes being forced un der tho walks. Mains wero' also laid i' on Virginia and Mcrncrson Btrcots lu tho samo manner. I 3xtcndcl to Bangor Tho auxiliary lighting plant at tho Porter Mill was fully repaired after Its fire, souio $6,000 being spent. A now electric lino was run out to llnngor nnd CO nnd CG foot poles v.'oro placed on streets running to tho wnterfront from Sherman nvo- no, putting wires nliovo rallrond traf fic. ' ' The electric lino was robullt on Shqrninu nvcnuo and poles on tho corners eliminated as much us pos sible MiunIi field Work In Marshflcld many old gas mains fish ; hnvo been rcplnced In sections. I Workmon nro now making cut-offs The Llbby mine which has been In operation nil year, is tho oldest mlno In the county. It has been 'worked for over sixty years and sev eral hundred thousands of tons hnvo been taken out. Tho present company has taken 'out approximately DO. 000 tons of conl In tho past four years. Among tho largo buyers wns the - Porter Drothers, Grant Smith & Company ,who wore supplied about j all the conl in constructing of the, railroad between Eugene nnd Coosl Day. They used nbout L'.GOO tons nor month part of tho time. Fuel wns sold for tho Breakwater for about two years using about 000 ( tons a mouth. Some coal was sold lu California and Portland hut the , breakage was high when shipped to thoso places. Tho completion of the rnllroad will bo tho making of tho Coos County conl fields. i Tho Llbby mlno that has stood tho ' toot for over sixty years Is now In readiness for handling 150 tons per1 day. Oangwnys nro completed nnd tho company Is now making prepar ations for loading cars from their I trestlo Into tho Willamette Pacific I cars nouth or tho Southern Pacific j depot. ' At present thoro nro only about 15 I nion working, but tho mlno will om ploy nbout 75 men ns soon as ordors ! will demand it. ( n (1 Tree Tea received the gold medals g highest awards at the I P. P., Exposition at S. F; l 1 1 1 BRANDENSTEH n S SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Zt It EARL D. DORAN, Salesman tt $$n:ntn$nns'inninnsntnn:tttt:tuii i . C0IP1IY uu u PltOCLAMATIOX which will nllow tho olcctrlc current i to bo turned off In various sections In. which Nro may occur, HAUL 1). DOItAN, roproBontlng M. J. Ilraiidonstcln & Co., of Snn Krnn olsco, spends much of his ttmo lu this section. cut off blocks off North Pond in case SOL 1SIIAI3L, representing tho of flro down there. I O'llourkc, 13ubnuks Hat Company It cost close to $2,500 to bring ' of San Francisco, nlso spends tho. tho light to 13astport. Thoro is now of the City of Inrgcr portion of his time In territory. this MAKi: SUUYI3Y OF HAH O. It. Wright, government engi neer from Ilaiidon, mid Vorlln Park er yesterday inado n survey of tho Coos Hay bar In the Tramp. Tho rosultant flguros will bo Interesting, In that they will show whether or not tho bar has flllod In any tjluco '!. .!... I. .i nfl.1.ln lnPt illU IWUUhU .UlllllU lUlk, n proposition on to put In sovcrnl struct lights by prlvato subscription. Mr. Jennings says that In all his ox pnrlonccs, whoro lights nro paid for In this manner, they aro never tak en out. At Coquillo tho county poor farm Is shortly to bo provided with elec tricity as woll as sovoral farmora along tho lino who run dynamos and olectrlo milkers. Times want nds brine results. HaTO your liETTKK heads, bill bonds, etc., printed at TIII3 TLMICS nfflro. Coos Bay IvV and S tora g6 Co WHOLESALERS AND RETAILERS.OF. V (-' To tho Pcoplo Murshflold: I. V. M Allnil fnvt nf ilin "!,. Atioiuorot Mnrshfiold Coos County. Oregon. do hereby proclaim nnd declaro that Ordlnniico No. 72C of said City of Marshflold, entitled "An Ordinance directing that