n :: n M 8 II Jo :; :: 4 It u I: it H i: tt i i! 8 ! 8 ! THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915 EVENING EDITION. I Coos - Bay - Wholesalers', - Manufacturers' - and - Jobbers' - Directory 1 it r 11 mttt "ttttUUtt ttt !: . r . wwwwwwms;;n;;;;;nj;;;;;;:;::::::w I 1 8 I 8 !! it I ' It' i Let This Be Your Power Plan ePfr m rfi&jkh WHETHER YOU REQUIRE ONE HORSE POWER OR ONE THOUSAND HORSE POWER LET THIS PLANT BE YOUR PLANT If you use Central Station Power your plant is as large as you need or as small without taking up but a small fraction of your floor space, as a one-horse-powsr requires less than one square foot and a 100-horse-power less than five feet of space. Electric Power from Cent al Station means that you can grow with out taking heed to power p oblems It m3ans that you simply notify us when a new machine goes in and the power is ready before the ma chine Central Station Power is clastic. If you use Electric Power and wish to add more, it is only neces.ary to buy the size motor necessary and you do not have to discard your other motors as you would be obliged to do if you were using stean. enginss. And again, look at the diffcence in cost between steam engines and motors. A 50-horse-power s'.sam engine and boiler costs $1900, while a 50-horse-power motor, all sst and ready to run, costs only $500. A 100-horse-power engine with necessary boiler, pumps and equip ment without the building, c.sts about $3000. A 100-horse-power motor with the building about 900. ' There is more electric powe- used in Marshfield and North Send li.an steam. In emergencies ir th3 multitude of places where an abso lutely reliable power must be had; where motors must be started and stopped on the second; where a delay of an instant may mean a serious accident, Central Station Power has'been proven the most reliable. An example of the absolute dependability of Central Station Power is .found in the high pressure pumping stations of many of our great cities. During the past ten years the horse power of Etectric Motors has increased from 500,000 to more than 5,000,000 and enough steam railroad mileage to stretch from New York to San Francisco has al ready been olcctriMed. ' Today more than one-quarter of the total industrial power utilized in the United States is Electrical and the amount is rapidly increasing and ?s the pmoun' increases, tin price decreases. One cent can buy more electricity today than ten cents, would, buy twenty years ago. Ever hear the user of an Electric Motor say it was unprofitabte? Ever hear the user of an Electric Motor discarding it and going baok to steam? We never did. We can furnish you with Electric Power from one-tenth-horso-powor to any size you may need. It will pay you well to talk this Electric Power question ovar with our engineer, No cost whatever to you. We will guarantee to save you money. Phnne 178, Marshfield. ' Oregon Power Company, Marshfiel tt v - tt v tt 8 8 :: : :: tt T 8 :: 8 :: tt :: tt tt tt :: :: tt . o tt z tt a R i nxaxmtx