,( DON'T DETRACT FROM YOUR CHRISTMAS CHEER BY PROCRASTINATING IN YOUR SHOPPING Yi Coos Bay Times Your Paper (&xm Smj A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coos liny Times Is. A South west Oregon mter for Southwest Oregon oople and devoted to tlio lcst Interests of this great sec tlon. Tlio Times always boosts and never knocks. BW The Coos Hy Times Is proud of Its tltlo "Tlie people's Fnpcr," ,,ntl ,fc strives nt all times to live ., to Its nnmo 'y 1ovotlnj? lta energies to promot ing the people's Interests. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. No. XXXIX. Established 1878 As The Const Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mali nnil Coos liny Advertiser. No. 116 umtws GOPPLE, POWERS IND ROOD WIN Victors For Mayor and Coun- oilmen in Annual City Elec tion Here Yesterday flew City Hall Bond Proposi- on AISO ueieatuu uy luiiju rviaioiiiy tumi; uo CHARTER CHANGES. CARRY fciiplo Has Mnjorjty of 118 Over Ktcitwit Out of Total Voto of 7ICI Many Votes Hworu In n A. Conplo wan oloctoil mayor Lf Marshfleld over Cnrl Evortson In Itbe city election of yesterday by n majority of 148 voten. Uliarics Powers ami I), L. Rood succeeded tj council offices. Tlio unnd lost oat by 212 votes nnil tlio city lin.ll ,1M was ilofcatod, losing by 233 Ktci. John W. Dutlor lmd no trouble In being rcolcctod by n mn jorlty of 07 1 votes. He lind no op roiltlon. A total of 793 votes woro cast nt the four tiolls and of this numlior 305 wcro sworn In. Thoro woro 202 TotM cat In' tho city primaries of November 8. It Is believed tlio voto of the women was about 35 porcont f the total. North Contral pro- telnet polled tlio heaviest voto of tho Itlty having n total of 305. Much Interest Toward End Toward tlio closo yestorday con- jiMeralile Intorcst was taken and dur- lt( the last threu hours the heaviest votes woro cast In tho four polls. By U.JO p. in. tho returns had been ro- telred from all parts of tho city. The Judges of tho North Marsh- Held precinct woro, W. 13. Wilson, G. F. Avorlll and D. L, Wucklnghnm ud tho clerks, Mrs. ICathorlno Clirk, Mrs. Sweotman nnd I). II. Pitchett. From tho North Contrnl precinct lie Judges woro, Gaorgo K. Campbell Nellie A. Owen nnd A. II. Stutsman d tho clorks, Ilobort N. Kellogg, Alice Tlckell and Mrs. Carl Evort- At tho South Contral precinct tho following wero Judges, C. L. Ponnoek C A. Johnson nnd John Merchnut d tho clorks woVo, Mrs. Maybollo Holland, Den Ostllnd nnd C. A. Pon tile. Down at tlio South Mnrsliflold mclnct tlio Juilgcs woro E. A. And ,rD, E. A. Harris afid P. N. Flagg d tho clorks, Mrs. C. H. Walters, ". F. K. Allen and Miss C. Esther Whitney. VOTE OAST Total Sworn In N'th Marshfleld ...125 49 forth Central 305 135 tooth Central 151 45 kolh Marshfleld ...212 70 Total 793 305 FOR MAYOR winct Copplo Evortson Jiarsiifield ... GO nth Central .... 99 .Marshfleld ...142 x- Central .. im &7 52 . 00 143 Totl 4CC 318 rou COUNCILMEN eclnct Powers Rood Tolan- i, uer " Marshfleld . 