f OPEN SEASON EOR HUNTING TROUBLE RUNS FROM JANUARY TO DECEMBER il T I .u .. t 'J I,' Coos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlmt's what tlio Coos liny Times Ih. A South west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people nml devoted to tlio best Interests of this great sec tion. The Times nlmtys boosts and never knocks. . n.ma Hnv Times Is proud of Its tltlo "TIlC Til" '" i j0.g 1'jipcr," " lt strives nt nil times to Ilvo 'JJ tlio iojilb' Jntercste. MKMltF.lt OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS III 00 2 k No. xxxix. Established 1878 Ah Tlio Const Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1915 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation or Times, Coast .Mall anil Coos Hay Athcrtlsor. No. 117 P. LOSES IN 16 LAND CASE - SIGNED ripped of Every Right Ex at $2.50 an Acre Equity 'in 0. & C. Land Grant IE IS lion of United States District Court sweeping viuiury mr the Government WAS FORFEITED wiiiP Court Hud Decided Grantee ..I Failed In Llvo up to Agrce- tont nml Disposition of Land Left to Congress K it; AuotUlrJ VrtM to Cooa Hay TlmM. lonTI-AND, Ore. Dec. 9. Prac lllr Intact, tlio decreo In tlio Oro l i. r,.ilfornl!i hind grant cnno Lreientod yesterday by CotiBtan- t J Smyth, speclnt assistant to l Attorney Ocnoral, wns signed by United States uiBinci court i ihli afternoon. fcr ihn icmiR of tlio decree, tlio thorn Pacific Itallroad will bo Ijpctl ot ovcry right In tlio' lauds L tlio exception of ?2.nu an f:nioi-lltiifii( Virion- t j a sweeping victory for tlio trnment. Tlio supremo court, . if recognizing ino ranrouu h illjr, referred tlio disposition of Units to Congress. Tlio court's Lroretatlon of tlio torniB of tlio lit, however, was declared by tlio Broad equivalent to n forfeiture. II SETS FIRE IrtT OF HEAR FLIES OPP lllK.V STRUCK, HATS RURXER SECRETARY OP WAR GIVES HIS VIEWS TO PRESIDENT Ui Millinery Storo Huh 8.100 Mate Immediate Action of Fire Prevents Gt cuter Ioss Vt ot a matrhliond, flying into e paper when tlio mutch was tk, started a fins this morning lie tcond story of tlio Tlmmor- building, Nortlr Front streot, t (or a time threatoncd serious pue to thousands of dollars ft- of property. Inuncdlato ac- i lth the chemical on tho part tie firemen put out tho blazo with ii less than a SGOO damage, all M.h was sustained by Mrs. Max merman who lost part of tho t of Tlio Panamn Mllllnory storo. " s a small Insuranco. not !1Jh to cover tho loss of goods. Mntih Rroko Off '" Tlinmcrinan said that tho m floor of tho building was to wen papered. ,Sho wont up ' to show K. v. Lo MIoux what ould need to bo dono. A I'll was struck and Mrs. Tlmmor- I1 ald that alio noticed at tho P that part of tho head flow off F&ere Into a cornor. i as a few minutes later whllo I'"- hi lier storo that somoono 1Be street shouted "Firo" and iimmermnii fomui imp iniiiii- M'beablazo. l'l for StoriiL'o I he Second floor lin.l lionn oiled " of new hats besides somo of "etious seasons. It wna into I that tho firo burst and the lcal that camo Inter rniisn.l a rM loss. ' firemen found tho smoko so they Worn ?., i .. guards in getting about on (-"u rioor. Tho big hoso of o fire truck was not nee- II A BIG UNION I MILLION' UVnnoir i.innn. lts AUK REPRESENTED '"iO Is . ... . .. . -iuko Dcroiisiro anil i0 Action Itoiuvbi'iit. - "scs and Conditions ""i-XllU., Ir'tt', De.c- 9 Tll larBst lfad n ,n the ,,lst0O' of v 'vuiresentlng about two 11 TQPn ,.. - '""Do 'ormed today for fIon i ol,un8ive and deiens- lUd . "'"nurs respecting wag- ' Editions of work. Unless Aduiiiilstrutlou Plnn is Cur- rlcil Out Countiy Will I'aio Com- pulsory Military Sen ten Ilr AMoeUteJ rrpi lo Coon llajr TlmM.J WASHINflTON, I). C, Dec. II Secretary Garrison declares In his annual report to tho President, made public tonight, that if the adminis tration plan for a continental army falls, tho United Stales will face somo form of