'1 ., I THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915-EVENING EDITION. SECTION ONE PAGE FIVE CopyrJjjlit IlurtScliuffucr mn rmm,wurai-itf-3j7f N oble Theate TO-NIGHT Tho second of tho great Dnl boa stories "WHO PAYS?1 Ono of tho twolvo comploto stories dealing with vital questions of life. This story entitled "In Pursuit of I'leasuro" is ono of tho most powerful thrco-rcol productions on tho screen. CAPTAIN KIDD AND DITTO Hilly Hooves Comedy. Tho famous English music hall coined Inn in a real slapstick comody. LOVE, LOOT AND CRASH Kcystono comedy. A glgglo in every foot. It's a thousand feet long. BACK TO THE PRIMITIVE Sidney Drow comedy. Always a good laugh in this lino of Vltagrapli comodlcs. Coming Monday: "Wormwood," ono of tho poworful Fox feat ures. Coming Tuesday: "Tho Ktornnl City," ono of tho greatest pictures over filmed. Special music by big orchestra. Try the Blanco Cigar Store NORTH FRONT STREEET MARSHFIELD ASK US FOR OUR NEW HOLIDAY PRICE-LIST U means n wiving of money to jou and will give- you an Idea of tl'e number of things wo carry in btock, and also our prices. Conio In nnd get one, or nsk us to t.enrt it to jou. Gettings Cash Grocery you money NO. IJROADWAY, NEAR CENTRAL Ari irf .r- ..'r r & Mars R Blanco gar Store Of course he smokes and we have special Christ mas boxes of the kind of cigars he likes. Also hu midors of the best smok ing tobaccos, pipes, etc. FINE BOX CANDIES We serve pure fruit juice at our fountain. Try them. jl I i i i 1 J Women who shop for men like to come here at Christmas time 1 Rcenuso tills Is it man's .store, xiicrlali.liig In the thing a mall likes to wear. " Hooaiiso hero wo'vo nindo a profession of studying a man's likes mid dislikes. t Hccntio we're ready to exchange any nicr (iiamllso that Isn't right in slc, stjli', or pat tern, either before or after Christmas. I Ilccnuso wo hold tint chases inadu now until Just before Christmas, mid mall, express or deliver them no they'll airlvo at the right time. .j" fi Iterause uo'rc ready with practical NUggeNlloni p for gifts that will please uuy man. Woolen Mill Stores HOME OK IIAUT SCIIAFFNER AMI MARX CLOTHES MAHKIIFIELH NORTH REND IN Till: COUNTY COURT OF Till STATU OK OREGON, IX AXI) FOR THE COUXTV OF COOS In tho Mattor of tho Estato 'of CHARLES C. TAGGAItT, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given to tho creditors of Charles C. tggart, do coasod, that tho undersigned has been appointed administrator of tho within estato, and all parsons hav ing claims against tho estato aro notified to present tho Bamo to mo In writing, duly certified as by law required, with vouchors attached, at my offico In to First National Rank nullding, Marshrlcld, Coos County, "IF IT ISN'T AM EASTMAN IT ISN'T A KODAK" For AUTOGRAPHIC KODAKS $6.00 AND UP. BROWNIES $1.00 TO $12.00. ' The Kodak Store "The Owl" 4Frank D. "IF IT'S AUTOGRAPHIC, CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT ARE DIFFERENT AND Ansco Cameras and Supplies ' Myrtle Wood Novelties Pictures Stationery, dainty and different. Christmas Greeting Cards and Calendars REHFELD'S ' 220 Central Avenue i ' U i Oregon, within six months from tho ditto horoof. JOHN D. GOSS ' Administrator ROMANCE IS CULMINATED Miss Mqbjo Van Curlor, of Junc tion CJty, was marrlod today to II. C. Ohlson, a rauchor of North Inlet, the coromony being porformod by tho Rov. Q. Lo Roy Hall at his homo. Mr. and Mrs. Horbert Grolliuger and 'Ernest C. Loyd appeared as witness es. , Some tlmo ago Miss Van Curlor camo hero to visit hor slstor, Mrs. Grolllngor, and tlion beenmo n qualntod with Mr. Ohlson. Tho couplo returned to North Inlet tills afternoon whoro they will mako tliolr futtiro homo. Christmas Give a Kodak The Gift Supreme Cohan. IT'S AN EASTMAN BREVITIES RECEMIIER TIRES Time and heights or tides at Marshrlcld. 'I ho tides aro placed In order of occurrence with their times on tho first lino and heights on the second lino of each day. A compar ison of 'consecutive heights will In dicate whether It Is high or low water. High tldo on tho bar one hour and G4 minutes earlier than at Mnrshtleld. Hrs.. (1.01 Ft... 4.0 Urn.. 0.32 Ft. . . O.t Hrs.. 1.23 Ft... 0.4 12.01 1.7 C.C4 1.7 7.47 4.8 fi.24 4.0 1.09 1.0 2.20 1.4 0.0 0.0 G.32 4.4 7.47 4.0 13 4.