THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 191S-EVEN1NG EDITION. SECTION TWO PAGE SIX T " " Maey Improvements Madle On Coqoille River Harbor c lOQUILLE rivor hb a linrbor hns been Improved to Bitch nn ex tent that It Is reaching nn im portance It novor boforo had on tho Oregon coast. Work linB been done by the port of Bandon and by tlio 'government as well. For tho government projoct thoro wflB an appropriation of $90,000. Whon tho prcaont work Ib complet ed hbbut $70,000 to $72,000 of this monoy will have been used and tlio port commission will aBk for the further expenditure of tho rest of tho money, and will put up more monoy to bo spent with it. Jetty Wns Built Tho government project has been in charge of Englneor O. It. Wright who haB boon located at Bandon and has given the work Ills personal Biipcrvlslon. David Patterson has boon fornmn of tho work. Thoro has boon built on tho north side of lho river a now jetty which cuts o'ff tho aldo channel of water which, coming across tho sand caused n shoal In tho main chnnnol of tho rlvor. This north Jotty extendca eg it is will In brief, causa tho river to Hcour out and deepen tho water on tho bar. The Improvement is a highly important olio niul greatly Improves tho entranco of tho har bor. To do this work n quarry was 'openod at tho old Tapper rock, which samo rock was used years ago in tho Jetty. Tho rock was transported on a tramway and used to build tho Jotty. bar more of tho south Jotty which would oxtciul it almost a straight lino in front of tho city. This Tho Tort Proposal What tho Port of Bandon now proposes Is to hnvo built Inside tho J THE WATER CO. HAS PUT NEW SERVICE IN AT NORTH BEND $! THIS hnB been n quiet year with tho Coos Day Water company, tho greater part of tholr Im provements being mado over n year would provont a flow of wntcr over ago when a young fortuno was spont a certain territory of tide flats In laying new mains and rolaylng whoro tho force of the tldo Is now! tho old ones, besides making other lost, and would hnvo a further tend- improvements. In 1915 about oncy to keep tho bar scoured out. it! $13,000 was spent In actual Im provement, nnd this docs hot in cludo tho thousands of dollars spent for actual operating expenses. Tho bulk of this year's work has been in North Bond whore, bocauso of lho street Improvements, much now plpo was laid. Slnco last Ap ril until somotlmo in September tho company kopt n crow of men, running from thrco to eight men, constantly at work on now con struction. Cast iron eight Inch pipes woro laid tho entlro length of tho pav ing on Sherman, about 3,300 foot. Thero was laid 300 feet mora on Washington, about 1,000 feet ro lald on McPhcrson and now work on Virginia. In Marshfiold nbout 1,300 fcot of now mains was laid and sotno COO fcot of replacement made. l WOMEN AND GIRLS IN DEMAND FOR WORK la also desired to extend tho north Jotty still farther. ' Tho Port Commission Is asking 'tho government that tho balanco of tho appropriation, probably in tho neighborhood of $20,000 bo avail able for this purpose and will put up with it $20,000 which will bo authorized by a bond Issue. 7 Good Work Dono Tho Port Commission of tho Port of Bandon is composed of tho fol lowing members; President, It. II. llosai vice president, 13. 10. John son; troasuror, T. P. Hanley, sec retary, J. E. Norton; Commissioner, A. McNalr. Tho port has dono sohio highly boncflcinl work. Tho sum of $4C 000' has been expended In dredging. Tho monoy raised by taxes had ac cumulated for Bovoral years nnd with what will bo coming In this yenr thero will bo enough to sot llo for tho project. Tho work was f dono under contract with tho drodgo Seattle nnd has resulted in making tho river navigablo from tho bar to Coqtilllo. Altogether thoro has boon oxpond cd by tho government and tho Port or Bandon something in tho neigh borhood of $120,000 resulting In making tho Coqitlllo rlvor a much flnor shipping point than it hna ov er been before. Coquille Has New Postoffice And Better Water System -OQUILLK, tho county neat of I Coos county, has during tho " past yoar been provided with ono of tho best postofflros In tho county. Tho building was erected by 'tho local lodgo of Odd Follows on property owned by