SECTION ONE PAOf .-u. Around ll)b Clock GHIRARDELLfS mr- -. .jssM, LA X X J 'ill I If iM Fatigue Destroyer for Dancing Debutantes "l physician watching a popular debutante on the ball room floor estimated that she danced thirteen miles in one night." 4 o wonder then that the next morning calls food of unusual restorative power. You'll i surprised at the sustaining quality in a cup (Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate. It contains lore nutriment and is more easily assimilated in eggs. Pure, uniquely appealing in its ilicious flavor, rich in nutriment, yet never bying to appetite, Ghirardelli's Ground hocolate makes the ideal breaktast beverage all. Order from Your Grocer Today Wardellis Hue Ojnitw Ground Chocolate If lb., Mb. and 3-lb. hermetically sealed cans. kit i a double economy In buying the can. D. GHIRARDELLI CO. 11152 San Franclico Xmas troo with sparking ornaments, symbolic of tho yulctldo season. The hullos present woro: Mrs. Edward Tlionins, Mrs. Frank Mubciib, Mrs. Tom Juza, Mrs. It. Marshal), Mrs. .Too Olln, Mrs. Rosooo Hazer, and Mrs. Hoy Rrulunrd. (Continued from Page 2) jAldon Baker, Mrs. William Djor qvist, Henry Wotwlk, Dorothy Dun- Kan, Bernlco Cgonltoff, lOllen, SIk nu and Turn DJonivist, Helen, Ber tha, Mary, Mnx, Carl, Cecil ond rioronco Smith, Milton Itaymond nntl Jack and Oraco llagqvlst. ALPHA DKLPIIIAN SOl'IKTV m " Tito Beginnings of Homo " was tho tonic studied hy tho Alpha Del phian Society last Monday evening nt tho homo of Mrs. Olive K. Brown, (lencral dlbciiBslon took plnco on " Tho Homulus Legend ' and " The Triiscuns and Their Civilization." Mrs. Harriett Kollogg read tin In teresting paper on "Tho Hills of Home," MIbs Allco Curtis on " Ro intui Dolly;" and nn Interesting pa per was prepnrcd and read by Dr. Mattlo B. Shaw on tho subject "What Vnltio Has Legendary His tory." After tho literary program, tho montbers sowed, chatted or play ed cards, Just as pleased their fancy, and at tho close of tho evening, the hostess served light refreshments. Next Monday evening, tho society will meet with Mrs. F. M. w'ilson. Those out woro; Mrs. Kollogg, Dr. Mattlo Shaw, Mrs. Brown and the Misses: Irono Prouss, Alice Curtis, Oraco Johnson, Myrtlo Downer, Myr tle Miller and Kllcn H ml mis. I SURPHISK PARTY I t Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coffolt and neighbors surprised Mr. 10. J. Cof fclt tho other evening, It being Mr. Coffolt's 71st birthday. It wn8 an old fashioned surprlso party. All kinds of games wero enjoyed with music by Mrs. C. H. Ditngan, Aldcu Baker and Chns. Hagaulst, Aldon Hclous lunch was sorved which nil enjoyed. Every ono wished Mr. Coffolt. Many moro such happy birthdays. Thoso present wero Mr. M. J. Corfelt, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coffolt and son Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hag qvlst, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith, SU,MNI-:it SOCIAL CLUB Tho Sumner Social Club mot Tues day afternoon nt'tho homo of 'Mrs. Chas. Selandcr for their business session Arrangomonts were par tially made for a Christmas ttuo fes tal to bo held Christmas night in Sumner hall and tho following in dies wore uppolutod as u committee to ltiako further pluiis for tho affair: Mrs. Chas. Solandor, Mrs. L. G. Mas- tors, Mrs, II, V. Sitnford, and Mrs. u. is. wiison. Aiicr a pioasani iimo In sewing and chat, tho hostess serv ed delicious rofrcshments to tho fol owing ladles: Mrs. Earl Grey, Mrs. II. W. Sanford, Mrs. L. O. .Masters, Mrs. O. N. Wilson, Mrs. G. C. Motley, and tho Misses Illldtir Selandor, Jes sie Norton, Ethel Moody and Melda Botitcl. The next mooting of tho club will bo tho first Wednesday In January. SANTA ('LAI'S HAYS: Christmas iggestion ... .Something JN'oiy: A Savings Account for tho Baby. It will add Baby. Interest and uioiv largo. '.'