-- t W9 rqiiMl,f9iPiriJPflllll"wTW''' V -V THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915-EVENlNG EDITION. SECTION THREEPAGE SIX " MffMF uying at HUB STORE NEWS Hub Front Stree r ;5SwPi The Christmas Stor Centra Avenu R CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND BOYS The Christmas store for men and youth's gifts, where stylish, sensible, serviceable presents can be obtained. Here are a few sug gestions from our fine stock, all new styles, with the prices, so that you can simplify your shopping: ' FOR MEN Suits KIT.OO (o SI ,-.( Ituluruuts , ' " (hct routs !?in.00 to $:t5.0() Oieivouts Hnlneonts l.".tl() to SilS.OO iltxt Mneklnuws sft.l.oo to !?li:.5t) tt'iw Full 1 ess Suits .. .$20.00 to $10.00 """"J ( Ttlxedo Suits SI8.00 to $!15.00 Underwear Huts (Including Stetson and other Collins well-known makes $i!..0 to $.1.00 Tics Shlits Sl.Ot) to $.".00 Moves (Fof.ncs and other well Hosiery too to $1.00 known niiikes) . . . yi.no to 33.BD lluudkei chiefs ...,10c to $1.00 ca. Umbrellas S1.00 to St 5. 00 Underwear .0e to $.-.00 Sultruses SL',50 to $15.00 Spoil Jackets $:t.00 to $5.00 llundhngs 80.50 to $15.00 Swenteis and .ler-eys, SJ.50 to $10 Trunks $7.51) to K 15.01) (Largest Night llohes ami Pajamas, si to $5 and most complete lino lit Marsh Neck near i!5r to $:i.00 field.) FOR YOUTHS AND BOYS. We also carry a complete line o f the famous Mark Cross Leather Novelties, including all classes of imported goods made by this fa mous fhm To give you an idea of thescwe append a list of a few: Smoking Set, (llnss and Slher, with MnKh-hox attached. Cigar Holder ((.'lass net In Sllwr Holder) l'nker Set (Leather Case with Muoii ('aids) ' Mahogany ml Sterling; Silver Smoking Sot. , Mahogany Smoking Set Di Inking Cups, bllvcr lined Drinking Set Mjlltary Ilrushefi $ Ash Trays Jtlll Hooks Tollman Slippers and Hoots Collar lines We take particular pride in our NECKWEAR ASSORTMENT, coming from the finest New York makers, such well-known firms as Keiser, Cheneys and Horn, three of the best Neckwear Manufacturers in the United States. They range in pric e from 50c to $3.50, and are by far the largest and most complete assortment of Neckwear in Coos County. Be sure and visit the Central Avenue Hub on your shopping tours. You will sure enjoy inspecting the fine stock and we will take pleas ure in showing it to you. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Cental Ave. -:- Marsfield i The Hub Clothing and Shoe Company is now operating three stores in Marshficlcl the Front Street Hub, the Central Avenue Hub and the Lando Store.' Each store" is distinct from the others, although under the same ownership and management. Each has its individual features and attractions, but all are similar in policy to give iho public the most and the best for their money. The Hub Clothing and Shoe Company has been operating for years in Coos County and everyone is famliiar with its methods of business. The success that we have enjoyed and our rapid growth and extension to meet the needs of the com munities we serve is absolute evidence that our policies and business methods are correct. A short time ago wc found a demand and an opportunity for opening a new men's store on Central Avenue in the Irving block adjoining our ladies furnishings and dry goods store opening, up and connecting under one roof everything for men, women 'and children to wear. This new store The Central Avenue Hub is now open for business and a little later we will announce the formal opening of this store the most at tractive in fixtures, merchandise and convenient in arrange ments to be found anywhere a store that everyone in Marsh field and Coos County, as wsll as ourselves can feel proud of. The Lando Store on Front Street, which we arc now operat ing and closing out came upon us unexpectedly. Wc are clos h.g out the large Lando slock as rapidly as possible, and the