compulsory military sorvico. In what many men In official life characterize as tho most romarkablo report over mado by n Secretary ot War, Mr. Garrison passes quickly over tho widespread routlno activi ties of the War Department and do votcs practically all his words to tho subject of military preparedness, tho need for which ho sums up by say ing: "So long ns right and wrong exist In tho world thero will be an in ovltahlo conflict between them. Tho rlghtdoers must ho prepared to pro tect and defend tho right as against tho wrong." Unsparing In his arguments In nnswor to those who would havo no Incroaso In tho country's military pruparedness, Secrotary Garrison de clares that tho American pcoplo must view their responsibilities and jucasuro up to thorn and then goos on to tako up the various arguments of tho opposition separately. (Ives IIIh Arguments "Thoro aro somo who do not fool free to baso their conduct upon n consideration of facts or conclusions of reason, bemuse of their Inter pretation of Dlvlno Injunction," ho says. "They do not bollovo In re sistance to physical forco; and those whoso consciences aro so convinced surrender llfo and all that they-focr-IhIi and Iovo at tho behest of tho aggressor. This attltudo concerns tho individual, and him nlono. It" cannot bo made (ho goucral rule of conduct under our form of govern ment without departing from tho basis upon which our government Is founded. "One is lmpollod to quory upon what proper consideration thoro is based any distinction between tho right or necessity or desirability of using mental forco to rcpol error, moral forco to ropol ovll, and phys ical forco to repel wrong. It would soeni, If reason wero applied, that In each Instnnco tho situation Is Identical, and that if wo should proporly prepare our minds to bo strong so that wo can reject error, and our moral characters to ho strong go that wo can reject ovll, wo should llkowlso mako our physical forco strong In order that wo may maintain tho right ns against thoso who would physically Imposo tho wrong upon us." In answer to thoso who say that war will not coma upon this country tho Secretary points out that wars havo como upon -stlons from tho earliest times. About Mllltuilsm. Answering thoso who opposo mil itarism tho Secretary says: "Tho eyes of many aro blinded to fact -and their minds closed to reason by an ahhorronco of what they term mili tarism, without any actual concept ion of Just what this means or how it should affect tho proper consider ation ot tho subject. Thoso who roally fear militarism, or, moro ac curately stated, thoso who dread real militarism, should be tho strongest advocatos of reasonable preparation. Tho latter is tho preventive of mili tarism. If they uuwlsoly defeat rea sonable preparedness, they leave tho country In a condition whoro the tho Inevitable result of defeat, 'hu miliation or acute apprehension will be hasty 'and Ill-advised provisions as to armament far beyond any thing which calm reason and wlso piovlslon would deem necessary." AVould He Listened to Various objections which havo been presented against tho plan or preparedness Secretary Garrison says: " No one need have tho slightest fear that our voice for peaceful set tlement of tho quarrels of nations will receive any tho less attention because wo stand for the right and aro prepared to maintain It at any proper cost. On tho contrary, the voice of such a one Is always lis tened to and usually controls." His Conclusions In conluding his report Secretary Garrison says " If tho determination arrived at CPJIS0H REPORTS SLUES RETREAT TO GREEK SOIL Anglo-French Forces Driven Back are Reforming Close to the Border Line MUST! ID Greeks Will Likely Soon Be Forced to Make Definite Announcement MAY DISARM THE ALLIES Probably Wilt Insist that they On Direct to Hnloiilkl and P.tuhurk Four Moru Towim In .Southern .Serbia Havo Heen Captured III