THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELDOREGQN, S,ATURDAY,PECEMBER 11, 1915 EVENING EDITION. SECTION THRE&PAGE FOUR MaaaBMini'rifir-TiiMBgDgiigii Mnrft Davs Remain a il Only T 7 " r . r. i wl le Closing uut oale or u " I. cn TIiIm Is no HAN-mtUI'T SAliK (II-' rXIHWIIWIlliB MIMtOIIAXIHKK, or I'M lib HAM5 OK )AMAl0 ) (j()(),,H 11L,T KVDAIU II "K CIIAXDISi:; selected wllli rnii) and ImhiuIH In '; wav! , tlrtM "ml" yiiicli.llv, ,i ,Homl,cr V' Lli . .. ndml" f 5 ' t mentioned here. Von will the H..lo IMlco kcd l i.hlln fibres ,, ( ,o c'k t'6'" V 312 Front St. fiy 312 Front St MAKE EXERCISE PLAY. I TEST "ALL WOOL" BY FIRE. QUICK WITTED WOMEN. 1 . ! TqvQet tho Deit Rosults It Mutt Do To Oetoct Cotton Fibors Burn a Sam Thorouohly Enjoyed. plo of tho Cloth. When you exercise, piny. That Is Until tho proper labeling of toxtllos one of tho point most strongly urged . 1ms been mado compulsory thcro nre to tho attention of tho public in ro- i certain Hlmplo tests by means of which cently published public health reports. No matter whether you nro walking, I Tholr Clovor Ruso That Won tho Favop ( 1 of Emperor Konracl. There arc counties stories to lllus- I trato tho devotion of women, but the most IntciuBtliiL' uf them Is tho one gardening, exercising In n gymnasium or playing golf, keep your cxerclso free from tho spirit of drudgery and innko It all recreation. Make It as enjoyable as anything you may do throughout tho cntlro day. If you don't much of tho good that It might do you 1 lost. "Tho very best thing n man can do," flays tho report, "Is to lnnlto n hobby t of vhls exercise. No matter how poor J tho hobby, If It induces outdoor oxer- clso It Is perfectly justlllnblo." Tho woman who Is obliged to tnko her baby out for n two hours' nlrlng every day Is fur inuro fortunate than alio often realizes. Tho only advlco tho report olTcra tho man who Is going to tnku up u hobby for tho bcncllt of tho resulting axar clso Is to cbooso ouo that permits oC Its being followed tho year round rath cr than ono that depends upon (seasons of tho year. For that reason tho mini tour gardctar or chicken fancier Is far moro fortunato In his choice than tho amateur geologist, botanist or ornithol ogist. Tho latter must wait on tho seasons and must llnd favorable loca tions for Indulging .their hobbles, whllo tho former havo year round pustlnics. ono may detcrmlno wltetlier nn "all i that Is recorded In the annuls of n homo wool" fabric Is really all wool or not for dependent women at "Wclnsborg, on I tiio out way or lolling uy reeling nnu tho Nocknr, In tho vicinity of Holdol- looking Is no longer reliable, for cotton berg. can bo mado both to feel and look like I At tho foot of the mountain was wool. Tho only suro way is to tuko samples of tho goods homo with' you and mako tests of them there. If n pleco of cotton cloth Is ignited It will bo found to bum rather rapidly with n bright, steady llamc. Thcro Is no disagreeable odor, and when tho I material is completely consumed there will bo left only n small amount of t llflif crnv llnffv null If n titnt .if juiro wool Is lighted it will bo found to fought ono of the tlcrcest battles of tho long struggle between tho Guelphs and the Ghlbelllues. When tho conflict was ended and tho Ghlbclllno leader, Km- , peror Kourad, hud driven tho Guelph chieftains up tho mountain