THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OBEGQN, TUESpAY, DECgMBE 191 SrtVEWlNG, EDITION -Si V,F(VE 1.4 KCtiJllR Chrlstnins ready for uppenheimer (UllS - - .$30.00. y iimklii(j A fticnt hit nndlnro tlio talk of that town. i h:memhek went- ;out fnjm rlicntl t 'oW n" K"o " n ; nqtinio deal J" tSVcrytliliift )du jiur- clime. -"- r Huy Your Chi Minus WcnrJhR" ' Apparel at '"MM N FIXUP Tho Homo kvehy That G.innuitces l'UltOJlAHl) :: North Rend Mitfsiiriclil BARTER'S For Your ICE CREAM rVERYTHING SANITARY llAVAYS OPEN FOE INSPECTION 'e mnko Ico Crcnin to order, any kind nnd in any quan tity, for imrtlcs, lodges, pic nics, etc. :t :: t: :: :: Wo do not apcnk of its QUALITY That speaks for Itself SALTER'S Phono 203-.7, Mnrsliflold front St., Opposltn lllanco Hotel or userui hrislmas resents Our Stock ee i Something for Everybody, Articles that will beautify, tho homo nnd ho of con tinual hcrvlco nnd benefit at icnMiiinblo prices. lohnson Galovsen Compa ny . IUAI.1TV HOME FURNISHINGS forth Fi-ont Street Marbhfield lver) lly t - '" 'Now is the time to get your suit made for Christmas Bring in your order now and you will get a suit at $ reasonaoie price, eiuier iawica ui xw . . ' suits 75 Market Ave. oble Theate TO-NIQHT L 1 , Vltagrapl, R,-oaday star feature, "ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY" !-r.V drama of exceptional ttrenfftli i' three els of pictures, with ,n ull-htai- case of VitaKi'aph heat Jlew. "DEEDS OF DAH1.VG" Ono ofltho "Hazards of Helen" railroad Series, as full or thrills as a doj: 1$ of fleas. "THE SHERIFF'S UARY" Rlograph re-issue, made by "ie world's bi cutest jdcturo director, 1). W. Griffith. "DREAM DUD SEES CHARLIE CHAPLLV'-Oi.o of tho famous ewtoon comedies So.nethl.iB tlt will hrely plcaoo tho children. Lower Floor, 15 cts.; Balcony, 10 cts.; Children, 5cts. Tomorrow night; Mary Pickford in "Fanchon tho Cricket," a 'aiumount In flxo reels. Thursday night: Charlie CliapHn In li Vomau, tho hiKKest hcfeaiulu picture. BREVITIES DECE.URER tires . Time and heights or tides at Marshtleld, The Ude3 nro placed In order ot occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on tho seconu lino or each day. A compar Ison of cnnnpolitivh ,ri!,iw- .nt .iJ" dlcato whether It Is high or low waicr. lysh two on, tho bar one hour nnd 64 .minutes enrllor thnrint Mnrshfleld.'' n Hrs.. 4,2C' S.05 Ft... 4.4" ' 2.0 HrB., 3.27.. . Q.OO 1.50 9.10 0.7 1.1 2.40 10.05 CO 1.0 3.31 10.54 5.8 1.0 4.25 11,.43 5.4 0.0 Ft... .4 . lira.. 4.17 Ft... 4.4 firs., d.09 Ft... 4.G lira.. C.01 2,0 9.57 1.9 10.G8 1.8 12.01 1.7 C.G4 4.7 7.47 4.8 '10 11 12 J 3 5.24 4.9 1.09 1.0 2.20 1.4 0.0 Ft.., 4.G 0.32 0.1 1.23 0.4 0.0 0.32 4.4 7.47 4.0 lira., Ft... lira., Ft... WEATHER FORECAST , tDr Auoclitftt TrtM to Cat Br TlmM ) OREGON llaln, Boulh- ( easterly winds, moderately 1 high along coast. LOCAL TKMVEKATURB RECORD For tho 24 houra tiding at '4:13 n. m.i December 7,by DcnJ, Ostllnd, spcclnl gov .ernment meteorologist: Maximum G4 1 Minimum 48 At 4: 13 a. 111 50 t Precipitation 22 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1915 21.27 ' Precipitation i&rae period last year 27.10 Wind: Southwest, cloudy. 