tho question of amend ing certnin portions of tho Charter of tho City of Marshflold, enncted at tho 2:ird Legislative Assembly of tho Stnto of Oregon, In rcgultir ses sion for tho yenr 1005, filed In tho offlco of tho Secretary of Stato Feb ruary 18th, 1915, and ns subsequent ly amended by tho jiooplo of tho City of Marshflold, bo sumblttcd to tho legal voters of tho City of Marshflold, nt tho next regular city oleclloil" roforred to tho pcoplo of said City' and votod upon by thorn at tho rogular City Election of said City on tho 7th day of Dccombor, l'J15( held pursuant to tho order of said Common Council, was duly approved by tho majority of thoso voting at said election, Hint 110 votes wero cast nt said City Klectlon In favor of said Ordlnniico nnd 1.10 votes wcro enst at said regular City 131octlou against said Ordlnniico, and that pursuant to tho canvass of said votos horotoforo inado. i . I lioroby proclaim and declare said Ordlnniico to bo in full forco and effect as tho Charter Amendments! of tho City Charter of said City of Marshflold, from tho dato of this : proclamation. i Dated nt tho City of Mnrshfiold,' Coos County, Oregon, this 11th day' of Docembor, 1916. I F. E. ALLEN, Mayor of tho City of Mnrshflcld KM , ICE, BUTTER : CHEESE, MILK AND REAM NOTICE TO COXTItACTOKS Storage of Perishable Product b Fislb Freezin Specialty PHONE 73 MARSHFIELD a OREGON .Notice Is lioroby given that seal od bids will bo recolvod by tho Common Council of tho City of Maishflold, Coos County, Oregon until half past seven o'clock p. m'. on Monday, tho 20th day of Dccom bor, 1915, for tho Improvement of that portion of IJrondwny street North from n point 98 feet south of tho south lino of Plrch nvcnuo to n point l.T foot north of tho north lino f lllrch nvonuo, In tho City of Maishflold, Coos County, Oregon, nooordlng to tho plans nnd specifi cations proparod by tho City Engln oor nnd on fllo In tho offlco of tho Wty Itocordor nnd thoro open to tlis Inspection of all porsons Intor- onted therein. All bids must bo In accordatico with tho requirements accompanying , snlil speclflcntlons( and upon blnnks for that purposo which will bo sup- j piled upon requost at tho offlco of! tho City Englnoor. j A certified check of flvo per cent of tho amount bid must accompany the bid, to bo forfolted to tho said ' City of Marshflold. In case the con tract Is awarded the contractor and ho falls to enter In a contract with sld City, and furnish a suitnblo bond thorofor within ten days after ' being notlfiod so to do. The Common Council reserves tho right to rojeat any and all bids. ' uatod this 11th day or Docem lior, 19H5. JOHN W. BUTLER, Hoeorder of tho City of Marshfleld, Coos County. 'Oregon. Tlmbs want nds Bring results. E. P ii o LEWI5 Sales Representative of San Francisco Jobbing Houses i ' in IRON AND STEEL MACHINERY BLACKSMITH AND MACHINE SHOP SUPPLIES FOUNDRY EQUIPMENT PLUMBING GOODS PIPE AND FITTINGS' SHIP CHANDLERY LEATHER, RUBBER AND BALATA BELTING 1 PACKING tin, enameled wood and willow ware 1 wood tanks and pipe hardwood Lumber Phone 148-L Marshfield, Oregon Cs KlnHHiBHHHHHHMMIHHHRHXEnRhjlBHHHHUHnHMH J 'Lansrl ey E micnaeis Established 1SS3 Wholesale Druggists SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. , Vl'llf Cala Preparations and Drugs . D. Ju McGEE, S. W. Oregon's Representative Phone 20, Marshfield, Oregon 1 9 Ml I WOVEH WIRE IATTEESS IIP i; JiiLgiyjLy'ii Ji j UJ jVJo al 543 Broadway Marshfield, Oregon Manufacturers of Fine-Mattresses and Bed Springs. Thee is no better mattress made than we manufacture. We use neither' jute nor shoddy. Also agents for the Famous Malley Springs, San Francisco, Cal., and R. Vealft Son, Albany, Oregon. , , '