..' I ' , i If yon are .looking: for n useful mill iirurtli'ul ClirlhtimiH Gift ono that will bo Jong remembered call oil us uuil lot us explain our Savings Bj Mom to j on. Wo ulvo n Imudsomo lank ABSO LUTELY FHKW Willi every account opened with us while tho nccount continues. tnagair& Bennett Bank MARSHFIELp, OREGON PASTIME CLUB I Tho Pastlmo Club of North Bond met on Wednesday afternoon of this weok with Mrs. Arthur Derbyshire, this being the last regular mooting until Jan. Cth, when Iho ladles will bo entertained by Mrs. Hlohard Marshall. Next Wednesday evon Ing, tho ladles will ontortnlu tholr husbands with a card party at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs, Derbyshire. Mrs. Derbyshire's homo was prettily decorated for the occasion this weok with graous. Luncheon was scrvod nt two tables on tho centor of each of which was placed a mlnlnturo AUCTION" BRIDGF, CLUB V Instead of playing cards nt their meeting with Mrs. Carl Davis this week, tho Auction Brldgo Club sew ed on Xmas gifts andv chatted over their work on holiday plans. A luncheon was served nt tho closo of tho afternoon by tho hostess to tho following club members: Mrs. W. II. Kontlody, Mrs. E. Crosthwnlte, Mrs. "A, 0. Rogers, Mrs. J. S. Lyons, Mrs. F. V. Cattorlln, Mrs. R. E. Laraway, Mrs. A. E. Adolspcrgcr. Thoro will bo on evotilng party given by tho ladles some Unto dur ing tho holidays. Tho dnto of tho next regular meeting Is as yet un decided. 4 JOLLY DOZEN CLl'lt Mrs. Ed Duncan of Bunker Hill wns hostess Wednesday afternoon to tho Jolly Dozen Club and special guobts Mrs. E. E. Kelloy, t.Mrs. S. A. Sltuonsou and Miss Bcbso Flanagan. Time wns spent in businoss matters mid sewing and It was decided by tho mentbera to postpone further meetings until Jan. 12 when Mrs. U. Johnson will bo tho hostess. At tun close of tho nftcritoou hours, Mrs. Dttnrau served sumptuous refresh ments. Tho mouthers out woro: Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. F. M Mnrhoffcr, Mrs: T. C. Young, Mrs. M. Roso, Mrs. 0. Walliunrk, Mrs. E. Nelson mid Mrs. II. M. Albeo. .;. .j. OATIIOLIO LADIES' TEA 9 Tho ten given at tho home of Mrs. A. II. Powers Monday nftornoon from 2 to 5 by tho ladles of tho Ca tholic chjirch was attended by oror sixty ladles, and wns n pronounced success. Tho homo of tho hostess was beautifully decorated lu tho Yulctldo colors, red nntl green. Tho WE HAVE A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Community Silver "Buy jour CIirNhniiH groceries, Nuts, Fruits mill Vegetables from tho Model Cash Grocery, because tlicjs handle only the uuullty kluds." Frco delivery, prompt and cottrteuiis service. ' K.mNSpKu mHHI n 1 fir!? o curtains were drawn, and tho lights shaded v.lth red and Bhadod red candles cast a soft rod glare qn tho profusion of huckleberry branch es which wero gracefully arraiiRedi In conspicuous places. Mrs. It. M. Jennings received tho guests. at tho door, and Mrs. Powers and Mrs. 14. O'Coiyiell nsslsted by Mrs. Edna Richardson, Mrs. F. E. Hague, Mrs. F. V. Cattorlln, Mrs. E. K. Jones arid Mrs, D. J. McKltinon presided nt the ten and coffco tables. f 4 j M, K. BROTHERHOOD .MEETS . The Methodist Brotherhood mot for their usual ovettlng of business and pleasure last evening lu tho church hall, and after matters of Importance had linen dispensed with, they devoted their tlmg to checkers, chess nntl flinch. La to In tho oven lug, light refreshments woro enjoy ed. Tho men present wore: Messrs. Rov. Jos. Kitotts, I. S. Kaufman, G. N. Bolt, Aug. Isaacson, Frank Howe, Grimes, Murphy, E-. 11. Cutnpboll, F. Sumner, M. 1). Sumner, E. H. Joe link, John Lyons, E, G. Scott, D. Nelson, and Witt. Statiff. 