The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 11, 1915, EVENING EDITION, SECTION THREE, Page PAGE TWO, Image 18

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Originators of j
Low rnces
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mtiwrni iwinrnrr - n
f i r mr Mr SmiJOm J'm'm' SjP SwF aW m Jr Jr V"" "v w
V IncorDoraTecL vlucI!roiiott
Money Saving
Prices on User ul X
mas Presents for the W
hole Family
Before buying get our prices and com
pare the goods, and be convinced that
the J. C. Penney Company can and does
save you from 25$) to 33y3 on every
Men's Suits, non-breakable fronts,
in gray serge, novelties, blue serge,
$15,00 values, Our price $9.90
Suit of Merit, cut in
the latest styles;
all wool, brown check, gray novel
ty, black mixture and French Blue
Serge, $18 value, Our price $12.50
Try on one of these suits and bo
convinced of tho quality and the
value there is in them, Look at
the fit they fit like they were
made for you,
STERLING brown plaids, black
with pin stripe, plain gray, heavy
French Sorgo, Sponged and shrunk,
$22,50 value, Our price .-$14.75
.Better ones, at a, saving of thirty
three and one-third percent $16.50
hi' all the latest patterns and latest styles, They are worth
ot least $2,50 to $3,00 more, Our prices $8.90, $7.39, 6.49
Novelty Blue, $2,75 value, Our price $2.25
Browrt mixtures Norfolk cut, $4,00 val, Our price $2.98
Gray Check, brown checks and blue serges, lined pants, Nor
folk cut, These am worth at the least one-third more, Our
prices , $4.98, $3.98, $3.49
Latest style, wide flare ends, at a saving of 33 1-3 per cent,
Our price 23c, 45c
Men's Four-in-Hand Reversible Tie 45c
Men's Four-in-hand A dandy value 23c
Bow Ties, all new patterns 23c
Men's Linen Handkerchiefs, linen --15c and 19c
Best two-for-25c Handkerchiefs at 10c
Men's Flannel Shirts, to wear white collars, with fine French
flannel $2.98, $2.25
Men's Cashmere Sox, 35c value, Our price 25c
Men's Silk Sox, 35c value, Our price 25c
Ladies' Suits, Coats and one-piece wool Drosses, Just a
few ladies' serge suits left, suits that are worth at least one
third more J $9.90, $12.50
Patterns and shados white and black check, all-wool, $20
Goat, Our price $14.75
Novelty Coats, all different patterns, in mixtures and plain
weaves, black plush, etc, $18 value: Our price $12.50
n dandy line of ladies' coats and money savors
$9.90, $8.90, $7.90, $5.90, $4.98
Men's Sweater Coats $3.98 $2.98, $1 98 on
Men's Jersey Sweaters $1 49' 98o
Boys' Jersey Sweaters ..'. ... 98c' 25c
Silk and wooltpoplln, $5,00 'value, Our price $390
Wool serges in the latest stylos and patterns, $10,00 value
Our price 1 $749
Ladies' Rain Coats
Double Texture T . $9.90, $4.98$2!98
Gaberdines, $18,00 value, Our price $12,50
Children's Rain Capes with hoods, in Red, Blue $2.98, $1 73
Men's and Boys Rain Coat $93
Strapped and cemented seams, double texture, $4,00 value,
Our price $2.98
Get your Not Waist now and be ahead of the season, The
latest out in ladies' waists, Ladies net waists over silk $2.98
Silk Net, worth double the price $4.49, $3.98, $3.49
fc'llk Hose for Christmas Presents 45c
Linen Napkins, for set of six, $1.98, $1.25, 98c
Napkins, per dozen, good, large, already to use 98o
Napkins, per dozen, good and large, 49c
Flowered Ribbons, just the thing for the girls. 35c, 29c, 19o
Baby Blankets, flowered patterns, colors bluo and pink.
75c blanket, Our price 1 49c
Bath Rugs $1.23
tied Spreads, They are worth from 50c to $1,25 more.
$2.98, $1.98, $1.49, 98c, 69c
PK t v cJ. -f - .
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. ffflSEgfiP -. ,i HMr
Cbc Gfft JMontb.
December tho gift monlli! "Give; It
Is llko Ood," snj'B mi phi proverb.
