v "L"i i v M" " 'J ',. . -T?irH: -;. , r v ' '' THE C40S BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 J91g-EVENING EDITION. SECTION ONE PAGE TWO -1'"- mnfucr,"-' W. WJ1HX THE DltKAMS COMK Tit UK AT IjAST 1. JuBt nil tlio Joy of tlio little earth you'ro livln In enn hold Wlion tlio BUinnior total Is ended and tlio liarvcat shines Its Bold; "When tlio barns arc heaped plenty tlio proinlso of the past, And (lrcnins that bless tlio dreamer nro coming truo at Inst. ) Thon tlio toller tolls his troubles a long and last good night; Tho brothor of tlio morning a citi zen of light; 'And Joy conies homo, to dwell with him: No sky Is overcast "With tho shadow of a sorrow where tho dreams coino trud at last. P. L. STANTON O J SWKDISII LUTllKltAX AID Tho Ladles Aid Socloty of tho Swedish Lutheran church of North Dond mot at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Albort Anderson of Uangor, last Sundny afternoon. Tho tlmo was spent pleasantly In sowing nftor which, tho hostess served dainty re freshments. Thoso present were: 'Mrs. K. Wlttlclc, Mrs. Wnj. Strang, Mrs. John Grant, Mrs. J. Carlson, iMrs. J. DJubock, .Mrs. A. Tyborg, M. KJolmnu, W. Strang, A. Andorson, Andors Andorson, Hov. I). P. Ueugt sou and Misses: Stella Grant, Esther Ilorglund, Julia lllomqulat, Annlo AndcrBou, Kdna Anderson. Tho noxt meeting will bo held Woductt day, Jniiuary lUtli with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill. V V V 4 4 I MAItlUKI) THIS AFTKUNOO.V I v Lnto tills afternoon, Miss Lena Ashman, daughter of Mr. and MrH. Win. Ashman, became tho brldo of Harry Wolch, at hor homo on North Fourth street, tho Hov. H. K. Ilrown lug officiating. Only tho mcmberH of tho Immedlato family wore pres ent, Tho brldo has, for tho past throo and a half years, hold very ef ficiently, a position in tlio offices of tlio Western Union Telegraph Com pany, and only a fow days ago re olguod hor position, which Is now being hold by Miss Carrie 10. Hoss. tiluco Bho first camo to tho bay with hor pnroiits, n niimbor of years ngo, Miss Ashman linn won many friends iiuul ncqiinlntnuccs, who ail in I ro licr for hor sterling charactor, kind dls lioBltton and efficiency In hor work. Mr. Wolch Is well known hero and for some tlmo lias boon employed ns Bawyor at tho slilnglo mill. Mr. and Mrs. Welch will start housekeeping at oncu at ICG Golden Avenuo. Their many friends Join In extending con gratulations and best wishes. OXK O'CLOCK LUXCIIKOX - Tho liungalow, teachers, Mtssox Keeso, Griffin, Larson and Stnkos, ontortninod tills aftoruoou at one o'clock, at tho first of a series of luncheons, four courses being serv ed. Tlio dainty decorations woro of red and greon, carrying out effectiv ely tlio Chrlstmau spirit. Tho gnosis present wero: Mrs. A. K. I'cclc, Mrs. 'Thayer Grimes, Mrs. Carl Davis, and 'tho Misses: Grnco Wolverton, Mar- garot Shaw, Huth Allen, Ueulah fStobno, Ethel Hoguo, Etliol Stalloy. Tho hostesses will entertain ngalu noxt Saturday nt a luncheon. THI.MIILK CJiUU MEIiTH 9 Yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Arthur Derbyshire entertained tho members of the North Hcml Thimble Club and special guest Mrs. llonry O'Mnrn of Marshfleld. Tho rooms wero excep tionally pretty with their Christmas display of wreathes and greens and red bows. Each table was adorned with a miniature Christmas tree, charmingly decorated