to their stronghold, he laid slcgo to tho undent castle. After several days ho scut word that If the men would surrender ho I would permit tho women to depart in wifely, carrying their treasures with bum much moro slowly and with a less I Uicm. a.j,0 lcrins of 8Urnjll(jcr we'r OUR MISNAMED RUINS. Tho Mesa Verde Cliff Dwellings rteally Completo Towni. Aro steady llamc, emitting n characterlstk', mild, hissing noise and n strong odor very similar to that of burned horn. There will bo much moro nsh remain ing than in tho cabo of cotton, inul It will bo in tho form of a crinkly, black, crisp ball. In applying this test to n fabric the whole sample should not bo burned at once, for If it Is u so called wool pleco containing cousidcmblo cotton it will bo very dllllcult to detcrmlno whether it is burning moro llko cotton or wool. Threads should bu taken from tho sum. pie, hovornl each from tho warp and tho woof, and burned separately. Willi n very little practice one will bo nlilo to dotect tho cotton threads by tho char acteristic manner of burning. Somo times it is well to pick a thread apart with a pin and test tho Individual fiber with the Iliiuio to determine whether Many .visitors to tho prehistoric cliff' ,l0 tlmitl , 0tro, wool w Ilxw, dwellings of the Mesa ordo Mitlonal wth cottOM.Jt,im i)0,M,iuou Martin park, in souinwesiem loiorauo, says a arranged, and the emperor drew up' his tinny to form nn escort for tho noble Indies with their Jewels mid other dear possessions. When tho procession of women enmo down tho hill tho hostile army saw, to Its amazement, that every gentlewom an carried u man on her bade Tho men they carried wore, the Guelph olll cers, who were to havo remained In tho castlo and been made prisoners . C war. Kourad was ho touched by this expres- j slon of dovollou on tho part of those ' wives and mothers Hint ho permitted , the women to go back for their Jewels, t lu 1S120 Queon Chnrlotto of Wurttcm-, berg, daughter of Gcorgo III. nnd a ! member of tho Guelphs, built tho nsy. i liim on tho hill as a memorial to . quick wltted tluolph women. St. Lou- , Is Globe-Democrat. i government publication, nro astonished to find that what Is commonly de scribed as n dwelling is not properly a dwelling at all, but a village or city. Tho celebrated Cliff Palttco is not n palace. Neither Is Bpruco Trea IIouso a house, nor llalcouy IIouso u house. Knch of theso Is a completo town which once. In tho dim uges before the earliest Indian tradition, was an or ganized community, often of consider ahlo size. ! Tho arrangement of houses In a cliff dwelling of tho slzo of Cliff I'nlnco. for example, is characteristic and inti mately associated with tho distribution of tho social divisions of tho luhab- Hants. Tho population was compuiicd of n number of units, possibly clans, each of which had its own social or-' gaulzatlon moro or loss distinct from i others, n condition that appears lu tho arrangement of rooms. Tho rooms oc cupied by n chin were not iiocousurlly connected, although generally neigh boring rooms were distinguished from ouo another by their usus. lu .Mothers' Magazine. HE WANTED BIG GAME. QUAINT OLD INN NAMES. Some of tho Peculiar Signs Ono May Road In England. "Man leaded With MUchlof" Is tho uniiio of mi inn In tho Mndlnglcy road, Cambridge, but It U not stranger than ItllMH ntllnlM r 1 '(illnpifilfkil V.iM. (a -!. 