4 I 1 ' C lll moot tomorrow afternoon nt tho church at 2 o'clock, for n bus! ucss session. Dosortcil l'upiilos. Somo un. I known boy or youth loft n sack con talhlng six puppies about six wooks old near Tho Chandler last ovenlng. Somcono put them In Dr. Dlx's nuto buho did not hnvo any uso for th6in and" lator thoy were distributed among different ones who would tako them. I, TRAINS TO LAKESIDE Plans nro now under consid eration to oporato trains botwoen Marshflold and Lakeside. This may bo posslblo before tho Chrlst inias holidays. Everything Is now pointing to tho early oporatlon of. through train servlco to Port land. Every train will bring in now peoplo peoplo looking for homes and Investments, figuring on "gottlng In on tlio ground floor." You can still boat thorn to It by selecting tho best loca tions nnd buy on your own terms nt that. "SEE RE1D AIlOl'T IT" Auxiliary to Meet. Tho Ladles' .Btnto of Oregon to prescrlbo your re Auxiliary of tho Presbyterian Church Hgiou? Do you know that respect- i L ' .See.' J; SY Koski 4 Marshfield, Oregon R ills latet comedy riot "A t sraK,SET,;X9S9BI Doceiribor 7. Sun rlscB at 7: 40 ami sets at 4:20 Asks For Exhibits. John Motley, at tho Chamber of Commerce, has addressed a letter to J. L. Smith, asking: him to send over soma of tho corn that won prizes in tho recent W. C. MORGAN was In this morn corn allows of tho Coqulllo Valley. iB for a uhort visit from Coos These displays will bo put In tho! windows of tho local Chamber as nn I Incentive to com growing In tho Coos Bay section. Goes North Again. Edmund Croffc camo uji this morning from his big 400-ncro ranch near Lnnglols, returning IB Ills 'homo' iff TiiConmnr tor a visit 'In Curry county whero his son resides. Mr. Croft, who la re tired from business, spends much of Ills tlmo on tho Langlola place Ho raises some farm products, but la Bald to uso n good Bharo of the plaeo iur nuiiiiiig purposes, lie lias n great many friends in Marshflold. lluskotbnll Start. Tho first practlco of tho baakot ball aoason at tho local high nchool was hold yes terday afternoon. All hut two ot last year's team reported. Tho available men nro Watters nnd bur rows, fnrivnriln MpllnnnM nn.l r'hnn.l -, . -....- f ...vv...u ...... v,....,. man, guards ami Seaman, center. Lccocq Is expected bnck for tho sec ond semester. Tho other men who nro showing up well nro Kramer, Dresser, Frnnz nnd Merchant. Tlio boys hnvo eight games scheduled for this Benson In tho county league. Fight Closing Law. PotHlonB calling for n referendum voto on tho Sunday closing law of 1805 woro re cently circulated In Marshflold nnd freely slgnod. Agitation against tho enforcement of tho law Is growing 111. Ill Portlnnd. Ilccently there wns , advertised thrco anti-Sunday law Do you want tho I lnnsB meotliigs, nblo cltlzona liavo boon arrested In Portland for not resting on Sunday? and jothcrs nro questions put up to tho peoplo In tho posters calling tho nicotines. No Word of Si-'' Agont A. P. Nott, of tho North Taclflo Steam ship company, said todny that ho lias not henn ndvtecil nt nnv shin rninlnc- III hero from Portland with freight which tho Kllburn could not carry1 on' her last trip. Yhero.was a per-. slstont rumor this morning that tho Elder would bo In hero within a day, or so. Mr. Nott is hoping to bo transferred back agnln to his station In Portland botoro Christmas here. I Ho camo horo temporarily, when W. E. Stuhr left, until a now ngent should bo sccurod. Mr. dishing, of San Francisco, nrrlvod hero on tho Inst boat to tako tho position. "Merry Widow" Conies Aalii.- Tlio mystorloiis "Morry "Widow" of I tho firo and police station, nn nmnz- lug, yet charming young lady, Isi 'again attracting uttontlon. After, an absonco of suvornl months sno, nguin took up her vigil In tho hall l this morning, much to tho surprimi of Chlor Cartor nnd tho rest of tho 'crow. 8nld "Morry Widow" wus born in a wlro factory, in fact sho i,Cy( Portland; Frauk Fransdon, Be ta n vnn wlrv nrontnrn Imvtnir 1inn ,,. ri ta nniian Tlnii.l. H I . ..