and artistic place cards symbolllc of tho Yule tldo season. The hostess was asslst- led by Mrs. E. Russell in serving a , delicious luncheon. At tho business session, tho club voted to subscrlbo i for tho Youth's Companion for a year for tho public library of North ' Ucnd. There will bo an evening party somctlmo during tho holidays Mint it is not docldcd as yot as to tho place and dnto. The next meeting will bo with Mrs, A. S. Hammond on Friday, Jnnuary 7th. The inomberH out tills week wero: Mrs. J, G. Mul len, Mrs. Georgo Mundlgo, Mrs. E. P. Kiissoll, MrH. A. E. Hoso, MrB. P. 1 13. Glazier, Mrs. M. 13. Evcrltt, Mrs. I'll E. Durmcstor, Mrs. II. D. 1 Inzer, .Mrs. Chas, Kaiser, Mrs. W. Vuughan and Mrs. I. 1). Uartlo. fr Lnrson, Miss Edna Johnson, Mrs. Wllhelniina Erlckson, Mrs. Edward Erlakson, Mrs. Wllhclmina Gjcr drum, Mrs. Kal Uranncr, Mrs. Ml lotte, Mrs. C. G. Magnus, Mrs. H. Ivcrscn, Mrs. 13. Itofsland, Mrs. G. Stcen, Mrs. E. Uergland, Mrs. John Tollcfson, Mrs. Dock, Miss Cora Ma thlsen, Miss Stella Magnus, Itev. and Mrs. Itev. It. 0. Thorpe. 4 9 LODGE ICLICCTS OFFICIOS Tho Ladles Auxiliary of tho Owl Lodgo met Thursday evening and elected the following officers to servo for tho , coming year: Past President, Stella Hill; Prcs., Jennie Hotirko; Vice. Pros., Mnrgarot Ross; Invocator, Ida Drockmuollor; Sec, Amy Illelman; Treasurer, Madgo Simpson; Sentinel, Emma Hngciulst; Plckot, Anna Johnson; Warden, Winnie Simpson. XKKHIUOItHIIOOD CAItl) j CLUH : Mr. nnd Mrs. A. 13. DIment very onjoyably entertained tho members of the Neighborhood card club at their homo last Wednesday evening, Mrs. A. D. Loud winning high scoro nt cards, tho principal diversion of tho evening'. Refreshments were served nt n late hour to tho follow ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. 1). A. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Mattsou, Mr. and Mrs. A. 13. Loud, Mr nnd Mrs Georgo 11. Anderson, Mr. nnd .Mrs. Clins. Feller, and Mr. Atchi son. Tho club meetings liavo boon postponed until after tho hol idays. .j. .5. .j. ' j EPISCOPAL LAI)li:S (iUILD LADIKH ART CLUIl I ! Mrs. O. S. Torroy very dollghtful- ly entertained tho Ladies Art Club rat her homo yesterday afternoon, 'this mooting being tho last 0110 un til January 7th when Mra. Arthur (lUauchnrd will ho tho hostess. The decorations woro nil of tho Christ mas Idea, tho lnlnlnturo Christmas troo being a special feature. Spec llal gueBtB out woro Mrsi C. P. ,McOcorgo, Mrs. Lisle, Mrs. 1). J. McKInuou, Mrs. C. II. Curtis and Mrs. Hugh Craig, tlio last two ns- 'slstlng tho hostess In serving a sump- tuoua luncheon. Tho membors pres ent woro: .Mrs. Armey, .Mrs. inaucii ard and son Georgo Franklin, Mrs. Jus. Cownn Sr Mrs, W. I). Curtis, Jlrs. L. P. Palkeus,toln, Mrs. P. M. Plyo, .Mrs W. 13. Iloaglund, Mrs. A. L. HotiBoworth, Mrs. L. G. Lang, Mrs. P. L. Sumner, .Mra R. II. Walters and Mrs. 0. S. Torroy. I LAIHP.S AID MKKTS Tho Norwoglan Lutheran Ladles' Aid Socloty Mot in tho chapol parlor Thursday nfteruoou. Mrs. P. II. Jn cobson, nsslsted by hor sister. Mrs. 13. Uergland, was tho hostess, and sorvod 11 dainty luncheon to tho guoBtH at tho cIoho of tho nftornoon. Pinal nrrnngemeuts woro mndo for tlio ChrlBtmns bazaar to ho hold Sat urday ovonlug, and tlio ladles brought ninny pretty nrtlclos to bo disposed of thou. Thoso present wero: Mrs. Karl Howe, Mrs. Ruil