wT'TOpSfjSCIfr'Jfr'': ! TIW VTT " '' '""f ifJtf MUMl II 1 FOUR "7 fcOOS BAY TIMES THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHMtd, OIlEGOIll. TUESDAY, &ECEMBEK7, 191 5EVENlMa EDITION'. - - ' '' ' Iililtn ', '.'l.:.1 ' " , , "," ! - -JZZZ , -...-- - - T -- - 4 AC. O. MALONRY, Kdltor and Pub. DAN 2. MALONEV, Notts Editor Official Paper of Coos County Official paper City of Mnrsliflold. Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. I $! WITH THE TOAST AND THE TEA Entorod at the Poatofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails as socond-class mail mattor. An independent Republican nows papor, published ovory ovonlug ox cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION HATES DAILY. Oho year J6.00 Per month SO WEEKLY. One year f 1.50 When paid strictly In ndvanco tho tubscilptlon ptlco of tho Coos Ray Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. f.'OOI) EVENING I abhor bloodBhed, and every species of terror erect ed Into a system, as reme dies equally foroclous, un just and Inefficacious against ovIIb that can only bo cured by the diffusion of liberal Ideas. Mnzzinh AND THEN AVE DIE $$ EUROPEAN WAR ONE I I YEAR AGO TODAY X $$ DECEMBER 7, 1011 Tho Allies repulse a violent Ger man attack at St. Floy, In Belgium Tho Belgian coast between Ostcnd and Nlouport is bombarded, It Is officially nnnounced at Ber lin that Emporor William Is 111. For health or wealth or lovo you scok. ' You win or loso no mattor which. Tho eU'u tho samo for strong or weak; Tho ond's tho samo for poor or rich; You strlvo for knowledge With a spoon You try to ball tho ocean dry. Hope says, " You'll do it pretty soon!" And then you diet witli bnublcs X NEWS OF OREGON ? $ SALEM The state training school for boys has been qunren tincd bccatifio it was found that a teacher, MIsb Bucna Blcknell was suffering an attack of diphtheria. PORTLAND Tho ground floor of tho Commercial Club building is bolng mado ready for tho Oregon oxhlblt nt tho San Francisco expo sition which will bo moved to Portland. PENDLETON C. H. Shlirtc, of Chicago, ono of tho biggest sheep buycra of tho country, says that tho price of wool, nud sheep noxt year will probably bo higher than this year. ELGIN Goorgo W. Llndgroen, well known Union county resident and n veteran of tho Knights of Py thias, is dead. HOOD RIVER At tho annual meeting of tho city school district tho tax lovy was placed at 7.5 mills as against 11.5 mills last year. BROWNSVILLE Robert Sayor, aged 81 years and a natlvo of Eng land, died nt his homo hero. UNION Tho boys of tho Union i High school, won prizes in stock Judging at the Lowlston stock show. HOOD RIVER-tTIio Odell grange has decided to erect a building In MERRICK ASSISTS TAKES ACTION AT PORTLAND REGARDING FREIGHT TROUHLE Tolls Portland Dealers They Ilnvo Lost Money Through Poor Service to Coos liny iLifo passes, tempts bright. Extends tho prlzo and draws it J which to hold meetings. unck. PENDLETON The poBt office 'Some Joy Js over In your sight 'mado n thirty per cent gain In busl- To blunt tho torture of tho rack, "ess during tno mown of Kovomucr Urlgadlor General Christian when Fortuno frowns you know j n compared to tho samo mouths tho 'Frederick BoyerB, one of the leadors! bIio'U smile. tyear previous. of tho robolllon In tno union or Tho thing you prlzo Is over nigh- South Africa, is announced to nvoLfe ietB you hold It for awhile been shot. . And then you die! Japnn announces that It hns not' Lnon decided whether tho captured Who cares? When one hns seen Gorman caso at Klau-Chau will bo! tho show returned to China. Who wants to see It o'er again? . Wo gayly come. Let'B gnyly go. THE WORLD'S. MOST SPLENDID! Wo'ro tuppeny goodB, wo llttlo SPECTACLE men I And, Godllko, wo may tasto tho JoyB CANADIAN writer In a book Of presont dnya, nor wonucr wny, Juat published, "Domocrncy so lot's bo happy, giria anu uoys, nn.l thn Nations" draws this For soon wo'll dlol subllmo picture of tho most anion- k d hnm)lnca8? .T,. ,n hnrd did spectacle In tno world. j knocks1 " North America's