SHSSSSswswfi.TifsSSI tt.-i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAnSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. SIX 1 PLENTY OF ORDERS EXPLICIT 1UHEOTIOXS SENT KKGISTHAHS THIS YEAH TO e ELECTION I Lando S cllc OPENS AT 9 A. M. DAILY As we explained last week today we start to enumerate and give you prices. The store has been so crowded at all times of the day that it is all we can do to give each customer proper attention. To day we wish to call particular attention to 1000 YARDS OF SEASONABLE SILKS, including MESSALINES, FOULARDS and POPLINS, original prices $1.25, $1.00, 75 cents, now all the one price, 35 CENTS THE YARD. WOOLEN DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, DRAPERIES, LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR AND FURS, AT PROPORTIONATELY THE SAME PRICES. The people who have attended the sale are the best advertisements that we can refer you to. From day to day we shall specialize the prices on different departments Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. Purchasers FIND LEAN SOCKET COURT HPKNDS TIIIH WEEK CLEARING UP OM) HU8INK&H Civil Ciwch Listed For Trial In .Com Iiijj Term Aro Few Judgu ' Kklpworth Ih Coming PULP IKES SICKS'TIMES ARE BETTER new use found for wood Fi nnic product is interesting Potatoes anil Onions Arr,tvo Hero In "Pnjw Mag" Tak Plaeo of iluto KiuUh With tlio dockot from tlio provloiiB session olonnod up bottor tlnui any dockot in sovornl bcbsIoiib tlio onon lng of tlio Docombor torm of tlio cir cuit court noxt Monday morning will find llttlo criminal bunhicsH on hand und not a Krcut ninny civil cnaes. Yes torday opened tlio udjouruod torm of court and this wook will ho spout in cleaning up old buslnosa und nttor noya Buy thoro Ib nothing of much coiiBoqucuco on tho dockot. Judge Skipworth Is expected In from Eugeno In tlmo for tlio open In K of tho regular torm on Monday morning. Ho will hear tho cases In which Judgo Coko Ib interested, mid lionco barred from hcnrlug. On tho civil docket for the now torm tho following casca urn nmoiig tliOHo Hated nud which will probably ho given a hearing: Haltha vb. Coob Hoy Coal Co. , Union Oil company vb. J. V. Finn ,ugan. Leach vb. Laughloy. Mooro Lumbur Co. vh. .1. W. Coach. Treadgold vb. Mltchull ot al. McCouiioll vs. Mooro Lumber Co. Hammond vb. Ojuda. Downs vb. C. A. Smith Co. Port of Coob Day vs. Simpson Lumber Co. Port of Coob liny vs. James Ilulncs. Tho crnnd Jury will rind llttlo criminal business to hold tliolr at tention nt tills session. Thoro will bo considerable amount of equity buslnosB for later consideration of tho court, Bomo of tho above cases appearing In tho equity dockot. Entor another uno for pnpor 'pulp. Thoy'ro making regular gun- 'ny Backs ,oiit of paper now. Tho flbro Is twlBtod Into stout cords and this, nftor bolng woven, mnkoH t sack strong enough for tho carrying of potatoes, onions und such pro duce At tho Coob liny Produco compniiy tho othor day thoro arrived a shipment of onions lu "paper bags" that huvo attracted much at tention. Testing of tho Backs show that thoy uro strong and will stand plon- fty of "Juggling" and will carry enp- uclty loads exactly tho samo us tnol nags lnnnuractured of Juto. Tho woavlng s vory eoarso, with big weavcH about on n par with mos quito netting, but a grend deal stronger. Strips of pnpor flbro, modlumly heavy and lesa than half nn Inch wide uro rolled und twlstod to miiko a strand. A test of n separate Btrnnd showed It to he as stout as (wine, but once unrolled It could bo torn llko paper. To wet tho sucks would mean tho