szca THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915 EVENING EDITION. SECTION ONEPAGE FOUR 1?W ' - h - i ft COOS BAY TIMES H. O. MALONEY, Editor niid Tub. DAN E. MALONEIT, News Editor Official Official Pnpcr of rnpcr City Coos County of Mnrahflold. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. EUROPEAN WAR ONE t YEAR AGO TODAY I $$ i)i:cejiiii:h h, ion Tho Allies are preparing a gen eral attack south of Ypres. Servians nro attempting to recap- Coos Day and tho whole district will bo connected with tho rest of the country, Big harbor Improvements hnvo been nindo both on Coos Bay and Coqulllo river and shipping has been extensive. Many Improve ments havo been made by mius anu factories, ninny thousands of dollars havo been spent In building In tno various cities of the county, municip al work has been carried out on a big scale and centers of population mado moro modorn, tho dairymen have had a good season and although tho yenr has not generally been ono which encouraged tho Investment of capital tho fact remains that great work has been done in Coos county. Improvements of all kinds represent tin outlay of moro than $2,000,000 In money. With such a record and turn V.nlcrndc. this canltnl. . , 1, , - . ,.,. Tho Turkish cruiser Sultan SolltnWlth tlio revival or conuuenco wihuu lias been evidenced locally witnm tho past two weeks, thoro is surely nothing tho matter with Coos coun ty. In spito of tho talk of hard tim es In Oregon, Coos county has done a great work and starts on a now year which promises to bring about tho greatest development tho his tory of southwestern Oregon has ov er known. bombards Datum and tho Ilusslans ictiirn tho firo. A Mohammedan uprising occurs In tho Caucasus and GO, 000 Rus sian Moslems go to fight against llusslu. Til 14 ClllllSTMAH EDITION T HIS Christmas edition of tno Coos Hay Times contains soma highly interesting facts concerning what this county has ac complished during tho year of 19 15 mid what is hoped to bo done in tho coming year. It Is worth looking over carefully and after reading about what has been dono ono can not help but bo Impressed with tho progress that has been made. Tho heavy advertising curried is the ovl deuco of a confident feeling In busi ness circles nnd Indicates tho big Christmas trado which tho merch ants of tho city will enjoy. TIII4HK itf NOTHING Til 1-3 MAT TIM WITH COOS COUNTY AGHNKHAb rovlow of tho situ ation In Coos county as tho your drawB to n cIobo should lie u soiirco of satisfaction to overy ano who lives hero. Thcro nro probably very fow localities In tho Btato which havo dono as woll dur ing a year which was not vory fav orable to the coast in general. Tho lumber mills In tho Coos Day cities kept operating through tho year. Tho SlmpBOn mill which was.closed n your ago wuh Hturtcd again. Part of tho mills In tho Coqulllo Valley section havo oporated and tho loss of those which did not run was mado up to n great extent by tho big trado In tics. Tho lumbor market is hotter than it linn boon with prospects of a still greater Improvement. Tho South ern I'nclflo railroad Is building Into MUST HAVE TKKMINAL KATE a NE of tho most important pieces of work which must bo taken up by tho peoplo of Coos Day is the securing of a terminal rato on tho railroad, u was muu rccontly by a Southern Pacific of ficial that Coob Day would not sot a terminal rato. It such Is tho caso tho locality will loso most of tho ben efits it Bhould dorlvo from tho rail road. If wo expect to securo fac tories for tills part of tho state it Is nocossary to havo a terminal rato. Othorwlso wo cannot expect to In duce Industries to locate horo. Port land with a terminal rato would got everything of that kind. If wo can not compoto with Portland in ship ping to tho caBt now manufacturing plants will not locate hero. Tho rato would oIbo bring about tho en largement of tho lumbor mills now located hero. Tho Smith Company would put In a planing mill and slilp oast direct from hero twonty-fivo per cent of tho finished lumbor which now goes from California. Tho se curing of a terminal rato In so im portant to tho futuro of Coos Day that commercial bodies, business In terests, individuals and proporty owners should oil Join In ono mighty effort to got for