70 59 GC to, ai l12 9G Gl Marshfleld ...179 110 91 Central 201 143 1C0 I Tftl.l 4 , TtM .508 408 378 CAUCUS AMENDMENT b.f inct For Against ," Marshfiebi nn 22 Antral 87 l!l 3S 57 ,e,a ...tlM Certral 148 , Total 415 13G i . n'VN'D PROPOSITION t..i fc C" For Against . Narshfleld .,,.,27 85 f BADLY BEATEN T'WI 39, J01 I r-rshfleld C9 124 ; jgMfal m 158 , EASTSIDE ELECTSWHL APPROVE R. C. KITTSON REELECTED MAY Oil IIV MARGIN OK TOUR VOTES Revision of Charter Carries by Two Votes 10(1 Votes Cast Much Interest Taken In Election ' It. C. Kittson was reolectcd mayor of Enstsldo by a majority of four at the city election thero yesterday and tho rovlsed charter carried only by n margin of two votes. A total of 100 votes woro cast, nbotit II of this numbor being sworn In. Con siderable Interest wns taken In tho election, ninny of tho voters coming up from Coostou nnd many wore busy through tho day rounding up votors wljo othorwlso would hnvo boon unable to get to tho polls. Running with no opposition, C. P. Keating was reolectcd city recorder nnd Sylvester McUrlff wns again given tho otfico of city marshal, Mrs Carriu Wright, Ralph MntKou and W. II. Cnvnnaugh wero elected to the council. Y IrfTlH Much Interest In Charter COnslderablo intorcst was cen tered around the rovlsed city charter nnd in the pnst two weoks thoro lias been nrouscd opposition to It. Following nro tho votes enst. For Mayor R. C. Kittson 41 R. T. Whltty 37 J. C. Steckol 28' For Recorder C. P. Keating 97 For Marshal Sylvester McGilff 92 For Council Threo Places to Fill Ralph Matson 78 W. II. CavnnnuKh 58 Mrs. Carrlo Wright 50 M. A. McLaggan 43 Malcolm McLean 37 L. S. Wlldo 30 Mrs. Mnrtln llreon 10 City Charter For tho Chartor 40 Against Charter 44 Tho Judges of tho election wero: L. O. Meoks, Thomas Tralnstono and Albert lloss. Tho clerks woro, W. F. Ryorly, Mrs. J. Swanson and Mrs. Walter Robortson. Total 250 408 (MTV HALL Precinct For Against No. Marshfleld 33 75 So. Central 47 91 So. Marshfleld 50 135 No. Central 90 '104 232 405 FOR RECORDER Precinct "t,or No. Marshfleld 12 So. Marshfleld . . . . v 170 No. Central .' 2CC So. Contrnl I38 Total 071 TAX SALES Precinct for Against No. Marahflold 04 25 So. Contral , 75 33 So. Marshfleld 103 44 No. Contral 120 82 Total 308 184 ' Had Affiliations. Into tho polling placo of South Central Precinct yesieruay ui noon there camo n woman voter who evidently was not well Yorpod In politics and tho methods of politics. T7M,n.. iiPsHntlncIv she approach ed tho tablo about which tho Judges 1 Dim and clerks woro groupeu. reached out for a ballot. "What aro your party nffilila tlons?" donijinded Judgo Pennock, though ho trieu 10 iuu - 1 ivl- nnd irlibllko. so ns not to scare awny n porfectly good voter. ..mm,., nnd alio paused for a moment nnd looked about at tho booths. "Why Mr. ww. camo tho reply. She got her ba -lot In a hurry, and sighed thankful ly when tho event was nil over. Llbby Cool, S5.00 ton. Phono 72. Choral Club, concert Sunday after noon at tho Noble. 25c Admission. DR. H. B. KELTY, Dentist, 201 coko nidff. r'lone 112'J ,!. 1. .11 cuniB and tlanco Snt- u,.duy evening t Sumner. Game begins at eight o'clock, Blue Ridge Tigers and EMttlde. Lnuncji Sim- SE Republicans to Support Meas ure if it is Not Framed by . Democratic Caucus PRESIDENTS TOLD Senator Gallingbr Says His Party Wants the Army and Navy Strengthened READY TO CO-OPERATE Lender of Republicans Promises Aid Piosldctit's Plan Providing flint It Is Not Made Party Meas ure hy tho Democrats tor AwocUth Mraa t root Hay TtmtaVI WASHINGTON, I). C, Doc. 8. Tho Sonuto ropubllcnns will mnko no partisan fight n tho Nntlonal do fonso program lf it Is not framed by tho democrats In caucus. Senator Galllngcr, tho republican leader, told President Wilson today that tho ropubllcnns want tlio nnny nnd navy otrongtboncd nnd nro willing to co oporato with tho democrats. Gal llugor said tho President told him ho vould not npproro tho democratic "incus mnklug the dofonso plans n