o THE COOS BAY TIMES, IBARSHFIELb. OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915 EVENING EDITION. SECTION TWO PAGE SEV?N r jj - Youir '- Christmas - Shopping - Early t .- What to Buy H Here's a list of timely suggestions for a man's and young man's Christmas nifts Men like uscfu presents from a man's store, You'll fndustle t nc Te wouki buy for himself in this list of useful articles. Our stocks, you'll find; aro the newnst of merchandise. Make sn font hnc nm.i ' J " ' . ' l" ,,.. NECKWEAR Itcttn t ll'nl Neckwear In thu newest designs mill silk I'nbrlcN. li."e l tfl.oo. HOSIERY A full lino of Imslciy In (ho best hi and-, tlio novvosl novelties nnil .shades, silk hi IM. fOr (o $1.00. ' JEWELRY Cliff JIllIlN, fllll (HCSS HVtH'fllHl M'lllf pins, fs'tfi " ' lii Individual bnCH uiiiKM'iini'ntc. HANDKERCHIEFS ' IhimlkeirhlrfH lii C'lii tstiiifis boxes, Unci, four inl hIv to tins bov,;it "V.lc pt-r hov. I'liiln, nil linen, nl li.'c. HfiV mill ."(ic. UNDERWEAR Tuo-plece nnil union miK'j, Hiiiics, (Jlns (anbury, Motllhott,'! Chalinoits, Cooper's. . . P. Q. A. SHIRTS . 0 A chnleo of selection of :Ai-gniinulM, Mon arch mnl Anow hlilils in beautiful mad ins nnil cnnls. A man nin'l liuvo too many dress siiiitN, yi ?i.no,,i!, $2.50, tf:t.r. . 1 lilt Marshfield EQFESSIONAL DIRECTORY If, A. L. Houseworth, " Physician anil Hurgcoa Office: Irving IHock. hours: 11 to IS n. m.";. 3 to Hud 7 to 8 p. in. .v. mt Offlco llll-.T; Ken., lltt-I, I'M. Wright ; If I'liono 1SH;H I BUILDING CONTRACTOR I'DUmates furnlahod on request t HH. M.Shaw l'0i Knr ami Throat Specialist I'lliono !i:tl)..T itniimu "nii.oni InliiK lllock. MATTIi; H. SHAW. I' riuslrliii, mnl SurKooB I'liono :t:iO..T. .G. Butler CIVHj knoinkeh Ka 304 Coko IlldK. Phono M8-J Hcsldcnco Phono 3C3-L. f G. Chandler AHCHITICCT t 301 mm 302, Coko Hulldlns Jlarshflold, Oregou. Tisin 't'Aii LB pXAMKTTK 1AC1 ?IO MOTOH OAll I Leave North fiend 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9; 00 a.m. J r UlbffnM 5 b m. M a.m. 5 a.m. 1.15 a m. 10:15 a.inA '5 am. 11:00 a.m. 11:45 a.m 1:15 p.it. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4;00 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 5:55 p.m. limits only. 7:45 p.m. I!0 .m. '(0 D.ln Ms P.ai, t.. ' nm. j'" P.m. fllpB. M P.m. M5 Pm. North city SAVP unmcv . - - "llU I It t "nierliig tho funiou i MCMDVIfll I i- nnn 'tc,r'jyjLi-t uual -, iur mn qs-i.uu r1." coal, per ton 85.50 T'lt ton of hnth &1.1R I. 1). BltlTHSnV. Vrnrt. ' Pboiio l?.j 0P ion..,, ordora t "illyer's Cigar Stored WALL PAPER See VIERS !! CMUIl, About Jt. Christmas "'i'iIIU MUlVi NIGHTSHIRTS A good as-oitinciit of nightshirts mill pa Jamas In flannelette or cotton, plain or trimmed with fiogs. 'Prices' rangd from si.oo, .?i.no; .s.imi mnl .jtu.'r,o. ' x UMBRELLAS- ' "" r Men'M t'niliicllns, good substantial frmnos mnl covers, u nil i) selection of bamlles. $1.00 to ijuj.tm. SUSPENDERS ' . t Suspender In good quality wish, ttcit makes, flue linclclo iniiuntliigs ami lips, nOo to $1.01) per pair, ' ''.' GLOVES - ' . ' '' ' Von ran buy gloves hero In makes Kiirh us you like, In tan, gray. Pi h oil nl tjil.no ami $''.( I(. HATS All thu .newest shapes in Hoft or Miff hats, a full i mi or (liu newest shades. $!.."() to 81.00. K A ' - jjr .:. i Where The Pricels AlwaysRight; ' .-. High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797'South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 Abstracts roil IIKMA1ILH AHSTIIAOTS OK TIT1.U AM) IftKOItMATIOM AHOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See " TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAIIHIIFIHM) AND COQUIIJ.K CITV, OIlKflON GKNKIlAIi AOISN1U KAfiTfllDB AND SKNOSTUCKH.VH ADDITION AOKNTfl J'OU CANADIAX I'AOIKIO KAIMtOAD LANDM . IIKNItV SUNOSTACKIiN, R1ANAGBH NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. F. A. Kilburn SAN FRANCI5C0, DECEMBER 14,-AT FOIl FUlITIIEIl IXFOIIMATIO.V SMITH TKH.MIXAL DOCK. IMIONB 13(1. A. I. XOTf, Agent. jPARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY iWe Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM J.AUNDRY . , t, t Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams Bridges, Buildings. ' , General Construction CONLLtTE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tko most powerful, best equipped and most thoroughly mtKW. twenty-Inch liyilraullo aredgo le, I'uelflc aier Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. im for , a North Bend (Via Eureka) 9 A. M. i) ; iiii I , 1 ! 