losing of their value, hence thoy must be kopt In dry places. Tho commission men say tho Backs are f cheaper than tho Juto hags. Tho making of bags out of pnpor flbro u pot new. In Chllo at soma of tho mines, oro Is curried In big sucks mndo out of twisted pnpor fl bro, und vory successfully. MAGNATE OK ROSEItURG TELLS OK IMPROVEMENT Hh.vh Prli'o of Linntor Has Advanc ed Gtcutly in tho Hast and Out look for Kutiiro Ih Kino ROS13I1URG, Oro., Dec. 7. That business conditions throughout tho Hunt aro satisfactory to tho great financiers of the country nnd that tho trend of tho ora of prosperity Is westwurd, was tho statement of S. A, Kendall, n mombor of tho firm of Koudull Ilros., of Pittsburg, Precaution Urged In Registering Pcoplo or Foi-elgn lllrtli Sonic of Tho Ii-Jiieiial 1'olntH County Clerk "WutRon will soon begin sending registration blanks to registrars throughout Coos county na registration for tho spring primar ies In Ongon will begin early In January. With tho supplier will go n sheet of instructions, tho principal part of which is as follows: " Tlio full name of tho elector must ho glvon, viz; John Paul .Toned, not John P. Jones or J. P. Jones; and Mary Ellen Jones, not Mra. " Foreign born persons: All por soiib horn In a foreign country of alien parents, no mntter at what ago they enmo to this country, uro aliens unless tho naturalization laws of tho United States have been complied with, elthor by thoinsolves nftor thoy became of age, or by their parents before they became of nge. " The state constitutional amend ment passed by tho pcoplo nt tho last election requires that all aliens must have become fully naturalized before being allowed to voto In this state. Thoroforo, those porsons who liavo only their 'declaration of intontlon,' (commonly known us first papers,) ennnot lcgnlly roglstor for olectlons lu this stnto. This law requires that 'final citizenship papers' (common ly known nB second papors,) ho ex hibited to tho registration officer bo foro ho can roglstor thoni. ColirilNloil .Mil)' HcMlIt " Somo confusion may result un less registering officers nro careful In this respect, as In ninny of tho old forms of naturalization papers, tho first papors, or 'declarations,' aro vory similar to the second or 'final' papors, therefore should ho carefully examined to sco that thoy rend Hint tho alien, "Is ndmlttcd n citizen or tho United States.' " Undor tho formor laws of Oro gon, second papers woro not re quired; declaration of Intention, or first papors, being sufficient; form or registrations In this county do not show which wore exhibited, fconco tho necessity of cure on tho part of tho registrars lu this particular. Somo few naturalized citizens have exhibited (heir final papers nt thla orrico within tho pust two months and n record ling boon tnk on of them. Thcso porsons do not nood to exhibit tliolr pupera ngaln but a sjtntomont: of this fact should bo madb by tho registrar. "Tlio following will give you tho roqulromonlH, nlso tho stntuo or tho families of aliens: " Nnturnllzod cltlzons must, ex hibit 'final' citizenship papers. " If tho father of an alien be- ST. HELENS ship yards HUSH El) WITH new ORDERS Uko of Local Capital Promotes In I duitry and Points Out Pos sibilities to Coos Hay Onco ngaln the llttlo city or St. Helens on tho Columbia River stops rorth and "plucks tho grapes." Tho shipyards there uro making another giant five-masted, motor-power schooner, tho building of which will, keep dozens of high-priced mechanics ut work for tho next six months. Already on tho ways thoro Bits tho City of