party measure. Not Party Question "Tho question of propnrlng for dofonso Is not a party 0110, and tho Republicans nro ready to moot tho DomocratB half way If tlio majority party Is really willing to discuss tho question on a non-partisan basis," said Galllngor. Galllngcr disagreed with tho President on tho plan for tho. mer chant mnrlno and for raising monoy necosenry for preparedness. Whon tho administration shipping bill Ib Introduced, Galllngor said ho will offer a substitute About Merchant Mnrlno Tho Ropubllcnns, howovor, ho added, favored using tho merchnut marluo as a naval auxiliary. Galllngor advocated a bond lssuo and opposed tho President's pro gram of Internal taxation. Ho said, howovor, ho fnvorod loworlng tho Incomo tax minimum MINNESOTA IN TOW DIKAHLED HILL LINER PICKED UP BY IAQUA LAST NKJHT Tug Dnuntlcss Also Assisting Willi Steamer Which Is 700 Miles From San Francisco Ily AcxLtJ I'rtii la Ciwi Ilijf Tlmn. ' SAN FRANCISCO, Doc. 8. Tlio disabled Hill llnor Minnesota waa tanen In tow last night uud is pro ceeding horo at threo knots per hour, according to a wlroless re ceived today from tho wrecking steamor Ian.ua, which with tho tug Dauntless renchod ho vessol yester day at a point 700 miles South of hero. FOR ItlCJ HOMESTEADS Oregon Tracts to bo Included In Now Regulation IDr AMOclf, l'rM to Coot I3r TlmM.J WASHINGTON. I). C, Dec. 8. Secrotary Lano announced today that ho had approved In November orders of designation which have broucbt under operation of tho 320-acro homestead law, about 950,000 acres in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and North Da kota. MATTER POSTPONED Requisitioning of American Vessel Is Put Off IDf AuoeUted TrtM to Coo Hay Tlmea.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 8. khe requisitioning by tho Dritlsh government of the American trans Atlantic Bteamer Hocking, protested by the State Department, has been postponed for three weoks, becretary ILaiiBlng was advised today. Ambas sador Pago's present action at Lon don or American protest Is believed to bo one causo of tho postpone ment. HEATING STOVES a,t reduced prices. Pioneer Hardware Co. " T Rr, Leslie, Osteopath, Maihfleld L TALKS ABOUT PEACE QUESTION IS RROUOIIT UP AT GERMAN (MTIIER1NO Suggested That Kaiser's Country, Doing Victor, Might Make Ad- vaueesj That Way. Ilr AmothtM rmi to Coo. Hay Tltnra.i UERL1N, Dec. 8. (Wireless to Sayvllle.) In nn nddrests boforo tho convention of tlio Progressive Peo ple's Party, President Von Payor, who Is a member' of tho Rclchstng, raised tho question ns 'o whether Germnny "being stronger nnd hav ing won a victory, ought to hold out her hand for peace." Ho replied to his own question by asserting this would bo posslblo only whon tho onomlcs of Germany realized that they had boon defeated, as thoy had not thus far. NOT READY TO QUIT GERMANS WANT WAR UNTIL DE CISIVE VICTORY IS WON V ' One Party of tho Reichstag Says All Territory Captured Should llo Retained (11 AuocUtfel l'll to Coot ILy Time.. UERLIN, )ee. j8. A caunus of tho threo cousorvatlvo members of the Reichstag, resolutions woro ad opted "domnndlug, ns tho object of penco, a Germany strengthened In Its position of power and Importantly enlnrgcd nnd recompensed for Its expenditures through tho rotontlon to tho uttermost extent posslblo of nil districts now occupied." Freedom of tho sons Is also de manded. Tho resolution declares tho war must continue "until a do clslvo victory lias boon won." Tho party expresses regret for tho In croaBos In tho prices of necessities, but declares tho cost of living In lower In this country thnn In any of tho countries with which Gormany Is nt wnr. ST. DECIDED ON AS PLACE FOR DE MOCRATIO CONVENTION Will Heglu at Noon nn Wednesday .Juno I .President WIImwi ' Is Endorsed (Mr AMocltteJ I're.a to Coo. Iltr Tloin.