-7 H -Tt"iTT"" rywqrfr' '" T '; .pjpri! -tf'i.wwr1 - J j THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY; DECEMBER 11, 1915 EVENING EDITION. mhahoaii wini'r' rkAr.r Tlinr-r- sh u i nnrr- rKuc inncc i. . m V" Christmas Gifts :- That Make the Home Cosy and Beautiful Why not join the thousands who arc now buying useful Christ mas presents gifts that endure and con stantly give pleasure, comfort and joy 10 the recipients with happy memories of the thoughtfulness of the giver? . The expense need not be more than you spend for trinkets, for oddities that give only a momentary pleasure 53tL iwrrnaan.-rmS3. . fl. fl "-- - t. , T, Zs 'j s-&vJ--' Of rr1 iKtHT ' fl I1 r"T i MJKftfTmV BUM UN X ' .ll. to the recipient or perhaps mean a constant outlay money it iney are or service at an. After all,, a Happy Christmas can only be in a Happy Home a home that is comfortable and cosv. broathinn welcome in its very atmosphere to the visitor as well as the members of the fam ily circle. ' If you are buying gifts for a relative or friend, why not give something that will add to the beauty and comfort of their home surroundings? if If you are making gifts to a member of your family, why not select something particularly suitable to the needs of the recipient and at the same time be of ser vice to all the household, or at least add to the attractiveness of your home sur ' roundings? ' The Johnson-Gulovsen store is teeming with such gifts gifts, not expensive, but presents that show quality and service as well as beauty. It is impossible to enumerate them all but here are a few that may aid you in determining what would be most suited for your gifts: Library Tables $6.40 to $32.50 Dinner Sets of 52 useful pieces $7.50 and $8.50 Leather Easy Chairs. $15.50 to $29.50 Leather and Imitation Leather Davenports $30 to $60 Leather Auto Seat Rockers $6.25 to $22.50 Visit our store. It will be a pleasure or not. ' Children's Rockers.. .$1.25 to $6.50 Ladies' Home Desks $9.25 up Footstools $2.50 to $5.50 Tabourettes $1.40 to $6.00 Umbrella Racks. $1.75 to $6.50 Magazine Racks $2.50 to $12.50 Smoker Stand Sets.. .$3.50 to $6.50 to you as well as us whether you buy Johnson-Gulovsen Co. Quality Home Furnishers Marshf ield North Front St. KHB Bi IT 11 g noiiaay Dec. 10th to Dec. Cash Only Free Delivery All Orders Otherwise at Regular Prices Grocery Specials 18th Lye, can Borax Soap Chips Fels Naptha Soap Citrus Powder Trilby Toilet Soap Soda Starch, Gloss and Corn .. Shaker Salt .'-. Corn Syrup, 1-2 gallon .. Corn Flakes, 3 packages Calif. Walnuts in packages .. 8c 22c 5c 22c ..5c ..5c ..8c .8c 25c 25c 22c Big can Pineapples Peaches, gowl Apricots .h Yellow Cling Peaches Regular IS-c Sardines Standard. Tomatoes Seven Pars Topnotch Soap 25c 12c gra'de Corn ..10c Pint Bottles Catsup c Peas !?C 1UC J5c 10c ..12c 12c .10c -8c String Beans THESE ARE BUT A FEW 0F"THE MANY SIMILAR BARGAINS COME IN Coos Bay Fanners' Exchange Central Avenuo nnd Wnter front. Phono 70. I- EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY). Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. Nor th Front Street Santa Claus CTp to Date. Every yonr I nm tempted to come out on n housetop mid tell tliu young nnd self ruislns generation (lie truth nuoul Snntn Clnus. I bcllovo it only right that the chil dren should know Santa Claus no loiw gcr goes about In it (Unity little sleigh, delivering toys down the chimneys. Ilo simply couldn't do It If ho tiled. That kind of thing was all right when hi business was small and ho was young er than Iio Is now. In thosto days ho made the toys himself glued even the llttlu tails of the little toy sheep In place, stuck the little oyes on the tops of their little heads, painted tho little bodies as different from the real thing as he could and do It (pilch, nnd then, , bitching up his six reindeers, delivered the whole batch before sunrise Christ mas morning. It Is different now. . Santa Clnus Is old, and nil he does Is to live on the profits of the business. Tho business now Is " run under the name of S. Clans & Co., and tho firm has many workers-clerks, drivers and ' tho rest. Soige of tho employees of this big firm liuvo grown so careless that they miss llttlo boys and girls who j i live in out of the way places. Old i Santa Claus novor did such a thing In his life. , If iiny of our young, pcoplo nro over looked this year they must not blame Santa Claus. Ho Is Just ns Jolly and good as over. They'll have to blame It on tho now driver that looks after their section of the earth. Chrlttmno of tho Shetland Islands. 1 A scene less populous but not less striking is old Christinas eve, the 4111 of January, when the children and young men of Lerwick, in the Shet land Islands, go niguh.lng. The chil dren disguise theiiinelves 111 strange dresses, parade tho streets and Invade tho houses nnd shops bogging for offer lugs. At 1 o'clock the young, men. I coarsely clad, drag biasing tar barrels i through tho town, blowing norus nuu i cheering. At (I o'clock In -tho morning I they put ofT their grimy clothes and ! dressed in fantastic costumes go hi I grouVs to -wish their friends tho sea I son's compliments. 