The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 11, 1915, EVENING EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TWO, Image 10

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Especially nolcctod for ClirlstmaB
Offerings. Tho Inst express
brought ub a full assortment of tho
very newest furs, compralng every
new shape In coinblnutlon seta and
slnglo pieces In which wo can surely
pleaBo tho most exacting uiiBtoinor.
Wo specialize with the Phoenix
Ouarautccd lloslcry for Ladles and
Men. Soiuq cspoclally boxed num
bers In One, Two nnd Four pair
assortments. Very convenient for
presenting, very ncceptnhlo to any
Men's Bathrobes
A largo nHSortmeut of Hath Robes
comprising tho favorlto now color
ings for Ladles, and Hunts as well
an llttlo followB. Moderate-priced
from $3.50 to J1G.00.
This Christmas a Practical
: Sensible Christmas
Seleot such gifts whicft will combine the spirit of Christmas with
usefulness , character and quality.
""fhis store will be helpful with a bountiful array of quality articles,
conveniently arranged for your comfort and convenience.
Every department will suggest some USEFUL GIFT.
' Suits and Coats
This department offers you a
specially attractlvo position at this
tlmo as wo liavo cspoclally priced
ocry gnrment with a vlow of clos
ing out every thing by January 1st.
Selertloiifl can bo mndo at this
tlmo to bo held until Christmas, as
at our reduced prices, can bo had by
tliooo coming early.
Dnlnty underwear hordes of pret
ty dcfllgnB. Now fresh garments"
hnvo Just arrived to add to thanrrny
or uBoful gifts in which Quality Is
Pntnmount at prices consistent with
Dajnty Handkerchiefs
What presents n move useful or
ronvonlcnt form of gift-giving limn
handkerchiefs. Our npeclal Christ
mas assortment comprises uvery
ftuoilte imtteiu. Somo especially
i' In assorted stylon at any prlco
' ii
to fit your want.
Gloves '
Our well known Olovo Department
offers you every advantage In the
rango of prices and qualities In both
Ladles and (luiitH gloves. Only
well known binnds arc admitted to
our stock, those of known worth nnd
(pi a llty.
Our. Shoe Department bristles
with Holiday Slippers. Every mem
bor of tho family can bo fitted with
wnrm, snug footwear, felts anil fav
orlto leather lit numerous styles
and prices.
Bandon Has Had Year
. ,
of Much Improvement
WITH tho work drtno by tho
port commission, 3io gov
ernment Improvement of
tho entrance of tho Coqulllo river,
tho new building and tho public im
provements mailo by tho city nnd
tho school board, tho figures for tho
past year show large Hums expend
ed In mid around llandon. Tho to
tal of thesu Improvements will
reach a uuartor of a million dollars.
Ntroot Work Donu
Tho street work done by llandon
totals 149.000 for tho year nnd tho
various projects carried out wore nB
First street paving 22,000
Oregon nvonuo and planking i),000
Ocean Drlvo and Fourth,
rock pavement . , fi.000
Jackson avenue, grading
First to Thirteenth 5,000
llaltlmoru avenue, eroding
First to Thirteenth 7,000
Tothl street -work M'J.000
Tho city also expondpd $15,000
on sower work and $3,000 on im
provement on tho water works. Re
cently $-10,000 wator bonds warn
sold and also $40,000 redemption
bonds to tako up warrants.
Sw llulldiuitM Brocted
Three now business blocks have
beou built In llandon during the
year and they are of a substantial
kind which glveB tho business sec
tion of the city an entirely new and
different appearance. The largest
of these- is the II, 11 block which Is
not yet nulto completed. The own
ers are Ulggs and Ilucklnghum and
tho work Is bolng done by Johnson,
Payne and Larson. Thero uro four
storo rooms downstairs and 3 (J of
fice roopis on the second floor.