Chrlstnina Is u linppy t lino bonnwi'
thou tlio host feelings of t lie lionrt tm
ollcltoit nnil nllowwl full pliiy. Wlmt
would otliurwlHo liu Kiiiotliort'il down iih
MiKKPstlvo of ticiitliiiontiillty, ns mi
seemly, nn Indlentlvo of a too dear
(lrviun, niny vpnturo forth In the kooiI
coiiKouliillty of tho Christinas uonsou
nnil, quickly iittaliiliiK unto lionutlful
Klft-fuliie.MH, hlossoiu out in kooiI will,
Kindness, C'luiat-llUo lUndlliics.s, bless
ing nuil bli's-jcd.
It in well that there Hhouhl bo uuch
a nonson. Wo are all Islnder than wo
noe':i. Life as It comes to us with Its
f li':iirntlv pressure of duty tlomaiids,
1 Its hrnln rnrUlnj,' cures for the linnietll
' nto future, Us pitiful inlsiindeiHtniul
Inca leading unto estrangements, cold-
liess, forget fuhu'HS life, oven as It Is
and ever must bo unto us mortals, cre
ates, as It were, an ley tllni over what
la tho liliidllost and be. In all our
Then comes tho Christmas Koason,
with Ita memories of other years, of
better, happier hours, and the hand of
a little child bundles away that Ice
tllm, and there rise up silently Into
our busy day those gentler, kindlier
frelliiKs which, thoiiKh dormant, were
not dead.
At home we are loved host; there, too,
'-o love best. In the Kciilul Christian
ho'tie, as In no other place on earth,
there are full meaning, full apprecia
tion, full enjoyment of tho (Jod given
lilft, Christmas.
"ill -&-.-J. L. , " r 51
!Klby Santa Mvcs.
Cbougbts for
' 1
B Contfnual Cbrfstmas
Let uo pleasure tempt thee, no profit
ulluro thee, no ambition corrupt thee,
no exnintlo sway thee, no persuasion
move theo to do anytlilns thou know
est to bo evil; so slmlt thou always live
Jolllly; for n good consclonto Is a con
tinual Christmas. Hoiijamln Frnuklln.
f noting at Cbrfetmao
ATbcn Cromwell ruled KukIdiuI ho Is
eueil an edict apilnst all festivities at
Christmas. Tho festhal was altoseth
cr abolished and tho display of holly
and mlstletoo and other emblems o(
tho luippy tlmo held to bo seditious.
I Cbc Yule Jvog
I Tho obsorvanco of lighting the Yulo
1 log from tho remnants of the previous
1 Chilstiuas log can probably bo traced
j to the ancient belief In tho olllcacy of
1 II iv, which was supposed never to be
I extinguished. It is a link In tho chain
I that binds us to bygouo times when.
j to quote Mas Muller, "the hearth was
I tho llrut altur. tho father tho llrst oldt"
j his wjfo aril children and slaves t'
j llrst congroL' lou."
I Candid.
1 Kdlth You must speak to papa llrst.
Surely you don't expect htm to make
tho advnnces, do you? JackWell, If
be doesn't I don't ieo how wo aro go
Jug to got married. Iloston Transcript.
CIto wan the cnorua of that heavenly
anthem which fell upon the ohcpherJo'
eara and which will rlno down the ctt
turtca till the end of time: "Gloria In
ejreelon) Deo peace on earth, jjood will
toward men."
. n
JIay Chrlot'o glory Illumine every
home and cradle, every vrorhahop and
counting houocl lay a brighter halo
than the palntcra put around hla
head ourround every mother and babe
throughout the land at thto Cbrlattnaa
tldcl Pretty Dutch Christmas Custom.
In Holland a pretty custom exists,
On tho night before Christmas, In com
memonitloii of tho star of tho east, the
j young men of tho town nsseinblo nnil
carry through the dark streets a large.
j bright star. All the people go out to
I greet It and gtvo to tho bearers of tho.
"star of Hethlehem," as it Is culled,
' alms for tho poor.
Christmases In
Various Lands
PnVOXSIIinn, Knglnnd, noted for
Its apples, boasts a curious cus
tom. On Christmas cvo tho
farmer and bis sou stand beneath the
oldost and best npplo tree, both bear
lug a Jug of elder, mid slug a certain
folk song.
After pnsslng tho elder Jug around
they betako themselves home to a good
supper and much morrymaklng.
Tho Jamaica negroes collect all bits
of odds and ends of flnory with which
to nrray themselves on Christmas cvo
nnd, choosing n king and queen, follow
these leaders about, making as much
uolso as possible.