1 Iiirper'sMngiuilne. .See tho 1'Mrst National Hunk ad today for plan of distributing fifty savings accounts rco. D. Mora 1854 . ' POUT OltKOni), tho seaport of Curry county, Is ono-fourth larger than It was last year. This is a record of growth of which probably fow other towns or cities in tho county can boast. In tho early spring a now com pany will go Into tho tlo biiBlnoss lit tho city and will havo a cablo from Kort Point and load ties and unload frolght In this way Instead of us ing tho wharf. The company will glvo tho locality a regular boat bct vlco nnd cut down tho cost of freight about one-half. A lire snvlng station for Port Or ford Is assured and will prolahiy bo built during tho coming yonr. Plan .Summer Hotel Tho placo has become- highly popttlnr as a ouniincr resort on ac count of Its beautiful boach and there Is tulle of building n summer hotel on tho lake near tho city. Tho Agnto cnrnivnl which is held each year 1ms attracted much attention to Port orford nnd each year It has become moro popular ns n placo to visit. There Is a movo on -foot to build a county rond up tho Sixes river to connect with tho railroad nt Powers and thus glvo tho community n quicker outlet for pnsscngor nnd freight business. Tho work which Is bolng done In tho gold mining centers on tho Six- eft river la causing moro or less ex cltomoiit. A largo amount of mon ey has been Invoatod by tho com pauy developing tho mines thero nnd soon tho now sluccs will bo ready for use nnd tho wnter turned on for hydraulic mining. Locality Prosperous Port Orford Ib ono of tho most nttrnctlvoly located places on tho coast nnd with Us harbor possibili ties tho pcoplo Interested thero feel that thero Is n great ftituro for tho district. At tho present tlmo tho plnco is surrounded by n flno dairy country. Tho pcoplo nro prosper 'oiib nnd tho community Is n rich ono. Port Orford is tho oldest town In this part of tho Btnto, having in, tho early 'GOs been an nrmy post boforo Coos Hoy had oVon started nB a set tlement of whtto pcoplo. FAIU3 TEN' CENTS City LinilU North Bend, Sc. t)( COMMUTATION l)( .i TICKETS $1.75 ZU Mnrehflcld-Narth Houd Auto Line Car every ten minutes from fl a. m. to 12 p. m.; to South Slough once a day, leaving at 11 o. in.; to Empire three trips a day. GORST & KINO, Props. HERE ARE SOME of OUR HOLIDAY Be Sure and Look Them Over '.-. and then Come and See Us PRICES Applos, Spitzenborg and Northern Spy, oxtra fancy, Per box $1.25 Poppy Syrup, No, 10 tins, each $ .50 Cooking Molasses, per can 10 Cane and Maple Syrup, per quart 45 Bacon-, medium weight, sides and backs, lb,,-22c Salt Pork, first class quality, por pound 15 Eggs, good quality, per dozen ' .35 Soap, Crystal White, 6 bars for .25 Apple Butter (bulk), per pound 15 Vinegar, per bottle ,. 10 Mother's Oats, per package, (large), each 25 Mothor's Oats, (small), each 15 Tojlot Paper . 5 rolls .25 Liberty Oats, por package, (large) :..,. .25 Tomatoes (Standard) No, 2VL tins 3 for .25 Butter, Norway, two-pound square 68 Libby Pork and Beans, each ' .09 Peaches (good quality), (halves) each .10 Per dozen - 1.10 Brooms .35, .50, .60 Spuds (good local)g por sack 1.60 Soa Foam Naptha Powder for washing, Four- pound packages, This is tho largest packago and best powder on the market 20 Bulk Crackers, two pounds for 25 Peanut Butter, two pounds for 25 Cranberries (excellent grade), two pounds for- .25 Eggs (local fresh, guaranteed) per dozen 50 Citron Pool, por pound i f25 Lemon and Orango Peol, por pound ' .20 Macaroni (bulkj curve cut), two pounds for-- .15 Chocolalj, Guittard's, pefpound 30 In throo-pound cans, per can 80 Matches, ono dozen boxes 45 Popcorn, A-1 quality, four pounds for 25 Treo Tea, all kinds, per pound 50 Peas, very good grade, oach r-- .10 Per dozen cans 1.10 Coffee, regular 30-cent grade, per pound ..- .25 Coffee, Royal Club, throe-pound can 1.00 Catsup Gold Modal, per pint bottle 10 Worcester Sauco, por bottle, each 10 Preserves and Jollies, (largo), oach 20 Heinz' Pork and Beans, regular 15c seller 10 light-Houso Cloanor - .05 Vanilla and Lemon Extract, IMj-oz,, por bottle .10 Salad Dressing, oach 10 Pineapples (sliced) No, 2 and No.2Mj tins.JOc, 15c Coal Oil, five gallons ' .75 Dry Onions, por sack, 100-pounds 1.75 Small amounts, per pound 02 Soda, per packago 05 You can buy an Aluminum Coffee Percolator 1 from us for 99c with every three pounds of coffee bought at our store at our regular ', prices. This is your opportunity to get one of these coffee makers at cost. ' WE SAVE YOU MONEY GETTING'S CASH GROCERY IE You Want to Save Money on Your Grocery Bill, Come and See Us in Regards to Daily or Weekly Accounts TIMES WANT ADS BRING RESULTS M j