1 i t S Main office. Seattle. Washington CHRISTMAS K-YMNS 1113 earliest Christina hymn was undoubtedly the "Gloria In Ex. cclsls." whU'li was piolmbly one of the hjtnim which the Chrla tlnns wore Hluclni; In church at Chrlatniim In N'lcoineilla. when OloclutUn, the uiuueror, ordered the church to ho closed and tho whole coiiKi'cpitlou, youiiB mid old, burucd to death. i it Is strange that while we know that Christinas mid the Kplphany weio celebrated by the singing of hymns, uq nn ciciii cmois unvo conio down i tous- ' The """ ,,u'n " to ljl everything gJJJ uS'r"; f """'! Vt, ,," Tltcio Is an old carol dating on a mlnlaturo scale while duplicating son i If. SS? pioaso icii mo the trUth frotn the Ufteenth century which for the beloved doll children tho gifts Is tliero n Baata Clnuu? bus tho "Gloria In Bxeelsls" for I that usually fall to tho small mother. I ... . Vlltoi.SMA O'lIANLOfo. a infrnln. If lint'lnu. "-n"-u. A hnbo vna bom nil of a mala ' To bring nalvatlon unto us. i Uo moro nro wo to Bine afraid Vent creator splrltUB. Ono of tho best carols of tho i KllMtuetunn period Is thht by Itobert Southwell, a Jesuit priest who wns sent to convert Eug-! num. mu who wim scrzeu oy ucr I'lotestniit Majesty Elisabeth mid ImprlHoncd hi the tower for three years, and then, after Buf fering the torture of the rack, was executed Kcb. 'J, 1C&I. It begins: DeliolJ, ri simple, tender babo In freezing winter nlnlit; In homely ninnKcr treiiibltnc lies. AlnH, a piteous (tight! Dining the protectorate of Ol iver Cromwell ttic observance of Christmas was forbidden, and yet there Is a Christmas carol from the Puritan pen of George Wither, who was en l Idled and promoted by Crom well nnd thrown Into prison by Charles. It begins: As on tho iilclit boforo this happy morn A blessed angel unto shepherd told. Bishop Christopher, Words worth of Lincoln has given us tho hymn beginning "Sing, oh slug, this blessed morn!" James Montgomery, who was consid ered ono of England's most emi nent poets by no less an author ity than Lord Uyron. Is tliu au thor of the enrol beginning "An gels f i oin the realms of glory." Montgomery was born of Mora vian parents and dedicated to the ministry, but ho took up nowspaiHir work Instead mid be came eminent In general lit erature us well as In poetry. I'mil Gcrhanlt, to whom we nro Indebted for tho Easter hymn, "Jesus Liven." has also given i n spirited Christinas carol beginning "All my heart this night rejoices." In tho iuldst of the warlike stilfe betw'e'en King Charles and his parliament In the jenr lU'.'U .loliu Mlltmi found both leisure and lepose to write 1 j J-3 V "I ".,IL' ',""," of r" .Nativity." lu which there are evidently leferences to tho dls- turhed condlllou of things at . ' UlMCi , No Wdr or battle sodild Wns lieurd tho world uround. Christmas Evo The blaekloo's ?lame has died away) Tho embers Into ashes drift, Outsldo tho snows are eddylno. Qray, And piling fast In many a rift. White robed lo now the cedar tree Where once (he catbird nightly sann, ' t And from the eaves by two and three The Icicles like arrows hang. TIlA nhnrfnuuit nn mm rorrtM uaII Ft, cross and daneo amid the o'oom, ' And streaks of ghostly color fall ' In changing hues about tho room, , Tho spiders in the corners dim I Within their webs the closer cling, 'And from the mantel's" oakori rlrrt A pair of children's stockings swing. O'er Gold and foroot, lane and road Fast and still factor cwirl the snows, And In tho barn loft bnugly stowed A drowsy rooster wakes and crows. The clock strikes twelve, and midnight wanes, While winter skies stretch cold and drear. Frost flowers blossom on the panes, The onows 'float by and disappear. 