TER DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY OR SANTA CLAUS MAY FORGET YOU i'Mj fl T.aa Vnni MnnnM MEMBER OK TIIK ASSOCIATED PRESS . "ft js py imcj uu ai'c A Southwest Oregon Paper Hint's vthat (ho Coos lkiy Tlnios Is. A South west Oregon piiitcf for .Southwest Oregon people tuul devoted to tho lcst Interests of this groat sec tlou. Tho Times always boosts mid nctcr knocks. M 1ST jjrty Times Is proud of Us tltlo "TIio ! " .11 ...! H. strives nt nil tlillfM it llv.t u mm u'd PflPCTf " "" " " i... .tnffiHni? Hh eneriries tn iimtiitit. Utjnnn" "i ""' """" - " - , pCOlllO'S HH" " Sttits mm xxxix. Established 1878 As Tho Const Midi FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. .A Consolidation of Times, Const Midi n 11ft' mill Coos Hay Advertiser. nUm MO HGTOH SI GO DRY Lrcmo Judges Today He Stale riuniumuii Law is vana BIIUSLY TOWN BLOTTED OUT GIVES PUN OF HOPEAVELL, VIRGINIA, IX UTTER RUINS TODAY Rig Powder Factory, However, Es- cupci Destruction Xogro Is Lynched - r..... Onlnnn infl n? hVC V oaiuuii an" y Must go Out of ness January mat LOWER COURT , Originally Drought up in County Huiwrior t-ouri, Held Law n Vnllfl Ercry Respect KllltJ rrr Is Ceos tlaf TlraH.) EIA, Wail.. Ooc. 10. TUo remo Court today afflrm- -cliloa of tho lower court I tho validity of tho initln- slllon mcasuro adopted tiy i year ago prohibiting j( liquor In tho Btato nftor Sit Judges Join ' ket Joined In tho doclfllon tho lower court. Two jccorrod and Judgo Rous i i ..! . it. 13 was npituiiuuu iu iiiu It: tho hearing begun, did tho case. fcitrrthhig Closes trt unanimously uphold tho II tho nurston County Su nn, which hold tho law kerr respect. Ab n result tart's decision, ovory sa- breory In tho Htn(o wl'l (0 out of business .Tan- fl'lon Long Ouo t hlon rovorn IT8 typowrlt- mi Is probably tho long- inicd down. Wild, LOOK INTO cause OK fire I COUCIL QIAMFIKS MHS. DUX miOJl DASTSIRE DODV ion Law of 1007 Makes i Legally Elected Cmv- hrIi To Design tt won out In tho oloc- wl In tho council nt East- Ben Wright, la Uablo to i pcsslblo tilt with tho m statutes, according to "r Ccorgo WntkliiB. Mr. , Is not yot a nut- tijea and, nccordlng to a a 1907 known ob tho Bx- , tho wfo of nn nllon Is 'ote or hold offlco. "I Good Majority 'jM won her Bent by n i majority and possibly lotion that would bb rols- Wlng, It i8 said, Is that uiuude council nilcht t!rrt Invalid. o 1907 n wife of nn lose hor cltlzoiishln :1 U the prlvllogoa sho hr marriage. Tho law ' ken explained as noc- ' 0ln In caBos that In- uonal law. RJCan was defeated bv I1 nd. should ho dlaputo ,n9 city nttornov unld r that he would bo do rr lwtcd. Dut If Mr. e no action. In nil l'-or KUlHon will havo one to flu tho offlco. n Question iPs up another quos- "vanauch. wh ntn ' !h wuncll, la a mall I1 noatni -i . . . -, uujiuiiiuuui, IB 10 aold a civil nfion R Informed tho coUn- rwng in which tho fjoesday-g election Woro DrpVlr . L - -..wmo io mo oioc- undertnt,,i i.i i . " Bald hn n.lll , .. mil 1UOIKII uncll. all nf whiot. or place in m i .(.. 'Ointment. 