-, ...., .-.--... ... w.. mmiu or wiro in mo nrui pince. M-or s, pratt, Gardiner; C. A. Hiid soiiio tlmo Bho jioscd In shop win- 8troni( Hauaer; Elizabeth Fox, Sum dows nB n suit modol, until she wn3tnor. m a. Nelson. Lakeside; S. C. bought at an auction or something, nnd camo to' tho station to clicor up tho department. HEAVY RAINS Deaplto tho heavy rains Saturday mid .Sunday nights, Coos Ray's rainfall Is still hohlml last year. Tho total slnco Septomber 1, tho ho ginning of tlio rainy season, this j ear Is 2-i.OG Inches whllo for tho uaino period last year tho rainfall was 27.17 Inches. 044 UalncH. J Columbia Flour, $1.10. Times "W?.nt Ads for results. Christmas Gifts MAY IlE rOt'ND IN FROFUSION HERE LEATHER GOODS HAND-FAINTED CHINA FANCY STATIONERY PARISIAN IVORY. fc THE BUSY CORNER The Rexnll Drmc Store I'hono 208 We deliver Immediately :l PERSONAL MENTION 4V4e4'4$ C. II. KROEGER, of Coos HUor.wns a business visitor hero todny. K. P. LEWIS 'left on tho morning train for Vnlloy points on busi ness. Elver. ' - CLAUD II. GILES, prominent nttor nel of Myrtlo Point, was among the visitors licie today. ARCHIE KRU8E, Mr. Polow and P. It. HUE woro passengers south on tho Adeline this morning. PEDER PEDERSON camo down on tho Mllllcoma this morning from Allegany on a business trip. HOY MOOItE has returned from California, where ho has spent sovcral weeks for tho benefit of his health. CAPT. DUNSON was up from the Capo Arngo light house yesterday, Ha says that beachcombers nro still hnuntlng tho wreck of the Santa Clara, tnklng off various picccB of tho vessel. ED DYEH, who rocontly returned from Curry County, was hero yes torduy from Daniels Creek. Ho said that tho river was up con siderable as a result of tho heavy rains. Ho Is figuring on erecting n row rosldouco on his Daniels Creek ranch next nonnon. $ t AT THE HOTELS t 4.60 Chandler Hotel Willlnm Candlln, Coqulllo; Ed ward E. Dyor and wlfo, DmiIoIb Creek; Mrs. W. 11. Mobs, Coqulllo; Mrs. Charles W. Dnls, Grand Junc tion, Colorado; C. H. Wilcox, Port- land; H. T. Russell, Seattle; Ed- ward Cioft, Dttndon; K; V, Mc Lend, Portland; E. I). Doran, Port- ldnd; F. M. Case, Portland; L. O. Sadder, Portland; O. A.- Taylor, Tacoma; H. II. Howdy, Coqulllo; C. W. Miller, Portland; J. Dunson, Capo Arngo. ' ' St. Laurence Hotel . E. T. Estahrook, ,iTon Mllo; M. Mclnnl, Powers; D., M. Cl.arlcson, n'l! Caloinnn.Ton M lo; W. S' "Knn- Kosoburgs J. Ilohlcndor a,,(l wlfo powors. iii.mni Hntni i. Holson, North' Inlet; Frank Golden, Urcntwood, Cal.; W. n. Hohrcr, Coqulllo; II. Lystor, Oar dlnor; J. Glrnrd, Powors; C. 8, McCulloch, Coqulllo; William Good man. Pmvors; Ray Vhltted, Alle gany; Guy Walkor, Coqulllo; James; SIcstrcom, Lakeside MONDAY'S ARRIVALS Chandlor Hotel Oscar Ostberg, Portland; Ivnn Laird, Coqulllo; J. W. Ullss, Seat- tlo; A. G. McClnnc, Scattlo; Eugene WoIsb, Spokano; John A. Nelnon, Kansas City; S. II. llathfor, Utlcfl; Emma Scott, Portlnnd; II. H. Donn- UUU, , v , llllllOVll, 1UIMKHUI White, Portland; II. Arnold, Myrtlo Point; F, A. BponceT, Myrtld Point; It. V. Thorn, Kansas City; E, Hogor, Portland; G. A. Slacker, San Fran Cisco. Ht. Iiawicnco W. S. Hognn, Rosoburg; J. Iloh- Inndor and wlfo, Rosoburg; S. T. Chlldors, North llond; L. A. Per rono. Coqullle; Gcorgo Oborst, 3um- nor: iiuth