& A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERY READER OE THE COOS BAY TIMES Coos Bay Times Your Paper MEMHER OF THK ASSOCIATED PKESS A Southwest Oregoii Paper Thai's what tlio Coos Hay Times Is. A South vest Oregon pncr for Southwest Oregon people mid devoted to tlio tcst interests of this great sec tion. Tho Times nhwiys boost and never knocks. (Hum Sa 0J The Coos liny Times Is prom! of Km title "The people's roicr,'' mid It strives at nil times to llvo ,, to l nnnio ''J' devoting Us energies to promot ing tho people's Interests. Vol. No. XXXjX Established 1878 As The Const Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915 EVENING EDITION. THIRTY PAGES .V Cousotldat Ion of Times, Const Midi Mn 11Q mill Coos liny Athcrtlscr. ""' ' ' xm?B ALLIED FORCES STILL RETREAT Withdrawal From Serbia Into Greek Territory by Anglo- French Continues Only Minor Rear Guard En gagements aTe Made Now by tne Bulgarians PARIS ADMITS REPORTS On tlio Western Front Fronch Make ,n AUnrk On the GcriiiniiH Which Is Not Successful Xo Develop- incuts In Fight in tho East (JRI'LVB ItEADY TO DBMOHILIKE ARMY. 10 AmotUIb'I TrrM to c E Tlmw.l ATHENS, Uoe. 11. Tho Orcck government has mndo nit arrangements for tho de mobilization of the nrmy. It Is expected u decreo to thltj effect will bo Issued shortly. . 11 Auorltlxl rrr.i to Coot IU Tltnx.l LONDON, Doc. 11, Anglo-French forces continue withdrawal into Greece, according to tho latest re ports, but without Buffering tlio loss es endured on tho first days of me rctrcnt, when tho pursuing lltilgnr Iwj attacked rear guards ropcute'd ljr. Apparently minor rear guard engagements still continue on tho Serbian slilo of tho boundary. Admit tho HelrAtt A soitil-offlehil ntuteuieut Issued at Paris this afternoon admits that the Anglo-French forces are hclng with drawn from .Serbia. A report last night tlmt two divis ions of the (Jcrinan troops occupied Clevficll, nenr tho Greek frontier, denied today. At tho Other Fronts In tlio east thero aro no develop ments, in tho west, Uorlln reports that tlio French nguln bombarded and then attacked n position ro fently tnkon by tho (lermuns north vest of Sounln In Cliampngiio but ero repulaod, tho Germans rotnln Ing all their gains. 9UI ELD UP AMCItlCAX VESSEL .SAX .Il'AX STOPPED IIV FRENCH Cruller Causes A Kern eh and Two , Second class Passengers uro Remoted fnuu the Iloat 4f l'. S. GOVERNMENT WILL TAKE A IIAXD 18 AuorittM rrH lo c, n,r -rim I WASHINGTON', D. C Det'. 11. Tho Stato Depart ment nnnounced today that tlio stopping and searching of three vessels of tho Now vork and Porto Rico lino by tho Fronch cruiser DesCar tcs wouhl bo in a do tho sub ject of diplomatic represen tations tn Pmnen I J AfcWf ItlM ;, 0.'pa, iay Tlmti J NEW YORK, Dec. 11. Tho Amor n steamer San J mm was hold up aj searched by a French crulsor Wlo tho Btcamor was bound from e Orleans to San Juan, Porto III- Two second class- passengors fo removed. Third Held Up thi i Jua" ls tho tlllrtl vosso1 of '1 "no to bo hold up within tho ,l Hvo days, tho Coamo and Caro- having been searched off Porto fm r'10 l)a880"Kors removed c, V'0 Sun J,,Rn woro William JUnevodt and Frltsch Lothar, 1 said to bo rcsldonts of Now Or- , VESSEL MOVKMBXTS , AlTltCtl Adene, Oakland, this morning. Duo Hero JellowHtono, San Francisco, Mon 'esterner, San Francisco, Sim- ar hy . Due to Sail Sun?;"0' 0ak'a. 3:30 p. m, Ubl, 'V roni, ?.