tho organization. Tho building itself cost $0,000 nnd tho equipment for tho postoftlco nearly $2,000 more. Tho structuro Is ono story high nnd concroto. On ono sltlo is n storo room which will bo rented, and on tho other sldo tho postof tlco. Tho latter Is handsomely equipped, Tho woodwork Is of tho most nttrnctivoly 'grained fir thnt could bo procurod nnd presents n most handsome nppenrnnco as tho patrons enter tho outside lobby. Tho back part of tho offlco whoro tho postmaster and his assistants must work everything Is arranged in a most convenient manner. Thoro is n largo backdoor whero a wagon can drive up and load or unload ninll nnd everything nbout tho building was designed to mako it Just as a modorn postoftlco should bo arranged. Now Homes Ilullt """""" "" Among tho residences that hnvo boon built during tho yenr In Co qillllo thoro arc sovornl which nro exceptionally good. M. O. Hawkins has built a flno homo, 13. W. Grecg has erected n very attractive resi dence and Fred Nosier has also built a fine house Others In tho city hnvo put up smaller homos. tlty Improvement In 1911 a grent amount of work was dono in tho way of city Improve ments bo thero was not so much to do this yoar. However n number of small Improvements woro mado nbout tho city. Tho Mult strcot brldgo was built. It extends for nbout 200 feet and cost nbout $000. H cnrrles tho rondwny over a deep gully. Tho county hutlt u sidewalk around tlio court house. It Is ten LJcct wldo and makes n total of about swWeot of walk, Tho city built nbout 100 fcot of sidewalk on Taylor stroot, about 100 foot at tlio south end of town nnd also about 100 feet nt tho south end of Socond stroot. IncrpuHo Wntor Supply ' Tho most Important pleco of pub lic work or tho past your was tho improvement to tho city wator works. About $17,000 was expend ed for this purpose, $17,000 being raiuod by tho salo of water works bonds, Tho supply Is an oxcollent ono and tho water Is brought three miles, Now plpo was laid, redwood plpo being used. There nro two reservoirs nnd thero Is a pressuro or 100 pounds Which was not long ago tested out taxed. Tho city Is ontlroly satis fied with Its wator supply. Yenr flood 'Ono With n now $0,000 postoftlco, probably $20,000 ponded for now residences nnd $17,500 for tho Im provement or Its water supply bo "aides othor public work dono, tho pooplo ot Coqtilllo feel thnt thoy hnvo had n good yoar in 19 10. MANY 1151 SHIPS COlA'MlMA UIVKIl liU.MItHU THAME IB HEAVY Practically Ever) ono Who" In Cp- nblo Cnn Easily Kind Employ. nicnt In London (11 Awocltttd rrfM I Com Hj Tlmc.J LONDON, Dec. 10. Owing to nc ttvo recruiting, tho shortngo ot men in tho Inbor innrkot hnB become more hcuto and has greatly Increased tho demand tor womon and young girls ns subordinates. Prnctlcnlly overy ono cnpablo or working, says tne Board or Trado Labor Qnzotto, has 'nit opportunity or being employed, ; and it Is ovldont thnt still larger numbers or women and girls not pre viously employed in trado nnd indus try nro required In many occupa tions. Compnred with October 1911, thoro was a general Improvement, es pecially mnrked In Industries ongag ed In supplying tho requirements or tho forces. War houdscB nnd Increases In wag on tnklng efrcct in October affecting 180,000 workpeople amounted to nbout $110,000 n wook. Thoro Is n gonernt scnrclty of col lier workers, fnrm hands nnd nav vies, nnd tho demand for work pco 'plo Ib still greatly in excess of tho supply In engineering nnd ship building nnd mctnl trndes, nnd with rcgnrd to women, tho domnnd for textllo workers Is still unsntlsfled. Interesting Ktiitlstles 'Aro Secured nt AMorht Custom I House ASTOIUA. Ore, Dec. 10. Thlrty- ftwo VcbsoIb cnrrylng 17,008,014 root or lumber from tho lowor Columbia rlvor mills, sailed from this port during tho mouth or November for coastslso points. Tho Portland constwlso lumber vessols number 19 vcbsoIs nnd thoy carried 3,140,000 feet. Six forolgn lumbor vessols Hnllod from Portland with 3,487,770 root or lumbor valued at $39,201.88. Two rorolgn lumber vessols sailed from Astoria taking 2,081, 4G0, val ued nt $18,800. A totnl of 72 vessols In tho const wlso trndo woro entored nt Astoria during tho month, totaling 107,017 tons. Thoy woro