AtiotlittJ 1'rrM lo Cot llijr Times, I.ONDO.V, Dec. 9. The llulgarl ans contlmio to drive back the French In southern Serbia. With tho retreating Anglo-French lines ro-l forming almost in Greek territory, London hollovcs that Grcoco cannot postpone much longer n definite re velation of tho stand sho expects to tako should tho arena of hostilities bo transferred to hor boII. It Is tho general opinion that Greece will disarm the Allies unless they promise to retreat direct to 8a loulkl and embark. Pour Tiim"k Taken Dorlln announced today that four towns wero capturod by tho Bulgar ians near tho southwestern Serbian frontlor. They nro Orehrlda, IS miles north of tho Greek bordor, and tho two nearby towns of Striiga and Dibrasl and Djakova, over tho bor der In southwestern Montenegro. At Other Front In tho west, Pnrls says tho Fronch artillery caused an explosion of tho Gorman depot' of munitions near Saint Souplot, Champagne. In tho east Inactivity continues. YARD TO START ICItUSi: & IIA.N'KS IX AI.Ij pkoij Altll.lTV TO HUIIil) VKSHKIi Negotiations Hepoited About Closed for IMO-Foot Steam Schooner for San Francisco Finn Kritso & Hanks, of North Uoiul, have practically finished arrange ments for the building In their ship yards of a 230-foot steam schooner, tho keel to ho laid within a very Bhort tlmo. K. V. Kritso says that figures havo been exchanged with the Charles NoIhou Steamship Com pany, of San Franelflco, and that tho matter is just about settled, Tho vessel would havo a capacity of ouo and a quaiter million feet of lumber and would bo close to 10 feet longer than the steam Bchoonor A. M. Shannon Mind ono of tho largest cvor built on Coos Hay. Such a craft will total an Invest ment of possibly $100,000 and will mean employment to many work men and skilled mechanics for bov einl months. Tho yards of Kruno & Hanks nro fully largo enough nml capable of handling u vessel or this typo nnd size and to build a ship hero will mean much of an Industrial boost to Coos Uay. I AGGEOES POINT Promises Not to Requisition Any American Trans-Atlan-1 tic Company Vessels MAKES TEST CASE DH01ED I WORTH .lOIIGKN UAMHF.HO, FOUMHHIiV OP MAHSIIPIP.M), IS DP.AI) APPEAL IS TAKEN lly AnoelitM I'rcw lo Coca Hay Tlnm. POHTL.ANI), Doc. 0. The South ern Oregon Company appealed to day from tho decision of tho United States district court embodied in the decreo signed Tuosday by Judge Wolvorton. Tlio decreo affects tho Coos Hay wagon road grant in almost Identically tho samo wny tho decreo signed today by Judgo Wolvorton af fects tho Oregon and California grant. The case will now go to tho Circuit Court of Appeals. bv thoso whoso hnowlcdgo. skill, and Qxperlonco makos their judgo-1 ment practically conclusive Is accept-1 ed, wo should havo In this country a forco of at least 500,000 moii ready for instant rospouso to n call In tho event of war or tho tiilmlu onco of war. ' It becomes necessary to dovlso some method of making uvallablo for tho use of tho Nation In tlmo of war a national forco In supple ment of that part of tho national forco, to wit, tho Hogulur Army, which Is constantly under arms; a part of tho Army, In othor words, to be raised and maintained by Con gross and governed In nil respects in accordance with Its directions. " When this system Is devised nnd mndo operative tho Nation will mili tarily bo in this situation: It would have, as tho Constitution provldos, an Army raised and maintained by It, composed of a certain number constantly under armq, and a very much larger number definitely Iden tified in personnel, provided with equipment and organization, poses sing some training, and subject Jo Instant call. " Tho Statos would havo thp Or ganized Militia, developed with Federal asslstanco to tho highest practicable point of efficiency, avA able for tho purposes specified in tho Constitution, and so ciroumstancod that In tho event, of a war with i foroiRn