.' , -"' tl I THECOOS BAY TIMESHWARSHFIELlVORL'GONj TUESDAY; DECEMBERS,' 191 5r-EViENING EDITION, -h THREE News Of Nearby Towns FIGHT FOR RULES l xx xx r: xx tx . xx xx xx xx XX XX XX XX XI u Hgjyn SALMON hi Who's the Winner? 1ftor J You know If you've tasted PIED. MONT. No wonder so many men arc going Sfter "those cigarettes with the record-making taste." PIEDMONTS win hands down in every puff of their all-pure Tobacco. jQpjtiJfateOr. 6drnjQ0 W 'M0;iaa.7xrfia " t y cf Quality fffimS mi fefcffty Alio SEASOX TO OPEX DECEMIIKR jo OX THIS COAST Get a "Half Nelson" on the Coupons! 20orioc 8 Ttillitnt Cannery, However, Will Xot Stmt Again Fish Said to bo Summing Into Ten Mllo Salmon nrc swarming Into lower Ton Mltn Crtrr If wna fnnnrlnrl ' - w.w.., . turn - .x. .i... hero today nml a fairly good run has started In tlio lower bay. The Tallant Cnnnory, however, will not re-open for the season tbnt starts again Decomber 10, having closed I down on November 20. J Fishermen say thenj nro more fish In Ten Mllo now than there were during the earlier season, and It Is expected that n great many will bo caught. In the bay little will bo done, though sonic of the fish will bo put Into cold Btorago or salted down for sale. All of the salmon canned and I boxed at the Tnllnnt Cannery this last season, amounting to some 5000 cases In all, lnnludlng tlio fish scut out In tierces, has been shipped to Portland nlroady. Christmas Day The Dining Room O O when jour friends nml relative, daughter mid nous, till meet under jour roof Is tlio renter or nttrncHuu. "Willi n beautiful tip-tu-dnfo dining loom Milto from this More there will bo no room for criticism. ur reasonable prices nuikc It possible for everybody to liavo an iittrnctivo dining room. ur reputation stands back of over)' transaction. Hoens of complclo unite of select fiom witlitti the reach of everj body. GOING & HARVEY QUITS M I Till RUSIXESS Tho Umpqua Courier Says: "A. P. Smith, who had for tho past 10 years been in tho employ of tho Gardiner .Mill Company, working on tho edger at tho mill, has re signed his position and accepted a position as carpenter with tho brldgo ! crew which Is building tho railroad brldgo across tho Umpqua at Heeds I port." Llbby Coal, $.1.00 to". 1'hono 71!. RE. H. V. KElTY, Dentist, 20 1 CokoHldg. Plion0lI2-J. mftu'Aflt UMaiHnCi: SAYS COOS BAY IS CLAIMING WHOLE COAST Tho Umpqua Courier at Gardiner takes exceptions to the report made for presentation to the government onglneers in support of cloliiis for harbor Improvements at Coos Hay. Tho Gardiner paper says: " Tho Coos Hay Times of tho date of November 20, purports to publish ten conclusive points brought out In a memorial to tic forwarded to tho engineers' at Portland, which has boon prepared by Ilonry Dlcrs for tho Port Commissioners of Coos Hay.. ' , , " Mr. Dlers claims a territory of TOO squnro miles, with a valuation of $30,000,000, which embraces nil tho territory from tho Sluslaw to tho California line and cast to tho Coast Range, saying In his argu ment tbnt this entlro territory looks to Coos Hay for the outlet of Its products. " If tho othor nlno points of the argument are ns exaggerated ns this ono, It will bo a wonder If tho on glneers will take the time to peruso the memorial should It ever bo p re routed. " Wo would llko to seo Coos Hay pooplo get every dollar that they arc nuking for the Improvement of their harb'or but wo protest that they do not get ono dollar on such misrep resentations. They should get what appropriation they nro entitled to on their own merits, and nothing more. " To Includo tho o Umpqua and Sluslaw country as dependent upon Coos Hay for an outlet for tho prod ucts, Is n bald-fnccd mlsrepresenta tatlon of facts, and no olio knows It bettor than Henry- Dlers and tho Coos liny Port Commissioners; and tho engineers at Portland, being fa miliar with tho harbor conditions on this part of tho coast, will readily boo through tlio Imposition." After making further comment tho paper says In conclusion: " As wo said beforo, wo slncoroly REEDSP0RT PEOPLE BUILD NEW SCHOOL COUNTY SKAT NOTES lluvo Completed Ar Improvement Freshets Hrlng Down Many IOgs Other I'lniHiua Notes News