These are to bo finished as they are
ronted to fault the tonauts. Tho
building entirely completed will iop
resent an ezpoudltuio of about
$ac,000. Tho structure Is of rein
forced cqnerote and tho finishing Is
of the flUPSt, Thero is some beaut
iful docoratlvo work about tho build
ing and it Is claimed that It Is as
well constructed a building as there
Is In southorn Oregon. Tho con
tractors huvo received much pralso
for their work. One of tho firm,
John Johnson, Is from Murshflold
ami has douo a good deul of build
lug In the county. Associated with
him Is .Mr. Larson and M AV. Payne,
the latter having had Jong export-
unco In the construction ' of largo
buildings In tho east and In Los An
Holes. Tho block Is certainly n credit to
any city nnd Its erection marks a
new epoch In building for llandon.
Other Structure
Another busluesi structure which
has been completed Is tho one built
by ('apt. Johnson of the Coast Guard
station. This is on tho mnln street
of the city and replaced tho frnmo
building which was burned down
during tho big fire. It cost $7,000
nnd tho lower floor is rented to tho
Golden Ilulo store.
Paul Bteffens, the baker, has con
ploted a concrete building which is
called tho Dnkery block. The build
ing Itself cost about $0,000 but with
tho bakery eqiilpmont which Is ono
of tho most modorn In this part of
tho stute, tho total cost will reach
uloso to $10,000.
School Impmvcaucnts
Tho llandon school board has un
dertaken quite u largo improvement.
Tho second story of tho Eastsldo
school Is being finished. When the
building was constructed this part
was left unfinished to be put to use
Inter on when it might bo needed. j
Tlilat Umo has now arrived nnd
olght rooms will bo finished. The
cost will be $14,000, During tno
enr a now superintendent, L, "
Turnball was employed, The city
has two school buildings and In nil
twenty-four teachors. Tho school
board Is composed of Mrs, L Jl.
Kausroud, A. Jones and Dr. L. P,
The Bandon schools have always
been of a high staudard and the
Improvements which have been and
aro being made will bring tho edu
cational advantages of the city up
to an oven hotter basis than over
ONH of tho most important im
provements at Myrtlo Point
during tho year was the
building of tho now postofflco which
Is being completed. This is locnted
Just behind t)io Guorin hotel. Tho
building was erected by E. J. Sny
der especially for tho post office.
It la a neat frnmo building and will
be equipped in a modorn way.
Tho building on tho corner oppo
site tho hotel whero tho postofflco
tins been located for some tlmo past
is being remodeled by tho owners,
J. W. Uennett nnd R. B. Shlno, and
will bo occupied by tho Myrtle Point
Hardware Company.
There has not boon much public
work at Myrtle Point during the
past ear as much was douo tho
jenr beforo but It is likely that thero
will bo a good deal to do during tho
coming car.
Boino Important rond work has
been douo In tho Myrtlo Point
On the highway lending south
from tho city two miles of water
bound road rock was built. This
makes a fine highway and Is one
which Is trnvoled a good deal as It
leads to both tho middle, fork nnd
tho south fork countries.
On tho road extending to Coqulllo
n mile and a half of tho highway,
was newly gravoled. This was also
un Important Improvement ns tho
rond Is used a great deal by auto
In fact tho road botwoen Myrtlo
Point and Coqulllo is one of the best
Btretches of highway In tho county
and autos can run between the two
places for n longer benson than per
haps any othor part of tho country
i On Christmas ore In Spain K
VV tho poor man has hU relations AS
xW around him, over his bumble Rs
5 "puchero" (stew); tho rich jg
man likewise. In Spain only Pk
5 blood relations cat and drink j
In too tiouw as lnvitMi giiesi
on Christmas eve or Christ
mas day.
Qood Fllowi' Chrtitmat Tree.
The Qood Fellows, an organisation
of uum v?bo help o inako poor chil
dren happy ovory ChrUtuins, aro be
hind the municipal Christmas tree Idea
lu Columbus, Iud. They wtjl erect a
big tree lu Commercial park, which Is
Just across Franklin street from the
city ball. Christmas carols will be
sung around tho tree, on Christmas
ovo by the combined church choirs of
the city. Tho other exercises will be
held lu the city hall, whoro the poor
children of tho city will receive pres
ents. Daskets of provisions for the
needy adults of Columbus will be dis
tributed also.