world Idea Is, Jn b,ood nd dr)pI toll, nmAn (am (tin it Mm nitlilnt'AMInnf nr nl. """" "'""" ,Tho great otornal paradox llii.B . llii XT It A titntilnn 11 llntlntta i That justifies tho ondlesB coll. A titer of tho North American nations alone. It Is tho product and the ex pression of tho combined nnd unified llfo of tho United Stntcs nnd Canada through their mnrvolous energy of International history. That world Idea which North America offers to, nil tho continents 1b n boundnry lino botwoon tlioBo two proud, highstriing nggrcsslvo nations, four thousand miles from ocean to ocean, but across which in moro than n hun dred yonrs neither nation over Inunchod n monaclng nrmy or fired a hostllo gun. Grasp tho iden. Monsuro that nchlovomont. A thousand miles up tho mighty St. Lawrence! , A thousand inllos along tho Groat Lakes! I A thousand miles ncroes tho opon prnlrio! A thousand miles ovor the world's i mightiest mountain rnuges! j' our inousanu muca wnoro nn Tho things wo do becnuso wo must, Tho kindnesses wo tako nnd give. Who knows but when we're turned to dust 'TIs then wo'll Uvo! Solocted Only thrco weeks now till Clmsi innB. You'll have to hurry It you nro going to do your ChrlstmnH shop ping enrly. FOREST GROVE C. 11. Prntt, once a millionaire of Miunonpolls, nnd n friend of J. J. Hill, died nt his homo horc. PENDLETON A body of tax pay ers wont boforo tho county court nnd Indorsed tho proposed increase in tho road tax lovy. LEBANON Mrs. Elizabeth Cos griff, head of tho department of plnclng children In homes nt Port land, brought two llttlo ones to place In homes In this locality. COTTAGE GROVE A milk con denser Is to bo established and the location will soon bo decided upon. SALEM Tho O. nnd C. land grant question is still fnr from n solution, nccordlng to reports horo. COTTAGE GROVE Mrs. John Smith, ngod 78 years, nnd nn old resident, died of old ngo. NOTICE OF SALli OF IMPROVE MENT BONDS Thnt L. It. Merrick of tho Oregon Retailers' Association, who was re cently hero on a business visit mado nn effort to rollovo the freight con gestion at Portland Is Indicated by tho following from tho Telegram of Friday. L. R. Merrick, of tho Orogon Re tail Merchants' association, went to tho Chamber of Commerco yesterday with ait nppeal to use Its lnfluoncc in gottlng another boat put on tho run to Marshflcld and other Coob bay towns. Ho sajd that tho merch ants of Marshflcld Bay Portland merchants hnvo already lost $30,000 tho last 30 'days through lack of sor vice. Ho also said that 200 tons of Christmas freight for delivery In Marshflcld was on tho docks horo with no likelihood of bolng taken out. Whon Goorgo E. Hardy, cxccutlvo secretary of tho Chamber of Com merce, went to tho North Pacific stoamshlp company about tho matter the officials of that organization de clared that they woro misrepresent' cd. They asked for a conferenco on tho subject. Tho meeting will ho hold this aftorpoon In tho Chamber of Commerco. Tho congestion la duo 'to tho wreck of the Santa Clara in tho har bor at -Marshflcld, and tho taking off tho run by tho Southern Pacific of tlifc steamer Breakwater. Tho North Pacific company has bought tho Breakwater and will put her Into servlco as soon as her boilers hnvo been overhauled In San Francisco. In tho meantime thoy hnvo boon try ing to got nnothor boat to put on the run temporarily. Mr. Merrick said this morning that ho had received a tolephono call from merchants In Marshflcld ask ing him to push things ns hard as possiblo to gat another boat 'in ser vice Ho fears orders for the 200 tons will bo canceled. I RIG BOUT ARRANGED Notlco Is horoby given that sonlod proposals will bo received by tho FI nanco Commlttco of tho Common Council of tho City of Marshflold, Coos County, Oregon, nt tho offlco of Cnttin Pna Tint tla h . an nlirnn. 4 ut HJ VI lamTK. .n ' -"u .. ro.; J .. """.!'.' "."