of Gardiner nml vicinity Is told as follows in tho Umpqua Courier: Tho citizens of Hcedsport havo finished a now school building, somo largor than tho tho ono tbnt has been used for school purposes. This building will only answer for tem porary purposes ns 'a larger ami moro up-to-dato building will havo to bo erected nnd a better location selected. Heed. Jaiiello & Company lost their shipment of Christmas goods vhon tho Santa Clara was wrecked, but Immediately supplemented tho order, which will bo In on one of tho boats from Portland. It Is reported that about 12,000 logs were brought down to tho mouth or Mill Creek from Camp Creek during tho freshet, which Is practically nil of tho logs that bare been cut on thoso creeks for tho Gar diner Mill Company. Drift Wood Comes Down I.nrgo piles of drift wood which camo down tho Umpqua nnd Smith rlvorH woro piled ngnlnst tho plors of tho railroad brldgo which Is be ing built ncross tho Umpqun, during tho storm, necessitating considerable troublo In getting It off. , Walter Anderson and wlfo lr" returned from San Francisco, whero Mr, Anderson has been In tho I.lfo Saving Station at tho exposition. Ho bus losunied his duties at tho Ump qua coast guard station. Change Hands Tho Klkton Creamery has changed hands. Tlio Elktou Morcautllo and Development Co., who were tho own ers of tho same, havo sold out to Gun Grubbo nml other parties, who will conduct It In tho future. Tlio rccout freshet lias brought several thousand logs down Smith Itlvor. Most of thorn TEEMIXAIi RATES FOR COOS KAY MATTER OK IMPORTANCE Xcwm of Coqulllo Peoplo Told In tno Sentinel Mr. and Mrs. It. K. AKord nro tno parents of a 10-pound girl baby born Thanksgiving day. Lloyd Irvlno has gone up to. Pow ers to organize n camp of tho Mod em Woodmen of America In that growing town. Itaymond Hums, who wna homo for Thonksglvlug, started back for the University by Monday morning's Mngo from tho bay, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Hnnloy, of I.nmpa, went down to San Frnncla co last week nnd aro now seeing tho oxposltlou during Its closing days. Penrl nnd Huby Snyder, tho twin gnuuldnughtors of J. F, Schrocder, who havo been vUltlng horo for tho past five weeks, started out taking tho beach route up tho. coast to tho Sluslaw, whoro they will moot their father, Capt. Levi Snyder. OIMECT TO FUND Somo Douglas People, Disapprove of Secret .Service Money Tlio Hosohurg Hovlow says: " Hy a voto of 19 to 13, tho mem bers of tho Douglas County Taxpay urs' League, which met In tho Com morclal Club rooms hero wont on re cord favoring n recommendation that tho County Court eliminate from tho budget of proposed expendi tures for tho year 191C, tho secret sorvlco fund of $2, GOO. " Considerable discussion preced ed tlio adoption of this rocominouda tlon, nnd nt ono tlmo tho meeting scomod partially to havo resolved It solf Into whnt might bo termed a "wot" and "dry" causo. " COLD REACH XEW8 Xotes of Curry County IVoplo Told In tlio Globo from! Engineer Mlddlobrook bndo his cumo hopo tbnt Coos Hay will got nn np-jfrom tho Hrown camp nbovo Sulphur R7rfHfTui Get a Can TO-DAY From Your Hardware or Grocery Dealer propclntlou from tlio Govorumout sufficient to Improve Its harbor, but got It on its merits, and wo think It can, The Umpqua Is going to do It In that manner, nnd why cannot 'Soon Hay, or any other point?" EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street (F Tfc Abstracts roit KKLIAIILII ARSTHAOT8 OK TITLE AND 1NKUKMAT1UH AHOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAIU3IIFIELD AND COQUILLK CITV, OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, EA8TSIDE AXD SENGSTIACKEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LAND HENRY 8KNGSTAOKKN, MANAGER GRAVEL' We aro now proparod to furnish GRAVEL In any uantltlei from pile In our yard or in carload lota, at following prices: From pilo on ground, J2.?6 per yard. cartoad lots, taken from cars, J2.00 por yard. Retail Department C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Poat-Offlco. p,,one ,00' Music for Christmas Gifts , Every ineinber of tlio fin lly mid every friend will get roiistuiil enjoyment. Wo Imvo a fluo ussort