1 .. WIIWU. I? WWII, .1U. ... I . I I nn Inn culled "Tho Toad In the Hole," I f u" llu secured a day off for a and In the neighborhood of Somer- , "'"" trip soon after his arrival. Uo cotu. "Tho Old IIouso at Home." An. ,uu,v "" K,m, ,l J"e' negro jnni And Found It In tho Jungles of tho Panama Canal Zono. In the early days of canal construe-1 Hon nt Panama there arrived from tho United States for duty with tho tiro do-1 pnrtmeiit n Danish American who told uumorous thrilling talcs of his hunting trlim "back home." Anxious to get a , chance nt tho llg gumo of tho Panama In a Maori Wooing House, Among tho .Maoris hornet lines in tho whoro mntoro (tho wooing houso). u building lu which tho young of both eexes assembled lor play, songs, dances, etc., there would bo at stated times a meeting. Whoa tho tiros burn ed low a girl would stand up lu the dark and say: "I lovo So-niid-so. I want him for my husband." If ho coughed (sign of assent) or said "Yoa" It was well; If only dead silence she covered her head with her robo and was ashamed. This was not often, as she generally had managed to ascoi- other inn ut tho suino place Is cullod "The Old Kiiglish Gentleman." It Is u debatable point whoMier the sign of "Tho Man Loaded With 5ll-1 chlof" was painted by Hogarth. Put It Is IIUo his Mitlrc, for it reprooeuts a man en trying a woman. Many peculiar signs are tho result ' of a mlsconcoptlou. "The Pago' Nnlls" Is really "Thu Paechanals." "Tho (Joat and c'outpuee" Is an ignorant shot at , tho old motto, "God uneompaiuos us," j whllo "The liMirgu and Cnnium" Is a modorn corruption of George Canning, I who was prime minister when the Inn I was built. One of tho funniest of tliovo corrup tions Is "Tho Iron DbvII." n corruption i of "Illrondollo" (swallow). It Is snld that tho inn called "The Pis; and Tin dor llnx" uis originally "Tho Klo- pliant and Castle," but a very poor tor, connected with tho tiro station. who had never been outsldo of Colon. They started early in the morning and roturned boforo noon. Tho Dano seomed to bo exhausted und spout the aftornoon resting nnd cooling oil. Wlion asked about his trip and why ho didn't bring any big gamo buck ho replied: "Hoy, 1 was all lu after I saw that big hiinko. It must havo beon tlfty feet long nnd us big around as your body. I just kinv tho end of his body slipping through tho high grass on a trail, and 1m was at least ten Inches thick at tho tall." During tho roeltal his guide, tho Janl tor, was sweeping the Uoor and grin ning. Whon tho hunter left tho Jani tor was qulzned, aud this was his ver sion of the chase: "fTout by Mindl way. where dov Is artist was engaged to paint the Ugn, j bulldln n high trestle bridge, dey drag ami hoiuuiiouy said it louKotl like n pig : iv a ipjig pool tru do grass wid a and tludor Iiok, and the uamo stuck nni-cl. Do snake what do boss sco was until it ousted thu old one, do D9-0I, an' ho was so fright dat ho tiio iMiiui ami 1'culiiers," nn Inn In uoirt see do inu-el what diuggln' h'lt." Oxford, should bo "Plume of Kenth eis." aud "Tho Uoe of tho Quarter Sessions" was originally "U Itoso des (Juatres Snlsous." Ouo uilglit think I.os Angoles Times. tain either l.y tier own liupiliT or by J ,:J1l0 sl ,, shovu, bul0llglHl t0 1U bending a girl friend, if tho proposal was acceptable. On the other hand, sometimes n mother would attend aud suy, "I want So-and-so for my on." If not acceptable there was generally mocking, ami tho was told to let the young peoplo havo their house (the wooing houbc) to thomsolvcs. Not Him Alone. "And you refuse me a loan!" "Oh, no, I don't rofmw you alone. 