;-.r 'O' r I.' The Christmas Store The Spirit of Christmas is abroad in this store. Whether you desire to purchase or merely "to shop" your time will be well spent at "The Hub" ii i p r-pi3(ljHANl)Sfof iloshnbh-,7 dainty . f ' ' ' I mid practical .Christinas. (Sifts ' . A fltit ft.ltl' .III .Ilullffll' Villi IIM. ISNOtV INTHDUBLE I'OKTIjAXI) HKCltKTAKV DltAAVS TItOUIILU ONTO JUS 1IKAI) loinlncnt Wholesaler Writes Hay ing Itoinarks of Mr. Lothrop Do Xot h'xpicss Public Opinion pro now on display cordially Invited... Hub Dry Goods Co. THE CHRISTMAS STORE COItXKH MtOADWAY AXI) CKXTltAfc A VIC. Phono .101 F mb VITED iHIIOltT COl'ItSKS AT AttltlC'UI- ' TUHAIj COIiliKHIJ Ol'KXH JAX. I Kuli- anpccini iiisiriiriion in npccuu n joots twcrcti win Koninin 'I, .. .. .. ... I oiton ior xnrco weens $ On January 10 tho winter short J courses nt tho Oregon Agricultural t CoIIcko will upon and oxtoitd until ,t iFebrunry 4, according to tho nn- f iioiinccmoiits Hint havo boon received hero from Corvullls. Theso tlireo I tixtnt.n P atA1 n a itMiiiiiinnil HHIIrtn. sT(nllt tr Ilin fnrmnra nviil 1n ltvitwm i or tho stnto who arc Invited thcro 1 to rccolvo pointers in tho scientific end of tholr work. ; Tho short courscH'of 1915 broiiRnt 2,339 peoplo to tho stato college for 'special Instruction. Conifortublo accomodations aro furnished tho vis 'Horn and tho expenses aro reduced h to n ininlnium. ! Subjects Timely Ones illUl.imim.iur ui iliu ivimur BUdl S courses is oxplnlued briefly In tho circular which Hayu "It will deal with the, specific problems uppermost in i.tlio minds of tho farmers Just now. m will not bo n repetition of former ijiiun cuurnuB, 1110 worn, morcioro has been rovlowod under tho lime- I light of 'present day demands; mid Svhoro necessary, has been SAYS HEJS STUNG AKIKOXIAX FINDS XO ItAIMtOAl) IX CItAWI-'OltDS 1'OIXT Mo And Ills Xolglibora Purchased liOts' in Tract Arises Hay WJrcs Others Whon J. It. Lothrop, secretary of tho traffic and transportation bu- i rcau; of tho Portland Crombcr of I'Ooinnicrce, mndo In n letter remarks about tho Coos Uay bar and tho chances of ships to get In and out of hero, ho wished onto himself so mo trouble, It appears. Tho' president of a prominent wholesale firm in Portland, writing today to its local representative, had the following to say; "Wo aro nstountldd to learn hi your letter of tho most foolish speech of Mr. Loth rop. Wo had not heard of this bp foro (speaking of tjio bar conditions') and can woll bolicvo that tho people of Coos Hay aro indignant vith him ha thoy havo a full right to bo. " How such a man gots tho posi tion of chairman of tho Transporta tion Committee of our Cliombor of Commorco, Is a conundrum, but It Biiroly docs not signify that what ho has to say is true or thot the Bpirlt Is that of tho community. "Tho writer has taken this mat tor up with n prominent cltlzon with an jden of having somo definite ac tion taken regarding tho unbollov nblo ignorance of tho party mentioned." HIPPING NEW, HARDYISTHEFIRSTIARE GIVKS IXITIATi SMXAIj KOH OP- KXIXO OP lllUIKiK I EFFORT Arrives Ycstordnv Afternoon Mid Pusses Through Hip Spun Four llln.sts 1h Signal ' Tho steamer Hardy which arrived from San KrnnteUco yesterday after noon, crossing Iho bar at 1:30 p. m., was tho first steamer to SvhlBtle for tho' big" Soiitliorn Pacirid brldgo to open. ' Tho brldgo was closed wherf thb Hardy canio In and It Was necessary to givo tho Btgnal and It was tho first tlmo It was ''over given. Thd brldgo swung open nicely aiid tho Hardy passed through. Capt. Mlch elsen whistled tlireo