nation they could, by their own vojltlon, Immediately tako their place with tho other military forco of the Nation." Tho report takes up in detail tho plan of military preparation already mado public and endorsed by Presi dent Wllsqn, and declares tho Swiss and Australian systems aro founded on governmental Institutions audi powers differing so radically from those In tho United States that any attempt to adapt either to American use would mean great delay. With Another Man Lost Olf Halibut Hoat nt Alaska ;Hody Nor. Jtocovorwl Jorgon Itamhorg who formerly lived In Mnruhflold and who wont to Alaska last spring, has lost his life. Tho Petersburg, Alaska Weekly Ho- port of Nov. 27, u copy of which has just beon received hero, glvos tho following account: Tho halibut boat Uunlco arrived in port nt an early hour this morn ing with tho sad news of tho loss of two of her crow. Tho victims, Kd Carlson nnd Jor gon Itamhorg, wero out In n dory to haul In gear at about 1:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon, A sudden galo of wind sprang up at tho tlmo, and tho dory was ovldently BWainpod. The nccldont was not soon from tho ICunlco, and when tho gns boat went to pick up tho men tho discovery of their disappearance was made. Captain Tony Chrlstoiison nnd crow, with two boats, searched for tho bodies for twenty-four hours In the stormy waters, hut got sight of neither men or dory. Hot It of tho lost mou camo to Pe tersburg from Ketchikan last spring. They wero of about tho same age, betweou 28 mid 30, Hoth had rela tives In Norway, but, so far as known nono In this country. Kd Carlson camo from near Aules und, and Jorgon Hnmherg from no, In Lofoten, Norway. TOlTsTUlNG -, HOPKWFLL, VA. WIIHIJH POW- DP.ll IK MADF, APIIti: The Hocking and Genesee Will be Held Pending Prize Court Decision DEPARTMENT IS NOTIFIED Ambassador Pago Scuds Word of (ho Action of Kugllsh (loveruiiieut Asstnatice In Given Thero Will Ho No Further Trouble ttlj Anoclilfd l'reo la Coot II17 TlniM.) WASHINGTON, I). C Dec. 9. Ambassador Pago at London advised tho stnto department today that Groat Hrltalu had accoded to the American protest against requisition ing ships of tho American Trans At lantic Company. A test caso will ho mado of tho steamers Hocking nnd Geupsco, which will not bo requisitioned hut held pending a decision of the prlzo court. In tho uieautlmo Great Hrl talu nssurcs tho United States no othor vessels of tho company will bo solzod, P 0 HEARD FROM SK.NDK WIHFLKSS MFSSAGK TO PHFSIDHNT TODAY F GS A LEAK SCHOOXKH AXXIU LAHSF.N UK POHTF.D IX THOUHLK TODAY Hound for Now Zealand Hut Passes In At Capo Flattery Waterlogged lljr AmocIiIM I'rrM lo Coo I)f TIdim.) SUATTLB, Wash., Doc. 9. Tho ochoouor Anulo Larson, which satlod f i om Grays Harbor Doc. 1, with n cargo of lunibor for Lyttloton, Now Zealand, passed n nt Capo Flattory today water logged and Is proceed ing up tho strait. She sprang a leak tho first night out. Tho Unnl ga, going to her relief, passed In soon nftor. Tho tug Illchnril llol yoko ia also standing by. IN A BAD PLIGHT ALBANIANS HISI! UP AGAINST PLP.FIXG SP.HHIAXK DiiK)iit Puitnrles Located Thero and Great KfiUiiicnt PioviiIIk National Guard Scene Dr AiioclltfKl TrfM la Coot liar Tltnw.1 RICHMOND, Vn., Deo. 9. Hopo woll, tho new Dupont Powder fac tory town, near Petersburg, was burning this aftornoon. Tho last messago that camo out beforo wlro communication was Interrupted said tho powder plant was not affected. Governor Stuart, In rospouso to ur gent requests for troops to control tho situation, which Is characterized as frantic, ordorod tho Petersburg Infantry company at once to tho Bceno and a riot call was Issued at Richmond, calling local companies under arms, Tho first companies assembled will bo rushed by special train. Riot On Streets Firo fighting apparatus was sent from Petersburg nnd Richmond. An appeal to Richmond for help says