1 all panhandlers!" Houston. Post. snmo category, but it doos not. The rqureueu is to Sir Cloudosloy Shovel, the Hw'dcr monkey who bo-en mo nil admiral lathe reign of Quoeli Anna London Tlt-Plts. Natural Protection. It has beou pointed out that to bomo ground uulmals nature's color scheme for concealnient furnUhoa almost com pleto protection. Tho quail crouching 011 the ground looks llko n bunch or drlod loaves. Many snakos and tlshos tako tho precUo color of surrounding sand aud water: A mackerel from abovo looks Ukou fleeting lipple. whllo to fish euemles bonenth his white bolly will not show njraliwt the higher col- Vou find peoplo icady thu Sjinmrlitin without tho twopence. Sydney Smith. Lost Humor. Murk Twain was once asked by an ltiujllsh clerk In u Loudon bookstore to iviito his nutoiiranh. "My clili-ogrnphy Is , bocamlm; loss , 01s or sk.v ami water. Tiio wonderful and loss distinct." complains! tho nil . ly beautiful changes of dolphins 11:14 thor whluuleally us he comullwl with clyiuiehiojuji wy-e pot evolved to peasu tho rouuost. "If this keops on I'll have tho eye, but to protect their lives. I to bo getting somebody else to write! """ i" " ,v for me WE HAVE JUST 123 SUITS LEFT IN STOCK-DIVIDED INTO THREE LOTS: US Jn this lot will lio found Suits that reguiaiiy hoiu m imhh '-;"" ., 'inoy mo ,im, . Zdf woorherges, ehevloth, lionicspuns. fancy suitings, colors, .Navy, itlaclc, Ih-nwii and mixed. y,r lIl0, "(ftjPUl $6.75 $15.95 This lot. consists of Suits that sold ivsulnrly fiimi 17..10 t tfia,so Tho iiiiiIci-IuIh in these ga.,llc,,7Ti cloth, Cheviot, Plain Scree, Poplins Scotch Twoods and conic lu all tiio wntet.colbrs--Gii.l.1 .IUy,.."e S and tiruy. Slcs up to -II. Vuur choice at $(1.71. " wiUvn Hero mo to ho found Suits In Sorgo. Uioadelolh and Tweeds in colors llrmvn, Gray. Uhuk and Xntr'Zr Mild up to S:t7..1(. Now offered at Sj15.Un. ,J' ""H Winter Coat Sale of Far Reaching Importance to Everyone WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS Mado up In fine, heavy fabrics of Cloth, Korsoys, Hoavy Woolen Coating in checks nnd plaids, short models. Regular soiling price $7. GO to ?12.C0. Now ijCM).". In Lot No. 2 you will find garments In nil sizes ranging from 1G to 10; thoy nro mado of heavyweight Korseyfl, Ilrondclotlm and novolty mixtures: many of thorn lined with sntln. Regular prices rango from ?10.00 to $20.00.' Your cholco 9(1.75. All Other Garments In the House at Like Reductions -No goodB exchanged, money refunded or sent on All sales finnl-npproval. WAIST SPECIALS An extra special lot of Waists ranging in prlco from $3. GO to ?i. Now !)H cent". Anothor nlco lot, formerly soiling nt from $2.R0 to f4.00. Now 75 edits. A fow at !! cents. SKIRT SPECIAL Ono lot of 'Ladies' Dress Skirts In flno Wool Sorgo, Navy Pluck. Regular prlco up to ?7.G0. Now $2.05. and RADICAL PRICE REDUCTION IN DRESSES Ono largo lot of aftornoon. evenlmr nn.i dm., .. dnrk, medium and soft colors: lace and fancy trlmmiS. ' uCl ow" necK moueis. itcguinr prlcus from J15 to J2B y'V" 1 at M ' ONE LOT OF DRESSES In