!:' their laurels beforo thoy hnvo won' them. A Coos Bay woman always thinks hor husband owes her a great dobt of gratltmlo becausu slto permits him to smoke while ho Is pushing tho ba by buggy. ruar muiisiinu nines wnoro na-iKor tll0H0 who wWl to wrlto ,. tlon meets nation, whore sovereignty ,nR ft g00(l Hrao. B,vo my boa uii'uiB DuturuiKiiij, wuuro iing sal utes flag, hut novor n fortress, never n gun, novor a sontry or guard! That is North America's supromu nchlovomont. That Is North Ameri ca's world idea," WILL NOT TALK PEACE Roiorse Affect the Engllitli I'eoplo In Another Way LONDON, Doc. 7. Speculation nbout tho possibility of ponco thnt eooniB to como from Switzerland, Homo, Madrid or America, always vacuo nnd usually negative, strikes no audibly responslvo chord In Lon don. Tho moro tho fortunes of war ap pear to turn ngnliiBt tho allies the Icbb tho British seoni Inclined to Ba ton with patlenco to any suggestion that pcaco can como through other means than military achievement, RIDS ACCEPTED Tho plcturo post curd has Its uses, I lav- boat re gards to tho bunch. Wish you woro hero. " It probably Is the most convenient form of long dlstunco communication. city until half past aoven o'clock p. ni. Monday, tho 27th day of Decem ber, 1015, for tho purchnBo of street Improvement bonds of tho said City of Marshflold, Coos County, Orogon, to tho amount of $1,223.73. All of Bald Improvement bonds to bo In denominations not exceeding $500.00 and bearing Interest nt tho rate of six por cent por annum from tho dnto thereof, payablo semi-annually, said bonds to be dnted tho day of issuanco and to mature in ten years thereafter, with prepayment option thoroon at faco valuo nnd nc cruod interest to dnto of any Bomi nnmial coupon porlod at or after ono Contrary to popular belief It Uiyoar1fr1om tho dnt0 of 8U,tl bomlB " the borrowed book and not tho bor towed umbrella that never Is ro-turnod. Tho moon rortalnly looks engag ing when thoro's a ring around It. Men should try for speed nnd on durauco. It la tho only way In which thoy can hopo to out run tho! women. on giving notlco by publication In a , nowspapor of general circulation j printed nnd published in Coos Coun ty, Oregon, audi notlco to bo pub I llshod not less than onco each week ' for threo successive weeks during tho month precodlng such soml-an-liual porlod at which such prepay ment thereof will bo made. The right is expressly re served to roject any nnd nil WJUnrd nnd Fulton Will .Meet On March 1 NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 7. Jess Willnrd will moot Fred Fulton, of Rochester, Minn., In n 20-round bout hero March' 4 for tho heavy wolght championship of tho world nccordlng to nn announcement by promoters of tho mntch. Wlllard slgnod articles hero sov ornl weoks ngo to moot nny whlto fighter tho promoters might namo by Docombor 10. Efforts wero mado to nrrnngo nn elimination bout botweon Fulton nnd Frank Moron of Pitts burg, but, nccordlng to tho promot ers, Mornn rofuscd to meet the Min nesota flghtor, and was notlflod that It ho did not agroo by Docomber 1 to do so tho match would bo glvon to Fulton. Fulton previously had algn od nrtlclca to moot Wlllard in tho ovont Moran refused tho elimination bout. Wlllnrd's contract calls for $3a, 500, win, loso or draw. Terms ar ranged with Fulton woro not announced. SAYS OLD MEN SILLY For That Reason Man Gives Up $30, ()()() Job bids and upon nil or nny Who., non nv mn.. i.an lin.i n b.,d.or Proposals rejected, If tliorc nni.i r- n.rno ,in. !. .... n- i should roiiialu nny bonds unsold the telling everybody ho has had It fori8"!'! bond8 m"y b0 tUcreatted sold at 'thrco months and can't get rid of It.1', , " " . " ", c " vjii) ui .iiuiBuiium, uregon, Tho dog has moro sense than tho .!Ut ,n " e.Vent to.b.e.80'd at Ieaa iuuij pur umi act-rueu imorest. said bonds nro authorized by tho laws of the Stato of Orogon, and Ordinances of tho City of Marshflold, Oregon. BINGHAMTON, Nv Y., Doc. 7. 