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. S. Tho democratic nntlonal convention will begin Wednesday, Juno 14, nt hioon. Tho democratic national committee named St. LouIb on tho second ballot last night and adopted resolutions calling for tho rcnomlna tlou ami ro-olcctlon of Wilson as tlio trusted loader of national democ racy. FATAL HOTEL FIRE TWO DEAD AND TEN HURT IN LOUISVILLE HLAE TODAY Firemen Roscuo Fifteen From Sov- enth Avenue Hotel lliilldlug Partly Destroyed (Hr AuocUKJ rrw to Coot Dr Tlmf.. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Dec 8. Two mou was burned to death and ton others Injured in a flro horo today that vartly destroyed tho Soveuth Avonuo Hotel. Firemen roscued 15 othors. JOH N HARROWS CI TREE IN POLE CRUSHED UY CAMP Workman Almost Instantly Killed, -Leaves a Wife and Five Young Children (Special to The Times) BANDON, Ore., Dee. 8. John narrows, employed In a telegraph polo camp was killed by a tree roll ing on him and crushing his chest. Ho leaves a wife and five young children. Harold Ilalcli of North Bend who Is employed by tho North hUerfd Mill and Lumber Company Is a brother of Mrs. Barrows. Mr. Barrows was about 30 years bid and a nonular young man and ihad. many friends in and around Uandon. He was an industrious person and had saved his money- and owned a nice homo In Dandon which ho had recently built for his family. LOUS CO BANDON m PETER IS OF Ruler of Montenegro Would Like to Make Separate Peace for Country Presents Plan to Representa tives of the Entente Allies at His Capital NOT KINDLY RECEIVED Is Told that Thoy Would llreuk off Diplomatic; Relations If llo Should Take Such 11 Step Uimble to Withstand Fimv Iljr AmocUIM I'rrM to Coot lUr Tlrnc.l DERLIN, Dec. 8., (Wlroless to Sayvlllo) According to dlspntches received by tho Frankfurter Zoltung Montenegro lias expressed a deslro for sopnrato peace King Nlcholns, according to tho dispatches, personally handed to tho outento ambassadors a documout suggesting tho possibility for n sop nrato peaco for Montenegro, which wns represented as tumble to with stand tho superior forces of tho 011 omy. Tlio nmbnssndors ropllcd that In such enso thoy would break off diplomatic rolntlonB. TELLS SITUATION llrltlsh Premier (lives Position Ittr I l'niilliicr A iiv 1'ivii'i, 1'Imiiu (tlr AhocIiIM rrru to Coo. nr TIrim. LONDON, Dec. 8," If proposals of a serious charactor for general peaco are put forward by an enomy of tho governments, elthor directly or through a noutral power, thoy will first bo discussed by tho nlltott govarnmontB. Until this contlngon y arises, I cannot glvo any further pledges." This was Promlor Asqulth's roply In tho Hoiiso of CommoiiB totlny to a roqucst of d'hlllp Snowdon, a social ist mombor, for a pledge that no proposals for negotiations based on tho ovacuatlou of couquercd terrl 'tory shall bo rojected y tho Rrltlsh government without tho knowledgo of parllumont. PRESIDENT WILSON ACTS AS HOST TODAY .Members of Democrat lo Central Committee aro Ills Luncheon Guests at White HoiihO t Hr A.o-lll TrrM to C001 Day Tlm...J WASHINGTON, I). C Doc. 8. Moinbers of tho Democratic Nnt lonal Commlttco woro luncheon guests today of President Wilson nt tho White Houso. Tho Presi dent was sented botwocu Chairman McCombs nnd Vice-President Cum inlngH. Tho commlttea finished tholr work here last night, but McCombs expected to remain probably until tomorrow to nrraugo further details for tho convention In St. Louis. NO SESSION TODAI CONGRESSMEN ARE GETTING f READY FOR BUSINESS Adjourned Over Friday to Cumploto OiganlJitloii of tho Working Committees Iljr AaaocUted rraaa to Cooa Par Tinea. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dee( 8. Conirress was not In session today. Roth houses had adjournod over Fri day to comploto. tho organization of tho working committees. BRITISH STEAMER COMMODORE SUNK Uf Aawrlate4 I'rcM to Cooa Uijr Tlmr. LONDON, Dec. 8. Tho British steamer Commodore, , which the admiralty an- nounccu was sunK, was own- w by tho Charoute Steamship Company and registered 5858 gross tons. There bo- 4 ing soveral vessels of this name made it uncertain at first which was sunk. Columbia Flour, $1.40. Hulues. I W II TOO STRONG ENTERTAINED TOM IS OCCUPIED VILLAGE OF KENALI OCCUPIED BY GERMANS AND BULGARIANS Is Located In Serbia Near tho Greek Fi-ontlcr Railroad Station Captured BRITISH RETREATED . WITH THE SERBIANS a (tlr Aaaoe ItlfJ 1'rcaa to cmi to Tlmea.l 4 LONDON, Dec. 8. Tho British naval force under Admiral Troubrldgc, which uBslsted in tho dofonso of Sorbin, nccompnnled tho Serbian nrmy. in tho retrcnt, It was announced today. Dy AuocUteJ 1'rfM la Coo lly TlmM.J PARIS, Dec. 8. Athens corres io tide nt of tho Hnvas agency snys: "Telegrams from Fiorina, Groece, from an official source, stato that tho village of Konnll Sorbin, near the 'Greek frontier wns occupied by tho Gorman cavalry and tho. frontier rail way station nt Konnll was occupied by n smnll body of Germans nnd Bul garians." PROTESTS ATTACKS GERMAN PAPER SAYS AMERI CANS NOT TREATED RIGHT Disapproves of Position Taken hy Homo Against tho People of United States Illy AaaotlitM Trraa to Cooa tlay Tlmr. AMSTERDAM, Dee. 8. A vigor ous protest ngnlnst tho attacks made by tho GormaiiB ngalnut America and Americans appears In an article hy Maximilian Hnrdon, odltor of the Berlin nowspapor Dlo Xukunft, In the Inst lssuo of that papor. It states that at a recent mooting of a great corporation 0110 of tho directors re forrod to Amorlcnn people as "That pack of scoundrels In Amorlcn." " Such procoedlngo," Bays Hnr don, "Disgusts every right thinking Gorman." OF CA I TAINS DOV-ED AND VON PA PAN FRIENDS OF EMPEROR Poi'houully Appointed Two Attaches Whom (he United States Has His. missed us Undesirable Hy AaaoUtJ 1'rr.a to Cooa Day TIm, WASHINGTON, I). C, Doc. 8. Emporor William has a porsonnl In terest In tho withdrawal of Cap tain Iloy-Etl and Captain von Papon. The Stato Department officials hnvo been Informed that us tho attaches woro personally appointed by tho Emporor, ho personally will prob ably glvo orders for tholr with drawal. Want Complete Report It Is understood tho officials con sldarod It posslblo that tho Berlin orolgn offlco was prompted to ask whnt causod tho action of tho United States in doclarlug tho attaches per sona 11011 grata, bo that whon tho roport of tho Incident Is made to tho Emporor, it may bo comploto In all details. E PRESIDENT EXPRESSES CONFI DENCE IN COM I NO ELECTION Says Any One Thinking Deniocrats Can Bo Beaton "Talks Through" His Hat." (Dy Aaaoclatfel Prea to Cooa Hay Tim... WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 