dlvvldod as fol lows: Steamships, 00; tonnage, 102,209. Sailing vessols, 1; ton nage, 392, Gasoline schooners, 0; tonnage 4,4 4 0. Sovonty-blx vossels cleared from AHtorla, taking 110,492 tons. Thoy Avero divided ns follows; Steamships, G9; tonnage, 109,023; gasoline, G; tonnage, 477. Soven vessels entered direct for eign, totnlllug lC.OOC tons. Enter ed from or via domostlo ports, 1; tonungo, 3,773. Cloarod forolgn domestic, Astoria, two vessels, ton nage, 1,720. Cleared from Port land, forolgn domestic, 1 I vessols: tonungo, 29,043, INDIGO INDUSTRY ' REVIVED IN CHINA (Jrwit Demand for tho Product and Hocord Pi-Icon Aro Now Being Paid IDr AivxUtM 1-rrM to tw mjr Tlmrt.) LONDON, Bee. 10. Tho absonco or tho usual supplies or Gorman svn- fthetlc Indigo from tho leading mar kets or tho world has led to nn eager demand for tho natural product nnd record prices nro bolng paid for tho small quhntltles ot this indlspons nblo bluo dyo which comes from In dia. India Is tho principal produc ing country but tho expanding do mnmi ror Indigo has led to n rovivnl of tho Industry n China whoro In I FIRE LOSSES OF t t YEAR HAVE NOT 1 X . BEEN VERY BIG t !$ nMHBMIBEmK.'NjB"t FIRES o its or 12 mo IRES occurlng in tho city llm- Mnrshriold In tho past months caused a total property loss 'or approximately $7,200. Tho volunteer Hro depart ment nnswered' something llko 22 calls. Tho worst or tho rlres were out side tho nctunl city limits where tho department rendered help, or tho total alarms responded to, throo calls woro In North Bond at Hrcs In which tho property Iosbbcs amounted to about $12,000, and n fourth outsldo call, nt tho Skcrrett gnrago fire, nnd a fifth call to Bunker Hill In February whon seven lives woro lost in tho Craig board ing houso flro at tho Smith mill and a loss or $10,000 incurred. Work Is Efficient Tabulation of results nt tho end 'of tho, year show tho work or tho Hro department nnd tho up-to-tho-mlnuto flro fighting apparatus to hnvo been satisfactorily efficient. To tho methods ot tho volunteer fire men nnd tho work of tho auto flro truck Is duo tho fortunnto fact that that many ot tho fires did not amount Into losses ot thousands Of dollars. Tho flro truck was pur chased In Octobor, 1914, and slnco thnt tlmo lias saved proporty many times Its entlro cost of $9,000. List of l'lren Loss., Jan 30 Squires bldg., Bunk- kor 11111 ( r$l,00'6 Fob. 2 Oregon Power Co., Porter Mill .....-. C.000 Fob. 17 Tho Craig Boarding Houso, Bunker Hill, sovon lives lost 10,000 Fob. 23 II. Wells' rcsidonco 100 March 10 Logglo Hall, North Bend 3,000 April 3 LoMioux Paint Storo 1,100 April 2G Fnlso Alarm. Juno 14 W. A. Hold resi dence Juno 22 NolBon Iron Works July 20 F. P. Norton rcsi donco July 29 Matlock bldg August 11 Pugsloy Candy Company August 24 i Hllyor Clgnr Storo Sept. 13 Rov. Gregg's rcsidonco Sept. 19 Brush Flro. Sopt. 30 Joy Rooming Houso North Bend 3,000 Nov. 20 Lloyd Hotel .... 1,000 Nov. 24 Rov. Thorpo's res- do ii co Nov. 24 O. M. Johnson Homo Nov. 28 Ovor Coos Bny Nows offlco' Dccombor 4 Odd Fellows' Unit 70 100 00 JG 20 70 4,000 00 70 20 10 Totnt .$30,710 OAMBRIDGE MEN ARE FIGHTING FOR ENGLAND rOver Eleven 'thousand of Thoni Aro At tlio Front With the Brit ish Annies III; AuocliteJ Pmi to Coo liar Tfmri. LONDON, Doc. 1 0. Over 11,000 Cnmbridgo mon aro now righting ; 'With tho colors, nccordltig to tho unl- J vorslty's latost war list. Or thesol men, 14 hnvo boon killed, 900 j wounded nnd 123 missing or prison ers or war. Thrco hnvo won tho (cresting developments nro expected. Victoria Cross nnd others hnvo ro- An estimate from tho Pnnjab dls-lcolvod medals ror distinguished con trlct or India Btutea thnt tho area duct. Trinity heads tho colleges under Indigo represents over 14 porf'th 2,000 soldiers and Pombroko cent or tho total area plantod In with 1,002. British India, but tho condition or tho standing crops Is said to bo bo low nvorngo, and tho yield from nit standing crops will probnbly bo smnll. CITY OF SAXONY HAS TAXED THE UNMARRIED ICE BREAKERS WORK ' IN NORTHERN WATERS Endcnwu Made to Keep Traffic to Archnnglo )jki Until Hond Is Mono Pr AxocliteJ rrfM to Coo liar Tlmn NEWCASTLE on TYNE, Dec. 10. Tho mnstor of n local steamor Just arrived In tho Tyno from Archnnglo, stated that thero nro now fifteen lco-brenkora nt work In tho vicinity of thnt port. Some nro constantly on tho occasion of n flro and found ' stationed there, others hnvo nrrlvcd to be adequate for any flro which t from Canada and some came from might come in the city. In add!