Portland, alniost a mute of, the ship Just Btartod nnd porhaps tho largest Blnglo deck wooden alilp In tho world. Thus Is St. Helens showing there Is not only n demand for wooden ships on thla const, but uIbo whnt local capital can do when turned to ward shipbuilding. A short tlmo ngo St. Holons got nn order to hid on five or six ships. Tho yards wcro already full nnd word wns sent back to tho Eastorn firm that nt least two of tho con tracts would lmvo to bo sont to Portland. St. Holons couldn't hnn- dlo them all. Tho now motor schooner will bo almost .100 feet long, with a beam or 1(1 foot nnd u carrying capacity of 2,000,000 root or timber, or prac tically SHOO tons, dead weight. For rapid loading nud unloading, the vessel will huvo four slenm winches. A report from St. Helens declare:; Hint "tho shipbuilding company will have to double Us forco of, work men und make nil posslblo hasto to get both vessels out us soon as posslblo, for tho freight rntcs are vory high now nnd vessols very scarco nnd thcso two ships nro in domand." Coos Hay has tho facilities for building good-sized sail and steam schooners, us many good craft that sail tho seas give nmplo evidence. Real Worth vs. Low Cost If you nskod your butchd- fow h porterhouse stoak and ho handnrf you a cut of tho flank and anid "Thia doosnVt cost as much and 'is just as Bood,n you wouldn't) bollovo him, would you? Yet tho butcher' a atatomonti 'is just a3 truthful as tho a3nQPj tion that inforior baking pow-, dors mado of alum or pho3phato, of lima nro nn annA nn r..i o- mj iiyyui,, which is mado from croam ofi tartar. Alum is a mlnoral' acid nmf . poclarod by many modicol authorL ftios unsafo to uso in food. Royal Baking Powdor in aa tpuro and wholosomo a3 tho vinoyard 'Brapo3 from which its croam of tartar i3 derivod., ' Tho"only roason for U3ing 3uoh substitutes a3 alum and limo phosphate is bocau3o thoir coat) da loss .to Jtho manufacturor.) ' ROYAL BAKING POWDER C0A. Now York SHIPPING NEWS " HIT IKE 2 TRIPS KILIIURN TO CARRY HEAVV PAR VV.ii POST SHIPMENTS who is lu Itosoburg. Mr. Kondnll's mission to ltoBoburg 1b in tho In-jromea nuturallsicd boforo ho, (tho child) bocunio of ngo, ho Is a natural- terest or tho railroad, which ho proposes to construct from this city lzod citizen hut must exhibit tho VOTE 5 MILL LEVI "REEUSPORT TO PUT IX ROAR TO ' WINCHESTER RAY County Appropriate SjM.OOO to Add To Tho Cause Mny Ho Start of Main Itoud to Drain In voting n flvo inlllu special road Max, tho people or Roodsport nnd Its vlclnlty hnvo rnlsod npproxlmutoly ?2,000, to which tho county ndds M.000 more, for tho building or a county road between Rccdsport nnd Winchester Huy. K. L. itohlnson, civil engineer or Marshflold, is now working on part of tho highway. It Is expected this is tho start or a road thnt will ovontiinlly run nil tlio wuy to tho lino or the Umuquu forest i father's pnpors or n copy of tho samo1 I01" tho const t,,ro,IKh lo ,)rnlu nnd rosorvo and tho erection of a modern sawmill east of lloseburg. Mr. Kendall conferred with Mayor Hlco, mombors or the City Council rrom tho court Issuing them Korelgii .Married Woiiiuu CIHmmi " A foreign woman, married to a citizen of tho Unltod States, l8 a clt- nnd othor porsons who aro Interested ' Izon. In tho Bitccess of tho rond nnd saw- I " An American woman, who mnr mill. At tho conclusion of thcso rics a forolgnor, takes tho nutloual conforoiices Mr. Kendall said ho ity or her husband nnd must oxlilb would muko n dofinito announce-) it IiIb papors; nt tho termination of moiit regarding tho building or tho tho marital