'Lamont M. Bowers, until recently 'manager of the Colorado Punt nn.i of such iron company, announced that ho horso. Tho dog manages to got' threo monls a day without working for them. Mothers gonorally nro agreed it Is neceBsary to begin spanking boy babies at tho ago of ono year and girl babies at the ngo of ulxleon mouths. STORY FOR THE DAY llnutluii Sells Water and HufiuitlliiK lloiul Issues After a tio veto in tho city coun cil of Bnudon, says tho World or thnt city, Mayor Topping cast tho de ciding voto to sell to tho hid of tho Northwestern Bond & Mortgago Company for $10,000 rofundlng bund nt G fiu.uuu waior uomis at $ 1-2 por cent interest. i Tho Northwestern Bond & Mort gugo cqmpany mado two bids on the Issues; ono on n G por cent Interest ( basis nnd the other on a 5 1-2 por rent laslB. On tho G per rout bnsls thov nfforcd S11.0"7 and ncci-iind Interest for each of tho two $40,000 ,Ul1 ,nko ",8 nll? Issues, and boar nil oxpensos fori FIND HOUSE IN RIVER will resign on January 1, a $30,000 post with tho Rockofoller Interests because he bolloves that men past GO aro "either foolish or Irritable." Mr. Bowers is past 70. His decision to rotlre waa in aplto of an urgent lettor from J. D. Rockofoller, Jr., asking hlm to remain In his position, which ombraces general oversight of many of tho Rockofoller Interests. Assessed valuation of said City of Marshflold, Oregon, Is $2,019,195.00. Bonded Indebtedness Is $54,000. T!!" !S"d5:!!r- - " Ih.nd.d Civ.. Actions on of amount of bid or proposal must! CRIMINAL CASES FEW the Docket " Where nro you goin' ma?" aBked G per cent Interest, and tuo J'0"11 of fIo children, water bonds at $ 1-2 per' " r,n B0,"K ,0 u Burl'riso party, my dear, " answered tho mother. " Aro wo nil goln', too?" "No dear. You woron't luvltod. After a few minutes' dcop( thought. " Say, mn, then don't you think , accompany each bid to bo forfeited to said CHy of Marshflold, in case bid Is accepted and blddor falls to ac cept nnd mnko payment for said bond or bonds covered thereby with in ten days from tho date of accept nnco of said bid or bids. Each bid or proposal submitted to designate tho denomination of said bond or bonds desired. Bid or proposals received for any printing bonds and Investigation of legality, etc. On tho 5 1-2 por cent basis thoy offered par and accrued Jntorost, the city to allow $1,000 for printing bonds, attorneys' fees, etc Have your LETTER heads, bill heads, eto prlntod at THE TIMES office, n 111 llll . Sf O- Id hnllilnl Dlllnll 1-t.l .1 -.- they'd bo lots moro surprised If you1 , , n'"" "u""a' ,' "" ,,.,,. , ' '.Riven preforonco of purchnso. Proposals or bids with certified checks to bo onrlosed In sealed plain onvelopes with no distinguishing marks or writing thereon oxcopt tho words, "Bid for Improvement Bonds of tho City of MarBhflold, Oregon." Dated this 7th day of December. Tho Gold Beach Globo says; Tho cnrcasii of a horso nnd n man's saddle with a sweator tied bohlnd It round In tho river early Sunday morning, causod no little excitement in this vicinity hut as no1 1015. ono has been reported missing along the river it Is not thought onyonp was drowned. R. A. COPPLE Chairman of the Finance Committee of tho Common Council. Tho Bar Docket of tho Decembor term of tho circuit court, which will begin hero on Doc. 13 is Just off the press says the Coquille Sentinel. There aro no crimiual cases listed, and tho number of such cases bids fair to bo less than at any rocent term of court. Of civil cases thoro aro 218, which Is 19 moro than thoro wore on the docket for tho Sentembor inrm There nro still 23 divorce cases, not withstanding Judgo Cpko disposed of six Bticli cases In a couple of hours ono day lately. Among ?ases of gonoral Interest nro tho Arthur Coach suit, appealed from tho county court, to bo dis charged from guardianship, tho First street paving caso, the Farria niedRoo llhol suit npd tho Snvage Cates caso. Times want ada bring; results. I - jLT C'1t'Nliy ---...-,,' --. iJJjS fL. ?M.rr-Tinfgrf' Hade from the right crude The Jury of Awards at botji San Francisco and San Diego Expositions fotind anoil made from California asphalt-base crude, highest In lubricating efficiency. That oll'wti ZeroIene.Thcfact, too, thatsuchunblajed author ities ai a U. S. Naval Engineer, engineers of tho Packard and Ford Motor Companies, and others, have also gone on record In favor of oils mado from aiphalt-baso crude In accord with the de cision of the Exposition Juries provei that Zero lene Is made of the njA crude, and mado right. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) , ZEROLENE we Standard Oil for tfotot Cars How to Find The Finder Assume that the finder of your lost article is honest, and nine times -out of ten you'll be right, Want Ad vertise for it promptly, and nine times out of ten you will recover it. Indicate your ability to prove owner ship, and desire, to reward finder, This reward should be a fair one, and named In your ad, You see now and then a valuable article is returned by the finder who may be poor and a mean and miserly "reward" tendered, That discourages some finders from trying to find the losers of jewelry or money especially, so, make your ad definite, ; High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagland The Leading -Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. , , Phones 348-J and 326 Personal Service T1IK employes of this hank nro courteous, obliging nnd clad to iiNslbt customers In every possiblo wny, nnd tho officers, nc ' cc-MNlhlo nt nil times, nro ovor ready to idvo tho patrons the benefit of tholr ildo ovporlenro In business us well iih bnnklnc uffulrx. You nro cordially Invited to con Milt tilth u.s rcirnnllnj: any mutters in vthtch our knowledge may bo of vnluo to you. First Bank Marshflcld, N ational of c oos B ay Oregon ail i in i OLDEST nANK IN COOS CQUNTY J Established 1B8O. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Time AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS , ..".w - m Officer 3. W, Dennott, President. I "r,TTir " nty n J. H. Flanauwa, Vlce4eldent. r It. P. VlllluiiJ, Oashlor. Geo. F. Winchester, Aset OtMhtor. T Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PlANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" the aioat powerful, belt equipped and most thoroHgkly imodem twenty-lnch hydraullo dredge Is raclilo waters i oos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. ""Hum DWt' PROFESSIONAL Dr., i L. Hniicni.u.ii - iSrsrs.-g ' 4 ai(d 7 Co 8 p. , " 1 id J- M. Wright ; nuiLDiNQ covjfe1 Wo, l,nr ntld T Irving DIocL ' Il. MATTIR B. BIM H.ySlclanandH Wiono 830J, ' H. G. Butler TT CIVir, ENQInkh, ' Room 304 CokoDldj.Phola, Rosidonco Phom .L, W. G. Chandler Anonn-oi Rootn 301 ond 302, Coki Marshfield, QtttKi TIME WBliB WILLA5IETTK PACiriO OAH ""K Lcavo Marshflcld CMG n.rii. 7.45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 0:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 13:60 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. Mil JiOlu;' 10:11 ii ma, 11:1114 iiilu 1:0 ,2 til IB, Wl C:55 p.m. North city limits wl;. 7:30 p.m. 7:(S pa. SAVE MONEY by ordering the ftswkt i HENRYVILLE COAL. Nut coal, per ton .....M Lump coal, per toa ...H.t.fit Or half toa of both ..i.Htf D. MUSSbJf, ftijk Plioeo 18-J or leare ordMil I Hlllycr's Clsw 6te WOOD-GOOD WOOD XV. II. Lingo Inn It t ll Ml $2 cnsli por load, also ml, , prices reasonable, (Jarbtfa WW; ed. Phono EJ7-J. DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front 6trert PLooe 8791 MERCHANTS CAFE Popular TUce fo Good Meals PrlrnQ Rfiasonable Cor. Commercial u& B'df'f. 1 SOUTH COOS RIVER BOA! BERV0S LAUNCH EXPJUW leaves JtonUfleld, J!.' 8 a. m. Leaves hel of iW at 8)18 P. . . BTEA3IER RllNBOW leavea head of rlr HT j ' a. ni.LcaveaMnhfWl m. For charter apply " nOGErtS A &WTI IroprIt Uwwtw?1 r WESTERN LOAM" Assets $2,340,000.00 f Pays! per oVntonV I. S. KAUFMAN Local iniww U " -. HfHM- T. . 801OTJ5 -' . Marshfield RE l'BOB - OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE. Gorst & King. Loavo Marshfield nt 7 a. ni., ami returning leavlnR from Kmplro nt 8 a. m. renvo Marshfield nt Jl n.ni. nnd returning leavo South Slough a$ 1 p. ru, avo Marshflold nt O p. m. and returning leave South Slough at O p. ni. . - iil sSt: ...! I ' 7 ,-u nrhltlMlf-J Get your j'-s.., nfliwes ottlce-' ,- '