8. Addressing members of doriiocratlc national commlttoo, who wero his luncheon guests at the Whlto Houso, President Wilson today declared af ter oxplalnlng that ho did not think It necessary to address tho commit tee In parliamentary language, that "any one who thinks wo can bo beat- 'en in tho 1910 campaign Is talking through his hat," FOR CHRISTMAS YOUR PHOTOGRAPH It carries tho personal thought of tho giver, Havo your portrait made at home, Just as you are. Phpne 21-J for an appointment tor homo portraiture or studio sitting. Studio Open Sundays. STADDEN'S STUDIO South Broadway FRIEDS SOM SL EXPECI ATTACK TIE SLUES Germans and Bulgarian Forces Concentrate for That Pur pose in Serbia ' HEAVY FIT IS ON French Expedition Reported in a Dangerous Situation and Must Withdraw FRENCH TRENCHES TAKEN 'Germans Capture Position in Chant paguo uud Another Attack North of Arras Is Cheeked General , Lull Prevails In tho Kant EIGHTY CANNON ARE CAPTURED WITH TOWN 4 tlty A.wfUlo.1 PrrM to tvii flay Tim.) BERLIN, Doc. 8. It was officially nnnounccd today that 80 cannon woro taken with tho capturo of tho Mon- tenogrln town of Ipok. Hy AuoclatiHt Trraa to Cooa lly Tlmra. LONDON, Dec. 8. With tho Sorblnn armies In disorderly re treat behind tho Albanian and Mon tenegrin frontiers, It Is reported horo Hint tho bulk of tho German and Bulgarian armies Is being con centrated against tho Allied armies holding tho southeast coruor of Ser bia. Heavy fli;htlug hns boon In progress thoro during tho last fow days. French In Danger Tho fall of Monnstlr and tho southward progress of tho French expedition Is. In n precarious situa tion nnd tho withdrawal from the nnglo formed by tho Vnrdnr and Cermn rlvors apparently has begun. In Montenegro tho dofondors con tinue to offer spirited resistance In Albania, tho Serbians, who were compollcd to lenvo behind quantities of wur material, appeur Incapable of organized roslstnuco. In tho West Berlin announces the capturo of mora than 500 yards of French position on Hill No. 193, north of Soualu, In Champagno. Purls says tho German attack north of Arras was chocked. Tho French recaptured part of a position lost yestorday south of Saint Soupo. In the Enst a general lull pre vails. SALONIKI REPORTS THAT THE BULGARIANS ARE ACTIVE Artillery Attack Made on Eutiro English Front Lusting n Whole Day J, Hy AmocLIM t'rru to Cooa Hay Tlmta. LONDON, Doc. 8. Tho 8alanlkl correspondent of Routers says: "Wouthor conditions having Im proved, tho Bulgarians Monday bombarded tho ontlro British lino at Strumitsa for n wholo day. Then thoy launched an infnntry nttnek which was ropulsed, nltnough the fighting on this front still con tinues." OIL TANKER SAFE Couimiiulpuw, ' Reported Torpodoed Near Trboll, Reaches Port Dy Aaaolatl Pra U. Cooa Bay TlaM.J NEW YORK, Dec. 8.A dispatch from Alexandria, Egypt, apparently confirming the earlier roporta from Loudon today that tho American oil tanker Cammunlpaw was safe, was recolved by tho Standard Oil offices horo. Rome previously had roported the Coinuuinlpaw torpedoed and sunk near Tabruk, Tripoli, The messago rocolvod horo says tho Communlpnw roachod Alexandria Sunday and would sail for New York Tuesday (yestorday). NOTICE TO CREDITORS All parties Indebted to B. K, Fer rey, proprietor Blanco Hotel, are requested tq settle their accounts oh or before January 1, 1916, All due accounts thereafter will be placed n the bauds of collectors. Signed J E, S. PBBBICY, BOMBARD ORITIS lUo leaves Vimm ifv