1, National Hunt ...i .f dUtrlbutlnir fifty " free. National Ilnnt ni I OUtrlbHtlng fifty ,4l,'nMlqi, IHr AiocIiIp.1 rrrwt Xn tn Br TlmM.J WASIIINQTON, 1). C Dec. -0. Tho chief of tho De partment of Justice Durcau of investigation, todny In structed nn agent nt Norfolk 16 proceed to Hopewell mid mako a thorough Investiga tion of yesterday's, flro. tllr AMoclilntl Trru to Com llnj TlmMi. IIOI'KWULL, Va., Dec. 10. Tho town of Hopowcll, swept by flro yeH torday and last night, Is almost nB bnro today ns tho cornfield In which Its first buildings woro put a year ago. Iu tlio main part of tho town of 25,000 Inhabitants hardly a building remained, though tho great explosive plant nearby and company villages nt either end of tho town escaped umfnmnKcd. Tho Iobs Is estimated at $1,000, 000.' Tho flro started In a restau rant. One .negro caught looting was lyn ched. Part of tho mllltla sent to tho scciio will bo withdrawn tonight. -. WILL INVESTIGATE WAR COLLEGE Makes Public Special Defense Scheme in Connection With Annual Report VISITS COLUMBUS Plth'SIDHXT AVIIaSOX IN'THU OHIO CITY TODAY BIGAHMYHE QUIRED Project Calls for Million and a Half Fully or Partially Trained Men WU0LD MAKE COST GREAT HKXATOK 1A3MW ASKH (MIKHS TO DO HO COX- Would Muko Inquiries Into llomh X'lots ninl Oilier Attacks on Different A'ossels tnr Aolte I'rM to Vv IM TllOM.1 AVASHINOON, D. C, Dec. in. A Senatorial Investigation of bomb plots nnd othor unnoutral nets by rltlzons at tliQ Unltod States and Inquiries Into tho law and facts In tho attacks upon tho Qulfllght, Fnlnbn, husltnnla, Arabic, Ancona, HoBporlan and Potrollto woro pro posed In tho Sonato todny by Son ator Lodge. ELEVATORS BURNED Timi:H QUAUTKHS OK A MILLION IX)SS AT K1UK. The Hecrctnry Hays tho I'lnn of tho Administration Presented to Con- Kress Is Mora ICconoiulenl Than IMmi Army Men Suggest tn AwncUtetl rrm Is Coot litj Tlmei. WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 10. Secretary Garrison mndo public to day in connection with his annual report, tho Bpcclal National dofeuso report prepared at tho request of tho war college It showed tho nrmy itsolf considers Hint to socuro con tinental United States from nttack it la necessary to havo a mohllo army of 1,1500 000 fully or partial ly trained mon. Secretary 'Garrison pointed out that tho cost of tho first year nlono of tho Wnr Collngo plan would bo $503,228,780. U wns tho cost of the plnn which lod hm to dovlso n modified plnn which hns been pro- sented to Congress with tho back ing of tho administration. Tho annual up-koop of tho AVnr Collcgo plan, woro tho "vstem In full operation, Is estimated At $318, 473,000 ns against $183,234, GG0 for tho administration plan. AVJII Mnko Two Addresses mid At tend Public Deception at tho Capitol Dulldlng tllf Amocltlvil PrrM to Coon Ilr Tlmm COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. 10. President AVIlson arrived hero' this morning to deliver two nddressos IS NOT BOTHERED nni:i:t'i: Xoi dkixo phicssi:!) dy THK AU8THIAXS of Contained Ilnlf Million Diihhels AVheat Awaiting Hlilpnient to Kiiglmid pj AuoclttJ rr U Coo4 UT Tln 1 KHIK, Pa., Dec. 10. Two of tho thrco nnchor lino grain olovatora owned by tho Pennsylvania Rail road woro destroyed by flro this morning, togothor with their con tontb, B00.000 busholB of wheat. Tho loss 1b estimated at $7C0,000. Tho wheat camo from Canada and awaited shlpmont to England, In vestigation of tho origin of tho flro will bo requested. SWISS WATCH MAKERS FEAR ENGLISH WOMEN Think Tlioy Heciired Employment for 1'nrposo of Learning Secrets or Tho Trade 11 AmkUIJ Trow to Coot llij Tlmw I DERNB, Switzerland, Doc. 10. Sovora'l Swiss papors aro complain ing that unless preventative stops aro taken, tho Swiss watch-making industry b going to bo seriously Im paired by shrewd English women, who aro charged with having secur ed employment in Switzerland for tho purpose of looming trado socrets, and then with roturning io u.b"u and divulging the secrets to wound ed soldlors. As a result, tno papers claim, a considerable "Hwibb wih industry has