Tho custom of giving gifts at Christ
mas came not from tho presents of
gold, nnd silver given to tho Christ
Child, as many bollove, but from an
old custom of prlosts putting on board
of all outgoing ships n box of alms.
Tho box was opened at Christmas
tldo nnd masses said for tho givers of
tho alms
Was thero over a wider or more lov
ing conspiracy than that which keeps
tho venerable llguro of Santa Claim
from slipping away, with all tho other
old tlmo myths, Into the forsaken won
derland of the past? Of all the per
sonages whoso marvelous doings once
llllcd the nil nils of men ho alone sur
vives. Ho hns outlived nil tho great gods,
and nil tho Impressive and poetic
conceptions which onco lllited between
heaven and earth thoso have gone,
but Santa Clans remains by virtue of
11 common understanding that child
hood shall not bo despoiled of one of
ItH most cherished beliefs, cither by
tho mythologlst, with his sun myth
theory, or tho scientist, with Ids heart
less diatribe against suporstltlou. '
There Is a good deal more to bo said
on this subject If this were the plaeo
to say It. Mveu superstition has its
uses and sometimes Its sound heart of
truth. Ho who does not hoo In tho
legend of Santa Clans a bonutlful faith
on ono sldo ami tho nutvo embodiment
of a dlvlno fact on tho other Is not lit
4o Jiavo a place at tho Christmas
board. For him thero should bo nei
ther carol nor holly nor mlstletoo.
They only shall keep tho feast to
whom all thoso things nro but tho out
ward and visible signs of an Inward
and spiritual erneo. Hamilton Wright
Washinoton's City Christmas.
"Peace on Karth, flood Will to Men."
This sentence, blazing from a brll
llamly lighted electric nlncani mia.ui
I almost to tho donio of tho capltol, re'
iiocieii me prouomlnant sentlmont of
thousands who assombled at tho capltol
plaza to celobrato Washington's "com
munity Clulstmas." A giant Xorwov
spruce, illuminated with glimmering
red, white and blue electric bulbs; the
Marine band, a lingo electric star or
the oast and n chorus of 1,000 singers,
with tho capltol Itself outlined as the
background against tho dark -curtain
of tho sky, made a scene of linprosslvo
beauty. Tableaux representing the
story of the Nativity were presented
In the improvised nmphlthontor. In
tho audience were many men nnd worn
en woll known throughout tho country,
including high government otllelals.
Tho Christmas Treo.
The Christinas tree Is rooted detp In lovo;
Its verdant branches lower far above
Its fruit are emblems ot u fairer clime:
Ifj odora whisper ot a happier time.
11a planted In all lands to spread and
And fntth and hope aiiionu Its treasures
Till the urceu life tree In our midst shall
And. cai th once more becomes on Eden
-From "Christmas Chimes."
$50 FREE
To 50 Children
DICSIItl.VC to CApicsi, In an
humble way, Its good "I"
to nieit nnil to Matter mining
Its fellow being as muili of the
Yulo TI1I0 MliH us possible, bring
lug: Joy and Kindness to tho heait
or parent nuil child, tho VliM Nat
I01111I Hank of Coos Hnj' has selected
from it multitude of suggestions the
iinlquo Men of starting eaih car
fifty boys nuil girls on the rnail to
fill 111 1 happiness ami success,
Tho idea embodies the making
of firty Savings Accounts of One
Hollar each and distributing them
among tho mIiooI children of Marsh
field. Kncli child wishing lo par
tlclpato in tho proposition h ,e
quested to call at the bank and reg
ister thereby receiving n number,
the ilupllrnte of which will be re
tained by tho bank and at the rloso
of tho prescribed tlmo for registra
tion, tho numbers will he shaken up
in 11 largo box from "hlch will ho
drawn the Fifty Lucky Numbers.
It Is tho carnost hopo and express
wish, that with the giving of these
modest lft.s, will bo miWii tho seed
of thrift, and Industry, finding "
in tho fertllo brain of youth will
constantly convoy that mesago to
tho growing child which will nur
ture that chnractcrlstio making fr
better cltlons, better fathers and
mothers, nuil n progressive and
thriving community. With U'N wo
tender 011C best wishes for a er
Merry Christmas and a pros)crous
and I runny Xow Year.
First National
Bank oiCoosJsy
4ft ".JLt-Ak. m.