bargain prices are accomplishing' this quickly. We are talking over the matter with you now because -the time is most opportune and because we want you to appre ciate to-the full extent our methods and share with us what they mean to you. ' At this time of heavy buying when getting just what you want for gifts and effecting a saving thereby, the three stores of the Hub Clothing and Shoe Company and their large stocks of serviceable, stylish goods, mean much to every one of you. Therefore, avail yourself of our superior facilities and stocks and do your Christmas shopping at a Hub Store. THE CHRISTMAS STORE FOR ATTRACTIVE AND USEFUL The assortment that we have always carried in this 4hlnn fnr Man nr Rnv Is sn nonnrnl mul nniM,.u . 1 u " """ wi J a 7 ",,M uu'i'ii:iisnsivc thai tut that anything the market affords is always found at this store. Our assortments are large and varied and are always m priced. Here are a few suggestions: Men's Sult.s $15.00 to $;5.00 ()ercoats '. . . .$IU.50 to $:io.0() Mneklmrws $."5.00 to $10.00 Uiuhrellas $1.00 and up Neckwear -5c to $1.50 Suspender Seta Neckwear and Hosiery Sets Night Hohes and Pajamas J 'on nes (iloies cm, it.. . . . T " i "iv jiiiihikciuiIcIS lultlnl Linen llandkcithlrf, Silk Mufflcnt Men's Shoes Mcii'h Sllpiicni Llllllfxi' Ml,.,, McnM silk . n Mcii'h Arrow flfc Men's Silk Sty, mom WW F& MX 3 "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe ft, W I San Front Street Marshlield mmmmmmcxmmt'jmmmmmmmmmmtmmamsmmHmtsnitwmmammmmmm ndo Store Sale- r anta Claus' Opp fl Here is the opportunity of years for buying Christmas gifts. This immense stock affords a selection so varied that any man, woman or child can be made happy with servi ceable articles. And not only that, but the price is so low that even a" thin" pocketbook will go a long ways. ' While the sales have been large, much larger than we had antic ipated for the first ten days, the stock was so large that very few of the lines have been broken. There is variety in styles and sizes in the ready-to-wear sections so that you can find the measure you desire. Ask anyone who was familiar with the Lando store and you will find that it ranked high in quality and consequently the Closing-Out Sale prices should not be considered indicative of the quality of the articles you secure from there. In any other store, they would prob ably cost you twice as mich. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY no matter whether you are buy ing for yourself or others. Just to give you an idea of the.wide range of selections to be had at the Lando Sale, we will enumerate some of the different sections at the right: LADIES' DEP'T. Furs Suits Coats 1)ioh Skirts Pnity Diossos Silk Petticoats Umbrellas Kimonos Swenteis Corset (loves Waists Middles llults Underuenr Handkerchiefs Hosiery Hilibons Auto Scurfs Veils Tin Sets Hair Ornaments Hand Hai;s Mnuerlo Shoes Slippers Diess Silks MEN'S DEPT. Suits, Oioreonts, Sweat ers, Itulueoats, llat.s, Cnps, Uudirollns, (iIoes, Flannel Shirts, Dross Shlits, Underwear, Ilelts, Suspender, Neckties, Aim Hands, Sov, (iarters, llandkei chiefs, Suitcases, Trunks, Slippers, Shoes. CHILDREN'S DEP'T. Shoes, Hosiery, Sweaters, Slipper, Ituiulkerihlers, Underwear, and Furs. Buy your Christ mas gift at Lando's and make your mon ey reach two or three times as far as It will ordinarily go. HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES Urapcilcs, Comforts, Pil lows, Laio Curtains, Tickings, Muslins, Sheet lugs, Pillow Slips, Sheets, Towels, TowelliiK. Mnen Phncs, Canton Flannel mul Scrims, DRESS FABRICS Messaline, Foulard, Taf feta and l'opliu Silks Hlaelc, Colored, White, nnrt Mixed Woolen Diess Fahilrh, Imported and Domestlu Zcphxis, Linen Suitings, Pcrcnles, Call eoes, Outing Flannels, Sateens and Ilideidowu Flannels. M M -V9 It 1 HUB CLOTHING & SHOE COMPANY Lando Store Purchasers Front Street, Marshf ield A I 1