tho whole town Is afire with tho ex ception of the powder plant, which Is located outside tho town, and riot ing Is occurring in tho streets. Abo Clmsed by HiilgarlaiiH mid Ten- (mis, and Suffer All Hardships of .'Mountain Winter rir AuuwUlM Ireu mi nay Tlmr, PICRLIN, Doc. 9. Tho outstnnd lug feature of tho situation on tho Serbian front Is that tho Albanian tribesmen, particularly tho redoubt able ArnautH, havo risen against tho fragments of tho Serbian forces which crossed tho frontier Into tho Albanian mountains. Tho fugitives, without nrtlllory or transport trains, and with only such supplies as they can carry on tbolr hacks, aro struggling not only with tho pursuing Hulgars, Teutons and hostile Albanians, hut with tho rigors of tho full wlntor In tho path less Albanian mountains. AsIcm Hint lo Disregard tlio News paper Accounts Alleged to bo Inaccuralo tUy AmocUIM 1'itM lo Cooa Iljy TlmM 1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 9. A wireless from Henry Ford aboard tho Oscar II was received at tho White House today. It iiBkcd tho President to dlHiegnrd what ho termed luncciirnto newspaper ac counts of tho proceedings nn tho Oscar II, and said ho would person ally Inform the President later an to tho trip. STAFF IS CAPTURED GKHMAN OFFICF.HK All 1-2 TAKfrJV IIY Til 1 2 RUSSIANS KcoiiIh Mako Daring and Successful Itald, Accoidlng (o Reports nt Petrograd Illy AmorlalrJ I'rran lo Cool Hay Tlmfi. PF2TROGRAD, Dec. 9. Tho on tlro staff of tho Highly-second Gor man army division was capturod by Russian scouts nnd brought ns prisoners Into tho Russian linen ns tho result of n daring night raid recently, according to unofficial ac counts which have Just reached hero. G PEACE WANTED That is Position Taken by German Imperial Chancellor In Speech Made Today MS STEAMER IS SAFE OIL TAXKF.R COM.MUXIPAW NOT SUNK AS HKPORTF.D Sails f i-o m Alexandria for New York and Must Havo Heeu Confused With Other Hoat (lly AmocUIM I'tnt lo Coo Hay Tlmra. LONDON, Dec. 0. Tho American oil steamer Communlpaw, reported Blink Dec. 7, off tho coast of Tripoli, Bnllod from Alexandria for Now York Dec. S. Apparently tho tanker was confusod with some othor vessel. VESSEL CAPTURED RKPORT THAT Til 12 COMMUNI PAW HAS Hi:i:X TAK12X TWO KTKAMKKK ARI2 RFPORTKI) TO HK SUNK Dy Aniwlata.1 TfM lo m nay TlmM. LONDON, Dec. . !).- Tho 4 Hrltlsh Btcnmor Verla, 3229 tons gross, and tho Greqlc 4 steamer Goulandrls, 1598 y tons gross, havo been sunk. TORE AMBASSADOR FLISICO AKHKDONDO WILL KICP RKSFNT MI2XI('o IX U. S. Has Hrou Serving as Cnrrnna's Confidential Representative tit tho National Capital (Uy AnocUUJ I'rtM to Coo. Ilay Tlmra WASHINGTON, 1), C, Doc. 9. Fllseo Arredondo, Gouoral Carrnnza's confidential representative In Wash ington, has been selected to bo the noxt Ambassador from Mexico to tho United States. .May Nhiiio Fletcher Secrotary Lansing formally an nounced rocolpt of advices announc ing Arrodondo's appointment. Tho now American ambassador to Mex ico, Lansing said, would ho an nounced later. Harry P. Fletcher, now ambassador to Chile, Is practic ally certain to go to Mexico City. Tho pupils of tho art department of tho school villi put mi sale nt IS p. in. Thursday nt tho Oul Drug Storo it collection of haiid-pnlnted Christmas jjift.s. Ambassador Pago Wires (hut Ho Is litoriiied Such Is tho Case Stork Conflict Uy AMoclatd Tma to Coo Hay TIom. WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 9. Tho stato dopiirtmont received n dis patch late today from Ambassador Pago tit Homo stating that ho ban boon Informed that tho Communl paw was captured and taken to a port iiuuamod In his message. Tho soiirco of his Information and tho na tionality of tho captors aro not mentioned. DISCUSSED PEACE hungarian pkfmip.k says it up to i:m:.mics Declares That (ho Longer They Fight (ho .Moto Severe Will ho tho Terms a Aaaoclattvl l'ri' to Cooa llay Tlmea.1 HUDAPUST, Dec. 9. -Count TIs soa, tho Hungarian Premier, In a speech at tho latest session of Par liament, Invited Rumania to resume friendly relations with Austria-Hungary, and In closing, advorted to tho prospects of peace "When pcaco shall como depends exclusively upon our oncmlos. Tho longer they aro In roaohlng th con viction that further continuance of tho war moans useless and criminal bloodshed, tho greator tho victories wo shall win, till that conviction emerges. Tho greator Jho sacrifice this war lays upon us all, tho moro sovero will ho tho peace torms for our enemies. 