times but as ho passed through tho brldgo was told that tho signal for opening would bo four blasts. POHTIiAXI) KIKM WIUTKS OF FJlinCJHT SITUATION' THKItK BUO r BREAKERS CAPT. MICHI2L80X, OF IIAHIH, hi:i:s it TiiKiii: Ilorno on by visions of Crawford's Point as u'plcasant plnco for a homo and Investment as woll J. W. McDau lel, of Wlnslow, Arizona, arrived hero to look ovbr 'somo property bought by himself and sovcral of his neighbors in tho plat far over on tliq other sldo of tho bay. "I am a sucker ,1'vo boon stung" snld Mr. McDanlel today. And In n rudo awakening ho was still optimistic. "I'll stay horo now, any way," ho declared. " In spite of the Introduction I Ilka Coos Day Sovcral weeks ago an agent for tho land company camo to his door hi Wlnslow. Mr. McDanlel lp a railroad man, having been with tho Santo Fo for tho last 2li years. Tho fellow was Indcu with beautiful maps of bluo print and tho busy lllmbor mills of this sldo of tho bay and pleasant vlows taken through t'lio county. Mr. McDanlolB sayB that tho agent told htm, and his neighbors as well, that tho railroad was building right tinprtuiui rv Itnu linn. .mM...i1i. llntnin.li n.ntnfA.iln nl... -..li li...i .......... f,v..,n( ...... nun , ii. , ui iinuiiH" Vllliviuiuq I unit H1K1 IIIUl reorganized to muot tho needs of tho 'It would emotion ronsldnrabln nf nr- rltory and become a great shipping point. AIbo thcro wcro to bo fac tories' there. On tho strength of this Mr. McDanlel bought two lots, paid $20 down on each and Iiiih mndo two monthly payments of $20. Ho aays theso aro tho last. Ills son bought two more lots at tho same rate. Mr. McDaulol mild ho Is wiring 1Mb neigh bors to lot woll enough alone. Desplto his long trip and tho dts ILL OPEN II CLUB XOItTH HKXIJ OKOAXIZATIOX PIjAXH 1IOUSK WAIt.MIXO ,hour. fSrono Oregon Ih undergoing rapid and 'pronounced changes hi tho duvclop- iMont of her natural resources. Ccr-1 RrIii phoBos of agricultural -effort hat mount much to tho prosperity of ho ncoillo flvo mill ton von nim Qmvo now niiHscd tho full tldo of liolr development. It la tho class t probloms arising from theso now ondltlons that tho College Is seizing pon to turn to the advautago of tho armors of tho commonwealth." ,'' Hotter Pair) lug ' ' Among tho demands right now hi f )rogon Is tho ono "for n bettor typo t dalr) lug, scientifically efficient, 1 ml methods of marketing frco from , ho leeching syatom that has been graining tho milk pall of hair Its troths on tho way from tho produe . r to tho consumer." So tho Oregon Agricultural Col )Ro Btnnds ready at nil times to nld Jio farmorB and tho dairymen of tho ato una; hivltes thorn o t'orvallls to ecolvo frco instruction during tho 'jiort wlntor coursca eseclally pro- rou for tliom. .Many IniprovomeiitN Will Ho .Mndo In Club ltonniN WlUch Wcro Secured Tho members of tho now North Rend Club aro planning to givo a big houso warming soon. Thoy have taken over tho old Commercial Club rooms, and aro having them over hauled and will make tho club ono of tho best In tho county. It 18 tho Intention to havo social events qulto ofton and ladles will bo admitted to tho club at any tlmo that they caro to mako U8o of tho roonis. livery jn'ombdr" will ' li0 "given two k'oy's bo every timirrIod man's" wife will also! yuvo accosB io tno rqoms. fWfoen aroflxed'at"$2 i month and all who Join aro required to pay tlireo months In advance. Non res ident members will bo ndmlttod for ?C a year. A number if Improvements aro be ing mado, among them tho laying of a flno onk floor which will afford n uplondld