H.W.Ul!'I.Wf !";'' I." fWWfw THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915 EVENING EDITION. TOmt;mmmmmtmmmmmmjjimtmjnt ww mmwmtiiwijj loos cay joooers directory XX xx xx 8 :: XX 4 !! XX s XX :: 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4- 4- 4- n 4- 4 - rl t H JUST LOOK WHAT ftQQO WILL BUY The men test cur value ever offered; the menteM Ntoelc of pails uvcr shown In ('(Mm Ootinty. Have .roil Inspected these parts anil not Iced how liieienslw they urn ((itiiitii'i'(l lo oilier inakosV See Window Display Now C-- is what counts and you should in lCI V1LC Spect this phase and be shown you are going to get SERVICE before you buy 1Q1A Civ on nan and rady to deliver I'ull I'lonllnn AU 'riiniikii itt'iiriiiKs Olio-liliin Top I ten I Leather Upholstered ;$,-. II. I. Motor. Transmission In mill with motor Stewart Vanillin (Jim J'Voil Klerli'le Slnitee anil l.lhm to you today Don't Forget Goodrum's Garage Means Service MARSHFIELD PHONE 371 Cadillac Bu ick Dodge .JLeonara Fk0 oairar )P O. Bosj: S09 Marshf ieH, regoim Representing J. A. FOLGER & CO. San Francisco (SOM)KN' OATH TKA COI-'FKK IJAKINO I'OWDKIl SPICKS & KXTUAGTS ro Jo Chairadleir Hotel Mairshfielld Rcprcscntiag WILLIAM CLUFF CO. Wholesale Grocers IMitrllmtorn of ri.WI'l'' IIIIANI) KOOl) I'ltOIMJGTS An Appreciation In behalf of The Rosenfeld-Smith Company of Portland, Ore,, I wish lo express our appreciation of the patronage and cooperation extended us diiriiift the yeai 1915, In eNteiiillnu KreetluuM of the Neiuou, our wIhIi for nil Is that tlio only elniul that )ii eimhiouil their liuiiliuin ami nrotiorlt lie the fnKnuit smoke of La IMativad El Roi-Tan Charles Dcnby New Bachelor Velinda Feiler's Union Washington's Cabinet Spana Leo Little American Havana Tots Cigarettes Select Smoking Tobaccos Wt are ulno (lUtrlhutoik of ehewliiK tohacio and carry the most foiunloto stouk of )iiie. etc., on the I'aill'lc Coast. Hoiiieiuber Hiinte s telehrated lliu of On nil leu anil Oonfeitlonury. EUGENE CROSTHVAIT Southw3stern Oregon Representative OFFICE CHANDLER HOTEL ANNEX Central Avenue Phone 66-J Marshfield, Oregon oumiui hvuiiuu rnunu oo-j mars n em, uregon r. . orwnp PlPii t MT. DIABLO CEMENT ROCHE HARBOR LIME SEWER Greetings In behalf of my firms and the excellent business they have enjoyed the past season, I want to express our deepest appreciation and extern the greetings of ths season especially to our customers, their customer and in fact to all the people of Southwestern Oregon, Our wish for al for next year and all succeeding years is peace, health, happiness anr1 prosperity, MATT L. MAY ; Marshfield, Oregon, Phone 427-X lloiu'eHcntliiK HAAS IIIIOS., (iioiei. AHMOl'lt M ('()., I'rovMoim AMKItlOAX IIISOOIT CO., Oiarkei' .Maiiiil'aetiirers. ASTOIHA J-'MU'ltlXt! .MIIil.S CO., I'loiir anil 1-Veil. EE6F Saira FirainiciscOj Hardware Creamery Supplies . Boilers & Engines Ho Eo Beltmaiim Plhoime 41 OR Hamilton CaMffoirraa. Iron & Steel Twisted & Plain Steel (For Reinforcing) Cutlery & Sporting Goods Local Represe)niita(tie larelhff ielldo Ore. Willamette Logging Engines American Wire Rope Atkins "Silver Steel" Band Circular and ' Crosscut Saws Columbia "Skookum" Logging Blocks Fairbanks-Morse Marine and Stationary Oil Engines Steam Pumps, Etc. xTL. & B. DALY Company (Incorporated) SAWMILL LOGGING & CONTRACTORS SUPPLIES Trojan Blasting Powder Rubber and Leather Belting Packing and Steam Hose Manila Rope Injects t Lubricators Valves, "'0 FIRE BRICK FIRE CLAY COMMON BRICK SAND GRAVEL Hugh McLain General Contractor Paving; Sewers, Municipal and Private Work OFFICE 316 SO. BROADWAY, MARSHFIELD, OREGON PHONE MAIN 201 Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Beaver Hill Coal 1 4 imtttmttnttttttttMttntitxuizttu - ::ttmmmtttmtttttiii!tt!2ittttimittitim 4-0 ' w-www-w r wvw w t - -