'And .then across the rooftreo swells, Dome by'the winds that fall and rise, A sound of many hurrying bells, 1 'A sound that ebbs and peal's and dlos. And next adown the chimnoy creeps The childron'a saint in all tho lands. And, true to all tho trysts he keeps White bearded on the hearthstone stands. -Ernest McGaffey In Ladles' Homo Companion. A Christmas School. Some of the ery best dolls nro mado hi Miiitii'luiig. tieriiiiiny, which has an msiileiiiy of design. I'lil- M'hool was established In 1831, iiij'J nn mode room i-outalns many ex-; in nn pli'ios of sculpture niul rare old i-iii.i,. .Miiilellnu dolls Is no easy task, J anil it Is i cum i Imhle what perfect fig- the student nf this school arc nine in turn out Mold au made from Uu- ni'ulols mid from these n-nden pat-1 teiiih the lieii'dh. anus mnl legs tire I iiiihed out. a special mtn-iilue being iim'i) for stamping the hands. The fac I miles, especially the l.m-'ding room, me hot and filled with su-aiii. and for ihl reason the Itlg. brawny (Jermans .,11.. l...wkii,Y flu, mlvMli-i, lvnnr na ttv .i..,l,.w nl iuu..illili whlln nf u-nrlr " - - -- 1 - j M TIMES WANT ADS tt fiFT RESULTS tt & i 1 ttf'i rrt-ri nMrtt tr" niifr" nlUrlf U' I A TINY CHRISTMAS TREE. Ona Mother Made Her Littla olrl Verv Happy With Mlnlaturo Plant. I A tiny II r tree, not over twv and n hnlf foot hlch nnil of nriiiinptrlinl nan iccc uigu. nnil or njininetricni slmpe, was chosen for my little girl's doll's Christmas tice, says n writer In the woman's Homo Companion. This wna easily planted In n llowcrpot and estobllshciltipoii a large tnblo In llio living room. Tiny candles were fasten- ed unon the brnnchoB. n ion rnnt Inmpii of tinsel waa sunielent for draping and ' n further outlay for tho small colored glass ornamenta added to tho gorgeous-1 ness. So It wnu llinf Hnr .1,.llc .,. ,1r,o.wl. - -. ....... ....,, v.v.1... ,.v.. ...f ov. , ""' fnc.v boxca were tilled with tiny cniiilles, others contnlned wee baudker chiefs embroidered with smallest of 1..1.1 .. ... . ..... .. 1 I imutis; ueio nung a IlllUd mirror, llicro I a nursing bottle, tlnv fans, n lovclv ct ' 0f cups for tho tea table, u smulfblhl i u st cage, n new pet kitty, nnd so on. Ten cent stores yielded most of I the treasures. I great uulverso of ourtt man Is u mora On the morning of Christinas my i Insect, nu nnt. In his Intellect as com-eight-year-old was shown her old dol- pared with the boundless world about lies, each radiantly dressed, nnd wan 1 him, ns measured by the Intelligence told tbnt their tree was ready below capablo of grasping the whole of truth stairs. The Joy and delight nt tho ' nnd knowledge. sight were chnrmlng to behold and tho Yes. Virginia, tliord Is a Santa Claus. blissful apportionment of gifts began. I Ho exists as certainly as lovo and gcu As each arriving playmnto rolled In her ' eroslty nnd devotion exist, and you new dolly "to show what I've got." I know tlint they abound and glvo to envy mid prldo retlected upon the faces jour llfo Its highest beauty nnd Joy. of the visitor and visited, only to bo AlasI How dreary would bo tho world dispelled by "tliero Is HOiuethlng on tho if thero were no Santa Clans! It wodld treo for your dolly." ,, ns drcliry f thero were no Vlr- riT hi-" rfitr" hitff utf rT w Blnlas. Thero would bo no chlldllko iMf'fAW.'ftitS rallh 'then, no poetry, no romance to t utnko tolerable this existence. Wo Tho First Christmas Troo. ! ull0",(1 lmVe " enjoyment except in St. Whirred, who una In the eighth bB nn.11 8,R,1't' TUc c,t,ninl '!cht century n mlBslonary to the Scnndl- ",1"'1 which childhood (Ills tho world nnvlntiH. Is said to havo set up tho