nlrcaoy oeen oum u,. ... England, which is competing Btrong ly wlt.h Switzerland. JIEQUISITION' ASKED Sheriff Goorgo Qulne made appli cation to Governor Wlthycomblo for requisition papers on tho Governor of California for the extradition of AV. L. Frazler, who was arrested at Madera, Cal.. recently on a charge of larceny. As soon as the requisi tion papers are Issued Sheriff Qulno will leave for the California city In quest of the prisoner- Roseburg Review. Ilccogni7cd Athens Government Is In Difficult Position to Main- tnln Her ludcjicndcnco nr Auoclttfel I'rtu to C-xx Jitj TtmN, A'lENNA, Dec. 10. It Is atato'd authoritatively hero that tho Contra! Powors hhvo brought no prossuro whatovor to bear on Greeco. Tho view is hold that tho position of Grooco is highly difficult and that tho Grook government s endeavor ing to proscrvo not only tho neutral ity but comploto independence. Tho position Is takon hero that pressure on Greeco would bo useless as long as tho Athens govornmout la ablo to assort Its own Interests. aim nttond n ptibHc rocojitlon In tho rotunda or tho state capltoL Ho was grcotcd by nn onthuslnstlc crowd at tho station. AVIII Havo lufliienco President Wilson, addcsslng tho Chamber of Commcrco doclared that If tho United Stntcs preserves Its self possession in tho present crisis, It will havo a great Influence in tho reconstructing of tho peace ful course of tho world and bring ing tho nations together again. Greeted by Many Tho Btrcots between tho station nnd tho President's hotel woro lined with crowds which applauded as ho passed. Tho ontlro routo wns lined with National Guardsmen nnd a troop of cavalrymen rodo bcsldo tho President's nuto. Takes I,oiik AValk Soon after his arrival, tho Presi dent left tho hotel nnd'' wnlkod about thrco miles, accompanied by Dr. Graysont Secretary Tumulty and about 100 citizens nnd a Scotch Colllo which persisted iu barking at his hcols. An 80-ycar-old women, meeting tho party, rccognlzod tho executive, mado n littlo bow nnd oxclnlmod: "IllcsB my bouI, If It Is not tho President!" S ITU ill IS GETTING GRAVE Diplomatic Relations With Austria-Hungary Are in Danger of Breaking lEHIHIISIDT IT Demands of American Note on Sinking of Liner Ancona Must Be Met Quick ASKS DISAVOWAL OF ACT It AVas Also Requested by tlio American Government That tho Dual Monarchy Mako Reparation for AVluit AVas Dono HOKE SMITH TALKS GEqitfllA HEXATOU CALLS OX COXGREHS TO HTOP DRITIRH HUNTEDILLEGALLY JOE XOItl.i: AXD HARRY HEXSOX OK TEX MILE.PLEAI) GUILTY Hays England Has Continued t(t In toifero AVIth Neutral Commcrco Slnro Protests Wero Mado Ily Auoclttxl Pmi to Com I)r Tlmn 1 WASHINGTON, D. C 10. Sen ator Hoko Smith, of Georgia, In nn address In tho Sonnto today, cnllod upon Congress to Insist Hint Great Dritnln cense Intorferonco with nou- trnl commorco. Ho declared tho protests by tlio American Stato Do partmont had been met by Increased lawlessness and trampling upon of noutral rights. Should Mako Demand "Tho United Stoles, with othor na tions should demand from Great Rrltaln," tho Senator said, "that disregard of their rights ccuso. It may bo necessary for tho United States and othor neutrals to lot Groat Ilrltain understand that no word or act would bo omitted to enforco tholr rights. Iirltlsh mer chants nnd shippers nro profiting groatly by exporting tho very char- j actor of goods solzed whon shipped from tho Unltod States to othor neutrals. . EMPEROR AVILLIAM HECALUS ATTACHES III AuncllIM rrrM 10 com Hr Tlmn. AVASHINGTON, Doc. 10. poror William has porson olly withdrawn