loff, Mrs. N. Thorp, Mrs. Magnus Thorp, Mra. O, Larson, Mies Elsie The regular session of tho .Marsh field Episcopal Ladles Guild was held on Wednesday afternoon of this Armour's Star Ham In tho now STOCKINET COVKIMXd Is J11M "Tlio Hum What Am' niado better hy "lolnif Miioket'i In this cleanly protector, which retains all tho natural Juices and Intensifies tho flavor. Older 0110 today. A10 hold by leading merchants. Matt, L. May Wholesale Distributor week Instead of Tuesday, owing to tho Men's Fellowship Club banquet being hold In tho hall on tho latter date. Pinal arrangements woro mndo for tho bnzanr and cookod food sale which Is being hold today In tho Ilargolt building. After oth er matters of business had been at tended to, tho hostesses for the af ternoon, Mrs. Otto Schettcr, Mrs. Arthur McKcown and Mrs. P. A. aoldon served light rcfreshmoniB. Tho visitors 'present woro: Miss Mae Olcman, Mrs, J. V. Plnnngan, Mrs "W. P. Murphy, Mrs. John 1). Goss nnd Mrs. Olivia Edmnn, nnd tho, members out other than tho hostess-1 cs woro: Mrs. Annlo Tower, Mrs. W. B. Curtis, Mrs. G. L. DIndlnger, Mrs. llonry O'Mnrn, Mrs. Emma Nasburg, Mrs. Jack Davis, Mrs. L, W. Jacobs, Mrs. F. A. Sacchl, Mrs. J. S. Coke, Mrs. C. W. Cumbors, .Mrs. Chns. Stnuff, Mrs. Clalido Nas burg, Mrs. J. A. Matson, Miss Ag nes Hutcheson, Mrs. E. G. Pcrhaui, Mrs. Nancy Noble, Mrs. Chas. Hall, MrB. Francis Hazard, Mrs. Guy War ner, Miss Floronco Aiken, Mrs. J. W. fBonnott, Jlrs. E. P. Lowls, Mrs. F. W. Payno and Mrs. E. L. McClurc. Tho guild will moot again noxt Tues day for n purely business seslon. I ALERT CLUU Rainbow Club met nt Club houso with Mrs. J. A. Goodwill, Mrs. Will iam Richards, and Mrs. M. Jutstrom as hostesses. Thirty-two mombors woro present, somo of tho husbands lot tho members bolng entertained. 1110 uecorntions wero ciirysantne niiuns and ribbons of tho rainbow colors, and Oregon grnpo. A delic ious dinner was served. Work on Christmas prcsontB wns tho order of tho day. Good music was also en joyed as wns tho taffy which wns mndo by Miss Ulnncli Cutllp. Tho mombors present wero: Mrs. E. L. HosBcy, Mrs. II. 13. llcssey, Miss Rhincho Cutllp, Mrs.- Lorenzo Cutllp, MrB. Nnthnn Cutllp, Mrs. S. 11. Cutllp, Mrs. E. L. Doxter, Mrs. C. II. Diingnn, Mrs. J. A. Goodwill, Mrs. E. R. llodson, Mrs. W. P. Ilod son, Mrs. M. Justrom, Mrs William .Richards, Mrs. S. C. Rogers, Mrs. V. II. Smith, Mrs. L. D. Smith, Mrs. J. A. Smith, Mrs. 13. Geo. Smith, Jlrs. L. Saunders, Mrs. W. L. Wlrth, Mrs. R. Radford, Mrs. Jonson. Tho hostesses for tho next meet ing which will bo on tho first 'Thursday In January at tho Club houso will bo Mrs. L. 1). Smith, Mra. T. P. Smith and Mrs. Radford. Tho husbands outertalucd this week woro .Mr. J. J. Cllnkonboard, Mrsi 13. L. Dexter, Mra. W, F. HodBon, .Mr. M. Jutstrom nd 3Ir, W. II. Smltii. The Oldest llimlwiu-o ."Jobbers on ilio Pacific coast I'Mnblislied 18U8. Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Wholesale Dealers, Importers and Exporters of Hardware and Housefurnishings, mining, water works, rail way and steamship supplies, electrical sup plies, cutlery, sporting goods and like lines ;1A for Clean Cut Edge Tools T. W. GARDINER Local Representative PHOtiE 623 NORTH BENI), OREGON X "fc I e First dition 1 The home place ideal, where every convenience in tho way of graded streets, city water, jitney, telephone and electric light ser vice is at your disposal is where you want your home. On Oregon avenue we have for your selection some of the choic est homesiles in the entire tract. Each lot fi()x120. All improve ments puid and the price only $:300. You can buy on your own terms. Call at our oTf iCc Tor pint!" "' "'' Reynolds Development Co. (OWNER) 178 Central Ave. Telephone 160 JEWELRY The Most Permanent of Christmas Gifts I have one of the nicest lines from which to select Christmas gifts. In my stock you will find COMMUNITY SILVER IN LOUIS XVI and PATRICIAN Parisian Ivory Articles. WATCHES CLOCKS f CHAINS GIFT RINGS PLAIN RINGS ' SET RINGS FINE SELECTION OF AGATE JEWELRY BRACELET WATCHES l BRACELETS PEARL NECKLACES LAVALIERS BROOCHES, BEAUTY PIN SETS, CUFF BUTTONS, ETC Wilson's Jewelry Store Just Before Christmas Look 011 tlio bright Hide, 'IN ("In Minus time. Tlio holiday hplrlt Is in tlio air. I.llio doui It conies' and spreads Its bounty over tlio uliolo world IiihoIiIhi; a uulvorho In kIvIiik- Wo will mention a few 'out of a great many wo can hIiow you. Our Now Gynsy Kid llutton. regular pileo most ovorywhero ?G, now $1 ' Our now Patent Loutlior laco, refill- ( lur pileo most ovorywnoro, Jl.no; now ?:UK5J Our now Kiinmctal lnco cloth top, regular prlco ovorywhero $4.50; , now H.mi Our now Ian lnco rubber heols, Hob by noots, rcg. ?5.00, now ...l)-" Our now imtont leuthor button, cloth 1 top, low'lioel, rcg. $3.G0( now $iMM)l Wo Iiino many otner Myies or hliooj that wo can idmw you that aro real Christ mas bargains. Wo ulllt bo ulad to hlupv them to jou any time, llcmcmher wo can have you money on any pair of shoes joii buy at our btoro. Electric Shoe Store1 S. J. I.MMI'Uj, l'rop. 180 South Itroadway (Contlnuod on PnKd Tlireo.) - Ighristmas is nearI B B 1 . RtreTrr1 AniTn ruriro I ii V h DssilL di dtdh&' dl Us i! dSf .Id li No home is complete without music. Like the laughter of little tots Music makes everything brighter for everyone. It makes home a pleasant place to stay I3F S issh-. zzz ft, Zw&r zgL tWEmWm SsMfyS8ma Hundreds of Victor Itecords to hclect from fluent artlstH host se lections. If jour friends huvo a phonogriipli thoy will appreciato tho gift of new Victor Itecords, V.. 1V- v Christmas Flowers k ANGELU PLAYER J PIANO. i and Holly Sprays and Wreaths Cut flow e r.s ami plants can ho MMit anywhere in tho country and aro always ac ceptable. Marsh field Florist Co. Edwiu G. Scott Cut Flowers, Floral Designs, I'limfu 5J Phones: Storo 259-J. M flreonhoiiBO -I2r)-X 1 the piano anyone can play ar tistically with personal exoression We also have the Kingsbury, Hardman, Ludwlg and Wlilton Pianos, instruments that have established themselves as leaders. We will be pleased to show our fine line of instruments, including violins and other stringed instruments, to you. The range in prices is wide and we will be glad to arrange terms on the more expensive in struments if you are not prepared to pay all cash. ILoo JLflo It HOMAS MJS 1 . ,o matter how murli or how W tloyouwanttoimyforaCbrbtiuM gift you won't set tlIJC "' will Klvo yonMcUpleM Victor or n Vktor-Vlctrote. There's ono of tl.t-o Wmti at prlco to Milt every V nd wo'Il arraiiljo esiny terms Stop in ay tin.. ' play any Victor ..iulc you ,0 heart IC CO, Representing Wiley B. AJlen Co. M ' A ' 78fCENTRAL AVE. PHONE 151-L MARSHFIELD CENTRAL AVENUE Open Evenings. j SjSjSj'