first wo,1,tl bL extlngHlMlicd. Christmas tieo In the homo. Ho tried Not bc,,BVo '" Smit'1 Clnus7 Vou to show the people that tho Druid m,h ns wel1 110' l,ulluVo , fl,lrlcal priests had mndo them worshipers of ' Vo" ,ul"1 Kt i"W papa to hlro men tncs only and not of u living llod. and , to w"tch lu nl1 ,lu "noys on Christ on rmiiHt.nnH i.v ti.. nn inn-ii ii. bias ovo to catch Santa Clnus, but even ou Christinas eve he cut down tho ,'ivnt oak tree around which they had i ;ntherctl to offer a human sacrlllce. An gr' ga It fell a young llr treo seemed to ap pear miraculously beyond It, nnd Win fivd said to the people: "Hero Is n liv ing tree with no stain or blood uon It that shall bo tho sign of your now worship. KOo how It points to tho sky. Call It tho tree of tho Christ Child. Take It up and carry It to the elder tain's hall. You shall go no moro Into tho shadow of tho forest to keep your feasts with secret rites. You hIiiiII keep them at home, with laughter and soug nnd rites of love. Tho thunder oak gm, ,B " L,"'K u '"'I0 tins fallen, mid 1 think tho day U com. , woril wWc" m "i0 Hrongest man or lug when there nIiiiII not bo n liomo,0" ,ho milted strength or till ho where the children me not gathered ' ruiiBwt Man that over lived cobld around a mm llr tn.. to rololc, In l "port Only faith, fancy. poi.'U-y. thu blrtli or Christ" Chr..ma.t.,lo U a th," o? cold. Of weather bleak ami i.f winds ublow. Never a flower, fold on fold Of irraco and beauty, tops tho nnow Or breaks tho blouk and bitter mold. J ... . , ..,..., .,,.. ,iu JfV itu .(lllll, llir lt IfM11! IIIU filUUHl Clow In lovo nnd with childhood's kIoo; And yet 'tis sweet with tlio rich porfunto Of aacrldco and charity, yytioro aro tlowcrs moro fair to sooT Chrlstmastlde! It Is warm and sweet, I X wliolo world's heart at a baby's feot. I Wldo Awake. wm&mw&& ilwo Vulelide Sentiments jtj 'i; Your kindness to a poor old lonely widow, or to a child without any one left to lovo him, your posy of llowcrs tak en with your lovo to soma ono who Is III, ,our letter of kindly thought to parents who Iiimo Just lost their darling daughter, your words of cheer ful greeting to u tiled serving maid, your honest hearted at tempt to malic things easier for mother at home Christ Mild he would reckun theso as girts to himself. Itov. Her uard J. Knell. Christmas again, with Its. won- Jf mltl- ' pciuu tlml good wlllHiud der! How our fi lends uiultl ply and Increiibo lu value as the day of days draws near! How the touch of huinati hands tin Ills us mid tho look In human eyes! To our sur prise we are not iiHhamcd to lie good, to ho kind, to bo lov ing I 'or this little space out of the long, selfish year wo aro glad to bo oursevi. We glvo freely of our love; we of fer our labor without price and wo spiyik kindly words that aro rarer far than rubles. Onee more we take courage and let our hearts have their way, ami life laughs and U glad. When Christmas comes the world suddenly grows bet ,' &i: tor. sin less lovely and heaven ft nearer and all because u llt- mIp. tie Hoy was born hi Hethle- i. . hem. Perhaps who knows we might carry with us throughout the year the Joy of this Christmas living. IM win Osgood O rover j&?feffll?ifc'ilftfiil JJJ'.fiiL.!lHrifcWsV.jtf "..t.t-,,,.,,,, , m ;fy m& mi w ;i j tt t TIMES WANT ADS tt GET RESULTS t t $$$ 1 SANTA CLAUS? SURELY! How CoulU Any One Doubt His Exist cnco who Known the Facts? t'nny yenia ngo tlio Now York Sun pUlB,)(!l1 thc foimtK c,ntorlai la an- twer to thin quoatlort. it waa written by rrnnlc V. church niul Imo hecoino otio of tiirei We take plcasuro In answcilug at once, and thus prominently, tho com munication below, expressing nt tho Piuuo lime our great gratlllcatiou that Its faithful author Is numbered among tho friends of tho Sun: Dear IMItor 1 ntn clclit venrs oM. Somo "" "CM Mlliet).Itll Street. Virginia, your llttlo friends nro wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of