-j.oo to", rhone 7J IflSSES NOT SO BIG! AMERICAN SHIP IS REQUISITIONED X ) ID Associated Prf4 to Com B Time. X NEW YORK, Dec, 11, X X Tliei American Trans-At- X X lantic Company, owners X oi tne steamer Hocking, X X today received word X X from the captain, an- X t nounclng that the ship X X had been requisitioned X X by the British. X lEBETTmra SUHMARIXE AFTER THE FRENCH STEAMER HAHMOXIE iTho Xct An Aeroplane Flew Over tho Ilont uud Dropped Itonib Hut Missed Firo MARSEILLES, Dec. 11. Officers of tlio French steamer Hnrmonlo stato that tho vessol wns attacked recently by nu Austrian siibmnriuo. The submersible fired two torpedoes without erfect. Tho next day tho Hnrmonlo was nttneked by nn noro plauo that flew overhead for a qunr ter of nu hour nnd dropped six bombs, nil of which fell Into tho sea. CDNFEHENGE HELD ALLIES DlSt'l'SS POINTS OX COX Dl'CT OF WAR Officials of Franco mid England Como to An Understanding on Urgent Questions ' PARIS, Dee. 11. Questions of nil iirgont character relating to the con duct of the war wero settled on n basis of comploto understanding to day at n conference of representa tives of France and Great Hrltniu. Fromlor llrliind nhd War Secre tary Galllnl acted for Franco and Foreign Socrotary (Iroy and War Secretary Kitchener for Groat llrltnln. L REPORT THAT GERMAN'S AND AUSTRIAN'S EVACUATE f'Story of Their Departing from tho Capital of Gnllrlii Comes i From Petrogrnd PETROGRAD, Doc. 11. A report that tho AustrlaiiB and Gormaus nro ovaciinting Lomborg, tho capital of Gallcla, was recolvcd today from KIov. Disease Tho Cause ' On account of tlio outbreak of scurvy, tho military forces decided to withdraw from Lomborg, It was reported. USEi IE GDNDUGT WANTED FOIl HOV-ED AXD VOX PAPF.X Jl'HT RECALLED Stato Depaitinent .Mnken Itequest of l'icnt'h and BnglMi llepiesentn- lives In This Country lltf Amw UleJ Vnu lo Com ny Tlmei.l WASHINGTON. I). C, Doc. 11. Socrotary of Stato Lansing will im modlatoly ask Great Drltaln and Franco, through thoir embassies horo for safo CQiiduct for Captains Iloy-Kd and von Papon, pursuant to tho ro (luost of Kmporor William, who pcr goiially recalled tho officers yestor- day. Iteqiiest Is Made Tho stato department announced lato today It had roqucstcd tho Hrlt Jsh and French embassies to grant a safo conduct for Captains lioy-F.d and Von Papon. WILL FILB IIKXUV FOHD AS A ('AXDII)ATB B AmocUIH rrt to v TlnM.l LINCOLN, Nob. Doc. 11. Omaha republicans today filed tho namo of Henry Ford ns a presidential can didate In tho Nebraska pri maries to be held next April. - --.-.A..A.JLA The CowIJn)Iro &Co!d Storage Company will tako bright silver salmon ns well ns Meelhend. Prices. J rents per pound for tcolheads, 1,"! rents for silvers, i 01 THRONE G V TO' PRESIDENT Yuan Shi Kai When Urged to Be Emperor of China, Ac cepts the Offer 111 FIRST" REFUSES But Agrees When Council of State Sends Him a Second Request VOTE FAVORS AN EMPIRE 1 Man Selcrtcd ns Lender of Four Hundred Million People Has Heeu Active In the Bust Since Voting .Man Hctruycd Binperor 10 Auoclited rrrt to Coot lit Tlmrs. PBKIN, Dec. 11. Yuan Shi Kal, President of tho Chinese re public, has accepted tho throne of China tendored to htm by tho coun cil of stato. Acting ns n parlinnieut, tho coun cil of stato today canvassed tho oto on the question of tho changes In tho form of government to 11 monarchy and found that votes of 10U3 representatives out of 2013 qualified to vote on tho proposition wero favorable to tho change. Defuses nl First. Tho council Immediately sent fr Yuan Shi Kul 11 petition urging hl'm to accept tho throuo. Ho declined nt first, but when tho potltlon was forwarded to him tho second time ho accepted, with tho proviso that ho would contlnuu to act as President until a convenient time