4 AFFAIRS POSTPONED I 4 Tho C. W. B. M. meeting which was to liavo been held with Mrs. f. B. Cox on Tuesday afternoon of this week, was postponed until next Tuesday on account of tho bamjuct which they sorved to tho Men's Fel lowship club coming on tho same day Tho Klostcr Club cafeteria dinner announced for last ovculug nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hold has been Indefinitely postponed, Tho A. N. W. Club which mot on Thursday nftornoon wth Mrs. Lily Froldborg, has been postponed un til after tho holidays, tho noxt ses sion being held with Mrs. F. E. Haguo on January Cth, 1U1C. J T Tho Ladles Auxiliary of tho Pres byterian church which met at tho WAV 'UOOIMOIJU Xn)BdtlpOAV 10JIUI0 not moot agalu until the first Wed nesday In January, owing to the Christmas Season being so near. A, N. W. CI,UU j . Mrs. Lily Froldborg was hostqss yesterday afternoon at her homo to tho ladles of tho A. N, W. Club when tho following offlcoro wero elected for tho coming year: Pros., Mrs. Elizabeth Hyde; Ylcc-Pres., Mrs. Hugo Qt!st; Spc, Mrs. George .March; Treas., Mrs. Olivia Edmarit 'Corrcs. Soe Mrs. Frances Hazard. The special guests out woro Mrs. L. I A. Llljoiivst and Mrs, Ora McCarty. .wilt ii iiiuMBiuii niiuriiuoii biiuiil in tho usual social diversions, tho host ess assisted by Mrs. F. 10. Allen, Mrs. Allco Hall ,nnd Mrs, Llljeavlst sorved dainty refroshmonts to Mrs. McCarty, Mrs. Carl Ev6rtden, j . 'F. E. Hague, Mrs. A. T. Hu i.e Mrr J. Ti Harrlgftn, Mrsr Frf, v Hazard, Mrs. Eltzabotlt. Hyde, s. Alexandra Lnndq, Mrs. Koto, Liiii h, Mrs. Oeorgo F. Murch, Mrs. V Murphy, Mrs. Mary McKnlght. M.M C. F, McKnlght, Mrs. Nincy :ObJt. Mrs. Eugene O'Conttell, Mrs, II Qulst, Mrs. Mnry Smith, Mrs. t.'!i : les Slauff, nntl Mrs. Annio Tov.f Tho club has adjourned until I fi Clh, when Mrs, F. E. Hague w.I. I : tho hostess. . . ,i t, . i NORTH BEND All) t The Ladles Aid of tho North V -. l Methodist church met for a liusitu'i session Thursday afternoon In t' r rhurcli and completed plans for t supper and salo which tho ladln a giving this evening. Mrs. Wj " Russell nnd Mrs. Risk wero Mi - Su itors present nnd tho ntomber Woro: Mrs. G. A. Perkins, Mr?. M. Kehoe, Mrs. P. Miller, Mrs. R, i Mrs. C. A. Wilson, Mrs. W,.M- Mrq. W. Putnam, Mm. C. J. V-i i Zllo, Mrs. Henry Hocck, Mrs. (' V. crlst, Mrs. Elmer Russell, Mrs II rls, Mrs. A. G. Raab, Mrs. A. (' 1 It soy, Mrs. W. Laird, Mrs. J. S l : lor. t . INFORMAL CARD PART Last Saturday evening, Mn M oatior McMttllon and Miss Fifitc Franso ehtqrtalned fJftcQn frle ' un informal evening of cardr 1 other social divers. lops, at thilr n arttnents lu tho Myrtlo Arms. i late hour n dainty luncheon sqrved. CHlIiBREN'H PARTIES . .. . . Helen nnd Vnrron, cliUilt' i Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A, Rqld, cejo i . i n 1 their birthdays, informally yet vh dollghtftilly at tholr homo on !.' ."0l Avontio Thtirsdny nftornoon, I'tKoi was five on Nov. 8th and W'-tl'i.-1 four on tho day of tho party, do ' woather pormlttcd out door ioii which tho children indulged 1 1 tin til evening, when a delicious l i-i'-day luncheon was sorved 1 1 0' ' house. Mrs. Hold was assist e l Mrs, H. W. Painter, Mrs. N. It. Mm Mlllan, Mrs. F. K. Gettlns ami M'x Stanley. Two birthday cakoj wf in evidence, with tho required ml bor of candles on each, much ' I i delight of tho little guests who it thored around tho table. 1" c children present wero: Audrov I.) ons, Lotilso Thomas, Dorothy ttut Luvlnu Paintor, Gerald Lattln,' ry Gottlus, nud tho little hoc "'d hostess, Warren and Helen Ri .', Thursday cvenlng.llttlo Mlf? .'