relation, If she continues railroad and sawmill Monday. Ho , 1 rcsldo here, slio may resume her expressed himself ns pleased with ! citizenship, tho work of tho rights-of-way com-1 " Korolgn bom uniunrrled women mlttees nnd roforred to tho project I must bo naturalized thoinsolves urtor Times wnnt ado trlng results. Do Your Christmas . Shopping Early and Do It at the Red Cross See our window and then come inside and see our beautiful line of useful and ornamental Christmas gifts consisting of Gold and Silver Jewelry at most reasonable prices. Sterling Silver Pocket Knives 75c to $1.25' Sterling Silver Service Bells $1.00 Cut Glass Jam Pots, with Sterling Silver Tops and Spoon $3.00 Tatting Shuttles $1 to $1.75 Folding Coat Hangers 50c New Silver Apple Cutters $2.50 Gold-filled Waldemar Watch Chains $1 and up Fine Gold Filled Cuff Buttons .. $1 to $3 "Won't Break" Gold Neck Chains u $1 and up Jewelry Department Red Cross Drug Store In tho most optimistic terms. Tho plans for tho mill hnvo been ndoptod by Mr. Kendall und tho survey for tho railroad has been complotcd. thoy hocoino of ago, or by their fa thor beforo thoy hocoino or ngo; If married to u rorolgnor who Is nutur nllzed, sho must oxhlblt his 'final Mr. Kendall's proposod Investment l)6I,0r8 horo will total $1,125,000. ""v"y foreign womnn who ncqulr- T.uinhor Prices Up eE cMzonshlp uy marrlago to an According to his stutomonts tho ' American, retains tho samo after lunibor Industry is having n rapid ! u, termination of mnrltnl relations, Increase. I.uinber In the Eastern states Is bringing from $3 to $4 more thnu nt any former tlmo and this condition is rapidly pressing westward, lumbor In this section soiling ut a much higher prlco than ! If Vessel Arrives Tomorrow, Will Carry Mull to Portland und a Onco Again In II) l)ayn hater Good weather and quiet seas on tho various burn, will ouahlo tho steamship K. A. Kllburn to muko two more trips to Portland with par cel post before Christmas tlmo, was tho announcement today from tho of flco or the North Pacific Steamship Company. It hud been oxpectod Hint only ono moro trip could oo mado. Tho Kllburn is oxpectod In horo to morrow morning from San Francisco nnd Kurekn, Balling that samo after noon. Parcel post will ho curried to Portland MEET ENGINEERS iiuMtv hi:x(istacki:x win CAintV MKMOItl.Uj To Put Inmio of Jetty ApproprUdcg, Inner Harbor Hun cr fruurth; lleforo U. 8. Corxt To meet with the U. 8. ccjlctir lug corps, nud especially ColontI Williams, and present the Port cl Coos Hay memorial regarding i jtttj appropriation mid an inner littor Hiirvoy, Henry SciiRslacken, tecreli ry or tho Port, Is Intending to 1mt within tho next fow days for Portland. Tho memorial, as completed br Henry Dlors, sets forth somlSW flous why Coos Day should receive tu uharo of tho Illvors nnd lUrbon if- nronrlatlon. Mr. Songstarken ei pects to put tlio Issue fairly before Undor nirrooahlo ronditlnnn tho the enulncors. and, if it It at all per Kllliurn Is ublo to mako tho round slblo, Bccuro their approbation. trip to Portlnnd, hack to Snn Krun- Comment hns been made on Ui elbco nud return within 10 dnys. Pro viding alio leaves horo tomorrow on time nud encounters no dolays nf tor that, she should bo back In horo for nnothor trip north with pnrcol post betweon tho 18th nnd 20th or this month. This last dellvory will ai least allow for tho distribution bo foro Christmas ot packages through tho Northwest. And ut this rato, it then would he posslblo tor tho Kllburn to nrrlvo hack hero, possibly a day boforo Santa Clans comes with a big shipment of mall