for tho coronation. In recent years Yuan Shi Kal be came tho most conspicuous person ality of tho Orient through hlu ef forts to bring his 100,000,000 fol low yellow men Into lino ns citi zens of tho now republic -ol China. Active in China Long boforo Yunn Shi Kal wns widoly known abroad ho had been accepted by tho Mauchus, tho Chi nese, nnd tlio foreigners In China, ns a coming man. Horn In lSfiU, tho son of n Dis trict Govornor In tho provlnco or Honan, Yuan Shi Kal aspired to nu official position, but tho rulo was that official life was open to thoso who pnssod In ancient classics. Yuan utterly failed In ono of theso gov ernment .tests nt which thousands of aspirants nro closoted for throo days undergoing examination. J let rayed Bmpeior IIo wont Into Korea as u secre tary with tho army and tho famous Grand Chancellor LI Hung Chang recognized In him a man or action and appointed him Chiuoso resident nt Bnnul when ho was only 2G years old. Whon tho Japaneso drove tho' Chlnoso out of Korea, ho was ono j of tho fow to return to Poking still 1 In tho favor of tho court. Ho roso to great prominence throiiL'h lils offocflvo re-organUa- Hon of tho army nftor tho war with Japan had shown Its gveaknesscs. It Is generally hold that ho assisted the BmprcsB Dowager In offectlng a coup d'etat In 1898 by which sho wrested tho throno from tho Kmpor-iTHItBB .SPOT" WHIKTLKS INTO or Kunng Shu, and ho was popu-j MAHSHFIBLD LAST XIGHT larly accused of botroylng tho Em-J poror. ' ',i1TETl'lB Draw W'oiks Perfectly For First Wmh n Governor Tho Dowaneor appolntod him Gov ornor or Shantung whoro, during tho Doxcr robolllon, ho displayed his astuteness, "With tho death or tho Empress Dowager nnd tho Emperor Kuang Hsu almost colncldontaly, nnd pos sibly each by poison nt tho bunds or tho other, tho child Emperor, Hbuii Tung camo to tho throuo un der tho rcgoncy or Prlnco Chun. Yuan, presumably becauso he had gained such a control or tho army, was dismissal in disgraced. When tho untl-Manchu robolllon hroko out in October, 1911, tho Manchu regency, In despair, urged Yuan to roturn. Ho did so, when gJvon supremo command or tho forces or tho north. Rulers Thrown Out. Tho abdication or tho Manchu rulers was rorced, and tho boy Em peror, nt the dictation of Yuan Shi Kal, authorized the premier to or ganize with tho rebel leaders nt Nanking a Republican form of gov ernment. Sun Yet Sen, tho provisional pres ident of tho Southorn robols, was INDEX OF $2,000,000 1915 IMPROVEMENTS AltorXD TUB COUNTY Myrtle Point has new postofflco. Pago 2, section 2. Town of Powors built In eight months. Pago 1, section 2. Coos County work for better high ways. Pago 1, section 2. Curry County banks show big de posits. Pago 1, section 2. Port Orford Is one fourth larger. Pago 3, soctlon 3. ktoqulllo has now postofflco and wa ter system. Pago 3, section 2. HAHUOIl AND KHIPPIXG ' Dredge moves million feet of sand from Coos Bay bar. Pago 1, sec tion 2. Expenditure of $120,000 on Co qulllo river harbor. Pngo 0, sec tion 2. Now station for Coos Coast Guard. Pago 1, section 2. Local marine history of tho year. Pago i, Bcctlou 2. Shipments from the Coqulllo river. Pago 1, section 3. IX COOS MAV CITIKS "Mnrshflcld Public work, S20.000: Pngo 1, section 2. llullding of over $100,000 In Mnrsh 1 field. Pago 1, section 3. Million dollar hrldgo and railroad work. Pago 1, section 2. North llcud $113,000 public works. Pngo 1, section 3. Dulldlug in Murshfleld suburbs. Pago 1, section 2 Arrests In Mnrshfiold during year. Pago 1, section 2. Telegraph and Telephone Improved. Pago I, section 