.' drey Lyons, daughter of Mi. if! Mrs. J. S, LyotiH ontortnluod 1 1 i six o'clock birthday dlnnor in ! ' of her slxtli birthday. ' Uor ' besides tho family wero: Mrs. j i. Thomas nnd daughter Louise. ! thy Barry, Marie Rogors and e'l'h Hold. .' : (Continued on race Eight' Model Cash Grocery Commercial Ave. near Front. Phono 133 T. 3. HOAIFB j!j A. H. nODGlNB Marshfield' & c0 EstJmntes Famished 1 Phowo 110-It. Marshfield, Oreg o More Peaee Talk DETERMINED effort Is being made to bring about peaco uetween tho warring nations on Christmas uay. in mn. An A...l( ... . i . l.nn Iknnil nflnlltPll - uuuino or tuo proposeu peaco lerma uua uw.. vw, ' ike Central Powers and approved by tho Kaiser. No moro 'oprlate tlnm mi,M i, .nior.t,i timn tho anniversary of tho hig of the Prince of Peaco, whoso birth was heralded by tho ""nation: "Peaco on earth and Good Will Towarti .Men. -fvace is not far distant wo liavo every nssurnut-o uuu ..- i' bring added prosperity. What will it bring to you? Have " Put vnnr iim .i. i..... .. i ,.o r n Rmall investment? . ,-... muo tllliu IIIVU U liuiumiv Uot- "See Reld About It" WOOD GOOD WOOD W. II. Llnso has It nt 1.R0 and $2 cash per load, also coal, with prices reasonable. Gnrbiigo remov lod. Phono U27-J. IN THE LATEST PATTERNS Come in and sec our fine stock of Xmas gifts and jewelry Engraving Free J F. W. BERTRAM, Jeweler MARSHFIELD it q nm POWERS For Christmas IDEAL GMFT FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE . Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone 103 Residence Phone 18-J Market Ave. nnd Waterrent fit DRY WOOD I at COOS RIVER BOAT Cr.'l1Iinr. wuxcb; express km every day Leaves head of river JEAilER RAINBOW iuT ver dally at 7 Ita.4. "arsimeia at 2 p. ---".o )UT11 CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street Phono 370J MERCHANTS CAFE Topular PJaco or Good Meals Prices Reasonable t Cor. Commercial nnd B'dw f. AFAVirIR All kinds a snec lialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 1 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R SPIRELLA CORSTS may be obtained in Marshfield from Mrs. Annie Holland, Corsetier 352 So, 5th St,. Phone 200-X mi m,m J V HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW ii See CORTHELL Phone 3171 B nfeWHlaiiBBlBiiiiMiJlMlWv 4 i-- Prog: f- 4 MARSHFIELD CHORAL CLUB , 1 " k MARSHFIELD MALE CHORU! , , Gerald Hunt, Conductor ''' Jeno Sevely, Violinist. Noble Theater December 12, 1915 ' ' Program ' J3ridal Ohopns, "Koso laidcn'1 . . . . Qbnu t) My Love Dwelt in a Northern Land : r The AHllor's "Wooing Fauuij jfarsli field Ohoral Ohib Songs My iMothor Taught Mo, "Gipsy Songs" Dvory Promise oi! a Joy '.Divine "King of Lnhoro" Masscn' I Oorald Hunt Sword of li'orrnru Dullav" On tho Sea , 2?i.'i:A Malo Oliorus -i Alolody P. TsGhaikdjjisy Seronado S. Pity' Siuiliana and Kigadore Francoour-Kmv .Tcuo Scvoly Daybreak , , , , . Fwi Twilight ..." Prothi v Hallelujah Ohorus "Messiah" Ilaoiul ? jMarshfiold Choral Club Accompaniments played by Edna Louise Larson and O. "W. Kaufman. - Becker Bros. Piano SOLD BY Henrik. Gjerdrum BURPEE'S TOYTOWN. Ill our Toy Section will lo fonjid many Toys nt the low prices. J5o, 10c, inc. You will bo purprlBcd at tho many nlco toya lu atock. Among them for a few HUgKoatlons wo offer followlu,. For the Children DOLliS, DOLL BUDS BOOKS. WAHH-BOARDS mid TUBS. F.V GINK AND TRAIN. DOLL FURNITURK. HORNS, .MINIATUI VIOLINS AND COUNTLKHS PLAYTHINGS THAT ONK SIMIMA C'A NNOT l FNTION. A visit to our storo will convlnco you this Is 1 Santa Claus' Haven FOR Tlll'3 OLDF.U FOLKS Neckties oiily Jl cents; new deelijr and lmtloiiiH, llnndkeiclilefs, Boudoir Caps Aliona, the new Qua ker Colhu-H, Stationery, Chlnaware, Cut Glass, Pla Sets, Tea Po- Beau 1'otH and o on. Remember Nullilng Over 15 Couth Open Kvealngs until Chrbt' inas. BURPEE'S 5-10-15c STORE M, s ! kJ 'J i: ci jt t, M. 'I i kA W nil O'T ji'it t. nt Mi ...ri .11 ToprIetor ",'Hr" -