incut of pianos mid Instru ments to hclect from and vtu villi bo glad to n nan go convenient tonus if you aro iiuabio to pny all cash, Conio in mid let us talk it over. L. L. Thomas Music Co. B NINE MIM.S AT HIUSIiAW 1'ort of SlusliuA Makes Assessment For Current Ekmiscs Tho Florcnco West says: At tho regular meeting of tho 'commissioners of tho Port of Slus- I law It was decided to lovy a nlno i mill tax to pay current oxpenses, bor- I rowed monoy and Interest on bonds. This lovy Js considerably hlghor i than last year, and Is, uuulo iioccs 'nary to pay tho Interest on coming I duo January 1, on tho bonds which wcro Issued last spring and to pay tho money borrowed by tho coiiiiiiIh I Blotters to make up tho dlfforonco bo- twecu that recolvcd for tho bonds nnd tho uuiount required for tlio Jet ty work. . j NEW SUITS FILED Springs, nnd bolong to tlio Gardiner Mill Company NEW TOWN FORMING J NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. F. A. Kilburn SAILS FOR N PORTLAND (Via Astoria) DEOHMHER 8 ' ' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 6MITH TERMINAL DOCK. PHONE 130. A. V. -VOTT, Agent. ' It GOODRUM'S GARAGE t . HOME OF THE OADILLAO AND DODGE , AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALT MAKES OF CARS 347 Central ar. Phono 373-Ij , HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 .Tho I'olloulng Aro Now SultH Filed In tlio Circuit Court Flora W. Hums vs. Ida May Po land and Foster J. Poland. Suit to forccloso mortgagu. I Geo. Matthews vs. 11. Folsom and 1 C. M. AndrowH. Geo. W, Ilryant vs. A. It. Pnntor. ' A. S. Phonnogor vb. Dnlsy E. Pliounogor, I Krlstoffor Tolofson vb. O. M. ! Dniloy and Friincls Ilnlloy. Suit to I forccloso mortgago. C. A. Harrington vs. Albert O. Mlllor, Frank E. Wlllnrd and A. P. I Miller. C. A, Harrington vs. Gustavo Schronder and S. J. Clarldgo. C. A. Harrington vb. John M. El wood and S. J. Clarldgo. OCCUPATION TAX UP Question !x Discussed by lliislncss Men llandon PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STbAM LAUivuni ;- QUATERMAS STUDIO n QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel. raona 106-L. I - MARSIIFTETiD. ORKaON ! ' FARE TEX CEXTS City Limits North Rend, Cc. nn commutation qn l$ TICKETS $1.7 .S Jlarslifleld-North Rend Auto IJno Cars every ten minutes from O a. m. to 12 p. m.; to South Slough onco a d,v. leaving at 11 a ; to Empire three trips a day. GOES'? & KINO, Props, WALLPAPER See VIERS About it, WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 12th CourtfvSo. Phone 220-R Occupation tax Is being oonsldcr ored nt linndou, according to tho following fiom tho Western World of that city: "At the meeting pf tho business men of tho city Wednesday after noon on tho occupation tax (men tion considerable moro was accom plished than at tho meeting tho pre vious night. Tho question was dis cussed pro and con and a commit tee consisting of John Is'lolson, F. S. Perry, C. C. Carpenter, J. E. I Walstrom and J. Ira Sldwcll ap- pointed to confer with the City I Council committee, as representatives j of tho business men vif tho city. Mr. Nlolson as chalrmnn of tho com 'mltteo appeared at tho Council meet ing Inst evening and acted as spokes man for the citizens. Ho outlined tho results of tho meeting and the plans of tho committee. Tho Coun cil decided to wait until tho next regular mooting beforo tho occupation t,nx," Winchester Ray to (Set a Postofflco ami Wants a School Tho development of a now toyn Ih told In tho Umpiiin Courier, which suys: Winchester Hay will soon havo n Postofflco established nt that point ns n petition has boon presented to the PoHtofflco Department iciiueits that Winchester Day ho mndo n Postofflco. Tlio Department lias uctod favorably, Tho peoplo havo petitioned the. county superintendent and boundurv board that a certain pnrt of District No. 'J, Gardluor, bo set apart tmd n now district formed, claiming that thoy havo at Wlncncstor Hay :'J children of school ago In that Imiuo dlato vicinity, who llvo olght ar nlno miles from Gardiner, tho nearest echool, thus making It ImpoHslblo for them to attend school there, on nccouut of tho distance and diffi culties of getting hero. many friends In thoso parts goodby and departed for Portland. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Ilobt. Z. Wnlkor of Pistol river on Nov. 20, a bouncing boy. Mr. nnd Mrs. Moss Avorlll nro tho prpud parents of nil olght pound girl tbnt arrived nt their homo on Thanksgiving day. Tho high nnd district schools havo encii organized a basket ball team iind Intva rented tho Smith hall fori tho winter to play In. Tho teams' .havo started to practice and beforo Cities of Willamette Valley to Do Akcl To Aid In Struggle Ro- foro Intcrstnto Commission Terminal rntcs for Coos Day Is a moot question with tho Chamber of Commerce. A month ago Secretary lUohn Mottoy nddrcsscd to tho Inter- htato Commorco Commission a let ter asking them to by all means de lay nny action on rntcs to Coos tlay until tho organization hero had boon glvon a chauco for n hearing, and to tako tho matter up with tho com mercial bodies of tho Willamette Valloy. With tho railroad tariff sheet onco published, tho matter then of 'securing n chaugo In thoso rates iwottld bo a task almost too difficult to start, was tho opinion of tho mem bers last ovcnlng. This Is the, main reason In Asking tho delay of action on tho part of tho Intorstato Com- Ltncrco Commission. Also tho Commission at Washing ton hns been naked ns to what stops should bo tnkcu, tho rules of prac tice beforo tho department, to socuro a hearing and set forth tho case, of jCoos Uuy. No Halo for Horo Mr. Luce, general freight tratflo manager of tho Southern Pacific, whtlo horo several months ago, stat ed that In all probability Coos Day would recolvo no terminal rates. He said that Pugot Sound, Portland, San 'Francisco, San Pedro nnd San Diego ;woro tho only ports on tho Pacific Coast to sccuro such ratos and that only In August tho Interstato Com morco Comlsslon shut off several cities around San Francisco that for merly had theso rates. Ask Financial Aid Tho fight to bo wnged will un doubtedly bo an oxponslvo one, and for thin reason, lnnsmuch as thoy are directly Interested, tho commercial 'bodies of tho Wlllamotto Valley -will 'bo asked to glvo financial aid, Pos sibly a compotont nttornoy, vorwtl on thcio matters, will bo given charge of tlio fight. About Eureka Mall ' After a month's Investigation of tho mall leaving hero for Eureka, Postmnstor Hugh McLnln said that thoro is hardly enough to glvo Coos Hay an argument beforo the postal authorities for n nutcltor mall ser vice to tho south. Word Is expected soon from Eureka.' Find Out Almut Trails To Captain Ilrltt, of tho Coast RUSINESS ORANGE O. M. Skeels Retires from Creamery ami Ruys Store Tho following la from tho Coqulllo Sentinel: Coiiuclliuun Clms. T. Skeols him resigned tho position of manager or the Coqulllo Valloy Creamery which ho hag so ably filled for the pust two years, and County Agriculturist Smith Ib In correspondence with tho DIry dopartinont at O. A. C, In ro gard to getting an experienced creamery man to fill the vacancy. Mr. Skeela has purchased an In terest In tho P. E. Drano Krocory, which replaced tho old firm or C, M. Skeols & Sons, and together they havo bought tho Economy Market which waH established a few mouths ago by Cecil Elwood, and which oc cupies tho room In tho same build ing uoxt east of tho grocery. PAPER NOT RECEIVED (.old Reach (ilobo lias Its Freight Difficulties Tho Gold Heath Globo Is having its troubles becauso of not receiving ft olght. Two pages of tho nowpa por nro usually what Ib known 'as "ready -print," tho papor when pur chased being received with two pages already printed. This Issue theso pagos aro blank and In explan ation the odltor says: We aro necessarily compelled to print this Isbiio on plain paper as our ready prints havo been delayed In transit, probably ono Bhlpmont Guard Station, a letter will be ad- idressod asking If tho rules of Ida department allow him to put his crow to work cutting trails along the bluffs south or tho bar. If lie ilias not this prlvllogo, Captain Hrltt many niooiis will ho ready to go to neighboring schools to win laurols. Ed Lawrouro, who has been suf fering tho past two weeks from n Htrolto of paralysis, was brought to town o as to bo convenient to tho ;wI ,J0 Mkw, ng (Q UlQ mmM o( pro. doctor. Ho Is Improving, VISITING PORTDAXD Committed or Port of Raiidou Con sulting tlio Englnccrr Secretary J. E. .Norton or tho Port or llandon and I). W. ClinrloHon, port engineer, nro now In Portland conferring with tho government en gineers In regard to tho proponed work that Is to ho started In the lo cal harlior In the Immediate futuio. Thoy oxpoct to recolvo a definite an swer as to tlio uso or tho project now being comploted,. and will also got recommondutloiiH as to tho kind or Improvements considered bout to koop tho current In tho channel near the mouth ot the river, IJundon Western World. F1FTV AT MIXES FrojHH-ty on the Sixes RoIiik ()ter ntcsl Dig cedure to socuro Hitch permission. Refer to Rankers Again If tho Oregon Stato Hankors' As sociation decides to rcfor tho meet ing plaro of 1016 again to the mom bora, a letter from tho local chamber will bo nddroMsod to every member, 'urging tho advantages of nicotine In Mnrahflold. Const Guard Station Again tho matter ot securing per manent concroto retaining walls ami walks about tho now Coast Guard Station will bo taken up with Sen ator Chamberlain, tho bureau having sanctioned tho Improvement ot tim ber rather than concrete I Other lliislnocis To nld tho National Chamber In Its fight for a non-partisan tariff PcommltUo n local commltteo or John 1). Gobb and Henry Soiigstuckon wan formed. And A. H, Powor, C, F, '.McGnorgo and A. O. Rogers form a rcommlttoo to aid the national organ ization In Its fight for a merchant marine. Tho by laws commltteo reported Tho llandon Western World says: C, C. liiiuan, superintendent ot tho In favor of reducing the executive Hydro Sixes Mining company, was I commltteo from 'it to tbreo or five In tlio city tho latter part of !at ' moniborn. Tills will bo takoii up at week ourouto to the mines from a1 tlio annual meeting January 7, trip to San Francisco, whoro ho hart Ojhmi T,ocul Produce Outlet enjoyed u vacation whllo taking In As a means or affording the farm tho fulr. Ho states there aro now or u market and encouraging truck rbnut GO men employed at the j farming, tho public market was proporty. MAJtltlllD AT COQUHil.E brought forward. Mr. Douglas said that ho thinks tho merchants are not to blamo, be cause so much produce has and la. Btlll being brought In here from the outside, for this Is a condition of af fairs that has grown up gradually Regarding a recent marriage tho Coqulllo Sentinel says: At the parsonage of tho M, E. church I.omuel It. Garrett and Miss Mover a period or a great many years. Erina Arant, or Myrtle Point, wero married last Tuesday by Rev. T. VVILL ENDEAVOR TO Downs. .i r. uurreu is u iwpue.r ui Mrs. E. A. Folsom, or thlH pity. Tho j IMPROVE SERVICE newly wedded pair aro going to , muko their homo at Grizzly California. Bluff, SAYS TIMi:S DETTFR A. E, AdelsKrger Thus Quoted hi RaM'btirg A. E. E. K. Jonos this morning rocelved tho following letter tram C. B. "Wcodrurr, general nianagerol W. P. Fuller & Company whom Mr. Jonw represents In this section: "Tho situation in regard to Btoamora certainly Is a bad one, Mr. I.othrup'R letter which, I sent you the Adelsperger, representative . t, he four winds on the 111! of tho O. A. Smith Timber Company.! wni.ru. iw .w, .. fo. went to the rour wihub on urn i" ,..,..,,, ,..,. ,., v.t,ninv other day was not very encouraging, fated Santa Clara, whllo tho ml . o , ,1'1' ;' LT Z l.t the Chamber of Commerce h.. waiting tho sorvlco or tno iiusuer.i "" -'- - - Whllo tho facts aro as above atnted I tlonS aro Improving on tho coast, and some of our delinquent subscribers! tho Smith mills are now operating on might find the plain ldo or the pa-! rive duys a wcok schedule It per iiHeruI rigurlng up their nrreur-,wlll not be long, he says, until the "i ... . . i ' m n n in niinriirinnr niv nnva nur discussing nK0 0" wl,lc" ,vnul" " m nc Ul" labia at thl time. i mills will ho operating nix daya out ot tho week. - Rosehurg Review, not passed up the problem by any means, Thoy claim they are wak ing every effort to Induce wnwiti to put on auother bt and will coh tlnuo to do. nil they nostlbly, can to better the aervice." SaT- -? TirT 9it- SKTwST