placo for dancing. Marked Knd of SiibnicrKcxl Jetty and Hrcaks Away from Moorings During tho Storm Capt. MIcholscn of tho stcamor Hardy arrived in laBt night reported that tho black can buoy which mark ed tho ond of tho submerged Jotty bad broken away from her moorings and was adrift north of tho Jotty nnd in tho breakers. ' Whero tho buoy was last scon by tho captain there should bo no dif ficulty in recovering hor. Captain U. W. Olson, of tho Ade llno Smith, whon iio crossed out on Tuesday for San Francisco", sent a wireless messago to tho branch hy drographc offlco In Portland Inform ing tho offlclalfl tloro that tho buoy had gono adrift. It Is believed tho buoy got looso from Its moorings during tho heavy storms of tho last 10 days. Say KvcrytlihiK Possible Is IlolnR Done to Oct (JikmIs to Coos llay Merchants B. Uandcl lias received from Hal loti & Wright, dealers In auto sup pllcs In Portland, a letter re garding i(h order which ho sent thorn and about tho mattor of frolglit shiinnoutB. Tho firm says that thoy hiavo bc'dtt promised by the North "Pacific Steamship company to send tho order on the Kllburn but that they aro greatly overcrowded. Tho lottcr goes on to say! " Wo haVo called up tho Portland Chamber of Commorco as to what tho prospects aro for rollovlng thb situation In Marshflold and Coos Day, and thoy advlso that thoy aro extending every effort to charter a boat for that run. Thoy, havo tn mind tho Alliance and Elmore, but aro having consldorablo trouble in getting cither ono of them. Tho Al llanco charter is up the 11th but whether the peoplo now using tho boat will renow tho charter, which is their privilege, thoy aro unablo to toll at this tlmo. Every effort how ovor is being mado to relievo tho situation." . THE OLD RELIABLE ROYAL BAKING POWDER . Absolutely Pare s MADE FROM CREAM OF TARTAR OTHERS ,111 GRIEF BUYS UGH BACK LIST IS I'J.llS W. It. FOOTK OLOSKS IHJAh FOIt FAUM SOLD LAST YEAH GROSSES BRIDGE FltKIOIIT FltOM POHTIiAXI) TO .SAX;l'JtAXCI8CO PILKS UP t NORTH BEND NEWS 1 $ Tho mombors of tho North Ilond lodge of Modern Woodmen of Amor lca olected tho following offlcors: Past Consul, C. F. cIuibo; Consul, It. 1). Fry; Advisor, W. W. Llvin- couraglng prospects after reaching Kootl; Dankor, 8. Itogstnd; Clerk, li'lHST THAIX COMBS ACItOSS COOS HAY1 THIS AFTBHXOOX horo, Mr. McDanlel says ho will stay now and buy Bomothhig that ho can look at first, ns ho wants to retire from tho railroad game. MOOSi: liOIKJB FIXKI) Tho IlnBohiirg Itovlow saya: Neglecting to obtain tho required ormlt from tho city recorder, hi rder to tconduct a danco at tholr all hi tho Macnbuo building, tho fooso lodgo waB fined tho minimum liouiit specified by ordinance, by Reorder Whipple Flvo dollars was Io amount of tho fine, but J2. 50 as remlAcd bouuiiBo of It being o first offciiso. ADVBIlTlsi.VO PAYS Kugain .Minister Finds that 'it DrnwN a Crowd That It paya to advortlso church services hi tho uuwspapors Just as though it was somo lino of business Is indicated by tho following from tho Bugouo Register: "Tho largest amllonco over nssom bled for a rogular Bervlco In tho First Jno. II. droves; Watchman, Bvorltt nurgoss; Bscort, August Hoolllng; Sentry, L. A. Loomls; Manager, Pet er i,okkio; Camp Physician, Dr. Phil J. Kolsor. Tho North Ilond Knlgh'ts of Py thias havo olocted tho following now oiflcora: C. J. Von Zllo, C. C; G. A. Porklns, v. C; G. M. Bvorltt, P; Fremont llodson, M. A.; c; P. Klb lor, L. G.; Herbert no won, O. G., 'h. 