Tlmfcs want ads Bring rosulta.
For Sale
Attractive Acreage
Here They Are At, Last
We are now enabled to offer you the greatest opportunity to buy that SUBURBAN ACREAGE TRACT ever
placed on the market in this section. ' .,.,'-'
LOCATION' Tho tract we, now offer Is tho Justly famous Howard much tin Xoith Inlet. The S. P. depot and office, I misii
Postofflco, county landing for Lakeside, tho Baptist Cluiicli, local Moio nnd hotel mu all located within riropcrty.
ACCKSSIIUL1TV Slv miles by rail to Noitli Mend, two paenger bouts eaih unj' daily to Xoith UojhI d Multifield, n J
stage to LnKesldo, road to llaues Inlet, etc,
SOU About two-thirds of this tract Is bottom laud and In known by the l S. Popaitmeiit of Agrlcultuial ns Coqulllo H" J,
tho richest quality of soil lu tho county tho limited urea of bench laud Is low, feitllo alder llatH. Much of'thls l"l ' li &tt
cultivated tho raw land will clear easily, probably half tho bottoin, can bo iiiudo read) for tho plow at.sfU.M nn.ncri. ,;l'iOa
acres on the idaco that will cost oor $30 an acies to clear,
itlon for liiinie pinper ldaco to Uls tho khldles ifeaV onodgh til town to enjoy all , ts
ges. A place wlieio lutenslxo and Intelligent methods f agilcultuio will 1,,,,, '' ,
cultivation Mml'ly
ADAlvrilHLITV This Is nil Ideal location
oiiDOit unities. et nwnv from Its disadvantages.
i i . mi i. n. . ... i , r tii . .. Li. .I. I. . .. l.. i...,. 1I...1 ln. ni.riirrnil 'uiulolll of
u liailiiuiT!. nj wuiir uui jiinr urn ujiii); it, nij iiir iiiii jiito-, nonn ,- nw i. (,' .n... ..v7 v......-.,. .., niHliatloll
grows umy nair ami impoxerisucs ino sou, wnen n or io-acro irai iiucuit'inij sirin-u, i-ni int-v "
will mako j ou liidepeudeut ami enrich tho soil? , .
TUB TRACTS Tho tracts, ."55 in number, will vary In slo from 11)5 to ilf acres Tho prices fidm $X to S!M)" "" ,,l,l'
acrago will run at about !U100 an aero. Bach tract, excepting bcron, will trout on tho deu:i water of Xorth Inlet.
I ho
The tonus The terms aro as follows;
A fi-acro tract which sells at $51) an acio; ?-." down and $5 per mouth.
A 5-acio tiact uhicli sells at $-1)0 an nne, $150 down and $15 per month.
A 5-acro tract which sells for $:t(0 an ucic, $UOO down and $-0 per month.
The' amount down -is
per trad, not per acre.
Tho highest priced tracts aro cleat eds all bottom and cultivated. Other pi Ices and teiinsvoii abdication.
1XTBRBST Tho Intei-est on defened payments will bo flo por cent only, and payable annually. , .
THBTITLB A contract of salo will le Issued on first down pajmont, and deeil and abstract direct. ironi owners on final pajuieat.
Tltlo is perfect. m '
IX COXCLUSIOX Wo bollevo that considering climate, soil, mnrket, location, adaptlblllty, prices, forms jes, nnd(opportunlt"
that this Is tho chanco of u life-tiiiio for jou. "Opportunity," wo nro tohl, "knocks at oery man's door once." Listen,-read, then nc
AXI) Wo nro not telling all at tlds. time About January first, l'MU, e will add un ngieeablechaiiter to this stoi'y.i . -
Tho opportunity for a homo A RBAL UOlBV IIOMB Is now up to you. Do not delay action.
Phone 151, or como In and Investigate Sco tho property then net on jo-ir better judgment.
Koos-Oregon Development
t ,-