2. Water company inakeu Improve ments. Pngo 0, section 2. Flro losses In Murshfleld nro small. Pngo ('., section 2. LUMIIKIt AXD IXDUSTHV Superintendent C. A. Smith mill sees prosperity abend. Pngo 1, section 3. Wholesalers huvo representatives hero. Pngo (!, section 1. Simpson compniiy makes flno record for year. Pago 1, section 3. Coos mines to bo developed. Pago 1, section 2. Mattress making nu Industry of Mnrshfiold. Pngo 1, section .1, Coos Day cuts 187 million foot or lumber nnd 21 million shingles. Pngo 1, soctlon 3. North ITond Lumbor Co. spoudu $20,000 on improvements. Pngo 1, section 3, Oregoii Power Co. mnkos improve ments, page C, section 1. Llhby Goal nilno oldest In county. Page 0, section 1. T MISCONDUCT OF COXSUL GBX BUAL AT CAIRO ALLEGED Claimed tlmf Olnoy Arnold Guilty or Making Unneutral I'ttor.iiicos Will Imostlgnto WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 11. An Investigation is being mado or tho conduct of Olnoy Arnold of Jlhotlo Island, Amorlcan diplomatic a"gent and consul gonornl nt Culro, Bgypt, on tho charges by American rest- '"cms which inciuuo unneutral ut torancos. TRAIN IS ACROSS Knglnn ()er Now Coos liny Drltlge Hack Again Today " Tlireo Spot," tho locomotlvo that has been several months on tho oth er sido or tho bay as n tender to tho track laying crow, pulling tho work tialn, camo purring up Front street yestordny boforo suppor tlmo. This U tho rirst train 'across tho North Demi hrldgo and tho train men said tho draw worked porfoetly, " Three Spot " went Into tho roundhouso hcront Marshriold this morning for repairs and another on glno was sent out this morning for tho tlmo bolng, becauso tho S. P has not yet put 011 two hrldgo tend ers to oporato the draw. This morning tho train went out across tho bridge nnd to tho end of tho lino above Lakeside. rorced to rotlro and Yuan Shi Kal was elected provisional president or the Chlnoso republic at Nanking on February 1C, 1912. Ho took the oath ol office at Peking tho follow ing month. Now tho ropublla changes to a monarchy and tho president goon on tho throne ns emperor OIPLOI CHAHGED DANIELS PLANS L Congress Will he Asked to Equip Three Navy Yards for the Purpose 10 Hi LATER Result Would Give Govern ment Five Place in Which to Build Heavy Ships FIRST AT PHILADELPHIA Will Cost Kl, )(,( to Put It in Shape for Work lliemcrtou, Mnro Island, Norfolk, New York uud Philadelphia A10 Chosen (U AnnocUteJ TrrM to Coot Ilr Tlmn,l WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec. 11. Tho navy yards at llromorton, Mnro Island nnd Norfolk would bo equip ped to build battleships, under tho plan which Socrotary Daniels will present Congress. Daniels said that one of tho first dreadnoughts or bnttlo cruisers In eluded In tho administration's plan would ho built nt tho Philadelphia navy ynrd, whero nn expondlturo of a million dollars will bo neces sary for equipment. IIo hopes to sco tho Pugot Sound and Norfolk yards equipped event ually. Tho result would glvo tho govorninont flvo yards, Now York, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Maro Island nnd Pugot Sound, where ships could ho laid down. heavy F HURT IIAICDBXIlROOK ACCUSED OF PASSIXG SPURIOUS PAPER (Joes Heroro Grand Deed Committed .Jury Tollay In Dilution Saloon Over Your Ago On tho charuo of forgery moro thnn a year old, Hurt Hardonbrook was arrested on North Front Btreot InBt evening by Deputy Shorifr W. 0. Laird and this morning went back with hi in to Coqulllo. Hardonbrook will bo taken Immediately boforo tho grand Jury. Opened 11 Letter Tho man formerly was in Curry county