Heddoii. Coos RlvonlGrays Haibor. Tljomas H. Jones, San Francisco; J II. Q. Craegor, San Frnnclsco. lllanco Hotel Roy Whltted, Allegany; Guy Walk-'day fir. Ooos River! It. Lvstor. Gardiner: ,J. Slostrcom, LakeBlde; W-. R. Rob-1 rer, Coqulllo; A. Stoen, Coqulllo; r William Goodman, Emplro; Georgo gciiaoferm, Coqulllo; W. nrown. I fiurtn iieiiu; i-ciwjr uuuuiu, v.u- I qulllo; Frank Ward, Coos Rlvor; E. W Guptlll, Coos River. Haines, Columbia Flour, 81.10. Times want nds bring results. DECIDEDLY DIFFERENT Parisian Ivory for Christmas Keo our window. It Is full of tti. Xn uiMiil-rillod nieces arc priced riL'ht. Start hct for tlcul and iipiireclatlvo gift. "The Frank D Cohan SOCIAL CALKXIIAII Marshflold Catholic Ladles Tea with Mrs. A. 11. Powers. Alpha Delphian Society with Mrs. O., K. Drown. TUESDAY C. W. D. M. with Mrs. AV. B. Cox. WEDNESDAY Jolly Dozen Club with Mrs. Ed. Duncan in Hunker Hill. Pnstlmo Club with Mrs. A. II. Derbyshire In North Uend. Auction Hrldgo Club with Mrs. Cnrl L. Davis. Episcopal Ladles Guild In Guild hall. Neighborhood Card Club with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. DI ment. THURSDAY A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Lily Frcldborg. FRIDAY Thlmhlo Club with Mrs. A. II. Derbyshire In North llond. Klostcr Club Cafeteria dinner nt homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Reld. Ladles' Art Club with Mtb. O. S. Torroy. I AMONG THE SICK t ( John Dashney who wns sorlously Injured at Powers a fow dnys ago, In reported much bettor today nt his I llninn .ill aniitlt l.'IMI. .Irjnl llw. doctor Btiys Hint ho probably will re cover wlthdut any pormauout disab ility. Ilnrry Lashaway, a filor at tho C. A, Smith mill, Is qulto 111 nnd todny was uudcr tho euro ot a phys ician. Joint King, who was Injured in a motorcycle accident several montliB ngo nnd who is still confined In tho honpltnl, Is now suffering from heart troubto and may not recovor. Joseph McKlnuon, a well-known Scotchman of Coos liny, Is quite sick at Mercy Hospital, whoro ho has boon receiving treatment. Mrs. Ross Smith, who hns boon seriously III, Is reported much hot ter today and was nblo to alt up for a whllo. LOGGER WILL MEET IN H0QUIAM IN 1916 Will Divide Tlmo Hotwcen Portland I mid Giujh Haibor May Coino to Coos Ray Next Tlmo Tho folloAVIng dispatch from Ho- qulam, Wash., will bo of lutorcst on Coos Day, as Aruo Moreen and A, 11. Powors ara planning to In-, vlto tho Pacific Logging Congress j to hold Its 1917 session on Cool Ray: I "Tho Pacific Logging Congress, composed of 400 loggers of tho J'a-1 rifle Coast district, la to dovoto ono , dny of Its session uoxt your to n , Visit to IokkIiik camps near Hoqulam j on Imitation of tho Hoqulam Com-, ir-ernlnl Club. Tho grantor part of tho day will ho passed at tho camps , of tho Poison Dros., Logging Com pany, of this city, tho largest lo-,;- King outfit in tho world. "l l" l"lBl l"" ''OKKHIK -v)(l" groso hns beon held in ono city. At this year's session tho Commercial M - 'iiui prcsonieu nu inviumon io mo rnugross to meet next year m no qulnni, It never hnvlng moot on Tho committee in I oliargo, liowovcr, decldod on nn in novation, and tho congress will con- veno In I'ortmnu, wiiqro ino ursi will bo spout. Tho loggers will I lcavo Portland and arrlvo In Ho- qulam tho noxt morning." NOTICE TO CREDITORS All partloa Indebted to E. E. For rey, proprietor Dlnnco Hotol, nro rnoucstod to settlo their accounts on 'or boforo January 1, 1910. All duo accounts thorcaftor