1II2ATINO STOVKS nt reduced prices. Pioneer Hardware Co, Says Country Has Stood Un shaken by its Enemies in a Military Way IS READY TO CONSIDER Hut Any Penco Proposals Must Pro lert Surety nnd Dignity of tho Na tion Heforo They Will Ho Dls cus.sod Interest, In Address (Dy A ftolitf J I'ma U. Cooa Day Tlmra. HI2RLIN, (Wireless to Sayvlllo) Dec. 9. " If our enemies mako peace proposals compatible with rGormnn's dignity and safety, then wo shall always ho ready to discuss them" said Imperial Chancellor von Ilethmnun-Hollweg in addressing the Reichstag today, " Fully conscious of our unshak en military successes, wo docllno tho responsibility for a continuation of tho misery .which now fills Kuropo and the wholo world. No one can say that wo continue war because wo still desire this or that country ns a guarantee" Much Interest Hhiiwn Tho address, which wns nwaltod with extraordinary Intorost, wag In rcsponso to socialistic Interpretation of tho question "Is tho chancellor ready to give Information ns to tho conditions under which wo will bo willing to enter ponce negotiations?" Would Ho Polly As long afl In tho countries of our enomlct, tho guilt nnd Ignoranco of Btntesnt'on aro ontnnglod with n con fusion of public opinion, It would bo folly for Germany to make pcaco proposals which woidd' not Bhorton, but which would lengthen tho dura tion of the war. First tho masks must ho torn from their faces. Not Theoretical " At prouont they speak of war ot annihilation against us. Wo have lo tako this fact Into account. The oretical arguments or proposals of ponce will not advauco us, and will not bring the end uearor," Remarks Cheered Tho chancellor with Impassioned voice stated tho position of tho Gor man government. Ills romarks wero cheered with great enthusi asm. Tho pretext of German's ene mies, ho said, that tho war was holng waged for protection of tho small nntloua had lost Its persuaslvo pow er, In view of tho recent events in Greoco. Tho Small Nations "Tho smnll countries nro In a sor lous plight Bluco England has boon fighting for thorn," ho remarked. Ho asserted that German's food supplies wero sufficient and tho imnienso sloroa of copper wero ndequato for many years. "Tho war can bo ter mluutod only by a pcaco which will give fortitude that tho war will not return, ho Bald. Wo all agreo to that." Wero Indignant Tho Chancellor referred to nn of ficial report that tho members of tho crow of u Gorman submarlno had been shot whllo defoiiBoless, by the crew of tho British pntrol bout Daralong, and sutd tho F.ugllsh pross had concealed tho facts In this caso from tho nation. As' ho mado thoso romarks, tho wholo hauso nroso as an expression of indignation, Approo Speech After tho Chancellor mado a roply to Socialists regarding peaco, other parties mado a joint declaration ap proving tho Chancellor's utterances nnd endorsing the vjaw that In tho condition of peaco made after tho war thero must ho guarantees ot Germany's safety, "Evon if this implies tho annexation of territory," NOTICE TO CREDITORS All parties Indobted to E. E. Fer roy, proprietor lllauco Hotel, aro requested to settle their accounts on or beforo January 1, 1010, All due accounts thereafter will bo placed In the hands ot collectors, Signed E."E. FERREY. Columbia Flour, $1.10. ILU. Tlrats waut ads tiring rwulU. ' 'I I; . M