'Yi. Motzler, of Corvnllls, who formerly lived In North Ilond, Is In thq city on n visit and Is making; lm provejnonta .hi' Jib proporty 'nour the Control 'school. J. W. Grout's petitioning tho coun- Cuppa newspaper advertising. Tho congregation filled completely tho main auditorium to the top of tho gallery, and tho Sunday school room was thrown open." (See the First National Hank ail jdny for. plan of distributing- fifty ivlngs accounts fiH tri The Master Line Christian church guthorell there ty for tho appointment of road sup Sunday night us a result of Pastor orvlsor for district No. 8 which takes In all tho territory within tho limits of North Dond. Gus Potejson of North Inlot nt a foreclosure alo brought by tho Rey nolds l.umbor Company ognhiBt T. J. Cottroll bought a, big tonm of horses for 300. Leo StovoiiR has bought tho launch Donlta nnd will put It on tho run botweon Marshflold and North Horn! to Cooston. Ho will havo tho launch Cooston ovorhauled and use It for charter work, W. II. Wnnn, of North Ilond, tho public accountant, will leuvo In a fow days for Curry county to nudlt tho books of tho county officers. XOTICB TO OltBDlTOItS All partlos indohtod to B. B. For roy, proprietor lllanco Hotel, aro requested to sottlo tholr accounts on or beforo January 1, 191C. All duo accounts thoreaftor will ho placed hi the hands of collectors. Signed B. B. FBItRBY. , MARTKlt C'AH HOX MASTBH HID HOX Carter's Bon Bon Boys Oiu Hpeclnlty is koitIco wind, ho secure host .results lth Carter's Ribbons and Carbons COOS BAY STATIONERY CO. Agents. MAKBS GOOD SPBBCU' Attorney Moody of tho Soiitliorn Pacific, woll known hi this "city, mado a flno speech at Eugeno. Tho Register of that city Bays: " Ralph H Moody, attorney for the Southern Pacific company, de livered one of tho finest memorial nddressos at tho annual lodgo of sor row of tho Bugeno Blks ovor heard hi Kugone. Mr. Moody was elo quent and his address will long bo romombered." Bvpectcd Into MnndiflcM Wo Today -Track Stands Completed and HIk Dnjiv )VorkH P,cr(ccJy Somot'hho n'ftdr four' li'cldck t'hls nftiirhuon nwbrttrahi Is oxpoct'od to "toot-toot" up Front Btrcot to ward tho depot.' it will do' nii ovont to Coos Iliy. T,l8 will ho Uo.,fIr8t tialn across tho brldgo and throiigti to Marshflold. j En(lrb complptlpn ,'f jt)ioj (mcion the big brldgo w)iB 'nudo yefoVddy l)i tho'cr'o,iindor',V. 0. 'Hhi'dmafsli, tho engineer of this division. Tho big draw works llko a clock, turning on Its pivot exactly us Engineer Hroughton Intended that it should whon ho started to mako tho first plans. Tho onglno Is coming up to go in to tho roundhoiiBo for an overhaul ing, having bcou sovoral months now on tho other sldo of tho bay. In Its placo will bo sont back ono of tho two engines now In commission on tho lino to Myrtlo Point. VKSSBIi MOVHMBXTS m. m. Arrived Hardy, San Francisco, 4:30 p. yesterday. Sailed A. M. Simpson, Sail Pedro, 1 p ptoday. , Duo Horo" i . . j Adollno Smith, Oakland, row. Westoruor, San Francisco, tomor row night. Yollowstono, San Francisco, Monday. tomor- Coos Hay Not, Alouo in Delayed Ship- incnt.s Btrn Xoccssary Ships nro Unavailable Coos Hay Is not alone in her howl that tons of merchandise havo boon loft on tho Portland docks becnuso of Inadequate boat sorvlco. Word from tho Rose City declares that tho Bamo condition Is truo regarding shipments out of thcro for San Frnnclsco nnd every steamship, southbound, now leaves with capa city loads nnd still' freight Is loft be hind. Xo Plans Yet Nothing has boon recolvod hero regarding 'tho Bending of another boat to rollovo tho congestion, Whon Capt. McLollan wont out on tho Kll burn yesterday