u skeptical age. They .1.. ..... I. ..II...... ........... .1 . ml..... "" "" uunuu ul-uih mey eu. jLuuy think that nothing can bo which Is not comprehensible by their llttlo minds. AH minds, Virginia, whether they bo men's or children's, tiro little. In this 'f tllu' (Htl Mot Hc0 8nntn Cln"8 coml" down what would that prove? Nobody seeH wnmn uiaus, out tnat is no sign that there Is no Santti Clnus. The most real things lu the world tiro those that neither children nor men can sec. Did you ever see fairies dancing on tho lawn? Of course not, but tlint'o no proof Unit they are not thero. No body can conceive or Imngliio all tho woudors that aro unseen mid unseeable In tho world, ' You may tenr apart tho baby's rattle and tee what makes the uolso Inside, ! lovo, romance, can push asldo that clip tain and view ahd picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is It all icnIV Ah, Virginia, lu hit this world there Is nothing else real and abiding. No Santa Clans! Thank clod! IIo lives, mid he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia,, nay, 'ten limes ten thousand years from now,' ho Will coutluuo to make glad the heart of childhood. i Appropriate Christmas Favors. No matter what the weather may be, thu Christmas fa'ors should carry out tho bleu of snow ahd cold weather. Ono of tho daintiest favors for tho Christmas dinner table Is the snowball mndo of glistening white and aur- ,Vinn....l I... , b,l.li. nf Imllt, IVIiin these nro augmented by the hugo ball for tho center, which Is also mndo of paper and has a rich red ribbon draped across It and Is trimmed with holly, , tho whole Christmas atmosphero Is j complete. Another appropriate place ment is tho funny snow man with his ' black stovepipe hat and beady eyes. ' ' He, too, can bo made In a large bIzo and Used for the center piece. Then thero aro green baskets with holly perched Jauntily on tho handle, polu- senilis and Santa Clauses. Thero i 110 lack of Ingenuity lu gay holiday , favors. , ,. ....... W.........J..w.....,A.Ml i M:m3!miMwmwmw5 Christmas as . . it Should Do t $ f: When Chilstmas Is made nu occasion for sending ex pensive presents of all sorts and to all suits of people sim ply its 11 compliance with tho fashion of (he hour, the most beautiful of festivals Is mado cheap and tan dry by gross misuse. The value of thu ptesent lies lu the sincerity of tho feeling which It repre sents, says Hamilton Wright Ma bio, ami tho oxpicuslon, not i)iil, or regard, but also of respect for the recipient. When persons or moderate means make girts entirely out 'or relation to their In comes, and their usual way or living theie Is 110 real hon or either lu the sending or In the acceptance of tho remem brance. The day vv (ilch com. meliorates the birth or it lit tle child In 11 uiniigrr ought lo he kept holy by simplicity, sincerity. nbencc of preten sion ami the Joy of the heart. ff .iifcf'f ,.,f ---' .' - 1A, TIMES WANT ADS GET RESULTS tT THE MEDICINAL MISTLETOE. B An "A!l-hale" of the Ancients Myth Concerning tho Parasite. "A monster lu botany, a dryad In hijthology, a panacea In therapeutics and a perennial Ynletlde symbol" is the traditional character assigned to the vlscum album, "all-beale," or mis tletoe, by Dr. John Knott hi tlio New Yoik Medical Journal. Tho mistletoe itt Chrlstmastldu Is bnllcd by doctors as mi old aciualutnucc, the legend of whose healing Irtucs Is still potent lit the ptactlco of some of that respecta ble piofcsslon. Kor at least twenty centuries Its air lodged rootlets have penetrated with tho mystery of their otlglu the pages alike of folkloro and of botanical and medical literature. Suspended green In wintry branches, the parasite was by Its straugo con trast or environment Invested vlth nwc and religious dignity by tho Celtic Druids and outrivaled lu famo among tho western nations the lotus of tho L'gyptlans. Vergil compared Its mi's- I terlom leafage and frultago to tho Si