Tnffota, Oropo do Chono, Satin nnd Satin and Velvurw, ' tlon. Value to ?17.r.0. Now JjStn.75. C'm Coal1 CLOSING OUT FURS Theso Aro Unheard nf Prim. All Blnglo Muffs sold formerly nt from $10.50 to $24 SO i- ni .?.. a iiko rouuction on illlBtHs nnd separate neck piece. rri. ii.n ,H HAiMH, ...... r. ,. . mo iiuiu iu duiuul jour rurs is now. TO UlOSC kn 11 not ready to buy at present, n Biimll deposit will hold unr ittS Hnlnetoil until (IhrlHtinna wnnlf ' 1 SPECIAL PETTICOATS Ladles' Mercorlzcd Sntocn Pottlconls, extra deep accordlin plnti nnd corded flounco. Vuluos to 2.00. Now H3 cents. Ono lot of Silk Petticoats, values to S3.7G. Now $1.00, Petticoats, full width and corded flounce, regular I1.JJ Jow -15 ecu's. Sateen values. Now 1 1 J' M EN'S DEPARTMENT OVERCOATS $27.r0 Smart Now. Mixtures . . .' 815.00 $:10.00 lllnclc Melton .' 815.00 $25.00 Hlack Melton $I1H)0 MEN'S SUITS $1S.C0 Dluo and Whlto Mlxturo 810.15 $27.50 Orny Korsoy 81 1.H5 $25.00 Drown Cashmero $1 1.55 $10.50 Drown Worsted Herringbone 8H.U5 $22.50 Drown nnd Pray Mixtures ' 810. t FURNISHINGS ' Arrow Collars io cents each All Arrow $1.50 Shirts $1.15 Four 50-cont Neckties $1.00 $2.00 Kid Cloves $l.il5 $1.50 Men's Cups UO centn i SPECIAL NOTICE: CHRISTMAS BOXES Theso contain Siisiiondors and darters, lloso and Tie or SuipenJ cr and Tio. Any ono of theso combinations In vnrlom colon. Ret- ular prlco 75 coats. Cholco now -15 cents. Other comblnallou Rolling formerly nt $1.00, now (10 cents. Cholco values, formtrlj1 ut $1.25, now 85 cents. BOYS' DEPARTMENT .fW 25 Doys' Suits, cholco for (Hluo Serges, Cnshmoro aud Mixed Goods) 5 Hoys' Overcoats, choice W 15 Pairs Hoys' Trousers, choice , SOsn $1.00 Stetson Huts ...AM Ono $12 Hnthroho . W. Those not icmly to Iiiij- now, n small deposit will hold nuy nrtlcle selected until thu lust week of tho Mile, Ofnn Now is the time to get your suit made for Christmas Bring in your order now and you will get a suit at a reasonable price, either ladiesf or men's suits See L V. Koski 75 Market Ave. Marshficld, Oregon 'GRAVEL' Wo aro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In any (uantltlei from pile in our yard or in carload lots, at following prlcos: liouiiJiiddfi lrm --aiJffifl 'pjitX jod OO'Zi '0JV3 tnoj; ueu) '8)ni pcoubo paoX Jod 'liVZi 'pnnoja uo ond raoj.j C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Post-Office Phone 100. Safety First Service? Tllti: AXl) MAltiXK, Al'TOMOHIU;, UKAM'ir, ACCIDIJ.NT, Lli?J2, AVOHKMKX'S CO.MPKXSATIOX AND LIAH1MTV 1XSUHAXCE ae- zfr & ae zfr be- & v & Register Tomorrow If you want one of these dollars put In a savings ac-. count, you must register at once. First National Rant of Coos Marshfield, Bay Oiegon ; rf r be- e- e- hp- & & . i -"1 BM Cuke Hulldlng E. I. CHANDLER, Agency. Marshfield, Oregon. oil and "Uut, sir." seriously responded the l clerk, "nobody would want it then. Ml. U. U. Kr.Il'l', Dentist, 201 i CoLo Miltf. Phono 11U.J, All Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Office FUMCi i BENNETT 0lWT SSS&5.3ftOWEnr v. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest pnld on AND 'SAVINGS DElOSlT9 OfflCATfl .T W TlantiAtf PMcldan. I J. H. FlnungMi, VlccPreaWent n. P. WlUiniua. uasnier. Geo, TtG T C? T Winchester, AiiU (jjfclrf. s BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMESI A leS Times Want' Ads Stag Re5 'Cii m