-04- WHAT! I Kit FORECAST Ttf AmocIiIH trM lo Cent S, TlmM, OREGON Unsettled, probably rain In tho west, rain or snow In tho cast, southwesterly winds. LOCAL TEMPKRATUHE RECORD For tho 24 bourn ending at 4:43 a. in. December 11, by Ronj, Ostlind, ppoclnl gov ernment meteorologist: Maximum '.fJG Minimum 40 At 4:43 it. m 41 Precipitation 9G Precipitation sluco Sopt. 1, lOKi 27.8G ProclpltAtlnn Me period last year 30.09 Wind: Southwest, cloudy. 0 Ituys Aulo. Jay Doylo hna pur chased a Ford delivery ear for his tailoring establishment. Huys u Dodge Goorgo Goodrum yestorduy sold a now Dodgo car to Ed ltusby, who Is today mooting more friends that ho over thought ho had boforo, ho says. , Ku'ieiiil Is Held. Tho funeral of Mrs. Julia Durrnnd was hold this afternoon at vmo o'clock from tho Ditngan Undertaking Paring. Rov. G. Loltoy Hall officiated, Thcro woro many frlonds 'prcsont to pay tholr last roHpcctH to tho deceased, who was very well known hero. Corn on Display. J. L. Smith, Countv Agriculturist, Is tills nft'er noon Hitting up some corn displays In the windows of tho Ohambor of Commorco, Ramplcs of what can bo dono horo, and principally to show tho farmorfl whoro thoy can buy rorn seed of oarly maturing var ieties, lias Operatlo". Jlrs. Herman Ed wards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Langworthy, underwent an oper ation at Mercy Hospital for nppon dlcltlR today. Her caso was a ho voro ono, but Dr. Housoworth stat ed this afternoon that sho was got ting along flno, which will bo grat ifying nows to tholr many frlonds. Testifies as to LlnoV Chnrlos Codding, formor City Engineer, gavo his deposition yesterday boforo tho attorneys In tho Pino street caso. Ho too testified that tho linos of tho Clomont pint ran along tho samo lines as tho prcsont First strcot, thus corroborating tho testi mony of Judgo Hall tulton n fow days previous to this. Nairn Goes South. Mrs. Will Ma goo and two chlldrou arrived homo from San Francisco today aboard tho Adeline, Thoy met) (ho Nnnn Smith in San Pedro several wdoks ago and wont with her to Scattlo, from which port dipt. Mageo sallod soma tlmo ago for South A'morlca. Ho Is expected back about tho mid dle of January in Ban Francisco, but possibly tho vessol will go on drydock. At Least Had an AppoU'o. Al though ho lucked, tho nioiioy to pay for It, Wesloy II. Wnro at least had tho appetltuo to got away with a dollclous chicken dlnnor. Dut Christmas Gifts .MAY 1113 l'Ol'ND IN PROFUSION HERE HAND-PAINTED CHINA LEATHER (iOOI)S FA NOV STATIONER? PARISIAN 1VORV THE BUSY CORNER Tho RoyiiU Drug Storo Phono 20H AVo Deliver Promptly m CHRISTMAS CANDIES IN SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BOXES WE SELL ONLY PURE CANDIES NO PARAFFINE OR STARCH IN IT ALMOST EVERY VARIETY NO CHRISTMAS TREE WILL BE COMPLETE WITHOUT PLENTY OF CANDY FROM THE TAEfY TAVERN ' MAKERS OF PURE, WHOLESOME CANDY 378 Central Avenue Marshfield, Oregon. tho prevalence of ono trait and tho lacking ol tho other, put him in jail Inst night. IIo went Into tho Right Cafo and ordered a chicken supper. This ho ato with great relish, and thon calmly Informed tho waltor that ho had no money. Chlot Cnrtor did tho rest nnd Wnro spent tho night In tho Hotel do Cartor, though ho was still minus tho cash for his Biippcr or to pay n fluo with this morning $$ t PERSONAL MENTION t $$ VERNE MAGILL enmo In last even ing from Myrtlo Point on a visit. HAROLD AND LKO PARKS camo in on tho Inst evening train from Powers. C. 8. M'CULLOCH, engineer of Co qulllo, was a vlBltor horo yester day and today. J. L. SMITH, county- agriculturist, camo over last ovcnlng from Co qulllo on a short business trip. J. F. POLLEY, civil onglnoor or Co (iilllo, -wiih called hero today on 'biiRlncss. i. J. SIMPSON Iiob returned from San Francisco whoro ho has been for tho past thrco weeks. FRANK PAIGE, tho woll Known Portland travelling man is con iincdto' his room at tho Chandlor hotel with a sovoro uttack of tho grip. hCAPT. EDO All SIMPSON and Ted Klssnm returned