and It is nllogod that n man on tho Sixes river gavo him u letter containing a chock (6 mall. It Is claimed thut Hurdonbrook, Instead of mailing tho lottor oponod It nnd took out tho check for $10 ami forg ed It, and thou enshod It In 11 Ilnndon saloon owned by Adolph McAdams. He then dropped out of sight nnd wns not seen again for many mouths. McAdams, so tho doputy shorlff states, instead of lotting tho officers hnow at onco of tho forgery, camo to Coos Lay and spout tho groater part of tho wook searching for Harden brook. At tho end of that tlmo tho officers woro let In on tho secret and the warrant wns Issued. Rut a short tlmo ago tho warrant for Hnrdoubrook'fl arrest was with drawn ami then word was secured of his whereabouts In tho county. When tho doputy shorifr aqcostod him Hardonbrook claimed to huvo been staying for tho past two weeks In Empire with a man namod Tom Patterson. CHINESE ASSOCIATION' THE PLAX AGAINST Plan For Taking SU'i Will Do M.tdo At A Mooting lu Han Francisco ll Am lttl 1'rew to Coon l TIuim ) HAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Dpc. 11. Tho president of tho Chinese Repub lic Association hero, tho controlling body of many similar organizations In North and South America, an nounced toduy preliminary measures to oppose tho establishment or Yuan Shl-kul monarchy would bo takon ut a meeting Sunday. Arrange to tako jour Christinas dinner at tho Chandler Hotel, (I to H o'clock p. 111. Gootl music and fiuo menu. Make reservations In ailuuice. Phone "0, Dance Eagles' Hall, Saturday night. Martin's orchestra, DRGERY ED OPPOSE MONARCHY X LINER MINNESOTA X X IN TOW OF TWO TUGS X , tn AMOcUtcd Pin U Oet T TImcs.l X SANTA BARBARA, Cat, X 1 Dec, 11, The Hill liner X x Minnesota passed here X this morning headed to- X ward the north, in tow X of the tues Dauntless and X X Sea Rover, and the X X wrecking steamer laqua, X - HAS ITff TOW! STEAMEU ARCTIC TAKING TUB .IOIIAX POUUSBX SOUTH Nature of Trouble Is Nol Known Sailed from San Francisco Last. Night for Portland 0 AwwUt-l frill If Cool IMf TlmM. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 11. Tho Btoniuor Arctic, which loft horo Inst night for Fort Urngg, was repotted to havo passed Point Reyes, 33 miles north of horo, returning to San FranclBCo with tho stoamor Jo linn Poiilson In tow. Tho .lohnn Poulscn sullcd from hero hist night for Portland, Tho causa of tho troublo has not been learned. T THIEF (JETS A COLLECTION' VAI- ed at sr.o.ooo 'Eludes Three Watchmen imtl ters anil Robs (ho Art limtl Into nt. Chicago En- CHICAGO, Dec. 11. Eluding three watchmen, n thief gained en- f trance to an Art Institute of Chicago this morning nnd escnped with a col lection of rare Jewels valued ut uoar- ly $no,ooo. ONE HXDRED IMPRISOXED AND TWO ARE KILLED Accident. Occur In the Wlugato Mluo At Carbonado, Washington- ItoscuerM ut Work (11 AuoclittJ rrw to Com nr Time. TACOMA, Wnsh., Dec. 11. Two men woro killed and about 100 Im prisoned for 12 hours by tho fall of n lodgo of coal lu tho Wlngata nilno nt Carbonado yesterday nftornoou. Tho rescuers worked until 2 o'clock this morning digging out tho Im prisoned minors, I It SMITH HELD INDICTED 1V GRAND JURY FOR POINTING GUX Dilution Man Arrested Yesterday mill Afterward Released on Five Hundred Dollar Itoud COQUILLB, Oro., Dee. 11. Tho grand jury returned un Indictment against V, M. Smith of Dnndon charging him with pointing a guir nt nn officer. It Is alleged that a con- stnblo wont to Smith's house to tako his children on nn order of tho coun ty court declaring that tho children woro dopondont and that they bo looked utter. It Is nllogod that when tho officer arrived Smith point ed a gnu ut him. Smith now has a divorce suit pending lu court. He was nrrestud and later released on $000 ball. PRESIDENT IS HOME 11 AuocUtM 'ta to 0o Ui Tlmt. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Doc. 11. President, Wilson returned from Columbus this afternoon. A freight wreck caused some delay. ATTENTION, ODD FELLOWS. Members of Sunset Lodge No. 51, I. O. O. l', aro requested to meet at Diiiignn Undertaking Parlors Sun day morning at 9 o'clock a. in., to attend funeral services of our luto Drothor, A. IL Hanson, prior to shipment East. Uy ordor A. '.. DOWNS, N. G. I. LANDO, Secretary. Chilstmas presents found adver tised In tho Saturday Evening Post can bo found at tho Sunnier llurtl av C'ompnny'M Moro on Mm net avenue, IL MINERS ENTOMBED VAQUI INDIANS 116 RAIDS Attacking American Colony in Mexico Which is Wholly Without Any Protection QRIlGlF STOCK Farms Are Being Ruined and Harvests of the People" Burned and Destroyed RELIEF IS BEING SENT Admiral Wlnslow OrderH tlio Cruiser Itnlcilgh to Toharllmy Which In tlio XcuiTwt SenjHirt from Which Settlement Can Ho Itcncliod III Aiioclntfrl rreM to Coo Dir Tim. TOPOLOHAMPO, Mexico, Doc. 11. (Rndlo to San Diego) Ynqul In tllnns nro raiding tho American sot tlcmontB ii tho Ynqul Vnlloy, ac cording to reports from Guaymas. 'The Amorlcan colony lu wholly wlth 'out protection. Tho Indians aro raiding farms, driving off tho stock nnd burning the Amorlcan hnrvests. Admiral Wlnslow hn directed the cruiser HaJoIgh to procood to Tohnr 'Ibny, whloh Is tho uonroat approach to tho Amorlcnn settlement. NOTE TO AUSTRIA DEMAND REGARDING AXCONA. SINKING NOW AT VIENNA AnIin Disavowal of Acl and Depars Hon for the Lon of Amerl-i cnits Aboard r 111 AiwiK'ltlvi I'm to Cow, 11 TlniM. WASHINGTON, D. 0., Dec. 11. Tho Amorlcnn nolo to Austria-Hungary doniniidlng disavowal of tho sinking of tho Ancona nnd repara tion for tho Amorlcnn lives lost on that vessel reached tho Austrian for eign office nt VIonnu yestordny. TIkl. text will be given out by tho sUto department here, , HERRERT LOCKIIAHT STARTS ' ACTION FDD 9.t,Ul.HH Says Sum Was Advanrts:! to Fred Noah for Logging Oiicmt Ions Logs Attached by Deputy Sheriff ' Suit for $5,301.88 hna boon start ed by Horbort Lockhnrt against Frod Noah, of Coos Rlvor. Tho pa pers woro sorved today by Doputy Shorlff W. C. Luird. Also two oth er suits for money collections have hcon sturtod In tho court, thoso pa-,, pors oIbo bolng sorvod todny. Tho complaint served on Mr. Noah claims tlmt this amount or money wus advanced to pay for logging op erations an land belonging to LouUe C. Lockhart and others. Advances woro mado- from January 1, 1908 up to May 2, 1912, tho papers road. Logs belonging to tho defendant woro nttachod at the North Iluud Mill and Lumbor company, tho Smith- Povors Lumber and Manufacturing company ami tho Smith Powors Log ging company, For tho rocovory of $1,000 on a unto executed September 10, 1914, 'tho Homo Mortgage company has started suit against Androw H. 01 bcji nud his wlfo, Annie II. Olsn, , Tho First National Dank or Com Day also started suit against A, G. Ruali, F. Falkeiistoln and G. Oil- hurtsoii for $325 said to bo duo on n nolo. 1000 ARE HURT IN t FACTORY EXPLOSION t X IU Amoc latent I'rwt to com Bi Tlmw.1 , s SUMS PARIS, Doc, 11, One X thousand persons wero 1 injured in an oxplosion ' which destroyed tho Bol- t -fiian government's muni- 1" t tions factory at Havre to- t, t day, but the number of t t deaths is comparatively t X small, tf" h5V