packages. tho Pnciric Highway. This Is tho road that Is being boosted no successfully by Warron Itced. Now thnt ho has carried his plnn this rnr, good roads builders bollovo thnt ho will succeed In ovon tiinlly getting It through to tho Will- amotto Vnlloy. Already tho plan has beon brought to tho Coos flood HoadB Association to run a hlghwuy up through tho 'Lnkesldo country to tho Umpqua, thoro to tap this rood to tho Valloy. Tho plnn wns not vory well received ,1110 first tlmo. but later wus con sidered und many promlnont good , Vonds enthusiasts stood hi fuvor or i tllO moVO. IWIVIl III l'il litivm nuu Tho Clurdlner Lumbor mill Ih sTArir iw i ivi.n working every day now, getting outi llltiell Of Hin llltr llllllwrl...r l.n. ' ....! .i.. IT.." ... h ! hecent Sou'west ...., i,,u uiupqua oriugo, especial-1 Iy ror tho correr dam und tho "crib bing." HAD EXCITING TRIP TIIK rnrninrli' In Mia innnnfnoHirlnn. 'ul,"u, ,ur 'nl papors lias beOll centers or tho KuBt business condl-l n!ndo nIul m,crs l88Uod' B,1C1' sor- ('ulo Did Ircnk Stunth Story of ''Itigl-Mlglg" Coiunai-c.s I'avoi'iililv I m ,. . . . ! UII1LT. ' 1 " u suo continues to reside horo, and unloss sho mako formal ronunclutlon of cltlzoushlp, " Sorvico in tho U. S. army or ni- VV nf nllnilu ilnnu im no l ....-.. n.. bellovod. imply citizenship. i.nio9 i 4444tiiA.,i...f UB scurrying into loo ports us soon ,.. . I nft Bt.inlil nnil ullnrlmiml anil cnllld It was a heavy galo that awopt tin AMn. i i i -I .. n l.-li H4644A444AAA4AAAAAAAA a j ,v "WtUll IUUHI UlltM)', UUB ,'"' - vj f wlnd camo out of th0 80U.westi WATERFRONT NEWS t liicklng up reroclous seas nnd sent 'Plin tin.,... l. -.., , .1 " "w..-..jU .. .u... . ... ... -uuuiior westerner is carry them. l fact It was ono of :: '' ". "'" !"H"?' B,u:" "f-loxi'octod to sail from Snn Francisco' ti,n v" '.."X: :'"":.,.-. tlons nro excellent und labor senrco. ." "'' "m"K 'y l neccwity , tomorrow for Coos Hay with f relent. I. "" ",:;-".. "'."": in nrsL ii:iiii,iu , .. . . . - im iiiciuuiiui utmiii uiiiuiui iiiir mi of "first' papors " Proof of filing on homestead is 11 n Qtlf f ttnt.t .lHn ln . nnd, ho holloves thoy will continue-' rZn Z .... L,uzo"an,n' ,n lln Bn I Certified copies of 'Muni nauora' can b0 had by writing to the clerk or tho cqurt whoro thoy wero Issued, lr the originals aro lost." llusliiess conditions all over tho United States uro rapidly Improving to do so, l.WITKI) TO 11AXQUKT Mayor Alloa Asked to ltlg Llve-stiH'k Rutherlng at Portlnnd Mayor Allon has received from tho officials of tho Pacific International livestock Exposition, which will be hold ut the Union Stock Yards ut North Portlnnd, Dec, G to 11, an in vitation to attend tho show, and to be u guest nt the banquet to bo given ut tho Chamber of Coinniorco Dec. 9 nt which breodors and feeders from nil ovor the Northwest und gover nors of scvornl states will uttoud. Assurnnco is given thnt live stock of tho highest typo in the western country will be shown. Tho show Is purely an educational ono und is froo to visitors, uo admlssiou being charged. ADVKIITISKI) LKTTKItS Uauco Kuglej.' Hall, Sutuitlay ultflit. JMaitlu's oi cheat ra. List of unclaimed letters remain, lug In tho Marshflold, Oregon Post Ofrice for tho week ending Docombor 7th, 1015. Porsons culling for the samo will say advertised nnd pay one cent tor each letter called ror. H. Li. Annlntnii flnr 1,'mn Arrn.m Miss Karellna llorluug, Mute Hudls-1 for. 19 Unys Providing sho gots nway on tlmo tho Westerner should bo In horo by tno end or thp week. I'-ron, San Francisco tl)o steamship F. A. Kllburn