tho placo what It must have, a terminal rato which will allow us to compoto with other harbors of tho coast. Why We Hang Up Stocklnnt. Tho custom of hanging up tho stock ing on Christmas ove uroso from nn incident hi the llfo of tho good St. Nicholas. One day when ho was over taken by a sevei 0 storm he took refuge In u convent, nnd tho next day being Chilslm..s he preached a sermon to the iitttiH which they lilted so much that they asked him to come thu next year and pi each to them again. On his second visit, which was also on a CliiIstimiH eve, before going to bed he asked each of the nuns to lend him n stocking, and he tilled tho stockings with sugar plums. In the making of mince pies, which form n pait of a regular Christmas feast, mutton was tho only ment for merly used, as u commemoration of the flocks that were watched on tho holy night by the shepherds of Dcthlchcm. Tho spices weie supposed to bo sugges tive of tho wise men fro,ui the, cast, the land of spices. Christmas present found adver tised in tho Saturday Evening Post can bo found nt tho Sumner Hard ware Company's store on Market tncniic. OWJiS TO M14I4T All Drothcr Owls aro requested to bo pres ent at tho Owls Lodgo Dooms at 9 a. in. Sun day, December 12, for tho purposo of attending tho funeral of Brother Arthur T. Hanson, which will bo held at tho Dungau Undertaking Parlors at 9:30 a. m. Dy order of JOHN DUOCKMUELLER, President. J. Q. SCIIOTT, Sccrotary. A nn n go to tako your ClnlstniuH dinner at tho Chandler Hotel, (I to 8 o'clock p. in. flood music and fiuo menu. Muko reservations in advance. Phono -O. SUMMONS SUIT IN EQUITY In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, In and for tho. County of Coos. Marshflold Realty and Trading Company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Mary E. Ducklor, defendant. To Mary E. Ducklor, defondant nbovo named: In tho Namo of tho Stato of Oregon: You aro horoby notified that you aro required to ap pear and niiBwer tho complaint filed against you in tho above entitled court nnd caimo within six weeks from tho date of tho first publica tion of this summons, to-wlt: With in six weeks from tho 1.1th day of November, 1915, and It you fall to appear on or boforo tho 29th day of Decombor, 19 1C, such dnto bolug tho last day of tho tlmo pt escribed In tho order for publication, Judg ment will bo taken against you for want thereof for tho relief demand ed in plaintiff's complaint, a suc cinct statement of which 1b as fol lows: That plaintiff recover from you tho sum of Eleven Hundred Dollars ($1100.00), with interest thereon at tho rato of six per cent per an num irom tho 1st day or November, 1913, to date, and for Interest on tho sum of Fivo Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($550.00) from tho 1st day of Novcmbor, 1912, to tho 1st day of Novembor, 1913, at tho rato of six por cent per annum! that tho plaintiff recover from you tho fur ther sum of Ono Hundred Dollars ($100.00) ns an attorney fee hereli), nnd also its costs and disburse ments in this suit. That tho mortgage herotoforo ox ecutcd by you on to-wlt tho 4th day of Novombor, 1912, to this plain tiff, nnd conveying tho following described real property, to-wit: Lot numbered Thrco in Dlock numborod Flftcon (15) in tho Town of Marsh flold, Coos County, Oregon to sucuro tho amount set forth above, bo fore closed as -by law provided, that the usual decrco of forcclosuro Issuo and that said property bo sold In tho manner provided by law. That all of your Interest nnd tho interests of all persons claiming by or under you in tho nbovo described real proporty bo fohtvor barred and foreclosod. That tho plaintiff may becomo a purchasor of said real proporty at said sale, that tho Sheriff oxecuto a deed to tho purchasor of said laud and tho purchasor thereof bo grant ed ImmoiUato possession tnercof. Scrvico of this summons Is mado upon you by publication pursuant to an ordor mado by tho Hon. John S. Coke, Circuit Judgo ot Coos County, Stato of Oregon, on tho 12th day of Novombor, 1915, direct ing that tho samo ho published In tlio Coos Day Times, for a iriod ot six wooks. ' JOHN D. OOSS, JOHN C. KENDALL, HERBERT S. MURPHY, Attorneys for plaintiff, First Nat ional Dank Dulldlug, Marshflold, Oregon. Dato of first publication Novom bor 1', 1915; last publication De combor 27, 1915. voT8 I A winner from the jfcr 1 word "go" I .. jr 'ft m No wonder so many men are asking for "Those v-C W Cigarettes that break all records". ' -j M PIEDMONTS arc filled with all-pure Tobacco ' 'LA H a kind that is famous for its cool, mellow taste K wlff H I Be quick! Get yours! arwAife&J, KiRn M mW jT Cwc&xZte or IWi I Save the Coupons from "Start 60 Finish"! ii? 1 - (TROURKE, D BANK TT1T 1 Iflfl HA filV ovou D. ANV sms. n O. A. C. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FARMERS' AND IIOM&MAKQRS' WEEK and RURAL LIFE CONFERENCES January 3 to 8, 1916 I Live Information, I'ractlcat Help for the Home the l'atm, the Community. I Convention! of Orcson'a Oreatent Indmtrlc I Conference 011 Oregon' Moat Vital Problem LHCTURKft-nitMONSTKATIONS HXIIIIUTION8-H.STHKTAINMIt.NT8 1 Two thounuiul people alteiuled Uit )car. Jt li n 1 ureal place to make frleniW with live thinker and lite thouuhli. xooa worker, nnd good wort. IMPORTERS OF Hats and Caps, Umbrellas Celebrated Castle and Argonaut Hats, The Hats you can t talk through SOL ISRAEL, WINTER SHORT COURSE January 10 to February 4, 1916 A I'ractlcat Agricultural Course In a Nut Hlicll. Applied mIciicc In Actual Work of ' (I1C I'UIIU I1U IIUIIKtlUtUl Couraea In l'KUIT RAISING, I'AKM CHOI'S, hOlI.8. HTOCK KAI8INC1. DAIRY WOKK, 1'OUI.TRV RAI81NO, OARIIHNINC, COOK INC.SltU'INli. HOUhHIIOMlARTh, I10MK Nl'RSINO. ni'SINl'.SS MKTIIODS, ROAD IllMUHNO. I'AKM HNOINHHRINO, RURAL ORGANIZATION!), MAKKH1 INC. Correspondence Oniric Without Tuition. Hapert Iiittructioti in Munlc. Reduced railroad rate. For program write to Tho Collrgt Exchange. Oregon Agricultural College. Corvalllt. (lwi.'-l to f-l) Finest Quality Meat With The Delicious Flavor Of rotii'M.', thoy coiiio fiom (tin I'iiIcii Meat Company of I'ortliinil, (ivkii. Kwiylxiity in Orevon Knows our ruinous Columbia Itiuml Hants, Uncoil 11111I Laid, mul oar otlifr infills coiiio : in tho haino stnittlnul. . t," V w Union Meat, Company N. H. MacMillan IniiiiKcr MniHliflelil llrniii'li nnd Soiitlitvcstcrii Oregon ItviitcM'iitntlto. Offlt'o Hull Ai Klnitl Anemic. Il'liouo J7I. , .MAItSliniXD, ORE. Ai'iiuiKO to tnko jour Cliilstnins iIIiiiilv tit tlio Cluimllcr Hotel, (( to 8 o'clock it. 111. flood intislu ami flno menu. Mako reservations in nth ante. IMiono !!(, COOS BAY REPRESENTATIVE Chandler Hotel Phone 20 F. E. Conway 'Bond and Mortgage Broker MOXUY TO I.OAX O.V IMPHOVHI) 1IAXOIIKR TIVK VKAItS' ti.mi: O.rico, Mjrtlo Ai'iuh Maibltfleld, Oregon. rwiMnmiwi MUMMteJMUJ Merry Christmas New Year's Greetings Royal Club BETTER COFEEE LANG & CO., Portland, Or. Represented by D. J. McKINNON 3 Phone 448, Marshfield, Ore. Soft, Water Tho advantages of soft water such as afforded heio aro many and of such importance that a great nitmbor of cities with hard water supplies havo Installed water-softening plants at largo ox ponso. Tho saving of soap roqulred for washing Is considerable. Tho labor of washing is much reduced. Tho wear and tear of clothing Is consequently diminished. Less fuol Is required 10 ljeat soft water and hot water Is obtained moro quickly. Soft wa- ter Is highly doslrablo for steam bailor uso In mills, etc. Soft wator Is moro desirable from a health standpoint than hard wator. Soft water brings a copper colored iron stain from aldor treo loaves at tho tlmo of heavy rains, but It only affects tho color and appearance of tho water. This 6talu cannot bo removod by fil tering or chemical treatment. Do not mako tho mistake -at heat ing your hot wator supply to higher temporaturo than necessary as it causes needless rusting of tho hot water Wplng. B. JlllWMMIaa1f ' "" -" ' 'JjMllMj'fciM' ' l- COOS BAY WATER. COMPANY MAltSIIFlKLD AND NOUTII DKND, OltKGOX. Gift8 Express Though Good i aste 1 inlial ELECTRICAL GIFTS are charming, cat. They reflect a desire to add to the recipieni and convenience to make life naujuu veryo -Turnno am r, roTDIPAl RIFT SUltable W e6' incnCO HIM tLUOIIllunuw. - lr-e 1 and purchaseable at prices for every -pm AlJT ALL THE WAY FROM FASCINATING TOT J flf MOBILES electrical products meet the aenw Grn ' PKPi?'.... ,. DC ma PWFRY WELL-CONSID CLtUiniUrtL UiriO fint um ERED SHOPPING LIST. .' Oregon Power C fmm it- ,L mn