will bo placed j In tho hands of collectors. Signed E. E. FERREY. this noinihir Ivory in SOMD canled in htock. It Is nlso somo one. It mnkos u most prao Owl" Tho Central Ave. Drug Store HIGHEST IN QUALITY is the merchandise we are offering you. newest in style No shelf-worn goods. GREATEST IN VALUE Always to be found at the J. C. Penney Co. Store. p m 1 uvv uiiiidiiiiub ouyyuMiuiis MEN Largo, puro-llnon hnnilkgrj: chiefs ....... , '. . ., A better, one. rcg; 2Bc- Ulc President Susponilcrs, holi day hooa . w-tllC 'Very latest patturnsl In tI6a , ,'ih (Tlicso are good valuci at too) Finest quality Silk Ties nt I5e Cuff LlnltB, Scarf utul Link SotB, nt 8c, lc, lc, :il)c, nnd a.1p. Sweaters, 1.118, i?:J.H, i?:M8, i?LJ)8, 8o. "Daniel Green" Felt and 7 Inc&rtprattd S HFl' j h 9 ' Trj Tho Originators of Low Prices. I Peanut llultcr, tho sanio kind and tho samo price, a lbs. for U5o Rolled Oats, largo packago Uflo Gettings Cash Grocery you8 money NO. HROADWAY, 4F JSJjpi Here is ttie Range FREE to some Utile girl. It's a benuly sec It la our show window CONDITIONS: Come to oar store and register yeur name. Wc will give you n little circular that tells you all sweat the eea- test and what you will have to do to win. II will be great fiun Idr you. And the best el It is yea can have all the help yen can act. It's a dandy prize. Sec It In our bhoiv window. Marry, Hurry Only 30 Days. n, litest ( lours December Sli, HMn. Five . in cvt-o :t:io i-'ront I NFW TODAY t l,O.ST Cliild's rctl fcturMiiK cap. Rt vurd for return to Times office WANTED 'Vno tin key hens for bieedlnjj iurp(ue, two jvars old. Apply H H. RoKors, caro, Ttuliiliow i $ -.. i i run HEN I i .(o FOR RENT (J..00IU houc, likely j fiirutshcd, qll modern; also 'i, y-room flats furnished or unfur nished, reasonable. Phono Mr. Wilson, 151-U FOR RENT Now and iiiokrn Hi room houso, with basumont and LADIES Ladles' Silk Hoso, .I."c Flowered ' RUjbous, extrn quality at . .:."o, 2l)( ll)c Hand Uagsv ...... .8cf -lOc Umbr.ollas .; 8r, OOc nth Mats, extra lieavy 91.i1 Wool Scarf Sets ...08c, OOc Crib Blankets . .1 IOc Linen Napkins 81.1)8, t.2. l)8c. (Pcr set ot six.) Kimonos.... i?l. It, t.'-M, D8c Slippers for Men, Women Children. TjBt flf .tm Wo Lend Others Follow Ileto Is nu oppoitunlty to Kct nn Aluminum Coffee Percolator for Olic. .IiiNt think or It, title, nnd It's u la".ily. Coino Inluitd nco them, t)- kco our window. Hero Is our pilinS With every ! pound can of coffco or it pounds of our hulk i-offeo at our regular prices ho 1110 uolni: to hell )ou 0110 of tlicso colfeo makers for OOc the rofk-hotloiit cost prlro. NEAR CENTRAL '1 iv"wj-f '-' rt Little Girls School Girls All Utile girls under 1 years el age. Here la news for yoH. We will nlve Free the little "Wcdgewood" JaaJor range pictured below, to the little fllrl under 14 years ol ajjt who makes the great est number ol English words out ol the letters la the words, "Wedgeweod .Stoves and Ranges." Strtvt all modoiu conveniences, includ lns two bath rooms, two toilets, laundry tubs In basement, arrang ed for two families. West Hunker Hill. Rent J20 por month. Aply f! W. Payno at Smith 'mill. 1'OU RENT tl-room house artiUy furnished, closo In. PJi. T. M. l'alutor, 2U-J. " ' ' ',-(m RENT Furnlshetl fiat, Hot hh(1 cold water, bath. 853 Third St. - iwni..w . nt I nwi m -1.4 FOit TRANSFER AN STOR AGE. oi i?n!orjKGOou FREIGHT AND HAGGACHI ,. , Call 1 r FERGUSON TRANSFW Phoae 1WI RtMldHe Phh 1J!: Maiket AL aad WnWhwat Duylnebesftlp ! 4 JallO fc iff