Captains Doy-Ed nnd von Pnpon nnd mndo a personal request that tho United States socuro safo conducts far thorn nnd tholr successors. (Or AMorltlc-t l'rvm to Com IU Tlmfi.J AVASHINGTON D. C, Doc. 10. Diplomatic relations with Austria Hungary nro In danger of being sov ered by tho Unltod Stntcs unless tho urgent deinamls of tho Ameri can nolo to Vienna for disavowal of tho sinking of tho Ancona and reparation nro compiled with. Reply to ho Prompt Furthermore, It wns stated upon high authority that tho United Stntcs expects a prompt reply to tho com munication. Tho Indications todny nro that tho United States finds It solf In Kb relations with Auatrn In practically tho sumo position It 'de cupled oovornl weeks ago with Ger many, whon tho tw'o nations bor dorod for dnys on a dlplomntlc break. iray IS CLAIMED HHi'UKT J.-IIOM TEHERAN SAYS THEY SCORE POINT Drlvo Rack Troops Under Germans mid TmkMi Commanders In Per sla I-'Ieo in Disorder tllf Associated rru to Coos, nsr Tlmm. PI3TKOQKAD, Dec. 10 An of ficial communication from Tohornn Bays: "Itusslnu troops occupied tho Sullan Dulnk poss, whero lnsurgont g"endarmes nnd Gorman mercenaries havo boon fortifying themselves un der tho control of German and Turk lsh officers. Tho onomy fled In comploto disorder, pursued by our troops," DENY THE REPORT HERMANS HAY AVAR VESSELS AVERE NOT SUXIC fwtory AVas Two Cruiser nnd Two Submarines Wero Destroyed In Straits of Gibraltar tnjf AssotlXnl Trcu to Coos n7 Times.) AMSTERDAM, Dec. 10. A Gor officials Btntemunt received hero from Uorlln doclareit unrounded tho reports appearing In nowspnpors In tho entente countries of tho sinking of tho armored crulsor Dorffllngor, tho Binoll cruiser I-'rauonlob nnd two submnrlnos In tho Straits or Gibral tar. It also denied tho reports of tho destruction or u Germnn sub marine by n Drltlsh aeroplane. Uhcd Gasoline Doat in Ragging Ducks Trial Held at Lakeside auiP Kino Is Paid On tho chargo or hunting ducks from n gusollno boat Joo Noblo and Harry Donson wero arrested and on tho samo chargo thoy pleaded guilty yesterday at Lakeside. Thoy both paid tholr fines. Tho court was presided ovor and tho flno Im posed by Justlco ot tho Poaco Chaa. St. Dennis. Doputy Gamo AVardon Thomas wont up to Ton MUo tho otho day and It Is bolloved this Is ono ortho cases that callod him. Dororo leav ing ror thoro tho doputy hlntod that thoro had beon illegal hunting on tho lakes. It Is understood that tho con tention or many Ten Mllo residents has boon that the waters or tho lake belong to them, Inasmuch as tho lines or homesteads and othor prop erty holdings butt oit Into tho wat er, and In some sections skirt clear across. Thoy contend that tho gov ernment has tho lako mapped out as marsh land. And this has beon tho reason ror tho conception that hunting thoro In gasoline boats Is not unlawful. But Deputy Game AVarden Thomas takes an altogether different view of theVatter, and the decision affirms his position. Kee the Kind National Dank ad today for plan of distributing fifty sating accounts froo. BANK SAFE RORBED DARING Rl'RGLARY IS COMMIT TED AT EVEREST, KANSAS. After Nino Explosions Fifteen Hun dred Dollars In Money Is Ta ken Krom Vimlt tllf Associated Press (o Coos !U 7 Times. ATCHISON, Kan. Dec. 10. Four mon blow opon the snfo and vault or tho Stuto Dunk or Everest early today and escaped with $1500, Tho robbors worked 4G minutes nnd causod nlno explosions before se curing tho loot. ALLIES IN RETREAT AXGLO-KREXCII KOHCES EVACU ATE SERDIAX TERRITORY Such is tlio Information Received in Military