byl's "golden bough." The Sibyl of Scandinavia wns wakened from Lokl's iron sleep to prophesy tho death by the mistletoe of the bright sun god Ualdcr. Its nourishing amid tho dead starkness or winter may account for tho fatal ipialltles assigned to tho over green by the northern nations, hut nlUo Its wondrous vitality made It u symbol of resurrection, peace and healing. Pliny In Philemon Holland's quaint translation thus describes thc herb In the quaint mid ancient cciemony of tho Druids: "They call It In their Ian gunge AIILlealo (for they huiie an opin ion or It that It cureth all tunlndlcs whatsoeiien, and when they nro iiboUt to gnther It, after they hauo well & duly prepared their sacrifices mid fed tlunl checro vuder tho said tree, they bilug thither two yotig bullocku milk while, such ns beuer diew lu yoke ht plow or wain, and who.su heads wera then unit not before bound by the horri, which done, the priest, uralcd In n surplessu or white vesture, cltlubcth rp Into the tree mid with n golden hooke or bill eutteth It off, nnil they beneath rcceltie It In u white soldiers cassock or coat or arms. Thou they fall to kll the bensts aforesaid for sue illlce, mumbling many ominous & praying deuoutly; that It would plcaso Qod to blestio this gift of his to t lib good and benellt of all those to whom he bml vouchsafed to glue It. Now this persuasion they huiie of .NflHxoito thus gathered. That what Uu(ng crea tures souuer (otherwLsu barren) do drink of It. will presently become fruit ful! thereupon: also, that It Is a sni crnigu rountrepolsoii or singular reihe dlo against all vermliie. HJ villh tind superstitions are iiiiluy nations In tho world and oftcutlmea in such frluolous niul foolish things as these." Sir Thomas Ilrowuo wan a hit nke'lt Ileal of Its qualities as a piilirtcen. it mi modern liicdlcal authorities almost Uni versally scout Its therapeutical (irctell rIoiis, Strangely enough, the survival of Its medicinal use In England is "is a popular remedy In cases of cardiac trouble." Affections of tho bprirt we doubt nut, have been suecetmfully Heated by means of the mlstlotoo. Out we venture a lay opinion that the pa tients vtcre young, the plant wns sua Pcmlcd above their heads mid wax effi cacious only In the Joyous Christmas sonsou. Quaint YuletlcJo Belief. . A quaint and strange superstition holds lu tho Alps to this day regard lug Christmas. It Is bulluvcd that cat tto havo tho power of speech fclviin them 011 that holy occasion, but tlmtjlt Is 11 sin for any ono to eavesdrop upati them. Xvi 'm J J. J Jf W 4m' T.. f..J. V bi uu oiviuy Season your love gifts with Judgment. The pains you take to divine tho tasto and desire of tho dear ono whoso happiness you would en banco tit this holy season are worth far mote Hutu the girt Itself. These money caiiuot buy. May I add to this friendly admonition an Injunction to glvo to thoo from whom you do not hope to receive again? The founder of our faith cited us one test of his dlvlno com mission, "To the poor thc gos pel is preached." Xow, ir ever, the needy and the suffer ing me our brothers mid sis ters, Tho plulu spoken upos tie who was our Lord's near of kin puts this uuioiig tho heart seaiehlug questions: "ir a bi other 01 sister be nakid and destitute or dally rood mid one or jou say unto him, 'Depart lu peace! Mo ye warm ed and tilled." Notwithstand ing ye glvo them pot those things which are needful to the body what doth It prof. It?" "Peace on earth, good will town id men!" should lie set to lienit music mid the dally lire, throughout Chi (stums week at least, move hi accordance with It- Let us accept as the pni.ver which consecrates us to the ChrNtllko work the Quaker poetM Inspired line: "Salvation from our selllsh-ness."-Marlon Harland. aWrf t TIMES WANT ADS 1 GET RESULTS M M M t 1 1 I tn 1 i t t HI lv) t tn 1 is -4 ( 4 brt iod r nlw u I j lUll'l! f 1 tll i J)l 1 "1 t I i "S 11 tyr'wJ if o r 1 1 i-ii 4 u 1.