ho 'carried 'with him the pleadings and hrtrd luck stories of many merchants who asked him personally to havo tholr goods aiilp ped. ' It is said tlio ro'asoif tho steamship Georgo W. Bldorhas not boon Bent In horo, by tho "N6rth Pacific Steam ship company1 lu because she has been leaving Portland for Snn Fran cisco with all the freight alio could carry. ' Tho last trip of tho Roso City boiiHi found tier 'hold Jammed full and thoro was frolglit on tho dock when she sailed. AVorso This- Year This year tho freight congestion is saldo bo worse than In mnny yearB provlous, and tho steamship compiin lea havo boon unablo to get bottoms for transporting tho Increase. On Monday evening or Tuesday tho Kllburn Is duo In horo from Port land and It U oxpoctod that alio will bring nil tho freight that was 19ft ovor from hor last trip nnd all tho now Btuff that shq .can crani on board. , ,, , Original Deal Was 1(1,000 It. Is Ho- Itortcil Will Move Family Hack to Placo Again W. R. Footo today closgd nogotlar lions for tho'roptirohaslng'pf his .120' aero ranch near Norway from Potor, 'Thurston, Ho oxpecta to move his family from Bastsldo very shortly, out to tho farm. Tho original pur- ohnso prlco was 110,000 with -IK'OO of personal property In addition. A year ago tho proporty was sold to Mr. Thurston. Thoro was a cash payment down, nnd n mortgngo was taken on tho remainder. Mr Footo moved horo with his family and for Bonio tlmo pnst worked a small garden tract near Bastsldo. J. fl.BLflTT WRITES WITH 1-AMIIiY AT IX)S AXGBlJBS FOR WINTBR Tells or Seeing: Close of tho Dig Hnn Francisco KHltinu Which A'ns ' Kn Joyed J. A. Dlntt nnd family who loft Tioro a fowwooka ago to Bpdnd tho wlntor In California aro now lu Dos AngoloB. Thoy havo boon .' nttend ing tho exposition and Mr. Dlntt writes tho TIiiibo as follows "Wo en joyed tho Bxposltlon hugoly. Wo holpod to BWoll tho crowd Snturdny, tho big closing day. Tho. attend- nnco wns tho greatest of tho, year. All tho buildings wore thronged and 1110 courts, wcro crowded. A con stant mass of moving humanity saw tho lights flicker nnd fade. I rnitld not help hut' feel (a sonsatloi) of sad ness ht fiid fh'ja'l ctosl'iiu ofttho groat uxiiuHiiiun, nan rrnucigco peopio ospeclnlly showed tholr rogrot and It could not bo continued. '" Wo had perfect woathor which added matorlnlly to our mnny Blght 8ocng Jaunta. I noto that Coob Day has bcou getting somo of hor fall ralna." ARB XOW Hilft PUPILS l.V MAnsii. HI BliD, SAYS CKN8U8 Revised Figures Show Upward Treat Of This .Number -HO Arj Hoys and 107, Glrlg WJum tho school censim A! Marshflold wns first tatyn the rtj Bulls woro dlscournslnifor'thcrlui uroppou very cioso to 175 t,0. what thoy had been In 1914, thougl of courso tho decrcaso wnj In tVi main, duo to tho opcnlnfc ortho'tdKh of Powers and Kb now school. Mu; laniiues or tuo mon Jn,, Jin fan, who hnd boon living horo Lpcauw'f tho school fncllltlcs, Immcdliltly moved ,up on tho Bmlth-Powen line. Now 11 recount of tho census and ad ditions that havo Leon found hire brought tho total up to 853 puplii in Marshflold. Tho figures show thcro aro mors hoys than girls in school Just now. Thoro nro 446 boya and 407 glrlj. Doforo tho closo of tho year It s ei- poctcd that many other names will bo added, enough to bring tho tottl up to moro than 900 for 1915, . 