Quarters at tho German Capital (I)r Associated Tress lo Coos liar Times. DERLIN, Doc. 10. (Wireless to Snyvlllo.) According to Information rccolved nt military quarters tho Anglo-Fronch expedition In tlio Dalk nns has coutlnuod to rqtroa and has now entirely evacuated Sorlluu, territory. DANISH HTEAMER IS SUNK, CREW IS SAVED Wr 'Associated press to Coos naj Tlmn. LONDON, Doc. 10. Tho Punish steamer Minsk, 1221) toiiH, hns hoon ounk but tho mombors of tho cruw wero saved. DOMINATE SERB A THE ENEMIES ARE NOW IN COM. PLETI& CONTROL to ALLIES HAVE CAUSE CLAIM GQOD REASON ,KOR HE TREAT IN HEKRIA ARE MARRIED HERE TODAY Miss Cora Ecklcs and Charles i, Humisou Aro' Wedded Miss Cora Eckles today became tlio brldo of CharleB II. Swanson, tho ceremony being performed In the Justice court b' Judge ' C. L. Pon nock. Tho age or tho brido was giv en as IS years and that of tho groom as 38 years. Doth aro from Coos River. Mr. Swanson la a logger on tho rJver and very well known, having lived here for years, aa has tho bride. They will make their home on Coos Bay, HEATING STOVES at reddced prices. Plonoer Ifnrdivnro Co. Stato That Presence of Anglo-Kreneli Forces There Is no Longer Necessary lr Aiursted Trraa to Coos Dr Time. LONDON, Doc. 10. A statement from Sulonlkl doclared to havo boon Issued by tho French genoral staff on tho llalkan front says: "Tho French and Drltlsh aro retiring for reasons easy to understand. In vlow or tho tact that tho borblau army ror tho moment is out of reckoning, our presonco In Serbian territory Is no longor necossary, Tho Diilgarlau successes amount to tho occupation of torrltory no longor disputed by us." z. TORWfe'H WOMEN ARE -"VEN MORE FREEDOM AVIII IU? Employed In Hovoral De partment of Mull and Tel egraph .Service llr Associated I'rcss lo Coos Ut Times. DERLIN, Doo. 10. Turkey's par ticipation in tho war Is bringing a greater degree of rreodom to tho Turkish women. Tho Turkish min istry or posts, telegraphs and tele phones announces that women aro to be employed In tho money-order departments ot tho post office. They must bo nol less than soventeen years old and unmarried. Tho pay la about $1G monthly. Damascus reports tho opening of n girls' school. Anglo-French l-'tirces Aro Mado Retreat and HitHVr Very tllr Assuclsled 1'rnM to Coos llsy TMi-s.t If. f iiunmiii uuu in,--ino complete domination of Sorbin, as well aB parts ot Montenegro and Albania nro now prnctlcnlly accomplished ns tlio result of tho retreat or tho Anglo French forccB, reported from var ious sources today, from Southeast ern Serbia. Losses Aro D Tho iMilgarlans, In routing ths Anglo-French armies, Inflicted heavy losses. Ton guns woro captured from tho Iirltlsh. Whon tho Ilul garlaiiH will pursuo their rJppononla Into Grcuco litis i not' y)t' been ill vulged and Grooco'B action romltlti'ii n momentous questlvu. Tho Toutoulo nnd (Ilulgarlau pup suit or tho remnuuts or tho .Serbian armies lu Albunln continues, TliO Gormauu captured 12(J0 more Sor- bhuiB. French Repulsed In tlio West, llerllu reports t1itt tho Fronch attack ngnlust tho now Gorman positions on Hill No. 1U3, near Soualu, was ropulHod. In tho East thoro tiro no develop niouts, Coiistnutlnoplo roports that tho English continue a hasty re treat In Mesopotamia. At tho Dar danelles thoro wero violent engage monts with bombs, By J LIST German Leader Says Chan cellor Has Given Allies Op portunity to Make Plans NO FEARl RESULT Thinks Invitation Should Bring Negotiations Germany Would Willingly Join SAYS ANSWER GENEROUS , i , , t Calls Attention to Tact That