Is expected to nrrlvo in tomorrow mdrning und should sail lu tho afternoon for Portland, Tho Adeline left this morning uuout nino o'clock for Oakland, car ryiug passengers and n lumberJ cargo, This afternoon tho gasoline Roller dropped down to Empire nnd wil cross out ror tho Sluslaw ns soon ns posslblo. Sho ha3 been practi cally a month on this trip rrom Gar diner, being barbound in the Sluslaw one, Miss Adolla Chonto, Dr. Can field, Corouer, A. J. Foster, John Oustufsou, A. N, Hopkins, Frank Mllburn, I,. Y. Minor, Albert Noul ing, W. Samvood, Gust Wnrthun. HUGH McLAIN, P. M. Marshrield, Oregon HEATING STOVES nt reduced prices. Pioneer Hurdwnre Co. Dr. Leslie, Oatconutti, MMfMnleia ? At 7:30 a. in, tho steam schooner A. M. Simpson crossed in rrom San Frunclsco to loud ngaln at tho Por ter Mill. Tho steam schooner Hardy Is ex pected in tomorrow morning rrom Snn Francisco. Mixed chorus, 30 voices; mnlo chorus, auvoJces; sololsfs, Jeno Sev- r-un.t C.erald Hunt. Xet Sundav nfternoou nt the Xoblo Theater. Ad inibsluit 23 cynts. and wldo, stories or what tho rav ages or tho sea and wind hud ac complished, Somo or tho nccounts wero harrowing, but tho story or tho Hoso City's trip south In that storm rrom Portland to San Fran cisco is by rnr tlio host or tho lot. The account ot tho trips run like i time, this: All of which sends tho memories of the old tlmo skippers and salt wn- tor brethren "trapsing" back to tho cruises of tho "Higl-Mlglg" thnt sailed all of a mtlo and a half to sen when the wind struck her. This was la tho early days. Tho account as kopt in the dlury of her skipper said that "tho wind blow tho tare right ofr or tho spars, and tho spars right orr or tho mast, and tho sails report as prepared by Mr- W"-w tho ground that In mentioning tf tlmhor resources tributary lo Cm Ray ho Included tlio timber of u Umpqua Vnlloy district. Kujh llntw Differ In defending his point Mr. DteJ snld this, "On lumber shipments i of the Sluslaw there Is a dlttere or about two dollars a thousand or or tho rato out ot Coos Bay to S Francisco. Out of the UM thoro Js a dlfferenco of 11." thousand und tho game Is true out "Tlio point remains, that l w opening or tho railroad, there will" such rates that lumber t brought rrom the north for eh from horo, cheaper than sent out of tlio homo ports. Shipments Come toj W .. Wo have nn lltf,C Jj ovor on tlio uquii". " .,. thoro Is shipped into Coos , B 000 feet of timber from tbW Valley. The rate I. cM W bollovo the timber will come I" tho north In tho same way. Wants to lie F ..At the same time we that the ports of the , north, tho south ns well, will f largo lumber shipments, u to mo that Coos Day's idntr to aid them. And IhU h jW eluded the timber as Wm Coos Day." 'tarted U Now that Congress Is w Washington, tho matter i t(, appropriations wl II V committees very BhortD of Coos Day Is extren .el hnvo the Issuo started rfs vkssi:l jioviaiu-18 Fr' nnd palls and anchor and nails, flow by on the wings of tho blast." Dut this Is said to have beon n Ivory exceptional case, "for In chang ing her tack, tho wind blew bacTc tho things that it blew away." Tho story or tho Rose Clty'a trip, north- ward after this tells nothing about ' tho paint nnd rufreled coat or thu stack being blown back again, how- over, 4, 4 Arrived . . Ran A. M. Simi'80" " clsco, 7:30 p. w. Sailed - Adeline Smith. Oakland, a. m. Duo Hero Kllburn, San Francisco, morrow a. "' Hardy, San Franco. morrow n. " mistier. Hogue morrow. 1)1,6 10 tomorra Roller, Florence, fopor forenoon, nnamer. Rogue morrow a. ,u- . A TT River. to- to- Rlvr.