01 I H' WM. DOYIjK HirrURNS FllOSfW" ,' "'ll TBXDBD TRIP TO OAMFOKMA GABLE: SPANS::BAY WICSTBRX UXIOX LAYS WIHKS TO TUB OTHBH SIDB t WATERFRONT NEWS Sec tho First Xatioual Hank ad today for plan of distributing fifty .savings accounts frco. Aftor a rather tompostous voyago from Roguo river, tho gasollno schoonor Rustlor has gono to tho Kruso and Hanks yards for repairs Sho will liavo somo now backBtays put In. Coming from Oakland, tho steam ship Adollno Is duo in horo tomorrow so'motlnio and la expected to salt again for tho south 011 Sunday. 'At 4:30 a, in. tho steam schooner Hardy arrived In from Snn Francis- 'co to load luuibor again at the Por ter Mill. ' The ateain schooner A, M. Simp son left down today for Sap Pedro frpm the Simpson Lumber Mill, Tho steam schooner A. M. Simp son loft down today for San Pedro from tho Simpson Lumber mill. Will Connect With I.lno to Kxtcnd North Along tho Railroad Right of Way Workmen hnvo completed tho iny Ing of tho Western Union Tolograph cablo across Coos Buy, to Join with tho section that now extends north about 10 miles toward tho Umpqua. Tho big 12 conductor cablo waa laid out in tho shnpo of tho fight eight on a largo acow and slowly unwound from tills ns It was towed by a amah tug boat. There remain but 18 nillea of wire yet 'to be strung bo foro Coos nay Is Joined by wlro with tho outsldo world ovor tho Wlllam otto Pacific rlght-of-wny. HOThLB FI.OATBD 10 YBAHH In tho breakers at Mocllps, Wash ington, the other day, was picked up a bottle containing a message that had b- n thrown Into the sea 16 years ago. ho writing and paper wns in as gpod condition ns when tossed Into tho water August 10, 1S99. It was on this date that tho schooner Transit was onrouto from San Frnnclsco tp Honolulu nnd the Hnskot ball gamo and duuro Sat urday evening at Sumner. (Janio IiokIiin nt eight o'clock. Illuo Hldgo Tigers and Kastsldo, Launch Sun rike leaves BnMsldo nt OHIO. DR. II. K. KKITY, Dentist, "01 CokoHldir. Phon0 112-J. Sjtont' Coiisldcrllov Tlnib In' mb Francisco nnd IliirllnkHnic-iMe'" ford to Oct Sugar Hoct Fndorr ; , ,i 1 1 1 . ifiT William Doylo, tho well known Coos county logger, rot'ufn'crf'todVr from u sovoral months stay In Cal- Ifornliiii Ho spoilt-much of.thl . ... .: ..,!. .. .... lifct nt tuo ixposiuou mm i"Vlf ntlves ai'jlurUnKnjpe.rf UiVt Tormor Coos county peoplo while on 'his trip nnd moBt of thorn wcro do ing nlcoly nnd nil woro still Inteni- I'oly intorestcd In Coos liny affairs. Ho camo in vin Myrtlo Point ann said tho trip was a hard one. otoppod off at Mcdford to visit friends. Ho snys tho town w quw liut ho likes it very muca. i says that when Medford gets we J600.000 beet sugar factory which, will tako tho product of ovor 6,000 ncros n year, It will ngaln enjoy an othpr boom. f 1 : ' Seo tlio First Xntlonnl BankX today for plan of dlhUll,,nR Wr savings. accounts free. bottle was thrown over the rail and See the First Xatlonnl Hank m' intrusted to the waves. The cur- today for plan of distributing fif ronts rnily carried tho flask snvliigs nccounts five. nprthwnrd. Useful Presents Can always be made very dainty and pretty if nicely boxed Wo hnr nn HiQnlav a finr fi5nrtmRnt Of Holiday Goods suitable for sending through the mail, m such as nrettv Hand Pmhrnirinrnri Handkerchiefs in HPHflai Boxes, fine line of Dainty Gift Books in boxes; a large d sortmdnt of Gloves and Ties; Sleeve Holders and bus- ,- pender.Sets, in prejty boxes; niany pretty; Linen we,s' nuiinurs, iiapKins, uemer rieces. Conme Ji, ind see oui; dis t play of useful, as well as : pretty Holiday ftfercndiii The Golden Rule FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG ALWAYS BUSY. MARSHFIELD vwvMi -3A I 1 . r 'in 1 ' M '., MutfitntumiumiiUMi iLmmmimimMniHkwtumixi jitv 6toigiiHttfitj,wtwmYttiftniffB8 I ' ' J2J3 j Wt&Zm