Allies Demand Destruction of Militarism While Germans Did Not Reply So Peace Will Do Uuioss.lbIo I0r Assocl- t'rws to Coos Da Times. DERLIN, Dec. 9, (Delayed) Doo ttty Landsburg, socialist democrat, in a speech In tho Reichstag today nftor tho chancellor nuswored tho socialist Interpellation on poaco, expressed his approval p' tho choncollorn nddrosn no a reasonable Invitation to tho en tente allies to Initiate poaco nogo tlnus in which Germany was willing to Join. No Kcar of Outcome Laudshorg declared tho socialist appeal for poaco was based on no anxiety about tho outcome ot tho wnr. Ho said that with Premier As qulth or England and Premier Drl nnd of Franco both demanding tho destruction or Prussian militarism which was equivalent to tho destruc tion or strong Germany, ho could un derstand (ho chancellor's uttltudo and was ploasod von Dothmann-IIoll-wog 1 1) return had not demanded tho destruction of tho Russian nnd Fronch militarism or British "Mar Inlam," which could render poaco,. ImpoBslblo. , TT... TWO MORI iniimniii w Italian and Norwegian Steamers Aro Victims Jllr Associated Press lo Cl"-s IUf TluvJ ', I 'LONDON, Dee. 10. Tho Italian steamer Dnnto Alllghlerl nnd 'the '" Nor,wegl;in v-Bteampr "'.NjiriOa havo'" BcoC siitiki t 'llnf droNi'B jof both veil- j' ' firedTnamer FRENCH AT STEAMER SENT SHOT AMERICAN' 1IOAT T BESME ATTACK Officer Romdliig tho Coanio Said Oiders Wero to Tnko All Gerinaii Subjects nr Associated Trees lo Coos Ilaf TliOM.I SAN JUAN Porlo Rlco( Doc. 10.- Four blanks shots nnd two solid shots wero fired by tho Frooch cruiser Descartes lu holding -Up tlio American steamer Conmo yestorday. iV French Lieutenant, who hoarded tho Coanio, said orders woro Issued to take all subjects ot Germany. and hen allies from tho ship's crows beginning December 8 nutl all such persons from among tlio passongors aftop Decembor 18. HTALIAX FORCES RE ROUTED - IX TRU'OLI Lose Slv TlioiiHmiil Killed Wheit tlio Natives Itlso i'-i and Start Kightlug llr Associated Tress 10 Cooo Ilsj Time IlEItLIN,, Dec. 10. Constantinople reports that woll-orgauUcd Souussl trlbpsmon and Trlpolitaulans occu pied the whole Vilayet of Tripoli. Tho Sonussl forces also entered Kasasyart, whore thoy routed tlio Italians, Tho Italians aro said to havo lost C000 men killed and aban doned a large quantity or arms and ammunition. JAPAN SUPPLIES TOYS FOR ENGLISH MARKETV Replaces Product from Germany, Which llororo the AVar Con- I ti oiled tho Market .J (llr Assoclsted Tress to C07S liar Times. JJ LONJION, Dec. 10. Japan haa holped out tho EugllshJ Olirlatmaa' shopping season by providing .the hngaura with enough toys to supply; tho war deficit. Dofiiro' tho" war. lt IGoriuany controlled almost tlio en- tiro Drltlsh toy trade. English, toy Industries havo since started "up, but , could not fill ail or tho orders, frpni. the shops. Then an Importing, firm sent samples of Gorman toys to Japan. In boiiio ways tho Japanesa , 'output has oxe'eo'dbd ' bxpoctations., The now Japanoso toys Include ,'clookwork animals, such as jumping dogs and horses, cheap speaking dolls, and Imitation skin animals. AV'lillo not a musical pcoplo lu the European sonso, tho Japanoso also manufactured toy mimical lustru- 'ments. See tho First National Hank ad today for plan of distributing fifty savings accounts free. Havo your programs printed at Ladles of tho Episcopal Guild wlH hold a lia.anr and cooked food sale, Saturday, Dec. 11th, in the Dargelt ltutldiug, corner Market ami Droad" way, ' !f I ( I 1 f .ii M n I - i - I ... iJ n , . t.A AMH t - sft-Oev