from Sun Fran cisco today on tho stoamor Ado lino Smith and will spond Christ mas on tho bay. DKPUTY SHERIFF W. C. LAIRD camo over from Coqulllo lapt oven Ing on official business, returning to tho county scat again this morning. $ t AMONG THE SICK Dr. Toyo, who has boon away from his offico for u wook on account of illness, Is still confined to his home. Y EAST ARTHUR HANSON TO UK HUHIER IN OLD MINNESOTA HOME Funeral To IIo Hold at l):!IO Tomor row llrothcr, Hiuin Haiihon, To Mako Tho Trip East Tho funeral of Arthur Hanson, who dlod yesterday nt tho Morcy Hospital following an oporatlou for uppondlcltls, will bo hold tomorrow morning at 9:30 at tho Dungau Un dertaking Parlors. Tho body wtit bo shipped oast on tho morning train to his old homo in Crookston, Min nesota, for burial. Hans Hanson, a brother, will accompany tho body oast. Tho deceased loaves a fathor and stop-mother at Crookstou. a brother 'Hans Hanson, In Marshflold and an- I other brother, Wallaco Hanson, of Los Angoles. A slstor, Mrs. Murphy lives In Crookstou. i (loorgo F. Murch said that Arthur jHttiiaon. known ulso ub "Happy" (iiBod formorly to work for him years aio In Crookstou. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All parties Indebted to B. B, For- roy, igoprletor lilanco Hotol, are requcetad to settlo their accounts on ior boforo January 1, 191G, All duo I accounts thereafter will bo placed 1 In tho hnndo of collectors, , Signed B. B. FBRREY. Ariangu to tnko jour Clulslnias diiiiivr at tho Chandler Hotel, (I to 8 o'clock ii. in, 2ood music and I flue mciiii, Mako reservations in I advance, Phono UO. 1 BOD Phone 134-L i IN GALE WIND OFF CAPE MENDOCINO HLOWS CLOSE TO 1)0 MILKS Cnpt. Olson Relighted Willi. Quick Turning of Rig Span llnoy In Still In llrcakcrs Ilcforo tho Adeline had tlmo to whlstlo and within tho space of two minutes tho big draw span of the North Rend brldgo swung open this morning. " Hotter than nny Port land brldgo, and quicker too," said Copt. U. V. Olson, who was highly olated over tho manner of its work ing. On tho trip south to Oakland the Adollno faced Into a Bou'west gale that off Capo Mondlclno howled at tho rate of 85 nnd 00 miles an hour, delaying4 thb vossela arrival 13 hours. Hut dcsplto this Capt. Olson says the ship still sticks to tho fivn days schedule IIo found tho black buoy adrift, boiuo 200 foot north of tho jetty, probably with its chain foul on something. Tho Mnnzanlta will conio to put tho buoy back in place. Tho vessol will sail at 2 p. m. tomorrow. t AT THE HOTELS Chandler Hotel ., D. I. McOco, San FrancUco, A. A. Lovy, San Francisco; J. H. Wicks, Astoria; 1). E. Wood, Mod ford; M. Homers, Portland; J, II. Morris, Ban Francisco; Grover Lnko,, Portland; II. II. Drigham, .Portland; C. II. Wil cox, Portland; J, L. Smith, Coqullle; W. C. Laird, Coqulllo; II, DeiiBsen, Portland; C, F. Hanson, Portland. St. Uiwi'ciiro Hotel Mr8. H. II. Plait, naudon; Mrs. u, W. Albort, Ilandon; William J. Bar rett, North Bond; Mrs. George Mcintosh, Zluo Rldgo; J. F, Polley, Coqulllo; R. D. Howo, North Rend; J. 11. Portor, Coqulllo; Harry Da vis, Portland. ' lllaiico Hotel ' Phillip Llnnan, North Bend; A. W. Lundy, Myrtlo Point; Alvlii Smith. Coos River; C. S. McCulIoch, Co qulllo; Fred Andorson, Coqullle; Vernu Maglll, Myrtlo Point; Harold Parki, Powers; Loo Parka, Power; W. B. Gablo, Nowborg; M. Clark, Dubuque, Iowa; Fred Waters, lllue Wdgo. Nw TODAY X LOST On South Rroailway, Small collection book, marked Tlmtw Office. Plcaso return to this of fico. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room to desirable gentleman. Phone C-i-R. FOR SALE CHEAP Furniture and household goodB, Inquire Tlniea offico. J FOR RENT FOR RENT (I.room houso partially furulshod, closo In, Ph. F. MV Palntor, 241-J. FOR RENT Furulshod flat, Hot una cold water, bath. 853 Third St. SARTER'S For Your ICE CREAM EVERYTHING SANITARY ALWAYS OPEN FOR INSPECTION Wo mako Ico Cream to order, nny kind ami In tiny quan tity, for parties, lodges, pic nics, etc. ti ;t ;: t; tx Wo do not speak of lt QUALITY' That speaks for itself 1 SARTER'S Phone aaa-j, Mathhttia Front St., Oppo4lt liluaco Hotel L II