fjMAajrlZX TMt Cu06 tJAf riMhS. MAflSHFIELD. OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1915 EVENING EDITION. !PltwmW Hill! o o - Bay - Wholesalers', - Manufacturers' - and - Jobbers CI ctory Preferred Stock Officially Confirmed Coos it v n v ? V o : 4 ? J . t 4 - 4 " 4 A ' 4 Of V . 4 4m A V ; 4- 4 v 4 XI A 4 " 0 A t O O v xx 8 4 Of . A V.V i XX tx 4 44 4 Extends to its many friends A Very Merry Christmas And believes that the coming year will be a very Prosperous and Happy One Allen & Lewis ;' Wholesale Grocers F. E. ALLEN SALESMAN TEN YEARS SERVICE ON COOS BAY Representing BLAKE-McFALL CO Everything in Paper SINCLAIR PROVISION CO Hams, Bacon, Lard GALE BROTHERS Ar??nandD H. W. Painter Wholesale Grocer Front and Central Avenue Marshfield. Oregon Handles the famous TILLMAN & BENDEL line of groceries, canned goods, etc. Caries large stock at all times in Marshfield and fills orders promptly and quickly. Years of success have placed the TILLMAN & BENDEL lines in foremost place on the Pacific Coast and the wise retailer knows that he cannot give his customers better goods than the TILLMAN & BENDEL line. - ilOURMIOSCO. Also handles the Portland Flouring Mills pioduots, filling orders from stock in wholesale vjfc in Multifield. Olympic and Snowdrift .lriiis are known wherever good bread is serv i' :i i(i they are two of the Painter leaders. Be it.e Sr.jwdfilt and Olympic Flours, the Port m r' F'Durinc Mills p.-e noted for the mill feeds ind ce-eals, a large supply of which is also car ird in Marshfield. ullt. a? ftau((uuldiouuiil L- Ol.VMIMf Another important line in the Painter Wholesale business is the CUDAHY PACKING COMPANY'S PRODUCTS Smoked Meats, Lard, etc. For the meat dealer and the grocer, the Cudahy line is essen tial to satisfied customers. In addition to the standard lines of staples, fresh fruits and vege tables in season, papar and paper bags, and cereals are also handled. PERRY FLOUR 0 w I th Grand y also Medal of Honor and 12 Gold Medals at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition THE GRAND PRIZE 'I'll WhIh'M I'iisMIiU' Auiutl SPERRY DRIFTED-SNOW FLOUR The rnllowliiv well-known SPERRY PRODUCTS ltuculvuil I ntll vldilitl GOLD MEDALS Spt'ri'.v Kiicnio I'linciilu' h'lniii' Spcriy lliickwhciil I'loiir (Hulf I'IhIiik) Spurry CrnliHiu I-'lour Hpor.v Coin Klour Spurry llrunil Klnkus Sporry Punrl lliuiuy Sporry lliiukwliimt Flour Spurry lliiokwliuat (Jroats Sporry Hurley Flour rsam dinww'W' GRAND PRIZE SAN FRANCISCO- IVlhUAL OF HONOR SPERRY CEREAL BREAKFAST FOODS SPERRY GERMEA SPERRY ROLLED OATS Spurry Corn Meal Smn ('r.iekuil Wln-m Spirr K.itlna Mpnriy Hominy Flakes Spi-rry lloinlny, Small Spor.-y lloinlny, Urge Spurry lloinlny, Rrnnu- luti'il. Spurry Oat .Minl, steel cut Spurry Itollvil Wheat Spurry Uyi Meal. GOLD MEDAL Sporry Surclay Poultry Food Siiifliiy Milium vo I'v'k' I'ihkI Spoiry llaliy Chirk 1'imkI Spcrry Kruilrli I'otxl Also A Mi'ilnt for tlio Famous Spurry Stork Food S U R EM ILK -1915 Tlio Spurry KnIiIIiII Whs iii (It'll iliu Colli Muilnl 1(11' tllO UAlllllIt In flit I'jilnuu of I'ootl I'rodiicls perrj Flow Co. To Cut tlio WM look for tlio Spi'rry Hurt VuUffi For Christmas Dinner Your Grocer Will Have Fresh Stock Two Days Before Christmas Celery, Lettuce, Cauliflower, fr routs, Peas, Tomatoes, Cucumbe ., Artichokes, Peppers. Navel Oranges will be better and c saper Grapes, Florida Grape Fruit, Bc.iianas Lemons, Fancy Apples. Figs, Dates, Candied Orange, Comb Honey Coos Bay Produce Campany tmn:tr 4tJnjsmn nmHsmmmmmH:nj