- Vladivostok to tho Whlto Sea via tho tlon to tho regular supply thoro Is 'north or Slherln. Hopes nro entor an electric pump which tnkes tho talned that stenmer trnffle will be water from Dutch John creek nnd I hinlntnlned to and from Archanglo makes an additional supplemental till the end or January when tho supply to pour Into tho reservoirs at railway lino to Kola Day should bo any tlmo that they might bo over-j ready ror use. In Flint of the (Jerniaii Municipal!- tie to Tnke Action of ,TliN Xaturo in AuotUtM Tnn to o64 JUjr Ttmn, BERLIN, Dec. 10. Tho city of Oschatx In Saxony Is tho first Gor ninii municipality to Impose nn ox trn tax upon tho unmarried. Two or thrco other Gorman towns liavo a tax on bacholors, but tho now Oschntz law applies alike to malo and female. Only Catholic priests nro exempt. Other unmarried porsons nbovo 21 must pay nhovo their regu lar municipal tax: dn Incomes from 1,800 to 2,400 marks yearly, flvo percent: 2,400, to 4.000 marks, ten ptroont; 4,000 to G.300 marks, M teen porcont; G.300 to 10,000 marks, twonty percont and abovo 10,000 marks, twenty-Hvo percent. QUANTITIES OF FRUIT ARE BEING PRESERVED Germans Aro Retaining All that Is Not Knten Frtwli by tho Peoplo (llr AuodttM I'rru to Coo Dij Tlmt..l BERLIN, Dec. 10. Tho unusually largo crop or fruit throughout Gor ninny this fall has mado unnecessary tho oxlstenco of a conservation or ganization known as tho "Wnr Com mittee of tho Fruit Mnuufacturorlug Industry." This, composed of man ufacturers of presorves nnd marmo lades, was formod whon it was fear ed that largo quantities ot fruit would go to wnsto unless somo stop wns tnkon to mako it Into sub stitutes for buttor and fat. Individual manufacturers all ovor 'Gormany have taken tho lnltlatlvo thcmsolvcs, howovor, nnd roport that hecauso of tho good season thoy liavo produced twice as much marmalado ns usual. Virtually nil tho rest of tho crop not so used has been eaton ns fresh fruit. No less than 200 uermnu ciues nave imported car loads of apples, pears and the like for their population. Germany not 4 ' only has eaten an unprecedented I amount or frutt this season, but j has also a record amount ol pro- ' served rrult on hand for futuro needs. . SELtlNO GOODS The big problem In selling goods Is getting the customer Into tho store. Coos Bay Times nds will help you solve this problem, . Times want ads brlus results. V ". The Biggest Christmas Of All at T ' w M1 " . 1. Perry & Nicholsons SlPPEi) v H t up We Want every oneVoli and youand you to visit our store during the Holiday sfcason. Remem ber, it is simply a visit vve are asking; buy if you like" but visit us anyway. It will be well worth your time Irnported Baskets,, from 5CU' Japanese Pottery, 'fr'dm "".20c un Japanese Lunch Sets, from $1.00 un AnrM DrtrtlArtO tffl0 rf " mum nuuiwio T$o.uu ana i Berry Sets, Dishes Candle Stick's Book Racks Sewing Baskets Foot Stools Water Sets and one thousand pretty gifts for the home AsL- ib j r . ;. -32W THE GREATEST AND BEST, LOOKING FURNITURE AND ftUG DISPLAY EVER SHOWN neXt Week OUR WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF ELECTRIC LAMPS ' See Our Windows. Perry & Nicholson I .Tjfl'ISi. I M v . i j- . ri ?3: J J : rvx'T- trj. 7- S . N ,-,v Ford Tour ingCar It's the Universal Car because it serves everybody is a universal utility. It's a universal economy because it saves money for everybody. It is a universal "servant because it serves everybody. It's a universal luxury because it gives pleasure to everybody. Simple in"3tT sign, it is quickly understood. Light in weight, it is wonderfully flexible. It runs readily over, all sorts of roads, and all sorts of hills, being especially adapted to Coos County roads. Strong in construction, it endures. Low in cost of maintenance and operation, averaging about 2 cents a mile. ' rORD TOURING CAR, $525; RUNABOUT, $475 Isaac R. Tower Southwestern Oregon Representative. "THE GUNNERY" ' Front Street Marshfield, Oregon. t . ,'S